path: root/libkdchart/KDChartAxesPainter.cpp
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1 files changed, 4525 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libkdchart/KDChartAxesPainter.cpp b/libkdchart/KDChartAxesPainter.cpp
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index 0000000..68e70af
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+++ b/libkdchart/KDChartAxesPainter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,4525 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++ -*-
+ KDChart - a multi-platform charting engine
+ */
+ ** Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Klar�vdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved.
+ **
+ ** This file is part of the KDChart library.
+ **
+ ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
+ ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
+ ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
+ ** packaging of this file.
+ **
+ ** Licensees holding valid commercial KDChart licenses may use this file in
+ ** accordance with the KDChart Commercial License Agreement provided with
+ ** the Software.
+ **
+ ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+ **
+ ** See for
+ ** information about KDChart Commercial License Agreements.
+ **
+ ** Contact [email protected] if any conditions of this
+ ** licensing are not clear to you.
+ **
+ **********************************************************************/
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <KDDrawText.h>
+#include "KDChartAxesPainter.h"
+#include "KDChartAxisParams.h"
+#include "KDChartParams.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+ Little helper function returning the number of seconds
+ between UTC start date 1970/01/01 00:00 and a given date \c dt.
+ The return value is negative for \c dt < 1970/01/01.
+ */
+int secondsSinceUTCStart( const QDateTime& dt )
+ QDateTime dtStart( QDate( 1970, 1, 1 ) );
+ return dtStart.secsTo( dt );
+ \class KDChartAxesPainter KDChartAxesPainter.h
+ \brief A common base class for classes that implement chart
+ painters for chart types ith axes.
+ */
+ Constructor. Sets up internal data structures as necessary.
+ \param params the KDChartParams structure that defines the chart
+ */
+ KDChartAxesPainter::KDChartAxesPainter( KDChartParams* params ) :
+KDChartPainter( params )
+ // Intentionally left blank.
+ // We cannot setup the geometry yet
+ // since we do not know the size of the painter.
+ Destructor.
+ */
+ // intentionally left blank
+#if COMPAT_QT_VERSION < 0x030000
+QDateTime dateTimeFromString( const QString& s ) // only ISODate is allowed
+ int year( s.mid( 0, 4 ).toInt() );
+ int month( s.mid( 5, 2 ).toInt() );
+ int day( s.mid( 8, 2 ).toInt() );
+ QString t( s.mid( 11 ) );
+ int hour( t.mid( 0, 2 ).toInt() );
+ int minute( t.mid( 3, 2 ).toInt() );
+ int second( t.mid( 6, 2 ).toInt() );
+ int msec( t.mid( 9, 3 ).toInt() );
+ if ( year && month && day )
+ return QDateTime( QDate( year, month, day ),
+ QTime( hour, minute, second, msec ) );
+ else
+ return QDateTime();
+QString dateTimeToString( const QDateTime& dt ) // ISODate is returned
+ QString date;
+ QString month(
+ QString::number( ).rightJustify( 2, '0' ) );
+ QString day(
+ QString::number( ).rightJustify( 2, '0' ) );
+ date = QString::number( ) + "-" + month + "-" + day;
+ QString time;
+ time.sprintf( "%.2d:%.2d:%.2d",
+ dt.time().hour(), dt.time().minute(), dt.time().second() );
+ return date + "T" + time;
+ ReCalculate the labels based upon given nDelta and nDeltaPix.
+ This is necessary to build isometric axes.
+ */
+void reCalculateLabelTexts(
+ QPainter* painter,
+ const KDChartTableDataBase& data,
+ const KDChartParams& params,
+ uint axisNumber,
+ double averageValueP1000,
+ double delimLen,
+ internal__KDChart__CalcValues& cv )
+ KDChartAxesPainter::calculateLabelTexts(
+ painter,
+ data,
+ params,
+ axisNumber,
+ averageValueP1000,
+ delimLen,
+ // start of reference parameters
+ cv.basicPos,
+ cv.orig,
+ cv.dest,
+ cv.pXDeltaFactor,
+ cv.pYDeltaFactor,
+ cv.pXDelimDeltaFaktor,
+ cv.pYDelimDeltaFaktor,
+ cv.nSubDelimFactor,
+ cv.pDelimDelta,
+ cv.nTxtHeight,
+ cv.pTextsX,
+ cv.pTextsY,
+ cv.pTextsW,
+ cv.pTextsH,
+ cv.textAlign,
+ cv.bLogarithmic,
+ cv.isDateTime,
+ cv.autoDtLabels,
+ cv.dtLow,
+ cv.dtHigh,
+ cv.dtDeltaScale,
+ true,
+ cv.nDelta,
+ cv.nDeltaPix );
+ const KDChartAxisParams & para = params.axisParams( axisNumber );
+ cv.bSteadyCalc = para.axisSteadyValueCalc();
+ cv.bDecreasing = para.axisValuesDecreasing();
+ cv.nLow = para.trueAxisLow();
+ cv.nHigh = para.trueAxisHigh();
+bool KDChartAxesPainter::calculateAllAxesLabelTextsAndCalcValues(
+ QPainter* painter,
+ KDChartTableDataBase* data,
+ double areaWidthP1000,
+ double areaHeightP1000,
+ double& delimLen)
+ uint iAxis;
+ double averageValueP1000 = QMIN(areaWidthP1000, areaHeightP1000);//( areaWidthP1000 + areaHeightP1000 ) / 2.0;
+ //qDebug("KChart::KDChartAxesPainter::calculateAllAxesLabelTextsAndCalcValues() averageValueP1000: %f", averageValueP1000);
+ // length of little delimiter-marks indicating axis scaling
+ delimLen = 20.0 * averageValueP1000; // per mille of area
+ // Determine axes calculation values and labels before drawing the axes.
+ // step #1: calculate all values independendly from the other axes' values
+ for( iAxis = 0; iAxis < KDCHART_MAX_AXES; ++iAxis )
+ {
+ internal__KDChart__CalcValues& cv = calcVal[iAxis];
+ cv.processThisAxis = ( params()->axisParams( iAxis ).axisVisible()
+ && KDChartAxisParams::AxisTypeUnknown
+ != params()->axisParams( iAxis ).axisType() );
+ if( cv.processThisAxis ){
+ cv.nSubDelimFactor = 0.0;
+ cv.pDelimDelta = 0.0;
+ cv.nTxtHeight = 0.0;
+ cv.pTextsX = 0.0;
+ cv.pTextsY = 0.0;
+ cv.pTextsW = 0.0;
+ cv.pTextsH = 0.0;
+ cv.textAlign = Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter;
+ cv.isDateTime = false;
+ cv.autoDtLabels = false;
+ calculateLabelTexts( painter,
+ *data,
+ *params(),
+ iAxis,
+ averageValueP1000,
+ delimLen,
+ // start of reference parameters
+ cv.basicPos,
+ cv.orig,
+ cv.dest,
+ cv.pXDeltaFactor,
+ cv.pYDeltaFactor,
+ cv.pXDelimDeltaFaktor,
+ cv.pYDelimDeltaFaktor,
+ cv.nSubDelimFactor,
+ cv.pDelimDelta,
+ cv.nTxtHeight,
+ cv.pTextsX,
+ cv.pTextsY,
+ cv.pTextsW,
+ cv.pTextsH,
+ cv.textAlign,
+ cv.bLogarithmic,
+ cv.isDateTime,
+ cv.autoDtLabels,
+ cv.dtLow,
+ cv.dtHigh,
+ cv.dtDeltaScale );
+ const KDChartAxisParams & para = params()->axisParams( iAxis );
+ cv.bSteadyCalc = para.axisSteadyValueCalc();
+ cv.bDecreasing = para.axisValuesDecreasing();
+ cv.nLow = para.trueAxisLow();
+ cv.nHigh = para.trueAxisHigh();
+ cv.nDelta = para.trueAxisDelta();
+ cv.nDeltaPix = para.trueAxisDeltaPixels();
+ cv.pLastX = cv.dest.x();
+ cv.pLastY = cv.dest.y();
+ }
+ }
+ // step #2: if isometric axes are desired adjust/re-calculate some values
+ for ( iAxis = 0; iAxis < KDCHART_MAX_AXES; ++iAxis ){
+ internal__KDChart__CalcValues& cv = calcVal[iAxis];
+ if( cv.processThisAxis
+ && cv.bSteadyCalc ){
+ const KDChartAxisParams & para = params()->axisParams( iAxis );
+ const uint isoRef = para.isometricReferenceAxis();
+ if( KDCHART_NO_AXIS != isoRef
+ && iAxis != isoRef
+ && ( KDCHART_MAX_AXES > isoRef
+ || KDCHART_ALL_AXES == isoRef ) ){
+ if( KDCHART_ALL_AXES == isoRef ){
+ uint iAxis2;
+ // first find the axis values to be taken as reference
+ double nDelta = cv.nDelta;
+ double nDeltaPix = cv.nDeltaPix;
+ double nSubDelimFactor = cv.nSubDelimFactor;
+ for ( iAxis2 = 0;
+ ++iAxis2 ){
+ internal__KDChart__CalcValues& cv2 = calcVal[iAxis2];
+ if( cv2.processThisAxis
+ && cv2.bSteadyCalc
+ && (0.0 != cv2.nDelta)
+ && (fabs(cv2.nDeltaPix / cv2.nDelta) < fabs(nDeltaPix / nDelta)) ){
+ if( (nDelta >= 0.0) == (cv2.nDelta >= 0.0) )
+ nDelta = cv2.nDelta;
+ else
+ nDelta = cv2.nDelta * -1.0;
+ if( (nDeltaPix >= 0.0) == (cv2.nDeltaPix >= 0.0) )
+ nDeltaPix = cv2.nDeltaPix;
+ else
+ nDeltaPix = cv2.nDeltaPix * -1.0;
+ if( (nSubDelimFactor >= 0.0) == (cv2.nSubDelimFactor >= 0.0) )
+ nSubDelimFactor = cv2.nSubDelimFactor;
+ else
+ nSubDelimFactor = cv2.nSubDelimFactor * -1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ // now adjust all axes (if necessary)
+ for ( iAxis2 = 0;
+ ++iAxis2 ){
+ internal__KDChart__CalcValues& cv2 = calcVal[iAxis2];
+ if( cv2.processThisAxis
+ && cv2.bSteadyCalc
+ && ( fabs(cv2.nDelta) != fabs(nDelta)
+ || fabs(cv2.nDeltaPix) != fabs(nDeltaPix) ) ){
+ //qDebug("\nrecalculating scale for axis %x", iAxis2);
+ //qDebug("cv2.nDelta %f cv2.nDeltaPix %f nDelta %f nDeltaPix %f\n",
+ // cv2.nDelta,cv2.nDeltaPix,nDelta,nDeltaPix);
+ if( (cv2.nDelta >= 0.0) == (nDelta >= 0.0) )
+ cv2.nDelta = nDelta;
+ else
+ cv2.nDelta = nDelta * -1.0;
+ if( (cv2.nDeltaPix >= 0.0) == (nDeltaPix >= 0.0) )
+ cv2.nDeltaPix = nDeltaPix;
+ else
+ cv2.nDeltaPix = nDeltaPix * -1.0;
+ reCalculateLabelTexts( painter,
+ *data,
+ *params(),
+ iAxis2,
+ averageValueP1000,
+ delimLen,
+ cv2 );
+ if( (cv2.nSubDelimFactor >= 0.0) == (nSubDelimFactor >= 0.0) )
+ cv2.nSubDelimFactor = nSubDelimFactor;
+ else
+ cv2.nSubDelimFactor = nSubDelimFactor * -1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ internal__KDChart__CalcValues& cv2 = calcVal[isoRef];
+ // adjust this axis or the other axis (if necessary)
+ if( cv2.processThisAxis
+ && cv2.bSteadyCalc
+ && ( cv2.nDelta != cv.nDelta
+ || cv2.nDeltaPix != cv.nDeltaPix ) ){
+ if( cv2.nDelta > cv.nDelta
+ || ( cv2.nDelta == cv.nDelta
+ && cv2.nDeltaPix < cv.nDeltaPix ) ){
+ // adjust this axis
+ //qDebug("recalculating scale for this axis %x", iAxis);
+ cv.nDelta = cv2.nDelta;
+ cv.nDeltaPix = cv2.nDeltaPix;
+ reCalculateLabelTexts(
+ painter,
+ *data,
+ *params(),
+ iAxis,
+ averageValueP1000,
+ delimLen,
+ cv );
+ cv.nSubDelimFactor = cv2.nSubDelimFactor;
+ }else{
+ // adjust the other axis
+ //qDebug("\nrecalculating scale for other axis %x", isoRef);
+ //qDebug("cv2.nDelta %f cv2.nDeltaPix %f cv.nDelta %f cv.nDeltaPix %f",
+ // cv2.nDelta,cv2.nDeltaPix,cv.nDelta,cv.nDeltaPix);
+ cv2.nDelta = cv.nDelta;
+ cv2.nDeltaPix = cv.nDeltaPix;
+ reCalculateLabelTexts(
+ painter,
+ *data,
+ *params(),
+ isoRef,
+ averageValueP1000,
+ delimLen,
+ cv2 );
+ cv2.nSubDelimFactor = cv.nSubDelimFactor;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ Paints the actual axes areas.
+ \param painter the QPainter onto which the chart should be painted
+ \param data the data that will be displayed as a chart
+ */
+void KDChartAxesPainter::paintAxes( QPainter* painter,
+ KDChartTableDataBase* data )
+ if ( !painter || !data || 0 == params() )
+ return ;
+ const bool bMultiRowBarChart = KDChartParams::Bar == params()->chartType() &&
+ KDChartParams::BarMultiRows == params()->barChartSubType();
+ double areaWidthP1000 = _logicalWidth / 1000.0;
+ double areaHeightP1000 = _logicalHeight / 1000.0;
+ double averageValueP1000 = QMIN(areaWidthP1000, areaHeightP1000);//( areaWidthP1000 + areaHeightP1000 ) / 2.0;
+ // length of little delimiter-marks indicating axis scaling
+ double delimLen;
+ calculateAllAxesLabelTextsAndCalcValues( painter, data, areaWidthP1000, areaHeightP1000, delimLen );
+ // Now the labels are known, so let us paint the axes...
+ painter->save();
+ painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen );
+ bool screenOutput = params()->optimizeOutputForScreen();
+ uint iAxis;
+ for ( iAxis = 0; iAxis < KDCHART_MAX_AXES; ++iAxis ){
+ internal__KDChart__CalcValues& cv = calcVal[iAxis];
+ if( cv.processThisAxis ){
+ const KDChartAxisParams & para = params()->axisParams( iAxis );
+ internal__KDChart__CalcValues& cv = calcVal[iAxis];
+ const QColor labelsColor( para.axisLabelsColor() );
+ // Debugging axis areas:
+ //painter->fillRect(para.axisTrueAreaRect(), Qt::yellow);
+ uint lineWidth = 0 <= para.axisLineWidth()
+ ? para.axisLineWidth()
+ : -1 * static_cast < int > ( para.axisLineWidth()
+ * averageValueP1000 );
+ ( ( KDChartAxisParams& ) para ).setAxisTrueLineWidth( lineWidth );
+ uint gridLineWidth
+ == para.axisGridLineWidth() )
+ ? lineWidth
+ : ( ( 0 <= para.axisGridLineWidth() )
+ ? para.axisGridLineWidth()
+ : -1 * static_cast < int > ( para.axisGridLineWidth()
+ * averageValueP1000 ) );
+ uint gridSubLineWidth
+ == para.axisGridSubLineWidth() )
+ ? lineWidth
+ : ( ( 0 <= para.axisGridSubLineWidth() )
+ ? para.axisGridSubLineWidth()
+ : -1 * static_cast < int > ( para.axisGridSubLineWidth()
+ * averageValueP1000 ) );
+ // Magic to find out axis scaling factors and labels text height
+ // =============================================================
+ // - khz, 02/24/2001
+ //
+ // 1st Calculate the axis label texts height regarding to
+ // user-defined per-axis settings.
+ //
+ // 2nd This height is given to calculateLabelTexts() to
+ // calculate the delimiter and sub-delimiter distances as
+ // well as the axis scaling factors.
+ // If neccessary and possible the short replacement strings
+ // are taken that might have been specified by the user.
+ // - see KDChartAxisParams::setAxisLabelStringLists() -
+ //
+ // 3rd Before displaying the texts we make sure they fit into
+ // their space, if needed we will do the following
+ // in order to avoid clipping of text parts:
+ //
+ // (a) ABSCISSA axes only: rotate the texts in 5 steps
+ // until they are drawn vertically
+ //
+ // (b) further reduce the texts' font height down to 6pt
+ // .
+ //
+ // If the texts *still* don't fit into their space, we are lost
+ // and they will be clipped. Such is live.
+ //
+ // Why all this?
+ //
+ // Because I do not believe in axis areas growing and shrinking
+ // regarding to long or short label texts: start such behaviour
+ // and become mad.
+ //
+ // Better plan: ask the user to specify a way how to abbreviate
+ // label texts (e.g. by writing "200" instead
+ // of that wide and unreadable "200,000.00")
+ //
+ //
+ // F E A T U R E P L A N N E D F O R F U T U R E . . .
+ //
+ //
+ // Note: The labels-touch-edges flag may have been set to true
+ // inside the calculateLabelTexts() function.
+ bool bTouchEdges = para.axisLabelsTouchEdges();
+ // NOTE: The steady-value-calc flag may have been set to true
+ // inside the calculateLabelTexts() function
+ // by a special setAxisLabelTextParams() call,
+ // therefor we do not store its value before calling that function.
+ if( cv.bLogarithmic )
+ cv.nSubDelimFactor = 0.1;
+ const double nUsableAxisHeight = cv.pTextsH;
+ const double nUsableAxisWidth = cv.pTextsW;
+ const bool isHorizontalAxis
+ = (KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosBottom == cv.basicPos) ||
+ (KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosTop == cv.basicPos);
+ QStringList* labelTexts = ( QStringList* ) para.axisLabelTexts();
+ uint nLabels = ( 0 != labelTexts )
+ ? labelTexts->count()
+ : 0;
+ // start point of 1st delimiter on the axis-line == grid-start
+ QPoint p1( cv.orig );
+ // end point of 1st delimiter near the label text
+ QPoint p2( cv.orig );
+ // end point of small sub-delimiter
+ QPoint p2a( cv.orig );
+ // start point of 1st grid-line (beginnig at the axis)
+ QPoint pGA( cv.orig );
+ // end point of 1st grid-line at the other side of the chart
+ QPoint pGZ( cv.orig );
+ // start point of zero-line, this is often identical with p1
+ // but will be different in case of shifted zero-line
+ double axisZeroLineStartX = p1.x();
+ double axisZeroLineStartY = p1.y();
+ p2.setX( p2.x() + static_cast < int > ( cv.pXDelimDeltaFaktor * delimLen ) );
+ p2.setY( p2.y() + static_cast < int > ( cv.pYDelimDeltaFaktor * delimLen ) );
+ p2a.setX( p2a.x() + static_cast < int > ( cv.pXDelimDeltaFaktor * delimLen * 2.0 / 3.0 ) );
+ p2a.setY( p2a.y() + static_cast < int > ( cv.pYDelimDeltaFaktor * delimLen * 2.0 / 3.0 ) );
+ pGZ.setX( pGZ.x() - static_cast < int > ( cv.pXDelimDeltaFaktor * (_dataRect.width() - 1) ) );
+ pGZ.setY( pGZ.y() - static_cast < int > ( cv.pYDelimDeltaFaktor * (_dataRect.height() - 1) ) );
+ if ( nLabels ) {
+ // Sometimes the first or last labels partially reach out of
+ // their axis area: we allow this
+ const bool oldClippingFlag = painter->hasClipping();
+ painter->setClipping( false );
+ if( para.hasAxisFirstLabelText() )
+ labelTexts->first() = para.axisFirstLabelText();
+ if( para.hasAxisLastLabelText() )
+ labelTexts->last() = para.axisLastLabelText();
+ const double pXDelta = cv.pXDeltaFactor * cv.pDelimDelta;
+ const double pYDelta = cv.pYDeltaFactor * cv.pDelimDelta;
+ // draw label texts and delimiters and grid
+ painter->setPen( QPen( para.axisLineColor(),
+ lineWidth ) );
+ const QString formatDT = cv.isDateTime
+ ? para.axisLabelsDateTimeFormat()
+ : QString();
+ // calculate font size
+ const double minTextHeight = para.axisLabelsFontMinSize();
+ //qDebug("KChart::KDChartAxesPainter::paintAxes() cv.nTxtHeight: %f minTextHeight: %f", cv.nTxtHeight, minTextHeight);
+ if ( minTextHeight > cv.nTxtHeight )
+ cv.nTxtHeight = minTextHeight;
+ QFont actFont( para.axisLabelsFont() );
+ if ( para.axisLabelsFontUseRelSize() ) {
+ actFont.setPixelSize( static_cast < int > ( cv.nTxtHeight ) );
+ }
+ painter->setFont( actFont );
+ QFontMetrics fm( painter->fontMetrics() );
+ int nLeaveOut = 0;
+ int nRotation = 0;
+ // Draw simple string labels
+ // or calculate and draw nice Date/Time ruler?
+ QString commonDtHeader;
+ if( cv.autoDtLabels ){
+ cv.textAlign = Qt::AlignCenter;
+ //qDebug(dtLow.toString("\nd.MM.yyyy - h:mm:ss" ));
+ //qDebug(dtHigh.toString( "d.MM.yyyy - h:mm:ss" ));
+ const QDate& dLow =;
+ const QTime& tLow = cv.dtLow.time();
+ const QDate& dHigh =;
+ const QTime& tHigh = cv.dtHigh.time();
+ bool sameYear = dLow.year() == dHigh.year();
+ bool sameMonth = sameYear && (dLow.month() == dHigh.month() );
+ bool sameDay = sameMonth && ( == );
+ bool sameHour = sameDay && (tLow.hour() == tHigh.hour() );
+ bool sameMinute = sameHour && (tLow.minute() == tHigh.minute());
+ bool sameSecond = sameMinute && (tLow.second() == tHigh.second());
+ if( sameDay ){
+ commonDtHeader = QString::number( )
+ + ". "
+#if COMPAT_QT_VERSION >= 0x030000
+ + QDate::longMonthName( dLow.month() )
+ + dLow.monthName( dLow.month() )
+ + ' '
+ + QString::number( dLow.year() );
+ if( sameHour ){
+ commonDtHeader += " / "
+ + QString::number( tLow.hour() )
+ + ':';
+ if( sameMinute ){
+ if( 10 > tLow.minute() )
+ commonDtHeader += '0';
+ commonDtHeader += QString::number( tLow.minute() )
+ + ':';
+ if( sameSecond ){
+ if( 10 > tLow.second() )
+ commonDtHeader += '0';
+ commonDtHeader += QString::number( tLow.second() );
+ //
+ // " Huston, we have a problem! "
+ //
+ // Currently we don't support milli secs
+ // since they will not fit into a double
+ // when looking at years...
+ //
+ // This will be improved in release 2.0.
+ // (khz, 2002/07/12)
+ }
+ else
+ commonDtHeader += "00";
+ }
+ else
+ commonDtHeader += "00";
+ }
+ }else if( sameMonth )
+#if COMPAT_QT_VERSION >= 0x030000
+ commonDtHeader = QDate::longMonthName( dLow.month() )
+ commonDtHeader = dLow.monthName( dLow.month() )
+ + ' '
+ + QString::number( dLow.year() );
+ else if( sameYear )
+ commonDtHeader = QString::number( dLow.year() );
+ //if( !commonDtHeader.isEmpty() )
+ // qDebug(commonDtHeader);
+ }else{
+ // make sure all label texts fit into their space
+ // by rotating and/or shrinking the texts
+ // or by leaving out some of the labels
+ QRegion unitedRegions;
+ const bool tryLeavingOut =
+ ( para.axisValueLeaveOut() == KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_LEAVEOUT )
+ || ( 0 < para.axisValueLeaveOut() );
+ if( tryLeavingOut ) {
+ if( para.axisValueLeaveOut()
+ nLeaveOut = 0;
+ else
+ nLeaveOut = para.axisValueLeaveOut();
+ }
+ else
+ nLeaveOut = 0;
+ int stepWidthLeaveOut = nLeaveOut+1;
+ int iStepsLeaveOut = 0;
+ const bool tryShrinking = !para.axisLabelsDontShrinkFont();
+ const double nInitialTxtHeight = cv.nTxtHeight;
+ const bool tryRotating = isHorizontalAxis
+ && !para.axisLabelsDontAutoRotate();
+ const int nInitialRotation = ( (360 > para.axisLabelsRotation())
+ && (270 <= para.axisLabelsRotation()) )
+ ? para.axisLabelsRotation()
+ : 0;
+ nRotation = nInitialRotation;
+ bool textsDontFitIntoArea;
+ bool textsOverlapping;
+ bool textsMatching;
+ do {
+ textsDontFitIntoArea = false;
+ textsOverlapping = false;
+ textsMatching = true;
+ // test if all texts match without mutually overlapping
+ unitedRegions = QRegion();
+ int align = nRotation
+ ? (Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter) // adjusting for rotation
+ : cv.textAlign;
+ QPoint anchor(200,200);
+ int iLeaveOut = 0;
+ double iLabel=0.0;
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = labelTexts->begin();
+ it != labelTexts->end();
+ ++it ) {
+ iLabel += 1.0;
+ if( iLeaveOut < nLeaveOut ) {
+ ++iLeaveOut;
+ } else {
+ iLeaveOut = 0;
+ anchor.setX( p2.x() + static_cast < int > ( pXDelta * (iLabel - 0.5) ) );
+ anchor.setY( p2.y() + static_cast < int > ( pYDelta * (iLabel - 0.5) ) );
+ // allow for shearing and/or scaling of the painter
+ anchor = painter->worldMatrix().map( anchor );
+ QString text;
+ if( cv.isDateTime ){
+#if COMPAT_QT_VERSION >= 0x030000
+ QDateTime dt( QDateTime::fromString( *it,
+ Qt::ISODate ) );
+ text = dt.toString( formatDT );
+ QDateTime dt( dateTimeFromString( *it ) );
+ text = dt.toString();
+ }else{
+ text = *it;
+ }
+ KDDrawTextRegionAndTrueRect infosKDD =
+ KDDrawText::measureRotatedText( painter,
+ nRotation,
+ anchor,
+ text,
+ 0,
+ align,
+ &fm,
+ false,
+ false,
+ 15 );
+ if( infosKDD.region.boundingRect().left()
+ < params()->globalLeadingLeft()+1 ){
+ textsMatching = false;
+ textsDontFitIntoArea = true;
+ //qDebug("too wide");
+ }
+ //qDebug("nRotation: %i",nRotation);
+ QRegion sectReg;
+ if( nRotation ){
+ //qDebug("test 1");
+ sectReg = infosKDD.region.intersect( unitedRegions );
+ }else{
+ //qDebug("test 2");
+ QRect rect( infosKDD.region.boundingRect() );
+ rect.addCoords(-2,-2,2,2);
+ QRegion biggerRegion( rect );
+ sectReg = biggerRegion.intersect( unitedRegions );
+ }
+ if ( sectReg.isEmpty() )
+ unitedRegions = unitedRegions.unite( infosKDD.region );
+ else {
+ textsMatching = false;
+ textsOverlapping = true;
+ //qDebug("label regions are intersecting");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!iAxis){
+ qDebug("nTxtHeight: "+QString::number(cv.nTxtHeight)+" nRotation: "+QString::number(nRotation)+
+ " matching: "+QString(textsMatching ? "TRUE":"FALSE"));
+ qDebug("nUsableAxisHeight: %f, unitedRegions.boundingRect().height(): %i ",
+ nUsableAxisHeight, unitedRegions.boundingRect().height());
+ }
+ if( isHorizontalAxis ) {
+ if( nUsableAxisHeight < unitedRegions.boundingRect().height() ){
+ //textsMatching = false;
+ textsDontFitIntoArea = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if( nUsableAxisWidth < unitedRegions.boundingRect().width() ){
+ //qDebug("textsMatching: %s",textsMatching ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
+ textsMatching = false;
+ textsDontFitIntoArea = true;
+ //qDebug("too wide");
+ }
+ //else qDebug("not too wide");
+ }
+ /*
+ if(textsMatching && !iAxis){
+ qDebug("--------------------------");
+ qDebug("nTxtHeight: "+QString::number(cv.nTxtHeight)+" nRotation: "+QString::number(nRotation));
+ qDebug("matching");
+ }
+ */
+ if( !textsMatching ) {
+ bool rotatingDoesNotHelp = false;
+ // step 1: In case of labels being too wide
+ // to fit into the available space
+ // we try to rotate the texts in 5 steps.
+ // This is done for Abscissa axes only.
+ if ( tryRotating ) {
+ //qDebug("try rotating");
+ // The following is designed for horizontal axes
+ // since we currently don't support label rotating
+ // on vertical axes. (khz, 2002/08/15)
+ if( textsDontFitIntoArea ){
+ if( nRotation != nInitialRotation ){
+ //textsDontFitIntoArea = false;
+ nRotation = nInitialRotation;
+ }
+ rotatingDoesNotHelp = true;
+ //qDebug("rotating does not help (a)");
+ }
+ else{
+ if( nRotation ) {
+ if( 270 < nRotation ) {
+ nRotation -= 5;
+ if( 270 > nRotation )
+ nRotation = 270; // drawing vertically now
+ } else {
+ if( nInitialRotation )
+ nRotation = nInitialRotation;
+ else
+ nRotation = 0; // reset rotation to ZERO
+ rotatingDoesNotHelp = true;
+ //qDebug("rotating does not help (b)");
+ }
+ } else {
+ if( nInitialRotation )
+ nRotation = nInitialRotation;
+ else
+ nRotation = 350; // (re-)start rotating with -10
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !tryRotating || rotatingDoesNotHelp ) {
+ // step 2: In case of labels being too wide and
+ // rotating them did not help or is forbidden
+ // we try to reduce the font size.
+ if ( tryShrinking && (minTextHeight < cv.nTxtHeight) ) {
+ //qDebug("try shrinking");
+ cv.nTxtHeight -= 1.0;
+ if ( minTextHeight > cv.nTxtHeight )
+ cv.nTxtHeight = minTextHeight;
+ } else {
+ // step 3: In case reducing the font size is not possible
+ // any further (or is not allowed at all) we try
+ // to leave out some of the labels.
+ if( tryLeavingOut
+ && textsOverlapping
+ && (nLeaveOut+1 < static_cast < int > ( nLabels ) ) ) {
+ //qDebug("try leaving out");
+ ++iStepsLeaveOut;
+ //if(!iAxis)qDebug("iStepsLeaveOut: %i", iStepsLeaveOut);
+ nLeaveOut =
+ iStepsLeaveOut*stepWidthLeaveOut - 1;
+ if( tryShrinking )
+ cv.nTxtHeight = nInitialTxtHeight;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ if( tryShrinking ) {
+ actFont.setPixelSize( static_cast < int > ( cv.nTxtHeight ) );
+ //qDebug("axis: cv.nTxtHeight: %f", iAxis, cv.nTxtHeight);
+ painter->setFont( actFont );
+ fm = painter->fontMetrics();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+//qDebug("nLeaveOut: %i",nLeaveOut);
+ } while( !textsMatching );
+ if( nRotation ){
+ // The following is designed for horizontal axes
+ // since we currently don't support label rotating
+ // on vertical axes. (khz, 2002/08/15)
+ //int oldVert = textAlign & (Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignBottom);
+ //int steepness = abs(270-nRotation);
+ //bool steep = (30 > steepness);
+ cv.textAlign = Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter; // adjusting for rotation
+ //cv.textAlign = Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter;
+ /* ( steep ? Qt::AlignVCenter : oldVert);*/
+ //int dx = pXDelta / 2 - steep ? (nTxtHeight / 4) : 0;
+ double dx = (pXDelta / 2) - (cv.nTxtHeight / 4);
+ double dy = /*steep ? 0 : */(cv.nTxtHeight / 2.0);
+ cv.pTextsX += dx;
+ cv.pTextsY += dy;
+ }
+ /*
+ QBrush oldBrush = painter->brush();
+ QRegion oldReg = painter->clipRegion();//QPainter::CoordPainter);
+ painter->setBrush(Qt::Dense4Pattern);
+ painter->setClipRegion(unitedRegions);//,QPainter::CoordPainter);
+ painter->drawRect(0,0,2000,1500);
+ painter->setClipRegion(oldReg);//,QPainter::CoordPainter);
+ painter->setBrush(oldBrush);
+ */
+ /*if(!iAxis){
+ qDebug("==========================");
+ qDebug("nTxtHeight: "+QString::number(nTxtHeight)+" nRotation: "+QString::number(nRotation));
+ qDebug(textsMatching ? "matching":"not matching");
+ }*/
+ }
+ painter->setFont( actFont );
+ fm = QFontMetrics( painter->fontMetrics() );
+ // set colour of grid pen
+ QPen gridPen, leaveOutGridPen;
+ if( para.axisShowGrid() && !bMultiRowBarChart )
+ gridPen.setColor( para.axisGridColor() );
+ const int pXDeltaDiv2 = static_cast < int > ( pXDelta / 2.0 );
+ const int pYDeltaDiv2 = static_cast < int > ( pYDelta / 2.0 );
+ bool bDrawAdditionalSubGridLine = false;
+ double pGXMicroAdjust = 0.0;
+ double pGYMicroAdjust = 0.0;
+ if ( !bTouchEdges ) {
+ // adjust the data values pos
+ p1.setX( p1.x() + pXDeltaDiv2 );
+ p1.setY( p1.y() + pYDeltaDiv2 );
+ p2.setX( p2.x() + pXDeltaDiv2 );
+ p2.setY( p2.y() + pYDeltaDiv2 );
+ // adjust the short delimiter lines pos
+ p2a.setX( p2a.x() + pXDeltaDiv2 );
+ p2a.setY( p2a.y() + pYDeltaDiv2 );
+ // adjust grid lines pos
+ bDrawAdditionalSubGridLine =
+ isHorizontalAxis && !
+ params()->axisParams(
+ KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosRight ).axisVisible() &&
+ !bMultiRowBarChart;
+ pGA.setX( pGA.x() + pXDeltaDiv2 );
+ pGA.setY( pGA.y() + pYDeltaDiv2 );
+ pGZ.setX( pGZ.x() + pXDeltaDiv2 );
+ pGZ.setY( pGZ.y() + pYDeltaDiv2 );
+ // fine-tune grid line pos for grid of vertical axis
+ if( KDChartAxisParams::AxisTypeNORTH == para.axisType() ) {
+ pGXMicroAdjust = cv.pXDeltaFactor * lineWidth / 2.0;
+ pGYMicroAdjust = cv.pYDeltaFactor * lineWidth / 2.0;
+ }
+ }
+ double x1, y1, x2, y2, xGA, yGA, xGZ, yGZ,
+ p1X, p1Y, p2X, p2Y, pGAX, pGAY, pGZX, pGZY, xT, yT;
+ double pXSubDelimDelta = pXDelta * cv.nSubDelimFactor;
+ double pYSubDelimDelta = pYDelta * cv.nSubDelimFactor;
+ if ( !cv.autoDtLabels
+ && 0.0 != cv.nSubDelimFactor
+ && para.axisShowSubDelimiters()
+ && para.axisLabelsVisible()
+ && !nLeaveOut ) {
+ QPen pen( para.axisLineColor(), static_cast < int > ( 0.5 * lineWidth ) );
+ uint penWidth = pen.width();
+ bool bOk = true;
+ if( cv.bLogarithmic )
+ cv.nSubDelimFactor = 0.1;
+ while ( fabs( ( pXDelta + pYDelta ) * cv.nSubDelimFactor / 6.0 )
+ <= 1.0 + penWidth
+ && bOk ) {
+ if ( 0 < penWidth ) {
+ --penWidth;
+ pen.setWidth( penWidth );
+ }else{
+ if( cv.bLogarithmic ){
+ break; // there is nothing we can do: we allways
+ // want 10 sub-delims per logarithmic step
+ }else{
+ if ( 0.5 != cv.nSubDelimFactor ) {
+ // emercency: reduce number of sub-scaling
+ cv.nSubDelimFactor = 0.5;
+ pXSubDelimDelta = pXDelta * cv.nSubDelimFactor;
+ pYSubDelimDelta = pYDelta * cv.nSubDelimFactor;
+ } else
+ bOk = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( bOk ) {
+ x1 = p1.x();
+ y1 = p1.y();
+ x2 = p2a.x();
+ y2 = p2a.y();
+ xGA = pGA.x();
+ yGA = pGA.y();
+ xGZ = pGZ.x();
+ yGZ = pGZ.y();
+ p1X = x1;
+ p1Y = y1;
+ p2X = x2;
+ p2Y = y2;
+ pGAX = xGA;
+ pGAY = yGA;
+ pGZX = xGZ;
+ pGZY = yGZ;
+ // set up grid pen for drawing the sub-grid lines
+ const QPen oldGridPen( gridPen );
+ if ( para.axisShowGrid() ) {
+ gridPen.setColor( para.axisGridSubColor() );
+ gridPen.setWidth( gridSubLineWidth );
+ gridPen.setStyle( para.axisGridSubStyle() );
+ }
+ const QPen oldPen( painter->pen() );
+ painter->setPen( pen );
+ double nSubDelim = ( labelTexts->count() - 1 )
+ / cv.nSubDelimFactor;
+ //qDebug("subDelim: %f",
+ modf( nSubDelim, &nSubDelim );
+ int logarithCnt = 1;
+ double xLogarithOffs = 0;
+ double yLogarithOffs = 0;
+ double dDummy;
+ double mainDelim = 0.0;
+ bool paint = true;
+ for ( double iDelim = 1.0;
+ iDelim <= nSubDelim + 1.0;
+ iDelim += 1.0, logarithCnt++ ) {
+ // test if it is a sub or a main delimiter
+ if ( mainDelim > 0.0 )
+ paint = true;
+ else
+ paint = false;
+ if ( cv.bLogarithmic )
+ {
+ if ( logarithCnt == 11 )
+ {
+ xLogarithOffs +=
+ pXDelta * log10( 10*cv.nSubDelimFactor*10 );
+ yLogarithOffs +=
+ pYDelta * log10( 10*cv.nSubDelimFactor*10 );
+ logarithCnt=1;
+ }
+ pXSubDelimDelta =
+ pXDelta * log10( 10*cv.nSubDelimFactor*logarithCnt );
+ pYSubDelimDelta =
+ pYDelta * log10( 10*cv.nSubDelimFactor*logarithCnt );
+ }
+ if ( para.axisShowGrid() && !bMultiRowBarChart) {
+ // draw the sub grid line
+ if( 0.0 != modf((iDelim-1.0) * cv.nSubDelimFactor, &dDummy) )
+ saveDrawLine( *painter,
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pGAX - pGXMicroAdjust ),
+ static_cast<int>( pGAY - pGYMicroAdjust ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pGZX - pGXMicroAdjust ),
+ static_cast<int>( pGZY - pGYMicroAdjust ) ),
+ gridPen );
+ if( cv.bLogarithmic ){
+ pGAX = xGA + pXSubDelimDelta + xLogarithOffs;
+ pGAY = yGA + pYSubDelimDelta + yLogarithOffs;
+ pGZX = xGZ + pXSubDelimDelta + xLogarithOffs;
+ pGZY = yGZ + pYSubDelimDelta + yLogarithOffs;
+ }else{
+ pGAX = xGA + iDelim * pXSubDelimDelta;
+ pGAY = yGA + iDelim * pYSubDelimDelta;
+ pGZX = xGZ + iDelim * pXSubDelimDelta;
+ pGZY = yGZ + iDelim * pYSubDelimDelta;
+ /*
+ if( !modf(iDelim * cv.nSubDelimFactor, &dDummy) ){
+ pGAX = xGA + (iDelim * cv.nSubDelimFactor) * pXDelta;
+ pGAY = yGA + (iDelim * cv.nSubDelimFactor) * pYDelta;
+ pGZX = xGZ + (iDelim * cv.nSubDelimFactor) * pXDelta;
+ pGZY = yGZ + (iDelim * cv.nSubDelimFactor) * pYDelta;
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ // draw the short delimiter line
+ // PENDING: Michel - make sure not to draw the sub-delimiters over the main ones.
+ // by testing if it is a sub delimiter or a main one
+ if ( paint )
+ painter->drawLine( QPoint( static_cast<int>( p1X ), static_cast<int>( p1Y ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( p2X ), static_cast<int>( p2Y ) ) );
+ mainDelim += 1.0;
+ if( cv.bLogarithmic ){
+ p1X = x1 + pXSubDelimDelta + xLogarithOffs;
+ p1Y = y1 + pYSubDelimDelta + yLogarithOffs;
+ p2X = x2 + pXSubDelimDelta + xLogarithOffs;
+ p2Y = y2 + pYSubDelimDelta + yLogarithOffs;
+ }else{
+ p1X = x1 + iDelim * pXSubDelimDelta;
+ p1Y = y1 + iDelim * pYSubDelimDelta;
+ p2X = x2 + iDelim * pXSubDelimDelta;
+ p2Y = y2 + iDelim * pYSubDelimDelta;
+ }
+ if ( mainDelim >= nSubDelim/(labelTexts->count() -1) )
+ mainDelim = 0.0;
+ } // for
+ // draw additional sub grid line
+ if( bDrawAdditionalSubGridLine
+ && para.axisShowGrid() ) {
+ saveDrawLine( *painter,
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pGAX - pGXMicroAdjust ),
+ static_cast<int>( pGAY - pGYMicroAdjust ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pGZX - pGXMicroAdjust ),
+ static_cast<int>( pGZY - pGYMicroAdjust ) ),
+ gridPen );
+ }
+ painter->setPen( oldPen );
+ gridPen = oldGridPen;
+ }
+ }
+ x1 = p1.x();
+ y1 = p1.y();
+ x2 = p2.x();
+ y2 = p2.y();
+ xGA = pGA.x();
+ yGA = pGA.y();
+ xGZ = pGZ.x();
+ yGZ = pGZ.y();
+ p1X = x1;
+ p1Y = y1;
+ p2X = x2;
+ p2Y = y2;
+ pGAX = xGA;
+ pGAY = yGA;
+ pGZX = xGZ;
+ pGZY = yGZ;
+ xT = cv.pTextsX;
+ yT = cv.pTextsY;
+ // set up grid pen for drawing the normal grid lines
+ if ( para.axisShowGrid() ) {
+ gridPen.setWidth( gridLineWidth );
+ gridPen.setStyle( para.axisGridStyle() );
+ // if axis not visible draw the 1st grid line too
+ if( !para.axisLineVisible() )
+ saveDrawLine( *painter, cv.orig, cv.dest, gridPen );
+ }
+ if( nLeaveOut ) {
+ leaveOutGridPen = gridPen;
+ leaveOutGridPen.setWidth( gridLineWidth / 2 );
+ leaveOutGridPen.setStyle( Qt::DotLine );
+ }
+ // =========================================================
+ // || The labels and delimiters and grid printing loops ||
+ // =========================================================
+ //
+ double iLabel = 0.0;
+ if( cv.autoDtLabels )
+ {
+ /*
+ qDebug("\ndtLow: %i %i %i %i:%i:%i",
+ dtLow.time().hour(),
+ dtLow.time().minute(),
+ dtLow.time().second());
+ qDebug("dtHigh: %i %i %i %i:%i:%i",
+ dtHigh.time().hour(),
+ dtHigh.time().minute(),
+ dtHigh.time().second());
+ */
+ int pXD = static_cast <int> (cv.pXDelimDeltaFaktor * 1.25 * (cv.nTxtHeight+4));
+ int pYD = static_cast <int> (cv.pYDelimDeltaFaktor * 1.25 * (cv.nTxtHeight+4));
+ int orgXD = pXD;
+ int orgYD = pYD;
+ cv.pTextsW = fabs( (0.0 == pXDelta) ? pXD : pXDelta );
+ cv.pTextsH = fabs( (0.0 == pYDelta) ? pYD : pYDelta );
+ double pSecX = x1;
+ double pSecY = y1;
+ bool secPaint= false;
+ double pMinX = x1;
+ double pMinY = y1;
+ bool minPaint= false;
+ double pHourX = x1;
+ double pHourY = y1;
+ bool hourPaint= false;
+ double pDayX = x1;
+ double pDayY = y1;
+ bool dayPaint= false;
+ /* khz: currently not used
+ double pWeekX = x1;
+ double pWeekY = y1;
+ bool weekPaint= false;
+ */
+ double pMonthX = x1;
+ double pMonthY = y1;
+ bool monthPaint= false;
+ /*double pQuarterX = x1;
+ double pQuarterY = y1;
+ bool minPaint= false;
+ */
+ double pYearX = x1;
+ double pYearY = y1;
+ bool yearPaint= false;
+ double pXYDelta = fabs( pXDelta ) + fabs( pYDelta );
+ if( 0.0 == para.trueAxisDeltaPixels() )
+ ( ( KDChartAxisParams& ) para ).setTrueAxisDeltaPixels( QMIN(_logicalWidth, _logicalHeight) / 150 );
+ bool dtGoDown = cv.dtLow > cv.dtHigh;
+ int mult = dtGoDown ? -1 : 1;
+ const QDateTime& startDt = dtGoDown ? cv.dtHigh : cv.dtLow;
+ ( ( KDChartAxisParams& ) para ).setAxisDtLowPos( x1, y1 );
+ // adjust stored dt-low and scale settings
+ ( ( KDChartAxisParams& ) para ).setTrueAxisDtLow( startDt );
+ ( ( KDChartAxisParams& ) para ).setTrueAxisDtScale( cv.dtDeltaScale );
+ int gridDX = pGZ.x() - pGA.x();
+ int gridDY = pGZ.y() - pGA.y();
+ if ( para.axisShowGrid() ) {
+ gridPen.setColor( para.axisGridColor() );
+ gridPen.setWidth( gridLineWidth );
+ gridPen.setStyle( para.axisGridStyle() );
+ }
+ QPen subGridPen( gridPen.color(), 1, para.axisGridStyle() );
+ QPen subSubGridPen( gridPen.color(), 1, para.axisGridSubStyle() );
+ QPen pen = subGridPen;
+ QDateTime dt( startDt );
+ QDateTime newDt( startDt );
+ for( uint i=1; i <= nLabels; ++i ){
+ switch( cv.dtDeltaScale ) {
+ case KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleSecond:
+ dtAddSecs( dt, 1 * mult, newDt );
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleMinute:
+ dtAddSecs( dt, 60 * mult, newDt );
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleHour:
+ dtAddSecs( dt, 3600 * mult, newDt );
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleDay:
+ dtAddDays( dt, 1 * mult, newDt );
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleWeek:
+ dtAddDays( dt, 7 * mult, newDt );
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleMonth:
+ dtAddMonths( dt,1 * mult, newDt );
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleQuarter:
+ dtAddMonths( dt,3 * mult, newDt );
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleYear:
+ dtAddYears( dt, 1 * mult, newDt );
+ break;
+ default:
+ dtAddDays( dt, 1 * mult, newDt );
+ break;
+ }
+ const QDateTime& testDt
+ = dtGoDown
+ ? ( ( newDt < cv.dtLow )
+ ? cv.dtLow
+ : newDt )
+ : ( ( newDt > cv.dtHigh )
+ ? cv.dtHigh
+ : newDt );
+ /*
+ qDebug(" dt: %i %i %i %i:%i:%i",
+ newDt.time().hour(),newDt.time().minute(),newDt.time().second());
+ qDebug("testDt: %i %i %i %i:%i:%i",
+ testDt.time().hour(),testDt.time().minute(),testDt.time().second());
+ */
+ bool endLoop = (i == nLabels) || (&testDt != &newDt);
+ secPaint = ( KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleSecond >= cv.dtDeltaScale ) &&
+ ( testDt.time().second() != dt.time().second() ||
+ ( endLoop && ((pSecX != x1) || (pSecY != y1))));
+ minPaint = ( KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleMinute >= cv.dtDeltaScale ) &&
+ ( testDt.time().minute() != dt.time().minute() ||
+ ( endLoop && ((pMinX != x1) || (pMinY != y1))));
+ hourPaint = ( KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleHour >= cv.dtDeltaScale ) &&
+ ( testDt.time().hour() != dt.time().hour() ||
+ ( endLoop && ((pHourX != x1) || (pHourY != y1))));
+ dayPaint = ( KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleDay >= cv.dtDeltaScale ) &&
+ ( != ||
+ ( endLoop && ((pDayX != x1) || (pDayY != y1))));
+ /* khz: currently not used
+ weekPaint = ( KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleWeek >= cv.dtDeltaScale ) &&
+ ( != ||
+ ( endLoop && ((pWeekX != x1) || (pWeekY != y1))));
+ */
+ monthPaint = ( KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleMonth >= cv.dtDeltaScale ) &&
+ ( != ||
+ ( endLoop && ((pMonthX != x1) || (pMonthY != y1))));
+ yearPaint = ( KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleYear >= cv.dtDeltaScale ) &&
+ ( != ||
+ ( endLoop && ((pYearX != x1) || (pYearY != y1))));
+ p1X = x1 + iLabel * pXDelta;
+ p1Y = y1 + iLabel * pYDelta;
+ p2X = p1X + pXDelta;
+ p2Y = p1Y + pYDelta;
+ pXD = orgXD;
+ pYD = orgYD;
+ if( endLoop ){
+ ( ( KDChartAxisParams& ) para ).setAxisDtHighPos( p1X, p1Y );
+ // adjust stored dt-high settings
+ ( ( KDChartAxisParams& ) para ).setTrueAxisDtHigh( dt );
+ }
+ pen = subGridPen;
+ /*
+ // old code: just draw the seconds without any tests
+ // (not wise to do that when supporting sec1000
+ // and the like some day...)
+ if( newDt.time().second() != dt.time().second() ){
+ painter->drawLine( QPoint( p1X, p1Y ), QPoint( p1X+pXD, p1Y+pYD ) );
+ painter->drawLine( QPoint( p1X+pXD, p1Y+pYD ),
+ QPoint( p1X+pXD + pXDelta, p1Y+pYD + pYDelta ) );
+ painter->drawText( p1X+pXD-orgXD, p1Y+pYD-orgYD,
+ pTextsW, pTextsH,
+ textAlign | Qt::DontClip,
+ QString::number( dt.time().second() ) );
+ pXD += orgXD;
+ pYD += orgYD;
+ }
+ */
+ if( secPaint ){
+ painter->drawLine( QPoint( static_cast<int>( pSecX+pXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( pSecY+pYD ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( p2X + pXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( p2Y + pYD ) ) );
+ if( (pXDelta/2.0 < p2X - pSecX) || (pYDelta/2.0 < p2Y - pSecY) ){
+ QPen oldPen( painter->pen() );
+ painter->setPen( QPen( labelsColor ) );
+ painter->drawText( static_cast<int>( pSecX+pXD-orgXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( pSecY+pYD-orgYD ),
+ static_cast<int>( fabs((0.0 == pXDelta) ? cv.pTextsW : (p2X - pSecX))),
+ static_cast<int>( fabs((0.0 == pYDelta) ? cv.pTextsH : (p2Y - pSecY))),
+ cv.textAlign | Qt::DontClip,
+ QString::number( dt.time().second() ) );
+ painter->setPen( oldPen );
+ if ( para.axisShowGrid() ){
+ saveDrawLine( *painter,
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pSecX ),
+ static_cast<int>( pSecY ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pSecX + gridDX ),
+ static_cast<int>( pSecY + gridDY ) ),
+ pen );
+ pen = gridPen;
+ }
+ if( !minPaint || pMinX != pSecX || pMinY != pSecY ){
+ painter->drawLine( QPoint( static_cast<int>( pSecX ),
+ static_cast<int>( pSecY ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pSecX+pXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( pSecY+pYD ) ) );
+ }
+ }
+ if( endLoop && !minPaint )
+ painter->drawLine( QPoint( static_cast<int>( p2X ),
+ static_cast<int>( p2Y ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( p2X+pXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( p2Y+pYD ) ) );
+ pSecX = p1X + pXDelta;
+ pSecY = p1Y + pYDelta;
+ pXD += orgXD;
+ pYD += orgYD;
+ }
+ if( minPaint ){
+ painter->drawLine( QPoint( static_cast<int>( pMinX+pXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( pMinY+pYD ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( p2X + pXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( p2Y + pYD ) ) );
+ if( (pXDelta/2.0 < p2X - pMinX) || (pYDelta/2.0 < p2Y - pMinY) ){
+ QPen oldPen( painter->pen() );
+ painter->setPen( QPen( labelsColor ) );
+ painter->drawText( static_cast<int>( pMinX+pXD-orgXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( pMinY+pYD-orgYD ),
+ static_cast<int>( fabs((0.0 == pXDelta) ? cv.pTextsW : (p2X - pMinX)) ),
+ static_cast<int>( fabs((0.0 == pYDelta) ? cv.pTextsH : (p2Y - pMinY)) ),
+ cv.textAlign | Qt::DontClip,
+ QString::number( dt.time().minute() ) );
+ painter->setPen( oldPen );
+ if ( para.axisShowGrid() ){
+ if( !secPaint && 10 < pXYDelta ){
+ saveDrawLine( *painter,
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pMinX+pXDelta/2 ),
+ static_cast<int>( pMinY+pYDelta/2 ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pMinX+pXDelta/2 + gridDX ),
+ static_cast<int>( pMinY+pYDelta/2 + gridDY ) ),
+ subSubGridPen );
+ }
+ saveDrawLine( *painter,
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pMinX ),
+ static_cast<int>( pMinY ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pMinX + gridDX ),
+ static_cast<int>( pMinY + gridDY ) ),
+ pen );
+ pen = gridPen;
+ }
+ if( !hourPaint || pHourX != pMinX || pHourY != pMinY ){
+ painter->drawLine( QPoint( static_cast<int>( pMinX ),
+ static_cast<int>( pMinY ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pMinX+pXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( pMinY+pYD ) ) );
+ }
+ }
+ if( endLoop && !hourPaint )
+ painter->drawLine( QPoint( static_cast<int>( p2X ),
+ static_cast<int>( p2Y ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( p2X+pXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( p2Y+pYD ) ) );
+ pMinX = p1X + pXDelta;
+ pMinY = p1Y + pYDelta;
+ pXD += orgXD;
+ pYD += orgYD;
+ }
+ if( hourPaint ){
+ painter->drawLine( QPoint( static_cast<int>( pHourX+pXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( pHourY+pYD ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( p2X + pXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( p2Y + pYD ) ) );
+ /*
+ qDebug("line");
+ qDebug("pXDelta / 2.0 : %f", pXDelta/2.0);
+ qDebug("p2X - pHourX : %f", p2X - pHourX);
+ */
+ if( (pXDelta/2.0 < p2X - pHourX) || (pYDelta/2.0 < p2Y - pHourY) ){
+ /*
+ qDebug("pHourX %f", pHourX );
+ qDebug(" +pXD %i", pXD );
+ qDebug(" -orgXD %i", orgXD);
+ qDebug("pHourY %f", pHourY );
+ qDebug(" +pYD %i", pYD );
+ qDebug(" -orgYD %i", orgYD);
+ */
+ QPen oldPen( painter->pen() );
+ painter->setPen( QPen( labelsColor ) );
+ painter->drawText( static_cast<int>( pHourX+pXD-orgXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( pHourY+pYD-orgYD ),
+ static_cast<int>( fabs((0.0 == pXDelta) ? cv.pTextsW : (p2X - pHourX))),
+ static_cast<int>( fabs((0.0 == pYDelta) ? cv.pTextsH : (p2Y - pHourY))),
+ cv.textAlign | Qt::DontClip,
+ QString::number( dt.time().hour() ) );
+ painter->setPen( oldPen );
+ if ( para.axisShowGrid() ){
+ if( !minPaint && 10 < pXYDelta ){
+ saveDrawLine( *painter,
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pHourX+pXDelta/2 ),
+ static_cast<int>( pHourY+pYDelta/2 ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pHourX+pXDelta/2 + gridDX ),
+ static_cast<int>( pHourY+pYDelta/2 + gridDY ) ),
+ subSubGridPen );
+ }
+ saveDrawLine( *painter,
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pHourX ),
+ static_cast<int>( pHourY ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pHourX + gridDX ),
+ static_cast<int>( pHourY + gridDY ) ),
+ pen );
+ pen = gridPen;
+ }
+ if( !dayPaint || pDayX != pHourX || pDayY != pHourY ){
+ painter->drawLine( QPoint( static_cast<int>( pHourX ),
+ static_cast<int>( pHourY ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pHourX+pXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( pHourY+pYD ) ) );
+ }
+ }
+ if( endLoop && !dayPaint )
+ painter->drawLine( QPoint( static_cast<int>( p2X ),
+ static_cast<int>( p2Y ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( p2X+pXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( p2Y+pYD ) ) );
+ pHourX = p1X + pXDelta;
+ pHourY = p1Y + pYDelta;
+ pXD += orgXD;
+ pYD += orgYD;
+ }
+ if( dayPaint ){
+ painter->drawLine( QPoint( static_cast<int>( pDayX+pXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( pDayY+pYD ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( p2X + pXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( p2Y + pYD ) ) );
+ if( (pXDelta/2.0 < p2X - pDayX) || (pYDelta/2.0 < p2Y - pDayY) ){
+ QPen oldPen( painter->pen() );
+ painter->setPen( QPen( labelsColor ) );
+ painter->drawText( static_cast<int>( pDayX+pXD-orgXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( pDayY+pYD-orgYD ),
+ static_cast<int>( fabs((0.0 == pXDelta) ? cv.pTextsW : (p2X - pDayX)) ),
+ static_cast<int>( fabs((0.0 == pYDelta) ? cv.pTextsH : (p2Y - pDayY)) ),
+ cv.textAlign | Qt::DontClip,
+ QString::number( ) );
+ painter->setPen( oldPen );
+ /* khz: currently not used
+ if( !weekPaint || pWeekX != pDayX || pWeekY != pDayY )
+ */
+ if ( para.axisShowGrid() ){
+ if( !hourPaint && 10 < pXYDelta ){
+ saveDrawLine( *painter,
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pDayX+pXDelta/2 ),
+ static_cast<int>( pDayY+pYDelta/2 ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pDayX+pXDelta/2 + gridDX ),
+ static_cast<int>( pDayY+pYDelta/2 + gridDY ) ),
+ subSubGridPen );
+ }
+ saveDrawLine( *painter,
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pDayX ),
+ static_cast<int>( pDayY ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pDayX + gridDX ),
+ static_cast<int>( pDayY + gridDY ) ),
+ pen );
+ pen = gridPen;
+ }
+ if( !monthPaint || pMonthX != pDayX || pMonthY != pDayY ){
+ painter->drawLine( QPoint( static_cast<int>( pDayX ),
+ static_cast<int>( pDayY ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pDayX+pXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( pDayY+pYD ) ) );
+ }
+ }
+ /* khz: currently not used
+ if( endLoop && !weekPaint )
+ */
+ if( endLoop && !monthPaint )
+ painter->drawLine( QPoint( static_cast<int>( p2X ),
+ static_cast<int>( p2Y ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( p2X+pXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( p2Y+pYD ) ) );
+ pDayX = p1X + pXDelta;
+ pDayY = p1Y + pYDelta;
+ pXD += orgXD;
+ pYD += orgYD;
+ }
+ /* khz: currently unused
+ if( weekPaint ){
+ painter->drawLine( QPoint( pWeekX+pXD, pWeekY+pYD ),
+ QPoint( p2X + pXD, p2Y + pYD ) );
+ if( (pXDelta/2.0 < p2X - pWeekX) || (pYDelta/2.0 < p2Y - pWeekY) ){
+ QPen oldPen( painter->pen() );
+ painter->setPen( QPen( labelsColor ) );
+ painter->drawText( pWeekX+pXD-orgXD, pWeekY+pYD-orgYD,
+ painter->setPen( oldPen );
+ fabs((0.0 == pXDelta) ? pTextsW : (p2X - pWeekX)),
+ fabs((0.0 == pYDelta) ? pTextsH : (p2Y - pWeekY)),
+ textAlign | Qt::DontClip,
+ QString::number( ) );
+ if ( para.axisShowGrid() ){
+ if( !dayPaint && 40 < pXYDelta ){
+ // draw 7 lines:
+ //saveDrawLine( *painter,
+ // QPoint( pWeekX+pXDelta/2,
+ // pWeekY+pYDelta/2 ),
+ // QPoint( pWeekX+pXDelta/2 + gridDX,
+ // pWeekY+pYDelta/2 + gridDY ),
+ // subSubGridPen );
+ }
+ saveDrawLine( *painter,
+ QPoint( pWeekX,
+ pWeekY ),
+ QPoint( pWeekX + gridDX,
+ pWeekY + gridDY ),
+ pen );
+ pen = gridPen;
+ }
+ if( !monthPaint || pMonthX != pDayX || pMonthY != pDayY ){
+ painter->drawLine( QPoint( pWeekX, pWeekY ), QPoint( pWeekX+pXD, pWeekY+pYD ) );
+ }
+ }
+ if( endLoop && !monthPaint )
+ painter->drawLine( QPoint( p2X, p2Y ), QPoint( p2X+pXD, p2Y+pYD ) );
+ pWeekX = p1X + pXDelta;
+ pWeekY = p1Y + pYDelta;
+ pXD += orgXD;
+ pYD += orgYD;
+ }
+ */
+ if( monthPaint ){
+ painter->drawLine( QPoint( static_cast<int>( pMonthX+pXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( pMonthY+pYD ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( p2X + pXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( p2Y + pYD ) ) );
+ if( (pXDelta/2.0 < p2X - pMonthX) || (pYDelta/2.0 < p2Y - pMonthY) ){
+ QPen oldPen( painter->pen() );
+ painter->setPen( QPen( labelsColor ) );
+ painter->drawText( static_cast<int>( pMonthX+pXD-orgXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( pMonthY+pYD-orgYD ),
+ static_cast<int>( fabs((0.0 == pXDelta) ? cv.pTextsW : (p2X - pMonthX)) ),
+ static_cast<int>( fabs((0.0 == pYDelta) ? cv.pTextsH : (p2Y - pMonthY)) ),
+ cv.textAlign | Qt::DontClip,
+ QString::number( ) );
+ painter->setPen( oldPen );
+ if ( para.axisShowGrid() ){
+ /* khz: currently unused
+ if( !weekPaint &&
+ && 10 < pXYDelta ){
+ saveDrawLine( *painter,
+ QPoint( pMonthX+pXDelta/2,
+ pMonthY+pYDelta/2 ),
+ QPoint( pMonthX+pXDelta/2 + gridDX,
+ pMonthY+pYDelta/2 + gridDY ),
+ subSubGridPen );
+ }
+ */
+ saveDrawLine( *painter,
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pMonthX ),
+ static_cast<int>( pMonthY ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pMonthX + gridDX ),
+ static_cast<int>( pMonthY + gridDY ) ),
+ pen );
+ pen = gridPen;
+ }
+ if( !yearPaint || pYearX != pMonthX || pYearY != pMonthY ){
+ painter->drawLine( QPoint( static_cast<int>( pMonthX ),
+ static_cast<int>( pMonthY ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pMonthX+pXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( pMonthY+pYD ) ) );
+ }
+ }
+ if( endLoop && !yearPaint )
+ painter->drawLine( QPoint( static_cast<int>( p2X ),
+ static_cast<int>( p2Y ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( p2X+pXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( p2Y+pYD ) ) );
+ pMonthX = p1X + pXDelta;
+ pMonthY = p1Y + pYDelta;
+ pXD += orgXD;
+ pYD += orgYD;
+ }
+ if( yearPaint ){
+ painter->drawLine( QPoint( static_cast<int>( pYearX+pXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( pYearY+pYD ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( p2X + pXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( p2Y + pYD ) ) );
+ if( (pXDelta/2.0 < p2X - pYearX) || (pYDelta/2.0 < p2Y - pYearY) ){
+ QPen oldPen( painter->pen() );
+ painter->setPen( QPen( labelsColor ) );
+ painter->drawText( static_cast<int>( pYearX+pXD-orgXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( pYearY+pYD-orgYD ),
+ static_cast<int>( fabs((0.0 == pXDelta) ? cv.pTextsW : (p2X - pYearX)) ),
+ static_cast<int>( fabs((0.0 == pYDelta) ? cv.pTextsH : (p2Y - pYearY)) ),
+ cv.textAlign | Qt::DontClip,
+ QString::number( ) );
+ painter->setPen( oldPen );
+ if ( para.axisShowGrid() ){
+ if( !monthPaint && 10 < pXYDelta ){
+ saveDrawLine( *painter,
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pYearX+pXDelta/2 ),
+ static_cast<int>( pYearY+pYDelta/2 ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pYearX+pXDelta/2 + gridDX ),
+ static_cast<int>( pYearY+pYDelta/2 + gridDY ) ),
+ subSubGridPen );
+ }
+ saveDrawLine( *painter,
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pYearX ),
+ static_cast<int>( pYearY ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pYearX + gridDX ),
+ static_cast<int>( pYearY + gridDY ) ),
+ pen );
+ pen = gridPen;
+ }
+ painter->drawLine( QPoint( static_cast<int>( pYearX ),
+ static_cast<int>( pYearY ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pYearX+pXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( pYearY+pYD ) ) );
+ }
+ if( endLoop )
+ painter->drawLine( QPoint( static_cast<int>( p2X ),
+ static_cast<int>( p2Y ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( p2X+pXD ),
+ static_cast<int>( p2Y+pYD ) ) );
+ pYearX = p1X + pXDelta;
+ pYearY = p1Y + pYDelta;
+ pXD += orgXD;
+ pYD += orgYD;
+ }
+ if( &testDt != &newDt )
+ break;
+ dt = newDt;
+ iLabel += 1.0;
+ }
+ if( !commonDtHeader.isEmpty() ){
+ QPen oldPen( painter->pen() );
+ painter->setPen( QPen( labelsColor ) );
+ painter->drawText( static_cast<int>( x1 + pXD ), static_cast<int>( y1 + pYD ),
+ commonDtHeader );
+ painter->setPen( oldPen );
+ }
+ }else{
+ int iLeaveOut = nLeaveOut;
+ QString label;
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator labelIter = labelTexts->begin();
+ labelIter != labelTexts->end();
+ ++labelIter ) {
+ QDateTime dt;
+ if( cv.isDateTime ){
+#if COMPAT_QT_VERSION >= 0x030000
+ dt = QDateTime::fromString( *labelIter,
+ Qt::ISODate );
+ label = dt.toString( formatDT );
+ dt = dateTimeFromString( *labelIter );
+ label = dt.toString();
+ }else{
+ label = *labelIter;
+ }
+ if( iLeaveOut < nLeaveOut )
+ ++iLeaveOut;
+ else
+ iLeaveOut = 0;
+ //Pending Michel: test if the user implicitely wants to get rid
+ //of the non fractional values delimiters and grid lines.
+ // axisDigitsBehindComma == 0 and the user implicitely
+ // setAxisShowFractionalValuesDelimiters() to false
+ bool showDelim = para.axisShowFractionalValuesDelimiters();
+ if ( para.axisShowGrid() && !bMultiRowBarChart ) {
+ if ( !label.isNull() || showDelim ){
+ if( !iLeaveOut )
+ // draw the main grid line
+ saveDrawLine( *painter,
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pGAX - pGXMicroAdjust ),
+ static_cast<int>( pGAY - pGYMicroAdjust ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pGZX - pGXMicroAdjust ),
+ static_cast<int>( pGZY - pGYMicroAdjust ) ),
+ gridPen );
+ else if( para.axisShowSubDelimiters() )
+ // draw a thin sub grid line instead of main line
+ saveDrawLine( *painter,
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pGAX - pGXMicroAdjust ),
+ static_cast<int>( pGAY - pGYMicroAdjust ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( pGZX - pGXMicroAdjust ),
+ static_cast<int>( pGZY - pGYMicroAdjust ) ),
+ leaveOutGridPen );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( para.axisLabelsVisible() ) {
+ if( !iLeaveOut ) {
+ /*PENDING Michel: those points should not be redrawn if sub-delimiters are drawn
+ *drawing the submarkers
+ * make it visible or not
+ *In the case we have a null label - axisDigitsBehindComma is implicitely set to 0 -
+ *also paint or dont paint the delimiter corresponding to this label - default is paint.
+ */
+ if ( !label.isNull() || showDelim )
+ painter->drawLine( QPoint( static_cast<int>( p1X ),
+ static_cast<int>( p1Y ) ),
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( p2X ),
+ static_cast<int>( p2Y ) ) );
+ cv.pLastX = p1X;
+ cv.pLastY = p1Y;
+ QPen oldPen( painter->pen() );
+ painter->setPen( QPen( labelsColor ) );
+ if( para.axisLabelsDontShrinkFont()
+ && isHorizontalAxis
+ && (Qt::AlignHCenter == (cv.textAlign & Qt::AlignHCenter)) ) {
+ double w = fm.width( label ) + 4.0;
+ double x0 = cv.pTextsX + cv.pTextsW / 2.0;
+ painter->drawText( static_cast<int>( x0 - w / 2.0 ),
+ static_cast<int>( cv.pTextsY ),
+ static_cast<int>( w ),
+ static_cast<int>( cv.pTextsH ),
+ cv.textAlign, label );
+ } else {
+ if( nRotation ){
+ KDDrawText::drawRotatedText(
+ painter,
+ nRotation,
+ painter->worldMatrix().map(
+ QPoint( static_cast<int>( cv.pTextsX ),
+ static_cast<int>( cv.pTextsY ) ) ),
+ label,
+ 0,
+ cv.textAlign,
+ false,
+ &fm,
+ screenOutput,screenOutput,0,
+ screenOutput );
+ } else {
+ // Pending Michel draw the axis labels
+ painter->drawText( static_cast<int>( cv.pTextsX ),
+ static_cast<int>( cv.pTextsY ),
+ static_cast<int>( cv.pTextsW ),
+ static_cast<int>( cv.pTextsH ),
+ cv.textAlign | Qt::DontClip,
+ label );
+ // debugging text rect
+ /*
+ painter->drawRect(static_cast <int>(cv.pTextsX),
+ static_cast <int>(cv.pTextsY),
+ static_cast <int> (nUsableAxisWidth),
+ static_cast <int> (nUsableAxisHeight));
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ painter->setPen( oldPen );
+ }
+ }
+ if( cv.isDateTime ){
+ if( labelTexts->begin() == labelIter ){
+ ((KDChartAxisParams&)para).setAxisDtLowPos(
+ pGAX - pGXMicroAdjust,
+ pGAY - pGYMicroAdjust );
+ // adjust stored dt-low settings
+ ( ( KDChartAxisParams& ) para ).setTrueAxisDtLow( dt );
+ }else{
+ ((KDChartAxisParams&)para).setAxisDtHighPos(
+ pGAX - pGXMicroAdjust,
+ pGAY - pGYMicroAdjust );
+ // adjust stored dt-high settings
+ ( ( KDChartAxisParams& ) para ).setTrueAxisDtHigh( dt );
+ }
+ }
+ iLabel += 1.0;
+ p1X = x1 + iLabel * pXDelta;
+ p1Y = y1 + iLabel * pYDelta;
+ p2X = x2 + iLabel * pXDelta;
+ p2Y = y2 + iLabel * pYDelta;
+ cv.pTextsX = xT + iLabel * pXDelta;
+ cv.pTextsY = yT + iLabel * pYDelta;
+ pGAX = xGA + iLabel * pXDelta;
+ pGAY = yGA + iLabel * pYDelta;
+ pGZX = xGZ + iLabel * pXDelta;
+ pGZY = yGZ + iLabel * pYDelta;
+ /*
+ pGAX = xGA + iLabel * pXSubDelimDelta / cv.nSubDelimFactor;
+ pGAY = yGA + iLabel * pYSubDelimDelta / cv.nSubDelimFactor;
+ pGZX = xGZ + iLabel * pXSubDelimDelta / cv.nSubDelimFactor;
+ pGZY = yGZ + iLabel * pYSubDelimDelta / cv.nSubDelimFactor;
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ // adjust zero-line start, if not starting at origin
+ if ( cv.bSteadyCalc &&
+ ( para.axisValuesDecreasing() ||
+ (0.0 != para.trueAxisLow()) ) ) {
+ //double x = p1.x();
+ double x = 0.0;
+ /* we have to find the *real* X axis position,
+ this is NOT always the p1.x() as it is the
+ case for left2 or right2 axes. [cmw, 12/01/2005] */
+ if (cv.basicPos==KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosRight)
+ x = static_cast<double>(_dataRect.right());
+ else
+ x = static_cast<double>(_dataRect.left());
+ double y = p1.y();
+ double mult = para.trueAxisLow() / para.trueAxisDelta();
+ x -= mult * pXDelta;
+ y -= mult * pYDelta;
+ axisZeroLineStartX = x;
+ axisZeroLineStartY = y;
+ //qDebug( "axisZeroLineStartX %f, axisZeroLineStartY %f",
+ // axisZeroLineStartX, axisZeroLineStartY );
+ }
+ painter->setClipping( oldClippingFlag );
+ } // if( nLabels )
+ // draw zero-line (Ok, this might be overwritten by axes
+ // cause those are drawn after all labels and grid and
+ // zero-line(s) has been painted, see code below, starting
+ // with "// draw all the axes".
+ if ( cv.bSteadyCalc && !cv.isDateTime ) {
+ ( ( KDChartAxisParams& ) para ).setAxisZeroLineStart( axisZeroLineStartX, axisZeroLineStartY );
+ double axisZeroLineStart;
+ int minCoord, maxCoord;
+ double xFactor, yFactor;
+ switch( cv.basicPos ){
+ case KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosLeft:
+ xFactor = 1.0;
+ yFactor = 0.0;
+ axisZeroLineStart = axisZeroLineStartY;
+ minCoord = QMIN( cv.orig.y(), cv.dest.y() );
+ maxCoord = QMAX( cv.orig.y(), cv.dest.y() );
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosRight:
+ xFactor = -1.0;
+ yFactor = 0.0;
+ axisZeroLineStart = axisZeroLineStartY;
+ minCoord = QMIN( cv.orig.y(), cv.dest.y() );
+ maxCoord = QMAX( cv.orig.y(), cv.dest.y() );
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosTop:
+ xFactor = 0.0;
+ yFactor = 1.0;
+ axisZeroLineStart = axisZeroLineStartX;
+ minCoord = QMIN( cv.orig.x(), cv.dest.x() );
+ maxCoord = QMAX( cv.orig.x(), cv.dest.x() );
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosBottom:
+ xFactor = 0.0;
+ yFactor = -1.0;
+ axisZeroLineStart = axisZeroLineStartX;
+ minCoord = QMIN( cv.orig.x(), cv.dest.x() );
+ maxCoord = QMAX( cv.orig.x(), cv.dest.x() );
+ break;
+ default:
+ xFactor = 0.0;
+ yFactor = 0.0;
+ axisZeroLineStart = 0.0;
+ minCoord = 0;
+ maxCoord = 0;
+ }
+ if( axisZeroLineStart >= minCoord &&
+ axisZeroLineStart <= maxCoord ){
+ QPoint pZ0( static_cast<int>( para.axisZeroLineStartX() ),
+ static_cast<int>( para.axisZeroLineStartY() ) );
+ QPoint pZ( static_cast<int>( para.axisZeroLineStartX()
+ + xFactor * _dataRect.width() ),
+ static_cast<int>( para.axisZeroLineStartY()
+ + yFactor * _dataRect.height() ) );
+ //qDebug("------");
+ saveDrawLine( *painter,
+ pZ0,
+ pZ,
+ QPen( para.axisZeroLineColor(),
+ lineWidth ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Drawing all the axes lines:
+ // 1. test if the standard axes are share one or several corner points
+ // if yes, we first draw a polyline using a "Qt::MiterJoin" PenJoinStyle
+ // to make sure the corners are filled
+ internal__KDChart__CalcValues& cv1 = calcVal[ KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosLeft ];
+ internal__KDChart__CalcValues& cv2 = calcVal[ KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosBottom ];
+ const KDChartAxisParams& pa1 = params()->axisParams( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosLeft );
+ const KDChartAxisParams& pa2 = params()->axisParams( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosBottom );
+qDebug("\n\nx1: %i y1: %i w1: %i\nx2: %i y2: %i w2: %i",
+cv1.orig.x(), cv1.orig.y(), pa1.axisTrueLineWidth(),
+cv2.orig.x(), cv2.orig.y(), pa2.axisTrueLineWidth() );
+ if( cv1.orig == cv2.orig ){
+ const QColor c1( pa1.axisLineColor() );
+ const QColor c2( pa2.axisLineColor() );
+ const QPoint pA( cv1.dest );
+ const QPoint pB( cv1.orig );
+ const QPoint pC( cv2.dest );
+ QPen pen( QColor( ( + /2,
+ ( +,
+ ( + /2 ),
+ QMIN(pa1.axisTrueLineWidth(), pa2.axisTrueLineWidth()) );
+ pen.setJoinStyle( Qt::MiterJoin );
+ painter->setPen( pen );
+ QPointArray a;
+ a.putPoints( 0, 3, pA.x(),pA.y(), pB.x(),pB.y(), pC.x(),pC.y() );
+ painter->drawPolyline( a );
+qDebug("done\n" );
+ }
+ // 2. draw the axes using their normal color
+ for( iAxis = 0; iAxis < KDCHART_MAX_AXES; ++iAxis ){
+ internal__KDChart__CalcValues& cv = calcVal[iAxis];
+ const KDChartAxisParams & para = params()->axisParams( iAxis );
+ if( cv.processThisAxis && para.axisLineVisible() ){
+ painter->setPen( QPen( para.axisLineColor(),
+ para.axisTrueLineWidth() ) );
+ int x = cv.dest.x();
+ if( 2.0 >= QABS(cv.pLastX - x) )
+ x = static_cast < int > ( cv.pLastX );
+ int y = cv.dest.y();
+ if( 2.0 >= QABS(cv.pLastY - y) )
+ y = static_cast < int > ( cv.pLastY );
+ painter->drawLine( cv.orig, QPoint(x,y) );
+ }
+ }
+ painter->restore();
+double fastPow10( int x )
+ double res = 1.0;
+ if( 0 <= x ){
+ for( int i = 1; i <= x; ++i )
+ res *= 10.0;
+ }else{
+ for( int i = -1; i >= x; --i )
+ res /= 10.0;
+ }
+ return res;
+double fastPow10( double x )
+ return pow(10.0, x);
+ Calculates the actual label texts for one axis.
+ \note When calling this function the actual area size for this
+ axis must be set, this means you may only call it when
+ \c KDChartPainter::setupGeometry() has been called before.
+ \param painter the QPainter onto which the chart should be painted
+ \param data the data that will be displayed as a chart
+ \param params the KDChartParams that were specified globally
+ \param axisNumber the number of this axis (used in some params structures)
+ \param averageValueP1000 (average height+width of the prtbl. area) / 1000
+ \param basicPos the basic axis position returned by
+ KDChartAxisParams::basicAxisPos()
+ \param orig the axis start point
+ \param delimLen the length of one delimiter mark
+ \param (all others) the reference parameters to be returned
+ by this function
+ */
+/**** static ****/
+void KDChartAxesPainter::calculateLabelTexts(
+ QPainter* painter,
+ const KDChartTableDataBase& data,
+ const KDChartParams& params,
+ uint axisNumber,
+ double averageValueP1000,
+ double delimLen,
+ // start of return parameters
+ KDChartAxisParams::AxisPos& basicPos,
+ QPoint& orig,
+ QPoint& dest,
+ double& pXDeltaFactor,
+ double& pYDeltaFactor,
+ double& pXDelimDeltaFaktor,
+ double& pYDelimDeltaFaktor,
+ double& nSubDelimFactor,
+ double& pDelimDelta,
+ double& nTxtHeight,
+ double& pTextsX,
+ double& pTextsY,
+ double& pTextsW,
+ double& pTextsH,
+ int& textAlign,
+ bool& isLogarithmic,
+ bool& isDateTime,
+ bool& autoDtLabels,
+ QDateTime& dtLow,
+ QDateTime& dtHigh,
+ KDChartAxisParams::ValueScale& dtDeltaScale,
+ bool adjustTheValues,
+ double trueDelta,
+ double trueDeltaPix )
+//qDebug("\nentering KDChartAxesPainter::calculateLabelTexts() : nTxtHeight: "+QString::number(nTxtHeight));
+ const KDChartAxisParams & para = params.axisParams( axisNumber );
+ // store whether the labels are to be drawn in reverted order
+ const bool bDecreasing = para.axisValuesDecreasing();
+ basicPos = KDChartAxisParams::basicAxisPos( axisNumber );
+ pXDeltaFactor = 0.0;
+ pYDeltaFactor = 0.0;
+ pXDelimDeltaFaktor = 0.0;
+ pYDelimDeltaFaktor = 0.0;
+ int axisLength;
+ switch ( basicPos ) {
+ case KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosBottom: {
+ axisLength = para.axisTrueAreaRect().width();
+ orig = bDecreasing
+ ? para.axisTrueAreaRect().topRight()
+ : para.axisTrueAreaRect().topLeft();
+ dest = bDecreasing
+ ? para.axisTrueAreaRect().topLeft()
+ : para.axisTrueAreaRect().topRight();
+ pYDelimDeltaFaktor = 1.0;
+ pXDeltaFactor = bDecreasing ? -1.0 : 1.0;
+ //qDebug("\nsetting pXDeltaFactor for axis %x", axisNumber);
+ //qDebug(bDecreasing ? "bDecreasing = TRUE" : "bDecreasing = FALSE");
+ //qDebug("pXDeltaFactor = %f\n",pXDeltaFactor);
+ }
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosLeft: {
+ axisLength = para.axisTrueAreaRect().height();
+ orig = bDecreasing
+ ? para.axisTrueAreaRect().topRight()
+ : para.axisTrueAreaRect().bottomRight();
+ dest = bDecreasing
+ ? para.axisTrueAreaRect().bottomRight()
+ : para.axisTrueAreaRect().topRight();
+ pXDelimDeltaFaktor = -1.0;
+ pYDeltaFactor = bDecreasing ? 1.0 : -1.0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosTop: {
+ axisLength = para.axisTrueAreaRect().width();
+ orig = bDecreasing
+ ? para.axisTrueAreaRect().bottomRight()
+ : para.axisTrueAreaRect().bottomLeft();
+ dest = bDecreasing
+ ? para.axisTrueAreaRect().bottomLeft()
+ : para.axisTrueAreaRect().bottomRight();
+ pYDelimDeltaFaktor = -1.0;
+ pXDeltaFactor = bDecreasing ? -1.0 : 1.0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosRight: {
+ axisLength = para.axisTrueAreaRect().height();
+ orig = bDecreasing
+ ? para.axisTrueAreaRect().topLeft()
+ : para.axisTrueAreaRect().bottomLeft();
+ dest = bDecreasing
+ ? para.axisTrueAreaRect().bottomLeft()
+ : para.axisTrueAreaRect().topLeft();
+ pXDelimDeltaFaktor = 1.0;
+ pYDeltaFactor = bDecreasing ? 1.0 : -1.0;
+ }
+ break;
+ default: {
+ axisLength = 0;
+ qDebug( "IMPLEMENTATION ERROR: KDChartAxesPainter::paintAxes() unhandled enum value." );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // which dataset(s) is/are represented by this axis?
+ uint dataset, dataset2, chart;
+ if ( !params.axisDatasets( axisNumber, dataset, dataset2, chart ) ) {
+ chart = 0;
+ //qDebug("\nautomatic set values: chart: %u,\ndataset: %u, dataset2: %u",
+ //chart, dataset, dataset2);
+ }
+ // which dataset(s) with mode DataEntry (or mode ExtraLinesAnchor, resp.)
+ // is/are represented by this axis?
+ uint dataDataset, dataDataset2;
+ if( params.findDatasets( KDChartParams::DataEntry,
+ KDChartParams::ExtraLinesAnchor,
+ dataDataset,
+ dataDataset2,
+ chart ) ) {
+ // adjust dataDataset in case MORE THAN ONE AXIS
+ // is representing THIS CHART
+ if( ( KDCHART_ALL_DATASETS != dataset
+ && KDCHART_NO_DATASET != dataset )
+ || ( KDCHART_ALL_DATASETS != dataDataset
+ && KDCHART_NO_DATASET != dataDataset ) ){
+ int ds = (KDCHART_ALL_DATASETS != dataset)
+ ? dataset
+ : 0;
+ int dds = (KDCHART_ALL_DATASETS != dataDataset)
+ ? dataDataset
+ : 0;
+ dataDataset = QMAX( ds, dds );
+ }
+ if( ( KDCHART_ALL_DATASETS != dataset2
+ && KDCHART_NO_DATASET != dataset2 )
+ || ( KDCHART_ALL_DATASETS != dataDataset2
+ && KDCHART_NO_DATASET != dataDataset2 ) ){
+ int ds2 = (KDCHART_ALL_DATASETS != dataset2)
+ ? dataset2
+ int dds2 = (KDCHART_ALL_DATASETS != dataDataset2)
+ ? dataDataset2
+ dataDataset2 = QMIN( ds2, dds2 );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // Should not happen
+ qDebug( "IMPLEMENTATION ERROR: findDatasets( DataEntry, ExtraLinesAnchor ) should *always* return true. (b)" );
+ }
+ //qDebug("\naxisNumber: %x\nchart: %x\ndataset: %x, dataset2: %x,\ndataDataset: %x, dataDataset2: %x",
+ //axisNumber, chart, dataset, dataset2, dataDataset, dataDataset2);
+ if ( para.axisLabelsFontUseRelSize() ){
+ nTxtHeight = para.axisLabelsFontRelSize()
+ * averageValueP1000;
+//qDebug("using rel. size in KDChartAxesPainter::calculateLabelTexts() : nTxtHeight: "+QString::number(nTxtHeight));
+ }else {
+ QFontInfo info( para.axisLabelsFont() );
+ nTxtHeight = info.pointSize();
+//qDebug("using FIXED size in KDChartAxesPainter::calculateLabelTexts() : nTxtHeight: "+QString::number(nTxtHeight));
+ }
+ const KDChartEnums::NumberNotation notation = para.axisLabelsNotation();
+ const int behindComma = para.axisDigitsBehindComma();
+ const int divPow10 = para.axisLabelsDivPow10();
+ const QString decimalPoint = para.axisLabelsDecimalPoint();
+ const QString thousandsPoint = para.axisLabelsThousandsPoint();
+ const QString prefix = para.axisLabelsPrefix();
+ const QString postfix = para.axisLabelsPostfix();
+ const int totalLen = para.axisLabelsTotalLen();
+ const QChar padFill = para.axisLabelsPadFill();
+ const bool blockAlign = para.axisLabelsBlockAlign();
+ QStringList labelTexts;
+ int colNum = para.labelTextsDataRow();
+ bool bDone = true;
+ switch ( para.axisLabelTextsFormDataRow() ) {
+ case KDChartAxisParams::LabelsFromDataRowYes: {
+ // Take whatever is in the specified column (even if not a string)
+ int trueBehindComma = -1;
+ QVariant value;
+ for ( uint iDataset = 0; iDataset < data.usedRows(); iDataset++ ) {
+ if( data.cellCoord( iDataset, colNum, value, 1 ) ){
+ if( QVariant::String == value.type() )
+ labelTexts.append( value.toString() );
+ else {
+ labelTexts.append( applyLabelsFormat( value.toDouble(),
+ divPow10,
+ behindComma,
+ para.axisValueDelta(),
+ trueBehindComma,
+ notation,
+ decimalPoint,
+ thousandsPoint,
+ prefix,
+ postfix,
+ totalLen,
+ padFill,
+ blockAlign ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case KDChartAxisParams::LabelsFromDataRowGuess: {
+ QVariant value;
+ for ( uint iDataset = 0; iDataset < data.usedRows(); iDataset++ ) {
+ if( data.cellCoord( iDataset, colNum, value, 1 ) ){
+ if( QVariant::String == value.type() ){
+ const QString sVal( value.toString() );
+ if( !sVal.isEmpty() && !sVal.isNull() )
+ labelTexts.append( sVal );
+ }
+ }else{
+ labelTexts.clear();
+ bDone = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case KDChartAxisParams::LabelsFromDataRowNo: {
+ bDone = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ // Should not happen
+ qDebug( "KDChart: Unknown label texts source" );
+ }
+ // if necessary adjust text params *including* the steady value calc setting
+ const bool dataCellsHaveSeveralCoordinates =
+ (KDCHART_ALL_DATASETS == dataDataset)
+ ? data.cellsHaveSeveralCoordinates()
+ : data.cellsHaveSeveralCoordinates( dataDataset, dataDataset2 );
+ if( dataCellsHaveSeveralCoordinates && !para.axisSteadyValueCalc() )
+ ((KDChartParams&)params).setAxisLabelTextParams(
+ axisNumber,
+ true,
+ para.axisLabelsDigitsBehindComma() );// NOTE: This sets MANY other params to default values too!
+ const KDChartParams::ChartType params_chartType
+ = ( 0 == chart )
+ ? params.chartType()
+ : params.additionalChartType();
+ // store whether we are calculating Ordinate-like axis values
+ const bool bSteadyCalc = para.axisSteadyValueCalc();
+ // store whether logarithmic calculation is wanted
+ isLogarithmic = bSteadyCalc &&
+ (KDChartParams::Line == params_chartType) &&
+ (KDChartAxisParams::AxisCalcLogarithmic == para.axisCalcMode());
+ //qDebug(bSteadyCalc ? "bSteadyCalc":"NOT bSteadyCalc");
+ //qDebug(isLogarithmic? "isLogarithmic":"NOT isLogarithmic");
+ // store whether this is a vertical axis or a horizontal axis
+ const bool bVertAxis = (KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosLeft == basicPos) ||
+ (KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosRight == basicPos);
+ // store the coordinate number to be used for this axis
+ const int coordinate = bVertAxis ? 1 : 2;
+ // store whether our coordinates are double or QDateTime values
+ const QVariant::Type valueType =
+ (KDCHART_ALL_DATASETS == dataDataset)
+ ? data.cellsValueType( coordinate )
+ : data.cellsValueType( dataDataset, dataDataset2, coordinate );
+ isDateTime = valueType == QVariant::DateTime;
+ bool bIsDouble = valueType == QVariant::Double;
+ == para.axisLabelsDateTimeFormat() );
+ if( autoDtLabels || bSteadyCalc )
+ ( ( KDChartAxisParams& ) para ).setAxisLabelsTouchEdges( true );
+ bool bStatistical = KDChartParams::HiLo == params_chartType
+ || KDChartParams::BoxWhisker == params_chartType;
+ if ( !bVertAxis && KDChartParams::BoxWhisker == params_chartType
+ && ! para.axisLabelStringCount() ) {
+ uint ds1 = (KDCHART_ALL_DATASETS == dataDataset)
+ ? 0
+ : dataDataset;
+ uint ds2 = (KDCHART_ALL_DATASETS == dataDataset)
+ ? data.usedRows() - 1
+ : dataDataset2;
+ for (uint i = ds1; i <= ds2; ++i)
+ labelTexts.append(
+ QObject::tr( "Series " ) + QString::number( i + 1 ) );
+ bDone = true;
+ }
+ double nLow = 1.0 + bSteadyCalc;// ? 0.0 : data.colsScrolledBy();
+ double nHigh = 10.0;
+ double nDelta = 1.0;
+ if ( !bDone ) {
+ bDone = true;
+ // look if exact label specification was made via limits and delta
+ if ( ! isLogarithmic
+ && ! para.axisLabelStringCount()
+ && ! ( KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_LIMIT == para.axisValueStart() )
+ && ! ( KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_LIMIT == para.axisValueEnd() )
+ && ! ( para.axisValueStart() == para.axisValueEnd() )
+ && ! ( KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_DELTA == para.axisValueDelta() )
+ && ! ( 0.0 == para.axisValueDelta() ) ) {
+ nLow = para.axisValueStart().toDouble();
+ nHigh = para.axisValueEnd().toDouble();
+ nDelta = para.axisValueDelta();
+ int behindComma = para.axisDigitsBehindComma();
+ int trueBehindComma = -1;
+ bool upwards = (nLow < nHigh);
+ if( upwards != (0.0 < nDelta) )
+ nDelta *= -1.0;
+ double nVal = nLow;
+ bDone = false;
+ bool bShowVeryLastLabel = false;
+ //qDebug("\n nLow: %f, nHigh: %f, nDelta: %f", nLow, nHigh, nDelta );
+ while( bShowVeryLastLabel || (upwards ? (nVal <= nHigh) : (nVal >= nHigh)) ){
+ //qDebug("nVal : %f", nVal );
+ labelTexts.append( applyLabelsFormat( nVal,
+ divPow10,
+ behindComma,
+ nDelta,
+ trueBehindComma,
+ notation,
+ decimalPoint,
+ thousandsPoint,
+ prefix,
+ postfix,
+ totalLen,
+ padFill,
+ blockAlign ) );
+ nVal += nDelta;
+ //qDebug("nVal-neu: %f", nVal );
+ if( ! (upwards ? (nVal <= nHigh) : (nVal >= nHigh)) ){
+ // work around a rounding error: show the last label, even if not nVal == nHigh is not matching exactly
+ if( bShowVeryLastLabel )
+ bShowVeryLastLabel = false;
+ else{
+ QString sHigh( applyLabelsFormat( nHigh,
+ divPow10,
+ behindComma,
+ nDelta,
+ trueBehindComma,
+ notation,
+ decimalPoint,
+ thousandsPoint,
+ prefix,
+ postfix,
+ totalLen,
+ padFill,
+ blockAlign ) );
+ QString sValue( applyLabelsFormat( nVal,
+ divPow10,
+ behindComma,
+ nDelta,
+ trueBehindComma,
+ notation,
+ decimalPoint,
+ thousandsPoint,
+ prefix,
+ postfix,
+ totalLen,
+ padFill,
+ blockAlign ) );
+ bShowVeryLastLabel = (sValue == sHigh);
+ //qDebug("test: sHigh: "+sHigh+" sValue: "+sValue );
+ }
+ }
+ bDone = true;
+ }
+ ( ( KDChartAxisParams& ) para ).setTrueAxisLowHighDelta( nLow, nHigh, nDelta );
+ //qDebug("\n[Z-0] nLow: %f, nHigh: %f, nDelta: %f", nLow, nHigh, nDelta );
+ } // look if a string list was specified
+ else if ( para.axisLabelStringCount() ) {
+ int nLabels = bSteadyCalc
+ ? para.axisLabelStringCount()
+ : bStatistical ? data.usedRows() : data.usedCols();
+ calculateBasicTextFactors( nTxtHeight, para, averageValueP1000,
+ basicPos, orig, delimLen, nLabels,
+ // start of return parameters
+ pDelimDelta,
+ pTextsX, pTextsY, pTextsW, pTextsH,
+ textAlign );
+ bool useShortLabels = false;
+ QStringList tmpList( para.axisLabelStringList() );
+ // find start- and/or end-entry
+ int iStart = 0;
+ int iEnd = para.axisLabelStringCount() - 1;
+ if( ! ( KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_LIMIT == para.axisValueStart() )
+ || ! ( KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_LIMIT == para.axisValueEnd() ) ) {
+ const bool testStart = !( QVariant::String == para.axisValueStart().type() );
+ const bool testEnd = !( QVariant::String == para.axisValueEnd().type() );
+ QString sStart = testStart
+ ? para.axisValueStart().toString().upper()
+ : QString::null;
+ QString sEnd = testEnd
+ ? para.axisValueEnd().toString().upper()
+ : QString::null;
+ uint i = 0;
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = tmpList.begin();
+ it != tmpList.end(); ++it, ++i ) {
+ if ( 0 == iStart &&
+ 0 == QString::compare( sStart, ( *it ).upper() ) ) {
+ iStart = i;
+ }
+ if ( 0 == QString::compare( sEnd, ( *it ).upper() ) ) {
+ iEnd = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // check text widths to ensure all the entries will fit
+ // into the available space
+ if ( para.axisLabelStringCount()
+ && para.axisShortLabelsStringCount()
+ && para.axisLabelStringList() != para.axisShortLabelsStringList() ) {
+ QFont font( para.axisLabelsFont() );
+ if ( para.axisLabelsFontUseRelSize() )
+ font.setPixelSize( static_cast < int > ( nTxtHeight ) );
+ painter->setFont( font );
+ QFontMetrics fm( painter->fontMetrics() );
+ QStringList::Iterator it = tmpList.begin();
+ for ( int i = 0; i < nLabels; ++i ) {
+ if ( it != tmpList.end() ) {
+ if ( fm.width( *it ) > pTextsW ) {
+ useShortLabels = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( useShortLabels )
+ tmpList = para.axisShortLabelsStringList();
+ else
+ tmpList = para.axisLabelStringList();
+ // prepare transfering the strings into the labelTexts list
+ double ddelta
+ = ( KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_DELTA == para.axisValueDelta() )
+ ? 1.0
+ : para.axisValueDelta();
+ modf( ddelta, &ddelta );
+ bool positive = ( 0.0 <= ddelta );
+ int delta = static_cast < int > ( fabs( ddelta ) );
+ // find 1st significant entry
+ QStringList::Iterator it = positive
+ ? tmpList.begin()
+ : tmpList.fromLast();
+ if ( positive )
+ for ( int i = 0; i < (int)tmpList.count(); ++i ) {
+ if ( i >= iStart )
+ break;
+ ++it;
+ }
+ else
+ for ( int i = tmpList.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i ) {
+ if ( i <= iEnd )
+ break;
+ --it;
+ }
+ // transfer the strings
+ int meter = delta;
+ int i2 = positive ? iStart : iEnd;
+ for ( int iLabel = 0; iLabel < nLabels; ) {
+ if ( positive ) {
+ if ( it == tmpList.end() ) {
+ it = tmpList.begin();
+ i2 = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( it == tmpList.begin() ) {
+ it = tmpList.end();
+ i2 = tmpList.count();
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ( positive && i2 >= iStart )
+ || ( !positive && i2 <= iEnd ) ) {
+ if ( meter >= delta ) {
+ labelTexts << *it;
+ ++iLabel;
+ meter = 1;
+ } else {
+ meter += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( positive ) {
+ if ( i2 == iEnd ) {
+ it = tmpList.begin();
+ i2 = 0;
+ } else {
+ ++it;
+ ++i2;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( i2 == iStart ) {
+ it = tmpList.end();
+ i2 = tmpList.count();
+ } else {
+ --it;
+ --i2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // find out if the associated dataset contains only strings
+ // if yes, we will take these as label texts
+ uint dset = ( dataset == KDCHART_ALL_DATASETS ) ? 0 : dataset;
+ //qDebug("\ndset: %u", dset);
+ bDone = false;
+ QVariant value;
+ for ( uint col = 0; col < data.usedCols(); ++col ) {
+ if( data.cellCoord( dset, col, value, coordinate ) ){
+ if( QVariant::String == value.type() ){
+ const QString sVal = value.toString();
+ if( !sVal.isEmpty() && !sVal.isNull() ){
+ labelTexts.append( sVal );
+ bDone = true;
+ }
+ }else{
+ labelTexts.clear();
+ bDone = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( bDone ) {
+ // Some strings were found, now let us see which of them are
+ // actually to be taken right now.
+ //
+ //
+ // F E A T U R E P L A N N E D F O R F U T U R E . . .
+ //
+ //
+ }
+ else {
+ // No strings were found, so let us either calculate the texts
+ // based upon the numerical values of the associated dataset(s)
+ // or just compose some default texts...
+ if ( data.usedCols() && bSteadyCalc ) {
+ // double values for numerical coordinates
+ double nLow = 0.01;
+ double nHigh = 0.0;
+ double orgLow = 0.0;
+ double orgHigh = 0.0;
+ double nDelta = 0.0;
+ double nDist = 0.0;
+ // VERTICAL axes support three modes:
+ enum { Normal, Stacked, Percent } mode;
+ if( bVertAxis ){
+ switch ( params_chartType ) {
+ case KDChartParams::Bar:
+ if ( KDChartParams::BarStacked
+ == params.barChartSubType() )
+ mode = Stacked;
+ else if ( KDChartParams::BarPercent
+ == params.barChartSubType() )
+ mode = Percent;
+ else
+ mode = Normal;
+ break;
+ case KDChartParams::Line:
+ if ( KDChartParams::LineStacked
+ == params.lineChartSubType() )
+ mode = Stacked;
+ else if ( KDChartParams::LinePercent
+ == params.lineChartSubType() )
+ mode = Percent;
+ else
+ mode = Normal;
+ break;
+ case KDChartParams::Area:
+ if ( KDChartParams::AreaStacked
+ == params.areaChartSubType() )
+ mode = Stacked;
+ else if ( KDChartParams::AreaPercent
+ == params.areaChartSubType() )
+ mode = Percent;
+ else
+ mode = Normal;
+ break;
+ case KDChartParams::HiLo:
+ case KDChartParams::BoxWhisker:
+ mode = Normal;
+ break;
+ case KDChartParams::Polar:
+ if ( KDChartParams::PolarStacked
+ == params.polarChartSubType() )
+ mode = Stacked;
+ else if ( KDChartParams::PolarPercent
+ == params.polarChartSubType() )
+ mode = Percent;
+ else
+ mode = Normal;
+ break;
+ default: {
+ // Should not happen
+ qDebug( "IMPLEMENTATION ERROR: Unknown params_chartType in calculateLabelTexts()" );
+ mode = Normal;
+ }
+ }
+ }else
+ mode = Normal; // this axis is not a vertical axis
+ uint nLabels = 200;
+ // find highest and lowest value of associated dataset(s)
+ bool bOrdFactorsOk = false;
+ if( adjustTheValues ){
+ nDelta = fabs( trueDelta );
+ pDelimDelta = trueDeltaPix;
+ nLow = QMIN( para.trueAxisLow(), para.trueAxisHigh() );
+ //qDebug("\nsearching: para.trueAxisLow() %f para.trueAxisHigh() %f",para.trueAxisLow(),para.trueAxisHigh());
+ double orgLow( nLow );
+ modf( nLow / nDelta, &nLow );
+ nLow *= nDelta;
+ if ( nLow > orgLow )
+ nLow -= nDelta;
+ if ( 0.0 < nLow && 0.0 >= orgLow )
+ nLow = 0.0;
+ nHigh = nLow;
+ double dx = fabs( pXDeltaFactor * pDelimDelta );
+ double dy = fabs( pYDeltaFactor * pDelimDelta );
+ double x = 0.0;
+ double y = 0.0;
+ nLabels = 1;
+ if( axisLength ){
+ do{
+ ++nLabels;
+ nHigh += nDelta;
+ x += dx;
+ y += dy;
+ }while( x < axisLength && y < axisLength );
+ nHigh -= nDelta;
+ --nLabels;
+ }
+ nDist = nHigh - nLow;
+ bOrdFactorsOk = true;
+ }
+ if( !bOrdFactorsOk ){
+ const bool bAutoCalcStart =
+ ( Percent != mode )
+ && ( KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_LIMIT == para.axisValueStart() );
+ const bool bAutoCalcEnd =
+ ( Percent != mode )
+ && ( KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_LIMIT == para.axisValueEnd() );
+ if( !bIsDouble && !isDateTime ){
+ // no data at all: let us use our default 0..10 range
+ nLow = 0.0;
+ nHigh = 10.0;
+ nDist = 10.0;
+ nDelta = 1.0;
+ nSubDelimFactor = 0.5;
+ bIsDouble = true;
+ bOrdFactorsOk = true;
+ }else if( mode == Percent ){
+ // precentage mode: we use a 0..100 range
+ nLow = 0.0;
+ nHigh = 100.0;
+ nDist = 100.0;
+ nDelta = 10.0;
+ nSubDelimFactor = 0.25;
+ bOrdFactorsOk = true;
+ }else{
+ //qDebug("\ngo: nLow: %f nHigh: %f", nLow, nHigh );
+ // get the raw start value
+ const bool bStackedMode = (mode == Stacked);
+ if( bAutoCalcStart ){
+ if ( dataDataset == KDCHART_ALL_DATASETS ) {
+ if( bIsDouble ){
+ nLow = bStackedMode
+ ? QMIN( data.minColSum(), 0.0 )
+ : data.minValue( coordinate,
+ isLogarithmic );
+ //qDebug("\n1: nLow: %f", nLow );
+ }else{
+ dtLow = data.minDtValue( coordinate );
+ }
+ } else {
+ if( bIsDouble ){
+ nLow = bStackedMode
+ ? QMIN( data.minColSum( dataDataset, dataDataset2 ),
+ 0.0 )
+ : data.minInRows( dataDataset,dataDataset2,
+ coordinate,
+ isLogarithmic );
+ }else{
+ dtLow = data.minDtInRows( dataDataset,dataDataset2,
+ coordinate );
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ if( bIsDouble ){
+ if( QVariant::Double == para.axisValueStart().type() )
+ nLow = para.axisValueStart().toDouble();
+ }else{
+ if( QVariant::DateTime == para.axisValueStart().type() )
+ dtLow = para.axisValueStart().toDateTime();
+ }
+ }
+ // get the raw end value
+ if( bAutoCalcEnd ){
+ if ( dataDataset == KDCHART_ALL_DATASETS ) {
+ if( bIsDouble ){
+ nHigh = bStackedMode
+ ? QMAX( data.maxColSum(), 0.0 )
+ : data.maxValue( coordinate );
+ }else{
+ dtHigh = data.maxDtValue( coordinate );
+ }
+ } else {
+ if( bIsDouble )
+ nHigh = bStackedMode
+ ? QMAX( data.maxColSum( dataDataset, dataDataset2 ),
+ 0.0 )
+ : data.maxInRows( dataDataset,dataDataset2,
+ coordinate );
+ else
+ dtHigh = data.maxDtInRows( dataDataset,dataDataset2,
+ coordinate );
+ }
+ //qDebug("\nbAutoCalcEnd:\n nLow: %f\n nHigh: %f", nLow, nHigh );
+ }else{
+ if( bIsDouble ){
+ if( QVariant::Double == para.axisValueEnd().type() )
+ nHigh = para.axisValueEnd().toDouble();
+ }else{
+ if( QVariant::DateTime == para.axisValueEnd().type() )
+ dtHigh = para.axisValueEnd().toDateTime();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //qDebug("\nnew: nLow: %f nHigh: %f", nLow, nHigh );
+ if( bIsDouble ) {
+ if( DBL_MAX == nLow
+ || ( ( 0.0 == nHigh || 0 == nHigh )
+ && ( 0.0 == nLow || 0 == nLow ) ) ) {
+ // qDebug("NO values or all values have ZERO value, showing 0.0 - 10.0 span");
+ nLow = 0.0;
+ nHigh = 10.0;
+ nDist = 10.0;
+ nDelta = 1.0;
+ nSubDelimFactor = 0.5;
+ bOrdFactorsOk = true;
+ //qDebug("nLow: %f, nHigh: %f", nLow, nHigh);
+ }else if( nLow == nHigh ){
+ // if both values are equal, but NOT Zero
+ // -> move the appropriate one to Zero
+ if( nLow < 0.0 )
+ nHigh = 0.0;
+ else
+ nLow = 0.0;
+ //qDebug("nLow: %f, nHigh: %f", nLow, nHigh);
+ }else if( nHigh < nLow ){
+ // make sure nLow is <= nHigh
+ double nTmp = nLow;
+ nLow = nHigh;
+ nHigh = nTmp;
+ }
+ } else if( isDateTime ){
+ bool toggleDts = dtLow > dtHigh;
+ if( toggleDts ) {
+ QDateTime dt( dtLow );
+ dtLow = dtHigh;
+ dtHigh = dt;
+ }
+ double secDist = dtLow.secsTo( dtHigh );
+ secDist += (dtHigh.time().msec() - dtLow.time().msec()) / 1000.0;
+ const double aDist = fabs( secDist );
+ const double secMin = 60.0;
+ const double secHour = 60.0 * secMin;
+ const double secDay = 24.0 * secHour;
+ //
+ // we temporarily disable week alignment until bug
+ // is fixed (1st week of year must not start in the
+ // preceeding year but rather be shown incompletely)
+ //
+ // (khz, 2003/10/10)
+ //
+ //const int secWeek = 7 * secDay;
+ const double secMonth = 30 * secDay; // approx.
+ const double secYear = 12 * secMonth; // approx.
+ if( 2.0*secMin > aDist )
+ dtDeltaScale = KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleSecond;
+ else if( 2.0*secHour > aDist )
+ dtDeltaScale = KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleMinute;
+ else if( 2.0*secDay > aDist )
+ dtDeltaScale = KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleHour;
+ // khz: else if( 2*secWeek > aDist )
+ // khz: dtDeltaScale = KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleDay;
+ else if( 2.0*secMonth > aDist )
+ dtDeltaScale = KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleDay;
+ // khz: dtDeltaScale = KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleWeek;
+ else if( 2.0*secYear > aDist )
+ dtDeltaScale = KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleMonth;
+ else if( 10.0*secYear > aDist )
+ dtDeltaScale = KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleQuarter;
+ else
+ dtDeltaScale = KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleYear;
+ //const int yearLow =;
+ const int monthLow =;
+ // khz: currently unused: const int dowLow =;
+ const int dayLow =;
+ const int hourLow = dtLow.time().hour();
+ const int minuteLow = dtLow.time().minute();
+ const int secondLow = dtLow.time().second();
+ //const int yearHigh =;
+ const int monthHigh =;
+ // khz: currently unused: const int dowHigh =;
+ const int hourHigh = dtHigh.time().hour();
+ const int minuteHigh = dtHigh.time().minute();
+ const int secondHigh = dtHigh.time().second();
+ int yearLowD = 0;
+ int monthLowD = 0;
+ int dayLowD = 0;
+ int hourLowD = 0;
+ int minuteLowD = 0;
+ int secondLowD = 0;
+ int yearHighD = 0;
+ int monthHighD = 0;
+ int dayHighD = 0;
+ int hourHighD = 0;
+ int minuteHighD = 0;
+ int secondHighD = 0;
+ bool gotoEndOfMonth = false;
+ switch( dtDeltaScale ) {
+ case KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleSecond:
+ //qDebug("\nKDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleSecond");
+ if( 5.0 < aDist ){
+ secondLowD = secondLow % 5;
+ if( secondHigh % 5 )
+ secondHighD = 5 - secondHigh % 5;
+ }
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleMinute:
+ //qDebug("\nKDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleMinute");
+ secondLowD = secondLow;
+ secondHighD = 59-secondHigh;
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleHour:
+ //qDebug("\nKDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleHour");
+ minuteLowD = minuteLow;
+ secondLowD = secondLow;
+ minuteHighD = 59-minuteHigh;
+ secondHighD = 59-secondHigh;
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleDay:
+ //qDebug("\nKDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleDay");
+ hourLowD = hourLow;
+ minuteLowD = minuteLow;
+ secondLowD = secondLow;
+ hourHighD = 23-hourHigh;
+ minuteHighD = 59-minuteHigh;
+ secondHighD = 59-secondHigh;
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleWeek:
+ //qDebug("\nKDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleWeek");
+ // khz: week scaling is disabled at the moment
+ /*
+ dayLowD = dowLow - 1;
+ hourLowD = hourLow;
+ minuteLowD = minuteLow;
+ secondLowD = secondLow;
+ if( 7 > dowHigh )
+ dayHighD = 7 - dowHigh + 1;
+ */
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleMonth:
+ //qDebug("\nKDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleMonth");
+ if( 1 < dayLow )
+ dayLowD = dayLow - 1;
+ hourLowD = hourLow;
+ minuteLowD = minuteLow;
+ secondLowD = secondLow;
+ gotoEndOfMonth = true;
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleQuarter:
+ //qDebug("\nKDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleQuarter");
+ monthLowD = ( monthLow - 1 ) % 3;
+ dayLowD = dayLow;
+ hourLowD = hourLow;
+ minuteLowD = minuteLow;
+ secondLowD = secondLow;
+ if( ( monthHigh - 1 ) % 3 )
+ monthHighD = 3 - ( monthHigh - 1 ) % 3;
+ gotoEndOfMonth = true;
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleYear:
+ //qDebug("\nKDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleYear");
+ monthLowD = monthLow;
+ dayLowD = dayLow;
+ hourLowD = hourLow;
+ minuteLowD = minuteLow;
+ secondLowD = secondLow;
+ if( 12 > monthHigh )
+ monthHighD = 12 - monthHigh;
+ gotoEndOfMonth = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* NOOP */
+ break;
+ }
+ dtLow = dtLow.addSecs( -1 * (secondLowD + 60*minuteLowD + 3600*hourLowD) );
+ dtLow = dtLow.addDays( -1 * dayLowD );
+ dtAddMonths( dtLow, -1 * monthLowD, dtLow );
+ dtAddYears( dtLow, -1 * yearLowD, dtLow );
+ dtHigh = dtHigh.addSecs( secondHighD + 60*minuteHighD + 3600* hourHighD );
+ dtHigh = dtHigh.addDays( dayHighD );
+ dtAddMonths( dtHigh, monthHighD, dtHigh );
+ dtAddYears( dtHigh, yearHighD, dtHigh );
+ if( gotoEndOfMonth ){
+ dtHigh.setDate( QDate(,
+ ) );
+ dtHigh.setTime( QTime( 23, 59, 59 ) );
+ }
+ if( toggleDts ) {
+ QDateTime dt( dtLow );
+ dtLow = dtHigh;
+ dtHigh = dt;
+ }
+ // secDist = dtLow.secsTo( dtHigh );
+ // NOTE: nSubDelimFactor is not set here since it
+ // cannot be used for QDateTime values.
+ nSubDelimFactor = 0.0;
+ bOrdFactorsOk = true;
+ }
+ if( !bOrdFactorsOk ) {
+ // adjust one or both of our limit values
+ // according to max-empty-inner-span settings
+ nDist = nHigh - nLow;
+ if( !isLogarithmic ){
+ // replace nLow (or nHigh, resp.) by zero if NOT ALL OF
+ // our values are located outside of the 'max. empty
+ // inner space' (i.e. percentage of the y-axis range
+ // that may to contain NO data entries)
+ int maxEmpty = para.axisMaxEmptyInnerSpan();
+ if( bAutoCalcStart ) {
+ //qDebug("\nbAutoCalcStart:\n nLow: %f\n nHigh: %f", nLow, nHigh );
+ if( 0.0 < nLow ) {
+ || maxEmpty > ( nLow / nHigh * 100.0 ) )
+ nLow = 0.0;
+ else if( nDist / 100.0 < nLow )
+ nLow -= nDist / 100.0; // shift lowest value
+ }
+ else if( nDist / 100.0 < fabs( nLow ) )
+ nLow -= nDist / 100.0; // shift lowest value
+ nDist = nHigh - nLow;
+ //qDebug("* nLow: %f\n nHigh: %f", nLow, nHigh );
+ }
+ if( bAutoCalcEnd ) {
+ //qDebug("\nbAutoCalcEnd:\n nLow: %f\n nHigh: %f", nLow, nHigh );
+ if( 0.0 > nHigh ) {
+ || maxEmpty > ( nHigh / nLow * 100.0 ) )
+ nHigh = 0.0;
+ else if( nDist / 100.0 > nHigh )
+ nHigh += nDist / 100.0; // shift highest value
+ }
+ else if( nDist / 100.0 < fabs( nHigh ) )
+ nHigh += nDist / 100.0; // shift highest value
+ nDist = nHigh - nLow;
+ //qDebug("* nLow: %f\n nHigh: %f\n\n", nLow, nHigh );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( isLogarithmic ){
+ if( bIsDouble ) {
+ //qDebug("\n[L--] nLow: %f, nHigh: %f, nDelta: %f", nLow, nHigh, nDelta );
+ if( 0.0 == QABS( nLow ) )
+ nLow = -5;
+ else{
+ // find the Low / High values for the log. axis
+ nLow = log10( QABS( nLow ) );
+ //if( 0.0 >= nLow ){
+ //nLow = fastPow10( -nLow );
+ //}
+ }
+ nHigh = log10( QABS( nHigh ) );
+ //qDebug("[L-0] nLow: %f, nHigh: %f", nLow, nHigh );
+ double intPart=0.0; // initialization necessary for Borland C++
+ double fractPart = modf( nLow, &intPart );
+ //qDebug(" intPart: %f\nfractPart: %f", intPart, fractPart );
+ if( 0.0 > nLow && 0.0 != fractPart )
+ nLow = intPart - 1.0;
+ else
+ nLow = intPart;
+ fractPart = modf( nHigh, &intPart );
+ if( 0.0 != fractPart )
+ nHigh = intPart + 1.0;
+ nDist = nHigh - nLow;
+ nDelta = 1.0;
+ nSubDelimFactor = 0.1;
+ //qDebug("\n[L-1] nLow: %f, nHigh: %f, nDelta: %f", nLow, nHigh, nDelta );
+ bOrdFactorsOk = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !bOrdFactorsOk ) {
+ // adjust one or both of our limit values
+ // according to first two digits of (nHigh - nLow) delta
+ double nDivisor;
+ double nRound;
+ nDist = nHigh - nLow;
+ //qDebug("* nLow: %f\n nHigh: %f nDist: %f\n\n", nLow, nHigh, nDist );
+ // find out factors and adjust nLow and nHigh
+ orgLow = nLow;
+ orgHigh = nHigh;
+ calculateOrdinateFactors( para, isLogarithmic,
+ nDist, nDivisor, nRound,
+ nDelta, nSubDelimFactor,
+ nLow, nHigh );
+ nLabels = params.roundVal( nDist / nDelta );
+ //qDebug("\n0. nOrgHigh: %f\n nOrgLow: %f",
+ // orgHigh, orgLow);
+ //qDebug("\n nDist: %f\n nHigh: %f\n nLow: %f",
+ // nDist, nHigh, nLow);
+ //qDebug(" nDelta: %f", nDelta);
+ //qDebug(" nRound: %f", nRound);
+ //qDebug(" nLabels: %u", nLabels);
+ if( para.axisSteadyValueCalc() ) {
+ ++nLabels;
+ //qDebug("* nLabels: %u", nLabels );
+ }
+ }
+ // calculate the amount of nLabels to be written we could take
+ // based on the space we have for writing the label texts
+ == para.axisValueDelta() ) ){
+ nDist = nHigh - nLow;
+ nDelta = para.axisValueDelta();
+ nLabels = params.roundVal( nDist / nDelta );
+ //qDebug("\nI nLow: %f\n nHigh: %f\n nDelta: %f\n nLabels: %u",
+ // nLow, nHigh, nDelta, nLabels );
+ if( para.axisSteadyValueCalc() ) {
+ ++nLabels;
+ //qDebug("* nLabels: %u", nLabels );
+ }
+ }
+ // make sure labels fit into available height, if vertical axis
+ if( bVertAxis ) {
+ //Pending Michel
+ //find out the width
+ const KDChartAxisParams & xpara = params.axisParams( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosBottom );
+ double areaWidth = xpara.axisTrueAreaRect().width();
+ //make sure to avoid inf
+ double areaHeight = para.axisTrueAreaRect().height()>0?para.axisTrueAreaRect().height():1.0;
+ double widthHeight = areaWidth / areaHeight;
+ //qDebug( "widthHeight %f, nDelta %f", widthHeight, nDelta);
+ //qDebug( "maxValue %f", data.maxValue());
+ //qDebug( "maxColSum %f", data.maxColSum());
+ //qDebug( "axisValueEnd() %f", para.axisValueEnd().toDouble());
+ double nDivisor;
+ double nRound;
+ orgLow = nLow;
+ orgHigh = nHigh;
+ //check if there are axis limitation - if not (auto calculation):
+ //adjust the axis for 3dbars in order to display the whole top of the bar
+ //in relation to the with and the height of the area.
+ // add conditions for multirows here
+ if ( KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_LIMIT == para.axisValueEnd().toDouble()) {
+ if (params.threeDBars() ) {
+ if ( KDChartParams::BarPercent != params.barChartSubType()) {
+ if ( widthHeight > 1.5 )
+ orgHigh += nDelta * widthHeight;
+ else
+ orgHigh += widthHeight * 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ orgHigh = nHigh = para.axisValueEnd().toDouble();
+ }
+ //qDebug("\ncalc ordinate 0. nDist: %f\n nLow: %f\n nHigh: %f\n nDelta: %f\n nLabels: %u", nDist, nLow, nHigh, nDelta, nLabels );
+ bool bTryNext = false;
+ uint minLabels = para.axisSteadyValueCalc() ? 3 : 2;
+ // the following must be processed at least twice - to avoid rounding errors
+ int pass = 0;
+ do{
+ nDist = nHigh - nLow;
+ nLow = orgLow;
+ nHigh = orgHigh;
+ /*
+ qDebug("\n=============================================================================\ncalc ordinate 1. nDist: %f\n nLow: %f\n nHigh: %f\n nDelta: %f\n nLabels: %u",
+ nDist, nLow, nHigh, nDelta, nLabels );
+ */
+ calculateOrdinateFactors( para, isLogarithmic,
+ nDist, nDivisor, nRound,
+ nDelta,
+ nSubDelimFactor, nLow, nHigh,
+ bTryNext );
+ nLabels = params.roundVal( nDist / nDelta );
+ //qDebug("\ncalc ordinate 2. nDist: %f\n+ nLow: %f\n nHigh: %f\n nDelta: %f\n nLabels: %u",
+ //nDist, nLow, nHigh, nDelta, nLabels );
+ //QString sDelta;sDelta.setNum( nDelta, 'f', 24 );
+ //QString sLow; sLow.setNum( nLow, 'f', 24 );
+ //qDebug("nLow: %f, sLow: %s, sDelta: %s", nLow, sLow.latin1(), sDelta.latin1());
+ // special case: End values was set by the user, but no Detla values was set.
+ if( !bAutoCalcEnd && orgHigh > nLow + nLabels * nDelta ) {
+ ++nLabels;
+ //qDebug("\nnLabels: %u\n", nLabels );
+ }
+ if( para.axisSteadyValueCalc() ) {
+ ++nLabels;
+ //qDebug("\nnLabels: %u\n", nLabels );
+ }
+ //qDebug("calc ordinate n. nDist = nHigh - nLow: %f = %f - %f",nDist, nHigh, nLow);
+ //qDebug(" nRound: %f\n", nRound);
+ bTryNext = true;
+ ++pass;
+ }while ( ( pass < 2 )
+ || ( ( minLabels < nLabels )
+ && ( areaHeight < ( nTxtHeight * 1.5 ) * nLabels ) ) );
+ }
+ }
+ // finally we can build the texts
+ if( bIsDouble ) {
+ int trueBehindComma = -1;
+ double nVal = nLow;
+ for ( uint i = 0; i < nLabels; ++i ) {
+ if( isLogarithmic ) {
+ labelTexts.append( applyLabelsFormat(
+ fastPow10( static_cast < int > ( nVal ) ),
+ divPow10,
+ behindComma,
+ 1.0 == nDelta ? KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_DELTA : nDelta,
+ trueBehindComma,
+ notation,
+ decimalPoint,
+ thousandsPoint,
+ prefix,
+ postfix,
+ totalLen,
+ padFill,
+ blockAlign ) );
+ } else {
+ labelTexts.append( applyLabelsFormat( nVal,
+ divPow10,
+ behindComma,
+ nDelta,
+ trueBehindComma,
+ notation,
+ decimalPoint,
+ thousandsPoint,
+ prefix,
+ postfix,
+ totalLen,
+ padFill,
+ blockAlign ) );
+ }
+ nVal += nDelta;
+ }
+ // save our true Low and High value
+ //qDebug(para.axisSteadyValueCalc()?"\ntrue " : "\nfalse");
+ //qDebug("nVal: %f, nDelta: %f", nVal, nDelta );
+ if ( para.axisSteadyValueCalc() ) {
+ nHigh = nVal - nDelta;
+ }
+ ( ( KDChartAxisParams& ) para ).setTrueAxisLowHighDelta( nLow, nHigh, nDelta );
+ //qDebug("[Z] nLow: %f, nHigh: %f, nDelta: %f", nLow, nHigh, nDelta );
+ } else {
+ bool goDown = dtLow > dtHigh;
+ int mult = goDown ? -1 : 1;
+ QDateTime dt( dtLow );
+ nLabels = 0;
+ /*
+ qDebug("dtLow: ");
+ qDebug(dtLow.toString( Qt::ISODate ));
+ qDebug("dtHigh: ");
+ qDebug(dtHigh.toString( Qt::ISODate ));
+ */
+ bool bDone=false;
+ while( !bDone ) {
+ /*
+ qDebug("dtLow: %i %i %i %i:%i:%i",
+ dtLow.time().hour(),
+ dtLow.time().minute(),
+ dtLow.time().second());
+ qDebug("dtHigh: %i %i %i %i:%i:%i",
+ dtHigh.time().hour(),
+ dtHigh.time().minute(),
+ dtHigh.time().second());
+ qDebug("dt: %i %i %i %i:%i:%i",
+ dt.time().hour(),
+ dt.time().minute(),
+ dt.time().second());
+ */
+ ++nLabels;
+ if( autoDtLabels )
+ labelTexts.append( "x" );
+ else
+#if COMPAT_QT_VERSION >= 0x030000
+ labelTexts.append( dt.toString( Qt::ISODate ) );
+ labelTexts.append( dateTimeToString( dt ) );
+ bDone = (goDown ? (dt < dtLow ) : (dt > dtHigh));
+ /*if( bDone ){
+ dtHigh = dt;
+ }else*/{
+ switch( dtDeltaScale ) {
+ case KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleSecond:
+ dtAddSecs( dt, 1 * mult, dt );
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleMinute:
+ dtAddSecs( dt, 60 * mult, dt );
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleHour:
+ dtAddSecs( dt, 3600 * mult, dt );
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleDay:
+ dtAddDays( dt, 1 * mult, dt );
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleWeek:
+ dtAddDays( dt, 7 * mult, dt );
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleMonth:
+ dtAddMonths( dt,1 * mult, dt );
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleQuarter:
+ dtAddMonths( dt,3 * mult, dt );
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleYear:
+ dtAddYears( dt, 1 * mult, dt );
+ break;
+ default:
+ dtAddDays( dt, 1 * mult, dt );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //if( autoDtLabels )
+ // labelTexts.append( "x" );
+ ( ( KDChartAxisParams& ) para ).setTrueAxisDtLowHighDeltaScale(
+ dtLow, dtHigh,
+ dtDeltaScale );
+ // note: pDelimDelta will be calculated below,
+ }
+ bDone = true;
+ }
+ // let's generate some strings
+ if ( !bDone ) {
+ // default scenario for abscissa axes
+ uint count = bStatistical
+ ? (data.usedRows() ? data.usedRows() : 1)
+ : (data.usedCols() ? data.usedCols() : 1);
+ //double start( 1.0 );
+ double start( 1.0 + (bSteadyCalc ? 0.0 : static_cast < double >(data.colsScrolledBy())) );
+//qDebug("colsScrolledBy: %i", data.colsScrolledBy());
+//qDebug("vert nVal starting: %f",start);
+//qDebug("horz nVal starting: %f",start);
+//qDebug("not bSteadyCalc");
+ double delta( 1.0 );
+ double finis( start + delta * ( count - 1 ) );
+ const bool startIsDouble = QVariant::Double == para.axisValueStart().type();
+ const bool endIsDouble = QVariant::Double == para.axisValueEnd().type();
+ bool deltaIsAuto = true;
+ if ( !( KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_DELTA == para.axisValueDelta() ) ) {
+ delta = para.axisValueDelta();
+ deltaIsAuto = false;
+ }
+ if ( KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_LIMIT == para.axisValueStart() ) {
+ if ( ( KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_LIMIT == para.axisValueEnd() ) ) {
+ finis = start + delta * ( count - 1 );
+ } else {
+ if( endIsDouble ){
+ finis = para.axisValueEnd().toDouble();
+ start = finis - delta * ( count - 1 );
+//qDebug("1 changing: start: %f",start);
+ } else {
+ //
+ //
+ // F E A T U R E P L A N N E D F O R F U T U R E . . .
+ //
+ //
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ if ( startIsDouble ) {
+ start = para.axisValueStart().toDouble() + (bSteadyCalc ? 0.0 : static_cast < double >(data.colsScrolledBy()));
+//qDebug("2 changing: start: %f",start);
+ } else {
+ //
+ //
+ // F E A T U R E P L A N N E D F O R F U T U R E . . .
+ //
+ //
+ }
+ if ( !( KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_LIMIT == para.axisValueEnd() ) ) {
+ if (endIsDouble ) {
+ finis = para.axisValueEnd().toDouble();
+ if ( deltaIsAuto ) {
+ delta = ( finis - start ) / count;
+ } else {
+ count = static_cast < uint > (
+ ( finis - start ) / delta );
+ }
+ } else {
+ // auto-rows like
+ // sunday, monday, tuesday, ...
+ //
+ //
+ // F E A T U R E P L A N N E D F O R F U T U R E . . .
+ //
+ //
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ finis = start + delta * ( count - 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ QString prefix( QObject::tr( "Item " ) );
+ QString postfix;
+ if ( startIsDouble && endIsDouble ) {
+ int precis =
+ KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_DIGITS == para.axisDigitsBehindComma()
+ ? 0
+ : para.axisDigitsBehindComma();
+ double s = start;
+ double f = finis;
+//qDebug("label loop: s: %f f: %f",s,f);
+ bool up = ( 0.0 < delta );
+ // check the text widths of one large(?) entry
+ // and hope all the entries will
+ // fit into the available space
+ double value = up ? s : f;
+ uint nLabels = 0;
+ while ( up ? ( value <= f ) : ( value >= s ) ) {
+ ++nLabels;
+ value += delta * up ? 1.0 : -1.0;
+ }
+ calculateBasicTextFactors( nTxtHeight, para,
+ averageValueP1000,
+ basicPos, orig, delimLen, nLabels,
+ // start of return parameters
+ pDelimDelta,
+ pTextsX, pTextsY, pTextsW, pTextsH,
+ textAlign );
+ QFont font( para.axisLabelsFont() );
+ if ( para.axisLabelsFontUseRelSize() )
+ font.setPixelSize( static_cast < int > ( nTxtHeight ) );
+ painter->setFont( font );
+ QFontMetrics fm( painter->fontMetrics() );
+ if ( fm.width( prefix +
+ QString::number( -fabs( ( s + f ) / 2.0 + delta ),
+ 'f', precis ) )
+ > pTextsW ) {
+ prefix = "";
+ postfix = "";
+ }
+ // now transfer the strings into labelTexts
+ value = up ? s : f;
+ while ( up ? ( value <= f ) : ( value >= s ) ) {
+ labelTexts.append(
+ prefix + QString::number( value, 'f', precis )
+ + postfix );
+ value += delta * up ? 1.0 : -1.0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // pending(KHZ): make sure this branch will ever be reached
+ // check the text widths largest entry
+ // to make sure it will fit into the available space
+ calculateBasicTextFactors( nTxtHeight, para,
+ averageValueP1000,
+ basicPos, orig, delimLen,
+ count,
+ // start of return parameters
+ pDelimDelta,
+ pTextsX, pTextsY, pTextsW, pTextsH,
+ textAlign );
+ QFont font( para.axisLabelsFont() );
+ if ( para.axisLabelsFontUseRelSize() )
+ font.setPixelSize( static_cast < int > ( nTxtHeight ) );
+ painter->setFont( font );
+ QFontMetrics fm( painter->fontMetrics() );
+ if ( fm.width( prefix + QString::number( count - 1 ) )
+ > pTextsW ) {
+ prefix = "";
+ postfix = "";
+ }
+ // now transfer the strings into labelTexts
+ for ( uint i = 1; i <= count; ++i )
+ labelTexts.append(
+ prefix + QString::number( i ) + postfix );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ */
+ uint nLabels = labelTexts.count()
+ ? labelTexts.count()
+ : 0;
+ ( ( KDChartAxisParams& ) para ).setAxisLabelTexts( &labelTexts );
+ if( !adjustTheValues ){
+ calculateBasicTextFactors( nTxtHeight, para, averageValueP1000,
+ basicPos, orig, delimLen, nLabels,
+ // start of return parameters
+ pDelimDelta,
+ pTextsX, pTextsY, pTextsW, pTextsH,
+ textAlign );
+ }
+ ( ( KDChartAxisParams& ) para ).setTrueAxisDeltaPixels( pDelimDelta );
+ //qDebug("\nsetting: para.trueAxisLow() %f para.trueAxisHigh() %f",para.trueAxisLow(),para.trueAxisHigh());
+ //qDebug("\npDelimDelta: %f", pDelimDelta );
+ /*
+ qDebug( "Found label texts:" );
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = labelTexts.begin();
+ it != labelTexts.end(); ++it )
+ qDebug( ">>> %s", (*it).latin1() );
+ qDebug( "\n" );
+ */
+//qDebug("\nleaving KDChartAxesPainter::calculateLabelTexts() : nTxtHeight: "+QString::number(nTxtHeight));
+ Calculates some label text factors needed
+ by function \c calculateLabelTexts()
+ \note When calling this function the actual area size for this
+ axis must be set, this means you may only call it when
+ \c KDChartPainter::setupGeometry() has been called before.
+ \param nTxtHeight the text height to be used for calculating
+ the return values
+ \param para the KDChartAxisParams that were specified for this axis
+ \param averageValueP1000 (average height+width of the prtbl. area) / 1000
+ \param basicPos the basic axis position returned by
+ KDChartAxisParams::basicAxisPos()
+ \param orig the axis start point
+ \param delimLen the length of one delimiter mark
+ \param nLabels the number of labels to be shown at this axis
+ \param (all others) the reference parameters to be returned
+ by this function
+ */
+/**** static ****/
+void KDChartAxesPainter::calculateBasicTextFactors( double nTxtHeight,
+ const KDChartAxisParams& para,
+ double /*averageValueP1000*/,
+ KDChartAxisParams::AxisPos basicPos,
+ const QPoint& orig,
+ double delimLen,
+ uint nLabels,
+ // start of return params
+ double& pDelimDelta,
+ double& pTextsX,
+ double& pTextsY,
+ double& pTextsW,
+ double& pTextsH,
+ int& textAlign )
+ switch ( basicPos ) {
+ case KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosBottom: {
+ bool bTouchEdges = para.axisLabelsTouchEdges();
+ double wid = para.axisTrueAreaRect().width();
+ double divi = bTouchEdges
+ ? ( 1 < nLabels ? nLabels - 1 : 1 )
+ : ( nLabels ? nLabels : 10 );
+ pDelimDelta = wid / divi;
+ pTextsW = pDelimDelta - 4.0;
+ pTextsX = orig.x() + 2.0
+ - ( bTouchEdges
+ ? pDelimDelta / 2.0
+ : 0.0 );
+ pTextsH = para.axisTrueAreaRect().height() - delimLen * 1.33;
+ pTextsY = orig.y()
+ + delimLen * 1.33;
+ textAlign = Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop;
+ /*
+ qDebug("pTextsW %f wid %f nLabels %u", pTextsW, wid, nLabels );
+ */
+ }
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosLeft: {
+ double hig = para.axisTrueAreaRect().height();
+ pDelimDelta = hig / ( 1 < nLabels ? nLabels - 1 : 1 );
+ pTextsX = para.axisTrueAreaRect().bottomLeft().x()
+ + 2.0;
+ pTextsY = orig.y() - nTxtHeight / 2;
+ pTextsW = para.axisTrueAreaRect().width()
+ - delimLen * 1.33 - 2.0;
+ pTextsH = nTxtHeight;
+ textAlign = Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter;
+ }
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosTop: {
+ bool bTouchEdges = para.axisLabelsTouchEdges();
+ double wid = para.axisTrueAreaRect().width();
+ double divi = bTouchEdges
+ ? ( 1 < nLabels ? nLabels - 1 : 1 )
+ : ( nLabels ? nLabels : 10 );
+ pDelimDelta = wid / divi;
+ pTextsW = pDelimDelta - 4.0;
+ pDelimDelta = wid / divi;
+ pTextsX = orig.x() + 2.0
+ - ( bTouchEdges
+ ? pDelimDelta / 2.0
+ : 0.0 );
+ pTextsH = para.axisTrueAreaRect().height() - delimLen * 1.33;
+ pTextsY = para.axisTrueAreaRect().topLeft().y();
+ textAlign = Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom;
+ }
+ break;
+ case KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosRight: {
+ double hig = para.axisTrueAreaRect().height();
+ pDelimDelta = hig / ( 1 < nLabels ? nLabels - 1 : 1 );
+ pTextsX = para.axisTrueAreaRect().bottomLeft().x()
+ + delimLen * 1.33;
+ pTextsY = orig.y() - nTxtHeight / 2;
+ pTextsW = para.axisTrueAreaRect().width()
+ - delimLen * 1.33 - 2.0;
+ pTextsH = nTxtHeight;
+ textAlign = Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter;
+ }
+ break;
+ default: {
+ qDebug( "IMPLEMENTATION ERROR: KDChartAxesPainter::calculateBasicTextFactors() unhandled enum value." );
+ // NOOP since the 'basicPos' does not support more that these four values.
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ Takes double \c nVal and returns a QString showing the amount of digits
+ behind the comma that was specified by \c behindComma (or calculated
+ automatically by removing trailing zeroes, resp.).
+ To make sure the resulting string looks fine together with other strings
+ of the same label row please specify \c nDelta indicating the step width
+ from one label text to the other.
+ To prevent the function from having to re-calculate the number of
+ digits to keep behind the comma, provide it with a temporary helper
+ variable "trueBehindComma" that has to be initialized with a value
+ smaller than zero.
+ \note This function is reserved for internal use.
+ */
+QString KDChartAxesPainter::truncateBehindComma( const double nVal,
+ const int behindComma,
+ const double nDelta,
+ int& trueBehindComma )
+ const int nTrustedPrecision = 6; // when using 15 we got 1.850000 rounded to 1.849999999999999
+ const bool bUseAutoDigits = KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_DIGITS == behindComma;
+ const bool bAutoDelta = KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_DELTA == nDelta;
+ QString sVal;
+ sVal.setNum( nVal, 'f', bUseAutoDigits ? nTrustedPrecision
+ : QMIN(behindComma, nTrustedPrecision) );
+ //qDebug("nVal: %f sVal: "+sVal, nVal );
+ //qDebug( QString(" %1").arg(sVal));
+ if ( bUseAutoDigits ) {
+ int comma = sVal.find( '.' );
+ if ( -1 < comma ) {
+ if ( bAutoDelta ) {
+ int i = sVal.length();
+ while ( 1 < i
+ && '0' == sVal[ i - 1 ] )
+ --i;
+ sVal.truncate( i );
+ if ( '.' == sVal[ i - 1 ] )
+ sVal.truncate( i - 1 );
+ } else {
+ if ( 0 > trueBehindComma ) {
+ QString sDelta = QString::number( nDelta, 'f', nTrustedPrecision );
+ int i = sDelta.length();
+ while ( 1 < i
+ && '0' == sDelta[ i - 1 ] )
+ --i;
+ sDelta.truncate( i );
+ if ( '.' == sDelta[ i - 1 ] )
+ trueBehindComma = 0;
+ else {
+ int deltaComma = sDelta.find( '.' );
+ if ( -1 < deltaComma )
+ trueBehindComma = sDelta.length() - deltaComma - 1;
+ else
+ trueBehindComma = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // now we cut off the too-many digits behind the comma
+ int nPos = comma + ( trueBehindComma ? trueBehindComma + 1 : 0 );
+ sVal.truncate( nPos );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //qDebug( QString(" - %1").arg(trueBehindComma));
+ return sVal;
+#if 0
+#if defined ( Q_WS_WIN)
+#define trunc(x) ((int)(x))
+// Ugly hack because Solaris (among others?) doesn't have trunc(),
+// since the libs are not C99. I could do a complex #if expression,
+// but instead I will just define trunc() here.
+double trunc(double x)
+ return x >= 0.0 ? floor(x) : -floor(-x);
+QString KDChartAxesPainter::applyLabelsFormat( const double nVal_,
+ int divPow10,
+ int behindComma,
+ double nDelta_,
+ int& trueBehindComma,
+ KDChartEnums::NumberNotation notation,
+ const QString& decimalPoint,
+ const QString& thousandsPoint,
+ const QString& prefix,
+ const QString& postfix,
+ int totalLen,
+ const QChar& padFill,
+ bool blockAlign )
+ double nVal = nVal_ / fastPow10( divPow10 );
+ double nDelta = nDelta_;
+ double valLog10 = 0.0;
+ if( notation == KDChartEnums::NumberNotationScientific ||
+ notation == KDChartEnums::NumberNotationScientificBig ){
+ valLog10 = (nVal != 0.0) ? trunc( log10(QABS(nVal)) ) : 0.0;
+ //qDebug("nVal old: %f valLog10: %f",nVal,valLog10);
+ nVal /= fastPow10( valLog10 );
+ nDelta /= fastPow10( valLog10 );
+ //qDebug("nVal new: %f",nVal);
+ }
+ QString sVal = truncateBehindComma( nVal,
+ behindComma,
+ nDelta,
+ trueBehindComma );
+ //qDebug("sVal : "+sVal+" behindComma: %i",behindComma);
+ int posComma = sVal.find( '.' );
+ if( 0 <= posComma ){
+ sVal.replace( posComma, 1, decimalPoint);
+ }else{
+ posComma = sVal.length();
+ }
+ if( notation == KDChartEnums::NumberNotationScientific ||
+ notation == KDChartEnums::NumberNotationScientificBig ){
+ if( notation == KDChartEnums::NumberNotationScientific )
+ sVal.append( "e" );
+ else
+ sVal.append( "E" );
+ sVal.append( QString::number( valLog10, 'f', 0 ) );
+ } else {
+ if( thousandsPoint.length() ){
+ const int minLen = (0 < sVal.length() && '-' == sVal[0])
+ ? 4
+ : 3;
+ int n = posComma; // number of digits at the left side of the comma
+ while( minLen < n ){
+ n -= 3;
+ sVal.insert(n, thousandsPoint);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sVal.append( postfix );
+ int nFill = totalLen - (sVal.length() + prefix.length());
+ if( 0 > nFill )
+ nFill = 0;
+ if( !blockAlign )
+ sVal.prepend( prefix );
+ for(int i=0; i < nFill; ++i)
+ sVal.prepend( padFill );
+ if( blockAlign )
+ sVal.prepend( prefix );
+ if ( totalLen > 0 )
+ sVal.truncate( totalLen );
+ /*Pending Michel: Force non fractional values
+ *In case it is a fractional value
+ *and the user has set axisLabelsDigitsBehindComma() == 0
+ *return an empty string
+ */
+ if ( behindComma == 0 && QString::number(nVal).find('.') > 0 )
+ sVal = QString::null;//sVal = "";
+ return sVal;
+ Calculates the factors to be used for calculating ordinate labels texts.
+ \note This function is reserved for internal use.
+ */
+void KDChartAxesPainter::calculateOrdinateFactors(
+ const KDChartAxisParams& para,
+ bool isLogarithmic,
+ double& nDist,
+ double& nDivisor,
+ double& nRound,
+ double& nDelta,
+ double& nSubDelimFactor,
+ double& nLow,
+ double& nHigh,
+ bool findNextRound )
+ if ( findNextRound ) {
+ if ( 1.0 > nRound )
+ nRound = 1.0;
+ else
+ if ( 2.0 > nRound )
+ nRound = 2.0;
+ else
+ if ( 2.5 > nRound )
+ nRound = 2.5;
+ else
+ if ( 5.0 > nRound )
+ nRound = 5.0;
+ else {
+ nDivisor *= 10.0;
+ nRound = 1.0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ nDivisor = 1.0;
+ QString sDistDigis2;
+ sDistDigis2.setNum( nDist, 'f', 24);
+ if ( 1.0 > nDist ) {
+ sDistDigis2.remove( 0, 2 );
+ nDivisor = 0.01;
+ while ( 0 < sDistDigis2.length()
+ && '0' == sDistDigis2[ 0 ] ) {
+ nDivisor *= 0.1;
+ sDistDigis2.remove( 0, 1 );
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( 10.0 > nDist ) {
+ nDivisor = 0.1;
+ // remove comma, if present
+ sDistDigis2.remove( 1, 1 );
+ } else
+ if ( 100.0 > nDist )
+ nDivisor = 1.0;
+ else {
+ int comma = sDistDigis2.find( '.' );
+ if ( -1 < comma )
+ sDistDigis2.truncate( comma );
+ nDivisor = fastPow10( (int)sDistDigis2.length() - 2 );
+ }
+ }
+ sDistDigis2.truncate( 2 );
+ bool bOk;
+ double nDistDigis2( sDistDigis2.toDouble( &bOk ) );
+ if ( !bOk )
+ nDistDigis2 = 10.0;
+ if ( 75.0 <= nDistDigis2 )
+ nRound = 5.0;
+ else
+ if ( 40.0 <= nDistDigis2 )
+ nRound = 2.5;
+ else
+ if ( 20.0 <= nDistDigis2 )
+ nRound = 2.0;
+ else
+ nRound = 1.0;
+ }
+ nDelta = nRound * nDivisor;
+ // make sure its a whole number > 0 if its a log axis. Just round up.
+ if( isLogarithmic )
+ nDelta = static_cast < int > ( nDelta ) < nDelta
+ ? static_cast < int > ( nDelta ) + 1
+ : static_cast < int > ( nDelta );
+ bool bInvertedAxis = ( 0.0 > nDist );
+ if( bInvertedAxis )
+ nDelta *= -1.0;
+ /*
+ qDebug(" n D i s t : %f", nDist );
+ qDebug(" n D i v i s o r : %f", nDivisor);
+ qDebug(" n R o u n d : %f", nRound );
+ qDebug(" n D e l t a : %f", nDelta );
+ qDebug(" nHigh : %f", nHigh );
+ qDebug(" nLow : %f", nLow );
+ */
+ if( KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_LIMIT == para.axisValueStart()
+ || !para.axisValueStartIsExact() ) {
+ double orgLow( nLow );
+ modf( nLow / nDelta, &nLow );
+ nLow *= nDelta;
+ if( bInvertedAxis ){
+ if ( nLow < orgLow )
+ nLow += nDelta;
+ if ( 0.0 > nLow && 0.0 <= orgLow )
+ nLow = 0.0;
+ }else{
+ if ( nLow > orgLow )
+ nLow -= nDelta;
+ if ( 0.0 < nLow && 0.0 >= orgLow )
+ nLow = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( KDCHART_AXIS_LABELS_AUTO_LIMIT == para.axisValueEnd() ) {
+ double orgHigh( nHigh );
+ modf( nHigh / nDelta, &nHigh );
+ nHigh *= nDelta;
+ if( bInvertedAxis ){
+ if ( nHigh > orgHigh )
+ nHigh -= nDelta;
+ if ( 0.0 < nHigh && 0.0 >= orgHigh )
+ nHigh = 0.0;
+ }else{
+ if ( nHigh < orgHigh )
+ nHigh += nDelta;
+ if ( 0.0 > nHigh && 0.0 <= orgHigh )
+ nHigh = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ //qDebug(" n H i g h : %f", nHigh );
+ //qDebug(" n L o w : %f\n\n", nLow );
+ if ( 1.0 == nRound )
+ nSubDelimFactor = 0.5;
+ else
+ if ( 2.0 == nRound )
+ nSubDelimFactor = 0.25;
+ else
+ if ( 2.5 == nRound )
+ nSubDelimFactor = 0.2;
+ else
+ if ( 5.0 == nRound )
+ nSubDelimFactor = 0.2;
+ else {
+ // Should not happen
+ qDebug( "IMPLEMENTATION ERROR: Unknown nRound in calculateOrdinateFactors()" );
+ nSubDelimFactor = 1.0;
+ }
+ nDist = nHigh - nLow;
+/**** static ****/
+void KDChartAxesPainter::saveDrawLine( QPainter& painter,
+ QPoint pA,
+ QPoint pZ,
+ QPen pen )
+ const QPen oldPen( painter.pen() );
+ bool bNice = ( pen.color() == oldPen.color() )
+ && ( pen.width() == oldPen.width() )
+ && ( == );
+ if ( !bNice )
+ painter.setPen( pen );
+ painter.drawLine( pA, pZ );
+ if ( !bNice )
+ painter.setPen( oldPen );
+/**** static ****/
+void KDChartAxesPainter::dtAddSecs( const QDateTime& org, const int secs, QDateTime& dest )
+ //qDebug("entering KDChartAxesPainter::dtAddSecs() ..");
+ int s = org.time().second();
+ int m = org.time().minute();
+ int h = org.time().hour();
+ int days = 0;
+ if( -1 < secs ){
+ int mins = (s + secs) / 60;
+ if( 0 == mins )
+ s += secs;
+ else{
+ s = (s + secs) % 60;
+ int hours = (m + mins) / 60;
+ if( 0 == hours )
+ m += mins;
+ else{
+ m = (m + mins) % 60;
+ days = (h + hours) / 24;
+ if( 0 == days )
+ h += hours;
+ else{
+ h = (h + hours) % 24;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dest.setTime( QTime(h,m,s) );
+ dest.setDate( );
+ if( days )
+ dtAddDays( dest, days, dest );
+ //qDebug(".. KDChartAxesPainter::dtAddSecs() done.");
+/**** static ****/
+void KDChartAxesPainter::dtAddDays( const QDateTime& org, const int days, QDateTime& dest )
+ //qDebug("entering KDChartAxesPainter::dtAddDays() ..");
+ int d =;
+ int m =;
+ int y =;
+ int dd = (-1 < days) ? 1 : -1;
+ int di = 0;
+ while( di != days ){
+ d += dd;
+ // underrunning day?
+ if( 1 > d ){
+ if( 1 < m ){
+ --m;
+ d = QDate( y,m,1 ).daysInMonth();
+ }
+ else{
+ --y;
+ m = 12;
+ d = 31;
+ }
+ // overrunning day?
+ }else if( QDate( y,m,1 ).daysInMonth() < d ){
+ if( 12 > m )
+ ++m;
+ else{
+ ++y;
+ m = 1;
+ }
+ d = 1;
+ }
+ di += dd;
+ }
+ dest = QDateTime( QDate( y,m,d ), org.time() );
+ //qDebug(".. KDChartAxesPainter::dtAddDays() done.");
+/**** static ****/
+void KDChartAxesPainter::dtAddMonths( const QDateTime& org, const int months, QDateTime& dest )
+ //qDebug("entering KDChartAxesPainter::dtAddMonths() ..");
+ int d =;
+ int m =;
+ int y =;
+ int md = (-1 < months) ? 1 : -1;
+ int mi = 0;
+ while( mi != months ){
+ m += md;
+ if( 1 > m ){
+ --y;
+ m = 12;
+ }else if( 12 < m ){
+ ++y;
+ m = 1;
+ }
+ mi += md;
+ }
+ // QMIN takes care for intercalary day
+ dest = QDateTime( QDate( y,m,QMIN( d, QDate( y,m,1 ).daysInMonth() ) ),
+ org.time() );
+ //qDebug(".. KDChartAxesPainter::dtAddMonths() done.");
+/**** static ****/
+void KDChartAxesPainter::dtAddYears( const QDateTime& org, const int years, QDateTime& dest )
+ //qDebug("entering KDChartAxesPainter::dtAddYears() ..");
+ int d =;
+ int m =;
+ int y = + years;
+ dest.setTime( org.time() );
+ // QMIN takes care for intercalary day
+ dest = QDateTime( QDate( y,m,QMIN( d, QDate( y,m,d ).daysInMonth() ) ),
+ org.time() );
+ //qDebug(".. KDChartAxesPainter::dtAddYears() done.");
+void KDChartAxesPainter::calculateAbscissaInfos( const KDChartParams& params,
+ const KDChartTableDataBase& data,
+ uint datasetStart,
+ uint datasetEnd,
+ double logWidth,
+ const QRect& dataRect,
+ abscissaInfos& infos )
+ if( params.axisParams( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosBottom ).axisVisible()
+ && ( KDChartAxisParams::AxisTypeUnknown
+ != params.axisParams( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosBottom ).axisType() ) )
+ infos.abscissaPara = &params.axisParams( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosBottom );
+ else
+ if( params.axisParams( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosBottom2 ).axisVisible()
+ && ( KDChartAxisParams::AxisTypeUnknown
+ != params.axisParams( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosBottom2 ).axisType() ) )
+ infos.abscissaPara = &params.axisParams( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosBottom2 );
+ else
+ if( params.axisParams( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosTop ).axisVisible()
+ && ( KDChartAxisParams::AxisTypeUnknown
+ != params.axisParams( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosTop ).axisType() ) )
+ infos.abscissaPara = &params.axisParams( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosTop );
+ else
+ if( params.axisParams( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosTop2 ).axisVisible()
+ && ( KDChartAxisParams::AxisTypeUnknown
+ != params.axisParams( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosTop2 ).axisType() ) )
+ infos.abscissaPara = &params.axisParams( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosTop2 );
+ else
+ // default is bottom axis:
+ infos.abscissaPara = &params.axisParams( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosBottom );
+ if( infos.abscissaPara->axisLabelsTouchEdges() )
+ infos.bCenterThePoints = false;
+ infos.bAbscissaDecreasing = infos.abscissaPara->axisValuesDecreasing();
+ infos.bAbscissaIsLogarithmic
+ = KDChartAxisParams::AxisCalcLogarithmic == infos.abscissaPara->axisCalcMode();
+ // Number of values: If -1, use all values, otherwise use the
+ // specified number of values.
+ infos.numValues = 0;
+ if ( params.numValues() > -1 )
+ infos.numValues = params.numValues();
+ else
+ infos.numValues = data.usedCols();
+ QVariant::Type type2Ref = QVariant::Invalid;
+ infos.bCellsHaveSeveralCoordinates =
+ data.cellsHaveSeveralCoordinates( datasetStart, datasetEnd,
+ &type2Ref );
+ infos.numLabels = (infos.abscissaPara &&
+ infos.abscissaPara->axisLabelTexts())
+ ? infos.abscissaPara->axisLabelTexts()->count()
+ : infos.numValues;
+ if( 0 >= infos.numLabels )
+ infos.numLabels = 1;
+ infos.bAbscissaHasTrueAxisValues =
+ infos.abscissaPara && (0.0 != infos.abscissaPara->trueAxisDelta());
+ infos.abscissaStart = infos.bAbscissaHasTrueAxisValues
+ ? infos.abscissaPara->trueAxisLow()
+ : 0.0;
+ infos.abscissaEnd = infos.bAbscissaHasTrueAxisValues
+ ? infos.abscissaPara->trueAxisHigh()
+ : 1.0 * (infos.numLabels - 1);
+ infos.abscissaSpan = fabs( infos.abscissaEnd - infos.abscissaStart );
+ infos.abscissaDelta = infos.bAbscissaHasTrueAxisValues
+ ? infos.abscissaPara->trueAxisDelta()
+ : ( ( 0.0 != infos.abscissaSpan )
+ ? ( infos.abscissaSpan / infos.numLabels )
+ : infos.abscissaSpan );
+ //qDebug( bAbscissaDecreasing ? "bAbscissaDecreasing = TRUE" : "bAbscissaDecreasing = FALSE");
+ //qDebug( abscissaHasTrueAxisValues ? "abscissaHasTrueAxisValues = TRUE" : "abscissaHasTrueAxisValues = FALSE");
+ //qDebug( "abscissaDelta = %f", abscissaDelta);
+ infos.bAbscissaHasTrueAxisDtValues =
+ (QVariant::DateTime == type2Ref) &&
+ infos.abscissaPara &&
+ infos.abscissaPara->trueAxisDtLow().isValid();
+ if( infos.bAbscissaHasTrueAxisDtValues ){
+ infos.numLabels = 200;
+ infos.bCenterThePoints = false;
+ }
+ infos.dtLowPos = infos.bAbscissaHasTrueAxisDtValues
+ ? infos.abscissaPara->axisDtLowPosX() - dataRect.x()
+ : 0.0;
+ infos.dtHighPos = infos.bAbscissaHasTrueAxisDtValues
+ ? infos.abscissaPara->axisDtHighPosX() - dataRect.x()
+ : logWidth;
+ infos.abscissaDtStart = infos.bAbscissaHasTrueAxisDtValues
+ ? infos.abscissaPara->trueAxisDtLow()
+ : QDateTime();
+ infos.abscissaDtEnd = infos.bAbscissaHasTrueAxisDtValues
+ ? infos.abscissaPara->trueAxisDtHigh()
+ : QDateTime();
+ //Pending Michel case when same hh:mm:ss but different msecs
+ infos.bScaleLessThanDay = ( infos.bAbscissaHasTrueAxisDtValues
+ ? infos.abscissaPara->trueAxisDtDeltaScale()
+ : KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleDay )
+ < KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleDay;
+ if ( infos.abscissaDtStart.time() == infos.abscissaDtEnd.time() && infos.bScaleLessThanDay )
+ infos.dtHighPos = logWidth;
+ // adjust the milli seconds:
+ infos.abscissaDtStart.setTime(
+ QTime( infos.abscissaDtStart.time().hour(),
+ infos.abscissaDtStart.time().minute(),
+ infos.abscissaDtStart.time().second(),
+ 0 ) );
+ infos.abscissaDtEnd.setTime(
+ QTime( infos.abscissaDtEnd.time().hour(),
+ infos.abscissaDtEnd.time().minute(),
+ infos.abscissaDtEnd.time().second(),
+ 999 ) );
+ //qDebug( infos.abscissaPara->trueAxisDtLow().toString("yyyy-MM-dd-hh:mm:ss.zzz"));
+ //qDebug( infos.abscissaPara->trueAxisDtHigh().toString("yyyy-MM-dd-hh:mm:ss.zzz"));
+ //qDebug(infos.abscissaDtStart.toString("yyyy-MM-dd-hh:mm:ss.zzz"));
+ //qDebug(infos.abscissaDtEnd.toString("yyyy-MM-dd-hh:mm:ss.zzz"));
+ infos.bScaleLessThanDay = ( infos.bAbscissaHasTrueAxisDtValues
+ ? infos.abscissaPara->trueAxisDtDeltaScale()
+ : KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleDay )
+ < KDChartAxisParams::ValueScaleDay;
+ if( infos.bAbscissaHasTrueAxisDtValues ){
+ if( infos.bScaleLessThanDay ){
+ infos.abscissaDtSpan = infos.abscissaDtStart.secsTo( infos.abscissaDtEnd );
+ /* NOTE: We do *not* add the milli seconds because they aren't covered
+ by the span indicated by infos.dtHighPos - infos.dtLowPos.
+ if( infos.abscissaDtStart.time().msec() || infos.abscissaDtEnd.time().msec() )
+ infos.abscissaDtSpan =
+ ( infos.abscissaDtEnd.time().msec() -
+ infos.abscissaDtStart.time().msec() ) / 1000.0;
+ */
+ }
+ else{
+ infos.abscissaDtSpan = infos.abscissaDtStart.daysTo( infos.abscissaDtEnd );
+ if( infos.abscissaDtStart.time().msec() || infos.abscissaDtEnd.time().msec() )
+ infos.abscissaDtSpan +=
+ ( infos.abscissaDtEnd.time().msec() -
+ infos.abscissaDtStart.time().msec() ) / (86400.0 * 1000.0);
+ if( infos.abscissaDtEnd.time().second() )
+ infos.abscissaDtSpan += infos.abscissaDtEnd.time().second() / 86400.0;
+ if( infos.abscissaDtEnd.time().minute() )
+ infos.abscissaDtSpan += infos.abscissaDtEnd.time().minute() / 1440.0;
+ if( infos.abscissaDtEnd.time().hour() )
+ infos.abscissaDtSpan += infos.abscissaDtEnd.time().hour() / 24.0;
+ }
+ }else
+ infos.abscissaDtSpan = 10.0;
+ if( 0 == infos.abscissaDtSpan || 0.0 == infos.abscissaDtSpan )
+ infos.abscissaDtSpan = 1.0;
+ infos.abscissaDtPixelsPerScaleUnit = (infos.dtHighPos - infos.dtLowPos)/ infos.abscissaDtSpan;
+ if( infos.bAbscissaHasTrueAxisDtValues )
+ infos.abscissaDelta = 20.0;
+ infos.pointDist
+ = ( infos.abscissaPara && (0.0 != infos.abscissaPara->trueAxisDeltaPixels()) )
+ ? infos.abscissaPara->trueAxisDeltaPixels()
+ : ( logWidth /
+ (
+ (1 > ((double)(infos.numLabels) - (infos.bCenterThePoints ? 0.0 : 1.0)))
+ ? ((double)(infos.numLabels) - (infos.bCenterThePoints ? 0.0 : 1.0))
+ : 1 ) );
+ infos.abscissaPixelsPerUnit = ( 0.0 != infos.abscissaDelta )
+ ? ( infos.pointDist / infos.abscissaDelta )
+ : infos.pointDist;
+ //const double infos.abscissaZeroPos2 = -1.0 * infos.abscissaPixelsPerUnit * infos.abscissaStart;
+ infos.abscissaZeroPos = infos.abscissaPara->axisZeroLineStartX() - dataRect.x();
+ //qDebug("abscissaZeroPos %f abscissaZeroPos2 %f",abscissaZeroPos,abscissaZeroPos2);
+ /*
+ qDebug(abscissaPara ?
+ "\nabscissaPara: OK" :
+ "\nabscissaPara: leer");
+ qDebug(abscissaHasTrueAxisValues ?
+ "abscissaHasTrueAxisValues: TRUE" :
+ "abscissaHasTrueAxisValues: FALSE");
+ qDebug("abscissaStart: %f", abscissaStart);
+ qDebug("abscissaEnd : %f", abscissaEnd);
+ qDebug("abscissaPara->trueAxisDelta(): %f", abscissaPara->trueAxisDelta());
+ qDebug("numValues : %u, numLabels : %u", numValues, numLabels);
+ */
+bool KDChartAxesPainter::calculateAbscissaAxisValue( const QVariant& value,
+ abscissaInfos& ai,
+ int colNumber,
+ double& xValue )
+ if( ai.bCellsHaveSeveralCoordinates ) {
+ if( QVariant::Double == value.type() ) {
+ double dVal = value.toDouble();
+ if( ai.bAbscissaIsLogarithmic ){
+ if( 0.0 < dVal )
+ xValue = ai.abscissaPixelsPerUnit * log10( dVal );
+ else
+ xValue = -10250.0;
+ }else{
+ xValue = ai.abscissaPixelsPerUnit * dVal;
+ }
+ xValue *= ai.bAbscissaDecreasing ? -1.0 : 1.0;
+ xValue += ai.abscissaZeroPos;
+ }
+ else if( ai.bAbscissaHasTrueAxisDtValues &&
+ QVariant::DateTime == value.type() ) {
+ const QDateTime dtVal = value.toDateTime();
+ double dT = ( ai.bScaleLessThanDay )
+ ? ai.abscissaDtStart.secsTo( dtVal )
+ : ai.abscissaDtStart.daysTo( dtVal );
+ /*
+ qDebug("abscissaDtStart: %i %i %i %i:%i:%i.%i",
+ ai.abscissaDtStart.time().hour(),
+ ai.abscissaDtStart.time().minute(),
+ ai.abscissaDtStart.time().second(),
+ ai.abscissaDtStart.time().msec());
+ */
+ //qDebug("days to = %f",dT);
+ /*
+ qDebug(" dtVal: %i %i %i %i:%i:%i.%i",
+ dtVal.time().hour(),
+ dtVal.time().minute(),
+ dtVal.time().second(),
+ dtVal.time().msec());
+ */
+ xValue = ai.abscissaDtPixelsPerScaleUnit * dT;
+ if( dtVal.time().msec() )
+ xValue += (ai.abscissaDtPixelsPerScaleUnit * dtVal.time().msec())
+ / ( ai.bScaleLessThanDay
+ ? 1000.0
+ : (1000.0 * 86400.0) );
+ //qDebug("xValue: %f",xValue);
+ if( !ai.bScaleLessThanDay ){
+ if( dtVal.time().second() )
+ xValue += (ai.abscissaDtPixelsPerScaleUnit * dtVal.time().second())
+ / 86400.0;
+ if( dtVal.time().minute() )
+ xValue += (ai.abscissaDtPixelsPerScaleUnit * dtVal.time().minute())
+ / 1440.0;
+ if( dtVal.time().hour() )
+ xValue += (ai.abscissaDtPixelsPerScaleUnit * dtVal.time().hour())
+ / 24.0;
+ }
+ xValue *= ai.bAbscissaDecreasing ? -1.0 : 1.0;
+ xValue += ai.dtLowPos;
+ // qDebug("xValue = dtLowPos + abscissaDtPixelsPerScaleUnit * dT\n%f = %f + %f * %f",
+ // xValue, dtLowPos, abscissaDtPixelsPerScaleUnit, dT);
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ } else
+ xValue = ai.pointDist * ( double ) colNumber;
+ return true;
+/*** ***/
+/*** Framework for data drawing using cartesian axes (Bar, Line, ...) ***/
+/*** ***/
+ Paints the actual data area and registers the region for the data
+ points if \a regions is not 0.
+ \param painter the QPainter onto which the chart should be painted
+ \param data the data that will be displayed as a chart
+ \param paint2nd specifies whether the main chart or the additional chart is to be drawn now
+ \param regions a pointer to a list of regions that will be filled
+ with regions representing the data segments, if not null
+ */
+void KDChartAxesPainter::paintData( QPainter* painter,
+ KDChartTableDataBase* data,
+ bool paint2nd,
+ KDChartDataRegionList* regions )
+ bool bNormalMode = isNormalMode();
+ uint chart = paint2nd ? 1 : 0;
+ // find out the ordinate axis (or axes, resp.) belonging to this chart
+ // (up to 4 ordinates might be in use: 2 left ones and 2 right ones)
+ uint axesCount;
+ KDChartParams::AxesArray ordinateAxes;
+ ordinateAxes.resize( KDCHART_CNT_ORDINATES );
+ if( !params()->chartAxes( chart, axesCount, ordinateAxes ) ) {
+ // no axis - no fun!
+ return;
+ // We cannot draw data without an axis having calculated high/low
+ // values and position of the zero line before.
+ // PENDING(khz) Allow drawing without having a visible axis!
+ }
+ //const KDChartParams::ChartType params_chartType
+ // = paint2nd ? params()->additionalChartType() : params()->chartType();
+ double logWidth = _dataRect.width();
+ double areaWidthP1000 = logWidth / 1000.0;
+ int nClipShiftUp = clipShiftUp(bNormalMode, areaWidthP1000);
+ QRect ourClipRect( _dataRect );
+ if ( 0 < ) {
+ ourClipRect.setTop( - nClipShiftUp );
+ ourClipRect.setHeight( ourClipRect.height() + nClipShiftUp - 1 );
+ } else
+ ourClipRect.setHeight( ourClipRect.height() + nClipShiftUp / 2 - 1 );
+ // protect axes ?
+ //ourClipRect.setBottom( ourClipRect.bottom() - 1 );
+ //ourClipRect.setLeft( ourClipRect.left() + 1 );
+ //ourClipRect.setRight( ourClipRect.right() - 1 );
+ const QWMatrix & world = painter->worldMatrix();
+ ourClipRect =
+#if COMPAT_QT_VERSION >= 0x030000
+ world.mapRect( ourClipRect );
+ ourClipRect );
+ painter->setClipRect( ourClipRect );
+ painter->translate( _dataRect.x(), _dataRect.y() );
+ painter->setPen( params()->outlineDataColor() );
+ // find out which datasets are to be represented by this chart
+ uint chartDatasetStart, chartDatasetEnd;
+ findChartDatasets( data, paint2nd, chart, chartDatasetStart, chartDatasetEnd );
+ // Note: 'aI' is *not* the axis number!
+ for( uint aI = 0; aI < axesCount; ++aI ) {
+ // 'axis' is the REAL axis number!
+ uint axis = aI );
+ const KDChartAxisParams* axisPara = &params()->axisParams( axis );
+ uint datasetStart, datasetEnd;
+ uint axisDatasetStart, axisDatasetEnd;
+ uint dummy;
+ if( params()->axisDatasets( axis,
+ axisDatasetStart,
+ axisDatasetEnd, dummy )
+ && ( KDCHART_ALL_DATASETS != axisDatasetStart ) ) {
+ if( KDCHART_NO_DATASET == axisDatasetStart ){
+ //==========
+ //==========
+ }
+ if( axisDatasetStart >= chartDatasetStart
+ && axisDatasetStart <= chartDatasetEnd )
+ datasetStart = QMAX( axisDatasetStart, chartDatasetStart );
+ else if( axisDatasetStart <= chartDatasetStart
+ && axisDatasetEnd >= chartDatasetStart )
+ datasetStart = chartDatasetStart;
+ else
+ datasetStart = 20;
+ if( axisDatasetEnd >= chartDatasetStart
+ && axisDatasetEnd <= chartDatasetEnd )
+ datasetEnd = QMIN( axisDatasetEnd, chartDatasetEnd );
+ else if( axisDatasetEnd >= chartDatasetEnd
+ && axisDatasetStart <= chartDatasetEnd )
+ datasetEnd = chartDatasetEnd;
+ else
+ datasetEnd = 0;
+ } else {
+ datasetStart = chartDatasetStart;
+ datasetEnd = chartDatasetEnd;
+ }
+ //qDebug("\n=========================================================="
+ // "\naxis %u axisDatasetStart %u axisDatasetEnd %u / chartDatasetStart %u chartDatasetEnd %u",
+ //axis, axisDatasetStart, axisDatasetEnd, chartDatasetStart, chartDatasetEnd );
+ double logHeight = axisPara->axisTrueAreaRect().height();
+ double axisYOffset = axisPara->axisTrueAreaRect().y() - _dataRect.y();
+ //qDebug("\n==========================================================\naxis %u logHeight %f axisDatasetStart %u chartDatasetStart %u axisDatasetEnd %u chartDatasetEnd %u",
+ //axis, logHeight, axisDatasetStart, chartDatasetStart, axisDatasetEnd, chartDatasetEnd );
+ //if( KDCHART_ALL_DATASETS == axisDatasetStart )
+ // qDebug(" ALL DATASETS");
+ //if( KDCHART_NO_DATASET == axisDatasetStart )
+ // qDebug(" N O DATESETS");
+ double maxColumnValue = axisPara->trueAxisHigh();
+ double minColumnValue = axisPara->trueAxisLow();
+ double columnValueDistance = maxColumnValue - minColumnValue;
+ // call the chart type specific data painter:
+ specificPaintData( painter,
+ ourClipRect,
+ data,
+ regions,
+ axisPara,
+ bNormalMode,
+ chart,
+ logWidth,
+ areaWidthP1000,
+ logHeight,
+ axisYOffset,
+ minColumnValue,
+ maxColumnValue,
+ columnValueDistance,
+ chartDatasetStart,
+ chartDatasetEnd,
+ datasetStart,
+ datasetEnd );
+ }
+ painter->translate( - _dataRect.x(), - _dataRect.y() );