path: root/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten')
12 files changed, 1309 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/CMakeLists.txt b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72b6efa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.0)
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SET(emscripten_root_path "$ENV{EMSCRIPTEN}")
+ find_file(EMCC_EXECUTABLE emcc HINTS "/usr/lib/emscripten")
+ get_filename_component(emscripten_root_path ${EMCC_EXECUTABLE} DIRECTORY)
+ endif()
+# Abort if not found.
+if ("${emscripten_root_path}" STREQUAL "")
+ MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Could not locate the Emscripten directory via the \
+ EMSCRIPTEN environment variable! Set it up or pass \
+ -Demscripten_root_path=xxx to CMake to specify the \
+ directory.")
+SET(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE "${emscripten_root_path}/cmake/Modules/Platform/Emscripten.cmake")
+SET(project_name "libUncrustify")
+#get parent folder, add src
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+find_package(PythonInterp REQUIRED)
+# Determine config
+ # Windows builds use src/windows_compat.h instead of config.h
+ # Generate config.h
+ set(avail_headers "")
+ set(headers
+ inttypes.h
+ memory.h
+ stdint.h
+ stdlib.h
+ strings.h
+ string.h
+ sys/stat.h
+ sys/types.h
+ unistd.h
+ utime.h
+ )
+ foreach(header ${headers})
+ string(TOUPPER "${header}" header_uc)
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "[^A-Z0-9_]" "_" include_var "HAVE_${header_uc}")
+ check_include_file_cxx("${header}" ${include_var})
+ if(${include_var})
+ list(APPEND avail_headers ${header})
+ endif()
+ unset(include_var)
+ unset(header_uc)
+ endforeach()
+ unset(headers)
+ check_include_file("stdbool.h" HAVE_STDBOOL_H)
+ set(symbols
+ memset
+ strcasecmp
+ strchr
+ strdup
+ strerror
+ strtol
+ strtoul
+ )
+ foreach(symbol ${symbols})
+ string(TOUPPER "${symbol}" symbol_uc)
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "[^A-Z0-9_]" "_" symbol_var "HAVE_${symbol_uc}")
+ check_cxx_symbol_exists("${symbol}" "${avail_headers}" ${symbol_var})
+ unset(symbol_var)
+ unset(symbol_uc)
+ endforeach()
+ unset(symbols)
+ unset(avail_headers)
+ check_type_size(_Bool _BOOL LANGUAGE C)
+ configure_file("${unc_projdir}/src/" config.h @ONLY)
+# Generate uncrustify_version.h
+set(CURRENT_VERSION "Uncrustify-0.69.0_f")
+option(NoGitVersionString "Do not use and git to build a version string" OFF)
+ configure_file("${unc_projdir}/src/" "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/uncrustify_version.h" @ONLY)
+ # Add target to generate version header;
+ # do this every build to ensure git SHA is up to date
+ add_custom_target(generate_version_header
+ -D SOURCE_DIR:PATH="${unc_projdir}"
+ -D INPUT:PATH="${unc_projdir}/src/"
+ -D OUTPUT:PATH="${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/uncrustify_version.h"
+ -P ${unc_projdir}/cmake/GenerateVersionHeader.cmake
+ COMMENT "Generating version header"
+ )
+ set_source_files_properties(
+ "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/uncrustify_version.h"
+ )
+# Generate token_names.h
+ OUTPUT "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/token_names.h"
+ "-Dsrc_file=${unc_projdir}/src/token_enum.h"
+ "-Ddst_file=${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/token_names.h"
+ -P "${unc_projdir}/cmake/GenerateTokenNames.cmake"
+ MAIN_DEPENDENCY "${unc_projdir}/src/token_enum.h"
+ COMMENT "Generating token_names.h"
+# Set up commands for generated source files
+function(py_gen OUTPUT SCRIPT INPUT)
+ set(out "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/src/${OUTPUT}")
+ set(deps "${unc_projdir}/src/${INPUT}")
+ get_filename_component(outdir "${out}" DIRECTORY)
+ foreach(arg IN LISTS ARGN)
+ list(APPEND deps "${unc_projdir}/src/${arg}")
+ endforeach()
+ add_custom_command(
+ OUTPUT "${out}"
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory "${outdir}"
+ "${unc_projdir}/scripts/${SCRIPT}"
+ "${out}"
+ ${deps}
+ DEPENDS ${deps} "${unc_projdir}/scripts/${SCRIPT}"
+ MAIN_DEPENDENCY ${unc_projdir}/src/${INPUT}
+ COMMENT "Generating ${OUTPUT}"
+ )
+ symbols_table.h
+ options.h
+ option.h
+ option.h
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+FILE(GLOB unc_infiles "${unc_projdir}/src/*.cpp")
+ ${unc_infiles}
+ ${unc_projdir}/src/token_enum.h
+ ${unc_projdir}/src/symbols_table.h
+ ${unc_projdir}/src/options.h
+ ${unc_projdir}/src/option.h
+ ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/src/options.cpp
+ ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/src/option_enum.cpp
+ ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/src/option_enum.h
+ ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/uncrustify_version.h
+ ${unc_projdir}/src/
+ ${unc_projdir}/src/
+ ${unc_projdir}/src/
+add_dependencies(${project_name} generate_version_header)
+ ${unc_projdir}/src
+SET(unc_compile_flags "--bind -O3")
+ COMPILE_FLAGS "${unc_compile_flags}"
+ LINK_FLAGS "${unc_compile_flags} \
+ -s TOTAL_MEMORY=67108864 \
+ -s VERBOSE=1 \
+ -s EXPORT_NAME=\"'${project_name}'\" \
+ -s 'EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=[\"UTF8ToString\",\"stringToUTF8\",\"lengthBytesUTF8\", \"writeAsciiToMemory\"]' \
+ -s WASM=0\
+ --memory-init-file 0\
+ --pre-js ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/prefix_module.js \
+ --post-js ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/postfix_module.js \
+ ")
+EM_LINK_PRE_JS(${project_name} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/prefix_module.js)
+EM_LINK_POST_JS(${project_name} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/postfix_module.js)
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# add file post/pre-fix
+add_custom_command(TARGET ${project_name}
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -Dunc_targetfile:FILEPATH=$<TARGET_FILE:${project_name}>
+ -P "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/CMake_catFiles.cmake"
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -Dunc_targetfile:FILEPATH=$<TARGET_FILE:${project_name}>
+ -Dunc_projdir:FILEPATH=${unc_projdir}
+ -P "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/CMake_emscripten_test.cmake"
+ COMMENT "Starting libUncrustify.js tests:"
diff --git a/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/CMake_catFiles.cmake b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/CMake_catFiles.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c637ea24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/CMake_catFiles.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+if(NOT unc_targetfile)
+ MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "unc_targetfile param not defined")
+function(cat IN_FILE OUT_FILE)
+SET(unc_tmpfile "${unc_targetfile}_.tmp")
+file(WRITE "${unc_tmpfile}" "")
+cat("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/prefix_file" "${unc_tmpfile}")
+cat("${unc_targetfile}" "${unc_tmpfile}")
+cat("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/postfix_file" "${unc_tmpfile}")
+file(RENAME "${unc_tmpfile}" "${unc_targetfile}")
diff --git a/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/CMake_emscripten_test.cmake b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/CMake_emscripten_test.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a37ee945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/CMake_emscripten_test.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+if(NOT unc_targetfile)
+ MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "unc_targetfile param not defined")
+if(NOT unc_projdir )
+ MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "unc_projdir param not defined")
+message(STATUS "unc_targetfile: ${unc_targetfile}")
+message(STATUS "test_dir: ${unc_projdir}/emscripten/test/")
+message(STATUS "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+find_package(PythonInterp REQUIRED)
+ COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} "${unc_projdir}/emscripten/test/" "${unc_targetfile}" "${unc_projdir}/emscripten/test/"
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${unc_projdir}
+ RESULT_VARIABLE make_version_error
+ OUTPUT_VARIABLE make_version_output
+MESSAGE(STATUS ${make_version_output})
+if(NOT ${make_version_error} EQUAL 0)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "errno: ${make_version_error}")
diff --git a/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/ b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22012383
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ **dependencies**: cmake, python, clang, emscripten, node
+ 1. create a `build` directory somewhere
+ 2. inside this directory call `cmake <CMakeLists.txt directory>` and `make`<br>
+ (the CMakeLists.txt file is located in <uncrustify_root_dir>/emscripten)
+Optionally the generated libUncrustify.js can be tested via `make emscripten_test`
+_libUncrustify.js_ example usage
+1. load module instance:
+ ```js
+ var uncrustify = libUncrustify();
+ ```
+2. set option settings either one at a time with:
+ ```js
+ uncrustify.set_option( "optionNameString", "newOptionValueString" );
+ ```
+ or a whole bunch via:
+ ```js
+ uncrustify.loadConfig( "configFileFormatString" )
+ ```
+3. set the language of the to be formated file string
+ ```js
+ uncrustify.set_language( languageInt );
+ ```
+4. format a file string:
+ ```js
+ var uncrustyFileString = uncrustify.uncrustify( "crustyFileString" );
+ ```
+5. delete initialized module instance:
+ ```js
+ uncrustify.destruct();
+ ```
diff --git a/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/ b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..df4b6fe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# script to build without cmake,
+# manually generate header files usually created by CMake,
+# past those inside Uncrustifys 'src' dir
+# run this script in the 'emscripten' dir
+sh_dir="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"
+em++ -O3 \
+ ${COMMENT# initialy increase memory for big input files } \
+ -s TOTAL_MEMORY=67108864 \
+ ${COMMENT# let the memory grow dynamically if even more is needed } \
+ -s VERBOSE=1 \
+ -s EXPORT_NAME="'libUncrustify'" \
+ -s "EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=['UTF8ToString', 'stringToUTF8', 'lengthBytesUTF8', 'writeAsciiToMemory']" \
+ --bind \
+ --pre-js prefix_module.js \
+ --post-js postfix_module.js \
+ ${COMMENT# TODO: handle async ajax load to enable this } \
+ --memory-init-file 0 \
+ -o $out \
+ ../src/*.cpp \
+&& cat "./prefix_file" "$out" "./postfix_file" > "$outTmp" \
+&& mv "$outTmp" "$out" \
+&& ./test/ "$sh_dir/libUncrustify.js" "$sh_dir/test"
diff --git a/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/libUncrustify.d.ts b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/libUncrustify.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1e7b7fb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/libUncrustify.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+* Emscriptens interface for bound std::vectors
+interface EmscriptenVector< T >
+ get( i : number ) : T
+ push_back( elem : T );
+ resize( size : number, elem : T );
+ size() : number;
+ get() : T;
+ set( elem : T );
+// isAliasOf();
+// clone();
+// delete();
+// isDeleted() : boolean;
+// deleteLater();
+* Emscriptens interface for bound enum types
+interface EmscriptenEnumType
+ //! returns list with value objects of an enum
+ values() : EmscriptenVector<EmscriptenEnumTypeObject>;
+* Emscriptens interface for bound enum type value objects
+interface EmscriptenEnumTypeObject
+ //! return value of an enum value object
+ value : number;
+declare namespace LibUncrustify
+ // <editor-fold desc="enums">
+ // Example how to iterate below options : forin iterate Options,
+ // skip 'values' key, [ s : Options_STRING ] : EmscriptenEnumTypeObject;
+ // region enum bindings
+ export interface OptionTypeValue extends EmscriptenEnumTypeObject {}
+ export interface OptionType extends EmscriptenEnumType
+ {
+ BOOL : OptionTypeValue;
+ IARF : OptionTypeValue;
+ LINEEND : OptionTypeValue;
+ TOKENPOS : OptionTypeValue;
+ NUM : OptionTypeValue;
+ UNUM : OptionTypeValue;
+ STRING : OptionTypeValue;
+ }
+ export interface IARFValue extends EmscriptenEnumTypeObject {}
+ export interface IARF extends EmscriptenEnumType
+ {
+ ADD : IARFValue;
+ FORCE : IARFValue;
+ }
+ export interface LineEndValue extends EmscriptenEnumTypeObject {}
+ export interface LineEnd extends EmscriptenEnumType
+ {
+ LF : LineEndValue;
+ CRLF : LineEndValue;
+ CR : LineEndValue;
+ AUTO : LineEndValue;
+ }
+ export interface TokenPosValue extends EmscriptenEnumTypeObject {}
+ export interface TokenPos extends EmscriptenEnumType
+ {
+ IGNORE : TokenPosValue;
+ BREAK : TokenPosValue;
+ FORCE : TokenPosValue;
+ LEAD : TokenPosValue;
+ TRAIL : TokenPosValue;
+ JOIN : TokenPosValue;
+ LEAD_BREAK : TokenPosValue;
+ LEAD_FORCE : TokenPosValue;
+ TRAIL_BREAK : TokenPosValue;
+ TRAIL_FORCE : TokenPosValue;
+ }
+ export interface LogTypeValue extends EmscriptenEnumTypeObject {}
+ export interface LogType extends EmscriptenEnumType
+ {
+ SYS : LogTypeValue;
+ ERR : LogTypeValue;
+ WARN : LogTypeValue;
+ NOTE : LogTypeValue;
+ INFO : LogTypeValue;
+ DATA : LogTypeValue;
+ FILELIST : LogTypeValue;
+ LINEENDS : LogTypeValue;
+ CASTS : LogTypeValue;
+ ALBR : LogTypeValue;
+ ALTD : LogTypeValue;
+ ALPP : LogTypeValue;
+ ALPROTO : LogTypeValue;
+ ALNLC : LogTypeValue;
+ ALTC : LogTypeValue;
+ ALADD : LogTypeValue;
+ ALASS : LogTypeValue;
+ FVD : LogTypeValue;
+ FVD2 : LogTypeValue;
+ INDENT : LogTypeValue;
+ INDENT2 : LogTypeValue;
+ INDPSE : LogTypeValue;
+ INDPC : LogTypeValue;
+ NEWLINE : LogTypeValue;
+ PF : LogTypeValue;
+ STMT : LogTypeValue;
+ TOK : LogTypeValue;
+ ALRC : LogTypeValue;
+ CMTIND : LogTypeValue;
+ INDLINE : LogTypeValue;
+ SIB : LogTypeValue;
+ RETURN : LogTypeValue;
+ BRDEL : LogTypeValue;
+ FCN : LogTypeValue;
+ FCNP : LogTypeValue;
+ PCU : LogTypeValue;
+ DYNKW : LogTypeValue;
+ OUTIND : LogTypeValue;
+ BCSAFTER : LogTypeValue;
+ BCSPOP : LogTypeValue;
+ BCSPUSH : LogTypeValue;
+ BCSSWAP : LogTypeValue;
+ FTOR : LogTypeValue;
+ AS : LogTypeValue;
+ PPIS : LogTypeValue;
+ TYPEDEF : LogTypeValue;
+ VARDEF : LogTypeValue;
+ DEFVAL : LogTypeValue;
+ PVSEMI : LogTypeValue;
+ PFUNC : LogTypeValue;
+ SPLIT : LogTypeValue;
+ FTYPE : LogTypeValue;
+ TEMPL : LogTypeValue;
+ PARADD : LogTypeValue;
+ PARADD2 : LogTypeValue;
+ BLANKD : LogTypeValue;
+ TEMPFUNC : LogTypeValue;
+ SCANSEMI : LogTypeValue;
+ DELSEMI : LogTypeValue;
+ FPARAM : LogTypeValue;
+ NL1LINE : LogTypeValue;
+ PFCHK : LogTypeValue;
+ AVDB : LogTypeValue;
+ SORT : LogTypeValue;
+ SPACE : LogTypeValue;
+ ALIGN : LogTypeValue;
+ ALAGAIN : LogTypeValue;
+ OPERATOR : LogTypeValue;
+ ASFCP : LogTypeValue;
+ INDLINED : LogTypeValue;
+ BCTRL : LogTypeValue;
+ RMRETURN : LogTypeValue;
+ PPIF : LogTypeValue;
+ MCB : LogTypeValue;
+ BRCH : LogTypeValue;
+ FCNR : LogTypeValue;
+ OCCLASS : LogTypeValue;
+ OCMSG : LogTypeValue;
+ BLANK : LogTypeValue;
+ OBJCWORD : LogTypeValue;
+ CHANGE : LogTypeValue;
+ CONTTEXT : LogTypeValue;
+ ANNOT : LogTypeValue;
+ OCBLK : LogTypeValue;
+ FLPAREN : LogTypeValue;
+ OCMSGD : LogTypeValue;
+ INDENTAG : LogTypeValue;
+ NFD : LogTypeValue;
+ JDBI : LogTypeValue;
+ SETPAR : LogTypeValue;
+ SETTYP : LogTypeValue;
+ SETFLG : LogTypeValue;
+ NLFUNCT : LogTypeValue;
+ CHUNK : LogTypeValue;
+ GUY98 : LogTypeValue;
+ GUY : LogTypeValue;
+ }
+ export interface TokenTypeValue extends EmscriptenEnumTypeObject {}
+ export interface TokenType extends EmscriptenEnumType
+ {
+ NONE : TokenTypeValue;
+ EOF : TokenTypeValue;
+ UNKNOWN : TokenTypeValue;
+ JUNK : TokenTypeValue;
+ WHITESPACE : TokenTypeValue;
+ SPACE : TokenTypeValue;
+ NEWLINE : TokenTypeValue;
+ NL_CONT : TokenTypeValue;
+ COMMENT_CPP : TokenTypeValue;
+ COMMENT : TokenTypeValue;
+ COMMENT_MULTI : TokenTypeValue;
+ COMMENT_EMBED : TokenTypeValue;
+ COMMENT_START : TokenTypeValue;
+ COMMENT_END : TokenTypeValue;
+ COMMENT_WHOLE : TokenTypeValue;
+ COMMENT_ENDIF : TokenTypeValue;
+ IGNORED : TokenTypeValue;
+ WORD : TokenTypeValue;
+ NUMBER : TokenTypeValue;
+ NUMBER_FP : TokenTypeValue;
+ STRING : TokenTypeValue;
+ STRING_MULTI : TokenTypeValue;
+ IF : TokenTypeValue;
+ ELSE : TokenTypeValue;
+ ELSEIF : TokenTypeValue;
+ FOR : TokenTypeValue;
+ WHILE : TokenTypeValue;
+ WHILE_OF_DO : TokenTypeValue;
+ SWITCH : TokenTypeValue;
+ CASE : TokenTypeValue;
+ DO : TokenTypeValue;
+ SYNCHRONIZED : TokenTypeValue;
+ VOLATILE : TokenTypeValue;
+ TYPEDEF : TokenTypeValue;
+ STRUCT : TokenTypeValue;
+ ENUM : TokenTypeValue;
+ ENUM_CLASS : TokenTypeValue;
+ SIZEOF : TokenTypeValue;
+ DECLTYPE : TokenTypeValue;
+ RETURN : TokenTypeValue;
+ BREAK : TokenTypeValue;
+ UNION : TokenTypeValue;
+ GOTO : TokenTypeValue;
+ CONTINUE : TokenTypeValue;
+ C_CAST : TokenTypeValue;
+ CPP_CAST : TokenTypeValue;
+ D_CAST : TokenTypeValue;
+ TYPE_CAST : TokenTypeValue;
+ TYPENAME : TokenTypeValue;
+ TEMPLATE : TokenTypeValue;
+ WHERE_SPEC : TokenTypeValue;
+ ASSIGN : TokenTypeValue;
+ ASSIGN_NL : TokenTypeValue;
+ SASSIGN : TokenTypeValue;
+ ASSIGN_DEFAULT_ARG : TokenTypeValue;
+ ASSIGN_FUNC_PROTO : TokenTypeValue;
+ COMPARE : TokenTypeValue;
+ SCOMPARE : TokenTypeValue;
+ BOOL : TokenTypeValue;
+ SBOOL : TokenTypeValue;
+ ARITH : TokenTypeValue;
+ SARITH : TokenTypeValue;
+ CARET : TokenTypeValue;
+ DEREF : TokenTypeValue;
+ INCDEC_BEFORE : TokenTypeValue;
+ INCDEC_AFTER : TokenTypeValue;
+ MEMBER : TokenTypeValue;
+ DC_MEMBER : TokenTypeValue;
+ C99_MEMBER : TokenTypeValue;
+ INV : TokenTypeValue;
+ DESTRUCTOR : TokenTypeValue;
+ NOT : TokenTypeValue;
+ D_TEMPLATE : TokenTypeValue;
+ ADDR : TokenTypeValue;
+ NEG : TokenTypeValue;
+ POS : TokenTypeValue;
+ STAR : TokenTypeValue;
+ PLUS : TokenTypeValue;
+ MINUS : TokenTypeValue;
+ AMP : TokenTypeValue;
+ BYREF : TokenTypeValue;
+ POUND : TokenTypeValue;
+ PREPROC : TokenTypeValue;
+ PREPROC_INDENT : TokenTypeValue;
+ PREPROC_BODY : TokenTypeValue;
+ PP : TokenTypeValue;
+ ELLIPSIS : TokenTypeValue;
+ RANGE : TokenTypeValue;
+ NULLCOND : TokenTypeValue;
+ SEMICOLON : TokenTypeValue;
+ VSEMICOLON : TokenTypeValue;
+ COLON : TokenTypeValue;
+ ASM_COLON : TokenTypeValue;
+ CASE_COLON : TokenTypeValue;
+ CLASS_COLON : TokenTypeValue;
+ CONSTR_COLON : TokenTypeValue;
+ D_ARRAY_COLON : TokenTypeValue;
+ COND_COLON : TokenTypeValue;
+ WHERE_COLON : TokenTypeValue;
+ QUESTION : TokenTypeValue;
+ COMMA : TokenTypeValue;
+ ASM : TokenTypeValue;
+ ATTRIBUTE : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_AVAILABLE : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_AVAILABLE_VALUE : TokenTypeValue;
+ CATCH : TokenTypeValue;
+ WHEN : TokenTypeValue;
+ WHERE : TokenTypeValue;
+ CLASS : TokenTypeValue;
+ DELETE : TokenTypeValue;
+ EXPORT : TokenTypeValue;
+ FRIEND : TokenTypeValue;
+ NAMESPACE : TokenTypeValue;
+ PACKAGE : TokenTypeValue;
+ NEW : TokenTypeValue;
+ OPERATOR : TokenTypeValue;
+ OPERATOR_VAL : TokenTypeValue;
+ ASSIGN_OPERATOR : TokenTypeValue;
+ ACCESS : TokenTypeValue;
+ ACCESS_COLON : TokenTypeValue;
+ THROW : TokenTypeValue;
+ NOEXCEPT : TokenTypeValue;
+ TRY : TokenTypeValue;
+ BRACED_INIT_LIST : TokenTypeValue;
+ USING : TokenTypeValue;
+ USING_STMT : TokenTypeValue;
+ USING_ALIAS : TokenTypeValue;
+ D_WITH : TokenTypeValue;
+ D_MODULE : TokenTypeValue;
+ SUPER : TokenTypeValue;
+ DELEGATE : TokenTypeValue;
+ BODY : TokenTypeValue;
+ DEBUG : TokenTypeValue;
+ DEBUGGER : TokenTypeValue;
+ INVARIANT : TokenTypeValue;
+ UNITTEST : TokenTypeValue;
+ UNSAFE : TokenTypeValue;
+ FINALLY : TokenTypeValue;
+ FIXED : TokenTypeValue;
+ IMPORT : TokenTypeValue;
+ D_SCOPE : TokenTypeValue;
+ D_SCOPE_IF : TokenTypeValue;
+ LAZY : TokenTypeValue;
+ D_MACRO : TokenTypeValue;
+ D_VERSION : TokenTypeValue;
+ D_VERSION_IF : TokenTypeValue;
+ PAREN_OPEN : TokenTypeValue;
+ PAREN_CLOSE : TokenTypeValue;
+ ANGLE_OPEN : TokenTypeValue;
+ ANGLE_CLOSE : TokenTypeValue;
+ SPAREN_OPEN : TokenTypeValue;
+ SPAREN_CLOSE : TokenTypeValue;
+ FPAREN_OPEN : TokenTypeValue;
+ FPAREN_CLOSE : TokenTypeValue;
+ TPAREN_OPEN : TokenTypeValue;
+ TPAREN_CLOSE : TokenTypeValue;
+ BRACE_OPEN : TokenTypeValue;
+ BRACE_CLOSE : TokenTypeValue;
+ VBRACE_OPEN : TokenTypeValue;
+ VBRACE_CLOSE : TokenTypeValue;
+ SQUARE_OPEN : TokenTypeValue;
+ SQUARE_CLOSE : TokenTypeValue;
+ TSQUARE : TokenTypeValue;
+ MACRO_OPEN : TokenTypeValue;
+ MACRO_CLOSE : TokenTypeValue;
+ MACRO_ELSE : TokenTypeValue;
+ LABEL : TokenTypeValue;
+ LABEL_COLON : TokenTypeValue;
+ FUNCTION : TokenTypeValue;
+ FUNC_CALL : TokenTypeValue;
+ FUNC_CALL_USER : TokenTypeValue;
+ FUNC_DEF : TokenTypeValue;
+ FUNC_TYPE : TokenTypeValue;
+ FUNC_VAR : TokenTypeValue;
+ FUNC_PROTO : TokenTypeValue;
+ FUNC_START : TokenTypeValue;
+ FUNC_CLASS_DEF : TokenTypeValue;
+ FUNC_CLASS_PROTO : TokenTypeValue;
+ FUNC_CTOR_VAR : TokenTypeValue;
+ FUNC_WRAP : TokenTypeValue;
+ PROTO_WRAP : TokenTypeValue;
+ MACRO_FUNC : TokenTypeValue;
+ MACRO : TokenTypeValue;
+ QUALIFIER : TokenTypeValue;
+ EXTERN : TokenTypeValue;
+ DECLSPEC : TokenTypeValue;
+ ALIGN : TokenTypeValue;
+ TYPE : TokenTypeValue;
+ PTR_TYPE : TokenTypeValue;
+ TYPE_WRAP : TokenTypeValue;
+ CPP_LAMBDA : TokenTypeValue;
+ CPP_LAMBDA_RET : TokenTypeValue;
+ TRAILING_RET : TokenTypeValue;
+ BIT_COLON : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_DYNAMIC : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_END : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_IMPL : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_INTF : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_PROTOCOL : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_PROTO_LIST : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_GENERIC_SPEC : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_PROPERTY : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_CLASS : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_CLASS_EXT : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_CATEGORY : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_SCOPE : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_MSG : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_MSG_CLASS : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_MSG_FUNC : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_MSG_NAME : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_MSG_SPEC : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_MSG_DECL : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_RTYPE : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_ATYPE : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_COLON : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_DICT_COLON : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_SEL : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_SEL_NAME : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_BLOCK : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_BLOCK_ARG : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_BLOCK_TYPE : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_BLOCK_EXPR : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_BLOCK_CARET : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_AT : TokenTypeValue;
+ OC_PROPERTY_ATTR : TokenTypeValue;
+ PP_DEFINE : TokenTypeValue;
+ PP_DEFINED : TokenTypeValue;
+ PP_INCLUDE : TokenTypeValue;
+ PP_IF : TokenTypeValue;
+ PP_ELSE : TokenTypeValue;
+ PP_ENDIF : TokenTypeValue;
+ PP_ASSERT : TokenTypeValue;
+ PP_EMIT : TokenTypeValue;
+ PP_ENDINPUT : TokenTypeValue;
+ PP_ERROR : TokenTypeValue;
+ PP_FILE : TokenTypeValue;
+ PP_LINE : TokenTypeValue;
+ PP_SECTION : TokenTypeValue;
+ PP_ASM : TokenTypeValue;
+ PP_UNDEF : TokenTypeValue;
+ PP_PROPERTY : TokenTypeValue;
+ PP_BODYCHUNK : TokenTypeValue;
+ PP_PRAGMA : TokenTypeValue;
+ PP_REGION : TokenTypeValue;
+ PP_ENDREGION : TokenTypeValue;
+ PP_REGION_INDENT : TokenTypeValue;
+ PP_IF_INDENT : TokenTypeValue;
+ PP_IGNORE : TokenTypeValue;
+ PP_OTHER : TokenTypeValue;
+ CHAR : TokenTypeValue;
+ DEFINED : TokenTypeValue;
+ FORWARD : TokenTypeValue;
+ NATIVE : TokenTypeValue;
+ STATE : TokenTypeValue;
+ STOCK : TokenTypeValue;
+ TAGOF : TokenTypeValue;
+ DOT : TokenTypeValue;
+ TAG : TokenTypeValue;
+ TAG_COLON : TokenTypeValue;
+ LOCK : TokenTypeValue;
+ AS : TokenTypeValue;
+ IN : TokenTypeValue;
+ BRACED : TokenTypeValue;
+ THIS : TokenTypeValue;
+ BASE : TokenTypeValue;
+ DEFAULT : TokenTypeValue;
+ GETSET : TokenTypeValue;
+ GETSET_EMPTY : TokenTypeValue;
+ CONCAT : TokenTypeValue;
+ CS_SQ_STMT : TokenTypeValue;
+ CS_SQ_COLON : TokenTypeValue;
+ CS_PROPERTY : TokenTypeValue;
+ SQL_EXEC : TokenTypeValue;
+ SQL_BEGIN : TokenTypeValue;
+ SQL_END : TokenTypeValue;
+ SQL_WORD : TokenTypeValue;
+ SQL_ASSIGN : TokenTypeValue;
+ CONSTRUCT : TokenTypeValue;
+ LAMBDA : TokenTypeValue;
+ ASSERT : TokenTypeValue;
+ ANNOTATION : TokenTypeValue;
+ FOR_COLON : TokenTypeValue;
+ DOUBLE_BRACE : TokenTypeValue;
+ CNG_HASINC : TokenTypeValue;
+ CNG_HASINCN : TokenTypeValue;
+ Q_EMIT : TokenTypeValue;
+ Q_FOREACH : TokenTypeValue;
+ Q_FOREVER : TokenTypeValue;
+ Q_GADGET : TokenTypeValue;
+ Q_OBJECT : TokenTypeValue;
+ MODE : TokenTypeValue;
+ DI : TokenTypeValue;
+ HI : TokenTypeValue;
+ QI : TokenTypeValue;
+ SI : TokenTypeValue;
+ NOTHROW : TokenTypeValue;
+ WORD_ : TokenTypeValue;
+ }
+ export interface LanguageValue extends EmscriptenEnumTypeObject {}
+ export interface Language extends EmscriptenEnumType
+ {
+ C : LanguageValue;
+ CPP : LanguageValue;
+ D : LanguageValue;
+ CS : LanguageValue;
+ JAVA : LanguageValue;
+ OC : LanguageValue;
+ VALA : LanguageValue;
+ PAWN : LanguageValue;
+ ECMA : LanguageValue;
+ }
+ // endregion enum bindings
+ // </editor-fold>
+ export interface GenericOptionPtr
+ {
+ type(): OptionTypeValue;
+ description(): string;
+ name(): string;
+ possibleValues(): EmscriptenVector<string>;
+ defaultStr(): string;
+ minStr(): string;
+ maxStr(): string;
+ isDefault: boolean;
+ reset(): void
+ set(value: string): boolean;
+ value(): string;
+ }
+ export interface OptionGroupPtr
+ {
+ description: string
+ options: EmscriptenVector<GenericOptionPtr>;
+ }
+ export interface Uncrustify
+ {
+ OptionType: OptionType;
+ LineEnd: LineEnd;
+ TokenPos: TokenPos;
+ LogType: LogType;
+ TokenType: TokenType;
+ Language: Language;
+ //! get groups vector
+ get_groups() : EmscriptenVector <OptionGroupPtr>
+ //! get options vector
+ get_options() : EmscriptenVector <GenericOptionPtr>
+ //! destroys the current libUncrustify instance
+ destruct() : void;
+ //! returns the UNCRUSTIFY_VERSION string
+ get_version() : string;
+ //! adds a new keyword to Uncrustifys dynamic keyword map (dkwm, keywords.cpp)
+ add_keyword( tag : string, type : TokenType ) : void
+ //! removes a keyword from Uncrustifys dynamic keyword map (dkwm, keywords.cpp)
+ // remove_keyword( tag : string )
+ // clears Uncrustifys dynamic keyword map (dkwm, keywords.cpp)
+ clear_keywords() : void;
+ //! sets all option values to their default values
+ reset_options() : void;
+ /**
+ * resets value of an option to its default
+ *
+ * @param name: name of the option
+ * @return options enum value of the found option or -1 if option was not found
+ */
+ option_reset_value( name : string ) : number;
+ /**
+ * sets value of an option
+ *
+ * @param name name of the option
+ * @param value value that is going to be set
+ * @return options enum value of the found option or -1 if option was not found
+ */
+ option_set_value( name : string, value : string ) : number;
+ /**
+ * returns value of an option
+ *
+ * @param name name of the option
+ * @return currently set value of the option
+ */
+ option_get_value( name : string ) : string;
+ /**
+ * reads option file string, sets the defined options
+ *
+ * @return returns EXIT_SUCCESS on success
+ */
+ load_config( cfg : string ) : number;
+ /**
+ * returns the config file string based on the current configuration
+ *
+ * @param withDoc false= without documentation true=with documentation text lines
+ * @param only_not_default false=containing all options true=containing only options with non default values
+ * @return returns the config file string based on the current configuration
+ */
+ show_config( withDoc : boolean, only_not_default : boolean ) : string;
+ /**
+ * returns the config file string with all options based on the current configuration
+ *
+ * @param withDoc false= without documentation true=with documentation text lines
+ * @return returns the config file string with all options based on the current configuration
+ */
+ show_config( withDoc : boolean ) : string;
+ /**
+ * returns the config file string with all options and without documentation based on the current configuration
+ *
+ * @return returns the config file string with all options without documentation based on the current configuration
+ */
+ show_config() : string;
+ //! enable or disable logging of a specific LogType
+ log_type_enable(type : LogType, value : bool) : void
+ /**
+ * Show or hide the severity prefix "<1>"
+ *
+ * @param b true=show false=hide
+ */
+ log_type_show_name( b : boolean ) : void;
+ //! disables all logging messages
+ quiet() : void;
+ /**
+ * format text
+ *
+ * @param file file string that is going to be formated
+ * @param lang specifies in which language the input file is written (see LangFlag)
+ * @param frag [optional] true=fragmented code input
+ * false=unfragmented code input [default]
+ *
+ * @return formatted file string
+ */
+ uncrustify( file : string, lang : LanguageValue, frag : boolean ) : string;
+ uncrustify( file : string, lang : LanguageValue ) : string;
+ /**
+ * generate debug output
+ *
+ * @param file file string that is going to be formated
+ * @param lang specifies in which language the input file is written (see LangFlag)
+ * @param frag [optional] true=fragmented code input
+ * false=unfragmented code input [default]
+ *
+ * @return debug output string
+ */
+ debug( file : string, lang : LanguageValue, frag : boolean ) : string;
+ debug( file : string, lang : LanguageValue ) : string;
+ }
+ var Uncrustify : {
+ (module?: Object): Uncrustify;
+ new (module?: Object): Uncrustify;
+ };
+declare var uncrustify : LibUncrustify.Uncrustify;
+declare module "libUncrustify"
+ export = uncrustify;
diff --git a/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/postfix_file b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/postfix_file
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17315134
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/postfix_file
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+if (typeof module !== 'undefined') module.exports = libUncrustify;
+if (typeof define === 'function') define(libUncrustify);
diff --git a/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/postfix_module.js b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/postfix_module.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cbf8f57b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/postfix_module.js
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+ //! auto initializes the module
+ Module["_initialize"](); //// execute this only one time,
+ Module["_initialize"] = Function.prototype; // and replace it with a noop
+ /**
+ * Takes in a JS string with other params, converts it to UTF8 and
+ * passes it to the actual _uncrustify function while also managing the
+ * memory on the emscripten heap.
+ */
+ Module["uncrustify"] = function(str, langIDX, frag, defer)
+ {
+ if( !str || typeof(str) !== "string" || str.length === 0 ) {return "";}
+ var nDataBytes = lengthBytesUTF8(str)+1; // +1 for \0
+ var stringInputPtr = Module._malloc(nDataBytes);
+ Module.stringToUTF8(str, stringInputPtr, nDataBytes);
+ var retStringPointer = 0;
+ switch(arguments.length)
+ {
+ // depending in the number of args the internal select_overload
+ // function resolves the appropriate internal _uncrustify function
+ case 2:
+ {
+ retStringPointer = Module["_uncrustify"](stringInputPtr, langIDX);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 3:
+ {
+ retStringPointer = Module["_uncrustify"](stringInputPtr, langIDX, frag);
+ break;
+ }
+// case 4:
+// {
+// retStringPointer = Module["_uncrustify"](stringInputPtr, langIDX, frag, defer);
+// break;
+// }
+ default:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Module._free(stringInputPtr);
+ var retString = "";
+ if(retStringPointer !== 0)
+ {
+ retString = Module.UTF8ToString(retStringPointer);
+ Module._free(retStringPointer);
+ }
+ return retString;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Takes in a JS string with other params, converts it to UTF8 and
+ * passes it to the actual _debug function while also managing the
+ * memory on the emscripten heap.
+ */
+ Module["debug"] = function(str, langIDX, frag)
+ {
+ if( !str || typeof(str) !== "string" || str.length === 0 ) {return "";}
+ var nDataBytes = lengthBytesUTF8(str)+1; // +1 for \0
+ var stringInputPtr = Module._malloc(nDataBytes);
+ Module.stringToUTF8(str, stringInputPtr, nDataBytes);
+ var retStringPointer = 0;
+ switch(arguments.length)
+ {
+ // depending in the number of args the internal select_overload
+ // function resolves the appropriate internal _uncrustify function
+ case 2:
+ {
+ retStringPointer = Module["_debug"](stringInputPtr, langIDX);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 3:
+ {
+ retStringPointer = Module["_debug"](stringInputPtr, langIDX, frag);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Module._free(stringInputPtr);
+ var retString = "";
+ if(retStringPointer !== 0)
+ {
+ retString = Module.UTF8ToString(retStringPointer);
+ Module._free(retStringPointer);
+ }
+ return retString;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Takes in a JS string, removes non ascii chars (only those are needed
+ * in a config) and passes it to the actual _loadConfig function while
+ * also managing the memory on the emscripten heap.
+ */
+ Module.load_config = function(str)
+ {
+ // UTF8 functions return on empty string but they have to be accepted too
+ // to reset the current config
+ if( !str || typeof(str) !== "string" || str.length === 0) {str = " ";}
+ //remove unneeded non asci chars in the config
+ str.replace(/[^\x00-\x7F]/g, "");
+ var nDataBytes = str.length+1; // +1 for \0
+ var stringInputPtr = Module._malloc(nDataBytes);
+ Module.writeAsciiToMemory(str, stringInputPtr);
+ var retStringPointer = Module["_load_config"](stringInputPtr);
+ Module._free(stringInputPtr);
+ var retString = "";
+ if(retStringPointer !== 0)
+ {
+ retString = Module.Pointer_stringify(retStringPointer);
+ Module._free(retStringPointer);
+ }
+ return retString;
+ }
diff --git a/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/prefix_file b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/prefix_file
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6a6b5e98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/prefix_file
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ * @file libUncrustify.js — JS port of Uncrustify
+ *
+ * @author Ben Gardner,
+ * ported by Daniel Chumak with the help of emscripten
+ * @license GPLv2
+ */
diff --git a/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/prefix_module.js b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/prefix_module.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..05d09cd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/prefix_module.js
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ if( !Module.hasOwnProperty('noInitialRun') ) { Module.noInitialRun = true; }
+ if( !Module.hasOwnProperty('noExitRuntime') ) { Module.noExitRuntime = true; }
+ if( !Module.hasOwnProperty('print') || typeof Module["print"] != 'function')
+ {
+ Module.print = (function()
+ {
+ return function(text)
+ {
+ if (arguments.length > 1) text =' ');
+ console.log(text);
+ };
+ })();
+ }
+ if( !Module.hasOwnProperty('printErr') || typeof Module["printErr"] != 'function')
+ {
+ Module.printErr = function(text)
+ {
+ if (arguments.length > 1) text =' ');
+ if (0)
+ { // XXX disabled for safety typeof dump == 'function') {
+ dump(text + '\n'); // fast, straight to the real console
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ console.error(text);
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/test/ b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/test/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..c7a4fcae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Rebuilds the version using git describe
+import sys
+from subprocess import Popen
+from os import listdir, EX_OK, EX_USAGE, EX_SOFTWARE
+from os.path import isfile, isdir, abspath, basename
+from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
+from glob import glob
+def main(args):
+ if len(args) < 2 or not isfile(args[0]) or not isdir(args[1]):
+ print("Usage:")
+ print(" arg 1: libUncrustify.js file path")
+ print(" arg 2: test directory path")
+ return EX_USAGE
+ c_red = '\033[31m'
+ c_green = '\033[32m'
+ c_end = '\033[0m'
+ js_file_path = args[0]
+ passed = 0
+ total = 0
+ test_files_dir = abspath(args[1])
+ test_files = glob(test_files_dir+"/test_*.js")
+ temp_file = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
+ for test_file_path in test_files:
+ total += 1
+ pt_strg = "Testing %s: " % basename(test_file_path)
+ pt_strg_len = len(pt_strg)
+ sys.stdout.write(pt_strg)
+ with open(, 'r+') as t:
+ process = Popen(["node", test_file_path, js_file_path], stderr=t, stdout=t)
+ process.wait()
+ if process.returncode == 0:
+ print(("%spassed.%s" % (c_green, c_end)).rjust(86-pt_strg_len))
+ passed += 1
+ else:
+ print(("%sfailed!%s" % (c_red, c_end)).rjust(78-pt_strg_len))
+ text =
+ print(text)
+ if total == 0:
+ print("%sError%s: no test files found in %s" % (c_red, c_end, test_files_dir))
+ return EX_USAGE
+ print('-' * 80)
+ if passed == total:
+ print("%sAll %s tests passed%s" % (c_green, total, c_end))
+ return EX_OK
+ else:
+ print("%sWarning%s: %s/%s tests passed" % (c_red, c_end, passed, total))
+ return EX_SOFTWARE
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
diff --git a/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/test/test_run.js b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/test/test_run.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..27627094
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/emscripten/test/test_run.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+exports.test = function(libUncrustify, assert){
+ var uncrustify = libUncrustify();
+ var input = ' string a = "aaaa";';
+ var expectedOutput = 'string a = "aaaa";';
+ var generatedOutput = uncrustify.uncrustify( input, uncrustify.Language.CPP );
+ assert.deepEqual(expectedOutput, generatedOutput, "comparing expectedOutput and generatedOutput");
+ uncrustify.destruct();
+if (module == require.main) {
+ if(process.argv.length < 3) {throw "libUncrustify.js path missing";}
+ var uncrustify = require(process.argv[2]);
+ var assert = require("assert");
+ exports.test(uncrustify, assert);