path: root/plugins/decoder/mp3/k3bmad.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/decoder/mp3/k3bmad.cpp')
1 files changed, 359 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/decoder/mp3/k3bmad.cpp b/plugins/decoder/mp3/k3bmad.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb4cf6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/decoder/mp3/k3bmad.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+ *
+ * $Id: k3bmad.cpp 619556 2007-01-03 17:38:12Z trueg $
+ * Copyright (C) 2004 Sebastian Trueg <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This file is part of the K3b project.
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.
+ */
+#include "k3bmad.h"
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+static const int INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE = 5*8192;
+ : m_madStructuresInitialized(false),
+ m_bInputError(false)
+ madStream = new mad_stream;
+ madFrame = new mad_frame;
+ madSynth = new mad_synth;
+ madTimer = new mad_timer_t;
+ //
+ // we allocate additional MAD_BUFFER_GUARD bytes to always be able to append the
+ // zero bytes needed for decoding the last frame.
+ //
+ m_inputBuffer = new unsigned char[INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE+MAD_BUFFER_GUARD];
+ cleanup();
+ delete madStream;
+ delete madFrame;
+ delete madSynth;
+ delete madTimer;
+ delete [] m_inputBuffer;
+bool K3bMad::open( const QString& filename )
+ cleanup();
+ m_bInputError = false;
+ m_channels = m_sampleRate = 0;
+ m_inputFile.setName( filename );
+ if( ! IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
+ kdError() << "(K3bMad) could not open file " << << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ initMad();
+ memset( m_inputBuffer, 0, INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE+MAD_BUFFER_GUARD );
+ return true;
+bool K3bMad::inputError() const
+ return m_bInputError;
+bool K3bMad::fillStreamBuffer()
+ /* The input bucket must be filled if it becomes empty or if
+ * it's the first execution of the loop.
+ */
+ if( madStream->buffer == 0 || madStream->error == MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN ) {
+ if( eof() )
+ return false;
+ long readSize, remaining;
+ unsigned char* readStart;
+ if( madStream->next_frame != 0 ) {
+ remaining = madStream->bufend - madStream->next_frame;
+ memmove( m_inputBuffer, madStream->next_frame, remaining );
+ readStart = m_inputBuffer + remaining;
+ readSize = INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE - remaining;
+ }
+ else {
+ readStart = m_inputBuffer;
+ remaining = 0;
+ }
+ // Fill-in the buffer.
+ Q_LONG result = m_inputFile.readBlock( (char*)readStart, readSize );
+ if( result < 0 ) {
+ kdDebug() << "(K3bMad) read error on bitstream)" << endl;
+ m_bInputError = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if( result == 0 ) {
+ kdDebug() << "(K3bMad) end of input stream" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ else {
+ readStart += result;
+ if( eof() ) {
+ kdDebug() << "(K3bMad::fillStreamBuffer) MAD_BUFFER_GUARD" << endl;
+ memset( readStart, 0, MAD_BUFFER_GUARD );
+ result += MAD_BUFFER_GUARD;
+ }
+ // Pipe the new buffer content to libmad's stream decoder facility.
+ mad_stream_buffer( madStream, m_inputBuffer, result + remaining );
+ madStream->error = MAD_ERROR_NONE;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool K3bMad::skipTag()
+ // skip the tag at the beginning of the file
+ 0 );
+ //
+ // now check if the file starts with an id3 tag and skip it if so
+ //
+ char buf[4096];
+ int bufLen = 4096;
+ if( m_inputFile.readBlock( buf, bufLen ) < bufLen ) {
+ kdDebug() << "(K3bMad) unable to read " << bufLen << " bytes from "
+ << << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( ( buf[0] == 'I' && buf[1] == 'D' && buf[2] == '3' ) &&
+ ( (unsigned short)buf[3] < 0xff && (unsigned short)buf[4] < 0xff ) ) {
+ // do we have a footer?
+ bool footer = (buf[5] & 0x10);
+ // the size is saved as a synched int meaning bit 7 is always cleared to 0
+ unsigned int size =
+ ( (buf[6] & 0x7f) << 21 ) |
+ ( (buf[7] & 0x7f) << 14 ) |
+ ( (buf[8] & 0x7f) << 7) |
+ (buf[9] & 0x7f);
+ unsigned int offset = size + 10;
+ if( footer )
+ offset += 10;
+ kdDebug() << "(K3bMad) skipping past ID3 tag to " << offset << endl;
+ // skip the id3 tag
+ if( ! ) {
+ kdDebug() << "(K3bMad) " <<
+ << ": couldn't seek to " << offset << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // reset file
+ return 0 );
+ }
+ return true;
+bool K3bMad::seekFirstHeader()
+ //
+ // A lot of mp3 files start with a lot of junk which confuses mad.
+ // We "allow" an mp3 file to start with at most 1 KB of junk. This is just
+ // some random value since we do not want to search the hole file. That would
+ // take way to long for non-mp3 files.
+ //
+ bool headerFound = findNextHeader();
+ QIODevice::Offset inputPos = streamPos();
+ while( !headerFound &&
+ !m_inputFile.atEnd() &&
+ streamPos() <= inputPos+1024 ) {
+ headerFound = findNextHeader();
+ }
+ // seek back to the begin of the frame
+ if( headerFound ) {
+ int streamSize = madStream->bufend - madStream->buffer;
+ int bytesToFrame = madStream->this_frame - madStream->buffer;
+ - streamSize + bytesToFrame );
+ kdDebug() << "(K3bMad) found first header at " << << endl;
+ }
+ // reset the stream to make sure mad really starts decoding at out seek position
+ mad_stream_finish( madStream );
+ mad_stream_init( madStream );
+ return headerFound;
+bool K3bMad::eof() const
+ return m_inputFile.atEnd();
+QIODevice::Offset K3bMad::inputPos() const
+ return;
+QIODevice::Offset K3bMad::streamPos() const
+ return inputPos() - (madStream->bufend - madStream->this_frame + 1);
+bool K3bMad::inputSeek( QIODevice::Offset pos )
+ return pos );
+void K3bMad::initMad()
+ if( !m_madStructuresInitialized ) {
+ mad_stream_init( madStream );
+ mad_timer_reset( madTimer );
+ mad_frame_init( madFrame );
+ mad_synth_init( madSynth );
+ m_madStructuresInitialized = true;
+ }
+void K3bMad::cleanup()
+ if( m_inputFile.isOpen() ) {
+ kdDebug() << "(K3bMad) cleanup at offset: "
+ << "Input file at: " << << " "
+ << "Input file size: " << m_inputFile.size() << " "
+ << "stream pos: "
+ << ( - (madStream->bufend - madStream->this_frame + 1) )
+ << endl;
+ m_inputFile.close();
+ }
+ if( m_madStructuresInitialized ) {
+ mad_frame_finish( madFrame );
+ mad_synth_finish( madSynth );
+ mad_stream_finish( madStream );
+ }
+ m_madStructuresInitialized = false;
+// LOSTSYNC could happen when mad encounters the id3 tag...
+bool K3bMad::findNextHeader()
+ if( !fillStreamBuffer() )
+ return false;
+ //
+ // MAD_RECOVERABLE == true: frame was read, decoding failed (about to skip frame)
+ // MAD_RECOVERABLE == false: frame was not read, need data
+ //
+ if( mad_header_decode( &madFrame->header, madStream ) < 0 ) {
+ if( MAD_RECOVERABLE( madStream->error ) ||
+ madStream->error == MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN ) {
+ return findNextHeader();
+ }
+ else
+ kdDebug() << "(K3bMad::findNextHeader) error: " << mad_stream_errorstr( madStream ) << endl;
+ // FIXME probably we should not do this here since we don't do it
+ // in the frame decoding
+// if( !checkFrameHeader( &madFrame->header ) )
+// return findNextHeader();
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( !m_channels ) {
+ m_channels = MAD_NCHANNELS(&madFrame->header);
+ m_sampleRate = madFrame->header.samplerate;
+ }
+ mad_timer_add( madTimer, madFrame->header.duration );
+ return true;
+bool K3bMad::decodeNextFrame()
+ if( !fillStreamBuffer() )
+ return false;
+ if( mad_frame_decode( madFrame, madStream ) < 0 ) {
+ if( MAD_RECOVERABLE( madStream->error ) ||
+ madStream->error == MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN ) {
+ return decodeNextFrame();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( !m_channels ) {
+ m_channels = MAD_NCHANNELS(&madFrame->header);
+ m_sampleRate = madFrame->header.samplerate;
+ }
+ mad_timer_add( madTimer, madFrame->header.duration );
+ return true;
+// This is from the arts mad decoder
+bool K3bMad::checkFrameHeader( mad_header* header ) const
+ int frameSize = MAD_NSBSAMPLES( header ) * 32;
+ if( frameSize <= 0 )
+ return false;
+ if( m_channels && m_channels != MAD_NCHANNELS(header) )
+ return false;
+ return true;