path: root/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.73.0/scripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.73.0/scripts/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1125 deletions
diff --git a/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.73.0/scripts/ b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.73.0/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 403ff92b..00000000
--- a/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.73.0/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1125 +0,0 @@
-reduces options in a given config file to the minimum while still maintaining
-desired formatting
-:author: Daniel Chumak
-:license: GPL v2+
-# Possible improvements:
-# - parallelize add_back()
-# - (maybe) reduce amount of written config file, see Uncrustify --set
-from __future__ import print_function # python >= 2.6
-import argparse
-from os import name as os_name, sep as os_path_sep, fdopen as os_fdopen, \
- remove as os_remove
-from os.path import exists, join as path_join
-from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
-from sys import exit as sys_exit, stderr, stdout
-from shutil import rmtree
-from multiprocessing import cpu_count
-from tempfile import mkdtemp, mkstemp
-from contextlib import contextmanager
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from threading import Timer
-from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
-from itertools import combinations
-FLAGS = None
-NULL_DEV = "/dev/null" if os_name != "nt" else "nul"
-def enum(**enums):
- return type('Enum', (), enums)
-ERROR_CODE = enum(NONE=0, FLAGS=200, SANITY0=201, SANITY1=202)
-MODES = ("reduce", "no-default")
-def make_temp_directory():
- """
- Wraps tempfile.mkdtemp to use it inside a with statement that auto deletes
- the temporary directory with its content after the with block closes
- :return: str
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- path to the generated directory
- """
- temp_dir = mkdtemp()
- try:
- yield temp_dir
- finally:
- rmtree(temp_dir)
-def make_raw_temp_file(*args, **kwargs):
- """
- Wraps tempfile.mkstemp to use it inside a with statement that auto deletes
- the file after the with block closes
- Parameters
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- :param args, kwargs:
- arguments passed to mkstemp
- :return: int, str
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- the file descriptor and the file path of the created temporary file
- """
- fd, tmp_file_name = mkstemp(*args, **kwargs)
- try:
- yield (fd, tmp_file_name)
- finally:
- os_remove(tmp_file_name)
-def open_fd(*args, **kwargs):
- """
- Wraps os.fdopen to use it inside a with statement that auto closes the
- generated file descriptor after the with block closes
- Parameters
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- :param args, kwargs:
- arguments passed to os.fdopen
- :return: TextIOWrapper
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- open file object connected to the file descriptor
- """
- fp = os_fdopen(*args, **kwargs)
- try:
- yield fp
- finally:
- fp.close()
-def term_proc(proc, timeout):
- """
- helper function to terminate a process
- Parameters
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- :param proc: process object
- the process object that is going to be terminated
- :param timeout: dictionary
- a dictionary (used as object reference) to set a flag that indicates
- that the process is going to be terminated
- """
- timeout["value"] = True
- proc.terminate()
-def uncrustify(unc_bin_path, cfg_file_path, unformatted_file_path,
- lang=None, debug_file=None, check=False):
- """
- executes Uncrustify and captures its stdout
- Parameters
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- :param unc_bin_path: str
- path to the Uncrustify binary
- :param cfg_file_path: str
- path to a config file for Uncrustify
- :param unformatted_file_path: str
- path to a file that is going to be formatted
- :param lang: str / None
- Uncrustifys -l argument
- :param debug_file: str / None
- Uncrustifys -p argument
- :param check: bool
- Used to control whether Uncrustifys --check is going to be used
- :return: str / None
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- returns the stdout from Uncrustify or None if the process takes to much
- time (set to 5 sec)
- """
- args = [unc_bin_path, "-q", "-c", cfg_file_path, '-f',
- unformatted_file_path]
- if lang:
- args.extend(("-l", lang))
- if debug_file:
- args.extend(('-p', debug_file))
- if check:
- args.append('--check')
- proc = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
- timeout = {"value": False}
- timer = Timer(5, term_proc, [proc, timeout])
- timer.start()
- output_b, error_txt_b = proc.communicate()
- timer.cancel()
- if timeout["value"]:
- print("uncrustify proc timeout: %s" % ' '.join(args), file=stderr)
- return None
- error = error_txt_b.decode("UTF-8")
- if error:
- print("Uncrustify %s stderr:\n %s" % (unformatted_file_path, error),
- file=stderr)
- return output_b
-def same_expected_generated(formatted_path, unc_bin_path, cfg_file_path,
- input_path, lang=None):
- """
- Calls uncrustify and compares its generated output with the content of a
- file
- Parameters
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- :param formatted_path: str
- path to a file containing the expected content
- :params unc_bin_path, cfg_file_path, input_path, lang: str, str, str,
- str / None
- see uncrustify()
- :return: bool
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- True if the strings match, False otherwise
- """
- expected_string = ''
- with open(formatted_path, 'rb') as f:
- expected_string =
- formatted_string = uncrustify(unc_bin_path, cfg_file_path, input_path, lang)
- return True if formatted_string == expected_string else False
-def process_uncrustify(args):
- """
- special wrapper for same_expected_generated()
- accesses global var(s): RESTULTSFLAG
- Parameters
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- :param args: list / tuple< int, ... >
- this function is intended to be called by
- therefore all arguments are inside a list / tuple:
- id: int
- an index number needed by the caller to differentiate runs
- other parameters:
- see same_expected_generated()
- :return: tuple< int, RESTULTSFLAG >
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- returns a tuple containing the id and a RESTULTSFLAG, REMOVE if both
- strings are equal, KEEP if not
- """
- id = args[0]
- res = same_expected_generated(*args[1:])
-def write_config_file(args):
- """
- Writes all but one excluded option into a config file
- Parameters
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- :param args: list / tuple< list< tuple< str, str > >, str, int >
- this function is intended to be called by
- therefore all arguments are inside a list / tuple:
- config_list: list< tuple< str, str > >
- a list of tuples containing option names and values
- tmp_dir: str
- path to a directory in which the config file is going to be
- written
- exclude_idx: int
- index for an option that is not going to be written into the
- config file
- """
- config_list, tmp_dir, exclude_idx = args
- with open("%s%suncr-%d.cfg" % (tmp_dir, os_path_sep, exclude_idx),
- 'w') as f:
- print_config(config_list, target_file_obj=f, exclude_idx=exclude_idx)
-def write_config_file2(args):
- """
- Writes two option lists into a config file
- Parameters
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- :param args: list< tuple< str, str > >,
- list< tuple< str, str > >, str, int
- this function is intended to be called by
- therefore all arguments are inside a list / tuple:
- config_list: list< tuple< str, str > >
- the first list of tuples containing option names and values
- test_list: list< tuple< str, str > >
- the second list of tuples containing option names and values
- tmp_dir: str
- path to a directory in which the config file is going to be
- written
- idx: int
- index that is going to be used for the filename
- """
- config_list0, config_list1, tmp_dir, idx = args
- with open("%s%suncr-r-%d.cfg" % (tmp_dir, os_path_sep, idx), 'w') as f:
- print_config(config_list0, target_file_obj=f)
- print("", end='\n', file=f)
- print_config(config_list1, target_file_obj=f)
-def gen_multi_combinations(elements, N):
- """
- generator function that generates, based on a set of elements, all
- combinations of 1..N elements
- Parameters
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- :param elements: list / tuple
- a list of elements from which the combinations will be generated
- :param N:
- the max number of element in a combination
- :return: list
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- yields a single combination of the elements
- >>> gen_multi_combinations(["a", "b", "c"], 3)
- (a); (b); (c); (a,b); (a,c); (b,c); (a,b,c)
- """
- fields = len(elements)
- if N > fields:
- raise Exception("Error: N > len(options)")
- if N <= 0:
- raise Exception("Error: N <= 0")
- for n in range(1, N + 1):
- yield combinations(elements, n)
-def add_back(unc_bin_path, input_files, formatted_files, langs, options_r,
- options_k, tmp_dir):
- """
- lets Uncrustify format files with generated configs files until all
- formatted files match their according expected files.
- Multiple config files are generated based on a (base) list of Uncrustify
- options combined with additional (new) options derived from combinations of
- another list of options.
- accesses global var(s): RESTULTSFLAG
- Parameters
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- :param unc_bin_path: str
- path to the Uncrustify binary
- :param input_files: list / tuple< str >
- a list containing paths to a files that are going to be formatted
- :param formatted_files: list / tuple< str >
- a list containing paths to files containing the expected contents
- :param langs: list / tuple< str > / None
- a list of languages the files, used as Uncrustifys -l argument
- can be None or shorter than the amount of provided files
- :param options_r: list< tuple< str, str > >
- the list of options from which combinations will be derived
- :param options_k: list< tuple< str, str > >
- the (base) list of Uncrustify options
- :param tmp_dir: str
- the directory in which the config files will be written to
- :return: list< tuple< str, str > > / None
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- list of additional option that were needed to generate matching file
- contents
- """
- lang_max_idx = -1 if langs is None else len(langs) - 1
- file_len = len(input_files)
- if len(formatted_files) != file_len:
- raise Exception("len(input_files) != len(formatted_files)")
- for m_combination in gen_multi_combinations(options_r, len(options_r)):
- for idx, (r_combination) in enumerate(m_combination):
- write_config_file2((options_k, r_combination, tmp_dir, idx))
- cfg_file_path = "%s%suncr-r-%d.cfg" % (tmp_dir, os_path_sep, idx)
- res = []
- for file_idx in range(file_len):
- lang = None if idx > lang_max_idx else langs[file_idx]
- r = process_uncrustify(
- (0, formatted_files[file_idx], unc_bin_path, cfg_file_path,
- input_files[file_idx], lang))
- res.append(r[1])
- # all files, flag = remove -> option can be removed -> equal output
- if res.count(RESTULTSFLAG.REMOVE) == len(res):
- return r_combination
- return None
-def sanity_raw_run(args):
- """
- wrapper for same_expected_generated(), prints error message if the config
- file does not generate the expected result
- Parameters
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- :param args:
- see same_expected_generated
- :return:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- see same_expected_generated
- """
- res = same_expected_generated(*args)
- if not res:
- formatted_file_path = args[0]
- config_file_path = args[2]
- input_file_path = args[3]
- print("\nprovided config does not create formatted source file:\n"
- " %s\n %s\n->| %s"
- % (input_file_path, config_file_path, formatted_file_path),
- file=stderr)
- return res
-def sanity_run(args):
- """
- wrapper for same_expected_generated(), prints error message if the config
- file does not generate the expected result
- Parameters
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- :param args:
- see same_expected_generated
- :return:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- see same_expected_generated
- """
- res = same_expected_generated(*args)
- if not res:
- formatted_file_path = args[0]
- input_file_path = args[3]
- print("\ngenerated config does not create formatted source file:\n"
- " %s\n %s"
- % (input_file_path, formatted_file_path), file=stderr)
- return res
-def sanity_run_splitter(uncr_bin, config_list, input_files, formatted_files,
- langs, tmp_dir, jobs):
- """
- writes config option into a file and tests if every input file is formatted
- so that is matches the content of the according expected file
- Parameters
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- :param uncr_bin: str
- path to the Uncrustify binary
- :param config_list: list< tuple< str, str > >
- a list of tuples containing option names and values
- :param input_files: list / tuple< str >
- a list containing paths to a files that are going to be formatted
- :param formatted_files: list / tuple< str >
- a list containing paths to files containing the expected contents
- :param langs: list / tuple< str > / None
- a list of languages the files, used as Uncrustifys -l argument
- can be None or shorter than the amount of provided files
- :param tmp_dir: str
- the directory in which the config files will be written to
- :param jobs: int
- number of processes to use
- :return: bool
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- True if all files generate correct results, False oterhwise
- """
- file_len = len(input_files)
- if len(formatted_files) != file_len:
- raise Exception("len(input_files) != len(formatted_files)")
- gen_cfg_path = path_join(tmp_dir, "gen.cfg")
- with open(gen_cfg_path, 'w') as f:
- print_config(config_list, target_file_obj=f)
- lang_max_idx = -1 if langs is None else len(langs) - 1
- args = []
- for idx in range(file_len):
- lang = None if idx > lang_max_idx else langs[idx]
- args.append((formatted_files[idx], uncr_bin, gen_cfg_path,
- input_files[idx], lang))
- pool = Pool(processes=jobs)
- sr =, args)
- return False not in sr
-def print_config(config_list, target_file_obj=stdout, exclude_idx=()):
- """
- prints config options into a config file
- Parameters
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- :param config_list: list< tuple< str, str > >
- a list containing pairs of option names and option values
- :param target_file_obj: file object
- see file param of print()
- :param exclude_idx: int / list< int >
- index of option(s) that are not going to be printed
- """
- if not config_list:
- return
- config_list_len = len(config_list)
- # check if exclude_idx list is empty -> assign len
- if type(exclude_idx) in (list, tuple) and not exclude_idx:
- exclude_idx = [config_list_len]
- else:
- # sort it, unless it is an int -> transform into a list
- try:
- exclude_idx = sorted(exclude_idx)
- except TypeError:
- exclude_idx = [exclude_idx]
- # extracted first loop round:
- # do not print '\n' for the ( here non-existing) previous line
- if exclude_idx[0] != 0:
- print("%s = %s" % (config_list[0][0].ljust(31, ' '), config_list[0][1]),
- end='', file=target_file_obj)
- # also print space if a single option was provided and it is going to be
- # excluded. This is done in order to be able to differentiate between
- # --empty-nochange and the case where all options can be removed
- elif config_list_len == 1:
- print(' ', end='', file=target_file_obj)
- return
- start_idx = 1
- for end in exclude_idx:
- end = min(end, config_list_len)
- for idx in range(start_idx, end):
- print("\n%s = %s"
- % (config_list[idx][0].ljust(31, ' '), config_list[idx][1]),
- end='', file=target_file_obj)
- start_idx = min(end + 1, config_list_len)
- # after
- for idx in range(start_idx, config_list_len):
- print("\n%s = %s"
- % (config_list[idx][0].ljust(31, ' '), config_list[idx][1]),
- end='', file=target_file_obj)
-def get_non_default_options(unc_bin_path, cfg_file_path):
- """
- calls Uncrustify to generate a debug file from which a config only with
- non default valued options are extracted
- accesses global var(s): NULL_DEV
- Parameters
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- :param unc_bin_path: str
- path to the Uncrustify binary
- :param cfg_file_path: str
- path to a config file for Uncrustify
- :return: list< str >
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- amount of lines in the provided and shortened config
- """
- lines = []
- with make_raw_temp_file(suffix='.unc') as (fd, file_path):
- # make debug file
- uncrustify(unc_bin_path, cfg_file_path, NULL_DEV, debug_file=file_path,
- check=True)
- # extract non comment lines -> non default config lines
- with open_fd(fd, 'r') as fp:
- lines =
- lines = [line for line in lines if not line[:1] == '#']
- return lines
-def parse_config_file(file_obj):
- """
- Reads in a Uncrustify config file
- Parameters
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- :param file_obj:
- the file object of an opened config file
- :return: list< tuple< str, str > >
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- a list containing pairs of option names and option values
- """
- # dict used to only save the last option setting if the same option occurs
- # multiple times, without this:
- # optionA0 can be removed because optionA1 = s0, and
- # optionA1 can be removed because optionA0 = s0
- # -> optionA0, optionA1 are both removed
- config_map = OrderedDict()
- # special keys may not have this limitation, as for example
- # 'set x y' and 'set x z' do not overwrite each other
- special_keys = {'macro-open', 'macro-else', 'macro-close', 'set', 'type',
- 'file_ext', 'define'}
- special_list = []
- for line in file_obj:
- # cut comments
- pound_pos = line.find('#')
- if pound_pos != -1:
- line = line[:pound_pos]
- split_pos = line.find('=')
- if split_pos == -1:
- split_pos = line.find(' ')
- if split_pos == -1:
- continue
- key = line[:split_pos].strip()
- value = line[split_pos + 1:].strip()
- if key in special_keys:
- special_list.append((key, value))
- else:
- config_map[key] = value
- config_list = list(config_map.items())
- config_list += special_list
- return config_list
-def count_lines(file_path):
- """
- returns the count of lines in a file by counting '\n' chars
- Parameters
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- :param file_path: str
- file in which the lines will be counted
- :return: int
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- number a lines
- """
- in_count = 0
- with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
- in_count ='\n') + 1
- return in_count
-def reduce(options_list):
- """
- Reduces the given options to a minimum
- accesses global var(s): FLAGS, RESTULTSFLAG, ERROR_CODE
- Parameters
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- :param options_list: list< tuple< str, str > >
- the list of options that are going to be reduced
- :return: int, list< tuple< str, str > >
- status return code, reduced options
- """
- config_list_len = len(options_list)
- ret_flag = ERROR_CODE.NONE
- file_count = len(FLAGS.input_file_path)
- lang_max_idx = -1 if FLAGS.lang is None else len(FLAGS.lang) - 1
- pool = Pool(
- with make_temp_directory() as tmp_dir:
- # region sanity run ----------------------------------------------------
- args = []
- for idx in range(file_count):
- lang = None if idx > lang_max_idx else FLAGS.lang[idx]
- args.append((FLAGS.formatted_file_path[idx],
- FLAGS.uncrustify_binary_path, FLAGS.config_file_path,
- FLAGS.input_file_path[idx], lang))
- sr =, args)
- del args[:]
- if False in sr:
- return ERROR_CODE.SANITY0, []
- del sr[:]
- # endregion
- # region config generator loop -----------------------------------------
- args = []
- for e_idx in range(config_list_len):
- args.append((options_list, tmp_dir, e_idx))
-, args)
- del args[:]
- # endregion
- # region main loop -----------------------------------------------------
- args = []
- jobs = config_list_len * file_count
- for idx in range(jobs):
- file_idx = idx // config_list_len
- option_idx = idx % config_list_len
- cfg_file_path = "%s%suncr-%d.cfg" \
- % (tmp_dir, os_path_sep, option_idx)
- lang = None if idx > lang_max_idx else FLAGS.lang[file_idx]
- args.append((idx, FLAGS.formatted_file_path[file_idx],
- FLAGS.uncrustify_binary_path, cfg_file_path,
- FLAGS.input_file_path[file_idx], lang))
- results =, args)
- del args[:]
- # endregion
- # region clean results -------------------------------------------------
- option_flags = [RESTULTSFLAG.NONE] * config_list_len
- for r in results:
- idx = r[0]
- flag = r[1]
- option_idx = idx % config_list_len
- if option_flags[option_idx] == RESTULTSFLAG.KEEP:
- continue
- option_flags[option_idx] = flag
- del results[:]
- # endregion
- options_r = [options_list[idx] for idx, x in enumerate(option_flags)
- options_list = [options_list[idx] for idx, x in enumerate(option_flags)
- del option_flags[:]
- # region sanity run ----------------------------------------------------
- # options can be removed one at a time generating appropriate results,
- # oddly enough sometimes a config generated this way can fail when a
- # combination of multiple options is missing
- s_flag = True
- if options_r:
- s_flag = sanity_run_splitter(
- FLAGS.uncrustify_binary_path, options_list,
- FLAGS.input_file_path, FLAGS.formatted_file_path, FLAGS.lang,
- tmp_dir,
- if not s_flag:
- ret_flag = ERROR_CODE.SANITY1
- print("\n\nstumbled upon complex option dependencies in \n"
- " %s\n"
- "trying to add back minimal amount of removed options\n"
- % FLAGS.config_file_path, file=stderr)
- ret_options = add_back(
- FLAGS.uncrustify_binary_path, FLAGS.input_file_path,
- FLAGS.formatted_file_path, FLAGS.lang, options_r,
- options_list, tmp_dir)
- if ret_options:
- options_list.extend(ret_options)
- s_flag = sanity_run_splitter(
- FLAGS.uncrustify_binary_path, options_list,
- FLAGS.input_file_path, FLAGS.formatted_file_path,
- FLAGS.lang, tmp_dir,
- if s_flag:
- print("Success!", file=stderr)
- ret_flag = ERROR_CODE.NONE
- # endregion
- return ret_flag, options_list if ret_flag == ERROR_CODE.NONE else []
-def reduce_mode():
- """
- the mode that minimizes a config file as much as possible
- accesses global var(s): FLAGS, ERROR_CODE
- """
- ret_flag = ERROR_CODE.NONE
- option_list = {}
- # gen & parse non default config
- lines = get_non_default_options(FLAGS.uncrustify_binary_path,
- FLAGS.config_file_path)
- option_list = parse_config_file(lines)
- config_list_len = len(option_list)
- config_lines_init = count_lines(FLAGS.config_file_path)
- config_lines_ndef = len(lines)
- del lines[:]
- # early return if all options are already removed at this point
- if config_list_len == 0:
- if not FLAGS.empty_nochange \
- or (config_lines_init - config_lines_ndef) > 0:
- if not FLAGS.quiet:
- print("\n%s" % '# '.ljust(78, '-'))
- print(" ")
- if not FLAGS.quiet:
- print("%s" % '# '.ljust(78, '-'))
- print("# initial config lines: %d,\n"
- "# default options and unneeded lines: %d,\n"
- "# unneeded options: 0,\n"
- "# kept options: 0"
- % (config_lines_init, config_lines_init))
- print("ret_flag: 0", file=stderr)
- # gen reduced options
- config_lines_redu = -1
- for i in range(FLAGS.passes):
- old_config_lines_redu = config_lines_redu
- ret_flag, option_list = reduce(option_list)
- config_lines_redu = len(option_list)
- if ret_flag != ERROR_CODE.NONE \
- or config_lines_redu == old_config_lines_redu:
- break
- if ret_flag == ERROR_CODE.NONE:
- # use the debug file trick again to get correctly sorted options
- with make_raw_temp_file(suffix='.unc') as (fd, file_path):
- with open_fd(fd, 'w') as f:
- print_config(option_list, target_file_obj=f)
- lines = get_non_default_options(FLAGS.uncrustify_binary_path,
- file_path)
- option_list = parse_config_file(lines)
- # print output + stats
- if not FLAGS.empty_nochange or config_lines_ndef != config_lines_redu:
- if not FLAGS.quiet:
- print("\n%s" % '# '.ljust(78, '-'))
- print_config(option_list)
- if not FLAGS.quiet:
- print("\n%s" % '# '.ljust(78, '-'))
- print("# initial config lines: %d,\n"
- "# default options and unneeded lines: %d,\n"
- "# unneeded options: %d,\n"
- "# kept options: %d"
- % (config_lines_init,
- config_lines_init - config_lines_ndef,
- config_lines_ndef - config_lines_redu,
- config_lines_redu))
- print("ret_flag: %d" % ret_flag, file=stderr)
- return ret_flag
-def no_default_mode():
- """
- the mode removes all unnecessary lines and options with default values
- accesses global var(s): FLAGS, ERROR_CODE
- """
- lines = get_non_default_options(FLAGS.uncrustify_binary_path,
- FLAGS.config_file_path, )
- config_lines_ndef = len(lines)
- config_lines_init = count_lines(FLAGS.config_file_path)
- if not FLAGS.empty_nochange or (config_lines_ndef != config_lines_init):
- if not FLAGS.quiet:
- print("%s" % '# '.ljust(78, '-'))
- options_str = '\n'.join(lines)
- if not options_str:
- print(" ")
- else:
- print(options_str, file=stdout)
- if not FLAGS.quiet:
- print("%s" % '# '.ljust(78, '-'))
- print("# initial config lines: %d,\n"
- "# default options and unneeded lines: %d,\n"
- % (config_lines_init, config_lines_init - config_lines_ndef))
-def main():
- """
- calls the mode that was specified by the -m script argument,
- defaults to reduce_mode if not provided or unknown mode
- accesses global var(s): MODES, FLAGS
- :return: int
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- return code
- """
- if FLAGS.mode == MODES[1]:
- return no_default_mode()
- return reduce_mode()
-def valid_file(arg_parser, *args):
- """
- checks if on of the provided paths is a file
- Parameters
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- :param arg_parser:
- argument parser object that is called if no file is found
- :param args: list< str >
- a list of file path that is going to be checked
- :return: str
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- path to an existing file
- """
- arg = None
- found_flag = False
- for arg in args:
- if exists(arg):
- found_flag = True
- break
- if not found_flag:
- arg_parser.error("file(s) do not exist: %s" % args)
- return arg
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- """
- parses all script arguments and calls main()
- accesses global var(s): FLAGS, ERROR_CODE, MODES
- """
- arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- group_general = arg_parser.add_argument_group(
- 'general options', 'Options used by both modes')
- group_general.add_argument(
- '-q', '--quiet',
- default=False,
- action='store_true',
- help='Whether or not messages, other than the actual config output, '
- 'should be printed to stdout.'
- )
- group_general.add_argument(
- '--empty-nochange',
- default=False,
- action='store_true',
- help='Do not print anything to stdout if no options could be removed'
- )
- group_general.add_argument(
- '-m', '--mode',
- type=str,
- choices=MODES,
- default=MODES[0],
- help="The script operation mode. Defaults to '%s'" % MODES[0]
- )
- group_general.add_argument(
- '-b', '--uncrustify_binary_path',
- metavar='<path>',
- type=lambda x: valid_file(
- arg_parser, x,
- "../build/uncrustify.exe",
- "../build/Debug/uncrustify",
- "../build/Debug/uncrustify.exe",
- "../build/Release/uncrustify",
- "../build/Release/uncrustify.exe"),
- default="../build/uncrustify",
- help="The Uncrustify binary file path. Is searched in known locations "
- "in the 'Uncrustify/build/' directory if no <path> is provided."
- )
- group_general.add_argument(
- '-c', '--config_file_path',
- metavar='<path>',
- type=lambda x: valid_file(arg_parser, x),
- required=True,
- help='Path to the config file.'
- )
- group_reduce = arg_parser.add_argument_group(
- 'reduce mode', 'Options to reduce configuration file options')
- group_reduce.add_argument(
- '-i', '--input_file_path',
- metavar='<path>',
- type=lambda x: valid_file(arg_parser, x),
- nargs='+',
- action='append',
- help="Path to the unformatted source file. "
- "Required if mode '%s' is used" % MODES[0]
- )
- group_reduce.add_argument(
- '-f', '--formatted_file_path',
- metavar='<path>',
- type=lambda x: valid_file(arg_parser, x),
- nargs='+',
- action='append',
- help="Path to the formatted source file. "
- "Required if mode '%s' is used" % MODES[0]
- )
- group_reduce.add_argument(
- '-l', '--lang',
- metavar='<str>',
- nargs='+',
- required=False,
- action='append',
- help='Uncrustify processing language for each input file'
- )
- group_reduce.add_argument(
- '-j', '--jobs',
- metavar='<nr>',
- type=int,
- default=cpu_count(),
- help='Number of concurrent jobs.'
- )
- group_reduce.add_argument(
- '-p', '--passes',
- metavar='<nr>',
- type=int,
- default=5,
- help='Max. number of cleaning passes.'
- )
- group_no_default = arg_parser.add_argument_group(
- 'no-default mode', 'Options to remove configuration file option with '
- 'default values: ~~_Currently only the general'
- ' options are used for this mode_~~')
- FLAGS, unparsed = arg_parser.parse_known_args()
- if FLAGS.lang is not None:
- FLAGS.lang = [j for i in FLAGS.lang for j in i]
- if FLAGS.mode == MODES[0]:
- if not FLAGS.input_file_path or not FLAGS.formatted_file_path:
- arg_parser.error("Flags -f and -i are required in Mode '%s'!"
- % MODES[0])
- sys_exit(ERROR_CODE.FLAGS)
- # flatten 2 dimensional args: -f p -f p -f p -f p0 p1 p2 -> [[],[], ...]
- FLAGS.input_file_path = [j for i in FLAGS.input_file_path for j in i]
- FLAGS.formatted_file_path = [j for i in
- FLAGS.formatted_file_path for j in i]
- if len(FLAGS.input_file_path) != len(FLAGS.formatted_file_path):
- print("Unequal amount of input and formatted file paths.",
- file=stderr)
- sys_exit(ERROR_CODE.FLAGS)
- sys_exit(main())