path: root/src
diff options
authorSlávek Banko <[email protected]>2021-03-03 12:57:00 +0100
committerSlávek Banko <[email protected]>2021-03-03 12:57:00 +0100
commit0d8f91b1bdb5bbf770686b4749735890468cc3e9 (patch)
treeb18f51fc83e1ee1992e9161d46ef432b6b3040ff /src
parent8789defb6025aac55ca748e6b64cfe0ceb8cbf2a (diff)
Added translation of .desktop files.
Signed-off-by: Slávek Banko <[email protected]>
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
3 files changed, 16 insertions, 177 deletions
diff --git a/src/kmplayer.desktop b/src/kmplayer.desktop
index d382c22..27ec81b 100644
--- a/src/kmplayer.desktop
+++ b/src/kmplayer.desktop
@@ -1,99 +1,16 @@
[Desktop Entry]
+GenericName=Media Player
+Comment=TDE interface for MPlayer
-Exec=kmplayer -caption "%c" %i %m %U
-Comment=TDE interface for MPlayer
-Comment[af]=TDE koppelvlak na MPlayer
-Comment[ar]=واجهة TDE لِــ MPlayer
-Comment[be]=TDE інтэрфейс да MPlayer
-Comment[bg]=TDE интерфейс за MPlayer
-Comment[br]=Etrefas MPlayer evit TDE
-Comment[bs]=TDE interfejs za MPlayer
-Comment[ca]=Interfície TDE per a MPlayer
-Comment[cs]=TDE rozhraní pro MPlayer
-Comment[csb]=Interfejs TDE dlô MPlayer
-Comment[da]=TDE-grænseflade for MPlayer
-Comment[de]=TDE-Oberfläche für MPlayer
-Comment[el]=Περιβάλλον χρήσης του MPlayer για το TDE
-Comment[es]=Interfaz TDE para MPlayer
-Comment[et]=TDE MPlayeri liides
-Comment[fi]=TDE-käyttöliittymä MPlayerille
-Comment[fr]=Une interface de MPlayer pour TDE
-Comment[gl]=Interface de TDE para MPlayer
-Comment[he]=ממשק TDE של MPlayer
-Comment[hi]=एमप्लेयर हेतु केडीई इंटरफेस
-Comment[hu]=TDE-alapú felület az MPlayerhez
-Comment[it]=Interfaccia TDE per MPlayer
-Comment[ja]=MPlayer の TDE インターフェース
-Comment[nb]=TDE-grensesnitt for MPlayer
-Comment[nl]=TDE-interface voor MPlayer
-Comment[pa]=MPlayer ਲਈ TDE ਇੰਟਰਫੇਸ
-Comment[pt]=Interface TDE para o MPlayer
-Comment[pt_BR]=Interface do TDE para o MPlayer
-Comment[ru]=Интерфейс TDE для MPlayer
-Comment[sk]=TDE rozhranie pre MPlayer
-Comment[sr]=TDE-ов интерфејс за MPlayer
-Comment[sr@Latn]=TDE-ov interfejs za MPlayer
-Comment[sv]=TDE-gränssnitt för Mplayer
-Comment[ta]=எம் இயக்கிக்கான கேடீஇ இடைமுகம்
-Comment[th]=ระบบติดต่อผู้ใช้แบบ TDE ของ MPlayer
-Comment[tr]=MPlayer için TDE arayüzü
-Comment[uk]=Інтерфейс TDE для MPlayer
-Comment[xx]=xxTDE interface for MPlayerxx
-Comment[zh_CN]=MPlayer 的 TDE 界面
-Comment[zh_TW]=Mplayer 的 TDE 介面
+Exec=kmplayer -caption "%c" %i %m %U
-GenericName=Media Player
-GenericName[af]=Media Speler
-GenericName[ar]= قارئ الوسئط
-GenericName[bg]=Медия плеър
-GenericName[br]=Soner liesvedia
-GenericName[ca]=Reproductor de medis
-GenericName[cs]=Přehrávač médií
-GenericName[csb]=Òdgrëwôcz lopków wideò
-GenericName[cy]=Chwaraeydd Cyfryngau
-GenericName[el]=Αναπαραγωγή πολυμέσων
-GenericName[es]=Reproductor multimedia
-GenericName[fr]=Lecteur multimédia
-GenericName[ga]=Seinnteoir Meán
-GenericName[gl]=Reprodutor Multimédia
-GenericName[he]=נגן מדיה
-GenericName[hi]=मीडिया प्लेयर
-GenericName[it]=Lettore multimediale
-GenericName[lt]=Media grotuvas
-GenericName[mk]=Изведувач на мултимедиа
-GenericName[pa]=ਮੀਡਿਆ ਪਲੇਅਰ
-GenericName[pt]=Leitor Multimédia
-GenericName[pt_BR]=Reprodutor de Mídia
-GenericName[sk]=Multimediálny prehrávač
-GenericName[sr]=Медија плејер
-GenericName[sr@Latn]=Medija plejer
-GenericName[tr]=Medya Oynatıcı
-GenericName[uk]=Аудіо-відео програвач
-GenericName[xh]=Umdlali we Midia
-GenericName[xx]=xxMedia Playerxx
-GenericName[zu]=Umdlali Wezezindaba
diff --git a/src/kmplayer_koffice.desktop b/src/kmplayer_koffice.desktop
index 225ca8e..4105007 100644
--- a/src/kmplayer_koffice.desktop
+++ b/src/kmplayer_koffice.desktop
@@ -1,15 +1,11 @@
[Desktop Entry]
diff --git a/src/kmplayer_part.desktop b/src/kmplayer_part.desktop
index d1393d8..b9ceb6e 100644
--- a/src/kmplayer_part.desktop
+++ b/src/kmplayer_part.desktop
@@ -1,88 +1,14 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Embedded MPlayer for TDE
-Name[af]=Ingelegde MPlayer vir TDE
-Name[ar]=MPlayer مدمج في TDE
-Name[be]=Убудаваны MPlayer для TDE
-Name[bg]=Вграден MPlayer за TDE
-Name[br]=MPlayer enframmet evit TDE
-Name[bs]=Ugrađeni MPlayer za TDE
-Name[ca]=MPlayer encastat per al TDE
-Name[cs]=MPlayer pro TDE
-Name[csb]=Wbùdowóny MPlayer dlô TDE
-Name[da]=Indlejret MPlayer for TDE
-Name[de]=Eingebetteter MPlayer für TDE
-Name[el]=Ενσωμάτωση του MPlayer για το TDE
-Name[es]=MPlayer embebido para TDE
-Name[et]=TDE põimitud MPlayer
-Name[fi]=Upotettu MPlayer TDE:lle
-Name[fr]=MPlayer intégré pour TDE
-Name[gl]=MPlayer Embebido para TDE
-Name[he]=נגן MPlayer עבור TDE
-Name[hi]=केडीई हेतु एम्बेडेड एमप्लेयर
-Name[hu]=Beágyazott MPlayer a TDE-hez
-Name[it]=MPlayer integrato per TDE
-Name[ja]=TDE のための埋め込み MPlayer
-Name[mk]=Вгнезден MPlayer за TDE
-Name[nb]=Innebygget MPlayer for TDE
-Name[nl]=Ingebedde MPlayer voor TDE
-Name[pa]=TDE ਲਈ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ MPlayer
-Name[pt]=MPlayer Embebido para o TDE
-Name[pt_BR]=MPlayer Integrado ao TDE
-Name[ru]=Встроенный MPlayer для TDE
-Name[sk]=Vložený MPlayer pre TDE
-Name[sr]=Угњеждени MPlayer за TDE
-Name[sr@Latn]=Ugnježdeni MPlayer za TDE
-Name[sv]=Inbäddad Mplayer för TDE
-Name[ta]= TDEவிற்கு விதைத்த ஊடக வாசிப்பான்
-Name[th]=โปรแกรมเล่นสื่อ MPlayer แบบฝังตัวสำหรับ TDE
-Name[tr]=TDE için gömülmüş MPlayer
-Name[uk]=Вбудований MPlayer для TDE
-Name[xx]=xxEmbedded MPlayer for TDExx
-Name[zh_CN]=TDE 嵌入的 MPlayer
-Name[zh_TW]=MPlayer 的 TDE 嵌入式介面
Comment=Video player plugin (QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media and RealPlayer compatible)
-Comment[af]=Video speler inprop module (Ondersteun QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media en RealPlayer)
-Comment[ar]=قابس القارئ المرئي ( ملائم مع QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media و RealPlayer)
-Comment[be]=Утулка прайгравання відэа (сумяшчальны з QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media і RealPlayer)
-Comment[bg]=Приставка за видео плеър (QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media и RealPlayer съвместима)
-Comment[ca]=Connector per a la reproducció de vídeo (compatible amb QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media i RealPlayer)
-Comment[cs]=Modul video přehrávače (kompatibilní s QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media a RealPlayer)
-Comment[csb]=Pluginsë òdgrëwôcza wideò (zgódne z QickTime, XMovie, Windows Media ë RealPlayer)
-Comment[da]=Videoafspiller plugin (QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media og RealPlayer kompatibel)
-Comment[de]=Video player plugin (QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media und RealPlayer kompatibel)
-Comment[el]=Πρόσθετο αναπαραγωγής βίντεο (συμβατό με QuickTime, XMovie, πολυμέσα Windows και RealPlayer)
-Comment[es]=Complemento de reproducción de vídeo (compatible con QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media y RealPlayer)
-Comment[et]=Videomängija plugin (QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media ja RealPlayer)
-Comment[fr]=Module de lecture de vidéos (compatible QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media et RealPlayer)
-Comment[gl]=Plugin de reproduzón de vídeo (compatível con QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media e RealPlayer)
-Comment[he]=תוסף וידאו לניגון (QuickTime, XMovie, מדיה של חלונות ותואם RealPlayer)
-Comment[hi]=वीडियो प्लेयर प्लगइन (क्विक-टाइम, एक्समूवी, विंडोज़ मीडिया तथा रीयल-प्लेयर कंपेटिबल)
-Comment[it]=Plugin lettore video (compatibile con QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media e RealPlayer)
-Comment[ja]=ビデオプレーヤプラグイン (QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media, RealPlayer をサポート)
-Comment[ka]=ვიდეოდამკვრელის მოდული (QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media და RealPlayer თავსებადი)
-Comment[mk]=Приклучок за видеоизведувач (компатибилен со QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media и RealPlayer)
-Comment[nb]=Tilleggsmodul for videospiller (kompatibel med QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media og RealPlayer)
-Comment[nl]=Videospelerplugin (ondersteuning voor Quicktime, XMovie, Windows Media- en RealAudio-speler)
-Comment[pa]=ਵੀਡਿਆ ਪਲੇਅਰ ਪਲੱਗਿੰਨ (QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media ਅਤੇ RealPlayer ਅਨੁਕੂਲ)
-Comment[pt]='Plugin' de reprodução de vídeo (compatível com QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media e RealPlayer)
-Comment[pt_BR]=Plugin de reprodução de vídeo (compatível com QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media e RealPlayer)
-Comment[ru]=Модуль видеоплеера (совместимый с QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media и RealPlayer)
-Comment[sk]=Plugin prehrávača videa (kompatibilný s QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media a RealPlayer)
-Comment[sr]=Прикључак за пуштање видеа (компатибилан са: QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media, RealPlayer)
-Comment[sr@Latn]=Priključak za puštanje videa (kompatibilan sa: QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media, RealPlayer)
-Comment[sv]=Insticksprogram för videospelare (fungerar med Quicktime, Xmovie, Windows Media och Realplayer)
-Comment[ta]=வீடியோ சொருகி(விரைவுநேரம், Xபடம், Windows படம் மற்றும் RealPlayer compatible)
-Comment[th]=ปลั๊กอินโปรแกรมเล่นวิดีโอ (ใช้ด้วยกันได้กับ QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media และ RealPlayer)
-Comment[tr]=Video oynatıcı eklentisi (QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media ve RealPlayer ile uyumlu)
-Comment[uk]=Втулок відео-програвача (програє QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media і RealPlayer)
-Comment[xx]=xxVideo player plugin (QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media and RealPlayer compatible)xx
-Comment[zh_TW]=視像播放程式 (可播放 QuickTime, XMovie, Windows Media 和 RealPlayer)
-# Keep in sync with the audio types in kmplayer.desktop
+# Keep in sync with the audio types in kmplayer.desktop