path: root/kmymoney2/reports/reportstestcommon.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kmymoney2/reports/reportstestcommon.cpp')
1 files changed, 494 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kmymoney2/reports/reportstestcommon.cpp b/kmymoney2/reports/reportstestcommon.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31e6c1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kmymoney2/reports/reportstestcommon.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+ reportstestcommon.cpp
+ -------------------
+ copyright : (C) 2002-2005 by Thomas Baumgart
+ Ace Jones <[email protected]>
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include <qvaluelist.h>
+#include <qvaluevector.h>
+#include <qdom.h>
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kdeversion.h>
+#include <kglobal.h>
+#include <kglobalsettings.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include "kreportsviewtest.h"
+#define private public
+#include "pivottable.h"
+#include "querytable.h"
+#undef private
+using namespace reports;
+#include "../mymoney/mymoneysecurity.h"
+#include "../mymoney/mymoneyprice.h"
+#include "../mymoney/storage/mymoneystoragedump.h"
+#include "../mymoney/mymoneyreport.h"
+#include "../mymoney/mymoneystatement.h"
+#include "../mymoney/storage/mymoneystoragexml.h"
+#include "reportstestcommon.h"
+namespace test {
+const MyMoneyMoney moCheckingOpen(0.0);
+const MyMoneyMoney moCreditOpen(-0.0);
+const MyMoneyMoney moConverterCheckingOpen(1418.0);
+const MyMoneyMoney moConverterCreditOpen(-418.0);
+const MyMoneyMoney moZero(0.0);
+const MyMoneyMoney moSolo(234.12);
+const MyMoneyMoney moParent1(88.01);
+const MyMoneyMoney moParent2(133.22);
+const MyMoneyMoney moParent(moParent1+moParent2);
+const MyMoneyMoney moChild(14.00);
+const MyMoneyMoney moThomas(5.11);
+const MyMoneyMoney moNoPayee(8944.70);
+QString acAsset;
+QString acLiability;
+QString acExpense;
+QString acIncome;
+QString acChecking;
+QString acCredit;
+QString acSolo;
+QString acParent;
+QString acChild;
+QString acSecondChild;
+QString acGrandChild1;
+QString acGrandChild2;
+QString acForeign;
+QString acCanChecking;
+QString acJpyChecking;
+QString acCanCash;
+QString acJpyCash;
+QString inBank;
+QString eqStock1;
+QString eqStock2;
+QString acInvestment;
+QString acStock1;
+QString acStock2;
+QString acDividends;
+QString acInterest;
+QString acTax;
+QString acCash;
+TransactionHelper::TransactionHelper( const QDate& _date, const QString& _action, MyMoneyMoney _value, const QString& _accountid, const QString& _categoryid, const QString& _currencyid, const QString& _payee )
+ // _currencyid is the currency of the transaction, and of the _value
+ // both the account and category can have their own currency (athough the category having
+ // a foreign currency is not yet supported by the program, the reports will still allow it,
+ // so it must be tested.)
+ MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
+ bool haspayee = ! _payee.isEmpty();
+ MyMoneyPayee payeeTest = file->payeeByName(_payee);
+ MyMoneyFileTransaction ft;
+ setPostDate(_date);
+ QString currencyid = _currencyid;
+ if ( currencyid.isEmpty() )
+ currencyid=MyMoneyFile::instance()->baseCurrency().id();
+ setCommodity(currencyid);
+ MyMoneyMoney price;
+ MyMoneySplit splitLeft;
+ if ( haspayee )
+ splitLeft.setPayeeId(;
+ splitLeft.setAction(_action);
+ splitLeft.setValue(-_value);
+ price = MyMoneyFile::instance()->price(currencyid, file->account(_accountid).currencyId(),_date).rate(file->account(_accountid).currencyId());
+ splitLeft.setShares(-_value * price);
+ splitLeft.setAccountId(_accountid);
+ addSplit(splitLeft);
+ MyMoneySplit splitRight;
+ if ( haspayee )
+ splitRight.setPayeeId(;
+ splitRight.setAction(_action);
+ splitRight.setValue(_value);
+ price = MyMoneyFile::instance()->price(currencyid, file->account(_categoryid).currencyId(),_date).rate(file->account(_categoryid).currencyId());
+ splitRight.setShares(_value * price );
+ splitRight.setAccountId(_categoryid);
+ addSplit(splitRight);
+ MyMoneyFile::instance()->addTransaction(*this);
+ ft.commit();
+ MyMoneyFileTransaction ft;
+ MyMoneyFile::instance()->removeTransaction(*this);
+ ft.commit();
+void TransactionHelper::update(void)
+ MyMoneyFileTransaction ft;
+ MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifyTransaction(*this);
+ ft.commit();
+InvTransactionHelper::InvTransactionHelper( const QDate& _date, const QString& _action, MyMoneyMoney _shares, MyMoneyMoney _price, const QString& _stockaccountid, const QString& _transferid, const QString& _categoryid )
+ init(_date, _action, _shares, _price, _stockaccountid, _transferid, _categoryid);
+void InvTransactionHelper::init( const QDate& _date, const QString& _action, MyMoneyMoney _shares, MyMoneyMoney _price, const QString& _stockaccountid, const QString& _transferid, const QString& _categoryid )
+ MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
+ MyMoneyAccount stockaccount = file->account(_stockaccountid);
+ MyMoneyMoney value = _shares * _price;
+ setPostDate(_date);
+ setCommodity("USD");
+ MyMoneySplit s1;
+ s1.setValue(value);
+ s1.setAccountId(_stockaccountid);
+ if ( _action == MyMoneySplit::ActionReinvestDividend )
+ {
+ s1.setShares(_shares);
+ s1.setAction(MyMoneySplit::ActionReinvestDividend);
+ MyMoneySplit s2;
+ s2.setAccountId(_categoryid);
+ s2.setShares(-value);
+ s2.setValue(-value);
+ addSplit(s2);
+ }
+ else if ( _action == MyMoneySplit::ActionDividend || _action == MyMoneySplit::ActionYield )
+ {
+ s1.setAccountId(_categoryid);
+ s1.setShares(-value);
+ s1.setValue(-value);
+ // Split 2 will be the zero-amount investment split that serves to
+ // mark this transaction as a cash dividend and note which stock account
+ // it belongs to.
+ MyMoneySplit s2;
+ s2.setValue(0);
+ s2.setShares(0);
+ s2.setAction(_action);
+ s2.setAccountId(_stockaccountid);
+ addSplit(s2);
+ MyMoneySplit s3;
+ s3.setAccountId(_transferid);
+ s3.setShares(value);
+ s3.setValue(value);
+ addSplit(s3);
+ }
+ else if ( _action == MyMoneySplit::ActionBuyShares )
+ {
+ s1.setShares(_shares);
+ s1.setAction(MyMoneySplit::ActionBuyShares);
+ MyMoneySplit s3;
+ s3.setAccountId(_transferid);
+ s3.setShares(-value);
+ s3.setValue(-value);
+ addSplit(s3);
+ }
+ addSplit(s1);
+ //kdDebug(2) << "created transaction, now adding..." << endl;
+ MyMoneyFileTransaction ft;
+ file->addTransaction(*this);
+ //kdDebug(2) << "updating price..." << endl;
+ // update the price, while we're here
+ QString stockid = stockaccount.currencyId();
+ QString basecurrencyid = file->baseCurrency().id();
+ MyMoneyPrice price = file->price( stockid, basecurrencyid, _date, true );
+ if ( !price.isValid() )
+ {
+ MyMoneyPrice newprice( stockid, basecurrencyid, _date, _price, "test" );
+ file->addPrice(newprice);
+ }
+ ft.commit();
+ //kdDebug(2) << "successfully added " << id() << endl;
+QString makeAccount( const QString& _name, MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeE _type, MyMoneyMoney _balance, const QDate& _open, const QString& _parent, QString _currency, bool _taxReport )
+ MyMoneyAccount info;
+ MyMoneyFileTransaction ft;
+ info.setName(_name);
+ info.setAccountType(_type);
+ info.setOpeningDate(_open);
+ if ( _currency != "" )
+ info.setCurrencyId(_currency);
+ else
+ info.setCurrencyId(MyMoneyFile::instance()->baseCurrency().id());
+ if(_taxReport)
+ info.setValue("Tax", "Yes");
+ MyMoneyAccount parent = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(_parent);
+ MyMoneyFile::instance()->addAccount( info, parent );
+ // create the opening balance transaction if any
+ if(!_balance.isZero()) {
+ MyMoneySecurity sec = MyMoneyFile::instance()->currency(info.currencyId());
+ MyMoneyFile::instance()->openingBalanceAccount(sec);
+ MyMoneyFile::instance()->createOpeningBalanceTransaction(info, _balance);
+ }
+ ft.commit();
+ return;
+void makePrice(const QString& _currencyid, const QDate& _date, const MyMoneyMoney& _price )
+ MyMoneyFileTransaction ft;
+ MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
+ MyMoneySecurity curr = file->currency(_currencyid);
+ MyMoneyPrice price(_currencyid, file->baseCurrency().id(), _date, _price, "test");
+ file->addPrice(price);
+ ft.commit();
+QString makeEquity(const QString& _name, const QString& _symbol )
+ MyMoneySecurity equity;
+ MyMoneyFileTransaction ft;
+ equity.setName( _name );
+ equity.setTradingSymbol( _symbol );
+ equity.setSmallestAccountFraction( 1000 );
+ equity.setSecurityType( MyMoneySecurity::SECURITY_NONE /*MyMoneyEquity::ETYPE_STOCK*/ );
+ MyMoneyFile::instance()->addSecurity( equity );
+ ft.commit();
+ return;
+void makeEquityPrice(const QString& _id, const QDate& _date, const MyMoneyMoney& _price )
+ MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
+ MyMoneyFileTransaction ft;
+ QString basecurrencyid = file->baseCurrency().id();
+ MyMoneyPrice price = file->price( _id, basecurrencyid, _date, true );
+ if ( !price.isValid() )
+ {
+ MyMoneyPrice newprice( _id, basecurrencyid, _date, _price, "test" );
+ file->addPrice(newprice);
+ }
+ ft.commit();
+void writeRCFtoXMLDoc( const MyMoneyReport& filter, QDomDocument* doc )
+ QDomProcessingInstruction instruct = doc->createProcessingInstruction(QString("xml"), QString("version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\""));
+ doc->appendChild(instruct);
+ QDomElement root = doc->createElement("KMYMONEY-FILE");
+ doc->appendChild(root);
+ QDomElement reports = doc->createElement("REPORTS");
+ root.appendChild(reports);
+ QDomElement report = doc->createElement("REPORT");
+ filter.write(report,doc);
+ reports.appendChild(report);
+void writeTabletoHTML( const PivotTable& table, const QString& _filename )
+ static unsigned filenumber = 1;
+ QString filename = _filename;
+ if ( filename.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ filename = QString("report-%1%2.html").arg((filenumber<10)?"0":"").arg(filenumber);
+ ++filenumber;
+ }
+ QFile g( filename );
+ IO_WriteOnly );
+ QTextStream(&g) << table.renderHTML();
+ g.close();
+void writeTabletoHTML( const QueryTable& table, const QString& _filename )
+ static unsigned filenumber = 1;
+ QString filename = _filename;
+ if ( filename.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ filename = QString("report-%1%2.html").arg((filenumber<10)?"0":"").arg(filenumber);
+ ++filenumber;
+ }
+ QFile g( filename );
+ IO_WriteOnly );
+ QTextStream(&g) << table.renderHTML();
+ g.close();
+void writeTabletoCSV( const PivotTable& table, const QString& _filename )
+ static unsigned filenumber = 1;
+ QString filename = _filename;
+ if ( filename.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ filename = QString("report-%1%2.csv").arg((filenumber<10)?"0":"").arg(filenumber);
+ ++filenumber;
+ }
+ QFile g( filename );
+ IO_WriteOnly );
+ QTextStream(&g) << table.renderCSV();
+ g.close();
+void writeTabletoCSV( const QueryTable& table, const QString& _filename )
+ static unsigned filenumber = 1;
+ QString filename = _filename;
+ if ( filename.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ filename = QString("qreport-%1%2.csv").arg((filenumber<10)?"0":"").arg(filenumber);
+ ++filenumber;
+ }
+ QFile g( filename );
+ IO_WriteOnly );
+ QTextStream(&g) << table.renderCSV();
+ g.close();
+void writeRCFtoXML( const MyMoneyReport& filter, const QString& _filename )
+ static unsigned filenum = 1;
+ QString filename = _filename;
+ if ( filename.isEmpty() ) {
+ filename = QString("report-%1%2.xml").arg(QString::number(filenum).rightJustify(2, '0'));
+ ++filenum;
+ }
+ QDomDocument* doc = new QDomDocument("KMYMONEY-FILE");
+ Q_CHECK_PTR(doc);
+ writeRCFtoXMLDoc(filter,doc);
+ QFile g( filename );
+ IO_WriteOnly );
+ QTextStream stream(&g);
+#if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,2,0)
+ stream.setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8);
+ stream << doc->toString();
+ //stream.setEncoding(QTextStream::Locale);
+ QString temp = doc->toString();
+ stream <<;
+ g.close();
+ delete doc;
+bool readRCFfromXMLDoc( QValueList<MyMoneyReport>& list, QDomDocument* doc )
+ bool result = false;
+ QDomElement rootElement = doc->documentElement();
+ if(!rootElement.isNull())
+ {
+ QDomNode child = rootElement.firstChild();
+ while(!child.isNull() && child.isElement())
+ {
+ QDomElement childElement = child.toElement();
+ if("REPORTS" == childElement.tagName())
+ {
+ result = true;
+ QDomNode subchild = child.firstChild();
+ while(!subchild.isNull() && subchild.isElement())
+ {
+ MyMoneyReport filter;
+ if (
+ {
+ list += filter;
+ }
+ subchild = subchild.nextSibling();
+ }
+ }
+ child = child.nextSibling();
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+bool readRCFfromXML( QValueList<MyMoneyReport>& list, const QString& filename )
+ int result = false;
+ QFile f( filename );
+ IO_ReadOnly );
+ QDomDocument* doc = new QDomDocument;
+ if(doc->setContent(&f, FALSE))
+ {
+ result = readRCFfromXMLDoc(list,doc);
+ }
+ delete doc;
+ return result;
+void XMLandback( MyMoneyReport& filter )
+ // this function writes the filter to XML, and then reads
+ // it back from XML overwriting the original filter;
+ // in all cases, the result should be the same if the read
+ // & write methods are working correctly.
+ QDomDocument* doc = new QDomDocument("KMYMONEY-FILE");
+ Q_CHECK_PTR(doc);
+ writeRCFtoXMLDoc(filter,doc);
+ QValueList<MyMoneyReport> list;
+ if ( readRCFfromXMLDoc(list,doc) && list.count() > 0 )
+ filter = list[0];
+ else
+ throw new MYMONEYEXCEPTION("Failed to load report from XML");
+ delete doc;
+MyMoneyMoney searchHTML(const QString& _html, const QString& _search)
+ QRegExp re(QString("%1[<>/td]*([\\-.0-9,]*)").arg(_search));
+ QString found = re.cap(1);
+ found.remove(',');
+ return MyMoneyMoney(found.toDouble());
+} // end namespace test
+// vim:cin:si:ai:et:ts=2:sw=2: