path: root/libkdchart/KDChartEnums.h
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authortpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2011-07-04 22:38:03 +0000
committertpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2011-07-04 22:38:03 +0000
commitdadc34655c3ab961b0b0b94a10eaaba710f0b5e8 (patch)
tree99e72842fe687baea16376a147619b6048d7e441 /libkdchart/KDChartEnums.h
Added kmymoney
git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'libkdchart/KDChartEnums.h')
1 files changed, 305 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libkdchart/KDChartEnums.h b/libkdchart/KDChartEnums.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..530a66e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libkdchart/KDChartEnums.h
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++ -*-
+ KDChart - a multi-platform charting engine
+ */
+ ** Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved.
+ **
+ ** This file is part of the KDChart library.
+ **
+ ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
+ ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
+ ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
+ ** packaging of this file.
+ **
+ ** Licensees holding valid commercial KDChart licenses may use this file in
+ ** accordance with the KDChart Commercial License Agreement provided with
+ ** the Software.
+ **
+ ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+ **
+ ** See for
+ ** information about KDChart Commercial License Agreements.
+ **
+ ** Contact [email protected] if any conditions of this
+ ** licensing are not clear to you.
+ **
+ **********************************************************************/
+#ifndef __KDCHARTENUMS_H__
+#define __KDCHARTENUMS_H__
+#include <qrect.h>
+#include <qpointarray.h>
+#include "KDChartGlobal.h"
+#include <qobject.h>
+/** \file KDChartEnums.h
+ \brief Definition of global enums.
+ */
+ Project global class providing some enums needed both by KDChartParams
+ and by KDChartCustomBox.
+ */
+class KDCHART_EXPORT KDChartEnums :public QObject
+ Q_ENUMS( TextLayoutPolicy )
+ Q_ENUMS( AreaName )
+ Q_ENUMS( PositionFlag )
+ /**
+ Text layout policy: what to do if text that is to be drawn would
+ cover neighboring text or neighboring areas.
+ \li \c LayoutJustOverwrite Just ignore the layout collision and write the text nevertheless.
+ \li \c LayoutPolicyRotate Try counter-clockwise rotation to make the text fit into the space.
+ \li \c LayoutPolicyShiftVertically Shift the text baseline upwards (or downwards, resp.) and draw a connector line between the text and its anchor.
+ \li \c LayoutPolicyShiftHorizontally Shift the text baseline to the left (or to the right, resp.) and draw a connector line between the text and its anchor.
+ \li \c LayoutPolicyShrinkFontSize Reduce the text font size.
+ \sa KDChartParams::setPrintDataValues
+ */
+ enum TextLayoutPolicy { LayoutJustOverwrite,
+ LayoutPolicyRotate,
+ LayoutPolicyShiftVertically,
+ LayoutPolicyShiftHorizontally,
+ LayoutPolicyShrinkFontSize };
+ /**
+ Converts the specified text layout policy enum to a
+ string representation.
+ \param type the text layout policy to convert
+ \return the string representation of the text layout policy enum
+ */
+ static QString layoutPolicyToString( TextLayoutPolicy type ) {
+ switch( type ) {
+ case LayoutJustOverwrite:
+ return "JustOverwrite";
+ case LayoutPolicyRotate:
+ return "Rotate";
+ case LayoutPolicyShiftVertically:
+ return "ShiftVertically";
+ case LayoutPolicyShiftHorizontally:
+ return "ShiftHorizontally";
+ case LayoutPolicyShrinkFontSize:
+ return "ShrinkFontSize";
+ default: // should not happen
+ qDebug( "Unknown text layout policy" );
+ return "JustOverwrite";
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ Number notation specifies the general way, how a number is to be shown.
+ \li \c NumberNotationDecimal Traditional way of writing a decimal number.
+ \li \c NumberNotationScientific Exponential notation, with exactly one non-zero digit to the left of the decimal.
+ \li \c NumberNotationScientificBig Same as \c NumberNotationScientific, but using 'E' instead of 'e'.
+ \sa KDChartAxisParams::setAxisLabelsNotation
+ */
+ enum NumberNotation { NumberNotationDecimal,
+ NumberNotationScientific,
+ NumberNotationScientificBig };
+ /**
+ Converts the specified number notation enum to a
+ string representation.
+ \param notation the number notation to convert
+ \return the string representation of the number notation enum
+ */
+ static QString numberNotationToString( NumberNotation notation ) {
+ switch( notation ) {
+ case NumberNotationDecimal:
+ return "NumberNotationDecimal";
+ case NumberNotationScientific:
+ return "NumberNotationScientific";
+ case NumberNotationScientificBig:
+ return "NumberNotationScientificBig";
+ default: // should not happen
+ qDebug( "Unknown text number notation" );
+ return "NumberNotationDecimal";
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ Converts the specified string to a number notation enum value.
+ \param string the string to convert
+ \return the number notation enum value
+ */
+ static NumberNotation stringToNumberNotation( const QString& notation ) {
+ if( notation == "NumberNotationDecimal" )
+ return NumberNotationDecimal;
+ else if( notation == "NumberNotationScientific" )
+ return NumberNotationScientific;
+ else if( notation == "NumberNotationScientificBig" )
+ return NumberNotationScientificBig;
+ else // default, should not happen
+ return NumberNotationDecimal;
+ }
+ /**
+ Converts the specified string to a text layout policy enum value.
+ \param string the string to convert
+ \return the text layout policy enum value
+ */
+ static TextLayoutPolicy stringToLayoutPolicy( const QString& string ) {
+ if( string == "JustOverwrite" )
+ return LayoutJustOverwrite;
+ else if( string == "Rotate" )
+ return LayoutPolicyRotate;
+ else if( string == "ShiftVertically" )
+ return LayoutPolicyShiftVertically;
+ else if( string == "ShiftHorizontally" )
+ return LayoutPolicyShiftHorizontally;
+ else if( string == "ShrinkFontSize" )
+ return LayoutPolicyShrinkFontSize;
+ else // default, should not happen
+ return LayoutJustOverwrite;
+ }
+ /**
+ Areas of the chart that may have their own backgrounds
+ and/or may be surrounded by a simple or complex border.
+ \li \c AreaData surrounding the data area
+ \li \c AreaAxes surrounding the axes but leaving out the data area
+ \li \c AreaDataAxes surrounding the data+axes area
+ \li \c AreaLegend surrounding the legend area
+ \li \c AreaDataAxesLegend surrounding the data+axes+legend area
+ \li \c AreaHeaders surrounding the headers area
+ \li \c AreaFooters surrounding the footers area
+ \li \c AreaDataAxesLegendHeadersFooters surrounding the data+axes+legend+headers+footers area
+ \li \c AreaInnermost covering the complete drawing area but <b>not</b> covering the global left/top/right/bottom leading
+ \li \c AreaOutermost covering the complete drawing area including the global left/top/right/bottom leading
+ \li \c AreaChartDataRegion covering the area used to display one data entry (i.e. one point, bar, line, pie slice,...).
+ The respective data coordinates are specified by additional parameters, this is used by
+ KDChartCustomBox where you have the parameters \c dataRow, \c dataCol, \c data3rd.
+ In addition there is a special value specifying a <b>list</b> of regions:
+ \li \c AreasCustomBoxes specifies many small areas surrounding all the custom boxes that you might have added to the chart,
+ this is useful in case you want to specify some default frame settings to be used for all custom boxes
+ not having frame settings of their own.
+ Finally there are three special values that you may use to specify
+ a single axis area (or a header/footer area, or a custom box area resp.).
+ Just add the number of the axis (or header/footer, or custom box resp.)
+ to the respective base value:
+ \li \c AreaAxisBASE value to be added to the axis number in case you want to specify a single axis area,
+ e.g. for specifying the area of the left ordinate axis just type <b>AreaAxisBASE + AxisPosLeft</b>.
+ \li \c AreaHdFtBASE value to be added to the header/footer number in case you want to specify a single header (or footer, resp.) area,
+ e.g. for specifying the area of the main header just type <b>AreaHdFtBASE + HdFtPosHeader</b>.
+ \li \c AreaCustomBoxBASE value to be added to the number of a custom box that you might have added to your chart,
+ e.g. for specifying the area a custom box you have added to the chart
+ (let us assume the index of that box is in \c boxIdx1) just type <b>AreaCustBoxBASE + boxIdx1</b>.
+ \sa KDChartParams::setSimpleFrame, KDChartParams::setFrame
+ \sa KDChartParams::insertCustomBox, KDChartCustomBox
+ */
+ enum AreaName { AreaUNKNOWN = 0x0000,
+ AreaData = 0x0001,
+ AreaAxes = 0x0002,
+ AreaDataAxes = 0x0003,
+ AreaLegend = 0x0004,
+ AreaDataAxesLegend = 0x0005,
+ AreaHeaders = 0x0006,
+ AreaFooters = 0x0007,
+ AreaDataAxesLegendHeadersFooters = 0x0008,
+ AreaInnermost = 0x0009,
+ AreaOutermost = 0x000a,
+ AreaChartDataRegion = 0x000b,
+ AreasCustomBoxes = 0x000d,
+ AreaAxisBASE = 0x1000,
+ AreaHdFtBASE = 0x2000,
+ AreaCustomBoxesBASE = 0x4000,
+ AreaBASEMask = 0xF000 };
+ /**
+ The general position flag to specify a point of
+ an area, for example this could be the anchor point
+ which an annotation box should be aligned to.
+ The following picture shows the different positions:
+ \image html "../refman_images/positions.png"
+ \image latex "../refman_images/positions.png" "the PositionFlag enum" width=4in
+ \note The position and alignment of content to be printed at (or
+ inside of, resp.) an area or a point -- like for printing data value texts next
+ to their graphical representations (which might be a bar, line, pie slice,...) --
+ is specified by two parameters: a \c PositionFlag and a uint holding a combination of \c Qt::AlignmentFlags.
+ Remember that Qt::AlignmentFlags are used to specify <b>with which edge</b> something
+ is to be aligned to its anchor, e.g. \c AlignLeft means align with the left edge.
+ The position of content and the way it is aligned to this
+ position is shown in the following drawing, note that annotation #2 and annotation #3
+ share the same PositionFlag but have different alignment flags set:
+ \image html "../refman_images/alignment.png"
+ \image latex "../refman_images/alignment.png" "positioning and aligning" width=4in
+ \sa KDChartParams::setPrintDataValues
+ */
+ enum PositionFlag { PosTopLeft =0, PosTopCenter =1, PosTopRight =2,
+ PosCenterLeft=3, PosCenter =4, PosCenterRight=5,
+ PosBottomLeft=6, PosBottomCenter=7, PosBottomRight=8 };
+ /**
+ Returns the point representing a position of a rectangle.
+ */
+ static QPoint positionFlagToPoint( const QRect& rect,
+ PositionFlag pos );
+ /**
+ Returns the point representing a position of a corresponding
+ QPointArray.
+ \note The array \c points <b>must</b> have at least nine elements.
+ */
+ static QPoint positionFlagToPoint( const QPointArray& points,
+ PositionFlag pos )
+ {
+ QPoint pt;
+ if( 9 <= points.size() )
+ pt = points[ pos ];
+ return pt;
+ }
+ /**
+ Converts the specified content position enum to a
+ string representation.
+ \param type the content position to convert
+ \return the string representation of the type enum
+ */
+ static QString positionFlagToString( PositionFlag type );
+ /**
+ Converts the specified string to a content position enum value.
+ \param string the string to convert
+ \return the content position enum value
+ */
+ static PositionFlag stringToPositionFlag( const QString& string );