path: root/kmymoney2/reports/listtable.cpp
diff options
authortpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2011-07-04 22:38:03 +0000
committertpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2011-07-04 22:38:03 +0000
commitdadc34655c3ab961b0b0b94a10eaaba710f0b5e8 (patch)
tree99e72842fe687baea16376a147619b6048d7e441 /kmymoney2/reports/listtable.cpp
Added kmymoney
git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'kmymoney2/reports/listtable.cpp')
1 files changed, 633 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kmymoney2/reports/listtable.cpp b/kmymoney2/reports/listtable.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..797b392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kmymoney2/reports/listtable.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+ listtable.cpp
+ -------------------
+ begin : Sat 28 jun 2008
+ copyright : (C) 2004-2005 by Ace Jones
+ 2008 by Alvaro Soliverez
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// QT Includes
+#include <qvaluelist.h>
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qtextstream.h>
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// KDE Includes
+// This is just needed for i18n(). Once I figure out how to handle i18n
+// without using this macro directly, I'll be freed of KDE dependency.
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Project Includes
+#include "../mymoney/mymoneyfile.h"
+#include "../mymoney/mymoneyreport.h"
+#include "../mymoney/mymoneyexception.h"
+#include "../kmymoneyutils.h"
+#include "../kmymoneyglobalsettings.h"
+#include "reportdebug.h"
+#include "listtable.h"
+namespace reports {
+ QStringList ListTable::TableRow::m_sortCriteria;
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ //
+ // Group Iterator
+ //
+ // ****************************************************************************
+ class GroupIterator
+ {
+ public:
+ GroupIterator ( const QString& _group, const QString& _subtotal, unsigned _depth ) : m_depth ( _depth ), m_groupField ( _group ), m_subtotalField ( _subtotal ) {}
+ GroupIterator ( void ) {}
+ void update ( const ListTable::TableRow& _row )
+ {
+ m_previousGroup = m_currentGroup;
+ m_currentGroup = _row[m_groupField];
+ if ( isSubtotal() )
+ {
+ m_previousSubtotal = m_currentSubtotal;
+ m_currentSubtotal = MyMoneyMoney();
+ }
+ m_currentSubtotal += _row[m_subtotalField];
+ }
+ bool isNewHeader ( void ) const { return ( m_currentGroup != m_previousGroup ); }
+ bool isSubtotal ( void ) const { return ( m_currentGroup != m_previousGroup ) && ( !m_previousGroup.isEmpty() ); }
+ const MyMoneyMoney& subtotal ( void ) const { return m_previousSubtotal; }
+ const MyMoneyMoney& currenttotal ( void ) const { return m_currentSubtotal; }
+ unsigned depth ( void ) const { return m_depth; }
+ const QString& name ( void ) const { return m_currentGroup; }
+ const QString& oldName ( void ) const { return m_previousGroup; }
+ const QString& groupField ( void ) const { return m_groupField; }
+ const QString& subtotalField ( void ) const { return m_subtotalField; }
+ // ***DV*** HACK make the currentGroup test different but look the same
+ void force ( void ) { m_currentGroup += " "; }
+ private:
+ MyMoneyMoney m_currentSubtotal;
+ MyMoneyMoney m_previousSubtotal;
+ unsigned m_depth;
+ QString m_currentGroup;
+ QString m_previousGroup;
+ QString m_groupField;
+ QString m_subtotalField;
+ };
+// ****************************************************************************
+// ListTable implementation
+// ****************************************************************************
+ bool ListTable::TableRow::operator< ( const TableRow& _compare ) const
+ {
+ bool result = false;
+ QStringList::const_iterator it_criterion = m_sortCriteria.begin();
+ while ( it_criterion != m_sortCriteria.end() )
+ {
+ if ( this->operator[] ( *it_criterion ) < _compare[ *it_criterion ] )
+ {
+ result = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if ( this->operator[] ( *it_criterion ) > _compare[ *it_criterion ] )
+ break;
+ ++it_criterion;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+// needed for KDE < 3.2 implementation of qHeapSort
+ bool ListTable::TableRow::operator<= ( const TableRow& _compare ) const
+ {
+ return ( ! ( _compare < *this ) );
+ }
+ bool ListTable::TableRow::operator== ( const TableRow& _compare ) const
+ {
+ return ( ! ( *this < _compare ) && ! ( _compare < *this ) );
+ }
+ bool ListTable::TableRow::operator> ( const TableRow& _compare ) const
+ {
+ return ( _compare < *this );
+ }
+ /**
+ * TODO
+ *
+ * - Collapse 2- & 3- groups when they are identical
+ * - Way more test cases (especially splits & transfers)
+ * - Option to collapse splits
+ * - Option to exclude transfers
+ *
+ */
+ ListTable::ListTable ( const MyMoneyReport& _report ) : m_config ( _report )
+ {
+ }
+ void ListTable::render ( QString& result, QString& csv ) const
+ {
+ MyMoneyMoney grandtotal;
+ MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
+ result = "";
+ csv = "";
+ result += QString ( "<h2 class=\"report\">%1</h2>\n" ).arg ( );
+ csv += "\"Report: " + + "\"\n";
+ //actual dates of the report
+ result += QString("<div class=\"subtitle\">");
+ if(!m_config.fromDate().isNull()) {
+ result += i18n("Report date range", "%1 through %2").arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(m_config.fromDate(), true)).arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(m_config.toDate(), true));
+ result += QString("</div>\n");
+ result += QString("<div class=\"gap\">&nbsp;</div>\n");
+ csv += i18n("Report date range", "%1 through %2").arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(m_config.fromDate(), true)).arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(m_config.toDate(), true));
+ csv += QString("\n");
+ }
+ result += QString ( "<div class=\"subtitle\">" );
+ if ( m_config.isConvertCurrency() )
+ {
+ result += i18n ( "All currencies converted to %1" ).arg ( file->baseCurrency().name() );
+ csv += i18n ( "All currencies converted to %1\n" ).arg ( file->baseCurrency().name() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result += i18n ( "All values shown in %1 unless otherwise noted" ).arg ( file->baseCurrency().name() );
+ csv += i18n ( "All values shown in %1 unless otherwise noted\n" ).arg ( file->baseCurrency().name() );
+ }
+ result += QString ( "</div>\n" );
+ result += QString ( "<div class=\"gap\">&nbsp;</div>\n" );
+ // retrieve the configuration parameters from the report definition.
+ // the things that we care about for query reports are:
+ // how to group the rows, what columns to display, and what field
+ // to subtotal on
+ QStringList groups = QStringList::split ( ",", m_group );
+ QStringList columns = QStringList::split ( ",", m_columns );
+ columns += m_subtotal;
+ QStringList postcolumns = QStringList::split ( ",", m_postcolumns );
+ columns += postcolumns;
+ //
+ // Table header
+ //
+ QMap<QString, QString> i18nHeaders;
+ i18nHeaders["postdate"] = i18n ( "Date" );
+ i18nHeaders["value"] = i18n ( "Amount" );
+ i18nHeaders["number"] = i18n ( "Num" );
+ i18nHeaders["payee"] = i18n ( "Payee" );
+ i18nHeaders["category"] = i18n ( "Category" );
+ i18nHeaders["account"] = i18n ( "Account" );
+ i18nHeaders["memo"] = i18n ( "Memo" );
+ i18nHeaders["topcategory"] = i18n ( "Top Category" );
+ i18nHeaders["categorytype"] = i18n ( "Category Type" );
+ i18nHeaders["month"] = i18n ( "Month" );
+ i18nHeaders["week"] = i18n ( "Week" );
+ i18nHeaders["reconcileflag"] = i18n ( "Reconciled" );
+ i18nHeaders["action"] = i18n ( "Action" );
+ i18nHeaders["shares"] = i18n ( "Shares" );
+ i18nHeaders["price"] = i18n ( "Price" );
+ i18nHeaders["latestprice"] = i18n ( "Price" );
+ i18nHeaders["netinvvalue"] = i18n ( "Net Value" );
+ i18nHeaders["buys"] = i18n ( "Buys" );
+ i18nHeaders["sells"] = i18n ( "Sells" );
+ i18nHeaders["reinvestincome"] = i18n ( "Dividends Reinvested" );
+ i18nHeaders["cashincome"] = i18n ( "Dividends Paid Out" );
+ i18nHeaders["startingbal"] = i18n ( "Starting Balance" );
+ i18nHeaders["endingbal"] = i18n ( "Ending Balance" );
+ i18nHeaders["return"] = i18n ( "Annualized Return" );
+ i18nHeaders["returninvestment"] = i18n ( "Return On Investment" );
+ i18nHeaders["fees"] = i18n ( "Fees" );
+ i18nHeaders["interest"] = i18n ( "Interest" );
+ i18nHeaders["payment"] = i18n ( "Payment" );
+ i18nHeaders["balance"] = i18n ( "Balance" );
+ i18nHeaders["type"] = i18n ( "Type" );
+ i18nHeaders["name"] = i18n ( "Name" );
+ i18nHeaders["nextduedate"] = i18n ( "Next Due Date" );
+ i18nHeaders["occurence"] = i18n ( "Occurence" );
+ i18nHeaders["paymenttype"] = i18n ( "Payment Method" );
+ i18nHeaders["institution"] = i18n ( "Institution" );
+ i18nHeaders["description"] = i18n ( "Description" );
+ i18nHeaders["openingdate"] = i18n ( "Opening Date" );
+ i18nHeaders["currencyname"] = i18n ( "Currency" );
+ i18nHeaders["balancewarning"] = i18n ( "Balance Early Warning" );
+ i18nHeaders["maxbalancelimit"] = i18n ( "Balance Max Limit" );
+ i18nHeaders["creditwarning"] = i18n ( "Credit Early Warning" );
+ i18nHeaders["maxcreditlimit"] = i18n ( "Credit Max Limit" );
+ i18nHeaders["tax"] = i18n ( "Tax" );
+ i18nHeaders["favorite"] = i18n ( "Preferred" );
+ i18nHeaders["loanamount"] = i18n ( "Loan Amount" );
+ i18nHeaders["interestrate"] = i18n ( "Interest Rate" );
+ i18nHeaders["nextinterestchange"] = i18n ( "Next Interest Change" );
+ i18nHeaders["periodicpayment"] = i18n ( "Periodic Payment" );
+ i18nHeaders["finalpayment"] = i18n ( "Final Payment" );
+ i18nHeaders["currentbalance"] = i18n ( "Current Balance" );
+ // the list of columns which represent money, so we can display them correctly
+ QStringList moneyColumns = QStringList::split ( ",", "value,shares,price,latestprice,netinvvalue,buys,sells,cashincome,reinvestincome,startingbal,fees,interest,payment,balance,balancewarning,maxbalancelimit,creditwarning,maxcreditlimit,loanamount,periodicpayment,finalpayment,currentbalance" );
+ // the list of columns which represent shares, which is like money except the
+ // transaction currency will not be displayed
+ QStringList sharesColumns = QStringList::split ( ",", "shares" );
+ // the list of columns which represent a percentage, so we can display them correctly
+ QStringList percentColumns = QStringList::split ( ",", "return,returninvestment,interestrate" );
+ // the list of columns which represent dates, so we can display them correctly
+ QStringList dateColumns = QStringList::split ( ",", "postdate,entrydate,nextduedate,openingdate,nextinterestchange" );
+ result += "<table class=\"report\">\n<thead><tr class=\"itemheader\">";
+ QStringList::const_iterator it_column = columns.begin();
+ while ( it_column != columns.end() )
+ {
+ QString i18nName = i18nHeaders[*it_column];
+ if ( i18nName.isEmpty() )
+ i18nName = *it_column;
+ result += "<th>" + i18nName + "</th>";
+ csv += i18nName + ",";
+ ++it_column;
+ }
+ result += "</tr></thead>\n";
+ csv = csv.left ( csv.length() - 1 );
+ csv += "\n";
+ //
+ // Set up group iterators
+ //
+ // There is one active iterator for each level of grouping.
+ // As we step through the rows
+ // we update the group iterators each time based on the row data. If
+ // the group iterator changes and it had a previous value, we print a
+ // subtotal. Whether or not it had a previous value, we print a group
+ // header. The group iterator keeps track of a subtotal also.
+ int depth = 1;
+ QValueList<GroupIterator> groupIteratorList;
+ QStringList::const_iterator it_grouplevel = groups.begin();
+ while ( it_grouplevel != groups.end() )
+ {
+ groupIteratorList += GroupIterator ( ( *it_grouplevel ), m_subtotal, depth++ );
+ ++it_grouplevel;
+ }
+ //
+ // Rows
+ //
+ bool row_odd = true;
+ // ***DV***
+ MyMoneyMoney startingBalance;
+ for ( QValueList<TableRow>::const_iterator it_row = m_rows.begin();
+ it_row != m_rows.end();
+ ++it_row ) {
+ // the standard fraction is the fraction of an non-cash account in the base currency
+ // this could be overridden using the "fraction" element of a row for each row.
+ // Currently (2008-02-21) this override is not used at all (ipwizard)
+ int fraction = file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction();
+ if ( ( *it_row ).find ( "fraction" ) != ( *it_row ).end() )
+ fraction = ( *it_row ) ["fraction"].toInt();
+ //
+ // Process Groups
+ //
+ // ***DV*** HACK to force a subtotal and header, since this render doesn't
+ // always detect a group change for different accounts with the same name
+ // (as occurs with the same stock purchased from different investment accts)
+ if ( it_row != m_rows.begin() )
+ if ( ( ( * it_row ) ["rank"] == "-2" ) && ( ( * it_row ) ["id"] == "A" ) )
+ ( groupIteratorList.last() ).force();
+ // There's a subtle bug here. If an earlier group gets a new group,
+ // then we need to force all the downstream groups to get one too.
+ // Update the group iterators with the current row value
+ QValueList<GroupIterator>::iterator it_group = groupIteratorList.begin();
+ while ( it_group != groupIteratorList.end() )
+ {
+ ( *it_group ).update ( *it_row );
+ ++it_group;
+ }
+ // Do subtotals backwards
+ if ( m_config.isConvertCurrency() )
+ {
+ it_group = groupIteratorList.fromLast();
+ while ( it_group != groupIteratorList.end() )
+ {
+ if ( ( *it_group ).isSubtotal() )
+ {
+ if ( ( *it_group ).depth() == 1 )
+ grandtotal += ( *it_group ).subtotal();
+ grandtotal = grandtotal.convert(fraction);
+ QString subtotal_html = ( *it_group ).subtotal().formatMoney ( fraction );
+ QString subtotal_csv = ( *it_group ).subtotal().formatMoney ( fraction, false );
+ // ***DV*** HACK fix the side-effiect from .force() method above
+ QString oldName = QString ( ( *it_group ).oldName() ).stripWhiteSpace();
+ result +=
+ "<tr class=\"sectionfooter\">"
+ "<td class=\"left" + QString::number ( ( ( *it_group ).depth() - 1 ) ) + "\" "
+ "colspan=\"" +
+ QString::number ( columns.count() - 1 - postcolumns.count() ) + "\">" +
+ i18n ( "Total" ) + " " + oldName + "</td>"
+ "<td>" + subtotal_html + "</td></tr>\n";
+ csv +=
+ "\"" + i18n ( "Total" ) + " " + oldName + "\",\"" + subtotal_csv + "\"\n";
+ }
+ --it_group;
+ }
+ }
+ // And headers forwards
+ it_group = groupIteratorList.begin();
+ while ( it_group != groupIteratorList.end() )
+ {
+ if ( ( *it_group ).isNewHeader() )
+ {
+ row_odd = true;
+ result += "<tr class=\"sectionheader\">"
+ "<td class=\"left" + QString::number ( ( ( *it_group ).depth() - 1 ) ) + "\" "
+ "colspan=\"" + QString::number ( columns.count() ) + "\">" +
+ ( *it_group ).name() + "</td></tr>\n";
+ csv += "\"" + ( *it_group ).name() + "\"\n";
+ }
+ ++it_group;
+ }
+ //
+ // Columns
+ //
+ // skip the opening and closing balance row,
+ // if the balance column is not shown
+ if ( ( columns.contains ( "balance" ) == 0 ) && ( ( *it_row ) ["rank"] == "-2" ) )
+ continue;
+ bool need_label = true;
+ // ***DV***
+ if ( ( * it_row ) ["rank"] == "0" ) row_odd = ! row_odd;
+ if ( ( * it_row ) ["rank"] == "-2" )
+ result += QString ( "<tr class=\"item%1\">" ).arg ( ( * it_row ) ["id"] );
+ else
+ if ( ( * it_row ) ["rank"] == "1" )
+ result += QString ( "<tr class=\"%1\">" ).arg ( row_odd ? "item1" : "item0" );
+ else
+ result += QString ( "<tr class=\"%1\">" ).arg ( row_odd ? "row-odd " : "row-even" );
+ QStringList::const_iterator it_column = columns.begin();
+ while ( it_column != columns.end() )
+ {
+ QString data = ( *it_row ) [*it_column];
+ // ***DV***
+ if ( ( * it_row ) ["rank"] == "1" ) {
+ if ( * it_column == "value" )
+ data = ( * it_row ) ["split"];
+ else if ( *it_column == "postdate"
+ || *it_column == "number"
+ || *it_column == "payee"
+ || *it_column == "action"
+ || *it_column == "shares"
+ || *it_column == "price"
+ || *it_column == "nextduedate"
+ || *it_column == "balance"
+ || *it_column == "account"
+ || *it_column == "name" )
+ data = "";
+ }
+ // ***DV***
+ if ( ( * it_row ) ["rank"] == "-2" ) {
+ if ( *it_column == "balance" ) {
+ data = ( * it_row ) ["balance"];
+ if ( ( * it_row ) ["id"] == "A" ) // opening balance?
+ startingBalance = MyMoneyMoney ( data );
+ }
+ if ( need_label ) {
+ if ( ( * it_column == "payee" ) ||
+ ( * it_column == "category" ) ||
+ ( * it_column == "memo" ) ) {
+ if ( ( * it_row ) ["shares"] != "" ) {
+ data = ( ( * it_row ) ["id"] == "A" )
+ ? i18n ( "Initial Market Value" )
+ : i18n ( "Ending Market Value" );
+ } else {
+ data = ( ( * it_row ) ["id"] == "A" )
+ ? i18n ( "Opening Balance" )
+ : i18n ( "Closing Balance" );
+ }
+ need_label = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // The 'balance' column is calculated at render-time
+ // but not printed on split lines
+ else if ( *it_column == "balance" && ( * it_row ) ["rank"] == "0" )
+ {
+ // Take the balance off the deepest group iterator
+ data = ( groupIteratorList.back().currenttotal() + startingBalance ).toString();
+ }
+ // Figure out how to render the value in this column, depending on
+ // what its properties are.
+ //
+ // TODO: This and the i18n headings are handled
+ // as a set of parallel vectors. Would be much better to make a single
+ // vector of a properties class.
+ if ( sharesColumns.contains ( *it_column ) )
+ {
+ if ( data.isEmpty() ) {
+ result += QString ( "<td></td>" );
+ csv += "\"\",";
+ }
+ else {
+ result += QString ( "<td>%1</td>" ).arg ( MyMoneyMoney ( data ).formatMoney ( "", 3 ) );
+ csv += "\"" + MyMoneyMoney ( data ).formatMoney ( "", 3, false ) + "\",";
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( moneyColumns.contains ( *it_column ) )
+ {
+ if ( data.isEmpty() ) {
+ result += QString ( "<td%1></td>" )
+ .arg ( ( *it_column == "value" ) ? " class=\"value\"" : "" );
+ csv += "\"\",";
+ } else if ( MyMoneyMoney( data ) == MyMoneyMoney::autoCalc ) {
+ result += QString ( "<td%1>%2</td>" )
+ .arg ( ( *it_column == "value" ) ? " class=\"value\"" : "" )
+ .arg (i18n("Calculated"));
+ csv += "\""+ i18n("Calculated") +"\",";
+ } else if ( *it_column == "price" ) {
+ result += QString ( "<td>%2</td>" )
+ .arg ( MyMoneyMoney ( data ).formatMoney ( MyMoneyMoney::precToDenom(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision()) ) );
+ csv += "\"" + ( *it_row ) ["currency"] + " " + MyMoneyMoney ( data ).formatMoney ( MyMoneyMoney::precToDenom(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision()), false ) + "\",";
+ } else {
+ result += QString ( "<td%1>%2&nbsp;%3</td>" )
+ .arg ( ( *it_column == "value" ) ? " class=\"value\"" : "" )
+ .arg ( ( *it_row ) ["currency"] )
+ .arg ( MyMoneyMoney ( data ).formatMoney ( fraction ) );
+ csv += "\"" + ( *it_row ) ["currency"] + " " + MyMoneyMoney ( data ).formatMoney ( fraction, false ) + "\",";
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( percentColumns.contains ( *it_column ) )
+ {
+ data = ( MyMoneyMoney ( data ) * MyMoneyMoney ( 100, 1 ) ).formatMoney ( fraction );
+ result += QString ( "<td>%1%</td>" ).arg ( data );
+ csv += data + "%,";
+ }
+ else if ( dateColumns.contains ( *it_column ) )
+ {
+ // do this before we possibly change data
+ csv += "\"" + data + "\",";
+ // if we have a locale() then use its date formatter
+ if ( KGlobal::locale() && ! data.isEmpty() ) {
+ QDate qd = QDate::fromString ( data, Qt::ISODate );
+ data = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate ( qd, true );
+ }
+ result += QString ( "<td class=\"left\">%1</td>" ).arg ( data );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result += QString ( "<td class=\"left\">%1</td>" ).arg ( data );
+ csv += "\"" + data + "\",";
+ }
+ ++it_column;
+ }
+ result += "</tr>\n";
+ csv = csv.left ( csv.length() - 1 ); // remove final comma
+ csv += "\n";
+ }
+ //
+ // Final group totals
+ //
+ // Do subtotals backwards
+ if ( m_config.isConvertCurrency() )
+ {
+ int fraction = file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction();
+ QValueList<GroupIterator>::iterator it_group = groupIteratorList.fromLast();
+ while ( it_group != groupIteratorList.end() )
+ {
+ ( *it_group ).update ( TableRow() );
+ if ( ( *it_group ).depth() == 1 ) {
+ grandtotal += ( *it_group ).subtotal();
+ grandtotal = grandtotal.convert(fraction);
+ }
+ QString subtotal_html = ( *it_group ).subtotal().formatMoney ( fraction );
+ QString subtotal_csv = ( *it_group ).subtotal().formatMoney ( fraction, false );
+ result += "<tr class=\"sectionfooter\">"
+ "<td class=\"left" + QString::number ( ( *it_group ).depth() - 1 ) + "\" "
+ "colspan=\"" + QString::number ( columns.count() - 1 - postcolumns.count() ) + "\">" +
+ i18n ( "Total" ) + " " + ( *it_group ).oldName() + "</td>"
+ "<td>" + subtotal_html + "</td></tr>\n";
+ csv += "\"" + i18n ( "Total" ) + " " + ( *it_group ).oldName() + "\",\"" + subtotal_csv + "\"\n";
+ --it_group;
+ }
+ //
+ // Grand total
+ //
+ QString grandtotal_html = grandtotal.formatMoney ( fraction );
+ QString grandtotal_csv = grandtotal.formatMoney ( fraction, false );
+ result += "<tr class=\"sectionfooter\">"
+ "<td class=\"left0\" "
+ "colspan=\"" + QString::number ( columns.count() - 1 - postcolumns.count() ) + "\">" +
+ i18n ( "Grand Total" ) + "</td>"
+ "<td>" + grandtotal_html + "</td></tr>\n";
+ csv += "\"" + i18n ( "Grand Total" ) + "\",\"" + grandtotal_csv + "\"\n";
+ }
+ result += "</table>\n";
+ }
+ QString ListTable::renderHTML ( void ) const
+ {
+ QString html, csv;
+ render ( html, csv );
+ return html;
+ }
+ QString ListTable::renderCSV ( void ) const
+ {
+ QString html, csv;
+ render ( html, csv );
+ return csv;
+ }
+ void ListTable::dump ( const QString& file, const QString& context ) const
+ {
+ QFile g ( file );
+ ( IO_WriteOnly );
+ if ( ! context.isEmpty() )
+ QTextStream ( &g ) << context.arg ( renderHTML() );
+ else
+ QTextStream ( &g ) << renderHTML();
+ g.close();
+ }
+ void ListTable::includeInvestmentSubAccounts()
+ {
+ // if we're not in expert mode, we need to make sure
+ // that all stock accounts for the selected investment
+ // account are also selected
+ QStringList accountList;
+ if(m_config.accounts(accountList)) {
+ if(!KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::expertMode()) {
+ QStringList::const_iterator it_a, it_b;
+ for(it_a = accountList.begin(); it_a != accountList.end(); ++it_a) {
+ MyMoneyAccount acc = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(*it_a);
+ if(acc.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Investment) {
+ for(it_b = acc.accountList().begin(); it_b != acc.accountList().end(); ++it_b) {
+ if(!accountList.contains(*it_b)) {
+ m_config.addAccount(*it_b);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }