path: root/koffice-i18n-de/data/koffice/autocorrect
diff options
authorSlávek Banko <[email protected]>2012-08-20 20:02:39 +0200
committerSlávek Banko <[email protected]>2012-08-20 20:02:39 +0200
commite2a67e0b1f3ee8890ba2fce71d41def0e114aca2 (patch)
treeccbc5b26503151ec4eeb450a3b4498924ad7cb55 /koffice-i18n-de/data/koffice/autocorrect
Initial import of extracted tarballs
Diffstat (limited to 'koffice-i18n-de/data/koffice/autocorrect')
2 files changed, 447 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/koffice-i18n-de/data/koffice/autocorrect/ b/koffice-i18n-de/data/koffice/autocorrect/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f91998b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/koffice-i18n-de/data/koffice/autocorrect/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+autocorrectdir = $(kde_datadir)/koffice/autocorrect
+autocorrect_DATA = de.xml
diff --git a/koffice-i18n-de/data/koffice/autocorrect/de.xml b/koffice-i18n-de/data/koffice/autocorrect/de.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5f224b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/koffice-i18n-de/data/koffice/autocorrect/de.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+<!DOCTYPE autocorrection>
+ <items>
+ <item find="(C)" replace="©" />
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+ <item find="Adners" replace="anders" />
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+ <item find="Awr" replace="war" />
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+ <item find="Deis" replace="dies" />
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+ <item find="Änlich" replace="ähnlich" />
+ <item find="änlich" replace="ähnlich" />
+ </items>
+ <UpperCaseExceptions>
+ <word exception="fkt." />
+ <word exception="ges." />
+ <word exception="nr." />
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+ <word exception="Abschn." />
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+ <word exception="Art." />
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+ <word exception="Aug." />
+ <word exception="Ausschl." />
+ <word exception="Bd." />
+ <word exception="Bed." />
+ <word exception="bes." />
+ <word exception="best." />
+ <word exception="Bez." />
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+ <word exception="bzw." />
+ <word exception="ca." />
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+ <word exception="Do." />
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+ <word exception="e.V." />
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+ <word exception="erw." />
+ <word exception="etc." />
+ <word exception="evtl." />
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+ <word exception="ff." />
+ <word exception="Fr." />
+ <word exception="geb." />
+ <word exception="gem." />
+ <word exception="ges." />
+ <word exception="gesch." />
+ <word exception="geschl." />
+ <word exception="gest." />
+ <word exception="ggf." />
+ <word exception="Hbf." />
+ <word exception="Ing." />
+ <word exception="Jan." />
+ <word exception="Jg." />
+ <word exception="Jgg." />
+ <word exception="Jh." />
+ <word exception="lfd." />
+ <word exception="max." />
+ <word exception="med." />
+ <word exception="Mi." />
+ <word exception="min." />
+ <word exception="Mio." />
+ <word exception="Mo." />
+ <word exception="möbl." />
+ <word exception="MwSt." />
+ <word exception="nat." />
+ <word exception="neg." />
+ <word exception="nördl." />
+ <word exception="Nov." />
+ <word exception="Nr." />
+ <word exception="Nrn." />
+ <word exception="o.Ä." />
+ <word exception="Okt." />
+ <word exception="Org." />
+ <word exception="orig." />
+ <word exception="orth." />
+ <word exception="östl." />
+ <word exception="Pfg." />
+ <word exception="Pos." />
+ <word exception="priv." />
+ <word exception="Prof." />
+ <word exception="prov." />
+ <word exception="rer." />
+ <word exception="Sa." />
+ <word exception="Sep." />
+ <word exception="Sept." />
+ <word exception="So." />
+ <word exception="St." />
+ <word exception="Stck." />
+ <word exception="Std." />
+ <word exception="Str." />
+ <word exception="südl." />
+ <word exception="tel." />
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+ <word exception="urspr." />
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+ <word exception="Wdh." />
+ <word exception="Wdhlg." />
+ <word exception="westl." />
+ <word exception="wg." />
+ <word exception="Whg." />
+ <word exception="wö." />
+ <word exception="z.B." />
+ <word exception="z.Zt." />
+ <word exception="Ztg." />
+ <word exception="zus." />
+ <word exception="zzgl." />
+ </UpperCaseExceptions>
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+ <word exception="CDs" />
+ <word exception="ESt" />
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+ <word exception="ICs" />
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