path: root/libkdchart/KDFrame.h
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1 files changed, 1167 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libkdchart/KDFrame.h b/libkdchart/KDFrame.h
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+++ b/libkdchart/KDFrame.h
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+/* -*- Mode: C++ -*-
+ KDChart - a multi-platform charting engine
+ */
+ ** Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved.
+ **
+ ** This file is part of the KDChart library.
+ **
+ ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
+ ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
+ ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
+ ** packaging of this file.
+ **
+ ** Licensees holding valid commercial KDChart licenses may use this file in
+ ** accordance with the KDChart Commercial License Agreement provided with
+ ** the Software.
+ **
+ ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+ **
+ ** See for
+ ** information about KDChart Commercial License Agreements.
+ **
+ ** Contact [email protected] if any conditions of this
+ ** licensing are not clear to you.
+ **
+ **********************************************************************/
+#ifndef __KDFRAME_H__
+#define __KDFRAME_H__
+#include <qapplication.h>
+#include <qfont.h>
+#include <qcolor.h>
+#include <qpixmap.h>
+#include <qpen.h>
+#include <qmap.h>
+#include <qobject.h>
+#include <qtextstream.h>
+#include <qdom.h>
+#include <KDFrameProfileSection.h>
+/** \file KDFrame.h
+ \brief Header of the KDFrame class providing highly configurable rectangular frame drawing.
+ \ifnot v200
+ This class is work in progress, at present only single line frame borders
+ and (scaled/streched) background pictures are available.
+ See KDChartParams::setSimpleFrame() to learn how to use them.
+ \else
+ A frame may consist of an (optional) border and/or an (optional) background.
+ The border may consist of up to four edges and/or up to four border corners.
+ \note Each of the edges and each of the corners may use their own user-definable profile.
+ The frame corners ( see types defined in \c CornerStyle ) are set up via setCorner()
+ Some commonly used frame profiles (e.g. raised box, sunken panel) are predefined in \c SimpleFrame, see setSimpleFrame().
+ To learn how to specify your frame profiles have a look at example code given with setProfile()
+ \endif
+ */
+ \brief The main class of KDFrame.
+ KDFrame is made for highly configurable rectangular frame drawing.
+ A frame may consist of an (optional) border and/or an (optional) background.
+ \ifndef v200
+ This class is work in progress, at present only single line frame borders
+ and (scaled/streched) background pictures are available.
+ See KDChartParams::setSimpleFrame() to learn how to use them.
+ \else
+ The border may consist of up to four edges and/or up to four border corners.
+ \note Each of the edges and each of the corners may use their own user-definable profile.
+ The frame corners ( see types defined in CornerStyle ) are set up via setCorner()
+ Some commonly used frame profiles (e.g. raised box, sunken panel) are predefined in SimpleFrame, see setSimpleFrame().
+ To learn how to specify your frame profiles have a look at example code given with setProfile()
+ \endif
+ */
+class KDCHART_EXPORT KDFrame : public QObject
+ Q_ENUMS( BackPixmapMode )
+ Q_ENUMS( SimpleFrame )
+ Q_ENUMS( ProfileName )
+ Q_ENUMS( CornerName )
+ Q_ENUMS( CornerStyle )
+ Q_ENUMS( KDFramePaintSteps )
+ //// GENERAL
+ /**
+ These are ways how to display a pixmap that might
+ be painted into the inner area.
+ \Note To have a 'tiled' background image do not use a background
+ pixmap but use a background <b>brush</b> holding this pixmap.
+ */
+ enum BackPixmapMode { PixCentered, PixScaled, PixStretched };
+public slots:
+ /**
+ Converts the specified background pixmap mode enum to a string
+ representation.
+ \param type the background pixmap mode to convert
+ \return the string representation of the background pixmap mode enum
+ */
+ static QString backPixmapModeToString( BackPixmapMode type ) {
+ switch( type ) {
+ case PixCentered:
+ return "Centered";
+ case PixScaled:
+ return "Scaled";
+ case PixStretched:
+ return "Stretched";
+ }
+ return "Stretched";
+ }
+ /**
+ Converts the specified string to a background pixmap mode enum value.
+ \param string the string to convert
+ \return the background pixmap mode enum value
+ */
+ static BackPixmapMode stringToBackPixmapMode( const QString& string ) {
+ if( string == "Centered" )
+ return PixCentered;
+ else if( string == "Scaled" )
+ return PixScaled;
+ else if( string == "Stretched" )
+ return PixStretched;
+ return PixStretched;
+ }
+ /**
+ These simple frames are pre-defined for your convenience
+ \li \c FrameFlat a flat rectangular frame
+ \li \c FrameElegance a flat frame consisting of three lines
+ \li \c FrameBoxRaized a raised box
+ \li \c FrameBoxSunken a sunken box
+ \li \c FramePanelRaized a raised panel
+ \li \c FramePanelSunken a sunken panel
+ \li \c FrameSemicircular a raised box with round edges
+ \ifnot v200
+ All pre-defined frames have normal corners.
+ \else
+ All pre-defined frames have normal corners but
+ of course you may specify differently looking corners by
+ calling setCorners() (or setCorner(), resp.) after having
+ called setSimpleFrame()
+ \sa setSimpleFrame
+ \endif
+ */
+ enum SimpleFrame { FrameFlat, FrameElegance,
+ FrameBoxRaized, FrameBoxSunken,
+ FramePanelRaized, FramePanelSunken,
+ FrameSemicircular };
+public slots:
+ /**
+ \ifnot v200
+ \deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
+ \else
+ Select a pre-defined frame.
+ This methode is provided for convenience, the same results can be obtained by calling
+ addProfileSection multiple times specifying the appropriate parameters and finally
+ setting the corners to \c CornerNormal
+ \note When using FrameElegance the midLineWidth value will be ignored since
+ in this special case the lineValue will indicate the <b>total width</b> of the frame.
+ FrameElegance frames look best when lineWidth is 16 or the multiple of 16.
+ \Note To have a 'tiled' background image do not use a background
+ pixmap but use a background <b>brush</b> holding this pixmap.
+ See setProfile for a short example using this method.
+ \param frame one of the values defined for enum \c SimpleFrame
+ \param lineWidth for FrameFlat and FrameElegance: the complete frame width;
+ for frames with 2-line edges (FramePanelRaized, FramePanelSunken): the width of each of the lines;
+ for frames with 3-line edges (FrameBoxRaized, FrameBoxSunken, FrameSemicircular): the width of the outer and the
+ width of the inner line.
+ \param midLineWidth only used for frames with 3-line edges: the width
+ of the middle line.
+ \param pen the basic pen to be used for this frame's lines
+ \param background the brush to be used for the frame's background or QBrush() if the background is not to be filled by a brush
+ \param backPixmap if not zero points to a pixmap to be used for the background
+ \param backPixmapMode determines how the size pixmap is adjusted to the frame size,
+ see \c BackPixmapMode for the possible values.
+ \sa SimpleFrame, BackPixmapMode, addProfileSection, setProfile, profile, setCorners, setCorner, cornerStyle, cornerWidth
+ \endif
+ */
+ void setSimpleFrame( SimpleFrame frame,
+ int lineWidth,
+ int midLineWidth,
+ QPen pen,
+ QBrush background = QBrush(),
+ const QPixmap* backPixmap = 0,
+ BackPixmapMode backPixmapMode = PixStretched );
+ /**
+ \ifnot v200
+ \deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
+ \else
+ Names of the four frame edges
+ \li \c ProfileTop
+ \li \c ProfileRight
+ \li \c ProfileBottom
+ \li \c ProfileLeft
+ \sa setSimpleFrame, clearProfile, addProfileSection, setProfile, profile
+ \endif
+ */
+ enum ProfileName { ProfileTop, ProfileRight,
+ ProfileBottom, ProfileLeft };
+public slots:
+ /**
+ \ifnot v200
+ \deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
+ \else
+ Add another section to one of the frames profiles.
+ \note The sections will be drawn in the order in which they were added to the profile
+ beginning at the outside and ending with the inner section of the frame
+ See setProfile for a short example using this method.
+ \sa ProfileName, setSimpleFrame, addProfileSection, setProfile, profile
+ \endif
+ */
+ void clearProfile( ProfileName name );
+ /**
+ \ifnot v200
+ \deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
+ \else
+ Add another section to one of the frames profiles.
+ \note The sections will be drawn in the order in which they were added to the profile
+ beginning at the outside and ending with the inner section of the frame.
+ Adding a gap between two sections can be done by specifying a <b>QPen( Qt::NoPen )</b>.
+ See setProfile for a short example using this method.
+ \sa ProfileName, setSimpleFrame, clearProfile, setProfile, profile
+ \endif
+ */
+ void addProfileSection( ProfileName name,
+ int wid,
+ QPen pen,
+ KDFrameProfileSection::Direction dir = KDFrameProfileSection::DirPlain, // PENDING(blackie) possible enum problem
+ KDFrameProfileSection::Curvature curv = KDFrameProfileSection::CvtPlain );
+ /**
+ \ifnot v200
+ \deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
+ \else
+ Specify one of the frames profiles by copying another KDFrameProfile.
+ Use this function if a profile shall look the same as another one.
+ <b>Example:</b>
+ \verbatim
+ // instantiate a frame around an inner rectangle 50/20, 250/20
+ KDFrame myFrame( 50,20, 250,120 );
+ // select a very simple rectangular frame with normal corners, black border, white background
+ myFrame.setSimpleFrame( KDFrame::FrameFlat, 1, 0, QPen( Qt::Black ), QBrush( Qt::White ) );
+ // make the top profile look more nice
+ myFrame.clearProfile( KDFrame::ProfileTop );
+ myFrame.addProfileSection( KDFrame::ProfileTop, 2, QPen( Qt::Black ),
+ KDFrameProfileSection::DirPlain,
+ KDFrameProfileSection::CvtPlain );
+ myFrame.addProfileSection( KDFrame::ProfileTop, 5, QPen( Qt::NoPen ),
+ KDFrameProfileSection::DirPlain,
+ KDFrameProfileSection::CvtPlain );
+ myFrame.addProfileSection( KDFrame::ProfileTop, 1, QPen( Qt::Black ),
+ KDFrameProfileSection::DirPlain,
+ KDFrameProfileSection::CvtPlain );
+ // copy the top profile settings into the bottom profile
+ myFrame.setProfile( KDFrame::ProfileBottom,
+ myFrame.profile( KDFrame::ProfileTop ) );
+ \endverbatim
+ \sa ProfileName, setSimpleFrame, clearProfile, addProfileSection, profile
+ \endif
+ */
+ void setProfile( ProfileName name, const KDFrameProfile& profile );
+ /**
+ \ifnot v200
+ \deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
+ \else
+ Return one of the frames profiles.
+ \sa ProfileName, setSimpleFrame, clearProfile, addProfileSection, setProfile
+ \endif
+ */
+ const KDFrameProfile& profile( ProfileName name ) const;
+ /**
+ \ifnot v200
+ \deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
+ \else
+ Names of the frame corners:
+ \li \c CornerTopLeft
+ \li \c CornerTopRight
+ \li \c CornerBottomLeft
+ \li \c CornerBottomRight
+ \sa setCorners, setCorner, setSunPos, cornerStyle, cornerWidth, sunPos
+ \endif
+ */
+ enum CornerName { CornerTopLeft,
+ CornerTopRight,
+ CornerBottomLeft,
+ CornerBottomRight,
+ CornerUNKNOWN };
+public slots:
+ /**
+ \ifnot v200
+ \deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
+ \else
+ Converts the specified corner name enum to a string representation.
+ \param type the corner name to convert
+ \return the string representation of the corner name enum
+ \endif
+ */
+ static QString cornerNameToString( CornerName type ) {
+ switch( type ) {
+ case CornerTopLeft:
+ return "TopLeft";
+ case CornerTopRight:
+ return "TopRight";
+ case CornerBottomLeft:
+ return "BottomLeft";
+ case CornerBottomRight:
+ return "BottomRight";
+ case CornerUNKNOWN:
+ return "UNKNOWN";
+ }
+ return "UNKNOWN";
+ }
+ /**
+ \ifnot v200
+ \deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
+ \else
+ Converts the specified string to a corner name enum value.
+ \param string the string to convert
+ \return the corner name enum value
+ \endif
+ */
+ static CornerName stringToCornerName( const QString& string ) {
+ if( string == "TopLeft" )
+ return CornerTopLeft;
+ else if( string == "TopRight" )
+ return CornerTopRight;
+ else if( string == "BottomLeft" )
+ return CornerBottomLeft;
+ else if( string == "BottomRight" )
+ return CornerBottomRight;
+ else if( string == "UNKNOWN" )
+ return CornerUNKNOWN;
+ return CornerUNKNOWN;
+ }
+ /**
+ \ifnot v200
+ \deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
+ \else
+ Look of the frame corners:
+ \li \c CornerNormal a square angle corner.
+ \li \c CornerRound a quarter of a circle.
+ \li \c CornerOblique corner cut-off by 45 degrees.
+ \sa setCorners, setCorner, cornerStyle, cornerWidth
+ \endif
+ */
+ enum CornerStyle { CornerNormal,
+ CornerRound,
+ CornerOblique };
+public slots:
+ /**
+ \ifnot v200
+ \deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
+ \else
+ Converts the specified corner style enum to a string representation.
+ \param type the corner style enum to convert
+ \return the string representation of the corner style enum
+ \endif
+ */
+ static QString cornerStyleToString( CornerStyle type ) {
+ switch( type ) {
+ case CornerNormal:
+ return "Normal";
+ case CornerRound:
+ return "Round";
+ case CornerOblique:
+ return "Oblique";
+ }
+ return "Normal";
+ }
+ /**
+ \ifnot v200
+ \deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
+ \else
+ Converts the specified string to a corner stylye enum value.
+ \param string the string to convert
+ \return the corner style enum value
+ \endif
+ */
+ static CornerStyle stringToCornerStyle( const QString& string ) {
+ if( string == "Normal" )
+ return CornerNormal;
+ else if( string == "Round" )
+ return CornerRound;
+ else if( string == "Oblique" )
+ return CornerOblique;
+ return CornerNormal;
+ }
+ /**
+ \ifnot v200
+ \deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
+ \else
+ Helper class storing settings for one corner of the frame.
+ To set/retrieve information stored in this class please use
+ the appropriate methods of the KDFrame class.
+ \sa setCorners, setCorner, cornerStyle, cornerWidth, cornerProfile, CornerName, CornerStyle
+ \endif
+ */
+ class KDCHART_EXPORT KDFrameCorner
+ {
+ friend class KDFrame;
+ public:
+ KDFrameCorner( CornerStyle style = CornerNormal,
+ int width = 0,
+ KDFrameProfile* const profile = 0 )
+ : _style( style ),
+ _width( width )
+ {
+ if( profile )
+ _profile = *profile;
+ else
+ _profile.clear();
+ }
+ /**
+ Destructor. Only defined to have it virtual.
+ */
+ virtual ~KDFrameCorner();
+ /**
+ \ifnot v200
+ \deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
+ \else
+ Creates a DOM element node that represents a frame corner for use
+ in a DOM document.
+ \param document the DOM document to which the node will belong
+ \param parent the parent node to which the new node will be appended
+ \param elementName the name of the new node
+ \param corner the corner to be represented
+ \endif
+ */
+ static void createFrameCornerNode( QDomDocument& document,
+ QDomNode& parent,
+ const QString& elementName,
+ const KDFrameCorner& corner );
+ /**
+ \ifnot v200
+ \deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
+ \else
+ Reads data from a DOM element node that represents a frame
+ corner and fills a KDFrameCorner object with the data.
+ \param element the DOM element to read from
+ \param corner the frame corner object to read the data into
+ \endif
+ */
+ static bool readFrameCornerNode( const QDomElement& element,
+ KDFrameCorner& corner );
+ protected:
+ void setAll( CornerStyle style,
+ int width,
+ KDFrameProfile* const profile = 0 )
+ {
+ _style = style;
+ _width = width;
+ if( profile )
+ _profile = *profile;
+ else
+ _profile.clear();
+ }
+ CornerStyle style() const
+ {
+ return _style;
+ }
+ int width() const
+ {
+ return _width;
+ }
+ const KDFrameProfile& profile() const
+ {
+ return _profile;
+ }
+ private:
+ CornerStyle _style;
+ int _width;
+ KDFrameProfile _profile;
+ };
+public slots:
+ /**
+ \ifnot v200
+ \deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
+ \else
+ Specify the look and the width and (optionally) the profile
+ of one of the frame corners.
+ \sa setCorners, cornerStyle, cornerWidth, cornerWidth, CornerName, CornerStyle
+ \endif
+ */
+ void setCorner( CornerName name,
+ CornerStyle style,
+ int width,
+ KDFrameProfile* const profile = 0 )
+ {
+ switch( name ) {
+ case CornerTopLeft: _cornerTL.setAll( style, width, profile );
+ break;
+ case CornerTopRight: _cornerTR.setAll( style, width, profile );
+ break;
+ case CornerBottomLeft: _cornerBL.setAll( style, width, profile );
+ break;
+ case CornerBottomRight: _cornerBR.setAll( style, width, profile );
+ break;
+ case CornerUNKNOWN:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ \ifnot v200
+ \deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
+ \else
+ Specify the look and the width and (optionally) the profile
+ of all of the frame corners.
+ \sa setCorner, cornerStyle, cornerWidth, CornerName, CornerStyle
+ \endif
+ */
+ void setCorners( CornerStyle style,
+ int width,
+ KDFrameProfile* const profile = 0 )
+ {
+ _cornerTL.setAll( style, width, profile );
+ _cornerTR.setAll( style, width, profile );
+ _cornerBL.setAll( style, width, profile );
+ _cornerBR.setAll( style, width, profile );
+ }
+ /**
+ \ifnot v200
+ \deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
+ \else
+ Returns the look of one of the frame corners.
+ \sa setCorners, cornerWidth, CornerName, CornerStyle
+ \endif
+ */
+ CornerStyle cornerStyle( CornerName name ) const
+ {
+ switch( name ) {
+ case CornerTopLeft: return;
+ case CornerTopRight: return;
+ case CornerBottomLeft: return;
+ case CornerBottomRight: return;
+ case CornerUNKNOWN:
+ default: return CornerNormal;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ \ifnot v200
+ \deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
+ \else
+ Returns the width of one of the frame corners.
+ \sa setCorners, cornerStyle, CornerName, CornerStyle
+ \endif
+ */
+ int cornerWidth( CornerName name ) const
+ {
+ switch( name ) {
+ case CornerTopLeft: return _cornerTL.width();
+ case CornerTopRight: return _cornerTR.width();
+ case CornerBottomLeft: return _cornerBL.width();
+ case CornerBottomRight: return _cornerBR.width();
+ case CornerUNKNOWN:
+ default: return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ \ifnot v200
+ \deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
+ \else
+ Returns the profile of one of the frame corners.
+ \sa setCorners, cornerStyle, CornerName, CornerStyle
+ \endif
+ */
+ const KDFrameProfile& cornerProfile( CornerName name ) const
+ {
+ switch( name ) {
+ case CornerUNKNOWN:
+ case CornerTopLeft: return _cornerTL.profile();
+ case CornerTopRight: return _cornerTR.profile();
+ case CornerBottomLeft: return _cornerBL.profile();
+ case CornerBottomRight: return _cornerBR.profile();
+ default: return _cornerTL.profile();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ \ifnot v200
+ \deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
+ \else
+ Specifies the position of the sun, normally this is the upper left corner.
+ \sa sunPos
+ \endif
+ */
+ void setSunPos( CornerName sunPos )
+ {
+ _sunPos = sunPos;
+ }
+ /**
+ \ifnot v200
+ \deprecated Feature scheduled for future release, at present not implemented.
+ \else
+ Returns the position of the sun.
+ \sa setSunPos
+ \endif
+ */
+ CornerName sunPos() const
+ {
+ return _sunPos;
+ }
+ /**
+ Specifies the brush to be used to fill the inner area of this frame,
+ calling this methode without passing in a parameter re-sets the background brush
+ to \c QBrush( \cQt::NoBrush \c).
+ \Note To have a 'tiled' background image just use a brush
+ holding this pixmap - for other ways to show background
+ images please use setBackPixmap.
+ \sa setBackPixmap, background
+ */
+ void setBackground( QBrush background = QBrush( Qt::NoBrush ) )
+ {
+ _background = background;
+ }
+ /**
+ Specifies a pixmap to be used to fill the inner area of this frame,
+ calling this methode without passing in a parameter removes the background pixmap.
+ \Note To have a 'tiled' background image do not use setBackPixmap
+ but use setBackground specifying a brush holding the pixmap.
+ \sa setBackground, background
+ */
+ void setBackPixmap( const QPixmap* backPixmap = 0,
+ BackPixmapMode backPixmapMode = PixStretched )
+ {
+ _backPixmap = backPixmap ? *backPixmap : QPixmap();
+ _backPixmapMode = backPixmapMode;
+ }
+ /**
+ Returns the brush that is used to fill the inner area of this frame,
+ or a QBrush( \cNoBrush \c) if no background is to be drawn.
+ \param backPixmap receives the pixmap used for drawing the background or
+ a null pixmap, test this by calling backPixmap.isNull()
+ \Note If a 'tiled' background image is shown the respective pixmap
+ may be found by calling the <b>brush's</b> pixmap() function.
+ \sa setBackground, setBackPixmap
+ */
+ const QBrush& background( const QPixmap*& backPixmap,
+ BackPixmapMode& backPixmapMode ) const
+ {
+ backPixmap = &_backPixmap;
+ backPixmapMode = _backPixmapMode;
+ return _background;
+ }
+ /**
+ Specifies the position and the size of area that is surrounded by the frame.
+ \note The rectangle applies to the <b>inner</b> area of the frame.
+ The Frame is drawn around this area: touching it but not covering it.
+ The outer size of the frame and the position of its outer left corner
+ depends from the frame profile width(s).
+ \sa innerRect, setCorners, setSimpleFrame, setProfile
+ */
+ void setInnerRect( QRect innerRect )
+ {
+ _innerRect = innerRect;
+ }
+ /**
+ Returns the position and the size of the frame.
+ \note The rectangle returns to the <b>inner</b> area of the frame.
+ The Frame is drawn around this area: touching it but not covering it.
+ The outer size of the frame and the position of its outer left corner
+ depends from the frame profile width.
+ \sa setInnerRect, setProfile
+ */
+ QRect innerRect() const
+ {
+ return _innerRect;
+ }
+ /**
+ Paint methode drawing the background (if any) of the frame.
+ \note Under normal circumstances you will <b>never</b> have to
+ call this methode since it is called internally by paint() if you
+ start it with \c PaintBackground (or with \c PaintAll, resp.) for the \c steps parameter.
+ */
+ virtual void paintBackground( QPainter& painter, const QRect& innerRect ) const;
+ /**
+ Paint methode drawing the edges (if any) of the frame.
+ \note Under normal circumstances you will <b>never</b> have to
+ call this methode since it is called internally by paint() if you
+ start it with \c PaintEdges (or with \c PaintAll, \c PaintBorder, resp.) for the \c steps parameter.
+ */
+ virtual void paintEdges( QPainter& painter, const QRect& innerRect ) const;
+ /**
+ Paint methode drawing the corners (if any) of the frame.
+ \note Under normal circumstances you will <b>never</b> have to
+ call this methode since it is called internally by paint() if you
+ start it with \c PaintCorners (or with \c PaintAll, \c PaintBorder, resp.) for the \c steps parameter.
+ */
+ virtual void paintCorners( QPainter& painter, const QRect& innerRect ) const;
+ /**
+ The different steps taken to paint the frame:
+ first paint the background then the edges then the corners.
+ By choosing \c PaintAll all the parts of the frame will be drawn.
+ \li \c PaintBackground -- first paints the brush, then paints the pixmap if any
+ \li \c PaintEdges
+ \li \c PaintCorners
+ \li \c PaintBorder -- paint the edges and the corners but not the background
+ \li \c PaintAll
+ \sa paint
+ */
+ enum KDFramePaintSteps { PaintBackground, PaintEdges, PaintCorners, PaintBorder, PaintAll };
+public slots:
+ /**
+ Paint methode actually drawing the frame.
+ This method must be called from inside the \c paint() methode of your widget.
+ In order not to override the inner contents of the frame you normally would
+ first call <b>paint( painter, PaintBackground );</b> then do all the inside
+ drawing and finally call <b>paint( painter, PaintBorder );</b>. In case the
+ inner contents <b>are</b> allowed to (partially) override the frame border
+ you could do the following: First call <b>paint( painter, PaintBackground );</b>
+ immediately followed by <b>paint( painter, PaintEdges );</b> then do all your
+ inside work and finally draw <b>paint( painter, PaintCorners );</b>.
+ \param painter The QPainter to be used for drawing.
+ \param steps The part of the frame to be drawn, use KDFrame::PaintAll to draw the entire frame and the background,
+ use KDFrame::PaintBackground to draw only the background, use KDFrame::PaintEdges to draw just the edges,
+ use KDFrame::PaintCorners to draw only the corners.
+ \param innerRect The area inside the frame. Use this parameter to temporarily override the \c innerRect set by
+ the constructor of KDFrame or by setInnerRect(). This approach can be usefull if you want to draw several
+ frames that differ only regarding to their position and size but share the same edges/corners/background settings.
+ In this case you could decide to instantiate only one KDFrame set up the desired settings and just call
+ its paint() methode several time - giving it the appropriate innerRect for each frame. This would result in
+ less memory usage since you could use that single KDFrame object as kind of a shared ressource.
+ */
+ virtual void paint( QPainter* painter,
+ KDFramePaintSteps steps = PaintAll,
+ QRect innerRect = QRect(0,0,0,0) ) const;
+ /**
+ Remove all settings and specify no border, no edges, no background.
+ */
+ void clearAll()
+ {
+ _background = QBrush();
+ _backPixmap = QPixmap();
+ _backPixmapMode = PixStretched;
+ _shadowWidth = 0;
+ _sunPos = CornerTopLeft;
+ _innerRect = QRect( 0,0, 0,0 );
+ _topProfile.clear();
+ _rightProfile.clear();
+ _bottomProfile.clear();
+ _leftProfile.clear();
+ _cornerTL.setAll( CornerNormal, 0, 0 );
+ _cornerTR.setAll( CornerNormal, 0, 0 );
+ _cornerBL.setAll( CornerNormal, 0, 0 );
+ _cornerBR.setAll( CornerNormal, 0, 0 );
+ }
+ /**
+ Default Constructor. Defines default values.
+ The constructor does *not* have a \c parent parameter since drawing
+ of the frame is not done transparently but by (one or more) explicit
+ calls of the frames paint() methode. See explanation given there
+ to learn about the why and how of this...
+ \note The rectangle applies to the <b>inner</b> area of the frame.
+ The Frame is drawn around this area: touching it but not covering it.
+ The outer size of the frame and the position of its outer left corner
+ depends from the frame profile width.
+ \Note To have a 'tiled' background image do not specify a backPixmap
+ but use a background <b>brush</b> holding this pixmap.
+ \sa rect, setInnerRect, setProfile
+ */
+ KDFrame( QRect innerRect = QRect(0,0,0,0),
+ SimpleFrame frame = FrameFlat,
+ int lineWidth = 1,
+ int midLineWidth = 0,
+ QPen pen = QPen(), // solid black line with 0 width
+ QBrush background = QBrush(), // no brush
+ const QPixmap* backPixmap = 0, // no pixmap
+ BackPixmapMode backPixmapMode = PixStretched,
+ int shadowWidth = 0,
+ CornerName sunPos = CornerTopLeft )
+ {
+ _profileSections.setAutoDelete( true );
+ _innerRect = innerRect;
+ setSimpleFrame( frame,
+ lineWidth,
+ midLineWidth,
+ pen,
+ background,
+ backPixmap,
+ backPixmapMode );
+ _shadowWidth = shadowWidth;
+ _sunPos = sunPos;
+ }
+ Constructor. Set up a frame by copying settings of another frame.
+ The constructor does *not* have a \c parent parameter since drawing
+ of the frame is not done transparently but by (one or more) explicit
+ calls of the frames paint() methode. See explanation given there
+ to learn about the why and how of this...
+ \note The rectangle applies to the <b>inner</b> area of the frame.
+ The Frame is drawn around this area: touching it but not covering it.
+ The outer size of the frame and the position of its outer left corner
+ depends from the frame profile width.
+ \sa rect, setInnerRect, setProfile
+ KDFrame( QRect innerRect,
+ const KDFrame& R,
+ CornerName sunPos = CornerUNKNOWN )
+ {
+ deepCopy( *this, R );
+ if( innerRect.isValid() )
+ _innerRect = innerRect;
+ if( CornerUNKNOWN != sunPos )
+ _sunPos = sunPos;
+ _profileSections.setAutoDelete( true );
+ }
+ KDFrame( const KDFrame& ) : QObject(0) {}
+ KDFrame& operator=( const KDFrame& ){return *this;}
+ /**
+ Destructor. Only defined to have it virtual.
+ */
+ virtual ~KDFrame();
+ /*
+ Kopierroutine, aufgerufen im Copy-C'tor und im Zuweisungs-Operator
+ */
+ static void deepCopy( KDFrame& D, const KDFrame& R )
+ {
+ D._shadowWidth = R._shadowWidth;
+ D._sunPos = R._sunPos;
+ D._background = R._background;
+ D._backPixmap = R._backPixmap;
+ D._backPixmapMode = R._backPixmapMode;
+ D._innerRect = R._innerRect;
+ D._topProfile = R._topProfile;
+ D._rightProfile = R._rightProfile;
+ D._bottomProfile = R._bottomProfile;
+ D._leftProfile = R._leftProfile;
+ D._cornerTL = R._cornerTL;
+ D._cornerTR = R._cornerTR;
+ D._cornerBL = R._cornerBL;
+ D._cornerBR = R._cornerBR;
+ D._profileSections= R._profileSections;
+ D._profileSections.setAutoDelete( true );
+ R.setProfileSectionsAutoDelete( false );
+ }
+ friend QTextStream& operator<<( QTextStream& s, const KDFrame& p );
+ friend QTextStream& operator>>( QTextStream& s, KDFrame& p );
+ /**
+ Creates a DOM element node that represents a frame for use
+ in a DOM document.
+ \param document the DOM document to which the node will belong
+ \param parent the parent node to which the new node will be appended
+ \param elementName the name of the new node
+ \param frame the frame to be represented
+ */
+ static void createFrameNode( QDomDocument& document, QDomNode& parent,
+ const QString& elementName,
+ const KDFrame& frame );
+ /**
+ Creates a DOM element node that represents a frame profile for use
+ in a DOM document.
+ \param document the DOM document to which the node will belong
+ \param parent the parent node to which the new node will be appended
+ \param elementName the name of the new node
+ \param profile the profile to be represented
+ */
+ static void createFrameProfileNode( QDomDocument& document,
+ QDomNode& parent,
+ const QString& elementName,
+ KDFrameProfile profile );
+ /**
+ Reads data from a DOM element node that represents a frame
+ object and fills a KDFrame object with the data.
+ \param element the DOM element to read from
+ \param frame the frame object to read the data into
+ */
+ static bool readFrameNode( const QDomElement& element,
+ KDFrame& frame );
+ /**
+ Reads data from a DOM element node that represents a frame
+ profile and fills a KDFrameProfile object with the data.
+ \param element the DOM element to read from
+ \param profile the frame profile object to read the data into
+ */
+ static bool readFrameProfileNode( const QDomElement& element,
+ KDFrameProfile& profile );
+ /**
+ This signal is emitted when any of the frame parameters has changed.
+ */
+ void changed();
+ void setProfileSectionsAutoDelete( bool on ) const
+ {
+ ((KDFrame*)this)->_profileSections.setAutoDelete( on );
+ }
+ /**
+ Stores the width of the shadow.
+ */
+ int _shadowWidth;
+ /**
+ Stores the position of the sun.
+ */
+ CornerName _sunPos;
+ /**
+ Stores the brush to be used to fill the inner area.
+ */
+ QBrush _background;
+ /**
+ Stores the pixmap to be painted into the inner area.
+ */
+ QPixmap _backPixmap;
+ /**
+ Stores the way how to display the pixmap that is
+ to be painted into the inner area.
+ */
+ BackPixmapMode _backPixmapMode;
+ /**
+ Stores the position and size of the frame.
+ */
+ QRect _innerRect;
+ /**
+ Stores all currently used profile settings for a controlled deletion.
+ \note The other pointer lists (like _topProfile or _rightProfile)
+ do NOT delete the objects that belong to their pointers,
+ but all sections will be deleted via this extra _profileSections list:
+ this allows for using the same KDFrameProfileSection* to be used
+ by several lists - typically done for simple frames where all 4 sides
+ are composed the same way.
+ */
+ KDFrameProfile _profileSections;
+ /**
+ Stores the profile settings for the top side of the frame.
+ */
+ KDFrameProfile _topProfile;
+ /**
+ Stores the profile settings for the right side of the frame.
+ */
+ KDFrameProfile _rightProfile;
+ /**
+ Stores the profile settings for the bottom side of the frame.
+ */
+ KDFrameProfile _bottomProfile;
+ /**
+ Stores the profile settings for the left side of the frame.
+ */
+ KDFrameProfile _leftProfile;
+ /**
+ Stores the settings for the top left corner of the frame.
+ */
+ KDFrameCorner _cornerTL;
+ /**
+ Stores the settings for the top right corner of the frame.
+ */
+ KDFrameCorner _cornerTR;
+ /**
+ Stores the settings for the bottom left corner of the frame.
+ */
+ KDFrameCorner _cornerBL;
+ /**
+ Stores the settings for the bottom right corner of the frame.
+ */
+ KDFrameCorner _cornerBR;
+ Writes the KDFrame object p as an XML document to the text stream s.
+ \param s the text stream to write to
+ \param p the KDFrame object to write
+ \return the text stream after the write operation
+ */
+QTextStream& operator<<( QTextStream& s, const KDFrame& p );
+ Reads the an XML document from the text stream s into the
+ KDFrame object p
+ \param s the text stream to read from
+ \param p the KDFrame object to read into
+ \return the text stream after the read operation
+ */
+QTextStream& operator>>( QTextStream& s, KDFrame& p );