path: root/src/kmplayerpartbase.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/kmplayerpartbase.cpp')
1 files changed, 2047 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/kmplayerpartbase.cpp b/src/kmplayerpartbase.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10a9f87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/kmplayerpartbase.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2047 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2003 by Koos Vriezen <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ **/
+#undef Always
+#include <config.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <qapplication.h>
+#include <qcstring.h>
+#include <qcursor.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+#include <qpair.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qpopupmenu.h>
+#include <qslider.h>
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <qtextstream.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <kaboutdata.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kbookmarkmenu.h>
+#include <kbookmarkmanager.h>
+#include <kconfig.h>
+#include <ksimpleconfig.h>
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <kprocess.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <kmimetype.h>
+#include <kprotocolinfo.h>
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kstaticdeleter.h>
+#include <kio/job.h>
+#include <kio/jobclasses.h>
+#include "kmplayerpartbase.h"
+#include "kmplayerview.h"
+#include "playlistview.h"
+#include "viewarea.h"
+#include "kmplayercontrolpanel.h"
+#include "kmplayerconfig.h"
+#include "kmplayerprocess.h"
+#include "kmplayer_smil.h"
+namespace KMPlayer {
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT BookmarkOwner : public KBookmarkOwner {
+ BookmarkOwner (PartBase *);
+ KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT virtual ~BookmarkOwner () {}
+ void openBookmarkURL(const QString& _url);
+ QString currentTitle() const;
+ QString currentURL() const;
+ PartBase * m_player;
+class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT BookmarkManager : public KBookmarkManager {
+ BookmarkManager (const QString &);
+} // namespace
+using namespace KMPlayer;
+KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT BookmarkOwner::BookmarkOwner (PartBase * player)
+ : m_player (player) {}
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void BookmarkOwner::openBookmarkURL (const QString & url) {
+ m_player->openURL (KURL (url));
+KDE_NO_EXPORT QString BookmarkOwner::currentTitle () const {
+ return m_player->source ()->prettyName ();
+KDE_NO_EXPORT QString BookmarkOwner::currentURL () const {
+ return m_player->source ()->url ().url ();
+inline BookmarkManager::BookmarkManager(const QString & bmfile)
+ : KBookmarkManager (bmfile, false) {
+PartBase::PartBase (QWidget * wparent, const char *wname,
+ QObject * parent, const char *name, KConfig * config)
+ : KMediaPlayer::Player (wparent, wname ? wname : "kde_kmplayer_view", parent, name ? name : "kde_kmplayer_part"),
+ m_config (config),
+ m_view (new View (wparent, wname ? wname : "kde_kmplayer_view")),
+ m_settings (new Settings (this, config)),
+ m_recorder (0L),
+ m_source (0L),
+ m_bookmark_menu (0L),
+ m_record_timer (0),
+ m_update_tree_timer (0),
+ m_noresize (false),
+ m_auto_controls (true),
+ m_bPosSliderPressed (false),
+ m_in_update_tree (false)
+ MPlayer *mplayer = new MPlayer (this, m_settings);
+ m_players ["mplayer"] = mplayer;
+ m_process = mplayer;
+ Xine * xine = new Xine (this, m_settings);
+ m_players ["xine"] = xine;
+ m_players ["gstreamer"] = new GStreamer (this, m_settings);
+ m_recorders ["mencoder"] = new MEncoder (this, m_settings);
+ m_recorders ["mplayerdumpstream"] = new MPlayerDumpstream(this, m_settings);
+ m_recorders ["ffmpeg"] = new FFMpeg (this, m_settings);
+ m_recorders ["xine"] = xine;
+ m_sources ["urlsource"] = new URLSource (this);
+ QString bmfile = locate ("data", "kmplayer/bookmarks.xml");
+ QString localbmfile = locateLocal ("data", "kmplayer/bookmarks.xml");
+ if (localbmfile != bmfile) {
+ kdDebug () << "cp " << bmfile << " " << localbmfile << endl;
+ KProcess p;
+ p << "/bin/cp" << QFile::encodeName (bmfile) << QFile::encodeName (localbmfile);
+ p.start (KProcess::Block);
+ }
+ m_bookmark_manager = new BookmarkManager (localbmfile);
+ m_bookmark_owner = new BookmarkOwner (this);
+void PartBase::showConfigDialog () {
+ m_settings->show ("URLPage");
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void PartBase::showPlayListWindow () {
+ // note, this is also the slot of application's view_playlist action, but
+ // anyhow, actions don't work for the fullscreen out-of-the-box, so ...
+ if (m_view->viewArea ()->isFullScreen ())
+ fullScreen ();
+ else if (m_view->viewArea ()->isMinimalMode ())
+ ; //done by app: m_view->viewArea ()->minimalMode ();
+ else
+ m_view->toggleShowPlaylist ();
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void PartBase::addBookMark (const QString & t, const QString & url) {
+ KBookmarkGroup b = m_bookmark_manager->root ();
+ b.addBookmark (m_bookmark_manager, t, KURL (url));
+ m_bookmark_manager->emitChanged (b);
+void PartBase::init (KActionCollection * action_collection) {
+ KParts::Part::setWidget (m_view);
+ m_view->init (action_collection);
+#ifdef HAVE_NSPR
+ m_players ["npp"] = new NpPlayer (this, m_settings, m_service);
+ connect(m_settings, SIGNAL(configChanged()), this, SLOT(settingsChanged()));
+ m_settings->readConfig ();
+ m_settings->applyColorSetting (false);
+ m_bookmark_menu = new KBookmarkMenu (m_bookmark_manager, m_bookmark_owner, m_view->controlPanel ()->bookmarkMenu (), action_collection, true, true);
+ connect (m_view, SIGNAL (urlDropped (const KURL::List &)), this, SLOT (openURL (const KURL::List &)));
+ connectPlaylist (m_view->playList ());
+ connectInfoPanel (m_view->infoPanel ());
+ new KAction (i18n ("Edit playlist &item"), 0, 0, m_view->playList (), SLOT (editCurrent ()), action_collection, "edit_playlist_item");
+void PartBase::connectPanel (ControlPanel * panel) {
+ panel->contrastSlider ()->setValue (m_settings->contrast);
+ panel->brightnessSlider ()->setValue (m_settings->brightness);
+ panel->hueSlider ()->setValue (m_settings->hue);
+ panel->saturationSlider ()->setValue (m_settings->saturation);
+ panel->volumeBar ()->setValue (m_settings->volume);
+ connect (panel->button (ControlPanel::button_playlist), SIGNAL (clicked ()), this, SLOT (showPlayListWindow ()));
+ connect (panel->button (ControlPanel::button_back), SIGNAL (clicked ()), this, SLOT (back ()));
+ connect (panel->button (ControlPanel::button_play), SIGNAL (clicked ()), this, SLOT (play ()));
+ connect (panel->button (ControlPanel::button_forward), SIGNAL (clicked ()), this, SLOT (forward ()));
+ connect (panel->button (ControlPanel::button_pause), SIGNAL (clicked ()), this, SLOT (pause ()));
+ connect (panel->button (ControlPanel::button_stop), SIGNAL (clicked ()), this, SLOT (stop ()));
+ connect (panel->button (ControlPanel::button_record), SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (record()));
+ connect (panel->volumeBar (), SIGNAL (volumeChanged (int)), this, SLOT (volumeChanged (int)));
+ connect (panel->positionSlider (), SIGNAL (valueChanged (int)), this, SLOT (positionValueChanged (int)));
+ connect (panel->positionSlider (), SIGNAL (sliderPressed()), this, SLOT (posSliderPressed()));
+ connect (panel->positionSlider (), SIGNAL (sliderReleased()), this, SLOT (posSliderReleased()));
+ connect (this, SIGNAL (positioned (int, int)), panel, SLOT (setPlayingProgress (int, int)));
+ connect (this, SIGNAL (loading(int)), panel, SLOT(setLoadingProgress(int)));
+ connect (panel->contrastSlider (), SIGNAL (valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT (contrastValueChanged(int)));
+ connect (panel->brightnessSlider (), SIGNAL (valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT (brightnessValueChanged(int)));
+ connect (panel->hueSlider (), SIGNAL (valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT (hueValueChanged(int)));
+ connect (panel->saturationSlider (), SIGNAL (valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT (saturationValueChanged(int)));
+ connect (this, SIGNAL (languagesUpdated(const QStringList &, const QStringList &)), panel, SLOT (setLanguages (const QStringList &, const QStringList &)));
+ connect (panel->audioMenu (), SIGNAL (activated (int)), this, SLOT (audioSelected (int)));
+ connect (panel->subtitleMenu (), SIGNAL (activated (int)), this, SLOT (subtitleSelected (int)));
+ connect (this, SIGNAL (audioIsSelected (int)), panel, SLOT (selectAudioLanguage (int)));
+ connect (this, SIGNAL (subtitleIsSelected (int)), panel, SLOT (selectSubtitle (int)));
+ panel->popupMenu()->connectItem (ControlPanel::menu_fullscreen, this, SLOT (fullScreen ()));
+ panel->popupMenu ()->connectItem (ControlPanel::menu_config,
+ this, SLOT (showConfigDialog ()));
+ panel->popupMenu ()->connectItem (ControlPanel::menu_video,
+ m_view, SLOT(toggleVideoConsoleWindow()));
+ panel->popupMenu ()->connectItem (ControlPanel::menu_playlist,
+ m_view, SLOT (toggleShowPlaylist ()));
+ connect (this, SIGNAL (statusUpdated (const QString &)),
+ panel->view (), SLOT (setStatusMessage (const QString &)));
+ //connect (panel (), SIGNAL (clicked ()), m_settings, SLOT (show ()));
+void PartBase::connectPlaylist (PlayListView * playlist) {
+ connect (playlist, SIGNAL (addBookMark (const QString &, const QString &)),
+ this, SLOT (addBookMark (const QString &, const QString &)));
+ connect (playlist, SIGNAL (executed (QListViewItem *)),
+ this, SLOT (playListItemExecuted (QListViewItem *)));
+ connect (playlist, SIGNAL (clicked (QListViewItem *)),
+ this, SLOT (playListItemClicked (QListViewItem *)));
+ connect (this, SIGNAL (treeChanged (int, NodePtr, NodePtr, bool, bool)),
+ playlist, SLOT (updateTree (int, NodePtr, NodePtr, bool, bool)));
+ connect (this, SIGNAL (treeUpdated ()),
+ playlist, SLOT (triggerUpdate ()));
+void PartBase::connectInfoPanel (InfoWindow * infopanel) {
+ connect (this, SIGNAL (infoUpdated (const QString &)),
+ infopanel->view (), SLOT (setInfoMessage (const QString &)));
+PartBase::~PartBase () {
+ kdDebug() << "PartBase::~PartBase" << endl;
+ m_view = (View*) 0;
+ stop ();
+ if (m_source)
+ m_source->deactivate ();
+ delete m_settings;
+ delete m_bookmark_menu;
+ delete m_bookmark_manager;
+ delete m_bookmark_owner;
+void PartBase::settingsChanged () {
+ if (!m_view)
+ return;
+ if (m_settings->showcnfbutton)
+ m_view->controlPanel()->button (ControlPanel::button_config)->show();
+ else
+ m_view->controlPanel()->button (ControlPanel::button_config)->hide();
+ m_view->controlPanel()->enableRecordButtons (m_settings->showrecordbutton);
+ if (m_settings->showplaylistbutton)
+ m_view->controlPanel()->button (ControlPanel::button_playlist)->show();
+ else
+ m_view->controlPanel()->button (ControlPanel::button_playlist)->hide();
+ if (!m_settings->showbroadcastbutton)
+ m_view->controlPanel ()->broadcastButton ()->hide ();
+ keepMovieAspect (m_settings->sizeratio);
+ m_settings->applyColorSetting (true);
+KMediaPlayer::View* PartBase::view () {
+ return m_view;
+extern const char * strGeneralGroup;
+bool PartBase::setProcess (Mrl *mrl) {
+ // determine backend, start with temp_backends
+ QString p = temp_backends [m_source->name()];
+ bool remember_backend = p.isEmpty ();
+ bool changed = false;
+ if (p.isEmpty ()) {
+ // next try to find mimetype match from kmplayerrc
+ if (!mrl->mimetype.isEmpty ()) {
+ m_config->setGroup (mrl->mimetype);
+ p = m_config->readEntry ("player", "" );
+ remember_backend = !(!p.isEmpty () &&
+ m_players.contains (p) &&
+ m_players [p]->supports (m_source->name ()));
+ }
+ }
+ if (p.isEmpty ())
+ // try source match from kmplayerrc
+ p = m_settings->backends [m_source->name()];
+ if (p.isEmpty ()) {
+ // try source match from kmplayerrc by re-reading
+ m_config->setGroup (strGeneralGroup);
+ p = m_config->readEntry (m_source->name (), "");
+ }
+ if (p.isEmpty () ||
+ !m_players.contains (p) ||
+ !m_players [p]->supports (m_source->name ())) {
+ // finally find first supported player
+ p.truncate (0);
+ if (!m_process || !m_process->supports (m_source->name ())) {
+ ProcessMap::const_iterator i, e = m_players.end();
+ for (i = m_players.begin(); i != e; ++i)
+ if ( ()->supports (m_source->name ())) {
+ p = QString ( ()->name ());
+ break;
+ }
+ } else
+ p = QString (m_process->name ());
+ }
+ if (!p.isEmpty ()) {
+ if (!m_process || p != m_process->name ()) {
+ setProcess (p.ascii ());
+ updatePlayerMenu (m_view->controlPanel ());
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ if (remember_backend)
+ m_settings->backends [m_source->name()] = m_process->name ();
+ else
+ temp_backends.remove (m_source->name());
+ }
+ return changed;
+void PartBase::setProcess (const char * name) {
+ Process * process = name ? m_players [name] : 0L;
+ if (m_process == process)
+ return;
+ if (!m_source)
+ m_source = m_sources ["urlsource"];
+ Process * old_process = m_process;
+ m_process = process;
+ if (old_process && old_process->state () > Process::NotRunning)
+ old_process->quit ();
+ if (!m_process)
+ return;
+ m_process->setSource (m_source);
+ if (m_process->playing ()) {
+ m_view->controlPanel ()->setPlaying (true);
+ m_view->controlPanel ()->showPositionSlider (!!m_source->length ());
+ m_view->controlPanel ()->enableSeekButtons (m_source->isSeekable ());
+ }
+ emit processChanged (name);
+void PartBase::setRecorder (const char * name) {
+ Process * recorder = name ? m_recorders [name] : 0L;
+ if (m_recorder == recorder)
+ return;
+ if (m_recorder)
+ m_recorder->quit ();
+ m_recorder = recorder;
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void PartBase::slotPlayerMenu (int id) {
+ bool playing = m_process->playing ();
+ const char * srcname = m_source->name ();
+ QPopupMenu * menu = m_view->controlPanel ()->playerMenu ();
+ ProcessMap::const_iterator pi = m_players.begin(), e = m_players.end();
+ unsigned i = 0;
+ for (; pi != e && i < menu->count(); ++pi) {
+ Process * proc = ();
+ if (!proc->supports (srcname))
+ continue;
+ int menuid = menu->idAt (i);
+ menu->setItemChecked (menuid, menuid == id);
+ if (menuid == id) {
+ if (proc->name () != QString ("npp"))
+ m_settings->backends [srcname] = proc->name ();
+ temp_backends [srcname] = proc->name ();
+ if (playing && strcmp (m_process->name (), proc->name ()))
+ m_process->quit ();
+ setProcess (proc->name ());
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ if (playing)
+ setSource (m_source); // re-activate
+void PartBase::updatePlayerMenu (ControlPanel * panel) {
+ if (!m_view || !m_process)
+ return;
+ QPopupMenu * menu = panel->playerMenu ();
+ menu->clear ();
+ if (!m_source)
+ return;
+ const ProcessMap::const_iterator e = m_players.end();
+ int id = 0; // if multiple parts, id's should be the same for all menu's
+ for (ProcessMap::const_iterator i = m_players.begin(); i != e; ++i) {
+ Process * p = ();
+ if (p->supports (m_source->name ())) {
+ menu->insertItem (p->menuName (), this, SLOT (slotPlayerMenu (int)), 0, id++);
+ if ( == m_process)
+ menu->setItemChecked (id-1, true);
+ }
+ }
+void PartBase::connectSource (Source * old_source, Source * source) {
+ if (old_source) {
+ disconnect (old_source, SIGNAL(endOfPlayItems ()), this, SLOT(stop ()));
+ disconnect (old_source, SIGNAL (dimensionsChanged ()),
+ this, SLOT (sourceHasChangedAspects ()));
+ disconnect (old_source, SIGNAL (startPlaying ()),
+ this, SLOT (playingStarted ()));
+ disconnect (old_source, SIGNAL (stopPlaying ()),
+ this, SLOT (playingStopped ()));
+ }
+ if (source) {
+ connect (source, SIGNAL (endOfPlayItems ()), this, SLOT (stop ()));
+ connect (source, SIGNAL (dimensionsChanged ()),
+ this, SLOT (sourceHasChangedAspects ()));
+ connect (source, SIGNAL (startPlaying()), this, SLOT(playingStarted()));
+ connect (source, SIGNAL (stopPlaying ()), this, SLOT(playingStopped()));
+ }
+void PartBase::setSource (Source * _source) {
+ Source * old_source = m_source;
+ if (m_source) {
+ m_source->deactivate ();
+ stop ();
+ if (m_view) {
+ m_view->reset ();
+ emit infoUpdated (QString ());
+ }
+ disconnect (m_source, SIGNAL (startRecording ()),
+ this, SLOT (recordingStarted ()));
+ disconnect (this, SIGNAL (audioIsSelected (int)),
+ m_source, SLOT (setAudioLang (int)));
+ disconnect (this, SIGNAL (subtitleIsSelected (int)),
+ m_source, SLOT (setSubtitle (int)));
+ }
+ if (m_view) {
+ if (m_auto_controls)
+ m_view->controlPanel ()->setAutoControls (m_auto_controls);
+ m_view->controlPanel ()->enableRecordButtons (m_settings->showrecordbutton);
+ if (!m_settings->showcnfbutton)
+ m_view->controlPanel()->button(ControlPanel::button_config)->hide();
+ if (!m_settings->showplaylistbutton)
+ m_view->controlPanel()->button(ControlPanel::button_playlist)->hide();
+ }
+ m_source = _source;
+ connectSource (old_source, m_source);
+ m_process->setSource (m_source);
+ connect (m_source, SIGNAL(startRecording()), this,SLOT(recordingStarted()));
+ connect (this, SIGNAL (audioIsSelected (int)),
+ m_source, SLOT (setAudioLang (int)));
+ connect (this, SIGNAL (subtitleIsSelected (int)),
+ m_source, SLOT (setSubtitle (int)));
+ m_source->init ();
+ m_source->setIdentified (false);
+ if (m_view && m_view->viewer ()) {
+ updatePlayerMenu (m_view->controlPanel ());
+ m_view->viewer ()->setAspect (0.0);
+ }
+ if (m_source) QTimer::singleShot (0, m_source, SLOT (activate ()));
+ updateTree (true, true);
+ emit sourceChanged (old_source, m_source);
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void PartBase::changeURL (const QString & url) {
+ emit urlChanged (url);
+bool PartBase::isSeekable (void) const {
+ return m_source ? m_source->isSeekable () : false;
+bool PartBase::hasLength () const {
+ return m_source ? m_source->hasLength () : false;
+unsigned long PartBase::length () const {
+ return m_source ? m_source->length () : 0;
+bool PartBase::openURL (const KURL & url) {
+ kdDebug () << "PartBase::openURL " << url.url() << url.isValid () << endl;
+ if (!m_view) return false;
+ stop ();
+ Source * src = (url.isEmpty () ? m_sources ["urlsource"] : (!url.protocol ().compare ("kmplayer") && m_sources.contains ( ()) ? m_sources [ ()] : m_sources ["urlsource"]));
+ src->setSubURL (KURL ());
+ src->setURL (url);
+ setSource (src);
+ return true;
+bool PartBase::openURL (const KURL::List & urls) {
+ if (urls.size () == 1) {
+ openURL (urls[0]);
+ } else {
+ openURL (KURL ());
+ NodePtr d = m_source->document ();
+ if (d)
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < urls.size (); i++)
+ d->appendChild (new GenericURL (d, KURL::decode_string (urls [i].url ())));
+ }
+ return true;
+bool PartBase::closeURL () {
+ stop ();
+ if (m_view) {
+ m_view->viewer ()->setAspect (0.0);
+ m_view->reset ();
+ }
+ return true;
+bool PartBase::openFile () {
+ return false;
+void PartBase::keepMovieAspect (bool b) {
+ if (m_view) {
+ m_view->setKeepSizeRatio (b);
+ if (m_source)
+ m_view->viewer ()->setAspect (b ? m_source->aspect () : 0.0);
+ }
+void PartBase::recordingStarted () {
+ if (m_settings->replayoption == Settings::ReplayAfter)
+ m_record_timer = startTimer (1000 * m_settings->replaytime);
+void PartBase::recordingStopped () {
+ killTimer (m_record_timer);
+ m_record_timer = 0;
+ Recorder * rec = dynamic_cast <Recorder*> (m_recorder);
+ if (rec) {
+ if (m_settings->replayoption == Settings::ReplayFinished ||
+ (m_settings->replayoption == Settings::ReplayAfter && !playing ()))
+ openURL (rec->recordURL ());
+ rec->setURL (KURL ());
+ }
+ setRecorder ("mencoder"); //FIXME see PartBase::record() checking playing()
+void PartBase::timerEvent (QTimerEvent * e) {
+ if (e->timerId () == m_record_timer) {
+ kdDebug () << "record timer event" << (m_recorder->playing () && !playing ()) << endl;
+ m_record_timer = 0;
+ if (m_recorder->playing () && !playing ()) {
+ Recorder * rec = dynamic_cast <Recorder*> (m_recorder);
+ if (rec) {
+ openURL (rec->recordURL ());
+ rec->setURL (KURL ());
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (e->timerId () == m_update_tree_timer) {
+ m_update_tree_timer = 0;
+ updateTree (m_update_tree_full, true);
+ }
+ killTimer (e->timerId ());
+void PartBase::playingStarted () {
+ //m_view->viewer ()->setAspect (m_source->aspect ());
+ if (m_view) {
+ m_view->controlPanel ()->setPlaying (true);
+ m_view->controlPanel ()->showPositionSlider (!!m_source->length ());
+ m_view->controlPanel ()->enableSeekButtons (m_source->isSeekable ());
+ if (m_settings->autoadjustvolume && m_process)
+ m_process->volume(m_view->controlPanel()->volumeBar()->value(),true);
+ }
+ emit loading (100);
+void PartBase::playingStopped () {
+ kdDebug () << "playingStopped " << this << endl;
+ if (m_view) {
+ m_view->controlPanel ()->setPlaying (false);
+ m_view->reset ();
+ }
+ m_bPosSliderPressed = false;
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void PartBase::setPosition (int position, int length) {
+ if (m_view && !m_bPosSliderPressed)
+ emit positioned (position, length);
+void PartBase::setLoaded (int percentage) {
+ emit loading (percentage);
+unsigned long PartBase::position () const {
+ return m_source ? 100 * m_source->position () : 0;
+void PartBase::pause () {
+ NodePtr doc = m_source ? m_source->document () : 0L;
+ if (doc) {
+ if (doc->state == Node::state_deferred)
+ doc->undefer ();
+ else
+ doc->defer ();
+ }
+void PartBase::back () {
+ m_source->backward ();
+void PartBase::forward () {
+ m_source->forward ();
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void PartBase::playListItemClicked (QListViewItem * item) {
+ if (!item)
+ return;
+ PlayListItem * vi = static_cast <PlayListItem *> (item);
+ RootPlayListItem * ri = vi->playListView ()->rootItem (item);
+ if (ri == item && vi->node) {
+ QString src = ri->source;
+ //kdDebug() << "playListItemClicked " << src << " " << vi->node->nodeName() << endl;
+ Source * source = src.isEmpty() ? m_source : m_sources[src.ascii()];
+ if (vi->node->isPlayable ()) {
+ source->jump (vi->node); //may become !isPlayable by lazy loading
+ if (!vi->node->isPlayable ())
+ emit treeChanged (ri->id, vi->node, 0, false, true);
+ } else if (vi->firstChild ())
+ vi->listView ()->setOpen (vi, !vi->isOpen ());
+ } else if (!vi->node && !vi->m_attr)
+ updateTree (); // items already deleted
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void PartBase::playListItemExecuted (QListViewItem * item) {
+ if (m_in_update_tree) return;
+ if (m_view->editMode ()) return;
+ PlayListItem * vi = static_cast <PlayListItem *> (item);
+ RootPlayListItem * ri = vi->playListView ()->rootItem (item);
+ if (ri == item)
+ return; // both null or handled by playListItemClicked
+ if (vi->node) {
+ QString src = ri->source;
+ //kdDebug() << "playListItemExecuted " << src << " " << vi->node->nodeName() << endl;
+ Source * source = src.isEmpty() ? m_source : m_sources[src.ascii()];
+ if (vi->node->isPlayable ()) {
+ source->jump (vi->node); //may become !isPlayable by lazy loading
+ if (!vi->node->isPlayable ())
+ emit treeChanged (ri->id, vi->node, 0, false, true);
+ } else if (vi->firstChild ())
+ vi->listView ()->setOpen (vi, !vi->isOpen ());
+ } else if (vi->m_attr) {
+ if (vi->m_attr->name () == StringPool::attr_src ||
+ vi->m_attr->name () == StringPool::attr_href ||
+ vi->m_attr->name () == StringPool::attr_url ||
+ vi->m_attr->name () == StringPool::attr_value ||
+ vi->m_attr->name () == "data") {
+ QString src (vi->m_attr->value ());
+ if (!src.isEmpty ()) {
+ PlayListItem * pi = static_cast <PlayListItem*>(item->parent());
+ if (pi) {
+ for (NodePtr e = pi->node; e; e = e->parentNode ()) {
+ Mrl * mrl = e->mrl ();
+ if (mrl)
+ src = KURL (mrl->absolutePath (), src).url ();
+ }
+ KURL url (src);
+ if (url.isValid ())
+ openURL (url);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ emit treeChanged (ri->id, ri->node, 0L, false, false);
+ if (m_view)
+ m_view->viewArea ()->setFocus ();
+void PartBase::updateTree (bool full, bool force) {
+ if (force) {
+ m_in_update_tree = true;
+ if (m_update_tree_full) {
+ if (m_source)
+ emit treeChanged (0, m_source->root (), m_source->current (), true, false);
+ } else
+ emit treeUpdated ();
+ m_in_update_tree = false;
+ if (m_update_tree_timer) {
+ killTimer (m_update_tree_timer);
+ m_update_tree_timer = 0;
+ }
+ } else if (!m_update_tree_timer) {
+ m_update_tree_timer = startTimer (100);
+ m_update_tree_full = full;
+ } else
+ m_update_tree_full |= full;
+void PartBase::updateInfo (const QString & msg) {
+ emit infoUpdated (msg);
+void PartBase::updateStatus (const QString & msg) {
+ emit statusUpdated (msg);
+void PartBase::setLanguages (const QStringList & al, const QStringList & sl) {
+ emit languagesUpdated (al, sl);
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void PartBase::audioSelected (int id) {
+ emit audioIsSelected (id);
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void PartBase::subtitleSelected (int id) {
+ emit subtitleIsSelected (id);
+void PartBase::record () {
+ if (m_view) m_view->setCursor (QCursor (Qt::WaitCursor));
+ if (m_recorder->playing ()) {
+ m_recorder->stop ();
+ } else {
+ m_settings->show ("RecordPage");
+ m_view->controlPanel ()->setRecording (false);
+ }
+ if (m_view) m_view->setCursor (QCursor (Qt::ArrowCursor));
+void PartBase::play () {
+ if (!m_process || !m_view) return;
+ QPushButton * pb = ::qt_cast <QPushButton *> (sender ());
+ if (pb && !pb->isOn ()) {
+ stop ();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m_update_tree_timer) {
+ killTimer (m_update_tree_timer);
+ m_update_tree_timer = 0;
+ }
+ if (m_process->state () == Process::NotRunning) {
+ PlayListItem * lvi = m_view->playList ()->currentPlayListItem ();
+ if (lvi) { // make sure it's in the first tree
+ QListViewItem * pitem = lvi;
+ while (pitem->parent())
+ pitem = pitem->parent();
+ if (pitem != m_view->playList ()->firstChild ())
+ lvi = 0L;
+ }
+ if (!lvi)
+ lvi = static_cast<PlayListItem*>(m_view->playList()->firstChild());
+ if (lvi)
+ for (NodePtr n = lvi->node; n; n = n->parentNode ()) {
+ if (n->isPlayable ()) {
+ m_source->setCurrent (n);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ m_process->ready (m_view->viewer ());
+ } else if (m_process->state () == Process::Ready) {
+ m_source->playCurrent ();
+ } else
+ m_process->play (m_source, m_source->current ());
+bool PartBase::playing () const {
+ return m_process && m_process->state () > Process::Ready;
+void PartBase::stop () {
+ QPushButton * b = m_view ? m_view->controlPanel ()->button (ControlPanel::button_stop) : 0L;
+ if (b) {
+ if (!b->isOn ())
+ b->toggle ();
+ m_view->setCursor (QCursor (Qt::WaitCursor));
+ }
+ if (m_process)
+ m_process->quit ();
+ if (m_source)
+ m_source->reset ();
+ if (m_view) {
+ m_view->setCursor (QCursor (Qt::ArrowCursor));
+ if (b->isOn ())
+ b->toggle ();
+ m_view->controlPanel ()->setPlaying (false);
+ setLoaded (100);
+ }
+void PartBase::seek (unsigned long msec) {
+ if (m_process)
+ m_process->seek (msec/100, true);
+void PartBase::adjustVolume (int incdec) {
+ m_process->volume (incdec, false);
+void PartBase::increaseVolume () {
+ if (m_view)
+ m_view->controlPanel ()->volumeBar ()->setValue (m_view->controlPanel ()->volumeBar ()->value () + 2);
+void PartBase::decreaseVolume () {
+ if (m_view)
+ m_view->controlPanel ()->volumeBar ()->setValue (m_view->controlPanel ()->volumeBar ()->value () - 2);
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void PartBase::posSliderPressed () {
+ m_bPosSliderPressed=true;
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void PartBase::posSliderReleased () {
+ m_bPosSliderPressed=false;
+#if (QT_VERSION < 0x030200)
+ const QSlider * posSlider = dynamic_cast <const QSlider *> (sender ());
+ const QSlider * posSlider = ::qt_cast<const QSlider *> (sender ());
+ if (posSlider)
+ m_process->seek (posSlider->value(), true);
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void PartBase::volumeChanged (int val) {
+ if (m_process) {
+ m_settings->volume = val;
+ m_process->volume (val, true);
+ }
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void PartBase::contrastValueChanged (int val) {
+ m_settings->contrast = val;
+ m_process->contrast (val, true);
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void PartBase::brightnessValueChanged (int val) {
+ m_settings->brightness = val;
+ m_process->brightness (val, true);
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void PartBase::hueValueChanged (int val) {
+ m_settings->hue = val;
+ m_process->hue (val, true);
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void PartBase::saturationValueChanged (int val) {
+ m_settings->saturation = val;
+ m_process->saturation (val, true);
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void PartBase::sourceHasChangedAspects () {
+ if (m_view && m_source) {
+ //kdDebug () << "sourceHasChangedAspects " << m_source->aspect () << endl;
+ m_view->viewer ()->setAspect (m_source->aspect ());
+ m_view->updateLayout ();
+ }
+ emit sourceDimensionChanged ();
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void PartBase::positionValueChanged (int pos) {
+ QSlider * slider = ::qt_cast <QSlider *> (sender ());
+ if (slider && slider->isEnabled ())
+ m_process->seek (pos, true);
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void PartBase::fullScreen () {
+ if (m_view)
+ m_view->fullScreen ();
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void PartBase::toggleFullScreen () {
+ m_view->fullScreen ();
+KDE_NO_EXPORT bool PartBase::isPlaying () {
+ return playing ();
+KAboutData* PartBase::createAboutData () {
+ KMessageBox::error(0L, "createAboutData", "KMPlayer");
+ return 0;
+Source::Source (const QString & name, PartBase * player, const char * n)
+ : QObject (player, n),
+ m_name (name), m_player (player), m_identified (false), m_auto_play (true),
+ m_frequency (0), m_xvport (0), m_xvencoding (-1), m_doc_timer (0) {
+ init ();
+Source::~Source () {
+ if (m_document)
+ m_document->document ()->dispose ();
+ m_document = 0L;
+ Q_ASSERT (m_current.ptr () == 0L);
+void Source::init () {
+ //setDimensions (320, 240);
+ m_width = 0;
+ m_height = 0;
+ m_aspect = 0.0;
+ m_length = 0;
+ m_position = 0;
+ setLength (m_document, 0);
+ m_recordcmd.truncate (0);
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void Source::setLanguages (const QStringList & alang, const QStringList & slang) {
+ m_player->setLanguages (alang, slang);
+void Source::setDimensions (NodePtr node, int w, int h) {
+ Mrl * mrl = node ? node->mrl () : 0L;
+ if (mrl && mrl->view_mode == Mrl::WindowMode) {
+ mrl->width = w;
+ mrl->height = h;
+ float a = h > 0 ? 1.0 * w / h : 0.0;
+ mrl->aspect = a;
+ if (m_player->view ()) {
+ static_cast <View *> (m_player->view())->viewer()->setAspect(a);
+ static_cast <View *> (m_player->view ())->updateLayout ();
+ }
+ } else if (m_aspect < 0.001 || m_width != w || m_height != h) {
+ bool ev = (w > 0 && h > 0) ||
+ (h == 0 && m_height > 0) ||
+ (w == 0 && m_width > 0);
+ m_width = w;
+ m_height = h;
+ if (m_aspect < 0.001)
+ setAspect (node, h > 0 ? 1.0 * w / h : 0.0);
+ //kdDebug () << "setDimensions " << w << "x" << h << " a:" << m_aspect << endl;
+ if (ev)
+ emit dimensionsChanged ();
+ }
+void Source::setAspect (NodePtr node, float a) {
+ //kdDebug () << "setAspect " << a << endl;
+ Mrl * mrl = node ? node->mrl () : 0L;
+ bool changed = false;
+ if (mrl) {
+ if (mrl->view_mode == Mrl::WindowMode)
+ changed |= (fabs (mrl->aspect - a) > 0.001);
+ mrl->aspect = a;
+ }
+ if (!mrl || mrl->view_mode == Mrl::SingleMode) {
+ changed |= (fabs (m_aspect - a) > 0.001);
+ m_aspect = a;
+ }
+ if (changed)
+ emit dimensionsChanged ();
+void Source::setLength (NodePtr, int len) {
+ m_length = len;
+ m_player->setPosition (m_position, m_length);
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void Source::setPosition (int pos) {
+ m_position = pos;
+ m_player->setPosition (pos, m_length);
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void Source::setLoading (int percentage) {
+ m_player->setLoaded (percentage);
+static void printTree (NodePtr root, QString off=QString()) {
+ if (!root) {
+ kdDebug() << off << "[null]" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ kdDebug() << off << root->nodeName() << " " << (Element*)root << (root->isPlayable() ? root->mrl ()->src : QString ("-")) << endl;
+ off += QString (" ");
+ for (NodePtr e = root->firstChild(); e; e = e->nextSibling())
+ printTree(e, off);
+void Source::setURL (const KURL & url) {
+ m_url = url;
+ m_back_request = 0L;
+ if (m_document && !m_document->hasChildNodes () &&
+ (m_document->mrl()->src.isEmpty () ||
+ m_document->mrl()->src == url.url ()))
+ // special case, mime is set first by plugin FIXME v
+ m_document->mrl()->src = url.url ();
+ else {
+ if (m_document)
+ m_document->document ()->dispose ();
+ m_document = new Document (url.url (), this);
+ }
+ if (m_player->process () && m_player->source () == this)
+ m_player->updateTree ();
+ //kdDebug() << name() << " setURL " << url << endl;
+ m_current = m_document;
+void Source::setTitle (const QString & title) {
+ emit titleChanged (title);
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void Source::setAudioLang (int id) {
+ View * v = static_cast <View *> (m_player->view());
+ if (v && m_player->process ())
+ m_player->process ()->setAudioLang (id, v->controlPanel ()->audioMenu ()->text (id));
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void Source::setSubtitle (int id) {
+ View * v = static_cast <View *> (m_player->view());
+ if (v && m_player->process ())
+ m_player->process ()->setSubtitle (id, v->controlPanel ()->subtitleMenu ()->text (id));
+void Source::reset () {
+ if (m_document) {
+ //kdDebug() << "Source::first" << endl;
+ m_current = NodePtr ();
+ m_document->reset ();
+ m_player->updateTree ();
+ }
+ init ();
+QString Source::currentMrl () {
+ Mrl * mrl = m_current ? m_current->mrl () : 0L;
+ kdDebug() << "Source::currentMrl " << (m_current ? m_current->nodeName():"") << " src:" << (mrl ? mrl->absolutePath () : QString ()) << endl;
+ return mrl ? mrl->absolutePath () : QString ();
+void Source::playCurrent () {
+ QString url = currentMrl ();
+ m_player->changeURL (url);
+ m_width = m_height = 0;
+ m_aspect = 0.0;
+ if (m_player->view ())
+ static_cast <View *> (m_player->view ())->playingStop ();//show controls
+ if (m_document && !m_document->active ()) {
+ if (!m_current)
+ m_document->activate ();
+ else { // ugly code duplicate w/ back_request
+ for (NodePtr p = m_current->parentNode(); p; p = p->parentNode())
+ p->state = Element::state_activated;
+ m_current->activate ();
+ }
+ } else if (!m_current) {
+ emit endOfPlayItems ();
+ } else if (m_current->state == Element::state_deferred) {
+ // m_current->undefer ();
+ } else if (m_player->process ()->state () == Process::NotRunning) {
+ m_player->process ()->ready (static_cast <View *> (m_player->view ())->viewer ());
+ } else if (m_player->process ()) {
+ Mrl * mrl = m_back_request ? m_back_request->mrl () : m_current->mrl ();
+ if (mrl->view_mode == Mrl::SingleMode) {
+ // don't reset the dimensions if we have any
+ m_width = mrl->width;
+ m_height = mrl->height;
+ m_aspect = mrl->aspect;
+ }
+ m_back_request = 0L;
+ m_player->process ()->play (this, mrl->linkNode ());
+ }
+ //kdDebug () << "Source::playCurrent " << (m_current ? m_current->nodeName():" doc act:") << (m_document && !m_document->active ()) << " cur:" << (!m_current) << " cur act:" << (m_current && !m_current->active ()) << endl;
+ m_player->updateTree ();
+ emit dimensionsChanged ();
+static NodePtr findDepthFirst (NodePtr elm) {
+ if (!elm)
+ return NodePtr ();
+ NodePtr tmp = elm;
+ for ( ; tmp; tmp = tmp->nextSibling ()) {
+ if (tmp->isPlayable ())
+ return tmp;
+ NodePtr tmp2 = findDepthFirst (tmp->firstChild ());
+ if (tmp2)
+ return tmp2;
+ }
+ return NodePtr ();
+bool Source::requestPlayURL (NodePtr mrl) {
+ //kdDebug() << "Source::requestPlayURL " << mrl->mrl ()->src << endl;
+ if (m_player->process ()->state () > Process::Ready) {
+ if (m_player->process ()->mrl () == mrl->mrl ()->linkNode ())
+ return true;
+ m_back_request = mrl; // still playing, schedule it
+ m_player->process ()->stop ();
+ } else {
+ if (mrl->mrl ()->view_mode == Mrl::SingleMode)
+ m_current = mrl;
+ else
+ m_back_request = mrl;
+ m_player->updateTree ();
+ QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (playCurrent ()));
+ }
+ m_player->setProcess (mrl->mrl ());
+ return true;
+bool Source::resolveURL (NodePtr) {
+ return true;
+void Source::setTimeout (int ms) {
+ //kdDebug () << "Source::setTimeout " << ms << endl;
+ if (m_doc_timer)
+ killTimer (m_doc_timer);
+ m_doc_timer = ms > -1 ? startTimer (ms) : 0;
+void Source::timerEvent (QTimerEvent * e) {
+ if (e->timerId () == m_doc_timer && m_document && m_document->active ())
+ m_document->document ()->timer (); // will call setTimeout()
+ else
+ killTimer (e->timerId ());
+bool Source::setCurrent (NodePtr mrl) {
+ m_current = mrl;
+ return true;
+void Source::stateElementChanged (Node * elm, Node::State os, Node::State ns) {
+ //kdDebug() << "Source::stateElementChanged " << elm->nodeName () << " state:" << (int) elm->state << " cur isPlayable:" << (m_current && m_current->isPlayable ()) << " elm==linkNode:" << (m_current && elm == m_current->mrl ()->linkNode ()) << " p state:" << m_player->process ()->state () << endl;
+ if (ns == Node::state_deactivated && elm == m_document && !m_back_request) {
+ emit endOfPlayItems (); // played all items
+ } else if ((ns == Node::state_deactivated || ns == Node::state_finished) &&
+ m_player->process ()->mrl() &&
+ elm == m_player->process ()->mrl ()->mrl ()->linkNode ()) {
+ if (m_player->process ()->state () > Process::Ready)
+ //a SMIL movies stopped by SMIL events rather than movie just ending
+ m_player->process ()->stop ();
+ if (m_player->view ()) // move away the video widget
+ QTimer::singleShot (0, m_player->view (), SLOT (updateLayout ()));
+ } else if ((ns == Node::state_deferred ||
+ (os == Node::state_deferred && ns > Node::state_deferred)) &&
+ elm == m_document) {
+ m_player->process ()->pause ();
+ } else if (ns == Node::state_activated &&
+ elm->isPlayable () &&
+ elm->mrl ()->view_mode == Mrl::SingleMode) {
+ Node *p = elm->parentNode();
+ if (!p || !p->mrl () || p->mrl ()->view_mode == Mrl::SingleMode)
+ // make sure we don't set current to nested document
+ m_current = elm;
+ }
+ if (elm->expose ()) {
+ if (ns == Node::state_activated || ns == Node::state_deactivated)
+ m_player->updateTree ();
+ else if (ns == Node::state_began || os == Node::state_began)
+ m_player->updateTree (false);
+ }
+SurfacePtr Source::getSurface (NodePtr n) {
+ if (m_player->view ())
+ return static_cast <View*>(m_player->view())->viewArea()->getSurface(n);
+ return 0L;
+void Source::setInfoMessage (const QString & msg) {
+ m_player->updateInfo (msg);
+void Source::bitRates (int & preferred, int & maximal) {
+ preferred = 1024 * m_player->settings ()->prefbitrate;
+ maximal= 1024 * m_player->settings ()->maxbitrate;
+void Source::insertURL (NodePtr node, const QString & mrl, const QString & title) {
+ if (!node || !node->mrl ()) // this should always be false
+ return;
+ QString cur_url = node->mrl ()->absolutePath ();
+ KURL url (cur_url, mrl);
+ kdDebug() << "Source::insertURL " << KURL (cur_url) << " " << url << endl;
+ if (!url.isValid ())
+ kdError () << "try to append non-valid url" << endl;
+ else if (KURL (cur_url) == url)
+ kdError () << "try to append url to itself" << endl;
+ else {
+ int depth = 0; // cache this?
+ for (NodePtr e = node; e->parentNode (); e = e->parentNode ())
+ ++depth;
+ if (depth < 40) {
+ node->appendChild (new GenericURL (m_document, KURL::decode_string (url.url ()), title.isEmpty() ? KURL::decode_string (mrl) : title));
+ m_player->updateTree ();
+ } else
+ kdError () << "insertURL exceeds depth limit" << endl;
+ }
+void Source::play () {
+ m_player->updateTree ();
+ QTimer::singleShot (0, m_player, SLOT (play ()));
+ //printTree (m_document);
+void Source::backward () {
+ if (m_document->hasChildNodes ()) {
+ m_back_request = m_current;
+ if (!m_back_request || m_back_request == m_document) {
+ m_back_request = m_document->lastChild ();
+ while (m_back_request->lastChild () && !m_back_request->isPlayable ())
+ m_back_request = m_back_request->lastChild ();
+ if (m_back_request->isPlayable ())
+ return;
+ }
+ while (m_back_request && m_back_request != m_document) {
+ if (m_back_request->previousSibling ()) {
+ m_back_request = m_back_request->previousSibling ();
+ NodePtr e = findDepthFirst (m_back_request); // lastDepth..
+ if (e) {
+ m_back_request = e;
+ if (m_player->playing ())
+ m_player->process ()->stop ();
+ else if (m_current) {
+ m_document->reset ();
+ m_current = e;
+ QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (playCurrent ()));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ } else
+ m_back_request = m_back_request->parentNode ();
+ }
+ m_back_request = 0L;
+ } else
+ m_player->process ()->seek (-1 * m_player->settings ()->seektime * 10, false);
+void Source::forward () {
+ if (m_document->hasChildNodes ()) {
+ if (m_player->playing ())
+ m_player->process ()->stop ();
+ else if (m_current)
+ m_current->finish ();
+ } else
+ m_player->process ()->seek (m_player->settings()->seektime * 10, false);
+void Source::jump (NodePtr e) {
+ if (e->isPlayable ()) {
+ if (m_player->playing ()) {
+ m_back_request = e;
+ m_player->process ()->stop ();
+ } else {
+ if (m_current)
+ m_document->reset ();
+ m_current = e;
+ QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (playCurrent ()));
+ }
+ } else
+ m_player->updateTree ();
+NodePtr Source::document () {
+ if (!m_document)
+ m_document = new Document (QString (), this);
+ return m_document;
+NodePtr Source::root () {
+ return document ();
+bool Source::processOutput (const QString &) {
+ return false;
+QString Source::filterOptions () {
+ Settings* m_settings = m_player->settings ();
+ QString PPargs ("");
+ if (m_settings->postprocessing)
+ {
+ if (m_settings->pp_default)
+ PPargs = "-vf pp=de";
+ else if (m_settings->pp_fast)
+ PPargs = "-vf pp=fa";
+ else if (m_settings->pp_custom) {
+ PPargs = "-vf pp=";
+ if (m_settings->pp_custom_hz) {
+ PPargs += "hb";
+ if (m_settings->pp_custom_hz_aq && \
+ m_settings->pp_custom_hz_ch)
+ PPargs += ":ac";
+ else if (m_settings->pp_custom_hz_aq)
+ PPargs += ":a";
+ else if (m_settings->pp_custom_hz_ch)
+ PPargs += ":c";
+ PPargs += '/';
+ }
+ if (m_settings->pp_custom_vt) {
+ PPargs += "vb";
+ if (m_settings->pp_custom_vt_aq && \
+ m_settings->pp_custom_vt_ch)
+ PPargs += ":ac";
+ else if (m_settings->pp_custom_vt_aq)
+ PPargs += ":a";
+ else if (m_settings->pp_custom_vt_ch)
+ PPargs += ":c";
+ PPargs += '/';
+ }
+ if (m_settings->pp_custom_dr) {
+ PPargs += "dr";
+ if (m_settings->pp_custom_dr_aq && \
+ m_settings->pp_custom_dr_ch)
+ PPargs += ":ac";
+ else if (m_settings->pp_custom_dr_aq)
+ PPargs += ":a";
+ else if (m_settings->pp_custom_dr_ch)
+ PPargs += ":c";
+ PPargs += '/';
+ }
+ if (m_settings->pp_custom_al) {
+ PPargs += "al";
+ if (m_settings->pp_custom_al_f)
+ PPargs += ":f";
+ PPargs += '/';
+ }
+ if (m_settings->pp_custom_tn) {
+ PPargs += "tn";
+ /*if (1 <= m_settings->pp_custom_tn_s <= 3){
+ PPargs += ":";
+ PPargs += m_settings->pp_custom_tn_s;
+ }*/ //disabled 'cos this is wrong
+ PPargs += '/';
+ }
+ if (m_settings->pp_lin_blend_int) {
+ PPargs += "lb";
+ PPargs += '/';
+ }
+ if (m_settings->pp_lin_int) {
+ PPargs += "li";
+ PPargs += '/';
+ }
+ if (m_settings->pp_cub_int) {
+ PPargs += "ci";
+ PPargs += '/';
+ }
+ if (m_settings->pp_med_int) {
+ PPargs += "md";
+ PPargs += '/';
+ }
+ if (m_settings->pp_ffmpeg_int) {
+ PPargs += "fd";
+ PPargs += '/';
+ }
+ }
+ if (PPargs.endsWith("/"))
+ PPargs.truncate(PPargs.length()-1);
+ }
+ return PPargs;
+bool Source::hasLength () {
+ return true;
+bool Source::isSeekable () {
+ return true;
+void Source::setIdentified (bool b) {
+ //kdDebug () << "Source::setIdentified " << m_identified << b <<endl;
+ m_identified = b;
+static const QString statemap [] = {
+ i18n ("Not Running"), i18n ("Ready"), i18n ("Buffering"), i18n ("Playing")
+void Source::stateChange(Process *p, Process::State olds, Process::State news) {
+ if (!p || !p->viewer ()) return;
+ Recorder *rec = dynamic_cast <Recorder *> (p);
+ if (rec && !rec->recordURL ().isEmpty ()) {
+ kdDebug () << "recordState " << statemap[olds] << " -> " << statemap[news] << endl;
+ m_player->updateStatus (i18n ("Recorder %1 %2").arg (p->name ()).arg (statemap[news]));
+ p->viewer ()->view ()->controlPanel ()->setRecording (news > Process::Ready);
+ if (news == Process::Ready) {
+ if (olds > Process::Ready) {
+ p->quit ();
+ } else {
+ NodePtr n = current ();
+ if (!n)
+ n = document ();
+ p->play (this, n);
+ }
+ } else if (news > Process::Ready) {
+ emit startRecording ();
+ } else if (news == Process::NotRunning)
+ emit stopRecording ();
+ } else {
+ p->viewer()->view()->controlPanel()->setPlaying(news > Process::Ready);
+ kdDebug () << "processState " << statemap[olds] << " -> " << statemap[news] << endl;
+ m_player->updateStatus (i18n ("Player %1 %2").arg (p->name ()).arg (statemap[news]));
+ if (!p->mrl () && news > Process::Ready) {
+ p->stop (); // reschedule for Ready state
+ } else if (news == Process::Playing) {
+ if (p->mrl ()->state == Element::state_deferred)
+ p->mrl ()->undefer ();
+ p->viewer ()->view ()->playingStart ();
+ emit startPlaying ();
+ } else if (news == Process::NotRunning) {
+ if (hasLength () && position () > length ())
+ setLength (m_document, position ());
+ setPosition (0);
+ if (p == m_player->process ())
+ emit stopPlaying ();
+ // else changed process
+ } else if (news == Process::Ready) {
+ if (olds > Process::Ready) {
+ NodePtr node = p->mrl (); // p->mrl is weak, needs check
+ Mrl * mrl = node ? node->mrl () : 0L;
+ if (m_back_request && m_back_request->isPlayable ()) {
+ if (m_back_request->mrl ()->view_mode == Mrl::SingleMode)
+ // jump in pl
+ m_current = m_back_request;
+ else if (mrl)
+ // overlapping SMIL audio/video
+ mrl->endOfFile ();
+ if (m_current->id >= SMIL::id_node_first &&
+ m_current->id < SMIL::id_node_last) {
+ playCurrent (); // just play back_request
+ } else {
+ // sanitize pl having all parents of current activated
+ m_document->reset (); // deactivate everything
+ for (NodePtr p = m_current->parentNode(); p; p = p->parentNode())
+ p->state = Element::state_activated;
+ m_current->activate (); // calls requestPlayUrl
+ }
+ m_back_request = 0L;
+ } else if(mrl)
+ {
+ mrl->endOfFile (); // set node to finished
+ }
+ if (m_player->view() &&
+ (!mrl || mrl->view_mode != Mrl::WindowMode))
+ static_cast<View*>(m_player->view())->viewArea()->repaint();
+ } else
+ QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (playCurrent ()));
+ } else if (news == Process::Buffering) {
+ if (p->mrl ()->mrl ()->view_mode != Mrl::SingleMode)
+ p->mrl ()->defer (); // paused the SMIL
+ }
+ }
+QString Source::plugin (const QString &mime) const {
+ m_player->config ()->setGroup (mime);
+ return m_player->config ()->readEntry ("plugin", "" );
+QString Source::prettyName () {
+ return i18n ("Unknown");
+URLSource::URLSource (PartBase * player, const KURL & url)
+ : Source (i18n ("URL"), player, "urlsource"), activated (false) {
+ setURL (url);
+ //kdDebug () << "URLSource::URLSource" << endl;
+URLSource::~URLSource () {
+ //kdDebug () << "URLSource::~URLSource" << endl;
+void URLSource::init () {
+ Source::init ();
+void URLSource::dimensions (int & w, int & h) {
+ if (!m_player->mayResize () && m_player->view ()) {
+ w = static_cast <View *> (m_player->view ())->viewer ()->width ();
+ h = static_cast <View *> (m_player->view ())->viewer ()->height ();
+ } else
+ Source::dimensions (w, h);
+bool URLSource::hasLength () {
+ return !!length ();
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void URLSource::activate () {
+ if (activated)
+ return;
+ activated = true;
+ if (url ().isEmpty () && (!m_document || !m_document->hasChildNodes ())) {
+ m_player->updateTree ();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m_auto_play)
+ play ();
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void URLSource::stopResolving () {
+ if (m_resolve_info) {
+ for (SharedPtr <ResolveInfo> ri = m_resolve_info; ri; ri = ri->next)
+ ri->job->kill ();
+ m_resolve_info = 0L;
+ m_player->updateStatus (i18n ("Disconnected"));
+ m_player->setLoaded (100);
+ }
+void URLSource::reset () {
+ stopResolving ();
+ Source::reset ();
+void URLSource::forward () {
+ stopResolving ();
+ Source::forward ();
+void URLSource::backward () {
+ stopResolving ();
+ Source::backward ();
+void URLSource::jump (NodePtr e) {
+ stopResolving ();
+ Source::jump (e);
+void URLSource::deactivate () {
+ activated = false;
+ reset ();
+ getSurface (0L);
+QString URLSource::prettyName () {
+ if (m_url.isEmpty ())
+ return i18n ("URL");
+ if (m_url.url ().length () > 50) {
+ QString newurl = m_url.protocol () + QString ("://");
+ if (m_url.hasHost ())
+ newurl += ();
+ if (m_url.port ())
+ newurl += QString (":%1").arg (m_url.port ());
+ QString file = m_url.fileName ();
+ int len = newurl.length () + file.length ();
+ KURL path = KURL ( ());
+ bool modified = false;
+ while (path.url ().length () + len > 50 && path != path.upURL ()) {
+ path = path.upURL ();
+ modified = true;
+ }
+ QString dir = ();
+ if (!dir.endsWith (QString ("/")))
+ dir += '/';
+ if (modified)
+ dir += QString (".../");
+ newurl += dir + file;
+ return i18n ("URL - %1").arg (newurl);
+ }
+ return i18n ("URL - %1").arg (m_url.prettyURL ());
+static bool isPlayListMime (const QString & mime) {
+ QString m (mime);
+ int plugin_pos = m.find ("-plugin");
+ if (plugin_pos > 0)
+ m.truncate (plugin_pos);
+ const char * mimestr = m.ascii ();
+ return mimestr && (!strcmp (mimestr, "audio/mpegurl") ||
+ !strcmp (mimestr, "audio/x-mpegurl") ||
+ !strncmp (mimestr, "video/x-ms", 10) ||
+ !strncmp (mimestr, "audio/x-ms", 10) ||
+ //!strcmp (mimestr, "video/x-ms-wmp") ||
+ //!strcmp (mimestr, "video/x-ms-asf") ||
+ //!strcmp (mimestr, "video/x-ms-wmv") ||
+ //!strcmp (mimestr, "video/x-ms-wvx") ||
+ //!strcmp (mimestr, "video/x-msvideo") ||
+ !strcmp (mimestr, "audio/x-scpls") ||
+ !strcmp (mimestr, "audio/x-pn-realaudio") ||
+ !strcmp (mimestr, "audio/vnd.rn-realaudio") ||
+ !strcmp (mimestr, "audio/m3u") ||
+ !strcmp (mimestr, "audio/x-m3u") ||
+ !strncmp (mimestr, "text/", 5) ||
+ (!strncmp (mimestr, "application/", 12) &&
+ strstr (mimestr + 12,"+xml")) ||
+ !strncasecmp (mimestr, "application/smil", 16) ||
+ !strncasecmp (mimestr, "application/xml", 15) ||
+ //!strcmp (mimestr, "application/rss+xml") ||
+ //!strcmp (mimestr, "application/atom+xml") ||
+ !strcmp (mimestr, "application/x-mplayer2"));
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void URLSource::read (NodePtr root, QTextStream & textstream) {
+ QString line;
+ do {
+ line = textstream.readLine ();
+ } while (!line.isNull () && line.stripWhiteSpace ().isEmpty ());
+ if (!line.isNull ()) {
+ NodePtr cur_elm = root;
+ if (cur_elm->isPlayable ())
+ cur_elm = cur_elm->mrl ()->linkNode ();
+ if (cur_elm->mrl ()->mimetype == QString ("audio/x-scpls")) {
+ bool groupfound = false;
+ int nr = -1;
+ struct Entry {
+ QString url, title;
+ } * entries = 0L;
+ do {
+ line = line.stripWhiteSpace ();
+ if (!line.isEmpty ()) {
+ if (line.startsWith (QString ("[")) && line.endsWith (QString ("]"))) {
+ if (!groupfound && line.mid (1, line.length () - 2).stripWhiteSpace () == QString ("playlist"))
+ groupfound = true;
+ else
+ break;
+ kdDebug () << "Group found: " << line << endl;
+ } else if (groupfound) {
+ int eq_pos = line.find (QChar ('='));
+ if (eq_pos > 0) {
+ if (line.lower ().startsWith (QString ("numberofentries"))) {
+ nr = line.mid (eq_pos + 1).stripWhiteSpace ().toInt ();
+ kdDebug () << "numberofentries : " << nr << endl;
+ if (nr > 0 && nr < 1024)
+ entries = new Entry[nr];
+ else
+ nr = 0;
+ } else if (nr > 0) {
+ QString ll = line.lower ();
+ if (ll.startsWith (QString ("file"))) {
+ int i = line.mid (4, eq_pos-4).toInt ();
+ if (i > 0 && i <= nr)
+ entries[i-1].url = line.mid (eq_pos + 1).stripWhiteSpace ();
+ } else if (ll.startsWith (QString ("title"))) {
+ int i = line.mid (5, eq_pos-5).toInt ();
+ if (i > 0 && i <= nr)
+ entries[i-1].title = line.mid (eq_pos + 1).stripWhiteSpace ();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ line = textstream.readLine ();
+ } while (!line.isNull ());
+ for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++)
+ if (!entries[i].url.isEmpty ())
+ cur_elm->appendChild (new GenericURL (m_document, KURL::decode_string (entries[i].url), entries[i].title));
+ delete [] entries;
+ } else if (line.stripWhiteSpace ().startsWith (QChar ('<'))) {
+ readXML (cur_elm, textstream, line);
+ //cur_elm->normalize ();
+ if (m_document && m_document->firstChild ()) {
+ // SMIL documents have set its size of root-layout
+ Mrl * mrl = m_document->firstChild ()->mrl ();
+ if (mrl)
+ Source::setDimensions (m_document->firstChild (), mrl->width, mrl->height);
+ }
+ } else if (line.lower () != QString ("[reference]")) do {
+ QString mrl = line.stripWhiteSpace ();
+ if (line == QString ("--stop--"))
+ break;
+ if (mrl.lower ().startsWith (QString ("asf ")))
+ mrl = mrl.mid (4).stripWhiteSpace ();
+ if (!mrl.isEmpty () && !mrl.startsWith (QChar ('#')))
+ cur_elm->appendChild (new GenericURL (m_document, mrl));
+ line = textstream.readLine ();
+ } while (!line.isNull ()); /* TODO && m_document.size () < 1024 / * support 1k entries * /);*/
+ }
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void URLSource::kioData (KIO::Job * job, const QByteArray & d) {
+ SharedPtr <ResolveInfo> rinfo = m_resolve_info;
+ while (rinfo && rinfo->job != job)
+ rinfo = rinfo->next;
+ if (!rinfo) {
+ kdWarning () << "Spurious kioData" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ int size = rinfo->data.size ();
+ int newsize = size + d.size ();
+ if (!size) { // first data
+ int accuraty = 0;
+ KMimeType::Ptr mime = KMimeType::findByContent (d, &accuraty);
+ if (!mime ||
+ !mime->name ().startsWith (QString ("text/")) ||
+ (newsize > 4 && !strncmp ( (), "RIFF", 4))) {
+ newsize = 0;
+ kdDebug () << "URLSource::kioData: " << mime->name () << accuraty << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ //kdDebug () << "URLSource::kioData: " << newsize << endl;
+ if (newsize <= 0 || newsize > 200000) {
+ rinfo->data.resize (0);
+ rinfo->job->kill (false);
+ m_player->setLoaded (100);
+ } else {
+ rinfo->data.resize (newsize);
+ memcpy (rinfo-> () + size, (), newsize - size);
+ m_player->setLoaded (++rinfo->progress);
+ }
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void URLSource::kioMimetype (KIO::Job * job, const QString & mimestr) {
+ SharedPtr <ResolveInfo> rinfo = m_resolve_info;
+ while (rinfo && rinfo->job != job)
+ rinfo = rinfo->next;
+ if (!rinfo) {
+ kdWarning () << "Spurious kioData" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (rinfo->resolving_mrl)
+ rinfo->resolving_mrl->mrl ()->mimetype = mimestr;
+ if (!rinfo->resolving_mrl || !isPlayListMime (mimestr))
+ job->kill (false);
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void URLSource::kioResult (KIO::Job * job) {
+ SharedPtr <ResolveInfo> previnfo, rinfo = m_resolve_info;
+ while (rinfo && rinfo->job != job) {
+ previnfo = rinfo;
+ rinfo = rinfo->next;
+ }
+ if (!rinfo) {
+ kdWarning () << "Spurious kioData" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ m_player->updateStatus ("");
+ m_player->setLoaded (100);
+ if (previnfo)
+ previnfo->next = rinfo->next;
+ else
+ m_resolve_info = rinfo->next;
+ QTextStream textstream (rinfo->data, IO_ReadOnly);
+ if (rinfo->resolving_mrl) {
+ if (isPlayListMime (rinfo->resolving_mrl->mrl ()->mimetype))
+ read (rinfo->resolving_mrl, textstream);
+ rinfo->resolving_mrl->mrl ()->resolved = true;
+ rinfo->resolving_mrl->undefer ();
+ }
+ static_cast <View *> (m_player->view())->controlPanel()->setPlaying (false);
+void URLSource::playCurrent () {
+ Mrl *mrl = m_back_request
+ ? m_back_request->mrl ()
+ : m_current ? m_current->mrl () : NULL;
+ if (mrl && mrl->active () && (!mrl->isPlayable () || !mrl->resolved))
+ // an async playCurrent() call (eg. backend is up & running), ignore
+ return;
+ Source::playCurrent ();
+void URLSource::play () {
+ Source::play ();
+bool URLSource::requestPlayURL (NodePtr mrl) {
+ if (m_document.ptr () != mrl->mrl ()->linkNode ()) {
+ KURL base = m_document->mrl ()->src;
+ KURL dest = mrl->mrl ()->linkNode ()->absolutePath ();
+ // check if some remote playlist tries to open something local, but
+ // do ignore unknown protocols because there are so many and we only
+ // want to cache local ones.
+ if (
+#if 0
+ !KProtocolInfo::protocolClass (dest.protocol ()).isEmpty () &&
+ dest.isLocalFile () &&
+ !kapp->authorizeURLAction ("redirect", base, dest)) {
+ kdWarning () << "requestPlayURL from document " << base << " to play " << dest << " is not allowed" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return Source::requestPlayURL (mrl);
+void URLSource::setURL (const KURL & url) {
+ Source::setURL (url);
+ Mrl *mrl = document ()->mrl ();
+ if (!url.isEmpty () && url.isLocalFile () && mrl->mimetype.isEmpty ()) {
+ KMimeType::Ptr mimeptr = KMimeType::findByURL (url);
+ if (mimeptr)
+ mrl->mimetype = mimeptr->name ();
+ }
+bool URLSource::resolveURL (NodePtr m) {
+ Mrl * mrl = m->mrl ();
+ if (!mrl || mrl->src.isEmpty ())
+ return true;
+ int depth = 0;
+ for (NodePtr e = m->parentNode (); e; e = e->parentNode ())
+ ++depth;
+ if (depth > 40)
+ return true;
+ KURL url (mrl->absolutePath ());
+ QString mimestr = mrl->mimetype;
+ if (mimestr == "application/x-shockwave-flash" ||
+ mimestr == "application/futuresplash")
+ return true; // FIXME
+ bool maybe_playlist = isPlayListMime (mimestr);
+ kdDebug () << "resolveURL " << mrl->absolutePath () << " " << mimestr << endl;
+ if (url.isLocalFile ()) {
+ QFile file (url.path ());
+ if (!file.exists ()) {
+ kdWarning () << "resolveURL " << url.path() << " not found" << endl;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (mimestr.isEmpty ()) {
+ KMimeType::Ptr mimeptr = KMimeType::findByURL (url);
+ if (mimeptr) {
+ mrl->mimetype = mimeptr->name ();
+ maybe_playlist = isPlayListMime (mrl->mimetype); // get new mime
+ }
+ }
+ if (maybe_playlist && file.size () < 2000000 && (IO_ReadOnly)) {
+ char databuf [512];
+ int nr_bytes = file.readBlock (databuf, 512);
+ if (nr_bytes > 3) {
+ int accuraty = 0;
+ KMimeType::Ptr mime = KMimeType::findByContent (QCString (databuf, nr_bytes), &accuraty);
+ if ((mime && !mime->name().startsWith (QString("text/"))) ||
+ !strncmp (databuf, "RIFF", 4)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ kdDebug () << "mime: " << (mime ? mime->name (): QString("null")) << endl;
+ }
+ file.reset ();
+ QTextStream textstream (&file);
+ read (m, textstream);
+ }
+ } else if ((maybe_playlist &&
+ url.protocol ().compare (QString ("mms")) &&
+ url.protocol ().compare (QString ("rtsp")) &&
+ url.protocol ().compare (QString ("rtp"))) ||
+ (mimestr.isEmpty () &&
+ (url.protocol ().startsWith (QString ("http")) ||
+ url.protocol () == QString::fromLatin1 ("media") ||
+ url.protocol () == QString::fromLatin1 ("remote")))) {
+ KIO::Job * job = KIO::get (url, false, false);
+ job->addMetaData ("PropagateHttpHeader", "true");
+ job->addMetaData ("errorPage", "false");
+ m_resolve_info = new ResolveInfo (m, job, m_resolve_info);
+ connect (m_resolve_info->job, SIGNAL(data(KIO::Job*,const QByteArray&)),
+ this, SLOT (kioData (KIO::Job *, const QByteArray &)));
+ //connect( m_job, SIGNAL(connected(KIO::Job*)),
+ // this, SLOT(slotConnected(KIO::Job*)));
+ connect(m_resolve_info->job, SIGNAL(mimetype(KIO::Job*,const QString&)),
+ this, SLOT (kioMimetype (KIO::Job *, const QString &)));
+ connect (m_resolve_info->job, SIGNAL (result (KIO::Job *)),
+ this, SLOT (kioResult (KIO::Job *)));
+ static_cast <View *> (m_player->view ())->controlPanel ()->setPlaying (true);
+ m_player->updateStatus (i18n ("Connecting"));
+ m_player->setLoaded (0);
+ return false; // wait for result ..
+ }
+ return true;
+namespace KMPlayer {
+ static KStaticDeleter <DataCache> dataCacheDeleter;
+ static DataCache * memory_cache;
+void DataCache::add (const QString & url, const QByteArray & data) {
+ QByteArray bytes;
+ bytes.duplicate (data);
+ cache_map.insert (url, bytes);
+ preserve_map.erase (url);
+ emit preserveRemoved (url);
+bool DataCache::get (const QString & url, QByteArray & data) {
+ DataMap::const_iterator it = cache_map.find (url);
+ if (it != cache_map.end ()) {
+ data.duplicate ( ());
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool DataCache::preserve (const QString & url) {
+ PreserveMap::const_iterator it = preserve_map.find (url);
+ if (it == preserve_map.end ()) {
+ preserve_map.insert (url, true);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool DataCache::isPreserved (const QString & url) {
+ return preserve_map.find (url) != preserve_map.end ();
+bool DataCache::unpreserve (const QString & url) {
+ const PreserveMap::iterator it = preserve_map.find (url);
+ if (it == preserve_map.end ())
+ return false;
+ preserve_map.erase (it);
+ emit preserveRemoved (url);
+ return true;
+RemoteObjectPrivate::RemoteObjectPrivate (RemoteObject * r)
+ : job (0L), remote_object (r), preserve_wait (false) {
+ if (!memory_cache)
+ dataCacheDeleter.setObject (memory_cache, new DataCache);
+RemoteObjectPrivate::~RemoteObjectPrivate () {
+ clear ();
+KDE_NO_EXPORT bool RemoteObjectPrivate::download (const QString & str) {
+ url = str;
+ KURL kurl (str);
+ if (kurl.isLocalFile ()) {
+ QFile file (kurl.path ());
+ if (file.exists () && (IO_ReadOnly)) {
+ data = file.readAll ();
+ file.close ();
+ }
+ remote_object->remoteReady (data);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (memory_cache->get (str, data)) {
+ //kdDebug () << "download found in cache " << str << endl;
+ remote_object->remoteReady (data);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (memory_cache->preserve (str)) {
+ //kdDebug () << "downloading " << str << endl;
+ job = KIO::get (kurl, false, false);
+ connect (job, SIGNAL (data (KIO::Job *, const QByteArray &)),
+ this, SLOT (slotData (KIO::Job *, const QByteArray &)));
+ connect (job, SIGNAL (result (KIO::Job *)),
+ this, SLOT (slotResult (KIO::Job *)));
+ connect (job, SIGNAL (mimetype (KIO::Job *, const QString &)),
+ this, SLOT (slotMimetype (KIO::Job *, const QString &)));
+ } else {
+ //kdDebug () << "download preserved " << str << endl;
+ connect (memory_cache, SIGNAL (preserveRemoved (const QString &)),
+ this, SLOT (cachePreserveRemoved (const QString &)));
+ preserve_wait = true;
+ }
+ return false;
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void RemoteObjectPrivate::clear () {
+ if (job) {
+ job->kill (); // quiet, no result signal
+ job = 0L;
+ memory_cache->unpreserve (url);
+ } else if (preserve_wait) {
+ disconnect (memory_cache, SIGNAL (preserveRemoved (const QString &)),
+ this, SLOT (cachePreserveRemoved (const QString &)));
+ preserve_wait = false;
+ }
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void RemoteObjectPrivate::slotResult (KIO::Job * kjob) {
+ if (!kjob->error ())
+ memory_cache->add (url, data);
+ else
+ data.resize (0);
+ job = 0L; // signal KIO::Job::result deletes itself
+ remote_object->remoteReady (data);
+void RemoteObjectPrivate::cachePreserveRemoved (const QString & str) {
+ if (str == url && !memory_cache->isPreserved (str)) {
+ preserve_wait = false;
+ disconnect (memory_cache, SIGNAL (preserveRemoved (const QString &)),
+ this, SLOT (cachePreserveRemoved (const QString &)));
+ download (str);
+ }
+void RemoteObjectPrivate::slotData (KIO::Job*, const QByteArray& qb) {
+ if (qb.size ()) {
+ int old_size = data.size ();
+ data.resize (old_size + qb.size ());
+ memcpy ( () + old_size, (), qb.size ());
+ }
+void RemoteObjectPrivate::slotMimetype (KIO::Job *, const QString & m) {
+ mime = m;
+KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT RemoteObject::RemoteObject ()
+ : d (new RemoteObjectPrivate (this)) {}
+KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT RemoteObject::~RemoteObject () {
+ delete d;
+ * abort previous wget job
+ */
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void RemoteObject::killWGet () {
+ d->clear (); // assume data is invalid
+ * Gets contents from url and puts it in m_data
+ */
+KDE_NO_EXPORT bool RemoteObject::wget (const QString & url) {
+ clear ();
+ return d->download (url);
+KDE_NO_EXPORT QString RemoteObject::mimetype () {
+ if (d->data.size () > 0 && d->mime.isEmpty ()) {
+ int accuraty;
+ KMimeType::Ptr mime = KMimeType::findByContent (d->data, &accuraty);
+ if (mime)
+ d->mime = mime->name ();
+ }
+ return d->mime;
+KDE_NO_EXPORT void RemoteObject::clear () {
+ killWGet ();
+ d->url.truncate (0);
+ d->mime.truncate (0);
+ d->data.resize (0);
+KDE_NO_EXPORT bool RemoteObject::downloading () const {
+ return !!d->job;
+#include "kmplayerpartbase.moc"
+#include "kmplayersource.moc"