path: root/kmymoney2/converter/mymoneygncreader.h
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+ mymoneygncreader - description
+ -------------------
+ begin : Wed Mar 3 2004
+ copyright : (C) 2000-2004 by Michael Edwardes
+ Javier Campos Morales <[email protected]>
+ Felix Rodriguez <[email protected]>
+ Thomas Baumgart <[email protected]>
+ Kevin Tambascio <[email protected]>
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+The main class of this module, MyMoneyGncReader, contains only a readFile()
+function, which controls the import of data from an XML file created by the
+current GnuCash version (1.8.8).
+The XML is processed in class XmlReader, which is an implementation of the Qt
+SAX2 reader class.
+Data in the input file is processed as a set of objects which fortunately,
+though perhaps not surprisingly, have almost a one-for-one correspondence with
+KMyMoney objects. These objects are bounded by start and end XML elements, and
+may contain both nested objects (described as sub objects in the code), and data
+items, also delimited by start and end elements. For example:
+<gnc:account> * start of sub object within file
+ <act:name>Account Name</act:name> * data string with start and end elements
+ ...
+</gnc:account> * end of sub objects
+A GnuCash file may consist of more than one 'book', or set of data. It is not
+clear how we could currently implement this, so only the first book in a file is
+processed. This should satisfy most user situations.
+GnuCash is somewhat inconsistent in its division of the major sections of the
+file. For example, multiple price history entries are delimited by <gnc:pricedb>
+elements, while each account starts with its own top-level element. In general,
+the 'container' elements are ignored.
+This is an implementation of the Qt QXmlDefaultHandler class, which provides
+three main function calls in addition to start and end of document. The
+startElement() and endElement() calls are self-explanatory, the characters()
+function provides data strings. Thus in the above example, the sequence of calls
+would be
+ startElement() for gnc:account
+ startElement() for act:name
+ characters() for 'Account Name'
+ endElement() for act:name
+ ...
+ endElement() for gnc:account
+Since the processing requirements of XML for most elements are very similar, the
+common code is implemented in a GncObject class, from which the others are
+derived, with virtual function calls to cater for any differences. The
+'grandfather' object, GncFile representing the file (or more correctly, 'book')
+as a whole, is created in the startDocument() function call.
+The constructor function of each object is responsible for providing two lists
+for the XmlReader to scan, a list of element names which represent sub objects
+(called sub elements in the code), and a similar list of names representing data
+elements. In addition, an array of variables (m_v) is provided and initialized,
+to contain the actual data strings.
+Since objects may be nested, a stack is used, with the top element pointing to
+the 'current object'. The startDocument() call creates the first, GncFile,
+object at the top of the stack.
+As each startElement() call occurs, the two element lists created by the current
+object are scanned.
+If this element represents the start of a sub object, the current object's subEl()
+function is called to create an instance of the appropriate type. This is then
+pushed to the top of the stack, and the new object's initiate() function is
+called. This is used to process any XML attributes attached to the element;
+GnuCash makes little use of these.
+If this represents the start of a data element, a pointer (m_dataPointer) is set
+to point to an entry in the array (m_v) in which a subsequent characters() call
+can store the actual data.
+When an endElement() call occurs, a check is made to see if it matches the
+element name which started the current object. If so, the object's terminate()
+function is called. If the object represents a similar KMM object, this will
+normally result in a call to a conversion routine in the main
+(MyMoneyGncReader) class to convert the data to native format and place it in
+storage. The stack is then popped, and the parent (now current) object notified
+by a call to its endSubEl() function. Again depending on the type of object,
+this will either delete the instance, or save it in its own storage for later
+For example, a GncSplit object makes little sense outside the context of its
+transaction, so will be saved by the transaction. A GncTransaction object on the
+other hand will be converted, along with its attendant splits, and then deleted
+by its parent.
+Since at any one time an object will only be processing either a subobject or a
+data element, a single object variable, m_state, is used to determine the actual
+type. In effect, it acts as the current index into either the subElement or
+dataElement list. As an object variable, it will be saved on the stack across
+subobject processing.
+Exceptions and Problems
+Fatal exceptions are processed via the standard MyMoneyException method.
+Due to differences in implementation between GnuCash and KMM, it is not always
+possible to provide an absolutely correct conversion. When such a problem
+situation is recognized, a message, along with any relevant variable data, is
+passed to the main class, and used to produce a report when processing
+terminates. The GncMessages and GncMessageArg classes implement this.
+When debugging problems, it is often useful to have a trace of what is happening
+within the module. However, in view of the sensitive nature of personal finance
+data, most users will be reluctant to provide this. Accordingly, an anonymize
+(hide()) function is provided to handle data strings. These may either be passed
+through asis (non-personal data), blanked out (non-critical but possibly personal
+data), replaced with a generated version (required, but possibly personal), or
+randomized (monetary amounts). The action for each data item is determined in
+the object's constructor function along with the creation of the data element
+This module will later be used as the basis of a file anonymizer, which will
+enable users to safely provide us with a copy of their GnuCash files, and will
+allow us to test the structure, if not the data content, of the file.
+// Some STL headers in GCC4.3 contain operator new. Memory checker mangles these
+ #undef new
+// system includes
+#include <stdlib.h>
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// QT Includes
+#include <qdatastream.h>
+class QIODevice;
+#include <qobject.h>
+#include <qvaluelist.h>
+#include <qptrlist.h>
+#include <qptrstack.h>
+#include <qxml.h>
+#include <qdatetime.h>
+#include <qtextcodec.h>
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Project Includes
+ #include <kmymoney/mymoneyutils.h>
+#include "../mymoney/storage/imymoneyserialize.h" // not used any more, but call interface requires it
+#include "../mymoney/storage/imymoneystorageformat.h"
+#endif // _GNCFILEANON
+// not sure what these are for, but leave them in
+#define VERSION_0_60_XML 0x10000010 // Version 0.5 file version info
+#define VERSION_0_61_XML 0x10000011 // use 8 bytes for MyMoneyMoney objects
+typedef QMap<QString, QString> map_accountIds;
+typedef map_accountIds::iterator map_accountIds_iter;
+typedef map_accountIds::const_iterator map_accountIds_citer;
+typedef QMap<QString, QStringList> map_elementVersions;
+class MyMoneyGncReader;
+/** GncObject is the base class for the various objects in the gnucash file
+ Beyond the first level XML objects, elements will be of one of three types:
+ 1. Sub object elements, which require creation of another object to process
+ 2. Data object elements, which are only followed by data to be stored in a variable (m_v array)
+ 3. Ignored objects, data not needed and not included herein
+class GncObject {
+ GncObject();
+ ; // to save delete loop when finished
+ virtual ~GncObject() {} // make sure to have impl of all virtual rtns to avoid vtable errors?
+ friend class XmlReader;
+ friend class MyMoneyGncReader;
+ // check for sub object element; if it is, create the object
+ GncObject *isSubElement (const QString &elName, const QXmlAttributes& elAttrs);
+ // check for data element; if so, set data pointer
+ bool isDataElement (const QString &elName, const QXmlAttributes& elAttrs);
+ // process start element for 'this'; normally for attribute checking; other initialization done in constructor
+ virtual void initiate (const QString&, const QXmlAttributes&) { return ;};
+ // a sub object has completed; process the data it gathered
+ virtual void endSubEl(GncObject *) {m_dataPtr = 0; return ;};
+ // store data for data element
+ void storeData (const QString& pData) // NB - data MAY come in chunks, and may need to be anonymized
+ {if (m_dataPtr != 0)
+ m_dataPtr->append (hide (pData, m_anonClass)); return ;}
+ // following is provided only for a future file anonymizer
+ QString getData () const { return ((m_dataPtr != 0) ? *m_dataPtr : "");};
+ void resetDataPtr() {m_dataPtr = 0;};
+ // process end element for 'this'; usually to convert to KMM format
+ virtual void terminate() { return ;};
+ void setVersion (const QString& v) {m_version = v; return; };
+ QString version() const {return (m_version);};
+ // some gnucash elements have version attribute; check it
+ void checkVersion (const QString&, const QXmlAttributes&, const map_elementVersions&);
+ // get name of element processed by 'this'
+ QString getElName () const { return (m_elementName);};
+ // pass 'main' pointer to object
+ void setPm (MyMoneyGncReader *pM) {pMain = pM;};
+ // debug only
+ void debugDump();
+ // called by isSubElement to create appropriate sub object
+ virtual GncObject *startSubEl() { return (0);};
+ // called by isDataElement to set variable pointer
+ virtual void dataEl(const QXmlAttributes&) {m_dataPtr =; m_anonClass = m_anonClassList[m_state];};
+ // return gnucash data string variable pointer
+ virtual QString var (int i) const;
+ // anonymize data
+ virtual QString hide (QString, unsigned int);
+ MyMoneyGncReader *pMain; // pointer to 'main' class
+ // used at start of each transaction so same money hide factor is applied to all splits
+ void adjustHideFactor();
+ QString m_elementName; // save 'this' element's name
+ QString m_version; // and it's gnucash version
+ const QString *m_subElementList; // list of sub object element names for 'this'
+ unsigned int m_subElementListCount; // count of above
+ const QString *m_dataElementList; // ditto for data elements
+ unsigned int m_dataElementListCount;
+ QString *m_dataPtr; // pointer to m_v variable for current data item
+ mutable QPtrList<QString> m_v; // storage for variable pointers
+ unsigned int m_state; // effectively, the index to subElementList or dataElementList, whichever is currently in use
+ const unsigned int *m_anonClassList;
+ enum anonActions {ASIS, SUPPRESS, NXTACC, NXTEQU, NXTPAY, NXTSCHD, MAYBEQ, MONEY1, MONEY2}; // anonymize actions - see hide()
+ unsigned int m_anonClass; // class of current data item for anonymizer
+ static double m_moneyHideFactor; // a per-transaction factor
+// *****************************************************************************
+// This is the 'grandfather' object representing the gnucash file as a whole
+class GncFile : public GncObject {
+ GncFile ();
+ ~GncFile();
+ virtual GncObject *startSubEl();
+ virtual void endSubEl(GncObject *);
+ bool m_processingTemplates; // gnc uses same transaction element for ordinary and template tx's; this will distinguish
+ bool m_bookFound; // to detect multi-book files
+// The following are 'utility' objects, which occur within several other object types
+// ****************************************************************************
+// commodity specification. consists of
+// cmdty:space - either ISO4217 if this cmdty is a currency, or, usually, the name of a stock exchange
+// cmdty:id - ISO4217 currency symbol, or 'ticker symbol'
+class GncCmdtySpec : public GncObject {
+ GncCmdtySpec ();
+ ~GncCmdtySpec ();
+ friend class MyMoneyGncReader;
+ friend class GncTransaction;
+ bool isCurrency() const { return (* == QString("ISO4217"));};
+ QString id() const { return (*;};
+ QString space() const { return (*;};
+ // data elements
+ enum CmdtySpecDataEls {CMDTYSPC, CMDTYID, END_CmdtySpec_DELS};
+ virtual QString hide (QString, unsigned int);
+// *********************************************************************
+// date; maybe one of two types, ts:date which is date/time, gdate which is date only
+// we do not preserve time data (at present)
+class GncDate : public GncObject {
+ GncDate ();
+ ~GncDate();
+ friend class MyMoneyGncReader;
+ friend class GncPrice;
+ friend class GncTransaction;
+ friend class GncSplit;
+ friend class GncSchedule;
+ friend class GncRecurrence;
+ const QDate date() const { return (QDate::fromString(>section(' ', 0, 0), Qt::ISODate));};
+ // data elements
+ enum DateDataEls {TSDATE, GDATE, END_Date_DELS};
+ virtual void dataEl(const QXmlAttributes&) {m_dataPtr =; m_anonClass = GncObject::ASIS;}
+ ; // treat both date types the same
+// ************* GncKvp********************************************
+// Key/value pairs, which are introduced by the 'slot' element
+// Consist of slot:key (the 'name' of the kvp), and slot:value (the data value)
+// the slot value also contains a slot type (string, integer, etc) implemented as an XML attribute
+// kvp's may be nested
+class GncKvp : public GncObject {
+ GncKvp ();
+ ~GncKvp();
+ friend class MyMoneyGncReader;
+ QString key() const { return (var(KEY));};
+ QString value() const { return (var(VALUE));};
+ QString type() const { return (m_kvpType);};
+ unsigned int kvpCount() const { return (m_kvpList.count());};
+ const GncKvp *getKvp(unsigned int i) const { return (static_cast<GncKvp *>(;};
+ // subsidiary objects/elements
+ enum KvpSubEls {KVP, END_Kvp_SELS };
+ virtual GncObject *startSubEl();
+ virtual void endSubEl(GncObject *);
+ // data elements
+ enum KvpDataEls {KEY, VALUE, END_Kvp_DELS };
+ virtual void dataEl (const QXmlAttributes&);
+ mutable QPtrList<GncObject> m_kvpList;
+ QString m_kvpType; // type is an XML attribute
+// ************* GncLot********************************************
+// KMM doesn't have support for lots as yet
+class GncLot : public GncObject {
+ public:
+ GncLot ();
+ ~GncLot();
+ protected:
+ friend class MyMoneyGncReader;
+ private:
+/** Following are the main objects within the gnucash file, which correspond largely one-for-one
+ with similar objects in the kmymoney structure, apart from schedules which gnc splits between
+ template (transaction data) and schedule (date data)
+class GncCountData : public GncObject {
+ GncCountData ();
+ ~GncCountData ();
+ virtual void initiate (const QString&, const QXmlAttributes&);
+ virtual void terminate();
+ QString m_countType; // type of element being counted
+class GncCommodity : public GncObject {
+ GncCommodity ();
+ ~GncCommodity();
+ friend class MyMoneyGncReader;
+ // access data values
+ bool isCurrency() const { return (var(SPACE) == QString("ISO4217"));};
+ QString space() const { return (var(SPACE));};
+ QString id() const { return (var(ID));};
+ QString name() const { return (var(NAME));};
+ QString fraction() const { return (var(FRACTION));};
+ virtual void terminate();
+ // data elements
+ enum {SPACE, ID, NAME, FRACTION, END_Commodity_DELS};
+// ************* GncPrice********************************************
+class GncPrice : public GncObject {
+ GncPrice ();
+ ~GncPrice();
+ friend class MyMoneyGncReader;
+ // access data values
+ const GncCmdtySpec *commodity() const { return (m_vpCommodity);};
+ const GncCmdtySpec *currency() const { return (m_vpCurrency);};
+ QString value() const { return (var(VALUE));};
+ QDate priceDate () const { return (m_vpPriceDate->date());};
+ virtual void terminate();
+ // sub object elements
+ enum PriceSubEls {CMDTY, CURR, PRICEDATE, END_Price_SELS };
+ virtual GncObject *startSubEl();
+ virtual void endSubEl(GncObject *);
+ // data elements
+ enum PriceDataEls {VALUE, END_Price_DELS };
+ GncCmdtySpec *m_vpCommodity, *m_vpCurrency;
+ GncDate *m_vpPriceDate;
+// ************* GncAccount********************************************
+class GncAccount : public GncObject {
+ GncAccount ();
+ ~GncAccount();
+ friend class MyMoneyGncReader;
+ // access data values
+ GncCmdtySpec *commodity() const { return (m_vpCommodity);};
+ QString id () const { return (var(ID));};
+ QString name () const { return (var(NAME));};
+ QString desc () const { return (var(DESC));};
+ QString type () const { return (var(TYPE));};
+ QString parent () const { return (var(PARENT));};
+ // subsidiary objects/elements
+ enum AccountSubEls {CMDTY, KVP, LOTS, END_Account_SELS };
+ virtual GncObject *startSubEl();
+ virtual void endSubEl(GncObject *);
+ virtual void terminate();
+ // data elements
+ enum AccountDataEls {ID, NAME, DESC, TYPE, PARENT, END_Account_DELS };
+ GncCmdtySpec *m_vpCommodity;
+ QPtrList<GncObject> m_kvpList;
+// ************* GncSplit********************************************
+class GncSplit : public GncObject {
+ GncSplit ();
+ ~GncSplit();
+ friend class MyMoneyGncReader;
+ // access data values
+ QString id() const { return (var(ID));};
+ QString memo() const { return (var(MEMO));};
+ QString recon() const { return (var(RECON));};
+ QString value() const { return (var(VALUE));};
+ QString qty() const { return (var(QTY));};
+ QString acct() const { return (var(ACCT));};
+const QDate reconDate() const {QDate x = QDate(); return (m_vpDateReconciled == NULL ? x : m_vpDateReconciled->date());};
+ // subsidiary objects/elements
+ enum TransactionSubEls {RECDATE, END_Split_SELS };
+ virtual GncObject *startSubEl();
+ virtual void endSubEl(GncObject *);
+ // data elements
+ enum SplitDataEls {ID, MEMO, RECON, VALUE, QTY, ACCT, END_Split_DELS };
+ GncDate *m_vpDateReconciled;
+// ************* GncTransaction********************************************
+class GncTransaction : public GncObject {
+ GncTransaction (bool processingTemplates);
+ ~GncTransaction();
+ friend class MyMoneyGncReader;
+ // access data values
+ QString id() const { return (var(ID));};
+ QString no() const { return (var(NO));};
+ QString desc() const { return (var(DESC));};
+ QString currency() const { return (m_vpCurrency == NULL ? QString () : m_vpCurrency->id());};
+ QDate dateEntered() const { return (m_vpDateEntered->date());};
+ QDate datePosted() const { return (m_vpDatePosted->date());};
+ bool isTemplate() const { return (m_template);};
+ unsigned int splitCount() const { return (m_splitList.count());};
+ unsigned int kvpCount() const { return (m_kvpList.count());};
+ const GncObject *getSplit (unsigned int i) const { return (;};
+ const GncKvp *getKvp(unsigned int i) const { return (static_cast<GncKvp *>(;};
+ // subsidiary objects/elements
+ enum TransactionSubEls {CURRCY, POSTED, ENTERED, SPLIT, KVP, END_Transaction_SELS };
+ virtual GncObject *startSubEl();
+ virtual void endSubEl(GncObject *);
+ virtual void terminate();
+ // data elements
+ enum TransactionDataEls {ID, NO, DESC, END_Transaction_DELS };
+ GncCmdtySpec *m_vpCurrency;
+ GncDate *m_vpDateEntered, *m_vpDatePosted;
+ mutable QPtrList<GncObject> m_splitList;
+ bool m_template; // true if this is a template for scheduled transaction
+ mutable QPtrList<GncObject> m_kvpList;
+// ************* GncTemplateSplit********************************************
+class GncTemplateSplit : public GncObject {
+ GncTemplateSplit ();
+ ~GncTemplateSplit();
+ friend class MyMoneyGncReader;
+ // access data values
+ QString id() const { return (var(ID));};
+ QString memo() const { return (var(MEMO));};
+ QString recon() const { return (var(RECON));};
+ QString value() const { return (var(VALUE));};
+ QString qty() const { return (var(QTY));};
+ QString acct() const { return (var(ACCT));};
+ unsigned int kvpCount() const { return (m_kvpList.count());};
+ const GncKvp *getKvp(unsigned int i) const { return (static_cast<GncKvp *>(;};
+ // subsidiary objects/elements
+ enum TemplateSplitSubEls {KVP, END_TemplateSplit_SELS };
+ virtual GncObject *startSubEl();
+ virtual void endSubEl(GncObject *);
+ // data elements
+ enum TemplateSplitDataEls {ID, MEMO, RECON, VALUE, QTY, ACCT, END_TemplateSplit_DELS };
+ mutable QPtrList<GncObject> m_kvpList;
+// ************* GncSchedule********************************************
+class GncFreqSpec;
+class GncRecurrence;
+class GncSchedDef;
+class GncSchedule : public GncObject {
+ GncSchedule ();
+ ~GncSchedule();
+ friend class MyMoneyGncReader;
+ // access data values
+ QString name() const { return (var(NAME));};
+ QString enabled() const {return var(ENABLED);};
+ QString autoCreate() const { return (var(AUTOC));};
+ QString autoCrNotify() const { return (var(AUTOCN));};
+ QString autoCrDays() const { return (var(AUTOCD));};
+ QString advCrDays() const { return (var(ADVCD));};
+ QString advCrRemindDays() const { return (var(ADVRD));};
+ QString instanceCount() const { return (var(INSTC));};
+ QString numOccurs() const { return (var(NUMOCC));};
+ QString remOccurs() const { return (var(REMOCC));};
+ QString templId() const { return (var(TEMPLID));};
+ QDate startDate () const
+ {QDate x = QDate(); return (m_vpStartDate == NULL ? x : m_vpStartDate->date());};
+ QDate lastDate () const
+ {QDate x = QDate(); return (m_vpLastDate == NULL ? x : m_vpLastDate->date());};
+ QDate endDate() const
+ {QDate x = QDate(); return (m_vpEndDate == NULL ? x : m_vpEndDate->date());};
+ const GncFreqSpec *getFreqSpec() const { return (m_vpFreqSpec);};
+ const GncSchedDef *getSchedDef() const { return (m_vpSchedDef);};
+ // subsidiary objects/elements
+ virtual GncObject *startSubEl();
+ virtual void endSubEl(GncObject *);
+ virtual void terminate();
+ // data elements
+ GncDate *m_vpStartDate, *m_vpLastDate, *m_vpEndDate;
+ GncFreqSpec *m_vpFreqSpec;
+ mutable QPtrList<GncRecurrence> m_vpRecurrence; // gnc handles multiple occurrences
+ GncSchedDef *m_vpSchedDef;
+// ************* GncFreqSpec********************************************
+class GncFreqSpec : public GncObject {
+ GncFreqSpec ();
+ ~GncFreqSpec();
+ friend class MyMoneyGncReader;
+ // access data values (only interval type used at present)
+ QString intervalType() const { return (var(INTVT));};
+ // subsidiary objects/elements
+ enum FreqSpecSubEls {COMPO, END_FreqSpec_SELS };
+ virtual GncObject *startSubEl();
+ virtual void endSubEl(GncObject *);
+ // data elements
+ virtual void terminate();
+ mutable QPtrList<GncObject> m_fsList;
+// ************* GncRecurrence********************************************
+// this object replaces GncFreqSpec from Gnucash 2.2 onwards
+class GncRecurrence : public GncObject {
+ GncRecurrence ();
+ ~GncRecurrence();
+ friend class MyMoneyGncReader;
+ // access data values
+ QDate startDate () const
+ {QDate x = QDate(); return (m_vpStartDate == NULL ? x : m_vpStartDate->date());};
+ QString mult() const {return (var(MULT));};
+ QString periodType() const {return (var(PERIODTYPE));};
+ QString getFrequency() const;
+ // subsidiary objects/elements
+ enum RecurrenceSubEls {STARTDATE, END_Recurrence_SELS };
+ virtual GncObject *startSubEl();
+ virtual void endSubEl(GncObject *);
+ // data elements
+ enum RecurrenceDataEls {MULT, PERIODTYPE, END_Recurrence_DELS};
+ virtual void terminate();
+ GncDate *m_vpStartDate;
+// ************* GncSchedDef********************************************
+// This is a sub-object of GncSchedule, (sx:deferredInstance) function currently unknown
+class GncSchedDef : public GncObject {
+ public:
+ GncSchedDef ();
+ ~GncSchedDef();
+ protected:
+ friend class MyMoneyGncReader;
+ private:
+ // subsidiary objects/elements
+// ****************************************************************************************
+ XML Reader
+ The XML reader is an implementation of the Qt SAX2 XML parser. It determines the type
+ of object represented by the XMl, and calls the appropriate object functions
+// *****************************************************************************************
+class XmlReader : public QXmlDefaultHandler {
+ friend class MyMoneyGncReader;
+ XmlReader (MyMoneyGncReader *pM) : pMain(pM) {} // keep pointer to 'main'
+ void processFile (QIODevice*); // main entry point of reader
+ // define xml content handler functions
+ bool startDocument ();
+ bool startElement (const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, const QXmlAttributes&);
+ bool endElement (const QString&, const QString&, const QString&);
+ bool characters (const QString &);
+ bool endDocument();
+ QXmlInputSource *m_source;
+ QXmlSimpleReader *m_reader;
+ QPtrStack<GncObject> m_os; // stack of sub objects
+ GncObject *m_co; // current object, for ease of coding (===
+ MyMoneyGncReader *pMain; // the 'main' pointer, to pass on to objects
+ bool m_headerFound; // check for gnc-v2 header
+ int lastType; // 0 = start element, 1 = data, 2 = end element
+ int indentCount;
+#endif // _GNCFILEANON
+ * private classes to define messages to be held in list for final report
+ */
+class GncMessageArgs {
+ friend class MyMoneyGncReader;
+ QString source; // 'type of message
+ unsigned int code; // to identify actual message
+ QValueList<QString> args; // variable arguments
+class GncMessages {
+ friend class MyMoneyGncReader;
+ static QString text (const QString, const unsigned int); // returns text of identified message
+ static unsigned int argCount (const QString, const unsigned int); // returns no. of args required
+ typedef struct {
+ const QString source;
+ const unsigned int code;
+ QString text;
+ }
+ messText;
+ static messText texts [];
+ MyMoneyGncReader - Main class for this module
+ Controls overall operation of the importer
+ */
+class MyMoneyGncReader : public IMyMoneyStorageFormat {
+class MyMoneyGncReader {
+#endif // _GNCFILEANON
+ MyMoneyGncReader();
+ virtual ~MyMoneyGncReader();
+ /**
+ * Import a GnuCash XML file
+ *
+ * @param pDevice : pointer to GnuCash file
+ * @param storage : pointer to MyMoneySerialize storage
+ *
+ * @return void
+ *
+ */
+ void readFile (QIODevice* pDevice, IMyMoneySerialize* storage); // main entry point, IODevice is gnucash file
+ void writeFile (QIODevice*, IMyMoneySerialize*) { return ;}; // dummy entry needed by kmymoneywiew. we will not be writing
+ void readFile (QString, QString);
+#endif // _GNCFILEANON
+ QTextCodec *m_decoder;
+ friend class GncObject; // pity we can't just say GncObject. And compiler doesn't like multiple friends on one line...
+ friend class GncFile; // there must be a better way...
+ friend class GncDate;
+ friend class GncCmdtySpec;
+ friend class GncKvp;
+ friend class GncLot;
+ friend class GncCountData;
+ friend class GncCommodity;
+ friend class GncPrice;
+ friend class GncAccount;
+ friend class GncTransaction;
+ friend class GncSplit;
+ friend class GncTemplateTransaction;
+ friend class GncTemplateSplit;
+ friend class GncSchedule;
+ friend class GncFreqSpec;
+ friend class GncRecurrence;
+ friend class XmlReader;
+ /** functions to convert gnc objects to our equivalent */
+ void convertCommodity (const GncCommodity *);
+ void convertPrice (const GncPrice *);
+ void convertAccount (const GncAccount *);
+ void convertTransaction (const GncTransaction *);
+ void convertSplit (const GncSplit *);
+ void saveTemplateTransaction (GncTransaction *t) {m_templateList.append (t);};
+ void convertSchedule (const GncSchedule *);
+ void convertFreqSpec (const GncFreqSpec *);
+ void convertRecurrence (const GncRecurrence *);
+ /** functions to convert gnc objects to our equivalent */
+ void convertCommodity (const GncCommodity *) {return;};
+ void convertPrice (const GncPrice *) {return;};
+ void convertAccount (const GncAccount *) {return;};
+ void convertTransaction (const GncTransaction *) {return;};
+ void convertSplit (const GncSplit *) {return;};
+ void saveTemplateTransaction (GncTransaction *t) {return;};
+ void convertSchedule (const GncSchedule *) {return;};
+ void convertFreqSpec (const GncFreqSpec *) {return;};
+#endif // _GNCFILEANON
+/** to post messages for final report */
+ void postMessage (const QString&, const unsigned int, const char *);
+ void postMessage (const QString&, const unsigned int, const char *, const char *);
+ void postMessage (const QString&, const unsigned int, const char *, const char *, const char *);
+ void postMessage (const QString&, const unsigned int, const QStringList&);
+ void setProgressCallback (void(*callback)(int, int, const QString&));
+ void signalProgress (int current, int total, const QString& = "");
+ /** user options */
+ /**
+ Scheduled Transactions
+ Due to differences in implementation, it is not always possible to import scheduled
+ transactions correctly. Though best efforts are made, it may be that some
+ imported transactions cause problems within kmymoney.
+ An attempt is made within the importer to identify potential problem transactions,
+ and setting this option will cause them to be dropped from the file.
+ A report of which were dropped, and why, will be produced.
+ m_dropSuspectSchedules - drop suspect scheduled transactions
+ */
+ bool m_dropSuspectSchedules;
+ /**
+ Investments
+ In kmymoney, all accounts representing investments (stocks, shares, bonds, etc.) must
+ have an associated investment account (e.g. a broker account). The stock account holds
+ the share balance, the investment account a money balance.
+ Gnucash does not do this, so we cannot automate this function. If you have investments,
+ you must select one of the following options.
+ 0 - create a separate investment account for each stock with the same name as the stock
+ 1 - create a single investment account to hold all stocks - you will be asked for a name
+ 2 - create multiple investment accounts - you will be asked for a name for each stock
+ N.B. :- option 2 doesn't really work quite as desired at present
+ */
+ unsigned int m_investmentOption;
+ /** Online quotes
+ The user has the option to use the Finance::Quote system, as used by GnuCash, to
+ retrieve online share price quotes
+ */
+ bool m_useFinanceQuote;
+ /** Tx Notes handling
+ Under some usage conditions, non-split GnuCash transactions may contain residual, usually incorrect, memo
+ data which is not normally visible to the user. When imported into KMyMoney however, due to display
+ differences, this data can become visible. Often, these transactions will have a Notes field describing
+ the real purpose of the transaction. If this option is selected, these notes, if present, will be used to
+ override the extraneous memo data." */
+ bool m_useTxNotes;
+ // set gnucash counts (not always accurate!)
+ void setGncCommodityCount(int i) { m_gncCommodityCount = i;};
+ void setGncAccountCount (int i) { m_gncAccountCount = i;};
+ void setGncTransactionCount (int i) { m_gncTransactionCount = i;};
+ void setGncScheduleCount (int i) { m_gncScheduleCount = i;};
+ void setSmallBusinessFound (bool b) { m_smallBusinessFound = b;};
+ void setBudgetsFound (bool b) { m_budgetsFound = b;};
+ void setLotsFound (bool b) { m_lotsFound = b;};
+ /* Debug Options
+ If you don't know what these are, best leave them alone.
+ gncdebug - produce general debug messages
+ xmldebug - produce a trace of the gnucash file XML
+ bAnonymize - hide personal data (account names, payees, etc., randomize money amounts)
+ */
+ bool gncdebug; // general debug messages
+ bool xmldebug; // xml trace
+ bool bAnonymize; // anonymize input
+ static double m_fileHideFactor; // an overall anonymization factor to be applied to all items
+ bool developerDebug;
+ void setOptions (); // to set user options from dialog
+ void setFileHideFactor ();
+ // the following handles the gnucash indicator for a bad value (-1/0) which causes us probs
+ QString convBadValue (QString gncValue) const {return (gncValue == "-1/0" ? "0/1" : gncValue); };
+ MyMoneyTransaction convertTemplateTransaction (const QString&, const GncTransaction *);
+ void convertTemplateSplit (const QString&, const GncTemplateSplit *);
+#endif // _GNCFILEANON
+ // wind up when all done
+ void terminate();
+ QString buildReportSection (const QString&);
+ bool writeReportToFile (const QValueList<QString>&);
+ // main storage
+ IMyMoneyStorage *m_storage;
+ QTextStream oStream;
+#endif // _GNCFILEANON
+ XmlReader *m_xr;
+ /** to hold the callback pointer for the progress bar */
+ void (*m_progressCallback)(int, int, const QString&);
+ // a map of which versions of the various elements (objects) we can import
+ map_elementVersions m_versionList;
+ // counters holding count data from the Gnc 'count-data' section
+ int m_gncCommodityCount;
+ int m_gncAccountCount;
+ int m_gncTransactionCount;
+ int m_gncScheduleCount;
+ // flags indicating detection of features not (yet?) supported
+ bool m_smallBusinessFound;
+ bool m_budgetsFound;
+ bool m_lotsFound;
+ /** counters for reporting */
+ int m_commodityCount;
+ int m_priceCount;
+ int m_accountCount;
+ int m_transactionCount;
+ int m_templateCount;
+ int m_scheduleCount;
+ // counters for error reporting
+ int m_ccCount, m_orCount, m_scCount;
+ // currency counter
+ QMap<QString, unsigned int> m_currencyCount;
+ /**
+ * Map gnucash vs. Kmm ids for accounts, equities, schedules, price sources
+ */
+ QMap<QString, QString> m_mapIds;
+ QString m_rootId; // save the root id for terminate()
+ QMap<QString, QString> m_mapEquities;
+ QMap<QString, QString> m_mapSchedules;
+ QMap<QString, QString> m_mapSources;
+ /**
+ * A list of stock accounts (gnc ids) which will be held till the end
+ so we can implement the user's investment option
+ */
+ QValueList<QString> m_stockList;
+ /**
+ * Temporary storage areas for transaction processing
+ */
+ QString m_txCommodity; // save commodity for current transaction
+ QString m_txPayeeId; // gnc has payee at tx level, we need it at split level
+ QDate m_txDatePosted; // ditto for post date
+ QString m_txChequeNo; // ditto for cheque number
+ /** In kmm, the order of splits is critical to some operations. These
+ * areas will hold the splits until we've read them all */
+ QValueList<MyMoneySplit> m_splitList, m_liabilitySplitList, m_otherSplitList;
+ bool m_potentialTransfer; // to determine whether this might be a transfer
+ /** Schedules are processed through 3 different functions, any of which may set this flag */
+ bool m_suspectSchedule;
+ /**
+ * A holding area for template txs while we're waiting for the schedules
+ */
+ QPtrList<GncTransaction> m_templateList;
+ /** Hold a list of suspect schedule ids for later processing? */
+ QValueList<QString> m_suspectList;
+ /**
+ * To hold message data till final report
+ */
+ QPtrList<GncMessageArgs> m_messageList;
+ GncMessages *m_messageTexts;
+ /**
+ * Internal utility functions
+ */
+ QString createPayee (const QString&); // create a payee and return it's id
+ QString createOrphanAccount (const QString&); // create unknown account and return the id
+ QDate incrDate (QDate lastDate, unsigned char interval, unsigned int intervalCount); // for date calculations
+ MyMoneyAccount checkConsistency (MyMoneyAccount& parent, MyMoneyAccount& child); // gnucash is sometimes TOO flexible
+ void checkInvestmentOption (QString stockId); // implement user investment option
+ void getPriceSource (MyMoneySecurity stock, QString gncSource);
+#endif // _GNCFILEANON