path: root/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8
diff options
authortpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2011-06-26 00:41:16 +0000
committertpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2011-06-26 00:41:16 +0000
commit698569f8428ca088f764d704034a1330517b98c0 (patch)
treebf45be6946ebbbee9cce5a5bcf838f4c952d87e6 /chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8
parent2785103a6bd4de55bd26d79e34d0fdd4b329a73a (diff)
Finish rebranding of Krita as Chalk
git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8')
-rw-r--r--chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/templates/cr48-action-template_gray_empty.pngbin0 -> 1368 bytes
-rw-r--r--chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/templates/crsc-action-template_gray_empty.svgzbin0 -> 1725 bytes
-rw-r--r--chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/templates/white_640x480.krabin0 -> 2824 bytes
16 files changed, 1721 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/ b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..adce3031
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+kde_services_DATA = chalkgrayplugin.desktop
+INCLUDES = -I$(srcdir)/../../sdk \
+ -I$(srcdir)/../../chalkcolor/color_strategy/ \
+ -I$(srcdir)/../../chalkcolor/ \
+ -I$(interfacedir) \
+ $(all_includes)
+libchalkgrayscale_la_SOURCES =
+libchalkgrayscale_la_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries)
+libchalkgrayscale_la_LIBADD = ../../chalkcolor/
+kde_module_LTLIBRARIES =
+chalkgrayplugin_la_SOURCES =
+noinst_HEADERS = gray_plugin.h kis_gray_colorspace.h
+chalkgrayplugin_la_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) -module $(KDE_PLUGIN) $(LIB_QT) -lkdecore -lkdeui -lkjs -lkdefx -lkio -lkparts -llcms
+chalkgrayplugin_la_LIBADD = ../../chalkcolor/
+chalkgrayplugin_la_METASOURCES = AUTO
+if include_kunittest_tests
+TESTSDIR = tests
+SUBDIRS = . templates $(TESTSDIR)
diff --git a/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/chalkgrayplugin.desktop b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/chalkgrayplugin.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..58a6d992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/chalkgrayplugin.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Grayscale Color Model
+Name[bg]=Цветови модел със степени на сивото
+Name[ca]=Model de color d'escala de grisos
+Name[cy]=Model Lliw Graddlwyd
+Name[da]=Farvemodel med gråskala
+Name[el]=Χρωματικό μοντέλο διαβαθμίσεων του γκρι
+Name[en_GB]=Greyscale Colour Model
+Name[eo]=Grizoskala kolormodelo
+Name[es]=Modelo de color de escala de grises
+Name[et]=Halltooni värvimudel
+Name[eu]=Gris-eskala kolore-eredua
+Name[fa]=مدل رنگ مقیاس خاکستری
+Name[fr]=Modèle de couleurs en niveaux de gris
+Name[fy]=Griiswearden kleurmodel
+Name[gl]=Modelo de Cores en Escala de Gris
+Name[he]=מודל צבעים של גווני אפור
+Name[hi]=श्वेत-श्याम रंग नमूना
+Name[hu]=Szürkeárnyalatos színmodell
+Name[is]=Gráskala litategund
+Name[it]=Modello di colore in scala di grigio
+Name[ja]=グレースケール カラーモデル
+Name[lv]=Pelēktoņu krāsu modelis
+Name[ms]=Model Warna Skala Kelabu
+Name[nb]=Fargemodell med gråtoner
+Name[ne]=ग्रेस्केल रङ मोडेल
+Name[nl]=Grijswaarden kleurmodel
+Name[nn]=Fargemodell med gråtonar
+Name[pl]=Skala szarości
+Name[pt]=Modelo de Cor de Tons de Cinzento
+Name[pt_BR]=Modelo de Cor em Tons de Cinza
+Name[ru]=Градации серого
+Name[se]=Ránesivnniid ivdnemálle
+Name[sk]=Model farieb ČB/šedý
+Name[sl]=Sivinski barvni model
+Name[sr]=Модел боја за сиве нијансе
+Name[sr@Latn]=Model boja za sive nijanse
+Name[ta]=பழுப்புநிற வண்ண மாதிரி
+Name[tr]=Griton Renk Modeli
+Name[uk]=Модель кольору "відтінки сірого"
+Name[uz]=Kul rang usuli
+Name[uz@cyrillic]=Кул ранг усули
+Comment=Color model for 8-bit grayscale images
+Comment[bg]=Цветови модел за 8 битови сиви изображения
+Comment[ca]=Model de color d'escala de grisos de 8 bits
+Comment[cy]=Model lliw ar gyfer delweddau graddlwyd 8-did
+Comment[da]=Farvemodel for 8-bit gråskala-billeder
+Comment[de]=Farbmodell für 8-bit Graustufenbilder
+Comment[el]=Χρωματικό μοντέλο για 8-bit με διαβαθμίσεις του γκρι εικόνες
+Comment[en_GB]=Colour model for 8-bit greyscale images
+Comment[eo]=Kolormodelo por 8-bitaj grizoskalaj bildoj
+Comment[es]=Modelo de color de imágenes de escala de grises para 8 bits
+Comment[et]=8-bitiste halltoonis piltide värvimudel
+Comment[eu]=8 bit/kanaleko gris-eskalako irudien kolore-eredua
+Comment[fa]=مدل رنگ برای تصاویر مقیاس خاکستری ۸ بیتی
+Comment[fi]=Värimalli 8-bittisille harmaasävykuville
+Comment[fr]=Modèle de couleurs pour des images en niveaux de gris 8 bits
+Comment[fy]=Kleurmodel foar ôfbeeldings yn 8-bit griiswearden
+Comment[gl]=Modelo de Cores de escala de gris de for 8-bit
+Comment[he]=מודל צבעים עבור תמונות של 8 סיביות בגווני אפור
+Comment[hi]=8-बिट श्वेत-श्याम छवियों के लिए रंग नमूना
+Comment[hu]=Színmodell 8 bites szürkeárnyalatos képekhez
+Comment[is]=Litategund fyrir 8-bita gráskala myndir
+Comment[it]=Modello di colore per immagini a 8 bit in scala di grigio
+Comment[ja]=8 ビット グレースケール画像のためのカラーモデル
+Comment[km]=គំរូ​ពណ៌​សម្រាប់​រូបភាព​មាត្រដ្ឋាន​ប្រផេះ ៨ ប៊ីត
+Comment[ms]=Model warna bagi imej skala kelabu 8-bit
+Comment[nb]=Fargemodell for 8-bits gråtonebilder
+Comment[nds]=Klöörmodell för Griestöön-Biller mit 8-Bit Heeltall
+Comment[ne]=८-बिट ग्रेस्केल छविहरूका लागि रङ मोडेल
+Comment[nl]=Kleurmodel voor afbeeldingen in 8-bit grijswaarden
+Comment[nn]=Fargemodell for 8-bits gråtonebilete
+Comment[pl]=Przestrzeń braw dla 8-bitowych obrazków w skali szarości
+Comment[pt]=Modelo de cor para imagens de tons de cinzento com 8 bits
+Comment[pt_BR]=Modelo de cor para imagens com 8-bits de tons de cinza
+Comment[ru]=Цветовое пространство градаций серого (8-бит)
+Comment[sk]=Model farieb pre ČB/šedé obrázky s 8 bitmi na kanál
+Comment[sl]=Barvni model za 8 bitne sivinske slike
+Comment[sr]=Модел боја за слике у 8-битним сивим нијансама
+Comment[sr@Latn]=Model boja za slike u 8-bitnim sivim nijansama
+Comment[sv]=Färgmodell för 8-bitars gråskalebilder
+Comment[ta]=8-பிட் பழுப்புநிற பிம்பங்களுக்கு வண்ண மாதிரி
+Comment[tr]=8-bit griton görüntüler için renk modeli.
+Comment[uk]=Модель кольору зображень відтінків сірого (8-бітів)
+Comment[zh_CN]=8 位灰度图像的色彩模型
+Comment[zh_TW]=8-bit 灰階圖片的色彩模型
diff --git a/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/ b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0028c597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ * -- Part of Chalk
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004 Boudewijn Rempt ([email protected])
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <kinstance.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <ktempfile.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kgenericfactory.h>
+#include <kis_debug_areas.h>
+#include <kis_colorspace_factory_registry.h>
+#include <kis_basic_histogram_producers.h>
+#include "gray_plugin.h"
+#include "kis_gray_colorspace.h"
+typedef KGenericFactory<GrayPlugin> GrayPluginFactory;
+K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( chalkgrayplugin, GrayPluginFactory( "chalkcore" ) )
+GrayPlugin::GrayPlugin(TQObject *tqparent, const char *name, const TQStringList &)
+ : KParts::Plugin(tqparent, name)
+ setInstance(GrayPluginFactory::instance());
+ // This is not a gui plugin; only load it when the doc is created.
+ if ( tqparent->inherits("KisColorSpaceFactoryRegistry") )
+ {
+ KisColorSpaceFactoryRegistry * f = dynamic_cast<KisColorSpaceFactoryRegistry*>( tqparent );
+ // .22 gamma grayscale or something like that. Taken from the lcms tutorial...
+ LPGAMMATABLE Gamma = cmsBuildGamma(256, 2.2);
+ cmsHPROFILE hProfile = cmsCreateGrayProfile(cmsD50_xyY(), Gamma);
+ cmsFreeGamma(Gamma);
+ KisProfile *defProfile = new KisProfile(hProfile);
+ f->addProfile(defProfile);
+ KisColorSpace * colorSpaceGrayA = new KisGrayColorSpace(f, 0);
+ KisColorSpaceFactory * csf = new KisGrayColorSpaceFactory();
+ Q_CHECK_PTR(colorSpaceGrayA);
+ f->add(csf);
+ KisHistogramProducerFactoryRegistry::instance()->add(
+ new KisBasicHistogramProducerFactory<KisBasicU8HistogramProducer>
+ (KisID("GRAYA8HISTO", i18n("GRAY/Alpha8")), colorSpaceGrayA) );
+ }
+#include "gray_plugin.moc"
diff --git a/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/gray_plugin.h b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/gray_plugin.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f18bf77c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/gray_plugin.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 Boudewijn Rempt ([email protected])
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef GRAY_PLUGIN_H_
+#define GRAY_PLUGIN_H_
+#include <kparts/plugin.h>
+ * A plugin wrapper around the GRAY colour space strategy.
+ */
+class GrayPlugin : public KParts::Plugin
+ GrayPlugin(TQObject *tqparent, const char *name, const TQStringList &);
+ virtual ~GrayPlugin();
+#endif // GRAY_PLUGIN_H_
diff --git a/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/grayplugin.rc b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/grayplugin.rc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d4562cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/grayplugin.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<!DOCTYPE kpartgui SYSTEM "kpartgui.dtd">
+<kpartgui library="chalkgrayplugin" version="1">
+<Menu name="Image"><text>&amp;Image</text>
+ <Menu name="Mode"><text>&amp;Mode</text>
+ <Action name="convert to Gray(A)"/>
+ </Menu>
diff --git a/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/ b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dbd475df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/
@@ -0,0 +1,997 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2002 Patrick Julien <[email protected]>
+ * Copyright (c) 2004 Cyrille Berger
+ * Copyright (c) 2004 Boudewijn Rempt <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <config.h>
+#include LCMS_HEADER
+#include <tqimage.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kglobal.h>
+#include "kis_abstract_colorspace.h"
+#include "kis_u8_base_colorspace.h"
+#include "kis_gray_colorspace.h"
+#include "kis_integer_maths.h"
+#define downscale(quantum) (quantum) //((unsigned char) ((quantum)/257UL))
+#define upscale(value) (value) // ((TQ_UINT8) (257UL*(value)))
+namespace {
+KisGrayColorSpace::KisGrayColorSpace(KisColorSpaceFactoryRegistry * tqparent, KisProfile *p) :
+ KisU8BaseColorSpace(KisID("GRAYA", i18n("Grayscale")), TYPE_GRAYA_8, icSigGrayData, tqparent, p)
+ m_channels.push_back(new KisChannelInfo(i18n("Gray"), i18n("G"), 0, KisChannelInfo::COLOR, KisChannelInfo::UINT8));
+ m_channels.push_back(new KisChannelInfo(i18n("Alpha"), i18n("A"), 1, KisChannelInfo::ALPHA, KisChannelInfo::UINT8));
+ m_alphaPos = PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA;
+ init();
+void KisGrayColorSpace::setPixel(TQ_UINT8 *pixel, TQ_UINT8 gray, TQ_UINT8 alpha) const
+ pixel[PIXEL_GRAY] = gray;
+ pixel[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA] = alpha;
+void KisGrayColorSpace::getPixel(const TQ_UINT8 *pixel, TQ_UINT8 *gray, TQ_UINT8 *alpha) const
+ *gray = pixel[PIXEL_GRAY];
+ *alpha = pixel[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA];
+void KisGrayColorSpace::getAlpha(const TQ_UINT8 *pixel, TQ_UINT8 *alpha) const
+ *alpha = pixel[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA];
+void KisGrayColorSpace::setAlpha(TQ_UINT8 *pixels, TQ_UINT8 alpha, TQ_INT32 nPixels) const
+ while (nPixels > 0) {
+ pixels[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA] = alpha;
+ --nPixels;
+ }
+void KisGrayColorSpace::mixColors(const TQ_UINT8 **colors, const TQ_UINT8 *weights, TQ_UINT32 nColors, TQ_UINT8 *dst) const
+ TQ_UINT32 totalGray = 0, newAlpha = 0;
+ while (nColors--)
+ {
+ TQ_UINT32 alpha = (*colors)[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA];
+ TQ_UINT32 alphaTimesWeight = UINT8_MULT(alpha, *weights);
+ totalGray += (*colors)[PIXEL_GRAY] * alphaTimesWeight;
+ newAlpha += alphaTimesWeight;
+ weights++;
+ colors++;
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(newAlpha <= 255);
+ dst[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA] = newAlpha;
+ if (newAlpha > 0) {
+ totalGray = UINT8_DIVIDE(totalGray, newAlpha);
+ }
+ // Divide by 255.
+ totalGray += 0x80;
+ TQ_UINT32 dstGray = ((totalGray >> 8) + totalGray) >> 8;
+ Q_ASSERT(dstGray <= 255);
+ dst[PIXEL_GRAY] = dstGray;
+void KisGrayColorSpace::convolveColors(TQ_UINT8** colors, TQ_INT32* kernelValues, KisChannelInfo::enumChannelFlags channelFlags, TQ_UINT8 *dst, TQ_INT32 factor, TQ_INT32 offset, TQ_INT32 nColors) const
+ TQ_INT32 totalGray = 0, totalAlpha = 0;
+ while (nColors--)
+ {
+ TQ_INT32 weight = *kernelValues;
+ if (weight != 0) {
+ totalGray += (*colors)[PIXEL_GRAY] * weight;
+ totalAlpha += (*colors)[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA] * weight;
+ }
+ colors++;
+ kernelValues++;
+ }
+ if (channelFlags & KisChannelInfo::FLAG_COLOR) {
+ dst[PIXEL_GRAY] = CLAMP((totalGray / factor) + offset, 0, TQ_UINT8_MAX);
+ }
+ if (channelFlags & KisChannelInfo::FLAG_ALPHA) {
+ dst[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA] = CLAMP((totalAlpha/ factor) + offset, 0, TQ_UINT8_MAX);
+ }
+void KisGrayColorSpace::invertColor(TQ_UINT8 * src, TQ_INT32 nPixels)
+ TQ_UINT32 psize = pixelSize();
+ while (nPixels--)
+ {
+ src += psize;
+ }
+void KisGrayColorSpace::darken(const TQ_UINT8 * src, TQ_UINT8 * dst, TQ_INT32 shade, bool compensate, double compensation, TQ_INT32 nPixels) const
+ TQ_UINT32 pSize = pixelSize();
+ while (nPixels--) {
+ if (compensate) {
+ dst[PIXEL_GRAY] = (TQ_INT8) TQMIN(255,((src[PIXEL_GRAY] * shade) / (compensation * 255)));
+ }
+ else {
+ dst[PIXEL_GRAY] = (TQ_INT8) TQMIN(255, (src[PIXEL_GRAY] * shade / 255));
+ }
+ dst += pSize;
+ src += pSize;
+ }
+TQ_UINT8 KisGrayColorSpace::intensity8(const TQ_UINT8 * src) const
+ return src[PIXEL_GRAY];
+TQValueVector<KisChannelInfo *> KisGrayColorSpace::channels() const
+ return m_channels;
+TQ_UINT32 KisGrayColorSpace::nChannels() const
+TQ_UINT32 KisGrayColorSpace::nColorChannels() const
+TQ_UINT32 KisGrayColorSpace::pixelSize() const
+void KisGrayColorSpace::bitBlt(TQ_UINT8 *dst,
+ TQ_INT32 dstRowStride,
+ const TQ_UINT8 *src,
+ TQ_INT32 srcRowStride,
+ const TQ_UINT8 *tqmask,
+ TQ_INT32 tqmaskRowStride,
+ TQ_UINT8 opacity,
+ TQ_INT32 rows,
+ TQ_INT32 cols,
+ const KisCompositeOp& op)
+ switch (op.op()) {
+ compositeOver(dst, dstRowStride, src, srcRowStride, tqmask, tqmaskRowStride, rows, cols, opacity);
+ break;
+ compositeMultiply(dst, dstRowStride, src, srcRowStride, tqmask, tqmaskRowStride, rows, cols, opacity);
+ break;
+ compositeDivide(dst, dstRowStride, src, srcRowStride, tqmask, tqmaskRowStride, rows, cols, opacity);
+ break;
+ compositeDarken(dst, dstRowStride, src, srcRowStride, tqmask, tqmaskRowStride, rows, cols, opacity);
+ break;
+ compositeLighten(dst, dstRowStride, src, srcRowStride, tqmask, tqmaskRowStride, rows, cols, opacity);
+ break;
+ compositeScreen(dst, dstRowStride, src, srcRowStride, tqmask, tqmaskRowStride, rows, cols, opacity);
+ break;
+ compositeOverlay(dst, dstRowStride, src, srcRowStride, tqmask, tqmaskRowStride, rows, cols, opacity);
+ break;
+ compositeDodge(dst, dstRowStride, src, srcRowStride, tqmask, tqmaskRowStride, rows, cols, opacity);
+ break;
+ compositeBurn(dst, dstRowStride, src, srcRowStride, tqmask, tqmaskRowStride, rows, cols, opacity);
+ break;
+ compositeErase(dst, dstRowStride, src, srcRowStride, tqmask, tqmaskRowStride, rows, cols, opacity);
+ break;
+ compositeCopy(dst, dstRowStride, src, srcRowStride, tqmask, tqmaskRowStride, rows, cols, opacity);
+ break;
+ TQ_UINT8 *d;
+ TQ_INT32 linesize;
+ linesize = MAX_CHANNEL_GRAYSCALEA*sizeof(TQ_UINT8) * cols;
+ d = dst;
+ while (rows-- > 0) {
+ memset(d, 0, linesize);
+ d += dstRowStride;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ compositeAlphaDarken(dst, dstRowStride, src, srcRowStride, tqmask, tqmaskRowStride, rows, cols, opacity);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+KisCompositeOpList KisGrayColorSpace::userVisiblecompositeOps() const
+ KisCompositeOpList list;
+ list.append(KisCompositeOp(COMPOSITE_OVER));
+ list.append(KisCompositeOp(COMPOSITE_MULT));
+ list.append(KisCompositeOp(COMPOSITE_BURN));
+ list.append(KisCompositeOp(COMPOSITE_DODGE));
+ list.append(KisCompositeOp(COMPOSITE_DIVIDE));
+ list.append(KisCompositeOp(COMPOSITE_SCREEN));
+ list.append(KisCompositeOp(COMPOSITE_OVERLAY));
+ list.append(KisCompositeOp(COMPOSITE_DARKEN));
+ list.append(KisCompositeOp(COMPOSITE_LIGHTEN));
+ return list;
+void KisGrayColorSpace::compositeOver(TQ_UINT8 *dstRowStart, TQ_INT32 dstRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *srcRowStart, TQ_INT32 srcRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *tqmaskRowStart, TQ_INT32 tqmaskRowStride, TQ_INT32 rows, TQ_INT32 numColumns, TQ_UINT8 opacity)
+ while (rows > 0) {
+ const TQ_UINT8 *src = srcRowStart;
+ TQ_UINT8 *dst = dstRowStart;
+ TQ_INT32 columns = numColumns;
+ const TQ_UINT8 *tqmask = tqmaskRowStart;
+ while (columns > 0) {
+ TQ_UINT8 srcAlpha = src[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA];
+ // apply the alphatqmask
+ if(tqmask != 0)
+ {
+ if(*tqmask != OPACITY_OPAQUE)
+ srcAlpha = UINT8_MULT(srcAlpha, *tqmask);
+ tqmask++;
+ }
+ if (srcAlpha != OPACITY_TRANSPARENT) {
+ if (opacity != OPACITY_OPAQUE) {
+ srcAlpha = UINT8_MULT(srcAlpha, opacity);
+ }
+ if (srcAlpha == OPACITY_OPAQUE) {
+ memcpy(dst, src, MAX_CHANNEL_GRAYSCALEA * sizeof(TQ_UINT8));
+ } else {
+ TQ_UINT8 dstAlpha = dst[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA];
+ TQ_UINT8 srcBlend;
+ if (dstAlpha == OPACITY_OPAQUE) {
+ srcBlend = srcAlpha;
+ } else {
+ TQ_UINT8 newAlpha = dstAlpha + UINT8_MULT(OPACITY_OPAQUE - dstAlpha, srcAlpha);
+ dst[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA] = newAlpha;
+ if (newAlpha != 0) {
+ srcBlend = UINT8_DIVIDE(srcAlpha, newAlpha);
+ } else {
+ srcBlend = srcAlpha;
+ }
+ }
+ if (srcBlend == OPACITY_OPAQUE) {
+ memcpy(dst, src, MAX_CHANNEL_GRAYSCALE * sizeof(TQ_UINT8));
+ } else {
+ dst[PIXEL_GRAY] = UINT8_BLEND(src[PIXEL_GRAY], dst[PIXEL_GRAY], srcBlend);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ columns--;
+ }
+ rows--;
+ srcRowStart += srcRowStride;
+ dstRowStart += dstRowStride;
+ if(tqmaskRowStart)
+ tqmaskRowStart += tqmaskRowStride;
+ }
+void KisGrayColorSpace::compositeMultiply(TQ_UINT8 *dstRowStart, TQ_INT32 dstRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *srcRowStart, TQ_INT32 srcRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *tqmaskRowStart, TQ_INT32 tqmaskRowStride, TQ_INT32 rows, TQ_INT32 numColumns, TQ_UINT8 opacity)
+ while (rows > 0) {
+ const TQ_UINT8 *src = srcRowStart;
+ TQ_UINT8 *dst = dstRowStart;
+ TQ_INT32 columns = numColumns;
+ const TQ_UINT8 *tqmask = tqmaskRowStart;
+ while (columns > 0) {
+ TQ_UINT8 srcAlpha = src[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA];
+ TQ_UINT8 dstAlpha = dst[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA];
+ srcAlpha = TQMIN(srcAlpha, dstAlpha);
+ // apply the alphatqmask
+ if(tqmask != 0)
+ {
+ if(*tqmask != OPACITY_OPAQUE)
+ srcAlpha = UINT8_MULT(srcAlpha, *tqmask);
+ tqmask++;
+ }
+ if (srcAlpha != OPACITY_TRANSPARENT) {
+ if (opacity != OPACITY_OPAQUE) {
+ srcAlpha = UINT8_MULT(src[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA], opacity);
+ }
+ TQ_UINT8 srcBlend;
+ if (dstAlpha == OPACITY_OPAQUE) {
+ srcBlend = srcAlpha;
+ } else {
+ TQ_UINT8 newAlpha = dstAlpha + UINT8_MULT(OPACITY_OPAQUE - dstAlpha, srcAlpha);
+ dst[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA] = newAlpha;
+ if (newAlpha != 0) {
+ srcBlend = UINT8_DIVIDE(srcAlpha, newAlpha);
+ } else {
+ srcBlend = srcAlpha;
+ }
+ }
+ TQ_UINT8 srcColor = src[PIXEL_GRAY];
+ TQ_UINT8 dstColor = dst[PIXEL_GRAY];
+ srcColor = UINT8_MULT(srcColor, dstColor);
+ dst[PIXEL_GRAY] = UINT8_BLEND(srcColor, dstColor, srcBlend);
+ }
+ columns--;
+ }
+ rows--;
+ srcRowStart += srcRowStride;
+ dstRowStart += dstRowStride;
+ if(tqmaskRowStart)
+ tqmaskRowStart += tqmaskRowStride;
+ }
+void KisGrayColorSpace::compositeDivide(TQ_UINT8 *dstRowStart, TQ_INT32 dstRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *srcRowStart, TQ_INT32 srcRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *tqmaskRowStart, TQ_INT32 tqmaskRowStride, TQ_INT32 rows, TQ_INT32 numColumns, TQ_UINT8 opacity)
+ while (rows > 0) {
+ const TQ_UINT8 *src = srcRowStart;
+ TQ_UINT8 *dst = dstRowStart;
+ TQ_INT32 columns = numColumns;
+ const TQ_UINT8 *tqmask = tqmaskRowStart;
+ while (columns > 0) {
+ TQ_UINT8 srcAlpha = src[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA];
+ TQ_UINT8 dstAlpha = dst[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA];
+ srcAlpha = TQMIN(srcAlpha, dstAlpha);
+ // apply the alphatqmask
+ if(tqmask != 0)
+ {
+ if(*tqmask != OPACITY_OPAQUE)
+ srcAlpha = UINT8_MULT(srcAlpha, *tqmask);
+ tqmask++;
+ }
+ if (srcAlpha != OPACITY_TRANSPARENT) {
+ if (opacity != OPACITY_OPAQUE) {
+ srcAlpha = UINT8_MULT(src[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA], opacity);
+ }
+ TQ_UINT8 srcBlend;
+ if (dstAlpha == OPACITY_OPAQUE) {
+ srcBlend = srcAlpha;
+ } else {
+ TQ_UINT8 newAlpha = dstAlpha + UINT8_MULT(OPACITY_OPAQUE - dstAlpha, srcAlpha);
+ dst[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA] = newAlpha;
+ if (newAlpha != 0) {
+ srcBlend = UINT8_DIVIDE(srcAlpha, newAlpha);
+ } else {
+ srcBlend = srcAlpha;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int channel = 0; channel < MAX_CHANNEL_GRAYSCALE; channel++) {
+ TQ_UINT8 srcColor = src[channel];
+ TQ_UINT8 dstColor = dst[channel];
+ srcColor = TQMIN((dstColor * (UINT8_MAX + 1)) / (1 + srcColor), UINT8_MAX);
+ TQ_UINT8 newColor = UINT8_BLEND(srcColor, dstColor, srcBlend);
+ dst[channel] = newColor;
+ }
+ }
+ columns--;
+ }
+ rows--;
+ srcRowStart += srcRowStride;
+ dstRowStart += dstRowStride;
+ if(tqmaskRowStart)
+ tqmaskRowStart += tqmaskRowStride;
+ }
+void KisGrayColorSpace::compositeScreen(TQ_UINT8 *dstRowStart, TQ_INT32 dstRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *srcRowStart, TQ_INT32 srcRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *tqmaskRowStart, TQ_INT32 tqmaskRowStride, TQ_INT32 rows, TQ_INT32 numColumns, TQ_UINT8 opacity)
+ while (rows > 0) {
+ const TQ_UINT8 *src = srcRowStart;
+ TQ_UINT8 *dst = dstRowStart;
+ TQ_INT32 columns = numColumns;
+ const TQ_UINT8 *tqmask = tqmaskRowStart;
+ while (columns > 0) {
+ TQ_UINT8 srcAlpha = src[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA];
+ TQ_UINT8 dstAlpha = dst[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA];
+ srcAlpha = TQMIN(srcAlpha, dstAlpha);
+ // apply the alphatqmask
+ if(tqmask != 0)
+ {
+ if(*tqmask != OPACITY_OPAQUE)
+ srcAlpha = UINT8_MULT(srcAlpha, *tqmask);
+ tqmask++;
+ }
+ if (srcAlpha != OPACITY_TRANSPARENT) {
+ if (opacity != OPACITY_OPAQUE) {
+ srcAlpha = UINT8_MULT(src[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA], opacity);
+ }
+ TQ_UINT8 srcBlend;
+ if (dstAlpha == OPACITY_OPAQUE) {
+ srcBlend = srcAlpha;
+ } else {
+ TQ_UINT8 newAlpha = dstAlpha + UINT8_MULT(OPACITY_OPAQUE - dstAlpha, srcAlpha);
+ dst[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA] = newAlpha;
+ if (newAlpha != 0) {
+ srcBlend = UINT8_DIVIDE(srcAlpha, newAlpha);
+ } else {
+ srcBlend = srcAlpha;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int channel = 0; channel < MAX_CHANNEL_GRAYSCALE; channel++) {
+ TQ_UINT8 srcColor = src[channel];
+ TQ_UINT8 dstColor = dst[channel];
+ srcColor = UINT8_MAX - UINT8_MULT(UINT8_MAX - dstColor, UINT8_MAX - srcColor);
+ TQ_UINT8 newColor = UINT8_BLEND(srcColor, dstColor, srcBlend);
+ dst[channel] = newColor;
+ }
+ }
+ columns--;
+ }
+ rows--;
+ srcRowStart += srcRowStride;
+ dstRowStart += dstRowStride;
+ if(tqmaskRowStart)
+ tqmaskRowStart += tqmaskRowStride;
+ }
+void KisGrayColorSpace::compositeOverlay(TQ_UINT8 *dstRowStart, TQ_INT32 dstRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *srcRowStart, TQ_INT32 srcRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *tqmaskRowStart, TQ_INT32 tqmaskRowStride, TQ_INT32 rows, TQ_INT32 numColumns, TQ_UINT8 opacity)
+ while (rows > 0) {
+ const TQ_UINT8 *src = srcRowStart;
+ TQ_UINT8 *dst = dstRowStart;
+ TQ_INT32 columns = numColumns;
+ const TQ_UINT8 *tqmask = tqmaskRowStart;
+ while (columns > 0) {
+ TQ_UINT8 srcAlpha = src[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA];
+ TQ_UINT8 dstAlpha = dst[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA];
+ srcAlpha = TQMIN(srcAlpha, dstAlpha);
+ // apply the alphatqmask
+ if(tqmask != 0)
+ {
+ if(*tqmask != OPACITY_OPAQUE)
+ srcAlpha = UINT8_MULT(srcAlpha, *tqmask);
+ tqmask++;
+ }
+ if (srcAlpha != OPACITY_TRANSPARENT) {
+ if (opacity != OPACITY_OPAQUE) {
+ srcAlpha = UINT8_MULT(src[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA], opacity);
+ }
+ TQ_UINT8 srcBlend;
+ if (dstAlpha == OPACITY_OPAQUE) {
+ srcBlend = srcAlpha;
+ } else {
+ TQ_UINT8 newAlpha = dstAlpha + UINT8_MULT(OPACITY_OPAQUE - dstAlpha, srcAlpha);
+ dst[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA] = newAlpha;
+ if (newAlpha != 0) {
+ srcBlend = UINT8_DIVIDE(srcAlpha, newAlpha);
+ } else {
+ srcBlend = srcAlpha;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int channel = 0; channel < MAX_CHANNEL_GRAYSCALE; channel++) {
+ TQ_UINT8 srcColor = src[channel];
+ TQ_UINT8 dstColor = dst[channel];
+ srcColor = UINT8_MULT(dstColor, dstColor + UINT8_MULT(2 * srcColor, UINT8_MAX - dstColor));
+ TQ_UINT8 newColor = UINT8_BLEND(srcColor, dstColor, srcBlend);
+ dst[channel] = newColor;
+ }
+ }
+ columns--;
+ }
+ rows--;
+ srcRowStart += srcRowStride;
+ dstRowStart += dstRowStride;
+ if(tqmaskRowStart)
+ tqmaskRowStart += tqmaskRowStride;
+ }
+void KisGrayColorSpace::compositeDodge(TQ_UINT8 *dstRowStart, TQ_INT32 dstRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *srcRowStart, TQ_INT32 srcRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *tqmaskRowStart, TQ_INT32 tqmaskRowStride, TQ_INT32 rows, TQ_INT32 numColumns, TQ_UINT8 opacity)
+ while (rows > 0) {
+ const TQ_UINT8 *src = srcRowStart;
+ TQ_UINT8 *dst = dstRowStart;
+ TQ_INT32 columns = numColumns;
+ const TQ_UINT8 *tqmask = tqmaskRowStart;
+ while (columns > 0) {
+ TQ_UINT8 srcAlpha = src[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA];
+ TQ_UINT8 dstAlpha = dst[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA];
+ srcAlpha = TQMIN(srcAlpha, dstAlpha);
+ // apply the alphatqmask
+ if(tqmask != 0)
+ {
+ if(*tqmask != OPACITY_OPAQUE)
+ srcAlpha = UINT8_MULT(srcAlpha, *tqmask);
+ tqmask++;
+ }
+ if (srcAlpha != OPACITY_TRANSPARENT) {
+ if (opacity != OPACITY_OPAQUE) {
+ srcAlpha = UINT8_MULT(src[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA], opacity);
+ }
+ TQ_UINT8 srcBlend;
+ if (dstAlpha == OPACITY_OPAQUE) {
+ srcBlend = srcAlpha;
+ } else {
+ TQ_UINT8 newAlpha = dstAlpha + UINT8_MULT(OPACITY_OPAQUE - dstAlpha, srcAlpha);
+ dst[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA] = newAlpha;
+ if (newAlpha != 0) {
+ srcBlend = UINT8_DIVIDE(srcAlpha, newAlpha);
+ } else {
+ srcBlend = srcAlpha;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int channel = 0; channel < MAX_CHANNEL_GRAYSCALE; channel++) {
+ TQ_UINT8 srcColor = src[channel];
+ TQ_UINT8 dstColor = dst[channel];
+ srcColor = TQMIN((dstColor * (UINT8_MAX + 1)) / (UINT8_MAX + 1 - srcColor), UINT8_MAX);
+ TQ_UINT8 newColor = UINT8_BLEND(srcColor, dstColor, srcBlend);
+ dst[channel] = newColor;
+ }
+ }
+ columns--;
+ }
+ rows--;
+ srcRowStart += srcRowStride;
+ dstRowStart += dstRowStride;
+ if(tqmaskRowStart)
+ tqmaskRowStart += tqmaskRowStride;
+ }
+void KisGrayColorSpace::compositeBurn(TQ_UINT8 *dstRowStart, TQ_INT32 dstRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *srcRowStart, TQ_INT32 srcRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *tqmaskRowStart, TQ_INT32 tqmaskRowStride, TQ_INT32 rows, TQ_INT32 numColumns, TQ_UINT8 opacity)
+ while (rows > 0) {
+ const TQ_UINT8 *src = srcRowStart;
+ TQ_UINT8 *dst = dstRowStart;
+ TQ_INT32 columns = numColumns;
+ const TQ_UINT8 *tqmask = tqmaskRowStart;
+ while (columns > 0) {
+ TQ_UINT8 srcAlpha = src[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA];
+ TQ_UINT8 dstAlpha = dst[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA];
+ srcAlpha = TQMIN(srcAlpha, dstAlpha);
+ // apply the alphatqmask
+ if(tqmask != 0)
+ {
+ if(*tqmask != OPACITY_OPAQUE)
+ srcAlpha = UINT8_MULT(srcAlpha, *tqmask);
+ tqmask++;
+ }
+ if (srcAlpha != OPACITY_TRANSPARENT) {
+ if (opacity != OPACITY_OPAQUE) {
+ srcAlpha = UINT8_MULT(src[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA], opacity);
+ }
+ TQ_UINT8 srcBlend;
+ if (dstAlpha == OPACITY_OPAQUE) {
+ srcBlend = srcAlpha;
+ } else {
+ TQ_UINT8 newAlpha = dstAlpha + UINT8_MULT(OPACITY_OPAQUE - dstAlpha, srcAlpha);
+ dst[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA] = newAlpha;
+ if (newAlpha != 0) {
+ srcBlend = UINT8_DIVIDE(srcAlpha, newAlpha);
+ } else {
+ srcBlend = srcAlpha;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int channel = 0; channel < MAX_CHANNEL_GRAYSCALE; channel++) {
+ TQ_UINT8 srcColor = src[channel];
+ TQ_UINT8 dstColor = dst[channel];
+ srcColor = kMin(((UINT8_MAX - dstColor) * (UINT8_MAX + 1)) / (srcColor + 1), UINT8_MAX);
+ srcColor = kClamp(UINT8_MAX - srcColor, 0u, UINT8_MAX);
+ TQ_UINT8 newColor = UINT8_BLEND(srcColor, dstColor, srcBlend);
+ dst[channel] = newColor;
+ }
+ }
+ columns--;
+ }
+ rows--;
+ srcRowStart += srcRowStride;
+ dstRowStart += dstRowStride;
+ if(tqmaskRowStart)
+ tqmaskRowStart += tqmaskRowStride;
+ }
+void KisGrayColorSpace::compositeDarken(TQ_UINT8 *dstRowStart, TQ_INT32 dstRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *srcRowStart, TQ_INT32 srcRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *tqmaskRowStart, TQ_INT32 tqmaskRowStride, TQ_INT32 rows, TQ_INT32 numColumns, TQ_UINT8 opacity)
+ while (rows > 0) {
+ const TQ_UINT8 *src = srcRowStart;
+ TQ_UINT8 *dst = dstRowStart;
+ TQ_INT32 columns = numColumns;
+ const TQ_UINT8 *tqmask = tqmaskRowStart;
+ while (columns > 0) {
+ TQ_UINT8 srcAlpha = src[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA];
+ TQ_UINT8 dstAlpha = dst[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA];
+ srcAlpha = TQMIN(srcAlpha, dstAlpha);
+ // apply the alphatqmask
+ if(tqmask != 0)
+ {
+ if(*tqmask != OPACITY_OPAQUE)
+ srcAlpha = UINT8_MULT(srcAlpha, *tqmask);
+ tqmask++;
+ }
+ if (srcAlpha != OPACITY_TRANSPARENT) {
+ if (opacity != OPACITY_OPAQUE) {
+ srcAlpha = UINT8_MULT(src[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA], opacity);
+ }
+ TQ_UINT8 srcBlend;
+ if (dstAlpha == OPACITY_OPAQUE) {
+ srcBlend = srcAlpha;
+ } else {
+ TQ_UINT8 newAlpha = dstAlpha + UINT8_MULT(OPACITY_OPAQUE - dstAlpha, srcAlpha);
+ dst[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA] = newAlpha;
+ if (newAlpha != 0) {
+ srcBlend = UINT8_DIVIDE(srcAlpha, newAlpha);
+ } else {
+ srcBlend = srcAlpha;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int channel = 0; channel < MAX_CHANNEL_GRAYSCALE; channel++) {
+ TQ_UINT8 srcColor = src[channel];
+ TQ_UINT8 dstColor = dst[channel];
+ srcColor = TQMIN(srcColor, dstColor);
+ TQ_UINT8 newColor = UINT8_BLEND(srcColor, dstColor, srcBlend);
+ dst[channel] = newColor;
+ }
+ }
+ columns--;
+ }
+ rows--;
+ srcRowStart += srcRowStride;
+ dstRowStart += dstRowStride;
+ if(tqmaskRowStart)
+ tqmaskRowStart += tqmaskRowStride;
+ }
+void KisGrayColorSpace::compositeLighten(TQ_UINT8 *dstRowStart, TQ_INT32 dstRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *srcRowStart, TQ_INT32 srcRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *tqmaskRowStart, TQ_INT32 tqmaskRowStride, TQ_INT32 rows, TQ_INT32 numColumns, TQ_UINT8 opacity)
+ while (rows > 0) {
+ const TQ_UINT8 *src = srcRowStart;
+ TQ_UINT8 *dst = dstRowStart;
+ TQ_INT32 columns = numColumns;
+ const TQ_UINT8 *tqmask = tqmaskRowStart;
+ while (columns > 0) {
+ TQ_UINT8 srcAlpha = src[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA];
+ TQ_UINT8 dstAlpha = dst[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA];
+ srcAlpha = TQMIN(srcAlpha, dstAlpha);
+ // apply the alphatqmask
+ if(tqmask != 0)
+ {
+ if(*tqmask != OPACITY_OPAQUE)
+ srcAlpha = UINT8_MULT(srcAlpha, *tqmask);
+ tqmask++;
+ }
+ if (srcAlpha != OPACITY_TRANSPARENT) {
+ if (opacity != OPACITY_OPAQUE) {
+ srcAlpha = UINT8_MULT(src[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA], opacity);
+ }
+ TQ_UINT8 srcBlend;
+ if (dstAlpha == OPACITY_OPAQUE) {
+ srcBlend = srcAlpha;
+ } else {
+ TQ_UINT8 newAlpha = dstAlpha + UINT8_MULT(OPACITY_OPAQUE - dstAlpha, srcAlpha);
+ dst[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA] = newAlpha;
+ if (newAlpha != 0) {
+ srcBlend = UINT8_DIVIDE(srcAlpha, newAlpha);
+ } else {
+ srcBlend = srcAlpha;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int channel = 0; channel < MAX_CHANNEL_GRAYSCALE; channel++) {
+ TQ_UINT8 srcColor = src[channel];
+ TQ_UINT8 dstColor = dst[channel];
+ srcColor = TQMAX(srcColor, dstColor);
+ TQ_UINT8 newColor = UINT8_BLEND(srcColor, dstColor, srcBlend);
+ dst[channel] = newColor;
+ }
+ }
+ columns--;
+ }
+ rows--;
+ srcRowStart += srcRowStride;
+ dstRowStart += dstRowStride;
+ if(tqmaskRowStart)
+ tqmaskRowStart += tqmaskRowStride;
+ }
+void KisGrayColorSpace::compositeErase(TQ_UINT8 *dst,
+ TQ_INT32 dstRowSize,
+ const TQ_UINT8 *src,
+ TQ_INT32 srcRowSize,
+ const TQ_UINT8 *srcAlphaMask,
+ TQ_INT32 tqmaskRowStride,
+ TQ_INT32 rows,
+ TQ_INT32 cols,
+ TQ_UINT8 /*opacity*/)
+ TQ_INT32 i;
+ TQ_UINT8 srcAlpha;
+ while (rows-- > 0)
+ {
+ const TQ_UINT8 *s = src;
+ TQ_UINT8 *d = dst;
+ const TQ_UINT8 *tqmask = srcAlphaMask;
+ for (i = cols; i > 0; i--, s+=MAX_CHANNEL_GRAYSCALEA, d+=MAX_CHANNEL_GRAYSCALEA)
+ {
+ srcAlpha = s[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA];
+ // apply the alphatqmask
+ if(tqmask != 0)
+ {
+ if(*tqmask != OPACITY_OPAQUE)
+ srcAlpha = UINT8_BLEND(srcAlpha, OPACITY_OPAQUE, *tqmask);
+ tqmask++;
+ }
+ }
+ dst += dstRowSize;
+ if(srcAlphaMask)
+ srcAlphaMask += tqmaskRowStride;
+ src += srcRowSize;
+ }
+void KisGrayColorSpace::compositeAlphaDarken(TQ_UINT8 *dstRowStart, TQ_INT32 dstRowStride,
+ const TQ_UINT8 *srcRowStart, TQ_INT32 srcRowStride,
+ const TQ_UINT8 *tqmaskRowStart, TQ_INT32 tqmaskRowStride,
+ TQ_INT32 rows, TQ_INT32 numColumns, TQ_UINT8 opacity)
+ while (rows > 0) {
+ const TQ_UINT8 *src = srcRowStart;
+ TQ_UINT8 *dst = dstRowStart;
+ const TQ_UINT8 *tqmask = tqmaskRowStart;
+ TQ_INT32 columns = numColumns;
+ while (columns > 0) {
+ TQ_UINT8 srcAlpha = src[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA];
+ TQ_UINT8 dstAlpha = dst[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA];
+ // apply the alphatqmask
+ if(tqmask != 0)
+ {
+ if(*tqmask != OPACITY_OPAQUE)
+ srcAlpha = UINT8_MULT(srcAlpha, *tqmask);
+ tqmask++;
+ }
+ if (opacity != OPACITY_OPAQUE) {
+ srcAlpha = UINT8_MULT(srcAlpha, opacity);
+ }
+ if (srcAlpha != OPACITY_TRANSPARENT && srcAlpha >= dstAlpha) {
+ dst[PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA] = srcAlpha;
+ memcpy(dst, src, MAX_CHANNEL_GRAYSCALE * sizeof(TQ_UINT8));
+ }
+ columns--;
+ }
+ rows--;
+ srcRowStart += srcRowStride;
+ dstRowStart += dstRowStride;
+ if(tqmaskRowStart)
+ tqmaskRowStart += tqmaskRowStride;
+ }
diff --git a/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/kis_gray_colorspace.h b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/kis_gray_colorspace.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a3bc34b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/kis_gray_colorspace.h
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2004 Cyrille Berger <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <tqcolor.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <koffice_export.h>
+#include "kis_global.h"
+#include "kis_abstract_colorspace.h"
+#include "kis_u8_base_colorspace.h"
+class KRITACORE_EXPORT KisGrayColorSpace : public KisU8BaseColorSpace {
+ KisGrayColorSpace(KisColorSpaceFactoryRegistry * tqparent, KisProfile *p);
+ virtual ~KisGrayColorSpace();
+ virtual bool willDegrade(ColorSpaceIndependence /*independence*/)
+ {
+ return false;
+ };
+ void setPixel(TQ_UINT8 *pixel, TQ_UINT8 gray, TQ_UINT8 alpha) const;
+ void getPixel(const TQ_UINT8 *pixel, TQ_UINT8 *gray, TQ_UINT8 *alpha) const;
+ virtual void getAlpha(const TQ_UINT8 *pixel, TQ_UINT8 *alpha) const;
+ virtual void setAlpha(TQ_UINT8 * pixels, TQ_UINT8 alpha, TQ_INT32 nPixels) const;
+ virtual void mixColors(const TQ_UINT8 **colors, const TQ_UINT8 *weights, TQ_UINT32 nColors, TQ_UINT8 *dst) const;
+ virtual void convolveColors(TQ_UINT8** colors, TQ_INT32* kernelValues, KisChannelInfo::enumChannelFlags channelFlags, TQ_UINT8 *dst, TQ_INT32 factor, TQ_INT32 offset, TQ_INT32 nColors) const;
+ virtual void invertColor(TQ_UINT8 * src, TQ_INT32 nPixels);
+ virtual void darken(const TQ_UINT8 * src, TQ_UINT8 * dst, TQ_INT32 shade, bool compensate, double compensation, TQ_INT32 nPixels) const;
+ virtual TQ_UINT8 intensity8(const TQ_UINT8 * src) const;
+ virtual TQValueVector<KisChannelInfo *> channels() const;
+ virtual TQ_UINT32 nChannels() const;
+ virtual TQ_UINT32 nColorChannels() const;
+ virtual TQ_UINT32 pixelSize() const;
+ virtual void bitBlt(TQ_UINT8 *dst,
+ TQ_INT32 dststride,
+ const TQ_UINT8 *src,
+ TQ_INT32 srcRowStride,
+ const TQ_UINT8 *srcAlphaMask,
+ TQ_INT32 tqmaskRowStride,
+ TQ_UINT8 opacity,
+ TQ_INT32 rows,
+ TQ_INT32 cols,
+ const KisCompositeOp& op);
+ KisCompositeOpList userVisiblecompositeOps() const;
+ void compositeOver(TQ_UINT8 *dst, TQ_INT32 dstRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *src, TQ_INT32 srcRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *tqmask, TQ_INT32 tqmaskRowStride, TQ_INT32 rows, TQ_INT32 columns, TQ_UINT8 opacity);
+ void compositeMultiply(TQ_UINT8 *dst, TQ_INT32 dstRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *src, TQ_INT32 srcRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *tqmask, TQ_INT32 tqmaskRowStride, TQ_INT32 rows, TQ_INT32 columns, TQ_UINT8 opacity);
+ void compositeDivide(TQ_UINT8 *dst, TQ_INT32 dstRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *src, TQ_INT32 srcRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *tqmask, TQ_INT32 tqmaskRowStride, TQ_INT32 rows, TQ_INT32 columns, TQ_UINT8 opacity);
+ void compositeScreen(TQ_UINT8 *dst, TQ_INT32 dstRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *src, TQ_INT32 srcRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *tqmask, TQ_INT32 tqmaskRowStride, TQ_INT32 rows, TQ_INT32 columns, TQ_UINT8 opacity);
+ void compositeOverlay(TQ_UINT8 *dst, TQ_INT32 dstRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *src, TQ_INT32 srcRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *tqmask, TQ_INT32 tqmaskRowStride, TQ_INT32 rows, TQ_INT32 columns, TQ_UINT8 opacity);
+ void compositeDodge(TQ_UINT8 *dst, TQ_INT32 dstRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *src, TQ_INT32 srcRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *tqmask, TQ_INT32 tqmaskRowStride, TQ_INT32 rows, TQ_INT32 columns, TQ_UINT8 opacity);
+ void compositeBurn(TQ_UINT8 *dst, TQ_INT32 dstRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *src, TQ_INT32 srcRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *tqmask, TQ_INT32 tqmaskRowStride, TQ_INT32 rows, TQ_INT32 columns, TQ_UINT8 opacity);
+ void compositeDarken(TQ_UINT8 *dst, TQ_INT32 dstRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *src, TQ_INT32 srcRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *tqmask, TQ_INT32 tqmaskRowStride, TQ_INT32 rows, TQ_INT32 columns, TQ_UINT8 opacity);
+ void compositeLighten(TQ_UINT8 *dst, TQ_INT32 dstRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *src, TQ_INT32 srcRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *tqmask, TQ_INT32 tqmaskRowStride, TQ_INT32 rows, TQ_INT32 columns, TQ_UINT8 opacity);
+ void compositeErase(TQ_UINT8 *dst, TQ_INT32 dstRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *src, TQ_INT32 srcRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *tqmask, TQ_INT32 tqmaskRowStride, TQ_INT32 rows, TQ_INT32 columns, TQ_UINT8 opacity);
+ void compositeAlphaDarken(TQ_UINT8 *dst, TQ_INT32 dstRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *src, TQ_INT32 srcRowStride, const TQ_UINT8 *tqmask, TQ_INT32 tqmaskRowStride, TQ_INT32 rows, TQ_INT32 columns, TQ_UINT8 opacity);
+ friend class KisGrayColorSpaceTester;
+ static const TQ_UINT8 PIXEL_GRAY = 0;
+ static const TQ_UINT8 PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA = 1;
+class KisGrayColorSpaceFactory : public KisColorSpaceFactory
+ /**
+ * Chalk definition for use in .kra files and internally: unchanging name +
+ * i18n'able description.
+ */
+ virtual KisID id() const { return KisID("GRAYA", i18n("Grayscale (8-bit integer/channel)")); };
+ /**
+ * lcms colorspace type definition.
+ */
+ virtual TQ_UINT32 colorSpaceType() { return TYPE_GRAYA_8; };
+ virtual icColorSpaceSignature colorSpaceSignature() { return icSigGrayData; };
+ virtual KisColorSpace *createColorSpace(KisColorSpaceFactoryRegistry * tqparent, KisProfile *p) { return new KisGrayColorSpace(tqparent, p); };
+ virtual TQString defaultProfile() { return "gray built-in - (lcms internal)"; };
diff --git a/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/templates/.directory b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/templates/.directory
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e408f23f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/templates/.directory
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name[bg]=Гама на сивото
+Name[ca]=Escala de grisos
+Name[el]=Διαβαθμίσεις του γκρι
+Name[es]=Escala de grises
+Name[fa]=مقیاس خاکستری
+Name[fr]=Niveaux de gris
+Name[gl]=Escala de Gris
+Name[he]=גווני אפור
+Name[it]=Scala di grigio
+Name[pl]=Skala szarości
+Name[pt]=Tons de Cinzento
+Name[pt_BR]=Tons de Cinza
+Name[ru]=Градации серого
+Name[sr]=Сиве нијансе
+Name[sr@Latn]=Sive nijanse
+Name[ta]=பழுப்புநிற வண்ணம்
+Name[uk]=Відтінки сірого
diff --git a/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/templates/ b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/templates/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab5be17b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/templates/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+templates_DATA = .directory white_640x480.desktop
+templatesdir = $(kde_datadir)/chalk/templates/gray
+templatesrc_DATA =white_640x480.kra
+templatesrcdir = $(kde_datadir)/chalk/templates/gray/.source
+templatesicon_ICON = AUTO
+templatesicondir = $(kde_datadir)/chalk/icons
diff --git a/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/templates/cr48-action-template_gray_empty.png b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/templates/cr48-action-template_gray_empty.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..73e064b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/templates/cr48-action-template_gray_empty.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/templates/crsc-action-template_gray_empty.svgz b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/templates/crsc-action-template_gray_empty.svgz
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..93af227f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/templates/crsc-action-template_gray_empty.svgz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/templates/white_640x480.desktop b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/templates/white_640x480.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1da17a33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/templates/white_640x480.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=White Background, 640 x 480
+Name[bg]=Бял фон, 640x480
+Name[ca]=Fons blanc, 640 x 480
+Name[cy]=Cefndir Gwyn, 640 x 480
+Name[da]=Hvid baggrund, 640 x 480
+Name[de]=Weißer Hintergrund, 640 x 480
+Name[el]=Λευκό φόντο, 640 x 480
+Name[eo]=Blanka fono, 640 x 480
+Name[es]=Fondo blanco, 640 x 480
+Name[et]=Valge taust, 640 x 480
+Name[eu]=Atzeko plano zuria, 640 x 480
+Name[fa]=زمینۀ سفید، ۴۸۰ × ۶۴۰
+Name[fi]=Valkoinen tausta, 640 x 480
+Name[fr]=Fond blanc 640 x 480
+Name[fy]=Wite eftergrûn, 640 x 480
+Name[ga]=Cúlra Bán, 640×480
+Name[gl]=Fondo Branco, 640 x 480
+Name[he]=רקע לבן, ‎640 x 480
+Name[hi]=सफेद पृष्ठभूमि, 640 x 480
+Name[hu]=Fehér háttér, 640 x 480
+Name[is]=Hvítur bakgrunnur, 640 x 480
+Name[it]=Sfondo bianco, 640 × 480
+Name[ja]=白い背景 640 x 480
+Name[km]=ផ្ទៃខាងក្រោយ​ពណ៌​ស, 640 x 480
+Name[lt]=Baltas fonas, 640 x 480
+Name[lv]=Balts fons, 640x480
+Name[ms]=Latar Belakang Putih, 640 x 480
+Name[nb]=Hvit bakgrunn, 640 x 480
+Name[nds]=Witt Achtergrund, 640 x 480
+Name[ne]=सेतो पृष्ठभूमि, ६४० x ४८०
+Name[nl]=Witte achtergrond, 640 x 480
+Name[nn]=Kvit bakgrunn, 640 × 480
+Name[pl]=Białe tło, 640 x 480
+Name[pt]=Fundo Branco, 640 x 480
+Name[pt_BR]=Fundo em branco, 640 x 480
+Name[ru]=Рисунок 640x480, белый фон
+Name[se]=Vilges duogáš, 640 × 480
+Name[sk]=Biele pozadie, 640 x 480
+Name[sl]=Belo ozadje, 640 x 480
+Name[sr]=Бела позадина, 640 x 480
+Name[sr@Latn]=Bela pozadina, 640 x 480
+Name[sv]=Vit bakgrund, 640 x 480
+Name[ta]=வெள்ளை பின்னணி, 640 x 480
+Name[tr]=Beyaz Arkaplan, 640 x 480
+Name[uk]=Біле тло, 640 x 480
+Name[uz]=Oq orqa fon 640 x 480
+Name[uz@cyrillic]=Оқ орқа фон 640 x 480
+Name[zh_CN]=白色背景,640 x 480
+Name[zh_TW]=白色背景, 640 x 480
+Comment=Creates an image of 640 x 480 pixels with a white background.
+Comment[bg]=Създаване на изображение с размери 640x480 пиксела и бял фон.
+Comment[ca]=Crea una imatge de 640 x 480 píxels amb el fons blanc.
+Comment[cy]=Creu delwedd o 640 x 480 o bicseli efo cefndir gwyn.
+Comment[da]=Laver et billede på 640 x 480 billedpunkter med en hvid baggrund.
+Comment[de]=Erstellt ein Bild mit 640 x 480 Pixeln mit einem weißen Hintergrund.
+Comment[el]=Δημιουργεί μία εικόνα μεγέθους 640 x 480 εικονοστοιχείων με λευκό φόντο.
+Comment[es]=Crea una imagen de 640 x 480 píxeles con un fondo blanco.
+Comment[et]=Loob valge taustaga pildi mõõtmetega 640 x 800 pikslit.
+Comment[eu]=640 x 480 pixeleko atzeko planoa zuria duen irudi bat sortzen du.
+Comment[fa]=تصویری ۴۸۰ × ۶۴۰ تصویردانه‌ای با یک زمینۀ سفید ایجاد می‌کند.
+Comment[fi]=Luo 640 x 480 pikselin kuvan valkoisella taustalla.
+Comment[fr]=Crée une image de 640 x 480 pixels avec un fond blanc.
+Comment[fy]=Makket in ôfbylding oan fan 640 x 480 byldpunten, mei in wite eftergrûn
+Comment[gl]=Cria unha imaxe de 640 x 480 pixels cun fondo branco.
+Comment[he]=יצירת תמונת בגודל ‎640 x 480 פיקסלים עם רקע לבן
+Comment[hi]=640 x 480 पिक्सेल का, सफेद पृष्ठभूमि युक्त छवि बनाता है
+Comment[hu]=Létrehoz egy 640 x 480 képpontos képet fehér háttérrel.
+Comment[is]=Býr til hvíta mynd í 640 x 480 punkta upplausn með hvítum bakgrunni.
+Comment[it]=Crea un'immagine di 640 × 480 pixel con uno sfondo bianco.
+Comment[ja]=640 x 480 ピクセルの白い背景の画像を作成
+Comment[km]=បង្កើត​រូបភាព​ទំហំ 640 x 480 ភីកសែល ដែល​មាន​ផ្ទៃ​ខាង​ក្រោយ​ពណ៌​ស ។
+Comment[ms]=Cipta imej 640 x 480 piksel dengan latar belakang putih.
+Comment[nb]=Lager et bilde på 640 x 480 piksler med hvit bakgrunn.
+Comment[nds]=Stellt en Bild mit 640 x 480 Pixels mit witten Achtergrund op.
+Comment[ne]=सेतो पृष्ठभूमि सहित ६४० x ४८० पिक्सेलको छवि सिर्जना गर्दछ ।
+Comment[nl]=Maakt een afbeelding aan van 640 x 480 pixels, met een witte achtergrond.
+Comment[nn]=Lagar eit bilete på 640 × 480 pikslar med ein kvit bakgrunn.
+Comment[pl]=Tworzy obrazek z białym tłem o rozmiarach 640 x 480 pikseli.
+Comment[pt]=Cria uma imagem de 640 x 480 pontos com um fundo branco.
+Comment[pt_BR]=Cria uma imagem de 640 x 480 pixéis com um fundo branco.
+Comment[ru]=Рисунок 640x480, белый фон
+Comment[se]=Ráhkada vilges govva mas leat 640 × 480 govvačuogga.
+Comment[sk]=Vytvorí obrázok s rozmermi 640 x 480 pixelov a bielym pozadím.
+Comment[sl]=Ustvari sliko velikosti 640 x 480 pik z belim ozadjem.
+Comment[sr]=Прави слику од 640 x 480 пиксела са белом позадином.
+Comment[sr@Latn]=Pravi sliku od 640 x 480 piksela sa belom pozadinom.
+Comment[sv]=Skapar en bild med 640 x 480 bildpunkter och en vit bakgrund.
+Comment[ta]=640 x 480 படத்துணுக்குகளில் வெள்ளை பின்னணியுடன் ஒரு பிம்பத்தை உருவாக்குகிறது.
+Comment[tr]=640 x 480 piksel ebadında beyaz arkaplana sahip bir görüntü oluşturur
+Comment[uk]=Створює зображення 640 x 480 пікселів з білим тлом.
+Comment[uz]=Oʻlchami 640 x 480 nuqta va foni oq boʻlgan rasmni yaratish.
+Comment[uz@cyrillic]=Ўлчами 640 x 480 нуқта ва фони оқ бўлган расмни яратиш.
+Comment[zh_CN]=创建白色背景的 640 x 480 像素的图像。
+Comment[zh_TW]=建立一個 640 x 480 像素,白色背景的圖片。
diff --git a/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/templates/white_640x480.kra b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/templates/white_640x480.kra
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..534368ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/templates/white_640x480.kra
Binary files differ
diff --git a/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/tests/ b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35e83689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(srcdir)/.. \
+ -I$(srcdir)/../../../sdk \
+ -I$(srcdir)/../../../chalkcolor/color_strategy/ \
+ -I$(srcdir)/../../../color_strategy/ \
+ $(all_includes)
+# The check_ target makes sure we don't install the modules,
+# $(KDE_CHECK_PLUGIN) assures a shared library is created.
+kunittest_kis_strategy_colorspace_grayscale_tester_la_SOURCES = kis_strategy_colorspace_grayscale_tester.cpp
+kunittest_kis_strategy_colorspace_grayscale_tester_la_LIBADD = -lkunittest ../
+kunittest_kis_strategy_colorspace_grayscale_tester_la_LDFLAGS = -module $(KDE_CHECK_PLUGIN) $(all_libraries)
+ kunittestmodrunner
diff --git a/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/tests/kis_strategy_colorspace_grayscale_tester.cpp b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/tests/kis_strategy_colorspace_grayscale_tester.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0374c072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/tests/kis_strategy_colorspace_grayscale_tester.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2005 Adrian Page <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <kunittest/runner.h>
+#include <kunittest/module.h>
+#include "kis_factory.h"
+#include "kis_strategy_colorspace_grayscale_tester.h"
+#include "kis_gray_colorspace.h"
+using namespace KUnitTest;
+KUNITTEST_MODULE( kunittest_kis_strategy_colorspace_grayscale_tester, "Greyscale ColorSpace Tester" );
+void KisGrayColorSpaceTester::allTests()
+ // We need this so that the colour profile loading can operate without crashing.
+ KisFactory *factory = new KisFactory();
+ testBasics();
+ testMixColors();
+ delete factory;
+#define GRAY_CHANNEL 0
+#define ALPHA_CHANNEL 1
+void KisGrayColorSpaceTester::testBasics()
+ KisProfile *profile = new KisProfile(cmsCreate_sRGBProfile());
+ KisGrayColorSpace *cs = new KisGrayColorSpace(profile);
+ pixel[KisGrayColorSpace::PIXEL_GRAY] = 255;
+ pixel[KisGrayColorSpace::PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA] = 128;
+ TQString valueText = cs->channelValueText(pixel, GRAY_CHANNEL);
+ CHECK(valueText, TQString("255"));
+ valueText = cs->channelValueText(pixel, ALPHA_CHANNEL);
+ CHECK(valueText, TQString("128"));
+ valueText = cs->normalisedChannelValueText(pixel, GRAY_CHANNEL);
+ CHECK(valueText, TQString().setNum(1.0));
+ valueText = cs->normalisedChannelValueText(pixel, ALPHA_CHANNEL);
+ CHECK(valueText, TQString().setNum(128.0 / 255.0));
+ cs->setPixel(pixel, 128, 192l);
+ CHECK((uint)pixel[KisGrayColorSpace::PIXEL_GRAY], 128u);
+ CHECK((uint)pixel[KisGrayColorSpace::PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA], 192u);
+ TQ_UINT8 gray;
+ TQ_UINT8 alpha;
+ cs->getPixel(pixel, &gray, &alpha);
+ CHECK((uint)gray, 128u);
+ CHECK((uint)alpha, 192u);
+ delete cs;
+void KisGrayColorSpaceTester::testMixColors()
+ KisProfile *profile = new KisProfile(cmsCreate_sRGBProfile());
+ KisAbstractColorSpace * cs = new KisGrayColorSpace(profile);
+ pixel1[KisGrayColorSpace::PIXEL_GRAY] = 255;
+ pixel1[KisGrayColorSpace::PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA] = 255;
+ pixel2[KisGrayColorSpace::PIXEL_GRAY] = 0;
+ pixel2[KisGrayColorSpace::PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA] = 0;
+ const TQ_UINT8 *pixelPtrs[2];
+ TQ_UINT8 weights[2];
+ pixelPtrs[0] = pixel1;
+ pixelPtrs[1] = pixel2;
+ weights[0] = 255;
+ weights[1] = 0;
+ cs->mixColors(pixelPtrs, weights, 2, outputPixel);
+ CHECK((int)outputPixel[KisGrayColorSpace::PIXEL_GRAY], 255);
+ CHECK((int)outputPixel[KisGrayColorSpace::PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA], 255);
+ weights[0] = 0;
+ weights[1] = 255;
+ cs->mixColors(pixelPtrs, weights, 2, outputPixel);
+ CHECK((int)outputPixel[KisGrayColorSpace::PIXEL_GRAY], 0);
+ CHECK((int)outputPixel[KisGrayColorSpace::PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA], 0);
+ weights[0] = 128;
+ weights[1] = 127;
+ cs->mixColors(pixelPtrs, weights, 2, outputPixel);
+ CHECK((int)outputPixel[KisGrayColorSpace::PIXEL_GRAY], 255);
+ CHECK((int)outputPixel[KisGrayColorSpace::PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA], 128);
+ pixel1[KisGrayColorSpace::PIXEL_GRAY] = 200;
+ pixel1[KisGrayColorSpace::PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA] = 255;
+ pixel2[KisGrayColorSpace::PIXEL_GRAY] = 100;
+ pixel2[KisGrayColorSpace::PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA] = 255;
+ cs->mixColors(pixelPtrs, weights, 2, outputPixel);
+ CHECK((int)outputPixel[KisGrayColorSpace::PIXEL_GRAY], 150);
+ CHECK((int)outputPixel[KisGrayColorSpace::PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA], 255);
+ pixel1[KisGrayColorSpace::PIXEL_GRAY] = 0;
+ pixel1[KisGrayColorSpace::PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA] = 0;
+ pixel2[KisGrayColorSpace::PIXEL_GRAY] = 255;
+ pixel2[KisGrayColorSpace::PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA] = 254;
+ weights[0] = 89;
+ weights[1] = 166;
+ cs->mixColors(pixelPtrs, weights, 2, outputPixel);
+ CHECK((int)outputPixel[KisGrayColorSpace::PIXEL_GRAY], 255);
+ CHECK((int)outputPixel[KisGrayColorSpace::PIXEL_GRAY_ALPHA], 165);
diff --git a/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/tests/kis_strategy_colorspace_grayscale_tester.h b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/tests/kis_strategy_colorspace_grayscale_tester.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b5f8d5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chalk/colorspaces/gray_u8/tests/kis_strategy_colorspace_grayscale_tester.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2005 Adrian Page <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <kunittest/tester.h>
+class KisGrayColorSpaceTester : public KUnitTest::Tester
+ void allTests();
+ void testMixColors();
+ void testBasics();