path: root/src/rip/k3baudiocdview.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/rip/k3baudiocdview.cpp')
1 files changed, 631 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/rip/k3baudiocdview.cpp b/src/rip/k3baudiocdview.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d225922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rip/k3baudiocdview.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+ *
+ * $Id: k3baudiocdview.cpp 624215 2007-01-16 19:10:03Z trueg $
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 Sebastian Trueg <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This file is part of the K3b project.
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.
+ */
+#include "k3baudiocdview.h"
+#include "k3baudiorippingdialog.h"
+#include "k3baudiocdlistview.h"
+#include <k3bpassivepopup.h>
+#include <k3btoc.h>
+#include <k3bdiskinfo.h>
+#include <k3bdevicehandler.h>
+#include <k3blistview.h>
+#include <k3bcddbresult.h>
+#include <k3bmsf.h>
+#include <k3bcddb.h>
+#include <k3bcddbquery.h>
+#include <k3btoolbox.h>
+#include <kcutlabel.h>
+#include <k3bstdguiitems.h>
+#include <k3bapplication.h>
+#include <k3bthememanager.h>
+#include <k3baudiocdtrackdrag.h>
+#include <k3bthemedlabel.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <kstdaction.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <kconfig.h>
+#include <klineedit.h>
+#include <kcombobox.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <kdialogbase.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qheader.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qframe.h>
+#include <qspinbox.h>
+#include <qfont.h>
+#include <qdragobject.h>
+class K3bAudioCdView::AudioTrackViewItem : public K3bCheckListViewItem
+ AudioTrackViewItem( QListView* parent,
+ QListViewItem* after,
+ int _trackNumber,
+ const K3b::Msf& length)
+ : K3bCheckListViewItem( parent, after ) {
+ setText( 1, QString::number(_trackNumber).rightJustify( 2, ' ' ) );
+ setText( 3, i18n("Track %1").arg(_trackNumber) );
+ setText( 4, " " + length.toString() + " " );
+ setText( 5, " " + KIO::convertSize( length.audioBytes() ) + " " );
+ trackNumber = _trackNumber;
+ setEditor( 2, LINE );
+ setEditor( 3, LINE );
+ setChecked(true);
+ }
+ void setup() {
+ K3bCheckListViewItem::setup();
+ setHeight( height() + 4 );
+ }
+ int trackNumber;
+ void updateCddbData( const K3bCddbResultEntry& entry ) {
+ setText( 2, entry.artists[trackNumber-1] );
+ setText( 3, entry.titles[trackNumber-1] );
+ }
+K3bAudioCdView::K3bAudioCdView( QWidget* parent, const char *name )
+ : K3bMediaContentsView( true,
+ K3bDevice::MEDIA_CD_ALL,
+ parent, name )
+ QGridLayout* mainGrid = new QGridLayout( mainWidget() );
+ // toolbox
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ QHBoxLayout* toolBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout( 0, 0, 0, "toolBoxLayout" );
+ m_toolBox = new K3bToolBox( mainWidget() );
+ toolBoxLayout->addWidget( m_toolBox );
+ QSpacerItem* spacer = new QSpacerItem( 10, 10, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum );
+ toolBoxLayout->addItem( spacer );
+ m_labelLength = new QLabel( mainWidget() );
+ m_labelLength->setAlignment( int( QLabel::AlignVCenter | QLabel::AlignRight ) );
+ toolBoxLayout->addWidget( m_labelLength );
+ // the track view
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ m_trackView = new K3bAudioCdListView( this, mainWidget() );
+ connect( m_trackView, SIGNAL(itemRenamed(QListViewItem*, const QString&, int)),
+ this, SLOT(slotItemRenamed(QListViewItem*, const QString&, int)) );
+ connect( m_trackView, SIGNAL(contextMenu(KListView*, QListViewItem*, const QPoint&)),
+ this, SLOT(slotContextMenu(KListView*, QListViewItem*, const QPoint&)) );
+// connect( m_trackView, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QListViewItem*)),
+// this, SLOT(slotTrackSelectionChanged(QListViewItem*)) );
+ mainGrid->addLayout( toolBoxLayout, 0, 0 );
+ mainGrid->addWidget( m_trackView, 1, 0 );
+ m_cddb = new K3bCddb( this );
+ connect( m_cddb, SIGNAL(queryFinished(int)),
+ this, SLOT(slotCddbQueryFinished(int)) );
+ initActions();
+ // slotTrackSelectionChanged(0);
+ setLeftPixmap( K3bTheme::MEDIA_LEFT );
+ setRightPixmap( K3bTheme::MEDIA_AUDIO );
+ m_busyInfoLabel = new K3bThemedLabel( i18n("Searching for Artist information..."), this );
+ m_busyInfoLabel->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Box|QFrame::Plain );
+ m_busyInfoLabel->setMargin( 6 );
+ m_busyInfoLabel->hide();
+void K3bAudioCdView::reloadMedium()
+ m_toc = medium().toc();
+ m_device = medium().device();
+ // initialize cddb info for editing
+ m_cddbInfo = K3bCddbResultEntry();
+ m_cddbInfo.discid = QString::number( medium().toc().discId(), 16 );
+ for( int i = 0; i < (int)m_toc.count(); ++i ) {
+ m_cddbInfo.titles.append("");
+ m_cddbInfo.artists.append("");
+ m_cddbInfo.extInfos.append("");
+ }
+ m_trackView->clear();
+ showBusyLabel(true);
+ // create a listviewItem for every audio track
+ int index = 1;
+ for( K3bDevice::Toc::const_iterator it = m_toc.begin();
+ it != m_toc.end(); ++it ) {
+ // for now skip data tracks since we are not able to rip them to iso
+ if( (*it).type() == K3bTrack::AUDIO ) {
+ K3b::Msf length( (*it).length() );
+ (void)new AudioTrackViewItem( m_trackView,
+ m_trackView->lastItem(),
+ index,
+ length );
+ }
+ index++;
+ }
+ m_cdText = medium().cdText();
+ // simulate a cddb entry with the cdtext data
+ m_cddbInfo.cdTitle = m_cdText.title();
+ m_cddbInfo.cdArtist = m_cdText.performer();
+ m_cddbInfo.cdExtInfo = m_cdText.message();
+ for( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_cdText.count(); ++i ) {
+ m_cddbInfo.titles[i] = m_cdText[i].title();
+ m_cddbInfo.artists[i] = m_cdText[i].performer();
+ m_cddbInfo.extInfos[i] = m_cdText[i].message();
+ }
+ updateDisplay();
+ KConfig* c = k3bcore->config();
+ c->setGroup("Cddb");
+ bool useCddb = ( c->readBoolEntry( "use local cddb query", true ) ||
+ c->readBoolEntry( "use remote cddb", false ) );
+ if( useCddb &&
+ ( m_cdText.isEmpty() ||
+ KMessageBox::questionYesNo( this,
+ i18n("Found Cd-Text. Do you want to use it instead of querying CDDB?"),
+ i18n("Found Cd-Text"),
+ i18n("Use CD-Text"),
+ i18n("Query CDDB"),
+ "prefereCdTextOverCddb" ) == KMessageBox::No ) )
+ queryCddb();
+ else
+ showBusyLabel(false);
+void K3bAudioCdView::initActions()
+ m_actionCollection = new KActionCollection( this );
+ KAction* actionSelectAll = new KAction( i18n("Check All"), 0, 0, this,
+ SLOT(slotCheckAll()), actionCollection(),
+ "check_all" );
+ KAction* actionDeselectAll = new KAction( i18n("Uncheck All"), 0, 0, this,
+ SLOT(slotUncheckAll()), actionCollection(),
+ "uncheck_all" );
+ KAction* actionSelect = new KAction( i18n("Check Track"), 0, 0, this,
+ SLOT(slotSelect()), actionCollection(),
+ "select_track" );
+ KAction* actionDeselect = new KAction( i18n("Uncheck Track"), 0, 0, this,
+ SLOT(slotDeselect()), actionCollection(),
+ "deselect_track" );
+ KAction* actionEditTrackCddbInfo = new KAction( i18n("Edit Track cddb Info"), "edit", 0, this,
+ SLOT(slotEditTrackCddb()), actionCollection(),
+ "edit_track_cddb" );
+ KAction* actionEditAlbumCddbInfo = new KAction( i18n("Edit Album cddb Info"), "edit", 0, this,
+ SLOT(slotEditAlbumCddb()), actionCollection(),
+ "edit_album_cddb" );
+ KAction* actionStartRip = new KAction( i18n("Start Ripping"), "cddarip", 0, this,
+ SLOT(startRip()), actionCollection(), "start_rip" );
+ KAction* actionQueryCddb = new KAction( i18n("Query cddb"), "reload", 0, this,
+ SLOT(queryCddb()), actionCollection(), "query_cddb" );
+ KAction* actionSaveCddbLocally = new KAction( i18n("Save Cddb Entry Locally"), "filesave", 0, this,
+ SLOT(slotSaveCddbLocally()), actionCollection(), "save_cddb_local" );
+ // TODO: set the actions tooltips and whatsthis infos
+ // setup the popup menu
+ m_popupMenu = new KActionMenu( actionCollection(), "popup_menu" );
+ KAction* separator = new KActionSeparator( actionCollection(), "separator" );
+ m_popupMenu->insert( actionSelect );
+ m_popupMenu->insert( actionDeselect );
+ m_popupMenu->insert( actionSelectAll );
+ m_popupMenu->insert( actionDeselectAll );
+ m_popupMenu->insert( separator );
+ m_popupMenu->insert( actionEditTrackCddbInfo );
+ m_popupMenu->insert( actionEditAlbumCddbInfo );
+ m_popupMenu->insert( separator );
+ m_popupMenu->insert( actionStartRip );
+ // setup the toolbox
+ m_toolBox->addButton( actionStartRip, true );
+ m_toolBox->addSpacing();
+ m_toolBox->addButton( actionQueryCddb );
+ m_toolBox->addButton( actionSaveCddbLocally );
+ m_toolBox->addButton( actionEditTrackCddbInfo );
+ m_toolBox->addButton( actionEditAlbumCddbInfo );
+void K3bAudioCdView::slotContextMenu( KListView*, QListViewItem*, const QPoint& p )
+ m_popupMenu->popup(p);
+void K3bAudioCdView::slotItemRenamed( QListViewItem* item, const QString& str, int col )
+ AudioTrackViewItem* a = (AudioTrackViewItem*)item;
+ if( col == 2 )
+ m_cddbInfo.artists[a->trackNumber-1] = str;
+ else if( col == 3 )
+ m_cddbInfo.titles[a->trackNumber-1] = str;
+ else if( col == 6 )
+ m_cddbInfo.extInfos[a->trackNumber-1] = str;
+void K3bAudioCdView::slotTrackSelectionChanged( QListViewItem* item )
+ actionCollection()->action("edit_track_cddb")->setEnabled( item != 0 );
+ actionCollection()->action("select_track")->setEnabled( item != 0 );
+ actionCollection()->action("deselect_track")->setEnabled( item != 0 );
+void K3bAudioCdView::startRip()
+ QValueList<int> trackNumbers;
+ for( QListViewItemIterator it( m_trackView ); it.current(); ++it ) {
+ AudioTrackViewItem* a = (AudioTrackViewItem*)it.current();
+ if( a->isChecked() )
+ trackNumbers.append( a->trackNumber );
+ }
+ if( trackNumbers.count() == 0 ) {
+ KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("Please select the tracks to rip."),
+ i18n("No Tracks Selected") );
+ }
+ else {
+ K3bAudioRippingDialog rip( m_toc,
+ m_device,
+ m_cddbInfo,
+ trackNumbers,
+ this );
+ rip.exec();
+ }
+void K3bAudioCdView::slotEditTrackCddb()
+ QPtrList<QListViewItem> items( m_trackView->selectedItems() );
+ if( !items.isEmpty() ) {
+ AudioTrackViewItem* a = static_cast<AudioTrackViewItem*>(items.first());
+ KDialogBase d( this, "trackCddbDialog", true, i18n("Cddb Track %1").arg(a->trackNumber),
+ KDialogBase::Ok|KDialogBase::Cancel, KDialogBase::Ok, true);
+ QWidget* w = new QWidget( &d );
+ KLineEdit* editTitle = new KLineEdit( m_cddbInfo.titles[a->trackNumber-1], w );
+ KLineEdit* editArtist = new KLineEdit( m_cddbInfo.artists[a->trackNumber-1], w );
+ KLineEdit* editExtInfo = new KLineEdit( m_cddbInfo.extInfos[a->trackNumber-1], w );
+ QFrame* line = new QFrame( w );
+ line->setFrameShape( QFrame::HLine );
+ line->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Sunken );
+ QGridLayout* grid = new QGridLayout( w );
+ grid->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
+ grid->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n("Title:"), w ), 0, 0 );
+ grid->addWidget( editTitle, 0, 1 );
+ grid->addMultiCellWidget( line, 1, 1, 0, 1 );
+ grid->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n("Artist:"), w ), 2, 0 );
+ grid->addWidget( editArtist, 2, 1 );
+ grid->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n("Extra info:"), w ), 3, 0 );
+ grid->addWidget( editExtInfo, 3, 1 );
+ grid->setRowStretch( 4, 1 );
+ d.setMainWidget(w);
+ d.resize( QMAX( QMAX(d.sizeHint().height(), d.sizeHint().width()), 300), d.sizeHint().height() );
+ if( d.exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) {
+ m_cddbInfo.titles[a->trackNumber-1] = editTitle->text();
+ m_cddbInfo.artists[a->trackNumber-1] = editArtist->text();
+ m_cddbInfo.extInfos[a->trackNumber-1] = editExtInfo->text();
+ a->updateCddbData( m_cddbInfo );
+ }
+ }
+void K3bAudioCdView::slotEditAlbumCddb()
+ KDialogBase d( this, "trackCddbDialog", true, i18n("Album Cddb"),
+ KDialogBase::Ok|KDialogBase::Cancel, KDialogBase::Ok, true);
+ QWidget* w = new QWidget( &d );
+ KLineEdit* editTitle = new KLineEdit( m_cddbInfo.cdTitle, w );
+ KLineEdit* editArtist = new KLineEdit( m_cddbInfo.cdArtist, w );
+ KLineEdit* editExtInfo = new KLineEdit( m_cddbInfo.cdExtInfo, w );
+ KLineEdit* editGenre = new KLineEdit( m_cddbInfo.genre, w );
+ QSpinBox* spinYear = new QSpinBox( 0, 9999, 1, w );
+ spinYear->setValue( m_cddbInfo.year );
+ QFrame* line = new QFrame( w );
+ line->setFrameShape( QFrame::HLine );
+ line->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Sunken );
+ KComboBox* comboCat = new KComboBox( w );
+ comboCat->insertStringList( K3bCddbQuery::categories() );
+ // set the category
+ for( int i = 0; i < comboCat->count(); ++i )
+ if( comboCat->text(i) == m_cddbInfo.category ) {
+ comboCat->setCurrentItem(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ QGridLayout* grid = new QGridLayout( w );
+ grid->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
+ grid->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n("Title:"), w ), 0, 0 );
+ grid->addWidget( editTitle, 0, 1 );
+ grid->addMultiCellWidget( line, 1, 1, 0, 1 );
+ grid->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n("Artist:"), w ), 2, 0 );
+ grid->addWidget( editArtist, 2, 1 );
+ grid->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n("Extra info:"), w ), 3, 0 );
+ grid->addWidget( editExtInfo, 3, 1 );
+ grid->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n("Genre:"), w ), 4, 0 );
+ grid->addWidget( editGenre, 4, 1 );
+ grid->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n("Year:"), w ), 5, 0 );
+ grid->addWidget( spinYear, 5, 1 );
+ grid->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n("Category:"), w ), 6, 0 );
+ grid->addWidget( comboCat, 6, 1 );
+ grid->setRowStretch( 7, 1 );
+ d.setMainWidget(w);
+ d.resize( QMAX( QMAX(d.sizeHint().height(), d.sizeHint().width()), 300), d.sizeHint().height() );
+ if( d.exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) {
+ m_cddbInfo.cdTitle = editTitle->text();
+ m_cddbInfo.cdArtist = editArtist->text();
+ m_cddbInfo.cdExtInfo = editExtInfo->text();
+ m_cddbInfo.category = comboCat->currentText();
+ m_cddbInfo.genre = editGenre->text();
+ m_cddbInfo.year = spinYear->value();
+ updateDisplay();
+ }
+void K3bAudioCdView::queryCddb()
+ KConfig* c = k3bcore->config();
+ c->setGroup("Cddb");
+ m_cddb->readConfig( c );
+ if( c->readBoolEntry( "use local cddb query", true ) ||
+ c->readBoolEntry( "use remote cddb", false ) ) {
+ showBusyLabel(true);
+ m_cddb->query( m_toc );
+ }
+void K3bAudioCdView::slotCddbQueryFinished( int error )
+ if( error == K3bCddbQuery::SUCCESS ) {
+ m_cddbInfo = m_cddb->result();
+ // save the entry locally
+ KConfig* c = k3bcore->config();
+ c->setGroup( "Cddb" );
+ if( c->readBoolEntry( "save cddb entries locally", true ) )
+ m_cddb->saveEntry( m_cddbInfo );
+ updateDisplay();
+ }
+ else if( error == K3bCddbQuery::NO_ENTRY_FOUND ) {
+ if( !KConfigGroup( k3bcore->config(), "Cddb" ).readBoolEntry( "use remote cddb", false ) )
+ K3bPassivePopup::showPopup( i18n("<p>No CDDB entry found. Enable remote CDDB queries in the K3b settings to get access "
+ "to more entries through the internet."), i18n("CDDB") );
+ else
+ K3bPassivePopup::showPopup( i18n("No CDDB entry found."), i18n("CDDB") );
+ }
+ else if( error != K3bCddbQuery::CANCELED ) {
+ K3bPassivePopup::showPopup( m_cddb->errorString(), i18n("CDDB Error") );
+ }
+ enableInteraction(true);
+void K3bAudioCdView::slotSaveCddbLocally()
+ // check if the minimal info has been inserted
+ if( m_cddbInfo.category.isEmpty() ) {
+ KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n("Please set the category before saving.") );
+ return;
+ }
+ if( m_cddbInfo.cdTitle.isEmpty() || m_cddbInfo.cdArtist.isEmpty() ) {
+ KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n("Please set CD artist and title before saving.") );
+ return;
+ }
+ bool missingTitle = false;
+ bool missingArtist = false;
+ bool allTrackArtistsEmpty = true;
+ for( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_cddbInfo.titles.count(); ++i ) {
+ if( m_cddbInfo.titles[i].isEmpty() )
+ missingTitle = true;
+ if( m_cddbInfo.artists[i].isEmpty() )
+ missingArtist = true;
+ if( !m_cddbInfo.artists[i].isEmpty() )
+ allTrackArtistsEmpty = false;
+ }
+ if( missingTitle ||
+ ( missingArtist && !allTrackArtistsEmpty ) ) {
+ KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n("Please set at least artist and title on all tracks before saving.") );
+ return;
+ }
+ // make sure the data gets updated (bad design like a lot in the cddb stuff! :(
+ m_cddbInfo.rawData.truncate(0);
+ KConfig* c = k3bcore->config();
+ c->setGroup("Cddb");
+ m_cddb->readConfig( c );
+ m_cddb->saveEntry( m_cddbInfo );
+ K3bPassivePopup::showPopup( i18n("Saved entry (%1) in category %2.")
+ .arg(m_cddbInfo.discid)
+ .arg(m_cddbInfo.category),
+ i18n("CDDB") );
+void K3bAudioCdView::slotCheckAll()
+ for( QListViewItemIterator it( m_trackView ); it.current(); ++it )
+ ((AudioTrackViewItem*)it.current())->setChecked(true);
+void K3bAudioCdView::slotUncheckAll()
+ for( QListViewItemIterator it( m_trackView ); it.current(); ++it )
+ ((AudioTrackViewItem*)it.current())->setChecked(false);
+void K3bAudioCdView::slotSelect()
+ QPtrList<QListViewItem> items( m_trackView->selectedItems() );
+ for( QPtrListIterator<QListViewItem> it( items );
+ it.current(); ++it )
+ static_cast<AudioTrackViewItem*>(it.current())->setChecked(true);
+void K3bAudioCdView::slotDeselect()
+ QPtrList<QListViewItem> items( m_trackView->selectedItems() );
+ for( QPtrListIterator<QListViewItem> it( items );
+ it.current(); ++it )
+ static_cast<AudioTrackViewItem*>(it.current())->setChecked(false);
+void K3bAudioCdView::updateDisplay()
+ // update the listview
+ for( QListViewItemIterator it( m_trackView ); it.current(); ++it ) {
+ AudioTrackViewItem* item = (AudioTrackViewItem*)it.current();
+ item->updateCddbData( m_cddbInfo );
+ }
+ if( !m_cddbInfo.cdTitle.isEmpty() ) {
+ QString s = m_cddbInfo.cdTitle;
+ if( !m_cddbInfo.cdArtist.isEmpty() )
+ s += " (" + m_cddbInfo.cdArtist + ")";
+ setTitle( s );
+ }
+ else
+ setTitle( i18n("Audio CD") );
+ m_labelLength->setText( i18n("1 track (%1)",
+ "%n tracks (%1)",
+ m_toc.count()).arg(K3b::Msf(m_toc.length()).toString()) );
+void K3bAudioCdView::showBusyLabel( bool b )
+ if( !b ) {
+ actionCollection()->action( "start_rip" )->setEnabled( true );
+ m_trackView->setEnabled( true );
+ m_busyInfoLabel->hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ // the themed label is a cut label, thus its size hint is
+ // based on the cut text, we force it to be full
+ m_busyInfoLabel->resize( width(), height() );
+ m_busyInfoLabel->resize( m_busyInfoLabel->sizeHint() );
+ int x = (width() - m_busyInfoLabel->width())/2;
+ int y = (height() - m_busyInfoLabel->height())/2;
+ QRect r( QPoint( x, y ), m_busyInfoLabel->size() );
+ m_busyInfoLabel->setGeometry( r );
+ m_busyInfoLabel->show();
+ m_trackView->setEnabled( false );
+ enableInteraction( false );
+ }
+void K3bAudioCdView::enableInteraction( bool b )
+ // we leave the track view enabled in default disabled mode
+ // since drag'n'drop to audio projects does not need an inserted CD
+ actionCollection()->action( "start_rip" )->setEnabled( b );
+ if( b )
+ showBusyLabel( false );
+QDragObject* K3bAudioCdView::dragObject()
+ QPtrList<QListViewItem> items = m_trackView->selectedItems();
+ QValueList<int> tracks;
+ for( QPtrListIterator<QListViewItem> it( items );
+ it.current(); ++it )
+ tracks.append( static_cast<AudioTrackViewItem*>(it.current())->trackNumber );
+ if( !items.isEmpty() ) {
+ QDragObject* drag = new K3bAudioCdTrackDrag( m_toc,
+ tracks,
+ m_cddbInfo,
+ m_device,
+ this );
+ drag->setPixmap( m_trackView->createDragPixmap( items ) );
+ return drag;
+ }
+ else
+ return 0;
+#include "k3baudiocdview.moc"