path: root/chalk/core/kis_selection.cpp
diff options
authorMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2021-05-23 20:48:35 +0900
committerMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2021-05-29 15:17:38 +0900
commitd63c9d696eb6e2539528b99afc21f4086c9defe3 (patch)
treeb3bfc97a66431a12cdd8f9379c0072673ede43df /chalk/core/kis_selection.cpp
parent5363fe3c36504c37bdc6dcfafd5f71daeae251e8 (diff)
Renaming of files in preparation for code style tools.
Signed-off-by: Michele Calgaro <[email protected]> (cherry picked from commit 8b78a8791bc539bcffe7159f9d9714d577cb3d7d)
Diffstat (limited to 'chalk/core/kis_selection.cpp')
1 files changed, 582 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chalk/core/kis_selection.cpp b/chalk/core/kis_selection.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea8f2be2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chalk/core/kis_selection.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2004 Boudewijn Rempt <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * this program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the gnu general public license as published by
+ * the free software foundation; either version 2 of the license, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * this program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
+ * merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. see the
+ * gnu general public license for more details.
+ *
+ * you should have received a copy of the gnu general public license
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the free software
+ * foundation, inc., 675 mass ave, cambridge, ma 02139, usa.
+ */
+#include <tqimage.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <tdelocale.h>
+#include <tqcolor.h>
+#include "kis_layer.h"
+#include "kis_debug_areas.h"
+#include "kis_types.h"
+#include "kis_colorspace_factory_registry.h"
+#include "kis_fill_painter.h"
+#include "kis_iterators_pixel.h"
+#include "kis_integer_maths.h"
+#include "kis_image.h"
+#include "kis_datamanager.h"
+#include "kis_fill_painter.h"
+#include "kis_selection.h"
+KisSelection::KisSelection(KisPaintDeviceSP dev)
+ : super(dev->parentLayer()
+ , KisMetaRegistry::instance()->csRegistry()->getAlpha8()
+ , (TQString("selection for ") + dev->name()).latin1())
+ , m_parentPaintDevice(dev)
+ , m_doCacheExactRect(false)
+ , m_dirty(false)
+ Q_ASSERT(dev);
+ : super(KisMetaRegistry::instance()->csRegistry()->getAlpha8(), "anonymous selection")
+ , m_parentPaintDevice(0), m_dirty(false)
+KisSelection::KisSelection(const KisSelection& rhs)
+ : super(rhs), m_parentPaintDevice(rhs.m_parentPaintDevice), m_doCacheExactRect(rhs.m_doCacheExactRect),
+ m_cachedExactRect(rhs.m_cachedExactRect), m_dirty(rhs.m_dirty)
+TQ_UINT8 KisSelection::selected(TQ_INT32 x, TQ_INT32 y)
+ KisHLineIteratorPixel iter = createHLineIterator(x, y, 1, false);
+ TQ_UINT8 *pix = iter.rawData();
+ return *pix;
+void KisSelection::setSelected(TQ_INT32 x, TQ_INT32 y, TQ_UINT8 s)
+ KisHLineIteratorPixel iter = createHLineIterator(x, y, 1, true);
+ TQ_UINT8 *pix = iter.rawData();
+ *pix = s;
+TQImage KisSelection::maskImage()
+ // If part of a KisAdjustmentLayer, there may be no parent device.
+ TQImage img;
+ TQRect bounds;
+ if (m_parentPaintDevice) {
+ bounds = m_parentPaintDevice->exactBounds();
+ bounds = bounds.intersect( m_parentPaintDevice->image()->bounds() );
+ img = TQImage(bounds.width(), bounds.height(), 32);
+ }
+ else {
+ bounds = TQRect( 0, 0, image()->width(), image()->height());
+ img = TQImage(bounds.width(), bounds.height(), 32);
+ }
+ KisHLineIteratorPixel it = createHLineIterator(bounds.x(), bounds.y(), bounds.width(), false);
+ for (int y2 = bounds.y(); y2 < bounds.height() - bounds.y(); ++y2) {
+ int x2 = 0;
+ while (!it.isDone()) {
+ TQ_UINT8 s = MAX_SELECTED - *(it.rawData());
+ TQ_INT32 c = tqRgb(s, s, s);
+ img.setPixel(x2, y2, c);
+ ++x2;
+ ++it;
+ }
+ it.nextRow();
+ }
+ return img;
+void KisSelection::select(TQRect r)
+ KisFillPainter painter(this);
+ KisColorSpace * cs = KisMetaRegistry::instance()->csRegistry()->getRGB8();
+ painter.fillRect(r, KisColor(TQt::white, cs), MAX_SELECTED);
+ TQ_INT32 x, y, w, h;
+ extent(x, y, w, h);
+void KisSelection::clear(TQRect r)
+ KisFillPainter painter(this);
+ KisColorSpace * cs = KisMetaRegistry::instance()->csRegistry()->getRGB8();
+ painter.fillRect(r, KisColor(TQt::white, cs), MIN_SELECTED);
+void KisSelection::clear()
+ m_datamanager->setDefaultPixel(&defPixel);
+ m_datamanager->clear();
+void KisSelection::invert()
+ TQ_INT32 x,y,w,h;
+ extent(x, y, w, h);
+ KisRectIterator it = createRectIterator(x, y, w, h, true);
+ while ( ! it.isDone() )
+ {
+ // CBR this is wrong only first byte is inverted
+ // BSAR: But we have always only one byte in this color model :-).
+ *(it.rawData()) = MAX_SELECTED - *(it.rawData());
+ ++it;
+ }
+ TQ_UINT8 defPixel = MAX_SELECTED - *(m_datamanager->defaultPixel());
+ m_datamanager->setDefaultPixel(&defPixel);
+bool KisSelection::isTotallyUnselected(TQRect r)
+ if(*(m_datamanager->defaultPixel()) != MIN_SELECTED)
+ return false;
+ TQRect sr = selectedExactRect();
+ return ! r.intersects(sr);
+bool KisSelection::isProbablyTotallyUnselected(TQRect r)
+ if(*(m_datamanager->defaultPixel()) != MIN_SELECTED)
+ return false;
+ TQRect sr = selectedRect();
+ return ! r.intersects(sr);
+TQRect KisSelection::selectedRect() const
+ if(*(m_datamanager->defaultPixel()) == MIN_SELECTED || !m_parentPaintDevice)
+ return extent();
+ else
+ return extent().unite(m_parentPaintDevice->extent());
+TQRect KisSelection::selectedExactRect() const
+ if(m_doCacheExactRect)
+ return m_cachedExactRect;
+ else if(*(m_datamanager->defaultPixel()) == MIN_SELECTED || !m_parentPaintDevice)
+ return exactBounds();
+ else
+ return exactBounds().unite(m_parentPaintDevice->exactBounds());
+void KisSelection::stopCachingExactRect()
+ kdDebug() << "stop caching the exact rect" << endl;
+ m_doCacheExactRect = false;
+void KisSelection::startCachingExactRect()
+ kdDebug() << "start caching the exact rect" << endl;
+ if(*(m_datamanager->defaultPixel()) == MIN_SELECTED || !m_parentPaintDevice)
+ m_cachedExactRect = exactBounds();
+ else
+ m_cachedExactRect = exactBounds().unite(m_parentPaintDevice->exactBounds());
+ m_doCacheExactRect = true;
+void KisSelection::paintUniformSelectionRegion(TQImage img, const TQRect& imageRect, const TQRegion& uniformRegion)
+ Q_ASSERT(img.size() == imageRect.size());
+ Q_ASSERT(imageRect.contains(uniformRegion.boundingRect()));
+ if (img.isNull() || img.size() != imageRect.size() || !imageRect.contains(uniformRegion.boundingRect())) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (*m_datamanager->defaultPixel() == MIN_SELECTED) {
+ TQRegion region = uniformRegion & TQRegion(imageRect);
+ if (!region.isEmpty()) {
+ TQMemArray<TQRect> rects = region.rects();
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rects.count(); i++) {
+ TQRect r = rects[i];
+ for (TQ_INT32 y = 0; y < r.height(); ++y) {
+ TQRgb *imagePixel = reinterpret_cast<TQRgb *>(img.scanLine(r.y() - imageRect.y() + y));
+ imagePixel += r.x() - imageRect.x();
+ TQ_INT32 numPixels = r.width();
+ while (numPixels > 0) {
+ TQRgb srcPixel = *imagePixel;
+ TQ_UINT8 srcGrey = (tqRed(srcPixel) + tqGreen(srcPixel) + tqBlue(srcPixel)) / 9;
+ TQ_UINT8 srcAlpha = tqAlpha(srcPixel);
+ srcGrey = UINT8_MULT(srcGrey, srcAlpha);
+ TQ_UINT8 dstAlpha = TQMAX(srcAlpha, 192);
+ TQRgb dstPixel = tqRgba(128 + srcGrey, 128 + srcGrey, 165 + srcGrey, dstAlpha);
+ *imagePixel = dstPixel;
+ ++imagePixel;
+ --numPixels;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void KisSelection::paintSelection(TQImage img, TQ_INT32 imageRectX, TQ_INT32 imageRectY, TQ_INT32 imageRectWidth, TQ_INT32 imageRectHeight)
+ Q_ASSERT(img.size() == TQSize(imageRectWidth, imageRectHeight));
+ if (img.isNull() || img.size() != TQSize(imageRectWidth, imageRectHeight)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ TQRect imageRect(imageRectX, imageRectY, imageRectWidth, imageRectHeight);
+ TQRect selectionExtent = extent();
+ selectionExtent.setLeft(selectionExtent.left() - 1);
+ selectionExtent.setTop( - 1);
+ selectionExtent.setWidth(selectionExtent.width() + 2);
+ selectionExtent.setHeight(selectionExtent.height() + 2);
+ TQRegion uniformRegion = TQRegion(imageRect);
+ uniformRegion -= TQRegion(selectionExtent);
+ if (!uniformRegion.isEmpty()) {
+ paintUniformSelectionRegion(img, imageRect, uniformRegion);
+ }
+ TQRect nonuniformRect = imageRect & selectionExtent;
+ if (!nonuniformRect.isEmpty()) {
+ const TQ_INT32 imageRectOffsetX = nonuniformRect.x() - imageRectX;
+ const TQ_INT32 imageRectOffsetY = nonuniformRect.y() - imageRectY;
+ imageRectX = nonuniformRect.x();
+ imageRectY = nonuniformRect.y();
+ imageRectWidth = nonuniformRect.width();
+ imageRectHeight = nonuniformRect.height();
+ TQ_INT32 aboveRowIndex = 0;
+ TQ_INT32 centreRowIndex = 1;
+ TQ_INT32 belowRowIndex = 2;
+ selectionRow[aboveRowIndex] = new TQ_UINT8[imageRectWidth + 2];
+ selectionRow[centreRowIndex] = new TQ_UINT8[imageRectWidth + 2];
+ selectionRow[belowRowIndex] = new TQ_UINT8[imageRectWidth + 2];
+ readBytes(selectionRow[centreRowIndex], imageRectX - 1, imageRectY - 1, imageRectWidth + 2, 1);
+ readBytes(selectionRow[belowRowIndex], imageRectX - 1, imageRectY, imageRectWidth + 2, 1);
+ for (TQ_INT32 y = 0; y < imageRectHeight; ++y) {
+ TQ_INT32 oldAboveRowIndex = aboveRowIndex;
+ aboveRowIndex = centreRowIndex;
+ centreRowIndex = belowRowIndex;
+ belowRowIndex = oldAboveRowIndex;
+ readBytes(selectionRow[belowRowIndex], imageRectX - 1, imageRectY + y + 1, imageRectWidth + 2, 1);
+ const TQ_UINT8 *aboveRow = selectionRow[aboveRowIndex] + 1;
+ const TQ_UINT8 *centreRow = selectionRow[centreRowIndex] + 1;
+ const TQ_UINT8 *belowRow = selectionRow[belowRowIndex] + 1;
+ TQRgb *imagePixel = reinterpret_cast<TQRgb *>(img.scanLine(imageRectOffsetY + y));
+ imagePixel += imageRectOffsetX;
+ for (TQ_INT32 x = 0; x < imageRectWidth; ++x) {
+ TQ_UINT8 centre = *centreRow;
+ if (centre != MAX_SELECTED) {
+ // this is where we come if the pixels should be blue or bluish
+ TQRgb srcPixel = *imagePixel;
+ TQ_UINT8 srcGrey = (tqRed(srcPixel) + tqGreen(srcPixel) + tqBlue(srcPixel)) / 9;
+ TQ_UINT8 srcAlpha = tqAlpha(srcPixel);
+ // Colour influence is proportional to alphaPixel.
+ srcGrey = UINT8_MULT(srcGrey, srcAlpha);
+ TQRgb dstPixel;
+ if (centre == MIN_SELECTED) {
+ //this is where we come if the pixels should be blue (or red outline)
+ TQ_UINT8 left = *(centreRow - 1);
+ TQ_UINT8 right = *(centreRow + 1);
+ TQ_UINT8 above = *aboveRow;
+ TQ_UINT8 below = *belowRow;
+ // Stop unselected transparent areas from appearing the same
+ // as selected transparent areas.
+ TQ_UINT8 dstAlpha = TQMAX(srcAlpha, 192);
+ // now for a simple outline based on 4-connectivity
+ if (left != MIN_SELECTED || right != MIN_SELECTED || above != MIN_SELECTED || below != MIN_SELECTED) {
+ dstPixel = tqRgba(255, 0, 0, dstAlpha);
+ } else {
+ dstPixel = tqRgba(128 + srcGrey, 128 + srcGrey, 165 + srcGrey, dstAlpha);
+ }
+ } else {
+ dstPixel = tqRgba(UINT8_BLEND(tqRed(srcPixel), srcGrey + 128, centre),
+ UINT8_BLEND(tqGreen(srcPixel), srcGrey + 128, centre),
+ UINT8_BLEND(tqBlue(srcPixel), srcGrey + 165, centre),
+ srcAlpha);
+ }
+ *imagePixel = dstPixel;
+ }
+ aboveRow++;
+ centreRow++;
+ belowRow++;
+ imagePixel++;
+ }
+ }
+ delete [] selectionRow[aboveRowIndex];
+ delete [] selectionRow[centreRowIndex];
+ delete [] selectionRow[belowRowIndex];
+ }
+void KisSelection::paintSelection(TQImage img, const TQRect& scaledImageRect, const TQSize& scaledImageSize, const TQSize& imageSize)
+ if (img.isNull() || scaledImageRect.isEmpty() || scaledImageSize.isEmpty() || imageSize.isEmpty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(img.size() == scaledImageRect.size());
+ if (img.size() != scaledImageRect.size()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ TQ_INT32 imageWidth = imageSize.width();
+ TQ_INT32 imageHeight = imageSize.height();
+ TQRect selectionExtent = extent();
+ selectionExtent.setLeft(selectionExtent.left() - 1);
+ selectionExtent.setTop( - 1);
+ selectionExtent.setWidth(selectionExtent.width() + 2);
+ selectionExtent.setHeight(selectionExtent.height() + 2);
+ double xScale = static_cast<double>(scaledImageSize.width()) / imageWidth;
+ double yScale = static_cast<double>(scaledImageSize.height()) / imageHeight;
+ TQRect scaledSelectionExtent;
+ scaledSelectionExtent.setLeft(static_cast<int>(selectionExtent.left() * xScale));
+ scaledSelectionExtent.setRight(static_cast<int>(ceil((selectionExtent.right() + 1) * xScale)) - 1);
+ scaledSelectionExtent.setTop(static_cast<int>( * yScale));
+ scaledSelectionExtent.setBottom(static_cast<int>(ceil((selectionExtent.bottom() + 1) * yScale)) - 1);
+ TQRegion uniformRegion = TQRegion(scaledImageRect);
+ uniformRegion -= TQRegion(scaledSelectionExtent);
+ if (!uniformRegion.isEmpty()) {
+ paintUniformSelectionRegion(img, scaledImageRect, uniformRegion);
+ }
+ TQRect nonuniformRect = scaledImageRect & scaledSelectionExtent;
+ if (!nonuniformRect.isEmpty()) {
+ const TQ_INT32 scaledImageRectXOffset = nonuniformRect.x() - scaledImageRect.x();
+ const TQ_INT32 scaledImageRectYOffset = nonuniformRect.y() - scaledImageRect.y();
+ const TQ_INT32 scaledImageRectX = nonuniformRect.x();
+ const TQ_INT32 scaledImageRectY = nonuniformRect.y();
+ const TQ_INT32 scaledImageRectWidth = nonuniformRect.width();
+ const TQ_INT32 scaledImageRectHeight = nonuniformRect.height();
+ const TQ_INT32 imageRowLeft = static_cast<TQ_INT32>(scaledImageRectX / xScale);
+ const TQ_INT32 imageRowRight = static_cast<TQ_INT32>((ceil((scaledImageRectX + scaledImageRectWidth - 1 + 1) / xScale)) - 1);
+ const TQ_INT32 imageRowWidth = imageRowRight - imageRowLeft + 1;
+ const TQ_INT32 imageRowStride = imageRowWidth + 2;
+ TQ_INT32 aboveRowIndex = 0;
+ TQ_INT32 centreRowIndex = 1;
+ TQ_INT32 belowRowIndex = 2;
+ TQ_INT32 aboveRowSrcY = -3;
+ TQ_INT32 centreRowSrcY = -3;
+ TQ_INT32 belowRowSrcY = -3;
+ TQ_UINT8 *selectionRows = new TQ_UINT8[imageRowStride * NUM_SELECTION_ROWS];
+ selectionRow[0] = selectionRows + 1;
+ selectionRow[1] = selectionRow[0] + imageRowStride;
+ selectionRow[2] = selectionRow[0] + (2 * imageRowStride);
+ for (TQ_INT32 y = 0; y < scaledImageRectHeight; ++y) {
+ TQ_INT32 scaledY = scaledImageRectY + y;
+ TQ_INT32 srcY = (scaledY * imageHeight) / scaledImageSize.height();
+ TQ_UINT8 *aboveRow;
+ TQ_UINT8 *centreRow;
+ TQ_UINT8 *belowRow;
+ if (srcY - 1 == aboveRowSrcY) {
+ aboveRow = selectionRow[aboveRowIndex];
+ centreRow = selectionRow[centreRowIndex];
+ belowRow = selectionRow[belowRowIndex];
+ } else if (srcY - 1 == centreRowSrcY) {
+ TQ_INT32 oldAboveRowIndex = aboveRowIndex;
+ aboveRowIndex = centreRowIndex;
+ centreRowIndex = belowRowIndex;
+ belowRowIndex = oldAboveRowIndex;
+ aboveRow = selectionRow[aboveRowIndex];
+ centreRow = selectionRow[centreRowIndex];
+ belowRow = selectionRow[belowRowIndex];
+ readBytes(belowRow - 1, imageRowLeft - 1, srcY + 1, imageRowStride, 1);
+ } else if (srcY - 1 == belowRowSrcY) {
+ TQ_INT32 oldAboveRowIndex = aboveRowIndex;
+ TQ_INT32 oldCentreRowIndex = centreRowIndex;
+ aboveRowIndex = belowRowIndex;
+ centreRowIndex = oldAboveRowIndex;
+ belowRowIndex = oldCentreRowIndex;
+ aboveRow = selectionRow[aboveRowIndex];
+ centreRow = selectionRow[centreRowIndex];
+ belowRow = selectionRow[belowRowIndex];
+ if (belowRowIndex == centreRowIndex + 1) {
+ readBytes(centreRow - 1, imageRowLeft - 1, srcY, imageRowStride, 2);
+ } else {
+ readBytes(centreRow - 1, imageRowLeft - 1, srcY, imageRowStride, 1);
+ readBytes(belowRow - 1, imageRowLeft - 1, srcY + 1, imageRowStride, 1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ aboveRowIndex = 0;
+ centreRowIndex = 1;
+ belowRowIndex = 2;
+ aboveRow = selectionRow[aboveRowIndex];
+ centreRow = selectionRow[centreRowIndex];
+ belowRow = selectionRow[belowRowIndex];
+ readBytes(selectionRows, imageRowLeft - 1, srcY - 1, imageRowStride, NUM_SELECTION_ROWS);
+ }
+ aboveRowSrcY = srcY - 1;
+ centreRowSrcY = aboveRowSrcY + 1;
+ belowRowSrcY = centreRowSrcY + 1;
+ TQRgb *imagePixel = reinterpret_cast<TQRgb *>(img.scanLine(scaledImageRectYOffset + y));
+ imagePixel += scaledImageRectXOffset;
+ for (TQ_INT32 x = 0; x < scaledImageRectWidth; ++x) {
+ TQ_INT32 scaledX = scaledImageRectX + x;
+ TQ_INT32 srcX = (scaledX * imageWidth) / scaledImageSize.width();
+ TQ_UINT8 centre = *(centreRow + srcX - imageRowLeft);
+ if (centre != MAX_SELECTED) {
+ // this is where we come if the pixels should be blue or bluish
+ TQRgb srcPixel = *imagePixel;
+ TQ_UINT8 srcGrey = (tqRed(srcPixel) + tqGreen(srcPixel) + tqBlue(srcPixel)) / 9;
+ TQ_UINT8 srcAlpha = tqAlpha(srcPixel);
+ // Colour influence is proportional to alphaPixel.
+ srcGrey = UINT8_MULT(srcGrey, srcAlpha);
+ TQRgb dstPixel;
+ if (centre == MIN_SELECTED) {
+ //this is where we come if the pixels should be blue (or red outline)
+ TQ_UINT8 left = *(centreRow + (srcX - imageRowLeft) - 1);
+ TQ_UINT8 right = *(centreRow + (srcX - imageRowLeft) + 1);
+ TQ_UINT8 above = *(aboveRow + (srcX - imageRowLeft));
+ TQ_UINT8 below = *(belowRow + (srcX - imageRowLeft));
+ // Stop unselected transparent areas from appearing the same
+ // as selected transparent areas.
+ TQ_UINT8 dstAlpha = TQMAX(srcAlpha, 192);
+ // now for a simple outline based on 4-connectivity
+ if (left != MIN_SELECTED || right != MIN_SELECTED || above != MIN_SELECTED || below != MIN_SELECTED) {
+ dstPixel = tqRgba(255, 0, 0, dstAlpha);
+ } else {
+ dstPixel = tqRgba(128 + srcGrey, 128 + srcGrey, 165 + srcGrey, dstAlpha);
+ }
+ } else {
+ dstPixel = tqRgba(UINT8_BLEND(tqRed(srcPixel), srcGrey + 128, centre),
+ UINT8_BLEND(tqGreen(srcPixel), srcGrey + 128, centre),
+ UINT8_BLEND(tqBlue(srcPixel), srcGrey + 165, centre),
+ srcAlpha);
+ }
+ *imagePixel = dstPixel;
+ }
+ imagePixel++;
+ }
+ }
+ delete [] selectionRows;
+ }
+void KisSelection::setDirty(const TQRect& rc)
+ if (m_dirty)
+ super::setDirty(rc);
+void KisSelection::setDirty()
+ if (m_dirty)
+ super::setDirty();