path: root/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htcommon/defaults.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htcommon/defaults.xml')
1 files changed, 4379 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htcommon/defaults.xml b/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htcommon/defaults.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3fd2eb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/htdig/htdig-3.2.0b6/htcommon/defaults.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4379 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HtdigAttributes SYSTEM "defaults.dtd" >
+ <attribute name="accents_db"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htfuzzy htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="File Layout" >
+ <default>${database_base}.accents.db</default>
+ <example>${database_base}.uml.db</example>
+ <description>
+ The database file used for the fuzzy "accents" search
+ algorithm. This database is created by
+ <ref type="program">htfuzzy</ref> and used by
+ <ref type="program">htsearch</ref>.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="accept_language"
+ type="string_list"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.2.0b4"
+ category="Indexing:Out"
+ block="Server" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>en-us en it</example>
+ <description>
+ This attribute allows you to restrict the set of natural languages
+ that are preferred as a response to an HTTP request performed by the
+ digger. This can be done by putting one or more language tags
+ (as defined by RFC 1766) in the preferred order, separated by spaces.
+ By doing this, when the server performs a content negotiation based
+ on the 'accept-language' given by the HTTP user agent, a different
+ content can be shown depending on the value of this attribute. If
+ set to an empty list, no language will be sent and the server default
+ will be returned.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="add_anchors_to_excerpt"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.0"
+ category="Presentation:How" >
+ <default>true</default>
+ <example>no</example>
+ <description>
+ If set to true, the first occurrence of each matched
+ word in the excerpt will be linked to the closest
+ anchor in the document. This only has effect if the
+ <strong>EXCERPT</strong> variable is used in the output
+ template and the excerpt is actually going to be displayed.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="allow_double_slash"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.2.0b4"
+ category="Indexing:Out" >
+ <default>false</default>
+ <example>true</example>
+ <description>
+ If set to true, strings of multiple slashes ('/') in URL paths
+ will be left intact, rather than being collapsed. This is necessary
+ for some search engine URLs which use slashes to separate fields rather
+ than to separate directory components. However, it can lead to multiple database
+ entries refering to the same file, and it causes '/foo//../' to
+ be equivalent to '/foo/', rather than to '/'.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="allow_in_form"
+ type="string_list"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.0"
+ category="Searching:UI" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>search_algorithm search_results_header</example>
+ <description> Allows the specified config file attributes to be specified
+ in search forms as separate fields. This could be used to
+ allow form writers to design their own headers and footers
+ and specify them in the search form. Another example would
+ be to offer a menu of search_algorithms in the form.
+ <codeblock>
+ &lt;SELECT NAME="search_algorithm"&gt;
+ &lt;OPTION VALUE="exact:1 prefix:0.6 synonyms:0.5 endings:0.1" SELECTED&gt;fuzzy
+ &lt;OPTION VALUE="exact:1"&gt;exact
+ &lt;/SELECT&gt;
+ </codeblock>
+ The general idea behind this is to make an input parameter out
+ of any configuration attribute that's not already automatically
+ handled by an input parameter. You can even make up your own
+ configuration attribute names, for purposes of passing data from
+ the search form to the results output. You're not restricted to
+ the existing attribute names. The attributes listed in the
+ allow_in_form list will be settable in the search form using
+ input parameters of the same name, and will be propagated to
+ the follow-up search form in the results template using template
+ variables of the same name in upper-case.
+ You can also make select lists out of any of these input
+ parameters, in the follow-up search form, using the
+ <ref type="attr">build_select_lists</ref>
+ configuration attribute.
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="allow_numbers"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htdig htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="Indexing:What" >
+ <default>false</default>
+ <example>true</example>
+ <description>
+ If set to true, numbers are considered words. This
+ means that searches can be done on number as well as
+ regular words. All the same rules apply to numbers as
+ to words. See the description of
+ <ref type="attr">valid_punctuation</ref> for the
+ rules used to determine what a word is.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="allow_space_in_url"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.2.0b6"
+ category="Indexing:Where" >
+ <default>false</default>
+ <example>true</example>
+ <description>
+ If set to true, htdig will handle URLs that contain
+ embedded spaces. Technically, this is a violation of
+ <em>RFC 2396</em>, which says spaces should be stripped out
+ (as htdig does by default). However, many web browsers
+ and HTML code generators violate this standard already,
+ so enabling this attribute allows htdig to handle these
+ non-compliant URLs. Even with this attribute set, htdig
+ still strips out all white space (leading, trailing and
+ embedded), except that space characters embedded within
+ the URL will be encoded as %20.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="allow_virtual_hosts"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.0.8b2"
+ category="Indexing:Where" >
+ <default>true</default>
+ <example>false</example>
+ <description>
+ If set to true, htdig will index virtual web sites as
+ expected. If false, all URL host names will be
+ normalized into whatever the DNS server claims the IP
+ address to map to. If this option is set to false,
+ there is no way to index either "soft" or "hard"
+ virtual web sites.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="anchor_target"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.1.6"
+ category="Presentation:How" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>body</example>
+ <description>
+ When the first matched word in the excerpt is linked
+ to the closest anchor in the document, this string
+ can be set to specify a target in the link so the
+ resulting page is displayed in the desired frame.
+ This value will only be used if the
+ <ref type="attr">add_anchors_to_excerpt</ref>
+ attribute is set to true, the <strong>EXCERPT</strong>
+ variable is used in the output template and the
+ excerpt is actually displayed with a link.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="any_keywords"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.2.0b2"
+ category="Searching:Method" >
+ <default>false</default>
+ <example>yes</example>
+ <description>
+ If set to true, the words in the <strong>keywords</strong>
+ input parameter in the search form will be joined with logical
+ ORs rather than ANDs, so that any of the words provided will do.
+ Note that this has nothing to do with limiting the search to
+ words in META keywords tags. See the <a href="hts_form.html">
+ search form</a> documentation for details on this.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="author_factor"
+ type="number"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="??"
+ category="Searching:Ranking" >
+ <default>1</default>
+ <example>1</example>
+ <description>
+ See also <ref type="attr">heading_factor</ref>.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="authorization"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.1.4"
+ category="Indexing:Out"
+ block="URL" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>mypassword</example>
+ <description>
+ This tells htdig to send the supplied
+ <em>username</em><strong>:</strong><em>password</em> with each HTTP request.
+ The credentials will be encoded using the "Basic" authentication
+ scheme. There <em>must</em> be a colon (:) between the username and
+ password.<br/>
+ This attribute can also be specified on htdig's command line using
+ the -u option, and will be blotted out so it won't show up in a
+ process listing. If you use it directly in a configuration file,
+ be sure to protect it so it is readable only by you, and do not
+ use that same configuration file for htsearch.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="backlink_factor"
+ type="number"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.0"
+ category="Searching:Ranking" >
+ <default>1000</default>
+ <example>501.1</example>
+ <description>
+ This is a weight of "how important" a page is, based on
+ the number of URLs pointing to it. It's actually
+ multiplied by the ratio of the incoming URLs (backlinks)
+ and outgoing URLs (links on the page), to balance out pages
+ with lots of links to pages that link back to them. The ratio
+ gives lower weight to "link farms", which often have many
+ links to them. This factor can
+ be changed without changing the database in any way.
+ However, setting this value to something other than 0
+ incurs a slowdown on search results.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="bad_extensions"
+ type="string_list"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="all"
+ category="Indexing:Where"
+ block="URL" >
+ <default>.wav .gz .z .sit .au .zip .tar .hqx .exe .com .gif .jpg .jpeg .aiff .class .map .ram .tgz .bin .rpm .mpg .mov .avi .css</default>
+ <example>.foo .bar .bad</example>
+ <description>
+ This is a list of extensions on URLs which are
+ considered non-parsable. This list is used mainly to
+ supplement the MIME-types that the HTTP server provides
+ with documents. Some HTTP servers do not have a correct
+ list of MIME-types and so can advertise certain
+ documents as text while they are some binary format.
+ If the list is empty, then all extensions are acceptable,
+ provided they pass other criteria for acceptance or rejection.
+ See also <ref type="attr">valid_extensions</ref>.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="bad_querystr"
+ type="pattern_list"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.1.0"
+ category="Indexing:Where"
+ block="URL" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>forum=private section=topsecret&amp;passwd=required</example>
+ <description>
+ This is a list of CGI query strings to be excluded from
+ indexing. This can be used in conjunction with CGI-generated
+ portions of a website to control which pages are
+ indexed.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="bad_word_list"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htdig htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="Indexing:What,Searching:Method" >
+ <default>${common_dir}/bad_words</default>
+ <example>${common_dir}/badwords.txt</example>
+ <description>
+ This specifies a file which contains words which should
+ be excluded when digging or searching. This list should
+ include the most common words or other words that you
+ don't want to be able to search on (things like <em>
+ sex</em> or <em>smut</em> are examples of these.)<br/>
+ The file should contain one word per line. A sample
+ bad words file is located in the <code>contrib/examples</code>
+ directory.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="bin_dir"
+ type="string"
+ programs="all"
+ version="all"
+ category="File Layout" >
+ <default configmacro="true">BIN_DIR</default>
+ <example>/usr/local/bin</example>
+ <description>
+ This is the directory in which the executables
+ related to ht://Dig are installed. It is never used
+ directly by any of the programs, but other attributes
+ can be defined in terms of this one.
+ <p>
+ The default value of this attribute is determined at
+ compile time.
+ </p>
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="boolean_keywords"
+ type="string list"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.6"
+ category="Presentation:How" >
+ <default configmacro="true">and or not</default>
+ <example>et ou non</example>
+ <description>
+ These three strings are used as the keywords used in
+ constructing the LOGICAL_WORDS template variable,
+ and in parsing the <a href="hts_form.html#words">words</a> input
+ parameter when the <a href="hts_form.html#method">method</a> parameter
+ or <ref type="attr">match_method</ref> attribute
+ is set to <code>boolean</code>.
+ See also the <ref type="attr">boolean_syntax_errors</ref> attribute.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="boolean_syntax_errors"
+ type="quoted string list"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.6"
+ category="Presentation:How" >
+ <default configmacro="true">Expected 'a search word, a quoted phrase, a boolean expression between ()' 'at the end' 'instead of' 'end of expression' quotes</default>
+ <example> Attendait "un mot" "&agrave; la fin" "au lieu de" "fin d'expression" "points de quotation" </example>
+ <description>
+ These six strings are used as the keywords used to
+ construct various syntax error messages for errors encountered in
+ parsing the <a href="hts_form.html#words">words</a> input
+ parameter when the <a href="hts_form.html#method">method</a> parameter
+ or <ref type="attr">match_method</ref> attribute
+ is set to <code>boolean</code>.
+ They are used in conjunction with the
+ <ref type="attr">boolean_keywords</ref> attribute, and comprise all
+ English-specific parts of these error messages. The order in which
+ the strings are put together may not be ideal, or even gramatically
+ correct, for all languages, but they can be used to make fairly
+ intelligible messages in many languages.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="build_select_lists"
+ type="quoted_string_list"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.2.0b1"
+ category="Searching:UI" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>MATCH_LIST matchesperpage matches_per_page_list \
+ 1 1 1 matches_per_page "Previous Amount" \
+ RESTRICT_LIST,multiple restrict restrict_names 2 1 2 restrict "" \
+ FORMAT_LIST,radio format template_map 3 2 1 template_name ""</example>
+ <description>
+ This list allows you to define any htsearch input parameter as
+ a select list for use in templates, provided you also define
+ the corresponding name list attribute which enumerates all the
+ choices to put in the list. It can be used for existing input
+ parameters, as well as any you define using the
+ <ref type="attr">allow_in_form</ref>
+ attribute. The entries in this list each consist of an octuple,
+ a set of eight strings defining the variables and how they are to
+ be used to build a select list. The attribute can contain many
+ of these octuples. The strings in the string list are merely
+ taken eight at a time. For each octuple of strings specified in
+ build_select_lists, the elements have the following meaning:
+ <ol>
+ <li>the name of the template variable to be defined as a list,
+ optionally followed by a comma and the type of list, and
+ optional formatting codes</li>
+ <li>the input parameter name that the select list will set</li>
+ <li>the name of the user-defined attribute containing the
+ name list</li>
+ <li>the tuple size used in the name list above</li>
+ <li>the index into a name list tuple for the value</li>
+ <li>the index for the corresponding label on the selector</li>
+ <li>the configuration attribute where the default value for
+ this input parameter is defined</li>
+ <li>the default label, if not an empty string, which will be
+ used as the label for an additional list item for the current
+ input parameter value if it doesn't match any value in the
+ given list</li>
+ </ol>
+ See the <a href="hts_selectors.html">select list documentation</a>
+ for more information on this attribute.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="caps_factor"
+ type="number"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="??"
+ category="Searching:Ranking" >
+ <default>1</default>
+ <example>1</example>
+ <description>
+ See also <ref type="attr">heading_factor</ref>.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="case_sensitive"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.1.0b2"
+ category="Indexing:Where" >
+ <default>true</default>
+ <example>false</example>
+ <description>
+ This specifies whether ht://Dig should consider URLs
+ case-sensitive or not. If your server is case-insensitive,
+ you should probably set this to false.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="check_unique_date"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.2.0b3"
+ category=""
+ block="Global" >
+ <default>false</default>
+ <example>false</example>
+ <description>
+ Include the modification date of the page in the MD5 hash, to reduce the
+ problem with identical but physically separate pages in different parts of the tree pointing to
+ different pages.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="check_unique_md5"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.2.0b3"
+ category=""
+ block="Global" >
+ <default>false</default>
+ <example>false</example>
+ <description>
+ Uses the MD5 hash of pages to reject aliases, prevents multiple entries
+ in the index caused by such things as symbolic links
+ Note: May not do the right thing for incremental update
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="collection_names"
+ type="string_list"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.2.0b2"
+ category="" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>htdig_docs htdig_bugs</example>
+ <description>
+ This is a list of config file names that are used for searching multiple databases.
+ Simply put, htsearch will loop through the databases specified by each of these config
+ files and present the result of the search on all of the databases.
+ The corresponding config files are looked up in the <ref type="attr">config_dir</ref> directory.
+ Each listed config file <strong>must</strong> exist, as well as the corresponding databases.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="common_dir"
+ type="string"
+ programs="all"
+ version="all"
+ category="File Layout" >
+ <default configmacro="true">COMMON_DIR</default>
+ <example>/tmp</example>
+ <description>
+ Specifies the directory for files that will or can be
+ shared among different search databases. The default
+ value for this attribute is defined at compile time.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="common_url_parts"
+ type="string_list"
+ programs="all"
+ version="3.1.0"
+ category="URLs" >
+ <default>http:// http://www. ftp:// ftp://ftp. /pub/ .html .htm .gif .jpg .jpeg /index.html /index.htm .com/ .com mailto:</default>
+ <example>// \
+.html \
+ \
+ <description>
+ Sub-strings often found in URLs stored in the
+ database. These are replaced in the database by an
+ internal space-saving encoding. If a string
+ specified in <ref type="attr">url_part_aliases</ref>,
+ overlaps any string in common_url_parts, the
+ common_url_parts string is ignored.<br/>
+ Note that when this attribute is changed, the
+ database should be rebuilt, unless the effect of
+ "changing" the affected URLs in the database is
+ wanted.<br/>
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="compression_level"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.1.0"
+ category="Indexing:How" >
+ <default>0</default>
+ <example>6</example>
+ <description>
+ If specified and the <a
+ href="">zlib</a>
+ compression library was available when compiled,
+ this attribute controls
+ the amount of compression used in the <ref type="attr">doc_excerpt</ref> file.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="config"
+ type="string"
+ programs="all"
+ version="??"
+ category="File Layout" >
+ <default configmacro="true">DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE</default>
+ <example></example>
+ <description>
+ Name of configuration file to load.
+ For security reasons, restrictions are placed on the values which
+ can be specified on the command line to
+ <ref type="program">htsearch</ref>.
+ The default value of this attribute is determined at
+ compile time.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="config_dir"
+ type="string"
+ programs="all"
+ version="all"
+ category="File Layout" >
+ <default configmacro="true">CONFIG_DIR</default>
+ <example>/var/htdig/conf</example>
+ <description>
+ This is the directory which contains all configuration
+ files related to ht://Dig. It is never used
+ directly by any of the programs, but other attributes
+ or the <ref type="attr">include</ref> directive
+ can be defined in terms of this one.
+ <p>
+ The default value of this attribute is determined at
+ compile time.
+ </p>
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="cookies_input_file"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.2.0b4"
+ category="Indexing:Connection" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>${common_dir}/cookies.txt</example>
+ <description>
+ Specifies the location of the file used for importing cookies
+ for the crawl. These cookies will be preloaded into htdig's
+ in-memory cookie jar, but aren't written back to the file.
+ Cookies are specified according to Netscape's format
+ (tab-separated fields). If this attribute is left blank,
+ no cookie file will be read.
+ <p>
+ For more information, see the sample cookies.txt file in the
+ ht://Dig source distribution.
+ </p>
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="create_image_list"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="all"
+ category="Extra Output" >
+ <default>false</default>
+ <example>yes</example>
+ <description>
+ If set to true, a file with all the image URLs that
+ were seen will be created, one URL per line. This list
+ will not be in any order and there will be lots of
+ duplicates, so after htdig has completed, it should be
+ piped through <code>sort -u</code> to get a unique list.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="create_url_list"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="all"
+ category="Extra Output" >
+ <default>false</default>
+ <example>yes</example>
+ <description>
+ If set to true, a file with all the URLs that were seen
+ will be created, one URL per line. This list will not
+ be in any order and there will be lots of duplicates,
+ so after htdig has completed, it should be piped
+ through <code>sort -u</code> to get a unique list.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="database_base"
+ type="string"
+ programs="all"
+ version="all"
+ category="File Layout" >
+ <default>${database_dir}/db</default>
+ <example>${database_dir}/sales</example>
+ <description>
+ This is the common prefix for files that are specific
+ to a search database. Many different attributes use
+ this prefix to specify filenames. Several search
+ databases can share the same directory by just changing
+ this value for each of the databases.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="database_dir"
+ type="string"
+ programs="all"
+ version="all"
+ category="File Layout" >
+ <default configmacro="true">DATABASE_DIR</default>
+ <example>/var/htdig</example>
+ <description>
+ This is the directory which contains all database and
+ other files related to ht://Dig. It is never used
+ directly by any of the programs, but other attributes
+ are defined in terms of this one.
+ <p>
+ The default value of this attribute is determined at
+ compile time.
+ </p>
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="date_factor"
+ type="number"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.0"
+ category="Searching:Ranking" >
+ <default>0</default>
+ <example>0.35</example>
+ <description>
+ This factor, gives higher
+ rankings to newer documents and lower rankings to older
+ documents. Before setting this factor, it's advised to
+ make sure your servers are returning accurate dates
+ (check the dates returned in the long format).
+ Additionally, setting this to a nonzero value incurs a
+ small performance hit on searching.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="date_format"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.2"
+ category="Presentation:How" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>%Y-%m-%d</example>
+ <description>
+ This format string determines the output format for
+ modification dates of documents in the search results.
+ It is interpreted by your system's <em>strftime</em>
+ function. Please refer to your system's manual page
+ for this function, for a description of available
+ format codes. If this format string is empty, as it
+ is by default,
+ <ref type="program">htsearch</ref>
+ will pick a format itself. In this case, the <ref type="attr">iso_8601</ref> attribute can be used
+ to modify the appearance of the date.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="description_factor"
+ type="number"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.0b3"
+ category="Searching:Ranking" >
+ <default>150</default>
+ <example>350</example>
+ <description>
+ Plain old "descriptions" are the text of a link pointing
+ to a document. This factor gives weight to the words of
+ these descriptions of the document. Not surprisingly,
+ these can be pretty accurate summaries of a document's
+ content. See also <ref type="attr">heading_factor</ref>
+ and <ref type="attr">meta_description_factor</ref>.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="description_meta_tag_names"
+ type="number"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.6"
+ category="Searching:Ranking" >
+ <default>description</default>
+ <example>"description htdig-description"</example>
+ <description>
+ The words in this list are used to search for descriptions in HTML
+ <em>META</em> tags. This list can contain any number of strings
+ that each will be seen as the name for whatever description
+ convention is used. While words in any of the specified
+ description contents will be indexed, only the last meta tag
+ containing a description will be kept as the meta description
+ field for the document, for use in search results. The order in
+ which the names are specified in this configuration attribute
+ is irrelevant, as it is the order in which the tags appear in
+ the documents that matters.<br/> The <em>META</em> tags have the
+ following format:<br/>
+ <code> &lt;META name="<em>somename</em>"
+ content="<em>somevalue</em>"&gt; </code><br/>
+ See also <ref type="attr">meta_description_factor</ref>.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="disable_cookies"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.2.0b4"
+ category="Indexing:Connection"
+ block="Server" >
+ <default>true</default>
+ <example>true</example>
+ <description>
+ This option, if set to true, will disable HTTP cookies.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="doc_db"
+ type="string"
+ programs="all"
+ version="all"
+ category="File Layout" >
+ <default>${database_base}.docdb</default>
+ <example>${database_base}documents.db</example>
+ <description>
+ This file will contain a Berkeley database of documents
+ indexed by document number. It contains all the information
+ gathered for each document, except the document excerpts
+ which are stored in the <ref type="attr">doc_excerpt</ref> file.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="doc_excerpt"
+ type="string"
+ programs="all"
+ version="3.2.0b1"
+ category="File Layout" >
+ <default>${database_base}.excerpts</default>
+ <example>${database_base}excerpts.db</example>
+ <description>
+ This file will contain a Berkeley database of document excerpts
+ indexed by document number. It contains all the text
+ gathered for each document, so this file can become
+ rather large if <ref type="attr">max_head_length</ref> is set to a large value.
+ The size can be reduced by setting the
+ <ref type="attr">compression_level</ref>,
+ if supported on your system.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="doc_index"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="all"
+ category="File Layout" >
+ <default>${database_base}.docs.index</default>
+ <example>documents.index.db</example>
+ <description>
+ This file contains a mapping of document numbers to URLs and is
+ used by htdig during indexing. It is used on updates if it exists.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="doc_list"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htdig htdump htload"
+ version="all"
+ category="File Layout" >
+ <default>${database_base}.docs</default>
+ <example>/tmp/documents.text</example>
+ <description>
+ This file is basically a text version of the file
+ specified in <ref type="attr">doc_db</ref>. Its
+ only use is to have a human readable database of all
+ documents. The file is easy to parse with tools like
+ perl or tcl.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="endday"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.6"
+ category="Searching:Method" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>31</example>
+ <description>
+ Day component of last date allowed as last-modified date
+ of returned docutments.
+ This is most usefully specified as a
+ <a href="hts_form.html#startyear">GCI argument</a>.
+ See also <ref type="attr">startyear</ref>.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="end_ellipses"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="Presentation:Text" >
+ <default>&lt;strong&gt;&lt;code&gt; ...&lt;/code&gt;&lt;/strong&gt;</default>
+ <example>...</example>
+ <description>
+ When excerpts are displayed in the search output, this
+ string will be appended to the excerpt if there is text
+ following the text displayed. This is just a visual
+ reminder to the user that the excerpt is only part of
+ the complete document.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="end_highlight"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.4"
+ category="Presentation:Text" >
+ <default>&lt;/strong&gt;</default>
+ <example>&lt;/font&gt;</example>
+ <description>
+ When excerpts are displayed in the search output, matched
+ words will be highlighted using <ref type="attr">start_highlight</ref> and this string.
+ You should ensure that highlighting tags are balanced,
+ that is, this string should close any formatting
+ tag opened by start_highlight.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="endings_affix_file"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htfuzzy"
+ version="all"
+ category="File Layout" >
+ <default>${common_dir}/english.aff</default>
+ <example>/var/htdig/affix_rules</example>
+ <description>
+ Specifies the location of the file which contains the
+ affix rules used to create the endings search algorithm
+ databases. Consult the documentation on
+ <ref type="program">htfuzzy</ref> for more information on the
+ format of this file.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="endings_dictionary"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htfuzzy"
+ version="all"
+ category="File Layout" >
+ <default>${common_dir}/english.0</default>
+ <example>/var/htdig/dictionary</example>
+ <description>
+ Specifies the location of the file which contains the
+ dictionary used to create the endings search algorithm
+ databases. Consult the documentation on
+ <ref type="program">htfuzzy</ref> for more information on the
+ format of this file.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="endings_root2word_db"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htfuzzy htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="File Layout" >
+ <default>${common_dir}/root2word.db</default>
+ <example>/var/htdig/r2w.db</example>
+ <description>
+ This attributes specifies the database filename to be
+ used in the 'endings' fuzzy search algorithm. The
+ database maps word roots to all legal words with that
+ root. For more information about this and other fuzzy
+ search algorithms, consult the
+ <ref type="program">htfuzzy</ref> documentation.<br/>
+ Note that the default value uses the
+ <ref type="attr">common_dir</ref> attribute instead of the
+ <ref type="attr">database_dir</ref> attribute.
+ This is because this database can be shared with
+ different search databases.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="endings_word2root_db"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htfuzzy htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="File Layout" >
+ <default>${common_dir}/word2root.db</default>
+ <example>/var/htdig/</example>
+ <description>
+ This attributes specifies the database filename to be
+ used in the 'endings' fuzzy search algorithm. The
+ database maps words to their root. For more information
+ about this and other fuzzy search algorithms, consult
+ the <ref type="program">htfuzzy</ref>
+ documentation.<br/>
+ Note that the default value uses the
+ <ref type="attr">common_dir</ref> attribute instead of the
+ <ref type="attr">database_dir</ref> attribute.
+ This is because this database can be shared with
+ different search databases.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="endmonth"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.6"
+ category="Searching:Method" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>12</example>
+ <description>
+ Month component of last date allowed as last-modified date
+ of returned docutments.
+ This is most usefully specified as a
+ <a href="hts_form.html#startyear">GCI argument</a>.
+ See also <ref type="attr">startyear</ref>.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="endyear"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.6"
+ category="Searching:Method" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>2002</example>
+ <description>
+ Year component of last date allowed as last-modified date
+ of returned docutments.
+ This is most usefully specified as a
+ <a href="hts_form.html#startyear">GCI argument</a>.
+ See also <ref type="attr">startyear</ref>.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="excerpt_length"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="Presentation:How" >
+ <default>300</default>
+ <example>500</example>
+ <description>
+ This is the maximum number of characters the displayed
+ excerpt will be limited to. The first matched word will
+ be highlighted in the middle of the excerpt so that there is
+ some surrounding context.<br/>
+ The <ref type="attr">start_ellipses</ref> and
+ <ref type="attr">end_ellipses</ref> are used to
+ indicate that the document contains text before and
+ after the displayed excerpt respectively.
+ The <ref type="attr">start_highlight</ref> and
+ <ref type="attr">end_highlight</ref> are used to
+ specify what formatting tags are used to highlight matched words.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="excerpt_show_top"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="Presentation:How" >
+ <default>false</default>
+ <example>yes</example>
+ <description>
+ If set to true, the excerpt of a match will always show
+ the top of the matching document. If it is false (the
+ default), the excerpt will attempt to show the part of
+ the document that actually contains one of the words.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exclude"
+ type="pattern_list"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.2.0b4"
+ category="Searching:Method" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example></example>
+ <description>
+ If a URL contains any of the space separated patterns, it will be
+ discarded in the searching phase. This is used to exclude certain
+ URLs from search results. The list can be specified from within
+ the configuration file, and can be overridden with the "exclude"
+ input parameter in the search form.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="exclude_urls"
+ type="pattern_list"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="all"
+ category="Indexing:Where"
+ block="URL" >
+ <default>/cgi-bin/ .cgi</default>
+ <example>students.html cgi-bin</example>
+ <description>
+ If a URL contains any of the space separated patterns,
+ it will be rejected. This is used to exclude such
+ common things such as an infinite virtual web-tree
+ which start with cgi-bin.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="external_parsers"
+ type="quoted_string_list"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.0.7"
+ category="External:Parsers" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>text/html /usr/local/bin/htmlparser \
+ application/pdf /usr/local/bin/ \
+ application/msword-&gt;text/plain "/usr/local/bin/mswordtotxt -w" \
+ application/x-gunzip-&gt;user-defined /usr/local/bin/ungzipper</example>
+ <description>
+ This attribute is used to specify a list of
+ content-type/parsers that are to be used to parse
+ documents that cannot by parsed by any of the internal
+ parsers. The list of external parsers is examined
+ before the builtin parsers are checked, so this can be
+ used to override the internal behavior without
+ recompiling htdig.<br/>
+ The external parsers are specified as pairs of
+ strings. The first string of each pair is the
+ content-type that the parser can handle while the
+ second string of each pair is the path to the external
+ parsing program. If quoted, it may contain parameters,
+ separated by spaces.<br/>
+ External parsing can also be done with external
+ converters, which convert one content-type to
+ another. To do this, instead of just specifying
+ a single content-type as the first string
+ of a pair, you specify two types, in the form
+ <em>type1</em><strong>-&gt;</strong><em>type2</em>,
+ as a single string with no spaces. The second
+ string will define an external converter
+ rather than an external parser, to convert
+ the first type to the second. If the second
+ type is <strong>user-defined</strong>, then
+ it's up to the converter script to put out a
+ "Content-Type: <em>type</em>" header followed
+ by a blank line, to indicate to htdig what type it
+ should expect for the output, much like what a CGI
+ script would do. The resulting content-type must
+ be one that htdig can parse, either internally,
+ or with another external parser or converter.<br/>
+ Only one external parser or converter can be
+ specified for any given content-type. However,
+ an external converter for one content-type can be
+ chained to the internal parser for the same type,
+ by appending <strong>-internal</strong> to the
+ second type string (e.g. text/html-&gt;text/html-internal)
+ to perform external preprocessing on documents of
+ this type before internal parsing.
+ There are two internal parsers, for text/html and
+ text/plain.<p>
+ The parser program takes four command-line
+ parameters, not counting any parameters already
+ given in the command string:<br/>
+ <em>infile content-type URL configuration-file</em><br/>
+ </p>
+<table border="1">
+ <tr>
+ <th>
+ Parameter
+ </th>
+ <th>
+ Description
+ </th>
+ <th>
+ Example
+ </th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign="top">
+ infile
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ A temporary file with the contents to be parsed.
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ /var/tmp/htdext.14242
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign="top">
+ content-type
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ The MIME-type of the contents.
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ text/html
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign="top">
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ The URL of the contents.
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign="top">
+ configuration-file
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ The configuration-file in effect.
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ /etc/htdig/htdig.conf
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table><p>
+ The external parser is to write information for
+ htdig on its standard output. Unless it is an
+ external converter, which will output a document
+ of a different content-type, then its output must
+ follow the format described here.<br/>
+ The output consists of records, each record terminated
+ with a newline. Each record is a series of (unless
+ expressively allowed to be empty) non-empty tab-separated
+ fields. The first field is a single character
+ that specifies the record type. The rest of the fields
+ are determined by the record type.
+ </p>
+<table border="1">
+ <tr>
+ <th>
+ Record type
+ </th>
+ <th>
+ Fields
+ </th>
+ <th>
+ Description
+ </th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th rowspan="3" valign="top">
+ w
+ </th>
+ <td valign="top">
+ word
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ A word that was found in the document.
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign="top">
+ location
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ A number indicating the normalized location of
+ the word within the document. The number has to
+ fall in the range 0-1000 where 0 means the top of
+ the document.
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign="top">
+ heading level
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ A heading level that is used to compute the
+ weight of the word depending on its context in
+ the document itself. The level is in the range of
+ 0-10 and are defined as follows:
+ <dl compact="true">
+ <dt>
+ 0
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Normal text
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ 1
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Title text
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ 2
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Heading 1 text
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ 3
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Heading 2 text
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ 4
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Heading 3 text
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ 5
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Heading 4 text
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ 6
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Heading 5 text
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ 7
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Heading 6 text
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ 8
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ <em>unused</em>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ 9
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ <em>unused</em>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ 10
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Keywords
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th rowspan="2" valign="top">
+ u
+ </th>
+ <td valign="top">
+ document URL
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ A hyperlink to another document that is
+ referenced by the current document. It must be
+ complete and non-relative, using the URL parameter to
+ resolve any relative references found in the document.
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign="top">
+ hyperlink description
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ For HTML documents, this would be the text
+ between the &lt;a href...&gt; and &lt;/a&gt;
+ tags.
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th valign="top">
+ t
+ </th>
+ <td valign="top">
+ title
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ The title of the document
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th valign="top">
+ h
+ </th>
+ <td valign="top">
+ head
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ The top of the document itself. This is used to
+ build the excerpt. This should only contain
+ normal ASCII text
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th valign="top">
+ a
+ </th>
+ <td valign="top">
+ anchor
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ The label that identifies an anchor that can be
+ used as a target in an URL. This really only
+ makes sense for HTML documents.
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th valign="top">
+ i
+ </th>
+ <td valign="top">
+ image URL
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ An URL that points at an image that is part of
+ the document.
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th rowspan="3" valign="top">
+ m
+ </th>
+ <td valign="top">
+ http-equiv
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ The HTTP-EQUIV attribute of a
+ <a href="meta.html"><em>META</em> tag</a>.
+ May be empty.
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign="top">
+ name
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ The NAME attribute of this
+ <a href="meta.html"><em>META</em> tag</a>.
+ May be empty.
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign="top">
+ contents
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ The CONTENTS attribute of this
+ <a href="meta.html"><em>META</em> tag</a>.
+ May be empty.
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <p><em>See also FAQ questions <ref type="faq">4.8</ref> and <ref type="faq">4.9</ref> for more
+ examples.</em></p>
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="external_protocols"
+ type="quoted_string_list"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.2.0b1"
+ category="External:Protocols" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>https /usr/local/bin/ \
+ ftp /usr/local/bin/</example>
+ <description>
+ This attribute is a bit like <ref type="attr">external_parsers</ref>
+ since it specifies a list of protocols/handlers that are used to download documents
+ that cannot be retrieved using the internal methods. This enables htdig to index
+ documents with URL schemes it does not understand, or to use more advanced authentication
+ for the documents it is retrieving. This list is checked before HTTP or other methods,
+ so this can override the internal behavior without writing additional code for htdig.<br/>
+ The external protocols are specified as pairs of strings, the first being the URL scheme that
+ the script can handle while the second is the path to the script itself. If the second is
+ quoted, then additional command-line arguments may be given.<br/>
+ If the external protocol does not contain a colon (:), it is assumed
+ to have the standard format
+ "protocol://[usr[:password]@]address[:port]/path".
+ If it ends with a colon, then it is assumed to have the simpler format
+ "protocol:path". If it ends with "://" then the standard form is
+ again assumed. <br/>
+ If the external protocol does not contain a colon (:), it is assumed
+ to have the standard format
+ "protocol://[usr[:password]@]address[:port]/path".
+ If it ends with a colon, then it is assumed to have the simpler format
+ "protocol:path". If it ends with "://" then the standard form is
+ again assumed. <br/>
+ The program takes three command-line parameters, not counting any parameters already given
+ in the command string:<br/>
+ <em>protocol URL configuration-file</em><br/>
+ <table border="1">
+ <tr>
+ <th>
+ Parameter
+ </th>
+ <th>
+ Description
+ </th>
+ <th>
+ Example
+ </th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign="top">
+ protocol
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ The URL scheme to be used.
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ https
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign="top">
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ The URL to be retrieved.
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign="top">
+ configuration-file
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ The configuration-file in effect.
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ /etc/htdig/htdig.conf
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table><p>
+ The external protocol script is to write information for htdig on the
+ standard output. The output must follow the form described here. The output
+ consists of a header followed by a blank line, followed by the contents of
+ the document. Each record in the header is terminated with a newline.
+ Each record is a series of (unless expressively allowed to be empty) non-empty
+ tab-separated fields. The first field is a single character that specifies the
+ record type. The rest of the fields are determined by the record type.
+ </p>
+<table border="1">
+ <tr>
+ <th>
+ Record type
+ </th>
+ <th>
+ Fields
+ </th>
+ <th>
+ Description
+ </th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th valign="top">
+ s
+ </th>
+ <td valign="top">
+ status code
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ An HTTP-style status code, e.g. 200, 404. Typical codes include:
+ <dl compact="true">
+ <dt>
+ 200
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Successful retrieval
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ 304
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Not modified (for example, if the document hasn't changed)
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ 301
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Redirect (to another URL)
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ 401
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Not authorized
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ 404
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Not found
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th valign="top">
+ r
+ </th>
+ <td valign="top">
+ reason
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ A text string describing the status code, e.g "Redirect" or "Not Found."
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th valign="top">
+ m
+ </th>
+ <td valign="top">
+ status code
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ The modification time of this document. While the code is fairly flexible
+ about the time/date formats it accepts, it is recommended to use something
+ standard, like RFC1123: Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT, or ISO-8601:
+ 1994-11-06 08:49:37 GMT.
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th valign="top">
+ t
+ </th>
+ <td valign="top">
+ content-type
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ A valid MIME type for the document, like text/html or text/plain.
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th valign="top">
+ l
+ </th>
+ <td valign="top">
+ content-length
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ The length of the document on the server, which may not necessarily
+ be the length of the buffer returned.
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th valign="top">
+ u
+ </th>
+ <td valign="top">
+ url
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ The URL of the document, or in the case of a redirect, the URL
+ that should be indexed as a result of the redirect.
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="extra_word_characters"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htdig htsearch"
+ version="3.1.2"
+ category="Indexing:What" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>_</example>
+ <description>
+ These characters are considered part of a word.
+ In contrast to the characters in the
+ <ref type="attr">valid_punctuation</ref>
+ attribute, they are treated just like letter
+ characters.<br/>
+ Note that the <ref type="attr">locale</ref> attribute
+ is normally used to configure which characters
+ constitute letter characters.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="head_before_get"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.2.0b1"
+ category="Indexing:Connection"
+ block="Server" >
+ <default>false</default>
+ <example>true</example>
+ <description>
+ This option works only if we take advantage of persistent connections (see
+ persistent_connections attribute). If set to true an HTTP/1.1 <em>HEAD</em>
+ call is made in order to retrieve header information about a document.
+ If the status code and the content-type returned let the document be parsable,
+ then a following 'GET' call is made.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="heading_factor"
+ type="number"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.2.0b1"
+ category="Searching:Ranking" >
+ <default>5</default>
+ <example>20</example>
+ <description>
+ This is a factor which will be used to multiply the
+ weight of words between &lt;h1&gt; and &lt;/h1&gt;
+ tags, as well as headings of levels &lt;h2&gt; through
+ &lt;h6&gt;. It is used to assign the level of importance
+ to headings. Setting a factor to 0 will cause words
+ in these headings to be ignored. The number may be a
+ floating point number. See also
+ <ref type="attr">author_factor</ref>
+ <ref type="attr">backlink_factor</ref>
+ <ref type="attr">caps_factor</ref>
+ <ref type="attr">date_factor</ref>
+ <ref type="attr">description_factor</ref>
+ <ref type="attr">keywords_factor</ref>
+ <ref type="attr">meta_description_factor</ref>
+ <ref type="attr">text_factor</ref>
+ <ref type="attr">title_factor</ref>
+ <ref type="attr">url_text_factor</ref>
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="htnotify_prefix_file"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htnotify"
+ version="3.2.0b3"
+ category="Extra Output" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>${common_dir}/notify_prefix.txt</example>
+ <description>
+ Specifies the file containing text to be inserted in each mail
+ message sent by htnotify before the list of expired webpages. If omitted,
+ nothing is inserted.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="htnotify_replyto"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htnotify"
+ version="3.2.0b3"
+ category="Extra Output" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>[email protected]</example>
+ <description>
+ This specifies the email address that htnotify email messages
+ include in the Reply-to: field.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="htnotify_sender"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htnotify"
+ version="all"
+ category="Extra Output" >
+ <default>webmaster@www</default>
+ <example>[email protected]</example>
+ <description>
+ This specifies the email address that htnotify email
+ messages get sent out from. The address is forged using
+ /usr/lib/sendmail. Check htnotify/ for
+ detail on how this is done.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="htnotify_suffix_file"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htnotify"
+ version="3.2.0b3"
+ category="Extra Output" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>${common_dir}/notify_suffix.txt</example>
+ <description>
+ Specifies the file containing text to be inserted in each mail message
+ sent by htnotify after the list of expired webpages. If omitted, htnotify
+ will insert a standard message.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="htnotify_webmaster"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htnotify"
+ version="3.2.0b3"
+ category="Extra Output" >
+ <default>ht://Dig Notification Service</default>
+ <example>Notification Service</example>
+ <description>
+ This provides a name for the From field, in addition to the email address
+ for the email messages sent out by htnotify.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="http_proxy"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.0"
+ category="Indexing:Connection"
+ block="URL" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>3128</example>
+ <description>
+ When this attribute is set, all HTTP document
+ retrievals will be done using the HTTP-PROXY protocol.
+ The URL specified in this attribute points to the host
+ and port where the proxy server resides.<br/>
+ The use of a proxy server greatly improves performance
+ of the indexing process.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="http_proxy_authorization"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.2.0b4"
+ category="Indexing:Connection"
+ block="URL" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>mypassword</example>
+ <description>
+ This tells htdig to send the supplied
+ <em>username</em><strong>:</strong><em>password</em> with each HTTP request,
+ when using a proxy with authorization requested.
+ The credentials will be encoded using the "Basic" authentication
+ scheme. There <em>must</em> be a colon (:) between the username and
+ password.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="http_proxy_exclude"
+ type="pattern_list"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.1.0b3"
+ category="Indexing:Connection" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>//</example>
+ <description>
+ When this is set, URLs matching this will not use the
+ proxy. This is useful when you have a mixture of sites
+ near to the digging server and far away.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="ignore_alt_text"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.1.6"
+ category="Indexing:What" >
+ <default>false</default>
+ <example>true</example>
+ <description>
+ If set, this causes the text of the ALT field in an &lt;IMG...&gt; tag
+ not to be indexed as part of the text of the document, nor included in
+ excerpts.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="ignore_dead_servers"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.1.6"
+ category="Indexing:Connection" >
+ <default>true</default>
+ <example>false</example>
+ <description>
+ Determines whether htdig will continue to index URLs from a
+ server after an attempted connection to the server fails as
+ &quot;no host found&quot; or &quot;host not found (port).&quot; If
+ set to false, htdig will try <em>every</em> URL from that server.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="image_list"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="all"
+ category="Extra Output" >
+ <default>${database_base}.images</default>
+ <example>allimages</example>
+ <description>
+ This is the file that a list of image URLs gets written
+ to by <ref type="program">htdig</ref> when the
+ <ref type="attr">create_image_list</ref> is set to
+ true. As image URLs are seen, they are just appended to
+ this file, so after htdig finishes it is probably a
+ good idea to run <code>sort -u</code> on the file to
+ eliminate duplicates from the file.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="image_url_prefix"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="Presentation:Text" >
+ <default configmacro="true">IMAGE_URL_PREFIX</default>
+ <example>/images/htdig</example>
+ <description>
+ This specifies the directory portion of the URL used
+ to display star images. This attribute isn't directly
+ used by htsearch, but is used in the default URL for
+ the <ref type="attr">star_image</ref> and
+ <ref type="attr">star_blank</ref> attributes, and
+ other attributes may be defined in terms of this one.
+ <p>
+ The default value of this attribute is determined at
+ compile time.
+ </p>
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="include"
+ type="string"
+ programs="all"
+ version="3.1.0"
+ category="" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>${config_dir}/htdig.conf</example>
+ <description>
+ This is not quite a configuration attribute, but
+ rather a directive. It can be used within one
+ configuration file to include the definitions of
+ another file. The last definition of an attribute
+ is the one that applies, so after including a file,
+ any of its definitions can be overridden with
+ subsequent definitions. This can be useful when
+ setting up many configurations that are mostly the
+ same, so all the common attributes can be maintained
+ in a single configuration file. The include directives
+ can be nested, but watch out for nesting loops.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="iso_8601"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htsearch htnotify"
+ version="3.1.0b2"
+ category="Presentation:How,Extra Output" >
+ <default>false</default>
+ <example>true</example>
+ <description>
+ This sets whether dates should be output in ISO 8601
+ format. For example, this was written on: 1998-10-31 11:28:13 EST.
+ See also the <ref type="attr">date_format</ref> attribute, which
+ can override any date format that
+ <ref type="program">htsearch</ref>
+ picks by default.<br/>
+ This attribute also affects the format of the date
+ <ref type="program">htnotify</ref> expects to find
+ in a <strong>htdig-notification-date</strong> field.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="keywords"
+ type="string_list"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="??"
+ category="Searching:Method" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>documentation</example>
+ <description>
+ Keywords which <strong>must</strong> be found on all pages returned,
+ even if the "or" ("Any") <ref type="attr">method</ref> is
+ selected.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="keywords_factor"
+ type="number"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="Searching:Ranking" >
+ <default>100</default>
+ <example>12</example>
+ <description>
+ This is a factor which will be used to multiply the
+ weight of words in the list of keywords of a document.
+ The number may be a floating point number. See also the
+ <ref type="attr">heading_factor</ref>attribute.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="keywords_meta_tag_names"
+ type="string_list"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.0.6"
+ category="Indexing:What" >
+ <default>keywords htdig-keywords</default>
+ <example>keywords description</example>
+ <description> The words in this list are used to search for keywords
+ in HTML <em>META</em> tags. This list can contain any
+ number of strings that each will be seen as the name
+ for whatever keyword convention is used.<br/>
+ The <em>META</em> tags have the following format:
+ <codeblock>
+ &lt;META name="<em>somename</em>" content="<em>somevalue</em>"&gt;
+ </codeblock>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="limit_normalized"
+ type="pattern_list"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.1.0b2"
+ category="Indexing:Where" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>//</example>
+ <description>
+ This specifies a set of patterns that all URLs have to
+ match against in order for them to be included in the
+ search. Unlike the limit_urls_to attribute, this is done
+ <strong>after</strong> the URL is normalized and the
+ <ref type="attr">server_aliases</ref>
+ attribute is applied. This allows filtering after any
+ hostnames and DNS aliases are resolved. Otherwise, this
+ attribute is the same as the <ref type="attr">limit_urls_to</ref> attribute.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="limit_urls_to"
+ type="pattern_list"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="all"
+ category="Indexing:Where" >
+ <default>${start_url}</default>
+ <example> kpbs [.*\.html]</example>
+ <description>
+ This specifies a set of patterns that all URLs have to
+ match against in order for them to be included in the
+ search. Any number of strings can be specified,
+ separated by spaces. If multiple patterns are given, at
+ least one of the patterns has to match the URL.<br/>
+ Matching, by default, is a case-insensitive string match on the URL
+ to be used, unless the <ref type="attr">case_sensitive</ref>
+ attribute is set. The match will be performed <em>after</em>
+ the relative references have been converted to a valid
+ URL. This means that the URL will <em>always</em> start
+ with <code>http://</code>.<br/>
+ Granted, this is not the perfect way of doing this,
+ but it is simple enough and it covers most cases.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="local_default_doc"
+ type="string_list"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.0.8b2"
+ category="Indexing:Where"
+ block="Server" >
+ <default>index.html</default>
+ <example>default.html default.htm index.html index.htm</example>
+ <description>
+ Set this to the default documents in a directory used by the
+ server. This is used for local filesystem access to
+ translate URLs like into something like
+ /home/<br/>
+ The list should only contain names that the local server
+ recognizes as default documents for directory URLs, as defined
+ by the DirectoryIndex setting in Apache's srm.conf, for example.
+ As of version 3.1.5, this can be a string list rather than a single name,
+ and htdig will use the first name that works. Since this requires a
+ loop, setting the most common name first will improve performance.
+ Special characters can be embedded in these names using %xx hex encoding.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="local_urls"
+ type="string_list"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.0.8b2"
+ category="Indexing:Where" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>//</example>
+ <description>
+ Set this to tell ht://Dig to access certain URLs through
+ local filesystems. At first ht://Dig will try to access
+ pages with URLs matching the patterns through the
+ filesystems specified. If it cannot find the file, or
+ if it doesn't recognize the file name extension, it will
+ try the URL through HTTP instead. Note the example--the
+ equal sign and the final slashes in both the URL and the
+ directory path are critical.
+ <br/>The fallback to HTTP can be disabled by setting the
+ <ref type="attr">local_urls_only</ref> attribute to true.
+ To access user directory URLs through the local filesystem,
+ set <ref type="attr">local_user_urls</ref>. The only
+ file name extensions currently recognized for local filesystem
+ access are .html, .htm, .txt, .asc, .ps, .eps and .pdf. For
+ anything else, htdig must ask the HTTP server for the file,
+ so it can determine the MIME content-type of it.
+ As of version 3.1.5, you can provide multiple mappings of a given
+ URL to different directories, and htdig will use the first
+ mapping that works.
+ Special characters can be embedded in these names using %xx hex encoding.
+ For example, you can use %3D to embed an "=" sign in an URL pattern.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="local_urls_only"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.1.4"
+ category="Indexing:Where" >
+ <default>false</default>
+ <example>true</example>
+ <description>
+ Set this to tell ht://Dig to access files only through the
+ local filesystem, for URLs matching the patterns in the
+ <ref type="attr">local_urls</ref> or
+ <ref type="attr">local_user_urls</ref> attribute. If it cannot
+ find the file, it will give up rather than trying HTTP or another protocol.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="local_user_urls"
+ type="string_list"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.0.8b2"
+ category="Indexing:Where" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>//,/www/</example>
+ <description>
+ Set this to access user directory URLs through the local
+ filesystem. If you leave the "path" portion out, it will
+ look up the user's home directory in /etc/password (or NIS
+ or whatever). As with <ref type="attr">local_urls</ref>,
+ if the files are not found, ht://Dig will try with HTTP or the
+ appropriate protocol. Again, note the
+ example's format. To map
+ to /home/joe/www/foo/bar.html, try the example below.
+ <br/>The fallback to HTTP can be disabled by setting the
+ <ref type="attr">local_urls_only</ref> attribute to true.
+ As of version 3.1.5, you can provide multiple mappings of a given
+ URL to different directories, and htdig will use the first
+ mapping that works.
+ Special characters can be embedded in these names using %xx hex encoding.
+ For example, you can use %3D to embed an "=" sign in an URL pattern.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="locale"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.0"
+ category="Indexing:What,Presentation:How" >
+ <default>C</default>
+ <example>en_US</example>
+ <description>
+ Set this to whatever locale you want your search
+ database cover. It affects the way international
+ characters are dealt with. On most systems a list of
+ legal locales can be found in /usr/lib/locale. Also
+ check the <strong>setlocale(3C)</strong> man page.
+ Note that depending the locale you choose, and whether
+ your system's locale implementation affects floating
+ point input, you may need to specify the decimal point
+ as a comma rather than a period. This will affect
+ settings of <ref type="attr">search_algorithm</ref>
+ and any of the scoring factors.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="logging"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.0b2"
+ category="Extra Output" >
+ <default>false</default>
+ <example>true</example>
+ <description>
+ This sets whether htsearch should use the syslog() to log
+ search requests. If set, this will log requests with a
+ default level of LOG_INFO and a facility of LOG_LOCAL5. For
+ details on redirecting the log into a separate file or other
+ actions, see the <strong>syslog.conf(5)</strong> man
+ page. To set the level and facility used in logging, change
+ LOG_LEVEL and LOG_FACILITY in the include/htconfig.h file
+ before compiling.
+ <dl>
+ <dt>
+ Each line logged by htsearch contains the following:
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ REMOTE_ADDR [config] (match_method) [words]
+ [logicalWords] (matches/matches_per_page) -
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ where any of the above are null or empty, it
+ either puts in '-' or 'default' (for config).
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maintainer"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="all"
+ category="Indexing:Out"
+ block="Server" >
+ <default>[email protected]</default>
+ <example>[email protected]</example>
+ <description>
+ This should be the email address of the person in
+ charge of the digging operation. This string is added
+ to the user-agent: field when the digger sends a
+ request to a server.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="match_method"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.0"
+ category="Searching:Method" >
+ <default>and</default>
+ <example>boolean</example>
+ <description>
+ This is the default method for matching that htsearch
+ uses. The valid choices are:
+ <ul>
+ <li> or </li>
+ <li> and </li>
+ <li> boolean </li>
+ </ul>
+ This attribute will only be used if the HTML form that
+ calls htsearch didn't have the <a href="hts_form.html#method">method</a>
+ value set.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="matches_per_page"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.0"
+ category="Searching:Method" >
+ <default>10</default>
+ <example>999</example>
+ <description>
+ If this is set to a relatively small number, the
+ matches will be shown in pages instead of all at once.
+ This attribute will only be used if the HTML form that
+ calls htsearch didn't have the
+ <a href="hts_form.html#matchesperpage">matchesperpage</a> value set.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="max_connection_requests"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.2.0b1"
+ category="Indexing:Connection" >
+ <default>-1</default>
+ <example>100</example>
+ <description>
+ This attribute tells htdig to limit the number of requests it will
+ send to a server using a single, persistent HTTP connection. This
+ only applies when the
+ <ref type="attr">persistent_connections</ref>
+ attribute is set. You may set the limit as high as you want,
+ but it must be at least 1. A value of -1 specifies no limit.
+ Requests in the queue for a server will be combined until either
+ the limit is reached, or the queue is empty.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="max_description_length"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="all"
+ category="Indexing:What" >
+ <default>60</default>
+ <example>40</example>
+ <description>
+ While gathering descriptions of URLs,
+ <ref type="program">htdig</ref> will only record those
+ descriptions which are shorter than this length. This
+ is used mostly to deal with broken HTML. (If a
+ hyperlink is not terminated with a &lt;/a&gt; the
+ description will go on until the end of the document.)
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="max_descriptions"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="all"
+ category="Indexing:What" >
+ <default>5</default>
+ <example>15</example>
+ <description>
+ While gathering descriptions of URLs,
+ <ref type="program">htdig</ref> will only record up to this
+ number of descriptions, in the order in which it encounters
+ them. This is used to prevent the database entry for a document
+ from growing out of control if the document has a huge number
+ of links to it.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="max_doc_size"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.0"
+ category="Indexing:What"
+ block="URL" >
+ <default>100000</default>
+ <example>5000000</example>
+ <description>
+ This is the upper limit to the amount of data retrieved
+ for documents. This is mainly used to prevent
+ unreasonable memory consumption since each document
+ will be read into memory by <ref type="program">htdig</ref>.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="max_excerpts"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.6"
+ category="Presentation:How"
+ block="URL" >
+ <default>1</default>
+ <example>10</example>
+ <description>
+ This value determines the maximum number of excerpts
+ that can be displayed for one matching document in the
+ search results.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="max_head_length"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="all"
+ category="Indexing:How" >
+ <default>512</default>
+ <example>50000</example>
+ <description>
+ For each document retrieved, the top of the document is
+ stored. This attribute determines the size of this
+ block. The text that will be stored is only the text;
+ no markup is stored.<br/>
+ We found that storing 50,000 bytes will store about
+ 95% of all the documents completely. This really
+ depends on how much storage is available and how much
+ you want to show.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="max_hop_count"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="all"
+ category="Indexing:Where" >
+ <default>999999</default>
+ <example>4</example>
+ <description>
+ Instead of limiting the indexing process by URL
+ pattern, it can also be limited by the number of hops
+ or clicks a document is removed from the starting URL.
+ <br/>
+ The starting page or pages will have hop count 0.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="max_keywords"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.2.0b1"
+ category="Indexing:What" >
+ <default>-1</default>
+ <example>10</example>
+ <description>
+ This attribute can be used to limit the number of keywords
+ per document that htdig will accept from meta keywords tags.
+ A value of -1 or less means no limit. This can help combat meta
+ keyword spamming, by limiting the amount of keywords that will be
+ indexed, but it will not completely prevent irrelevant matches
+ in a search if the first few keywords in an offending document
+ are not relevant to its contents.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="max_meta_description_length"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.1.0b1"
+ category="Indexing:How" >
+ <default>512</default>
+ <example>1000</example>
+ <description>
+ While gathering descriptions from meta description tags,
+ <ref type="program">htdig</ref> will only store up to
+ this much of the text for each document.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="max_prefix_matches"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.0b1"
+ category="Searching:Method" >
+ <default>1000</default>
+ <example>100</example>
+ <description>
+ The Prefix fuzzy algorithm could potentially match a
+ very large number of words. This value limits the
+ number of words each prefix can match. Note
+ that this does not limit the number of documents that
+ are matched in any way.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="max_retries"
+ type="number"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.2.0b1"
+ category="Indexing:Connection" >
+ <default>3</default>
+ <example>6</example>
+ <description>
+ This option set the maximum number of retries when retrieving a document
+ fails (mainly for reasons of connection).
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="max_stars"
+ type="number"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="Presentation:How" >
+ <default>4</default>
+ <example>6</example>
+ <description>
+ When stars are used to display the score of a match,
+ this value determines the maximum number of stars that
+ can be displayed.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maximum_page_buttons"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.2.0b3"
+ category="Presentation:How" >
+ <default>${maximum_pages}</default>
+ <example>20</example>
+ <description>
+ This value limits the number of page links that will be
+ included in the page list at the bottom of the search
+ results page. By default, it takes on the value of the
+ <ref type="attr">maximum_pages</ref>
+ attribute, but you can set it to something lower to allow
+ more pages than buttons. In this case, pages above this
+ number will have no corresponding button.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maximum_pages"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="Presentation:How" >
+ <default>10</default>
+ <example>20</example>
+ <description>
+ This value limits the number of page links that will be
+ included in the page list at the bottom of the search
+ results page. As of version 3.1.4, this will limit the
+ total number of matching documents that are shown.
+ You can make the number of page buttons smaller than the
+ number of allowed pages by setting the
+ <ref type="attr">maximum_page_buttons</ref>
+ attribute.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="maximum_word_length"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htdig htsearch"
+ version="3.1.3"
+ category="Indexing:What" >
+ <default>32</default>
+ <example>15</example>
+ <description>
+ This sets the maximum length of words that will be
+ indexed. Words longer than this value will be silently
+ truncated when put into the index, or searched in the
+ index.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="md5_db"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.2.0b3"
+ category="File Layout" >
+ <default>${database_base}.md5hash.db</default>
+ <example>${database_base}.md5.db</example>
+ <description>
+ This file holds a database of md5 and date hashes of pages to
+ catch and eliminate duplicates of pages. See also the
+ <ref type="attr">check_unique_md5</ref> and
+ <ref type="attr">check_unique_date</ref> attributes.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="meta_description_factor"
+ type="number"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.0b1"
+ category="Searching:Ranking" >
+ <default>50</default>
+ <example>20</example>
+ <description>
+ This is a factor which will be used to multiply the
+ weight of words in any META description tags in a document.
+ The number may be a floating point number. See also the
+ <ref type="attr">heading_factor</ref> attribute and the
+ <ref type="attr">description_factor</ref> attribute.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="metaphone_db"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htfuzzy htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="File Layout" >
+ <default>${database_base}.metaphone.db</default>
+ <example>${database_base}.mp.db</example>
+ <description>
+ The database file used for the fuzzy "metaphone" search
+ algorithm. This database is created by
+ <ref type="program">htfuzzy</ref> and used by
+ <ref type="program">htsearch</ref>.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="method_names"
+ type="quoted_string_list"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="Searching:UI" >
+ <default>and All or Any boolean Boolean</default>
+ <example>or Or and And</example>
+ <description>
+ These values are used to create the <strong>
+ method</strong> menu. It consists of pairs. The first
+ element of each pair is one of the known methods, the
+ second element is the text that will be shown in the
+ menu for that method. This text needs to be quoted if
+ it contains spaces.
+ See the <a href="hts_selectors.html">select list documentation</a>
+ for more information on how this attribute is used.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="mime_types"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.2.0b1"
+ category="Indexing:Where" >
+ <default>${config_dir}/mime.types</default>
+ <example>/etc/mime.types</example>
+ <description>
+ This file is used by htdig for local file access and resolving
+ file:// URLs to ensure the files are parsable. If you are running
+ a webserver with its own MIME file, you should set this attribute
+ to point to that file.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="minimum_prefix_length"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.0b1"
+ category="Searching:Method" >
+ <default>1</default>
+ <example>2</example>
+ <description>
+ This sets the minimum length of prefix matches used by the
+ "prefix" fuzzy matching algorithm. Words shorter than this
+ will not be used in prefix matching.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="minimum_speling_length"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.2.0b1"
+ category="Searching:Method" >
+ <default>5</default>
+ <example>3</example>
+ <description>
+ This sets the minimum length of words used by the
+ "speling" fuzzy matching algorithm. Words shorter than this
+ will not be used in this fuzzy matching.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="minimum_word_length"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htdig htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="Indexing:What" >
+ <default>3</default>
+ <example>2</example>
+ <description>
+ This sets the minimum length of words that will be
+ indexed. Words shorter than this value will be silently
+ ignored but still put into the excerpt.<br/>
+ Note that by making this value less than 3, a lot more
+ words that are very frequent will be indexed. It might
+ be advisable to add some of these to the
+ <ref type="attr">bad_word_list</ref>.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="multimatch_factor"
+ type="number"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.6"
+ category="Searching:Ranking" >
+ <default>1</default>
+ <example>1000</example>
+ <description>
+ This factor gives higher rankings to documents that have more than
+ one matching search word when the <strong>or</strong>
+ <ref type="attr">match_method</ref> is used.
+ In version 3.1.6, the matching words' combined scores were multiplied
+ by this factor for each additional matching word. Currently, this
+ multiplier is applied at most once.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="next_page_text"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.0"
+ category="Presentation:Text" >
+ <default>[next]</default>
+ <example>&lt;img src="/htdig/buttonr.gif"&gt;</example>
+ <description>
+ The text displayed in the hyperlink to go to the next
+ page of matches.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="no_excerpt_show_top"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.0b3"
+ category="Presentation:How" >
+ <default>false</default>
+ <example>yes</example>
+ <description>
+ If no excerpt is available, this option will act the
+ same as <ref type="attr">excerpt_show_top</ref>, that is,
+ it will show the top of the document.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="no_excerpt_text"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.0"
+ category="Presentation:Text" >
+ <default>&lt;em&gt;(None of the search words were found in the top of this document.)&lt;/em&gt;</default>
+ <example></example>
+ <description>
+ This text will be displayed in place of the excerpt if
+ there is no excerpt available. If this attribute is set
+ to nothing (blank), the excerpt label will not be
+ displayed in this case.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="no_next_page_text"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.0"
+ category="Presentation:Text" >
+ <default>[next]</default>
+ <example></example>
+ <description>
+ The text displayed where there would normally be a
+ hyperlink to go to the next page of matches.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="no_page_list_header"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.0"
+ category="Presentation:Text" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>&lt;hr noshade size=2&gt;All results on this page.&lt;br&gt;</example>
+ <description>
+ This text will be used as the value of the PAGEHEADER
+ variable, for use in templates or the
+ <ref type="attr">search_results_footer</ref>
+ file, when all search results fit on a single page.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="no_page_number_text"
+ type="quoted_string_list"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.0"
+ category="Presentation:Text" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>&lt;strong&gt;1&lt;/strong&gt; &lt;strong&gt;2&lt;/strong&gt; \
+ &lt;strong&gt;3&lt;/strong&gt; &lt;strong&gt;4&lt;/strong&gt; \
+ &lt;strong&gt;5&lt;/strong&gt; &lt;strong&gt;6&lt;/strong&gt; \
+ &lt;strong&gt;7&lt;/strong&gt; &lt;strong&gt;8&lt;/strong&gt; \
+ &lt;strong&gt;9&lt;/strong&gt; &lt;strong&gt;10&lt;/strong&gt;
+ <description>
+ The text strings in this list will be used when putting
+ together the PAGELIST variable, for use in templates or
+ the <ref type="attr">search_results_footer</ref>
+ file, when search results fit on more than page. The PAGELIST
+ is the list of links at the bottom of the search results page.
+ There should be as many strings in the list as there are
+ pages allowed by the <ref type="attr">maximum_page_buttons</ref>
+ attribute. If there are not enough, or the list is empty,
+ the page numbers alone will be used as the text for the links.
+ An entry from this list is used for the current page, as the
+ current page is shown in the page list without a hypertext link,
+ while entries from the <ref type="attr">page_number_text</ref> list are used for the links to other pages.
+ The text strings can contain HTML tags to highlight page numbers
+ or embed images. The strings need to be quoted if they contain
+ spaces.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="no_prev_page_text"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.0"
+ category="Presentation:Text" >
+ <default>[prev]</default>
+ <example></example>
+ <description>
+ The text displayed where there would normally be a
+ hyperlink to go to the previous page of matches.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="no_title_text"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.0"
+ category="Presentation:Text" >
+ <default>filename</default>
+ <example>"No Title Found"</example>
+ <description>
+ This specifies the text to use in search results when no
+ title is found in the document itself. If it is set to
+ filename, htsearch will use the name of the file itself,
+ enclosed in brackets (e.g. [index.html]).
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="noindex_end"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.1.0"
+ category="Indexing:What" >
+ <default>&lt;!--/htdig_noindex--&gt;</default>
+ <example>&lt;/SCRIPT&gt;</example>
+ <description>
+ This string marks the end of a section of an HTML file that should be
+ completely ignored when indexing. It works together with
+ <ref type="attr">noindex_start</ref>.
+ As in the defaults, this can be SGML comment
+ declarations that can be inserted anywhere in the documents to exclude
+ different sections from being indexed. However, existing tags can also be
+ used; this is especially useful to exclude some sections from being indexed
+ where the files to be indexed can not be edited. The example shows how
+ SCRIPT sections in 'uneditable' documents can be skipped.
+ Note that the match for this string is case insensitive.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="noindex_start"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.1.0"
+ category="Indexing:What" >
+ <default>&lt;!--htdig_noindex--&gt;</default>
+ <example>&lt;SCRIPT</example>
+ <description>
+ This string marks the start of a section of an HTML file that should be
+ completely ignored when indexing. It works together with
+ <ref type="attr">noindex_end</ref>.
+ As in the defaults, this can be SGML comment
+ declarations that can be inserted anywhere in the documents to exclude
+ different sections from being indexed. However, existing tags can also be
+ used; this is especially useful to exclude some sections from being indexed
+ where the files to be indexed can not be edited. The example shows how
+ SCRIPT sections in 'uneditable' documents can be skipped; note how
+ noindex_start does not contain an ending &gt;: this allows for all SCRIPT
+ tags to be matched regardless of attributes defined (different types or
+ languages). Note that the match for this string is case insensitive.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="nothing_found_file"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="Presentation:Files" >
+ <default>${common_dir}/nomatch.html</default>
+ <example>/www/searching/nothing.html</example>
+ <description>
+ This specifies the file which contains the <code>
+ HTML</code> text to display when no matches were found.
+ The file should contain a complete <code>HTML</code>
+ document.<br/>
+ Note that this attribute could also be defined in
+ terms of <ref type="attr">database_base</ref> to
+ make is specific to the current search database.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="nph"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.2.0b2"
+ category="Presentation:How" >
+ <default>false</default>
+ <example>true</example>
+ <description>
+ This attribute determines whether htsearch sends out full HTTP
+ headers as required for an NPH (non-parsed header) CGI. Some
+ servers assume CGIs will act in this fashion, for example MS
+ IIS. If your server does not send out full HTTP headers, you
+ should set this to true.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="page_list_header"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.0"
+ category="Presentation:Text" >
+ <default>&lt;hr noshade size=2&gt;Pages:&lt;br&gt;</default>
+ <example></example>
+ <description>
+ This text will be used as the value of the PAGEHEADER
+ variable, for use in templates or the
+ <ref type="attr">search_results_footer</ref>
+ file, when all search results fit on more than one page.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="page_number_separator"
+ type="quoted_string_list"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.4"
+ category="Presentation:Text" >
+ <default>" "</default>
+ <example>"&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;"</example>
+ <description>
+ The text strings in this list will be used when putting
+ together the PAGELIST variable, for use in templates or
+ the <ref type="attr">search_results_footer</ref>
+ file, when search results fit on more than page. The PAGELIST
+ is the list of links at the bottom of the search results page.
+ The strings in the list will be used in rotation, and will
+ separate individual entries taken from
+ <ref type="attr">page_number_text</ref> and
+ <ref type="attr">no_page_number_text</ref>.
+ There can be as many or as few strings in the list as you like.
+ If there are not enough for the number of pages listed, it goes
+ back to the start of the list. If the list is empty, a space is
+ used. The text strings can contain HTML tags. The strings need
+ to be quoted if they contain spaces, or to specify an empty string.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="page_number_text"
+ type="quoted_string_list"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.0"
+ category="Presentation:Text" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>&lt;em&gt;1&lt;/em&gt; &lt;em&gt;2&lt;/em&gt; \
+ &lt;em&gt;3&lt;/em&gt; &lt;em&gt;4&lt;/em&gt; \
+ &lt;em&gt;5&lt;/em&gt; &lt;em&gt;6&lt;/em&gt; \
+ &lt;em&gt;7&lt;/em&gt; &lt;em&gt;8&lt;/em&gt; \
+ &lt;em&gt;9&lt;/em&gt; &lt;em&gt;10&lt;/em&gt;
+ <description>
+ The text strings in this list will be used when putting
+ together the PAGELIST variable, for use in templates or
+ the <ref type="attr">search_results_footer</ref>
+ file, when search results fit on more than page. The PAGELIST
+ is the list of links at the bottom of the search results page.
+ There should be as many strings in the list as there are
+ pages allowed by the <ref type="attr">maximum_page_buttons</ref>
+ attribute. If there are not enough, or the list is empty,
+ the page numbers alone will be used as the text for the links.
+ Entries from this list are used for the links to other pages,
+ while an entry from the <ref type="attr">no_page_number_text</ref> list is used for the current page, as the
+ current page is shown in the page list without a hypertext link.
+ The text strings can contain HTML tags to highlight page numbers
+ or embed images. The strings need to be quoted if they contain
+ spaces.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="persistent_connections"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.2.0b1"
+ category="Indexing:Connection"
+ block="Server" >
+ <default>true</default>
+ <example>false</example>
+ <description>
+ If set to true, when servers make it possible, htdig can take advantage
+ of persistent connections, as defined by HTTP/1.1 (<em>RFC2616</em>). This permits
+ to reduce the number of open/close operations of connections, when retrieving
+ a document with HTTP.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="plural_suffix"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.2.0b2"
+ category="Presentation: Text" >
+ <default>s</default>
+ <example>en</example>
+ <description>
+ Specifies the value of the PLURAL_MATCHES template
+ variable used in the header, footer and template files.
+ This can be used for localization for non-English languages
+ where 's' is not the appropriate suffix.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="prefix_match_character"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.0b1"
+ category="Searching:Method" >
+ <default>*</default>
+ <example>ing</example>
+ <description>
+ A null prefix character means that prefix matching should be
+ applied to every search word. Otherwise a match is
+ returned only if the word does not end in the characters specified.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="prev_page_text"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.0"
+ category="Presentation:Text" >
+ <default>[prev]</default>
+ <example>&lt;img src="/htdig/buttonl.gif"&gt;</example>
+ <description>
+ The text displayed in the hyperlink to go to the
+ previous page of matches.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="regex_max_words"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.2.0b1"
+ category="Searching:Method" >
+ <default>25</default>
+ <example>10</example>
+ <description>
+ The "regex" fuzzy algorithm could potentially match a
+ very large number of words. This value limits the
+ number of words each regular expression can match. Note
+ that this does not limit the number of documents that
+ are matched in any way.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="remove_bad_urls"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htpurge"
+ version="all"
+ category="Indexing:How"
+ block="Server" >
+ <default>true</default>
+ <example>true</example>
+ <description>
+ If TRUE, htpurge will remove any URLs which were marked
+ as unreachable by htdig from the database. If FALSE, it
+ will not do this. When htdig is run in initial mode,
+ documents which were referred to but could not be
+ accessed should probably be removed, and hence this
+ option should then be set to TRUE, however, if htdig is
+ run to update the database, this may cause documents on
+ a server which is temporarily unavailable to be
+ removed. This is probably NOT what was intended, so
+ hence this option should be set to FALSE in that case.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="remove_default_doc"
+ type="string_list"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.1.0"
+ category="Indexing:How" >
+ <default>index.html</default>
+ <example>default.html default.htm index.html index.htm</example>
+ <description>
+ Set this to the default documents in a directory used by the
+ servers you are indexing. These document names will be stripped
+ off of URLs when they are normalized, if one of these names appears
+ after the final slash, to translate URLs like
+ into<br/>
+ Note that you can disable stripping of these names during
+ normalization by setting the list to an empty string.
+ The list should only contain names that all servers you index
+ recognize as default documents for directory URLs, as defined
+ by the DirectoryIndex setting in Apache's srm.conf, for example.
+ This only applies to http:// and https:// URLS.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="remove_unretrieved_urls"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htpurge"
+ version="3.2.0b1"
+ category="Indexing:How"
+ block="Server" >
+ <default>false</default>
+ <example>true</example>
+ <description>
+ If TRUE, htpurge will remove any URLs which were discovered
+ and included as stubs in the database but not yet retrieved. If FALSE, it
+ will not do this. When htdig is run in initial mode with no restrictions
+ on hopcount or maximum documents, these should probably be removed and set
+ to true. However, if you are hoping to index a small set of documents and
+ eventually get to the rest, you should probably leave this as false.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="restrict"
+ type="pattern_list"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.2.0b4"
+ category="Searching:Method" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>//</example>
+ <description>
+ This specifies a set of patterns that all URLs have to
+ match against in order for them to be included in the search
+ results. Any number of strings can be specified, separated by
+ spaces. If multiple patterns are given, at least one of the
+ patterns has to match the URL. The list can be specified
+ from within the configuration file, and can be overridden
+ with the "restrict" input parameter in the search form. Note
+ that the restrict list does not take precedence over the
+ <ref type="attr">exclude</ref> list - if a URL matches patterns
+ in both lists it is still excluded from the search results.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="robotstxt_name"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.0.7"
+ category="Indexing:Out"
+ block="Server" >
+ <default>htdig</default>
+ <example>myhtdig</example>
+ <description>
+ Sets the name that htdig will look for when parsing
+ robots.txt files. This can be used to make htdig appear
+ as a different spider than ht://Dig. Useful to
+ distinguish between a private and a global index.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="script_name"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.4"
+ category="Presentation:Text" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>/search/results.shtml</example>
+ <description>
+ Overrides the value of the SCRIPT_NAME
+ environment attribute. This is useful if
+ htsearch is not being called directly as a CGI
+ program, but indirectly from within a dynamic
+ .shtml page using SSI directives. Previously,
+ you needed a wrapper script to do this, but
+ this configuration attribute makes wrapper
+ scripts obsolete for SSI and possibly for
+ other server scripting languages, as
+ well. (You still need a wrapper script when
+ using PHP, though.)<br/>
+ Check out the <code>contrib/scriptname</code>
+ directory for a small example. Note that this
+ attribute also affects the value of the <a
+ href="hts_templates.html#CGI">CGI</a> variable
+ used in htsearch templates.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="search_algorithm"
+ type="string_list"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="Searching:Method" >
+ <default>exact:1</default>
+ <example>0.3</example>
+ <description>
+ Specifies the search algorithms and their weight to use
+ when searching. Each entry in the list consists of the
+ algorithm name, followed by a colon (:) followed by a
+ weight multiplier. The multiplier is a floating point
+ number between 0 and 1. Note that depending on your
+ <ref type="attr">locale</ref> setting, and whether your
+ system's locale implementation affects floating point
+ input, you may need to specify the decimal point as a
+ comma rather than a period.<br/>
+ <strong>Note:</strong>If the exact
+ method is not listed, the search may not work since the
+ original terms will not be used.<br/>
+ Current algorithms supported are:
+ <dl>
+ <dt>
+ exact
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ The default exact word matching algorithm. This
+ will find only exactly matched words.
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ soundex
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Uses a slightly modified soundex algorithm to match
+ words. This requires that the soundex database be
+ present. It is generated with the
+ <ref type="program">htfuzzy</ref> program.
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ metaphone
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Uses the metaphone algorithm for matching words.
+ This algorithm is more specific to the english
+ language than soundex. It requires the metaphone
+ database, which is generated with the <ref type="program">htfuzzy</ref> program.
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ accents
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Uses the accents algorithm for matching words.
+ This algorithm will treat all accented letters
+ as equivalent to their unaccented counterparts.
+ It requires the accents database, which is
+ generated with the <ref type="program">htfuzzy</ref> program.
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ endings
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ This algorithm uses language specific word endings
+ to find matches. Each word is first reduced to its
+ word root and then all known legal endings are used
+ for the matching. This algorithm uses two databases
+ which are generated with <ref type="program">htfuzzy</ref>.
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ synonyms
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Performs a dictionary lookup on all the words. This
+ algorithm uses a database generated with the <ref type="program">htfuzzy</ref> program.
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ substring
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Matches all words containing the queries as
+ substrings. Since this requires checking every word in
+ the database, this can really slow down searches
+ considerably.
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ prefix
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Matches all words beginning with the query
+ strings. Uses the option <ref type="attr">prefix_match_character</ref>
+ to decide whether a query requires prefix
+ matching. For example "abc*" would perform prefix
+ matching on "abc" since * is the default
+ prefix_match_character.
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ regex
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ Matches all words that match the patterns given as regular
+ expressions. Since this requires checking every word in
+ the database, this can really slow down searches
+ considerably.
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ speling
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ A simple fuzzy algorithm that tries to find one-off spelling
+ mistakes, such as transposition of two letters or an extra character.
+ Since this usually generates just a few possibilities, it is
+ relatively quick.
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="search_results_footer"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="Presentation:Files" >
+ <default>${common_dir}/footer.html</default>
+ <example>/usr/local/etc/ht/end-stuff.html</example>
+ <description>
+ This specifies a filename to be output at the end of
+ search results. While outputting the footer, some
+ variables will be expanded. Variables use the same
+ syntax as the Bourne shell. If there is a variable VAR,
+ the following will all be recognized:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ $VAR
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ $(VAR)
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ ${VAR}
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ The following variables are available. See
+ <a href="hts_template.html">hts_template.html</a> for a complete
+ list.
+ <dl>
+ <dt>
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ The number of documents that were matched.
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ If MATCHES is not 1, this will be the string "s",
+ else it is an empty string. This can be used to say
+ something like "$(MATCHES)
+ document$(PLURAL_MATCHES) were found"
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ The value of the <ref type="attr">max_stars</ref>
+ attribute.
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ A string of the search words with either "and" or
+ "or" between the words, depending on the type of
+ search.
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ A string of the search words with spaces in
+ between.
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ This expands to either the value of the
+ <ref type="attr">page_list_header</ref> or
+ <ref type="attr">no_page_list_header</ref>
+ attribute depending on how many pages there are.
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ Note that this file will <strong>NOT</strong> be output
+ if no matches were found. In this case the
+ <ref type="attr">nothing_found_file</ref>
+ attribute is used instead.
+ Also, this file will not be output if it is
+ overridden by defining the
+ <ref type="attr">search_results_wrapper</ref>
+ attribute.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="search_results_header"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="Presentation:Files" >
+ <default>${common_dir}/header.html</default>
+ <example>/usr/local/etc/ht/start-stuff.html</example>
+ <description>
+ This specifies a filename to be output at the start of
+ search results. While outputting the header, some
+ variables will be expanded. Variables use the same
+ syntax as the Bourne shell. If there is a variable VAR,
+ the following will all be recognized:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ $VAR
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ $(VAR)
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ ${VAR}
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ The following variables are available. See
+ <a href="hts_template.html">hts_template.html</a> for a complete
+ list.
+ <!-- Do these need to be listed for both _footer and _header? -->
+ <dl>
+ <dt>
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ The number of documents that were matched.
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ If MATCHES is not 1, this will be the string "s",
+ else it is an empty string. This can be used to say
+ something like "$(MATCHES)
+ document$(PLURAL_MATCHES) were found"
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ The value of the <ref type="attr">max_stars</ref>
+ attribute.
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ A string of the search words with either "and" or
+ "or" between the words, depending on the type of
+ search.
+ </dd>
+ <dt>
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ A string of the search words with spaces in
+ between.
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ Note that this file will <strong>NOT</strong> be output
+ if no matches were found. In this case the
+ <ref type="attr">nothing_found_file</ref>
+ attribute is used instead.
+ Also, this file will not be output if it is
+ overridden by defining the
+ <ref type="attr">search_results_wrapper</ref>
+ attribute.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="search_results_order"
+ type="string_list"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.2.0b2"
+ category="Searching:Ranking" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>/docs/|faq.html * /maillist/ /testresults/</example>
+ <description>
+ This specifies a list of patterns for URLs in
+ search results. Results will be displayed in the
+ specified order, with the search algorithm result
+ as the second order. Remaining areas, that do not
+ match any of the specified patterns, can be placed
+ by using * as the pattern. If no * is specified,
+ one will be implicitly placed at the end of the
+ list.<br/>
+ See also <ref type="attr">url_seed_score</ref>.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="search_results_wrapper"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.0"
+ category="Presentation:Files" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>${common_dir}/wrapper.html</example>
+ <description>
+ This specifies a filename to be output at the start and
+ end of search results. This file replaces the
+ <ref type="attr">search_results_header</ref> and
+ <ref type="attr">search_results_footer</ref>
+ files, with the contents of both in one file, and uses the
+ pseudo-variable <strong>$(HTSEARCH_RESULTS)</strong> as a
+ separator for the header and footer sections.
+ If the filename is not specified, the file is unreadable,
+ or the pseudo-variable above is not found, htsearch reverts
+ to the separate header and footer files instead.
+ While outputting the wrapper,
+ some variables will be expanded, just as for the
+ <ref type="attr">search_results_header</ref> and
+ <ref type="attr">search_results_footer</ref>
+ files.<br/>
+ Note that this file will <strong>NOT</strong> be output
+ if no matches were found. In this case the
+ <ref type="attr">nothing_found_file</ref>
+ attribute is used instead.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="search_rewrite_rules"
+ type="string list"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.6"
+ category="URLs" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example> http://(.*)\\.mydomain\\.org/([^/]*) http://\\2.\\ \
+ http://www\\.myschool\\.edu/myorgs/([^/]*) http://\\
+ </example>
+ <description>
+ This is a list of pairs, <em>regex</em> <em>replacement</em>, used
+ to rewrite URLs in the search results. The left hand string is a
+ regular expression; the right hand string is a literal string with
+ embedded placeholders for fragments that matched inside brackets in the
+ regular expression. \0 is the whole matched string, \1 to \9 are
+ bracketted substrings. The backslash must be doubled-up in the
+ attribute setting to get past the variable expansion parsing. Rewrite
+ rules are applied sequentially to each URL before it is displayed
+ or checked against the <ref type="attr">restrict</ref> or
+ <ref type="attr">exclude</ref> lists. Rewriting does not stop once a
+ match has been made, so multiple rules may affect a given URL. See
+ also <ref type="attr">url_part_aliases</ref> which allows URLs
+ to be of one form during indexing and translated for results,
+ and <ref type="attr">url_rewrite_rules</ref> which allows URLs
+ to be rewritten while indexing.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="server_aliases"
+ type="string_list"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.1.0b2"
+ category="Indexing:Where" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example> \
+ <description>
+ This attribute tells the indexer that servers have several
+ DNS aliases, which all point to the same machine and are NOT
+ virtual hosts. This allows you to ensure pages are indexed
+ only once on a given machine, despite the alias used in a URL.
+ As shown in the example, the mapping goes from left to right,
+ so the server name on the right hand side is the one that is
+ used. As of version 3.1.3, the port number is optional, and is
+ assumed to be 80 if omitted. There is no easy way to map all
+ ports from one alias to another without listing them all.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="server_max_docs"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.1.0b3"
+ category="Indexing:Where"
+ block="Server" >
+ <default>-1</default>
+ <example>50</example>
+ <description>
+ This attribute tells htdig to limit the dig to retrieve a maximum
+ number of documents from each server. This can cause
+ unusual behavior on update digs since the old URLs are
+ stored alphabetically. Therefore, update digs will add
+ additional URLs in pseudo-alphabetical order, up to the
+ limit of the attribute. However, it is most useful to
+ partially index a server as the URLs of additional
+ documents are entered into the database, marked as never
+ retrieved.<br/>
+ A value of -1 specifies no limit.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="server_wait_time"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.1.0b3"
+ category="Indexing:Connection"
+ block="Server" >
+ <default>0</default>
+ <example>20</example>
+ <description>
+ This attribute tells htdig to ensure a server has had a
+ delay (in seconds) from the beginning of the last
+ connection. This can be used to prevent "server abuse"
+ by digging without delay. It's recommended to set this
+ to 10-30 (seconds) when indexing servers that you don't
+ monitor yourself. Additionally, this attribute can slow
+ down local indexing if set, which may or may not be what
+ you intended.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="sort"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.0"
+ category="Presentation:How" >
+ <default>score</default>
+ <example>revtime</example>
+ <description>
+ This is the default sorting method that htsearch
+ uses to determine the order in which matches are displayed.
+ The valid choices are:
+ <table border="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ul>
+ <li> score </li>
+ <li> time </li>
+ <li> title </li>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <ul>
+ <li> revscore </li>
+ <li> revtime </li>
+ <li> revtitle </li>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ This attribute will only be used if the HTML form that
+ calls htsearch didn't have the <strong>sort</strong>
+ value set. The words date and revdate can be used instead
+ of time and revtime, as both will sort by the time that
+ the document was last modified, if this information is
+ given by the server. The default is to sort by the score,
+ which ranks documents by best match. The sort methods that
+ begin with "rev" simply reverse the order of the
+ sort. Note that setting this to something other than
+ "score" will incur a slowdown in searches.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="sort_names"
+ type="quoted_string_list"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.0"
+ category="Searching:UI" >
+ <default>score Score time Time title Title revscore 'Reverse Score' revtime 'Reverse Time' revtitle 'Reverse Title'</default>
+ <example>score 'Best Match' time Newest title A-Z \
+ revscore 'Worst Match' revtime Oldest revtitle Z-A
+ <description>
+ These values are used to create the <strong>
+ sort</strong> menu. It consists of pairs. The first
+ element of each pair is one of the known sort methods, the
+ second element is the text that will be shown in the
+ menu for that sort method. This text needs to be quoted if
+ it contains spaces.
+ See the <a href="hts_selectors.html">select list documentation</a>
+ for more information on how this attribute is used.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="soundex_db"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htfuzzy htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="File Layout" >
+ <default>${database_base}.soundex.db</default>
+ <example>${database_base}.snd.db</example>
+ <description>
+ The database file used for the fuzzy "soundex" search
+ algorithm. This database is created by
+ <ref type="program">htfuzzy</ref> and used by
+ <ref type="program">htsearch</ref>.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="star_blank"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="Presentation:Text" >
+ <default>${image_url_prefix}/star_blank.gif</default>
+ <example>//</example>
+ <description>
+ This specifies the URL to use to display a blank of the
+ same size as the star defined in the
+ <ref type="attr">star_image</ref> attribute or in the
+ <ref type="attr">star_patterns</ref> attribute.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="star_image"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="Presentation:Text" >
+ <default>${image_url_prefix}/star.gif</default>
+ <example>//</example>
+ <description>
+ This specifies the URL to use to display a star. This
+ allows you to use some other icon instead of a star.
+ (We like the star...)<br/>
+ The display of stars can be turned on or off with the
+ <ref type="attr">use_star_image</ref>
+ attribute and the maximum number of stars that can be
+ displayed is determined by the
+ <ref type="attr">max_stars</ref> attribute.<br/>
+ Even though the image can be changed, the ALT value
+ for the image will always be a '*'.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="star_patterns"
+ type="string_list"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.0"
+ category="Presentation:How" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example> /sdsu.gif \
+ /ucsd.gif
+ <description>
+ This attribute allows the star image to be changed
+ depending on the URL or the match it is used for. This
+ is mainly to make a visual distinction between matches
+ on different web sites. The star image could be
+ replaced with the logo of the company the match refers
+ to.<br/>
+ It is advisable to keep all the images the same size
+ in order to line things up properly in a short result
+ listing.<br/>
+ The format is simple. It is a list of pairs. The first
+ element of each pair is a pattern, the second element
+ is a URL to the image for that pattern.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="startday"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.6"
+ category="Searching:Method" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>1</example>
+ <description>
+ Day component of first date allowed as last-modified date
+ of returned docutments.
+ This is most usefully specified as a
+ <a href="hts_form.html#startyear">GCI argument</a>.
+ See also <ref type="attr">startyear</ref>.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="start_ellipses"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="Presentation:Text" >
+ <default>&lt;strong&gt;&lt;code&gt;... &lt;/code&gt;&lt;/strong&gt;</default>
+ <example>...</example>
+ <description>
+ When excerpts are displayed in the search output, this
+ string will be prepended to the excerpt if there is
+ text before the text displayed. This is just a visual
+ reminder to the user that the excerpt is only part of
+ the complete document.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="start_highlight"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.4"
+ category="Presentation:Text" >
+ <default>&lt;strong&gt;</default>
+ <example>&lt;font color="#FF0000"&gt;</example>
+ <description>
+ When excerpts are displayed in the search output, matched
+ words will be highlighted using this string and
+ <ref type="attr">end_highlight</ref>.
+ You should ensure that highlighting tags are balanced,
+ that is, any formatting tags that this string
+ opens should be closed by end_highlight.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="startmonth"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.6"
+ category="Searching:Method" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>1</example>
+ <description>
+ Month component of first date allowed as last-modified date
+ of returned docutments.
+ This is most usefully specified as a
+ <a href="hts_form.html#startyear">GCI argument</a>.
+ See also <ref type="attr">startyear</ref>.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="start_url"
+ type="string_list"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="all"
+ category="Indexing:Where" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>//</example>
+ <description>
+ This is the list of URLs that will be used to start a
+ dig when there was no existing database. Note that
+ multiple URLs can be given here.
+ <br/>Note also that the value of <em>start_url</em>
+ will be the default value for
+ <href type="attr">limit_urls_to</ref>, so if
+ you set start_url to the URLs for specific files,
+ rather than a site or subdirectory URL, you may need
+ to set limit_urls_to to something less restrictive
+ so htdig doesn't reject links in the documents.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="startyear"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.6"
+ category="Searching:Method" >
+ <default>1970</default>
+ <example>2001</example>
+ <description>
+ This specifies the year of the cutoff start date for
+ search results. If the start or end date are specified,
+ only results with a last modified date within this
+ range are shown.
+ See also <ref type="attr">startday</ref>,
+ <ref type="attr">startmonth</ref>,
+ <ref type="attr">endday</ref>,
+ <ref type="attr">endmonth</ref>,
+ <a href="endyear">endyear</a>.
+ These are most usefully specified as a
+ <a href="hts_form.html#startyear">GCI argument</a>.<br/>
+ For each component, if a negative number is given,
+ it is taken as relative to the current date.
+ Relative days can span several months or even years if desired,
+ and relative months can span several years. A startday of
+ -90 will select matching documents modified within
+ the last 90 days.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="substring_max_words"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.0.8b1"
+ category="Searching:Method" >
+ <default>25</default>
+ <example>100</example>
+ <description>
+ The Substring fuzzy algorithm could potentially match a
+ very large number of words. This value limits the
+ number of words each substring pattern can match. Note
+ that this does not limit the number of documents that
+ are matched in any way.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="synonym_db"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch htfuzzy"
+ version="3.0"
+ category="File Layout" >
+ <default>${common_dir}/synonyms.db</default>
+ <example>${database_base}.syn.db</example>
+ <description>
+ Points to the database that <ref type="program">htfuzzy</ref> creates when the <strong>synonyms</strong>
+ algorithm is used.<br/>
+ <ref type="program">htsearch</ref>
+ uses this to perform synonym dictionary lookups.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="synonym_dictionary"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htfuzzy"
+ version="3.0"
+ category="File Layout" >
+ <default>${common_dir}/synonyms</default>
+ <example>/usr/dict/synonyms</example>
+ <description>
+ This points to a text file containing the synonym
+ dictionary used for the synonyms search algorithm.<br/>
+ Each line of this file has at least two words. The
+ first word is the word to replace, the rest of the
+ words are synonyms for that word.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="syntax_error_file"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="Presentation:Files" >
+ <default>${common_dir}/syntax.html</default>
+ <example>${common_dir}/synerror.html</example>
+ <description>
+ This points to the file which will be displayed if a
+ boolean expression syntax error was found.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="tcp_max_retries"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.2.0b1"
+ category="Indexing:Connection"
+ block="Server" >
+ <default>1</default>
+ <example>6</example>
+ <description>
+ This option set the maximum number of attempts when a connection
+ <ref type="attr">timeout</ref>s.
+ After all these retries, the connection attempt results &lt;timed out&gt;.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="tcp_wait_time"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.2.0b1"
+ category="Indexing:Connection"
+ block="Server" >
+ <default>5</default>
+ <example>10</example>
+ <description>
+ This attribute sets the wait time (in seconds) after a connection
+ fails and the <ref type="attr">timeout</ref> is raised.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="template_map"
+ type="quoted_string_list"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.0"
+ category="Presentation:Files,Searching:UI" >
+ <default>Long builtin-long builtin-long Short builtin-short builtin-short</default>
+ <example>Short short ${common_dir}/short.html \
+ Normal normal builtin-long \
+ Detailed detail ${common_dir}/detail.html
+ <description>
+ This maps match template names to internal names and
+ template file names. It is a list of triplets. The
+ first element in each triplet is the name that will be
+ displayed in the FORMAT menu. The second element is the
+ name used internally and the third element is a
+ filename of the template to use.<br/>
+ There are two predefined templates, namely <strong>
+ builtin-long</strong> and <strong>
+ builtin-short</strong>. If the filename is one of
+ those, they will be used instead.<br/>
+ More information about templates can be found in the
+ <ref type="program">htsearch</ref>
+ documentation. The particular template is selecterd by the
+ <a href="hts_form.html#format">format</a> cgi argument, and the
+ default is given by <ref type="attr">template_name</ref> in
+ the config file.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="template_name"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.0"
+ category="Searching:UI,Presentation:How" >
+ <default>builtin-long</default>
+ <example>long</example>
+ <description>
+ Specifies the default template if no
+ <a href="hts_form.html#format">format</a> field is given by the
+ search form. This needs to map to the
+ <ref type="attr">template_map</ref>.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="template_patterns"
+ type="string_list"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.4"
+ category="Presentation:How" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example> ${common_dir}/sdsu.html \
+ ${common_dir}/ucsd.html
+ <description>
+ This attribute allows the results template to be changed
+ depending on the URL or the match it is used for. This
+ is mainly to make a visual distinction between matches
+ on different web sites. The results for each site could
+ thus be shown in a style matching that site.<br/>
+ The format is simply a list of pairs. The first
+ element of each pair is a pattern, the second element
+ is the name of the template file for that pattern.<br/>
+ More information about templates can be found in the
+ <ref type="program">htsearch</ref>
+ documentation.<br/>
+ Normally, when using this template selection method, you
+ would disable user selection of templates via the <strong>format</strong>
+ input parameter in search forms, as the two methods were not
+ really designed to interact. Templates selected by URL patterns
+ would override any user selection made in the form. If you want
+ to use the two methods together, see the notes on
+ <a href="hts_selectors.html#template_patterns">combining</a>
+ them for an example of how to do this.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="text_factor"
+ type="number"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.0"
+ category="Searching:Ranking" >
+ <default>1</default>
+ <example>0</example>
+ <description>
+ This is a factor which will be used to multiply the
+ weight of words that are not in any special part of a
+ document. Setting a factor to 0 will cause normal words
+ to be ignored. The number may be a floating point
+ number. See also the <ref type="attr">heading_factor</ref>
+ attribute.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="timeout"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="all"
+ category="Indexing:Connection"
+ block="Server" >
+ <default>30</default>
+ <example>42</example>
+ <description>
+ Specifies the time the digger will wait to complete a
+ network read. This is just a safeguard against
+ unforeseen things like the all too common
+ transformation from a network to a notwork.<br/>
+ The timeout is specified in seconds.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="title_factor"
+ type="number"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="Searching:Ranking" >
+ <default>100</default>
+ <example>12</example>
+ <description>
+ This is a factor which will be used to multiply the
+ weight of words in the title of a document. Setting a
+ factor to 0 will cause words in the title to be
+ ignored. The number may be a floating point number. See
+ also the <ref type="attr">heading_factor</ref> attribute.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="url_list"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="all"
+ category="Extra Output" >
+ <default>${database_base}.urls</default>
+ <example>/tmp/urls</example>
+ <description>
+ This file is only created if
+ <ref type="attr">create_url_list</ref> is set to
+ true. It will contain a list of all URLs that were
+ seen.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="url_log"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.1.0"
+ category="Extra Output" >
+ <default>${database_base}.log</default>
+ <example>/tmp/htdig.progress</example>
+ <description>
+ If <ref type="program">htdig</ref> is run with the -l option
+ and interrupted, it will write out its progress to this
+ file. Note that if it has a large number of URLs to write,
+ it may take some time to exit. This can especially happen
+ when running update digs and the run is interrupted soon
+ after beginning.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="url_part_aliases"
+ type="string_list"
+ programs="all"
+ version="3.1.0"
+ category="URLs" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example> *site \
+ *1 \
+ .html *2
+ </example>
+ <example> *site \
+ *1 \
+ .htm *2
+ <description>
+ A list of translations pairs <em>from</em> and
+ <em>to</em>, used when accessing the database.
+ If a part of an URL matches with the
+ <em>from</em>-string of each pair, it will be
+ translated into the <em>to</em>-string just before
+ writing the URL to the database, and translated
+ back just after reading it from the database.<br/>
+ This is primarily used to provide an easy way to
+ rename parts of URLs for e.g. changing
+ to Two
+ different configuration files for digging and
+ searching are then used, with url_part_aliases
+ having different <em>from</em> strings, but
+ identical <em>to</em>-strings.<br/>
+ See also <ref type="attr">common_url_parts</ref>.<br/>
+ Strings that are normally incorrect in URLs or
+ very seldom used, should be used as
+ <em>to</em>-strings, since extra storage will be
+ used each time one is found as normal part of a
+ URL. Translations will be performed with priority
+ for the leftmost longest match. Each
+ <em>to</em>-string must be unique and not be a
+ part of any other <em>to</em>-string.<br/>
+ Note that when this attribute is changed, the
+ database should be rebuilt, unless the effect of
+ "moving" the affected URLs in the database is
+ wanted, as described above.<br/>
+ <strong>Please note:</strong> Don't just copy the
+ example below into a single configuration file.
+ There are two separate settings of
+ <em>url_part_aliases</em> below; the first one is
+ for the configuration file to be used by htdig,
+ htmerge, and htnotify, and the second one is for the
+ configuration file to be used by htsearch.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="url_rewrite_rules"
+ type="string_list"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.2.0b3"
+ category="URLs" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>(.*)\\?JServSessionIdroot=.* \\1 \
+ (.*)\\&amp;JServSessionIdroot=.* \\1 \
+ (.*)&amp;context=.* \\1</example>
+ <description>
+ This is a list of pairs, <em>regex</em> <em>replacement</em> used to
+ permanently rewrite URLs as they are indexed. The left hand string is
+ a regex; the right hand string is a literal string with embedded
+ placeholders for fragments that matched inside brackets in the
+ regex. \0 is the whole matched string, \1 to \9 are bracketted
+ substrings. Rewrite rules are applied sequentially to each
+ incoming URL before normalization occurs. Rewriting does not stop
+ once a match has been made, so multiple rules may affect a given URL.
+ See also <ref type="attr">url_part_aliases</ref> which
+ allows URLs to be of one
+form during indexing and translated for results.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="url_seed_score"
+ type="string_list"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.2.0b2"
+ category="Searching::Ranking" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>/mailinglist/ *.5-1e6
+ /docs/|/news/ *1.5
+ /testresults/ &quot;*.7 -200&quot;
+ /faq-area/ *2+10000</example>
+ <description>
+ This is a list of pairs, <em>pattern</em>
+ <em>formula</em>, used to weigh the score of
+ hits, depending on the URL of the document.<br/>
+ The <em>pattern</em> part is a substring to match
+ against the URL. Pipe ('|') characters can be
+ used in the pattern to concatenate substrings for
+ web-areas that have the same formula.<br/>
+ The formula describes a <em>factor</em> and a
+ <em>constant</em>, by which the hit score is
+ weighed. The <em>factor</em> part is multiplied
+ to the original score, then the <em>constant</em>
+ part is added.<br/>
+ The format of the formula is the factor part:
+ &quot;*<em>N</em>&quot; optionally followed by comma and
+ spaces, followed by the constant part :
+ &quot;+<em>M</em>&quot;, where the plus sign may be emitted
+ for negative numbers. Either part is optional,
+ but must come in this order.<br/>
+ The numbers <em>N</em> and <em>M</em> are floating
+ point constants.<br/>
+ More straightforward is to think of the format as
+ &quot;newscore = oldscore*<em>N</em>+<em>M</em>&quot;,
+ but with the &quot;newscore = oldscore&quot; part left out.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="url_text_factor"
+ type="number"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="??"
+ category="Searching:Ranking" >
+ <default>1</default>
+ <example>1</example>
+ <description>
+ See also <ref type="attr">heading_factor</ref>.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="use_doc_date"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.2.0b1"
+ category="Indexing:How" >
+ <default>false</default>
+ <example>true</example>
+ <description>
+ If set to true, htdig will use META date tags in documents,
+ overriding the modification date returned by the server.
+ Any documents that do not have META date tags will retain
+ the last modified date returned by the server or found on
+ the local file system.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="use_meta_description"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="3.1.0b1"
+ category="Presentation:How" >
+ <default>false</default>
+ <example>true</example>
+ <description>
+ If set to true, any META description tags will be used as
+ excerpts by htsearch. Any documents that do not have META
+ descriptions will retain their normal excerpts.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="use_star_image"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="Presentation:How" >
+ <default>true</default>
+ <example>no</example>
+ <description>
+ If set to true, the <ref type="attr">star_image</ref> attribute is used to display upto
+ <ref type="attr">max_stars</ref> images for
+ each match.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="user_agent"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.1.0b2"
+ category="Indexing:Out"
+ block="Server" >
+ <default>htdig</default>
+ <example>htdig-digger</example>
+ <description>
+ This allows customization of the user_agent: field sent when
+ the digger requests a file from a server.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="valid_extensions"
+ type="string_list"
+ programs="htdig"
+ version="3.1.4"
+ category="Indexing:Where"
+ block="URL" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>.html .htm .shtml</example>
+ <description>
+ This is a list of extensions on URLs which are
+ the only ones considered acceptable. This list is used to
+ supplement the MIME-types that the HTTP server provides
+ with documents. Some HTTP servers do not have a correct
+ list of MIME-types and so can advertise certain
+ documents as text while they are some binary format.
+ If the list is empty, then all extensions are acceptable,
+ provided they pass other criteria for acceptance or rejection.
+ If the list is not empty, only documents with one of the
+ extensions in the list are parsed.
+ See also <ref type="attr">bad_extensions</ref>.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="valid_punctuation"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htdig htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="Indexing:What" >
+ <default>.-_/!#$%^&amp;'</default>
+ <example>-'</example>
+ <description>
+ This is the set of characters which will be deleted
+ from the document before determining what a word is.
+ This means that if a document contains something like
+ <code>Andrew's</code> the digger will see this as <code>
+ Andrews</code>.<br/>
+ The same transformation is performed on the keywords
+ the search engine gets.<br/>
+ See also the <ref type="attr">extra_word_characters</ref>
+ attribute.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="version"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htsearch"
+ version="all"
+ category="Presentation:Text" >
+ <default configmacro="true">VERSION</default>
+ <example>3.2.0</example>
+ <description>
+ This specifies the value of the VERSION
+ variable which can be used in search templates.
+ The default value of this attribute is determined
+ at compile time, and will not normally be set
+ in configuration files.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="word_db"
+ type="string"
+ programs="all"
+ version="all"
+ category="File Layout" >
+ <default>${database_base}.words.db</default>
+ <example>${database_base}.allwords.db</example>
+ <description>
+ This is the main word database. It is an index of all
+ the words to a list of documents that contain the
+ words. This database can grow large pretty quickly.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="word_dump"
+ type="string"
+ programs="htdig htdump htload"
+ version="3.2.0b1"
+ category="File Layout" >
+ <default>${database_base}.worddump</default>
+ <example>/tmp/words.txt</example>
+ <description>
+ This file is basically a text version of the file
+ specified in <ref type="attr">word_db</ref>. Its
+ only use is to have a human readable database of all
+ words. The file is easy to parse with tools like
+ perl or tcl.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="wordlist_cache_size"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="all"
+ version="3.2.0b1"
+ category="Indexing:How" >
+ <default>10000000</default>
+ <example>40000000</example>
+ <description>
+ Size of memory cache used by Berkeley DB (DB used by the indexer)
+ IMPORTANT: It makes a <strong>huge</strong> difference. The rule
+ is that the cache size should be at least 2% of the expected index size. The
+ Berkeley DB file has 1% of internal pages that *must* be cached for good
+ performances. Giving an additional 1% leaves room for caching leaf pages.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="wordlist_compress"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="all"
+ version="3.2.0b1"
+ category="Indexing:How" >
+ <default>true</default>
+ <example>true</example>
+ <description>
+ Enables or disables the default compression system for the indexer.
+ This currently compresses the index by a factor of 8. If the
+ Zlib library is not found on the system, the default is false.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="wordlist_compress_zlib"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="all"
+ version="3.2.0b4"
+ category="Indexing:How" >
+ <default>true</default>
+ <example>true</example>
+ <description>
+ Enables or disables the zlib compression system for the indexer.
+ wordlist_compress must be true to use this option!`
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="wordlist_monitor"
+ type="boolean"
+ programs="all"
+ version="3.2.0b1"
+ category="Extra Output" >
+ <default>false</default>
+ <example>true</example>
+ <description>
+ This enables monitoring of what's happening in the indexer.
+ It can help to detect performance/configuration problems.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="wordlist_monitor_period"
+ type="number"
+ programs="all"
+ version="3.2.0b1"
+ category="Extra Output" >
+ <default>0</default>
+ <example>.1</example>
+ <description>
+ Sets the number of seconds between each monitor output.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="wordlist_monitor_output"
+ type="string"
+ programs="all"
+ version="3.2.0b1"
+ category="Extra Output" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>myfile</example>
+ <description>
+ Print monitoring output on file instead of the default stderr.
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="wordlist_page_size"
+ type="integer"
+ programs="all"
+ version="3.2.0b1"
+ category="Indexing:How" >
+ <default>0</default>
+ <example>8192</example>
+ <description>
+ Size of pages used by Berkeley DB (DB used by the indexer)
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="wordlist_verbose"
+ type="integer"
+ programs=""
+ version=""
+ category="" >
+ <default></default>
+ <example>true</example>
+ <description>
+ wordlist_verbose 1 walk logic<br/>
+ wordlist_verbose 2 walk logic details<br/>
+ wordlist_verbose 2 walk logic lots of details<br/>
+ </description>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="wordlist_wordkey_description"
+ type="string"
+ programs="all"
+ version="3.2.0b1"
+ category="Indexing:How" >
+ <default>Word/DocID 32/Flags 8/Location 16</default>
+ <nodocs/>
+ </attribute>
+ <attribute name="wordlist_wordrecord_description"
+ type="string"
+ programs="all"
+ version="3.2.0b1"
+ category="Indexing:How" >
+ <default>DATA</default>
+ <nodocs/>
+ </attribute>