path: root/libkdchart/KDChartAxisParams.h
diff options
authortpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2011-07-04 22:38:03 +0000
committertpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2011-07-04 22:38:03 +0000
commitdadc34655c3ab961b0b0b94a10eaaba710f0b5e8 (patch)
tree99e72842fe687baea16376a147619b6048d7e441 /libkdchart/KDChartAxisParams.h
Added kmymoney
git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'libkdchart/KDChartAxisParams.h')
1 files changed, 515 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libkdchart/KDChartAxisParams.h b/libkdchart/KDChartAxisParams.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5817b37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libkdchart/KDChartAxisParams.h
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++ -*-
+ KDChart - a multi-platform charting engine
+ */
+ ** Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved.
+ **
+ ** This file is part of the KDChart library.
+ **
+ ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
+ ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
+ ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
+ ** packaging of this file.
+ **
+ ** Licensees holding valid commercial KDChart licenses may use this file in
+ ** accordance with the KDChart Commercial License Agreement provided with
+ ** the Software.
+ **
+ ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+ **
+ ** See for
+ ** information about KDChart Commercial License Agreements.
+ **
+ ** Contact [email protected] if any conditions of this
+ ** licensing are not clear to you.
+ **
+ **********************************************************************/
+#include <qfont.h>
+#include <qcolor.h>
+#include <qmap.h>
+#include <qobject.h>
+#include <qtextstream.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <qdatetime.h>
+#include <qvariant.h>
+#include "KDChartGlobal.h"
+#include "KDChartEnums.h"
+class KDChartParams;
+ Use this to specify that the axis label limits
+ are to be calculated automatically.
+ \sa setAxisValues
+ */
+#define KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_LIMIT QVariant( 140319.64 )
+// If you edit the above, also edit KD Chart.cpp
+ Use this to specify that the step-width from one label
+ to the other shall be calculated automatically.
+ \sa setAxisValues
+ */
+ Use this to specify that an automatically computed amount of
+ axis labels are to be skipped if there is not enough space
+ for displaying all of them.
+ This is usefull in case you have lots of entries in one dataset.
+ \sa setAxisValues
+ */
+ Use this to specify that date/time format to be used for
+ displaying the axis labels is to be determined automatically.
+ */
+ Use this to specify that the number of digits to be shown
+ on the axis labels behind the comma is to be calculated
+ automatically.
+ \sa setAxisValues
+ */
+ Use this to reset the grid colour to its default value
+ for re-doing changes made by calling \c setAxisGridColor().
+ \sa setAxisGridColor
+ */
+#define KDCHART_DEFAULT_AXIS_GRID_COLOR QColor( 0xA0, 0xA0, 0xA0 )
+ Use this to specify that the width of the axis grid lines
+ shall be equal to the width of the axis line.
+ \sa setAxisGridLineWidth
+ */
+ Use this to specify that the zero-line shall NOT be omitted
+ in case all of the data are grouped far away from zero.
+ \sa setAxisValues
+ */
+ Use this to prevent \c setAxisValues from changing the current
+ setting of _axisMaxEmptyInnerSpan.
+ \sa setAxisValues
+ */
+/** \file KDChartAxisParams.h
+ \brief Provide access to the chart axis parameters.
+ Use the KDChartAxisParams class to modify parameters of one axis each.
+ */
+class KDCHART_EXPORT KDChartAxisParams : public QObject
+ Q_ENUMS(AxisType)
+ Q_ENUMS(AxisPos)
+ Q_ENUMS(AxisAreaMode)
+ Q_ENUMS(AxisCalcMode)
+ Q_ENUMS(LabelsFromDataRow)
+ Q_ENUMS(ValueScale)
+ // Neede by QSA
+ Q_ENUMS( PenStyle )
+ enum AxisType { AxisTypeUnknown,
+ AxisTypeEAST,
+ AxisTypeNORTH,
+ AxisUP };
+public slots: // PENDING(blackie) Go through this file and reorder, so all slots are in one section
+ void setAxisType( AxisType axisType );
+ AxisType axisType() const { return _axisType; }
+ static QString axisTypeToString( AxisType type );
+ static AxisType stringToAxisType( const QString& type );
+ // Attention: In case you extent AxisPos, make sure to also
+ // increase MAX_AXES and AxisPosEND.
+ enum AxisPos { AxisPosSTART = 0,
+ AxisPosBottom = 0,
+ AxisPosSagittal = 0, // <-- for POLAR charts
+ AxisPosSaggital = 0, // <-- wrong spelling kept for backward compatibility
+ AxisPosLeft = 1,
+ AxisPosCircular = 1, // <-- for POLAR charts
+ AxisPosLowerRightEdge = 2,
+ AxisPosTop = 3,
+ AxisPosRight = 4,
+ AxisPosLowerLeftEdge = 5,
+ // diese Markierung muss jeweils mitgepflegt werden,
+ // wenn AxisPos erweitert werden sollte.
+ AxisPosAdditionalsSTART = 6,
+ AxisPosBottom2 = 6,
+ AxisPosLeft2 = 7,
+ AxisPosLowerRightEdge2 = 8,
+ AxisPosTop2 = 9,
+ AxisPosRight2 = 10,
+ AxisPosLowerLeftEdge2 = 11,
+ // auch diese Markierung muss jeweils mitgepflegt werden,
+ // wenn AxisPos erweitert werden sollte.
+ AxisPosEND = 11 };
+public slots:
+ static AxisPos basicAxisPos( uint pos );
+ void setAxisVisible( bool axisVisible );
+ bool axisVisible() const;
+ enum AxisAreaMode { AxisAreaModeFixedSize,
+ AxisAreaModeAutoSize,
+ AxisAreaModeMinMaxSize };
+public slots:
+ void setAxisAreaMode( AxisAreaMode axisAreaMode );
+ AxisAreaMode axisAreaMode() const;
+ static QString axisAreaModeToString( AxisAreaMode mode );
+ static AxisAreaMode stringToAxisAreaMode( const QString& type );
+ void setAxisAreaMin( int axisAreaMin );
+ //Returns the axis area minimum width (or height, resp.).
+ int axisAreaMin() const { return _axisAreaMin; }
+ void setAxisUseAvailableSpace( int axisUseAvailableSpaceFrom,
+ int axisUseAvailableSpaceTo );
+ int axisUseAvailableSpaceFrom() const { return _axisUseAvailableSpaceFrom; }
+ int axisUseAvailableSpaceTo() const { return _axisUseAvailableSpaceTo; }
+ void setAxisAreaMax( int axisAreaMax );
+ int axisAreaMax() const { return _axisAreaMax; }
+ void setAxisArea( AxisAreaMode axisAreaMode,
+ int axisAreaMin,
+ int axisAreaMax );
+ enum AxisCalcMode { AxisCalcLinear, AxisCalcLogarithmic };
+public slots:
+ void setAxisCalcMode( AxisCalcMode axisCalcMode );
+ AxisCalcMode axisCalcMode() const { return _axisCalcMode; }
+ static QString axisCalcModeToString( AxisCalcMode mode );
+ static AxisCalcMode stringToAxisCalcMode( const QString& type );
+ void setIsometricReferenceAxis( uint isoRefAxis );
+ uint isometricReferenceAxis() const { return _axisIsoRefAxis; }
+ void setAxisTrueAreaSize( int axisTrueAreaSize ) { _axisTrueAreaSize = axisTrueAreaSize; }
+ int axisTrueAreaSize() const { return _axisTrueAreaSize; }
+ void setAxisTrueAreaRect( const QRect& axisTrueAreaRect ) { _axisTrueAreaRect = axisTrueAreaRect; }
+ QRect axisTrueAreaRect() const { return _axisTrueAreaRect; }
+ void setAxisLineVisible( bool axisLineVisible );
+ bool axisLineVisible() const { return _axisLineVisible; }
+ void setAxisLineWidth( int axisLineWidth );
+ int axisLineWidth() const { return _axisLineWidth; }
+ void setAxisTrueLineWidth( int axisTrueLineWidth ) { _axisTrueLineWidth = axisTrueLineWidth; }
+ int axisTrueLineWidth() const { return _axisTrueLineWidth; }
+ void setAxisLineColor( QColor axisLineColor );
+ QColor axisLineColor() const { return _axisLineColor; }
+ // main grid:
+ void setAxisShowFractionalValuesDelimiters( bool axisShowFractValDelim );
+ bool axisShowFractionalValuesDelimiters() const { return _axisShowFractionalValuesDelimiters; }
+ void setAxisShowGrid( bool axisShowGrid );
+ bool axisShowGrid() const { return _axisShowGrid; }
+ void setAxisGridStyle( PenStyle axisGridStyle );
+ PenStyle axisGridStyle() const { return _axisGridStyle; }
+ void setAxisGridColor( QColor axisGridColor );
+ QColor axisGridColor() const { return _axisGridColor; }
+ void setAxisGridLineWidth( int axisGridLineWidth );
+ int axisGridLineWidth() const { return _axisGridLineWidth; }
+ // sub grid:
+ void setAxisShowSubDelimiters( bool axisShowSubDelimiters );
+ bool axisShowSubDelimiters() const { return _axisShowSubDelimiters; }
+ void setAxisGridSubStyle( PenStyle axisGridSubStyle );
+ PenStyle axisGridSubStyle() const { return _axisGridSubStyle; }
+ void setAxisGridSubColor( QColor axisGridSubColor );
+ QColor axisGridSubColor() const { return _axisGridSubColor; }
+ void setAxisGridSubLineWidth( int axisGridSubLineWidth );
+ int axisGridSubLineWidth() const { return _axisGridSubLineWidth; }
+ void setAxisZeroLineColor( QColor axisZeroLineColor );
+ QColor axisZeroLineColor() const { return _axisZeroLineColor; }
+ void setAxisLabelsVisible( bool axisLabelsVisible );
+ bool axisLabelsVisible() const { return _axisLabelsVisible; }
+ void setAxisLabelsTouchEdges( bool axisLabelsTouchEdges );
+ bool axisLabelsTouchEdges() const { return _axisLabelsTouchEdges; }
+ void setAxisLabelsFont( QFont axisLabelsFont, bool useFontSize );
+ QFont axisLabelsFont() const { return _axisLabelsFont; }
+ void setAxisLabelsFontUseRelSize( bool axisLabelsFontUseRelSize );
+ bool axisLabelsFontUseRelSize() const { return _axisLabelsFontUseRelSize; }
+ void setAxisLabelsFontRelSize( int axisLabelsFontRelSize );
+ int axisLabelsFontRelSize() const { return _axisLabelsFontRelSize; }
+ void setAxisLabelsFontMinSize( int axisLabelsFontMinSize ) { _axisLabelsFontMinSize = axisLabelsFontMinSize; }
+ int axisLabelsFontMinSize() const { return _axisLabelsFontMinSize; }
+ void setAxisLabelsDontShrinkFont( bool labelsDontShrinkFont ) { _axisLabelsDontShrinkFont = labelsDontShrinkFont; }
+ bool axisLabelsDontShrinkFont() const { return _axisLabelsDontShrinkFont; }
+ void setAxisLabelsDontAutoRotate( bool labelsDontAutoRotate ) { _axisLabelsDontAutoRotate = labelsDontAutoRotate; }
+ bool axisLabelsDontAutoRotate() const { return _axisLabelsDontAutoRotate; }
+ void setAxisLabelsRotation( int rotation ) { _axisLabelsRotation = rotation; }
+ int axisLabelsRotation() const { return _axisLabelsRotation; }
+ void setAxisLabelsColor( QColor axisLabelsColor );
+ QColor axisLabelsColor() const { return _axisLabelsColor; }
+ void setAxisLabelsCalc( int divPow10 = 0,
+ int digitsBehindComma = KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_DIGITS );
+ int axisLabelsDivPow10() const { return _axisLabelsDivPow10; }
+ int axisLabelsDigitsBehindComma() const { return _axisDigitsBehindComma; }
+ void setAxisLabelsRadix( const QString& decimalPoint,
+ const QString& thousandsPoint );
+ QString axisLabelsDecimalPoint() const { return _axisLabelsDecimalPoint; }
+ QString axisLabelsThousandsPoint() const { return _axisLabelsThousandsPoint; }
+ void setAxisLabelsNotation( KDChartEnums::NumberNotation notation );
+ KDChartEnums::NumberNotation axisLabelsNotation() const { return _axisLabelsNotation; }
+ void setAxisLabelsFormat( const QString& prefix = "",
+ const QString& postfix = "",
+ const int& totalLen = 0,
+ const QChar& padFill = ' ',
+ const bool& blockAlign = true );
+ QString axisLabelsPrefix() const { return _axisLabelsPrefix; }
+ QString axisLabelsPostfix() const { return _axisLabelsPostfix; }
+ int axisLabelsTotalLen() const { return _axisLabelsTotalLen; }
+ QChar axisLabelsPadFill() const { return _axisLabelsPadFill; }
+ bool axisLabelsBlockAlign() const { return _axisLabelsBlockAlign; }
+ enum LabelsFromDataRow { LabelsFromDataRowYes,
+ LabelsFromDataRowNo,
+ LabelsFromDataRowGuess };
+public slots:
+ static QString labelsFromDataRowToString( LabelsFromDataRow mode );
+ static LabelsFromDataRow stringToLabelsFromDataRow( const QString& type );
+ enum ValueScale { ValueScaleNumerical = 0, // have gaps here to allow specifying of additional scaling steps in between
+ ValueScaleSecond = 20,
+ ValueScaleMinute = 30,
+ ValueScaleHour = 40,
+ ValueScaleDay = 50,
+ ValueScaleWeek = 60,
+ ValueScaleMonth = 70,
+ ValueScaleQuarter = 80,
+ ValueScaleYear = 90 };
+public slots:
+ void setAxisValues( bool axisSteadyValueCalc = true,
+ const QVariant& axisValueStart = KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_LIMIT,
+ const QVariant& axisValueEnd = KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_LIMIT,
+ double axisValueDelta = KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_DELTA,
+ int axisDigitsBehindComma = KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_DIGITS,
+ LabelsFromDataRow takeLabelsFromDataRow = LabelsFromDataRowNo,
+ int labelTextsDataRow = 0,
+ QStringList* axisLabelStringList = 0,
+ QStringList* axisShortLabelsStringList = 0,
+ ValueScale axisValueDeltaScale = ValueScaleNumerical );
+ void setAxisValueStartIsExact( bool isExactValue=true ) { _axisValueStartIsExact = isExactValue; }
+ bool axisValueStartIsExact() const { return _axisValueStartIsExact; }
+ void setAxisValueStart( const QVariant& axisValueStart ) { _axisValueStart = axisValueStart; }
+ QVariant axisValueStart() const { return _axisValueStart; }
+ void setAxisValueEnd( const QVariant& axisValueEnd ) {_axisValueEnd = axisValueEnd; }
+ QVariant axisValueEnd() const { return _axisValueEnd; }
+ void setAxisValueDelta( const double axisValueDelta,
+ ValueScale scale = ValueScaleNumerical );
+ double axisValueDelta() const { return _axisValueDelta; }
+ ValueScale axisValueDeltaScale() const { return _axisValueDeltaScale; }
+ void setAxisValueLeaveOut( const int leaveOut ) { _axisValueLeaveOut = leaveOut; }
+ int axisValueLeaveOut() const { return _axisValueLeaveOut; }
+ void setAxisValuesDecreasing( bool valuesDecreasing = true )
+ {
+ _axisValuesDecreasing = valuesDecreasing;
+ }
+ bool axisValuesDecreasing() const { return _axisValuesDecreasing; }
+ void setTrueAxisDeltaPixels( double nDeltaPixels ) { _trueAxisDeltaPixels = nDeltaPixels; }
+ double trueAxisDeltaPixels() const { return _trueAxisDeltaPixels; }
+ void setTrueAxisLowHighDelta( double nLow, double nHigh, double nDelta );
+ double trueAxisLow() const { return _trueLow; }
+ double trueAxisHigh() const { return _trueHigh; }
+ double trueAxisDelta() const { return _trueDelta; }
+ void setTrueAxisDtLowHighDeltaScale( QDateTime dtLow, QDateTime dtHigh,
+ ValueScale dtDeltaScale );
+ void setTrueAxisDtLow( QDateTime dtLow ) { _trueDtLow = dtLow; }
+ void setTrueAxisDtHigh( QDateTime dtHigh ) { _trueDtHigh = dtHigh; }
+ void setTrueAxisDtScale( ValueScale scale ) { _trueDtDeltaScale = scale; }
+ QDateTime trueAxisDtLow() const { return _trueDtLow; }
+ QDateTime trueAxisDtHigh() const { return _trueDtHigh; }
+ ValueScale trueAxisDtDeltaScale() const { return _trueDtDeltaScale; }
+ void setAxisZeroLineStart( double x, double y );
+ double axisZeroLineStartX() const { return _axisZeroLineStartX; }
+ double axisZeroLineStartY() const { return _axisZeroLineStartY; }
+ void setAxisDtLowPos( double x, double y );
+ double axisDtLowPosX() const { return _axisDtLowPosX; }
+ double axisDtLowPosY() const { return _axisDtLowPosY; }
+ void setAxisDtHighPos( double x, double y );
+ double axisDtHighPosX() const { return _axisDtHighPosX; }
+ double axisDtHighPosY() const { return _axisDtHighPosY; }
+ void setAxisDigitsBehindComma( const int digits ) { _axisDigitsBehindComma = digits; }
+ int axisDigitsBehindComma() const { return _axisDigitsBehindComma; }
+ void setAxisLabelsDateTimeFormat( const QString& format ) { _axisLabelsDateTimeFormat = format; }
+ QString axisLabelsDateTimeFormat() const { return _axisLabelsDateTimeFormat; }
+ void setAxisMaxEmptyInnerSpan( const int maxEmpty ) { _axisMaxEmptyInnerSpan = maxEmpty; }
+ int axisMaxEmptyInnerSpan() const { return _axisMaxEmptyInnerSpan; }
+ void setLabelTextsFormDataRow( int row, LabelsFromDataRow mode );
+ LabelsFromDataRow axisLabelTextsFormDataRow() const { return _takeLabelsFromDataRow; }
+ int labelTextsDataRow() const { return _labelTextsDataRow; }
+ void setAxisLabelStringLists( QStringList* axisLabelStringList,
+ QStringList* axisShortLabelStringList,
+ const QString& valueStart = QString::null,
+ const QString& valueEnd = QString::null );
+ QStringList axisLabelStringList() const { return _axisLabelStringList; }
+ uint axisLabelStringCount() const { return _axisLabelStringList.count(); }
+ QStringList axisShortLabelsStringList() const { return _axisShortLabelsStringList; }
+ uint axisShortLabelsStringCount() const { return _axisShortLabelsStringList.count(); }
+ const QStringList* axisLabelTexts() const { return _axisLabelTextsDirty ? 0 : &_axisLabelTexts; }
+ void setAxisLabelTexts( const QStringList* axisLabelTexts );
+ void setAxisLabelTextsDirty( bool axisLabelTextsDirty ) { _axisLabelTextsDirty = axisLabelTextsDirty; }
+ bool axisLabelTextsDirty() const { return _axisLabelTextsDirty; }
+ void setAxisFirstLabelText( const QString& axisFirstLabelText = QString() );
+ void setAxisLastLabelText( const QString& axisLastLabelText = QString() );
+ QString axisFirstLabelText() const { return _axisFirstLabelText; }
+ QString axisLastLabelText() const { return _axisLastLabelText; }
+ bool hasAxisFirstLabelText() const { return !_axisFirstLabelText.isNull(); }
+ bool hasAxisLastLabelText() const { return !_axisLastLabelText.isNull(); }
+ void setAxisSteadyValueCalc( bool axisSteadyValueCalc ) { _axisSteadyValueCalc = axisSteadyValueCalc; }
+ bool axisSteadyValueCalc() const { return _axisSteadyValueCalc; }
+ KDChartAxisParams();
+ virtual ~KDChartAxisParams();
+ KDChartAxisParams& operator=( const KDChartAxisParams& R );
+ static void deepCopy( KDChartAxisParams& D, const KDChartAxisParams& R );
+ friend QTextStream& operator<<( QTextStream& s, const KDChartParams& p );
+ friend QTextStream& operator>>( QTextStream& s, KDChartParams& p );
+ friend class KDChartParams;
+ // emitted when any of the chart axis parameters have changed.
+ void changed();
+ AxisType _axisType;
+ bool _axisVisible;
+ bool _axisLabelsTouchEdges;
+ AxisAreaMode _axisAreaMode;
+ int _axisUseAvailableSpaceFrom;
+ int _axisUseAvailableSpaceTo;
+ int _axisAreaMin;
+ int _axisAreaMax;
+ AxisCalcMode _axisCalcMode;
+ uint _axisIsoRefAxis;
+ int _axisTrueAreaSize;
+ QRect _axisTrueAreaRect;
+ bool _axisLineVisible;
+ int _axisLineWidth;
+ int _axisTrueLineWidth;
+ QColor _axisLineColor;
+ bool _axisShowFractionalValuesDelimiters;
+ bool _axisShowGrid;
+ QColor _axisGridColor;
+ int _axisGridLineWidth;
+ PenStyle _axisGridStyle;
+ bool _axisShowSubDelimiters;
+ QColor _axisGridSubColor;
+ int _axisGridSubLineWidth;
+ PenStyle _axisGridSubStyle;
+ QColor _axisZeroLineColor;
+ bool _axisLabelsVisible;
+ QFont _axisLabelsFont;
+ bool _axisLabelsFontUseRelSize;
+ int _axisLabelsFontRelSize;
+ int _axisLabelsFontMinSize;
+ bool _axisLabelsDontShrinkFont;
+ bool _axisLabelsDontAutoRotate;
+ int _axisLabelsRotation;
+ QColor _axisLabelsColor;
+ bool _axisSteadyValueCalc;
+ bool _axisValueStartIsExact;
+ QVariant _axisValueStart;
+ QVariant _axisValueEnd;
+ double _axisValueDelta;
+ ValueScale _axisValueDeltaScale;
+ int _axisValueLeaveOut;
+ bool _axisValuesDecreasing;
+ double _trueAxisDeltaPixels;
+ double _trueLow;
+ double _trueHigh;
+ double _trueDelta;
+ QDateTime _trueDtLow;
+ QDateTime _trueDtHigh;
+ ValueScale _trueDtDeltaScale;
+ double _axisZeroLineStartX;
+ double _axisZeroLineStartY;
+ double _axisDtLowPosX;
+ double _axisDtLowPosY;
+ double _axisDtHighPosX;
+ double _axisDtHighPosY;
+ int _axisDigitsBehindComma;
+ QString _axisLabelsDateTimeFormat;
+ int _axisMaxEmptyInnerSpan;
+ LabelsFromDataRow _takeLabelsFromDataRow;
+ int _labelTextsDataRow;
+ QStringList _axisLabelStringList;
+ QStringList _axisShortLabelsStringList;
+ QStringList _axisLabelTexts;
+ bool _axisLabelTextsDirty;
+ QString _axisFirstLabelText;
+ QString _axisLastLabelText;
+ int _axisLabelsDivPow10;
+ QString _axisLabelsDecimalPoint;
+ QString _axisLabelsThousandsPoint;
+ KDChartEnums::NumberNotation _axisLabelsNotation;
+ QString _axisLabelsPrefix;
+ QString _axisLabelsPostfix;
+ int _axisLabelsTotalLen;
+ QChar _axisLabelsPadFill;
+ bool _axisLabelsBlockAlign;