path: root/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.76.0/tests/input/cpp/enum.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.76.0/tests/input/cpp/enum.cpp')
1 files changed, 207 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.76.0/tests/input/cpp/enum.cpp b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.76.0/tests/input/cpp/enum.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88b229a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/uncrustify-trinity/uncrustify-trinity-0.76.0/tests/input/cpp/enum.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+ enum
+ class
+ angle_state_e
+ :
+ unsigned
+int {
+ NONE=0, OPEN=1, //'<' found
+CLOSE = 2 , //'>' found
+// align.cpp
+enum class comment_align_e : unsigned int
+// chunk.h
+enum class E_Scope : unsigned int
+ ALL, /**< search in all kind of chunks */
+ PREPROC, /**< search only in preprocessor chunks */
+// chunk.cpp
+enum class E_Direction : unsigned int
+// combine.cpp
+ enum class angle_state_e : unsigned int
+ {
+ NONE = 0,
+ OPEN = 1, // '<' found
+ CLOSE = 2, // '>' found
+ };
+// indent.cpp
+enum class align_mode_e : unsigned int
+ SHIFT, /* shift relative to the current column */
+ KEEP_ABS, /* try to keep the original absolute column */
+ KEEP_REL, /* try to keep the original gap */
+// align_stack.h
+ enum StarStyle
+ {
+ SS_IGNORE, // don't look for prev stars
+ SS_INCLUDE, // include prev * before add
+ SS_DANGLE // include prev * after add
+ };
+// log_levels.h
+enum log_sev_t
+ LSYS = 0,
+ LERR = 1,
+ LWARN = 2,
+ LNOTE = 3,
+ LINFO = 4,
+ LDATA = 5,
+ LFILELIST = 8, /* Files in the file list file */
+ LLINEENDS = 9, /* Show which line endings are used */
+ LCASTS = 10, /* align casts */
+ LALBR = 11, /* align braces */
+ LALTD = 12, /* Align Typedef */
+ LALPP = 13, /* align #define */
+ LALPROTO = 14, /* align prototype */
+ LALNLC = 15, /* align backslash-newline */
+ LALTC = 16, /* align trailing comments */
+ LALADD = 17, /* align add */
+ LALASS = 18, /* align assign */
+ LFVD = 19, /* fix_var_def */
+ LFVD2 = 20, /* fix_var_def-2 */
+ LINDENT = 21, /* indent_text */
+ LINDENT2 = 22, /* indent_text tab level */
+ LINDPSE = 23, /* indent_text stack */
+ LINDPC = 24, /* indent play-by-play */
+ LNEWLINE = 25, /* newlines */
+ LPF = 26, /* Parse Frame */
+ LSTMT = 27, /* Marking statements/expressions */
+ LTOK = 28, /* Tokenize */
+ LALRC = 29, /* align right comment */
+ LCMTIND = 30, /* Comment Indent */
+ LINDLINE = 31, /* indent line */
+ LSIB = 32, /* Scan IB */
+ LRETURN = 33, /* add/remove parens for return */
+ LBRDEL = 34, /* brace removal */
+ LFCN = 35, /* function detection */
+ LFCNP = 36, /* function parameters */
+ LPCU = 37, /* parse cleanup */
+ LDYNKW = 38, /* dynamic keywords */
+ LOUTIND = 39, /* output indent */
+ LBCSAFTER = 40, /* Brace cleanup stack - after each token */
+ LBCSPOP = 41, /* Brace cleanup stack - log pops */
+ LBCSPUSH = 42, /* Brace cleanup stack - log push */
+ LBCSSWAP = 43, /* Brace cleanup stack - log swaps */
+ LFTOR = 44, /* Class Ctor or Dtor */
+ LAS = 45, /* align_stack */
+ LPPIS = 46, /* Preprocessor Indent and Space */
+ LTYPEDEF = 47, /* Typedef and function types */
+ LVARDEF = 48, /* Variable def marking */
+ LDEFVAL = 49, /* define values */
+ LPVSEMI = 50, /* Pawn: virtual semicolons */
+ LPFUNC = 51, /* Pawn: function recognition */
+ LSPLIT = 52, /* Line splitting */
+ LFTYPE = 53, /* Function type detection */
+ LTEMPL = 54, /* Template detection */
+ LPARADD = 55, /* adding parens in if/while */
+ LPARADD2 = 56, /* adding parens in if/while - details */
+ LBLANKD = 57, /* blank line details */
+ LTEMPFUNC = 58, /* Template function detection */
+ LSCANSEMI = 59, /* scan semi colon removal */
+ LDELSEMI = 60, /* Removing semicolons */
+ LFPARAM = 61, /* Testing for a full parameter */
+ LNL1LINE = 62, /* NL check for 1 liners */
+ LPFCHK = 63, /* Parse Frame check fcn call */
+ LAVDB = 64, /* align var def braces */
+ LSORT = 65, /* Sorting */
+ LSPACE = 66, /* Space */
+ LALIGN = 67, /* align */
+ LALAGAIN = 68, /* align again */
+ LOPERATOR = 69, /* operator */
+ LASFCP = 70, /* Align Same Function Call Params */
+ LINDLINED = 71, /* indent line details */
+ LBCTRL = 72, /* beautifier control */
+ LRMRETURN = 73, /* remove 'return;' */
+ LPPIF = 74, /* #if/#else/#endif pair processing */
+ LMCB = 75, /* mod_case_brace */
+ LBRCH = 76, /* if brace chain */
+ LFCNR = 77, /* function return type */
+ LOCCLASS = 78, /* OC Class stuff */
+ LOCMSG = 79, /* OC Message stuff */
+ LBLANK = 80, /* Blank Lines */
+ LOBJCWORD = 81, /* Convert keyword to CT_WORD in certain circumstances */
+ LCHANGE = 82, /* something changed */
+ LCONTTEXT = 83, /* comment cont_text set */
+ LANNOT = 84, /* Java annotation */
+ LOCBLK = 85, /* OC Block stuff */
+ LFLPAREN = 86, /* Flag paren */
+ LOCMSGD = 87, /* OC Message declaration */
+ LINDENTAG = 88, /* indent again */
+ LNFD = 89, /* newline-function-def */
+ LJDBI = 90, /* Java Double Brace Init */
+ LSETPAR = 91, /* Chunk::SetParentTypeReal() */
+ LSETTYP = 92, /* Chunk::SetTypeReal() */
+ LSETFLG = 93, /* set_chunk_flags() */
+ LNLFUNCT = 94, /* newlines before function */
+ LCHUNK = 95, /* Add or del chunk */
+ LGUY98 = 98, /* for guy-test */
+ LGUY = 99, /* for guy-test */
+// options.h
+enum argtype_e
+ AT_BOOL, /**< true / false */
+ AT_IARF, /**< Ignore / Add / Remove / Force */
+ AT_NUM, /**< Number */
+ AT_LINE, /**< Line Endings */
+ AT_POS, /**< start/end or Trail/Lead */
+ AT_STRING, /**< string value */
+ AT_UNUM, /**< unsigned Number */
+enum argval_t
+ AV_IGNORE = 0,
+ AV_ADD = 1,
+ AV_REMOVE = 2,
+ AV_FORCE = 3, /**< remove + add */
+ AV_NOT_DEFINED = 4 /* to be used with QT, SIGNAL SLOT macros */
+enum lineends_e
+ LE_LF, /* "\n" */
+ LE_CRLF, /* "\r\n" */
+ LE_CR, /* "\r" */
+ LE_AUTO, /* keep last */
+enum tokenpos_e
+ TP_IGNORE = 0, /* don't change it */
+ TP_BREAK = 1, /* add a newline before or after the if not present */
+ TP_FORCE = 2, /* force a newline on one side and not the other */
+ TP_LEAD = 4, /* at the start of a line or leading if wrapped line */
+ TP_TRAIL = 8, /* at the end of a line or trailing if wrapped line */
+ TP_JOIN = 16, /* remove newlines on both sides */