path: root/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/scripts/pclint/run-pclint-eclipse.bat
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/scripts/pclint/run-pclint-eclipse.bat')
1 files changed, 104 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/scripts/pclint/run-pclint-eclipse.bat b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/scripts/pclint/run-pclint-eclipse.bat
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..051813d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.75.0/scripts/pclint/run-pclint-eclipse.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+rem set to on for debugging
+@echo off
+rem Run this script from the project root directory
+echo ------------------------------------------------------
+echo Start pcLint analysis to check code quality ...
+set SRC_DIR=src
+set EXC_DIR=lnt
+set OUT_DIR=tests\pclint
+set LNT_DIR=scripts\pclint
+rem Check if pcLint program is available
+set prog=lint-nt.exe
+for %%i in ("%path:;=";"%") do (
+rem echo %%~i
+ if exist %%~i\%prog% (
+ set found=%%i
+ echo found %prog% in %%i
+ )
+if %found%=="" goto PROG_MISSING
+if NOT EXIST tests md tests
+if NOT EXIST tests\pclint md tests\pclint
+rem create list of all C source files to analyze
+rem FIXME: works only if there are no spaces in the paths
+dir /s/b %EXC_DIR%\*.lnt > .\%OUT_DIR%\exceptions.lnt
+rem to check single files activate one of the lines below
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\align_stack.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\align.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\args.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\backup.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\brace_cleanup.cpp> .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\braces.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\chunk.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\ChunkStack.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\combine.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\compat_posix.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\compat_win32.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\defines.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\detect.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\indent.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\keywords.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\lang_pawn.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\logger.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\logmask.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\md5.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\newlines.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\options_for_QT.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\options.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\output.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\parens.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\parse_frame.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\punctuators.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\semicolons.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\sorting.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\space.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\tokenize_cleanup.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\tokenize.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\unc_text.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\unc_tools.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\uncrustify_emscripten.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\uncrustify.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\unicode.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\universalindentgui.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\width.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem to check all source files use the line below
+dir /s/b %SRC_DIR%\*.cpp > .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem use this to save the pclint errors to a file for later review
+rem lint-nt .\%LNT_DIR%\pclint_cfg_eclipse.lnt .\%OUT_DIR%\exceptions.lnt .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt > .\%OUT_DIR%\pclint-results.xml
+rem to make eclipse parse the pclint errors it has to be output to the console
+lint-nt .\%LNT_DIR%\pclint_cfg_eclipse.lnt .\%OUT_DIR%\exceptions.lnt .\%OUT_DIR%\files.lnt
+rem type %OUT_DIR%\pclint-results.xml | more
+rem type %OUT_DIR%\pclint-results.xml
+rem echo pcLint output placed in %OUT_DIR%\pclint-results.xml
+goto END
+echo ------------------------------------------------------
+echo pcLint Error: %prog% not found.
+echo Verify that PCLINT is correctly installed, the
+echo installation was added to the PATH and the
+echo environment variable PCLINT_HOME was set to its path.
+echo ------------------------------------------------------
+goto END
+echo pcLint finished
+echo ------------------------------------------------------