path: root/filters/kspread/applixspread
diff options
authortpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-01-20 01:29:50 +0000
committertpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-01-20 01:29:50 +0000
commit8362bf63dea22bbf6736609b0f49c152f975eb63 (patch)
tree0eea3928e39e50fae91d4e68b21b1e6cbae25604 /filters/kspread/applixspread
Added old abandoned KDE3 version of koffice
git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'filters/kspread/applixspread')
5 files changed, 2245 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/filters/kspread/applixspread/ b/filters/kspread/applixspread/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..944bdd1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/filters/kspread/applixspread/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+####### General stuff
+INCLUDES= -I$(srcdir) $(KOFFICE_INCLUDES) $(all_includes)
+####### Files
+kde_module_LTLIBRARIES =
+libapplixspreadimport_la_SOURCES =
+libapplixspreadimport_la_LIBADD = $(KOFFICE_LIBS)
+libapplixspreadimport_la_LDFLAGS = -module $(KDE_PLUGIN)
+noinst_HEADERS = applixspreadimport.h
+service_DATA = kspread_applixspread_import.desktop
+servicedir = $(kde_servicesdir)
diff --git a/filters/kspread/applixspread/ b/filters/kspread/applixspread/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..57baedeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/filters/kspread/applixspread/
@@ -0,0 +1,1326 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ Copyright (C) 2001 Enno Bartels <[email protected]>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include <config.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <qmessagebox.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <qptrlist.h>
+#include <applixspreadimport.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <KoFilterChain.h>
+#include <kgenericfactory.h>
+typedef KGenericFactory<APPLIXSPREADImport, KoFilter> APPLIXSPREADImportFactory;
+K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( libapplixspreadimport, APPLIXSPREADImportFactory( "kofficefilters" ) )
+APPLIXSPREADImport::APPLIXSPREADImport ( QObject */*parent*/, const char* /*name*/, const QStringList& )
+ : KoFilter()
+QString APPLIXSPREADImport::nextLine( QTextStream & stream )
+ QString s = stream.readLine();
+ m_instep += s.length();
+ if (m_instep > m_stepsize)
+ {
+ m_instep = 0;
+ m_progress += 2;
+ emit sigProgress( m_progress );
+ }
+ return s;
+KoFilter::ConversionStatus APPLIXSPREADImport::convert( const QCString& from, const QCString& to )
+ if (to != "application/x-kspread" || from != "application/x-applixspread")
+ return KoFilter::NotImplemented;
+ QFile in (m_chain->inputFile());
+ if (!
+ {
+ kdError(30502) << "Unable to open input file!" << endl;
+ in.close();
+ return KoFilter::FileNotFound;
+ }
+ QString str;
+ QPtrList<t_mycolor> mcol;
+ str += "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
+ str += "<!DOCTYPE spreadsheet>\n";
+ str += "<spreadsheet mime=\"application/x-kspread\" editor=\"KSpread\" >\n";
+ str += " <paper format=\"A4\" orientation=\"Portrait\" >\n";
+ str += " <borders right=\"20\" left=\"20\" bottom=\"20\" top=\"20\" />\n";
+ str += " <head/>\n";
+ str += " <foot/>\n";
+ str += " </paper>\n";
+ str += " <locale positivePrefixCurrencySymbol=\"True\" negativeMonetarySignPosition=\"1\" negativePrefixCurrencySymbol=\"True\" fracDigits=\"2\" thousandsSeparator=\" \" dateFormat=\"%A, %e. %B %Y\" timeFormat=\"%H:%M:%S\" monetaryDecimalSymbol=\",\" weekStartsMonday=\"True\" currencySymbol=\"DM\" negativeSign=\"-\" positiveSign=\"\" positiveMonetarySignPosition=\"1\" decimalSymbol=\",\" monetaryThousandsSeparator=\" \" dateFormatShort=\"%d.%m.%Y\" />\n";
+ str += " <map markerColumn=\"1\" activeTable=\"Table1\" markerRow=\"1\" >\n";
+// str += " <table columnnumber=\"0\" borders=\"0\" hide=\"0\" hidezero=\"0\" firstletterupper=\"0\" grid=\"1\" formular=\"0\" lcmode=\"0\" name=\"Tabelle1\" >\n";
+ // QTextStream
+ QTextStream stream (&in);
+ m_stepsize = in.size()/50;
+ m_instep = 0;
+ m_progress = 0;
+ int pos;
+ char ccol;
+ int irow, icol;
+ QString tabctr ; // Tab control
+ QString mystr, typestr, cellnostr, tabnostr;
+ QStringList typefacetab;
+ // QStringList rclist;
+ t_rc my_rc;
+ /**************************************************************************
+ * Read header *
+ **************************************************************************/
+ if (! readHeader (stream)) return KoFilter::StupidError;
+ while (!stream.atEnd ())
+ {
+ // Read one line
+ mystr = nextLine( stream );
+ kdDebug()<<"INPUT : "<<mystr<<endl;
+ /**********************************************************************
+ * Looking for the colormap *
+ **********************************************************************/
+ if (mystr.startsWith ("COLORMAP") )
+ {
+ readColormap (stream, mcol);
+ }
+ /**********************************************************************
+ * Looking for the typeface table *
+ **********************************************************************/
+ else if (mystr.startsWith ("TYPEFACE TABLE") )
+ {
+ readTypefaceTable (stream, typefacetab);
+ }
+ /**********************************************************************
+ * Looking for some View-Informations *
+ **********************************************************************/
+ else if (mystr.startsWith ("View Start, Name:") )
+ {
+ readView (stream, mystr, my_rc);
+ }
+ /**********************************************************************
+ * Detect ( at the first place of the Linie *
+ **********************************************************************/
+ else if (mystr[0] == '(')
+ {
+ int fg=-1; // fg = foregound
+ // Delete '('
+ mystr.remove (0, 1);
+ int alllenght;
+ QString mystrn;
+ // Remember lenght of the string
+ alllenght = mystr.length ();
+ if (alllenght >= 80-1)
+ {
+ kdDebug()<< " Line >= 80 chars \n";
+ int ok = true;
+ do
+ {
+ pos = ();
+ mystrn = nextLine( stream );
+ if (mystrn[0] == ' ')
+ {
+ mystrn.remove (0, 1);
+ mystr += mystrn;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ (pos);
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ }
+ while (ok == true);
+ }
+ // Search for ')'
+ pos = mystr.find (')');
+ typestr = mystr.left (pos);
+ // Delete typeformat infos incl. Space
+ mystr.remove (0, pos+1);
+ // alllenght = alllenght - pos - 1;
+ // Search for ':'
+ pos = mystr.find (':');
+ // Copy cellnumber informations
+ cellnostr = mystr.left (pos);
+ // Delete cellnumber informations
+ mystr.remove (0, pos+1);
+ // alllenght = alllenght - pos - 1;
+ // Split Table and Cell Number
+ pos = cellnostr.find ('!');
+ // Copy tabnumber informations
+ tabnostr = cellnostr.left (pos);
+ // Delete cellnumber informations
+ cellnostr.remove (0, pos+1);
+ int len = cellnostr.length ();
+ char tmp[300], tmp1[300];
+ int leni;
+ pos = cellnostr.find (QRegExp ("[0-9]"));
+ kdDebug()<<" findpos :"<<pos<<endl;
+ QString rowstr;
+ bool ok;
+ int bla;
+ rowstr = cellnostr.mid (pos, cellnostr.length()-pos);
+ irow = rowstr.toInt(&ok);
+ kdDebug()<<" findpos :"<< rowstr<<" "<<irow<<endl;
+ sscanf (cellnostr.latin1(), "%299s%d",tmp, &bla);
+ sprintf (tmp1, "%d", irow);
+ leni = strlen (tmp1);
+ QString cellcolstr;
+ cellcolstr = cellnostr;
+ cellcolstr.remove (cellcolstr.length()-leni, leni);
+ kdDebug()<<" Info: length :"<<len<<" cellnostr :"<<cellnostr<<" tmp :"<<tmp<<" irow :"<<irow<<" cellcolstr :"<<cellcolstr<<endl;
+ // Transformat ascii column to int column
+ icol = translateColumnNumber (cellcolstr);
+ // sscanf (cellnostr.latin1(), "%c%d",&ccol, &irow);
+ // Transformat ascii column to int column
+ // icol = ccol - 64;
+ // Remove first whitespace
+ mystr.remove (0, 1);
+ tabnostr.remove (0, 1);
+ // Replace part for this characters: <, >, &
+ mystr.replace (QRegExp ("&"), "&amp;");
+ mystr.replace (QRegExp ("<"), "&lt;");
+ mystr.replace (QRegExp (">"), "&gt;");
+ // Replace part for Applix Characters
+ int foundSpecialCharakter;
+ QChar newchar;
+ do
+ {
+ // initialize
+ foundSpecialCharakter = false;
+ pos = mystr.find ("^");
+ // is there a special character ?
+ if (pos > -1 )
+ {
+ // i have found a special character !
+ foundSpecialCharakter = true;
+ // translate the applix special character
+ newchar = specCharfind (mystr[pos+1], mystr[pos+2]);
+ // replace the character
+ mystr.replace (pos, 3, newchar);
+ }
+ }
+ while (foundSpecialCharakter == true);
+ // examine the typestring
+ // splitt typestring in 3 parts by an |
+ QString typeFormStr;
+ QString typeCharStr;
+ QString typeCellStr;
+ int pos1 = typestr.find ("|");
+ int pos2 = typestr.findRev ("|");
+ typeFormStr = typestr.left (pos1);
+ typeCharStr = typestr.mid (pos1+1, pos2 - pos1 - 1);
+ typeCellStr = typestr.right (typestr.length() - pos2 - 1);
+ // Is it a new table
+ if (tabctr != tabnostr)
+ {
+ // is it not the first table
+ if (!(tabctr.isNull())) str += " </table>\n";
+ str += " <table columnnumber=\"0\" borders=\"0\" hide=\"0\" hidezero=\"0\" firstletterupper=\"0\" grid=\"1\" formular=\"0\" lcmode=\"0\" name=\"";
+ str += tabnostr;
+ str += "\" >\n";
+ tabctr = tabnostr;
+ // Searching for the rowcol part and adding to the hole string
+ pos = my_rc.tabname.findIndex (tabnostr);
+ if (pos > -1) str += my_rc.rc[pos];
+ }
+ kdDebug()<<" Data : Text :"<<mystr<<" tab :"<<tabnostr<<" "<< cellnostr <<" " <<ccol<<" " << irow<<" "<< typeFormStr<<" " <<typeCharStr<<" " <<typeCellStr<<endl;
+ /********************************************************************
+ * examine charakter format String, splitt it up in basic parts *
+ ********************************************************************/
+ QStringList typeCharList;
+ int bold=0, italic=0, underline=0, nn=0, fontsize=12, fontnr=-1;
+ typeCharList = QStringList::split (',', typeCharStr);
+ for (QStringList::Iterator it = typeCharList.begin();
+ it != typeCharList.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ // Output
+ kdDebug()<<" Char ("<<nn<<" ) >"<<*it<<"< "<<endl;
+ nn++;
+ if ((*it) == "B")
+ {
+ kdDebug()<<" bold\n";
+ bold = 1;
+ }
+ else if ((*it) == "I")
+ {
+ kdDebug()<<" = italic\n";
+ italic = 1;
+ }
+ else if ((*it) == "U")
+ {
+ kdDebug()<<" = underline\n";
+ underline = 1;
+ }
+ else if ((*it).startsWith("FG") )
+ {
+ sscanf ((*it).latin1(), "FG%d", &fg);
+ kdDebug()<<" = Colornr "<< fg<<endl;
+ }
+ else if ((*it).startsWith("TF") )
+ {
+ sscanf ((*it).latin1(), "TF%d", &fontnr);
+ kdDebug()<<" = Font :"<<fontnr<<" "<<typefacetab[fontnr]<<endl;
+ }
+ else if ((*it).startsWith("P") )
+ {
+ sscanf ((*it).latin1(), "P%d", &fontsize);
+ kdDebug()<<" = Fontsize "<<fontsize<<endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ kdDebug()<<" = ???\n";
+ }
+ }
+ kdDebug()<<""<<endl;
+ /********************************************************************
+ * examine pos format String, splitt it up in basic parts *
+ ********************************************************************/
+ QStringList typeFormList;
+ int align = 0, valign=0;
+ typeFormList = QStringList::split (',', typeFormStr);
+ nn=0;
+ for (QStringList::Iterator it = typeFormList.begin(); it != typeFormList.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ // Output
+ //kdDebug()<< " Type (%2d) >%s< ",
+ // nn, (*it).latin1() );
+ nn++;
+ // Grep horizontal alignment
+ if ( (*it) == "1")
+ {
+ kdDebug()<< " = left align\n";
+ align = 1; // left
+ }
+ else if ( (*it) == "2")
+ {
+ kdDebug()<< " = right align\n";
+ align = 3; // right
+ }
+ else if ( (*it) == "3")
+ {
+ kdDebug()<< " = center align\n";
+ align = 2; // center
+ }
+ // Grep verticale alignment
+ else if ( (*it) == "VT")
+ {
+ kdDebug()<<" = top valign\n";
+ valign = 1; // top
+ }
+ else if ( (*it) == "VC")
+ {
+ kdDebug()<<" = center valign\n";
+ valign = 0; // center - default (2)
+ }
+ else if ( (*it) == "VB")
+ {
+ kdDebug()<<" = bottom valign\n";
+ valign = 3; // bottom
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ kdDebug()<<" = ???\n";
+ }
+ }
+ /********************************************************************
+ * examine cell format String, splitt it up in basic parts *
+ ********************************************************************/
+ QStringList typeCellList;
+ int topPenWidth=0, bottomPenWidth=0, leftPenWidth = 0, rightPenWidth = 0, fg_bg=-1;
+ int topPenStyle=0, bottomPenStyle=0, leftPenStyle = 0, rightPenStyle = 0;
+ int brushstyle=0, brushcolor=1;
+ int topbrushstyle=0, topbrushcolor=1, topfg_bg=1;
+ int leftbrushstyle=0, leftbrushcolor=1, leftfg_bg=1;
+ int rightbrushstyle=0, rightbrushcolor=1, rightfg_bg=1;
+ int bottombrushstyle=0, bottombrushcolor=1, bottomfg_bg=1;
+ typeCellList = QStringList::split (',', typeCellStr);
+ nn=0;
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = typeCellList.begin(); it != typeCellList.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ // Output
+ printf (" Cell (%2d) >%s< ",
+ nn, (*it).latin1() );
+ nn++;
+ if ((*it)[0] == 'T')
+ {
+ kdDebug()<<" = top \n";
+ transPenFormat ((*it), &topPenWidth, &topPenStyle);
+ if ((*it).length() > 2)
+ {
+ (*it).remove (0, 2);
+ filterSHFGBG ((*it), &topbrushstyle, &topbrushcolor, &topfg_bg);
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( (*it)[0] == 'B')
+ {
+ kdDebug()<<" = bottom \n";
+ transPenFormat ((*it), &bottomPenWidth, &bottomPenStyle);
+ if ((*it).length() > 2)
+ {
+ (*it).remove (0, 2);
+ filterSHFGBG ((*it), &bottombrushstyle, &bottombrushcolor, &bottomfg_bg);
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( (*it)[0] == 'L')
+ {
+ kdDebug()<<" = left \n";
+ transPenFormat ((*it), &leftPenWidth, &leftPenStyle);
+ if ((*it).length() > 2)
+ {
+ (*it).remove (0, 2);
+ filterSHFGBG ((*it), &leftbrushstyle, &leftbrushcolor, &leftfg_bg);
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( (*it)[0] == 'R')
+ {
+ kdDebug()<<" = right \n";
+ transPenFormat ((*it), &rightPenWidth, &rightPenStyle);
+ if ((*it).length() > 2)
+ {
+ (*it).remove (0, 2);
+ filterSHFGBG ((*it), &rightbrushstyle, &rightbrushcolor, &rightfg_bg);
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( ((*it).startsWith ("SH")) || ((*it).startsWith ("FG")) ||
+ ((*it).startsWith ("BG")) )
+ {
+ kdDebug()<<" = \n";
+ filterSHFGBG ((*it), &brushstyle, &fg_bg, &brushcolor);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ kdDebug()<<" = ???\n";
+ }
+ }
+ QString col;
+ // create kspread fileformat output
+ str += " <cell row=\"" + QString::number (irow) + "\"";
+ str += " column=\"" + QString::number (icol) + "\">\n";
+ if (bold == 1 || italic == 1 || underline == 1 ||
+ align != 0 || valign != 0 ||
+ topPenStyle != 0 || bottomPenStyle != 0 ||
+ leftPenStyle != 0 || rightPenStyle != 0 || fg !=-1 || fg_bg != -1 ||
+ fontsize != 12 || brushstyle != 0 || fontnr != -1)
+ {
+ str += " <format";
+ if (brushstyle != 0)
+ {
+ str += " brushstyle=\"" + QString::number(brushstyle) + "\" ";
+ str += " brushcolor=\"";
+ str += writeColor (;
+ str += "\"";
+ }
+ if (align != 0) str += " align=\"" + QString::number(align) + "\" ";
+ if (valign != 0) str += " alignY=\"" + QString::number(valign) + "\" ";
+ if (fg_bg != -1)
+ {
+ str += " bgcolor=\"";
+ str += writeColor (;
+ str += "\" ";
+ }
+ str += ">\n";
+ // Font color
+ if (fg != -1)
+ {
+ str += " <pen width=\"0\" style=\"1\" color=\"";
+ str += writeColor (;
+ str += "\" />\n";
+ }
+ // Left border
+ if (leftPenWidth > 0)
+ {
+ str += " <left-border>\n";
+ col = writeColor (;
+ writePen (str, leftPenWidth, leftPenStyle, col);
+ str += " </left-border>\n";
+ }
+ // Right border
+ if (rightPenWidth > 0)
+ {
+ str += " <right-border>\n";
+ col = writeColor (;
+ writePen (str, rightPenWidth, rightPenStyle, col);
+ str += " </right-border>\n";
+ }
+ // Bottom border
+ if (bottomPenWidth > 0)
+ {
+ str += " <bottom-border>\n";
+ col = writeColor (;
+ writePen (str, bottomPenWidth, bottomPenStyle, col);
+ str += " </bottom-border>\n";
+ }
+ // Top border
+ if (topPenWidth > 0)
+ {
+ str += " <top-border>\n";
+ col = writeColor (;
+ writePen (str, topPenWidth, topPenStyle, col);
+ str += " </top-border>\n";
+ }
+ // Font (size and family)
+ if ((fontsize != 12) || (fontnr != -1))
+ {
+ str += " <font ";
+ // Fontsize
+ if (fontsize != 12)
+ {
+ str += "size=\"";
+ str += QString::number (fontsize);
+ str += "\" ";
+ }
+ // Fontfamily
+ if (fontnr != -1)
+ {
+ str += "family=\"";
+ str += typefacetab[fontnr].latin1();
+ str += "\" ";
+ }
+ str += "weight=\"0\"";
+ if (italic == 1) str += " italic=\"yes\"";
+ if (bold == 1) str += " bold=\"yes\"";
+ if (underline == 1) str += " underline=\"yes\"";
+ str +=" />\n";
+ }
+ str += " </format>\n";
+ }
+ str += " <text>" + mystr + "</text>\n";
+ str += " </cell>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ emit sigProgress(100);
+ str += " </table>\n";
+ str += " </map>\n";
+ str += "</spreadsheet>\n";
+// str += "</DOC>\n";
+ kdDebug ()<<"Text "<< str<<endl;
+ KoStoreDevice* out=m_chain->storageFile( "root", KoStore::Write );
+ if (!out)
+ {
+ kdError(38000/*30502*/) << "Unable to open output file!" << endl;
+ in.close ();
+ return KoFilter::StorageCreationError;
+ }
+ QCString cstring = str.utf8();
+ out->writeBlock ( cstring, cstring.length() );
+ in.close ();
+ return KoFilter::OK;
+ * function: specCharfind *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+APPLIXSPREADImport::specCharfind (QChar a, QChar b)
+ QChar chr;
+ if ( (a == 'n') && (b == 'p') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'n') && (b == 'c') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'p') && (b == 'c') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'n') && (b == 'd') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'p') && (b == 'd') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'n') && (b == 'e') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'p') && (b == 'e') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'n') && (b == 'f') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'p') && (b == 'f') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'p') && (b == 'g') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'n') && (b == 'g') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'n') && (b == 'j') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'p') && (b == 'j') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'n') && (b == 'k') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'p') && (b == 'k') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'n') && (b == 'l') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'p') && (b == 'l') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'p') && (b == 'm') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'n') && (b == 'm') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'm') && (b == 'a') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'o') && (b == 'a') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'm') && (b == 'b') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'o') && (b == 'b') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'm') && (b == 'c') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'o') && (b == 'c') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'm') && (b == 'd') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'o') && (b == 'd') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'm') && (b == 'e') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'o') && (b == 'e') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'm') && (b == 'f') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'o') && (b == 'f') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'm') && (b == 'g') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'o') && (b == 'g') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'm') && (b == 'i') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'o') && (b == 'i') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'm') && (b == 'j') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'o') && (b == 'j') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'm') && (b == 'k') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'o') && (b == 'k') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'm') && (b == 'l') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'o') && (b == 'l') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'm') && (b == 'm') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'o') && (b == 'm') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'm') && (b == 'n') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'o') && (b == 'n') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'm') && (b == 'o') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'o') && (b == 'o') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'm') && (b == 'p') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'o') && (b == 'p') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'n') && (b == 'b') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'p') && (b == 'b') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'k') && (b == 'c') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'k') && (b == 'j') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'l') && (b == 'f') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'n') && (b == 'i') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'p') && (b == 'i') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'l') && (b == 'j') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'l') && (b == 'c') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'l') && (b == 'd') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'l') && (b == 'm') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'l') && (b == 'n') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'l') && (b == 'o') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'l') && (b == 'a') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'k') && (b == 'o') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'k') && (b == 'h') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'k') && (b == 'd') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'p') && (b == 'a') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'n') && (b == 'a') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'l') && (b == 'l') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'k') && (b == 'l') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'l') && (b == 'k') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'l') && (b == 'h') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'k') && (b == 'b') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'k') && (b == 'e') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'l') && (b == 'b') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'l') && (b == 'p') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'k') && (b == 'f') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'p') && (b == 'o') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'n') && (b == 'o') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'n') && (b == 'n') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'p') && (b == 'n') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'p') && (b == 'p') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'k') && (b == 'k') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'k') && (b == 'm') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'p') && (b == 'h') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'k') && (b == 'g') ) chr = '|';
+ else if ( (a == 'l') && (b == 'e') ) chr = '\'';
+ else if ( (a == 'k') && (b == 'i') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'k') && (b == 'n') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'k') && (b == 'p') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'l') && (b == 'g') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'l') && (b == 'i') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'm') && (b == 'h') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'o') && (b == 'h') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'n') && (b == 'h') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'k') && (b == 'a') ) chr = '�';
+ else if ( (a == 'a') && (b == 'j') ) chr = '!';
+ else chr = '#';
+ return chr;
+ * function: writePen *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+APPLIXSPREADImport::writePen (QString &str, int penwidth, int penstyle, QString framecolor)
+ str += " <pen width=\"";
+ // width of the pen
+ str += QString::number (penwidth);
+ str += "\" style=\"";
+ // style of the pen
+ str += QString::number (penstyle);
+ str += "\" color=\"";
+ // color of the pen
+ str += framecolor;
+ str += "\" />\n";
+ * function: writeColor *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+APPLIXSPREADImport::writeColor (t_mycolor *mc)
+ char rgb[20];
+// printf (" WriteColor: <%d>-<%d>-<%d> <%d>-<%d>-<%d>-<%d>\n",
+// mc->r, mc->g, mc->b,
+// mc->c, mc->m, mc->y, mc->k);
+ sprintf (rgb, "#%02X%02X%02X", mc->r, mc->g, mc->b);
+ QString bla = rgb;
+ return bla;
+ * function: readTypefaceTable *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+APPLIXSPREADImport::readTypefaceTable (QTextStream &stream, QStringList &typefacetab)
+ int tftabCounter=0, ok;
+ QString mystr;
+ // Read the colormap
+ kdDebug()<<"Reading typeface table: \n";
+ ok = true;
+ do
+ {
+ mystr = nextLine( stream );
+ if (mystr == "END TYPEFACE TABLE" ) ok = false;
+ else
+ {
+ //printf (" %2d: <%s>\n", tftabCounter, mystr.latin1());
+ typefacetab.append(mystr);
+ tftabCounter++;
+ }
+ }
+ while (ok == true );
+ kdDebug()<<"... done \n";
+ * function: readColormap *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+APPLIXSPREADImport::readColormap (QTextStream &stream, QPtrList<t_mycolor> &mcol)
+ int contcount, ok, pos;
+ QString colstr, mystr;
+ kdDebug ()<<"Reading colormap: \n";
+ ok = true;
+ do
+ {
+ mystr = nextLine( stream );
+ mystr.stripWhiteSpace ();
+ if (mystr == "END COLORMAP") ok = false;
+ else
+ {
+ kdDebug()<<" -> "<< mystr<<endl;
+ // Count the number of whitespaces
+ contcount = mystr.contains (' ');
+ kdDebug()<< "contcount: "<< contcount<<endl;
+ contcount -= 5;
+ // Begin off interest
+ pos = mystr.find (" 0 ");
+ // get colorname
+ colstr = mystr.left (pos);
+ mystr.remove (0, pos+1);
+ mystr.stripWhiteSpace ();
+ t_mycolor *tmc = new t_mycolor;
+ // get sub colors
+ pos = sscanf (mystr.latin1(), "0 %d %d %d %d 0",
+ &tmc->c, &tmc->m, &tmc->y, &tmc->k);
+ printf (" - <%-20s> <%-15s> <%3d> <%3d> <%3d> <%3d> pos: %d\n",
+ mystr.latin1(),
+ colstr.latin1(),
+ tmc->c, tmc->m, tmc->y, tmc->k, pos);
+ // Color transformation cmyk -> rgb
+ tmc->r = 255 - (tmc->c + tmc->k);
+ if (tmc->r < 0) tmc->r = 0;
+ tmc->g = 255 - (tmc->m + tmc->k);
+ if (tmc->g < 0) tmc->g = 0;
+ tmc->b = 255 - (tmc->y + tmc->k);
+ if (tmc->b < 0) tmc->b = 0;
+ mcol.append (tmc);
+ }
+ }
+ while (ok == true );
+ kdDebug()<< "... done "<< mcol.count()<<endl;
+ t_mycolor *emp;
+ for (emp=mcol.first(); emp != 0; )
+ {
+ printf (" c:%3d m:%3d y:%3d k:%3d r:%3d g:%3d b:%3d\n",
+ emp->c, emp->m, emp->y, emp->k, emp->r, emp->g, emp->b);
+ }
+ * function: readColormap *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+APPLIXSPREADImport::readView (QTextStream &stream, QString instr, t_rc &rc)
+ QString rowcolstr;
+ QString mystr, tabname;
+ int ok;
+ kdDebug()<<"Reading View\n";
+ tabname = instr;
+ tabname.remove (0, 19);
+ tabname.remove (tabname.length()-2, 2);
+ kdDebug()<< " - Table name: "<< tabname<<endl;
+ ok = true;
+ do
+ {
+ mystr = nextLine( stream );
+ kdDebug()<<" "<< mystr<<endl;
+ if (mystr.startsWith ("View End, Name:")) ok = false;
+ else
+ {
+ // COLUMN Widths
+ if (mystr.startsWith ("View Column Widths"))
+ {
+ kdDebug()<< " - Column Widths\n";
+ mystr.remove (0, 20);
+ kdDebug()<< " "<<mystr<<endl;
+ int colwidth, icolumn;
+ char ccolumn;
+ // loop
+ QStringList ColumnList;
+ ColumnList = QStringList::split (' ', mystr);
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = ColumnList.begin(); it != ColumnList.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ sscanf ((*it).latin1(), "%c:%d", &ccolumn, &colwidth);
+ int len = (*it).length ();
+ int pos = (*it).find (":");
+ (*it).remove (pos, len-pos);
+ printf( " >%s<- -<%c><%d> \n", (*it).latin1(), ccolumn, colwidth);
+ // Transformat ascii column to int column
+ icolumn = translateColumnNumber (*it);
+ //icolumn = ccolumn - 64;
+ // Translate the column width right from applix to kspread
+ icolumn = icolumn * 5;
+ rowcolstr += " <column width=\"";
+ rowcolstr += QString::number (colwidth);
+ rowcolstr += "\" column=\"";
+ rowcolstr += QString::number (icolumn);
+ rowcolstr += "\" >\n";
+ rowcolstr += " <format/>\n";
+ rowcolstr += " </column>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ // ROW Heights
+ else if (mystr.startsWith ("View Row Heights"))
+ {
+ kdDebug()<< " - Row Heights\n";
+ mystr.remove (0, 17);
+ kdDebug()<<" "<< mystr<<endl;
+ int irow, rowheight;
+ // loop
+ QStringList RowList;
+ RowList = QStringList::split (' ', mystr);
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = RowList.begin(); it != RowList.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ sscanf ((*it).latin1(), " %d:%d",
+ &irow, &rowheight);
+ printf (" row: %2d height: %2d\n", irow, rowheight);
+ if (rowheight > 32768) rowheight -= 32768;
+ printf (" height: %2d\n", rowheight);
+ rowcolstr += " <row row=\"";
+ rowcolstr += QString::number (irow);
+ rowcolstr += "\" height=\"";
+ rowcolstr += QString::number (rowheight);
+ rowcolstr += "\" >\n";
+ rowcolstr += " <format/>\n";
+ rowcolstr += " </row>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ } // else != END COLORMAP
+ }
+ while (ok == true );
+ // tabname append to my list
+ // tabname append to my list
+ rc.tabname.append (tabname);
+ rc.rc.append (rowcolstr);
+ printf ("%s %s\n", tabname.latin1(),
+ rowcolstr.latin1());
+ printf ("...done \n\n");
+ * function: filterSHFGBG *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+APPLIXSPREADImport::filterSHFGBG (QString it, int *style, int *bgcolor,
+ int *fgcolor)
+ QString tmpstr;
+ int pos;
+ int m2=0, m3=0;
+ // filter SH = Brushstyle Background
+ pos = it.find ("SH");
+ if (pos > -1)
+ {
+ tmpstr = it;
+ if (pos > 0) tmpstr.remove(0, pos);
+ pos = sscanf (tmpstr.latin1(), "SH%d",
+ style);
+ printf ("style: %d(%d) ",
+ *style, pos);
+ }
+ // filter FG = FGCOLOR
+ pos = it.find ("FG");
+ if (pos > -1)
+ {
+ tmpstr = it;
+ if (pos > 0) tmpstr.remove(0, pos);
+ pos = sscanf (tmpstr.latin1(), "FG%d",
+ fgcolor);
+ printf ("fg: %d(%d) ",
+ *fgcolor, pos);
+ m2=1;
+ }
+ // filter BG = BGCOLOR
+ pos = it.find ("BG");
+ if (pos > -1)
+ {
+ tmpstr = it;
+ if (pos > 0) tmpstr.remove(0, pos);
+ pos = sscanf (tmpstr.latin1(), "BG%d",
+ bgcolor);
+ printf ("bgcolor: %d(%d) ",
+ *bgcolor, pos);
+ m3=1;
+ }
+ printf ("\n");
+ // corrent the bgcolor to the fgcolor if the background is plain
+ if ((*style == 8) && (m2 == 1) && (m3 == 0))
+ {
+ *bgcolor = *fgcolor;
+ }
+ // Translate brushstyle to kspread brushstyle
+ if (*style != 0)
+ {
+ if (*style == 1) *style = 0;
+ else if (*style == 2) *style = 7;
+ else if (*style == 3) *style = 0;
+ else if (*style == 4) *style = 4;
+ else if (*style == 5) *style = 3;
+ else if (*style == 6) *style = 2;
+ else if (*style == 7) *style = 0;
+ else if (*style == 8) *style = 0;
+ else if (*style == 9) *style = 10;
+ else if (*style == 10) *style = 9;
+ else if (*style == 11) *style = 11;
+ else if (*style == 12) *style = 12;
+ else if (*style == 13) *style = 13;
+ else if (*style == 14) *style = 14;
+ else if (*style == 15) *style = 0;
+ else if (*style == 16) *style = 0;
+ else if (*style == 17) *style = 0;
+ else if (*style == 18) *style = 0;
+ else if (*style == 19) *style = 0;
+ }
+ * function: filterSHFGBG *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+APPLIXSPREADImport::transPenFormat (QString it, int *PenWidth, int *PenStyle)
+ if ( it[1] == '1' )
+ {
+ *PenWidth = 1;
+ *PenStyle = 1;
+ }
+ else if ( it[1] == '2' )
+ {
+ *PenWidth = 2;
+ *PenStyle = 1;
+ }
+ else if ( it[1] == '3' )
+ {
+ *PenWidth = 3;
+ *PenStyle = 1;
+ }
+ else if ( it[1] == '4' )
+ {
+ *PenWidth = 1;
+ *PenStyle = 3;
+ }
+ else if ( it[1] == '5' )
+ {
+ *PenWidth = 5;
+ *PenStyle = 1;
+ }
+ printf ("frame (w:%d - s:%d) \n", *PenWidth, *PenStyle);
+ * function: readHeader *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+APPLIXSPREADImport::readHeader (QTextStream &stream)
+ QString mystr;
+ int vers[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
+ int rueck;
+ // Read Headline
+ mystr = nextLine (stream);
+ rueck = sscanf (mystr.latin1(),
+ &vers[0], &vers[1], &vers[2]);
+ printf ("Versions info: %d %d %d\n", vers[0], vers[1], vers[2]);
+ // Check the headline
+ if (rueck <= 0)
+ {
+ printf ("Header not correkt - May be it is not an applixspreadsheet file\n");
+ printf ("Headerline: <%s>\n", mystr.latin1());
+ QMessageBox::critical (0L, "Applix spreadsheet header problem",
+ QString ("The Applix Spreadsheet header is not correct. "
+ "May be it is not an applix spreadsheet file! <BR>"
+ "This is the header line I did read:<BR><B>%1</B>").arg(mystr.latin1()),
+ "Okay");
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ * function: translateRowNumber *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+APPLIXSPREADImport::translateColumnNumber (QString colstr)
+ int icol=0;
+ int p, x, len;
+ len = colstr.length ();
+ p = len-1;
+ x = 1;
+ printf ("HI 0 len:%d\n", len );
+ while ((p >= 0))
+ {
+ printf ("HI 1 x:%d p:%d char:<%c>\n", x, p, colstr[p].latin1());
+ // Upper chars
+ if ((colstr[p] >= 'A') && (colstr[p] <= 'Z'))
+ {
+ kdDebug ()<<" UPPER\n";
+ icol = icol + ((int)pow ((double)x, 26) * (colstr[p].latin1() - 'A' + 1) );
+ x++;
+ }
+ // lower chars
+ else if ((colstr[p] >= 'a') && (colstr[p] <= 'z'))
+ {
+ kdDebug()<<" lower\n";
+ icol = icol + ((int)pow ((double)x, 26) * (colstr[p].latin1() - 'a' + 1) );
+ x++;
+ }
+ p--;
+ kdDebug ()<< "HI 2\n";
+ }
+ printf ("translateColumnNumber : <%s> -> %d\n", colstr.latin1(), icol);
+ return icol;
+#include <applixspreadimport.moc>
diff --git a/filters/kspread/applixspread/applixspreadimport.h b/filters/kspread/applixspread/applixspreadimport.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..31452e00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/filters/kspread/applixspread/applixspreadimport.h
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ Copyright (C) 2001 Enno Bartels <[email protected]>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qobject.h>
+#include <qtextstream.h>
+#include <qptrlist.h>
+#include <KoFilter.h>
+#include <KoStore.h>
+typedef struct
+ int r;
+ int g;
+ int b;
+ int c;
+ int m;
+ int y;
+ int k;
+} t_mycolor;
+typedef struct
+ QStringList tabname;
+ QStringList rc;
+} t_rc;
+class APPLIXSPREADImport : public KoFilter {
+ APPLIXSPREADImport ( QObject *parent, const char* name, const QStringList& );
+ virtual ~APPLIXSPREADImport() {}
+ virtual KoFilter::ConversionStatus convert( const QCString& from, const QCString& to );
+ QString nextLine (QTextStream &);
+ QChar specCharfind (QChar , QChar );
+ void writePen (QString &, int, int, QString);
+ QString writeColor (t_mycolor *);
+ void readTypefaceTable (QTextStream &, QStringList &);
+ void readColormap (QTextStream &, QPtrList<t_mycolor> &);
+ void readView (QTextStream &, QString, t_rc &);
+ void filterSHFGBG (QString, int *, int *, int *);
+ void transPenFormat (QString, int *, int *);
+ int readHeader (QTextStream &);
+ int translateColumnNumber (QString);
+ int m_stepsize;
+ int m_instep;
+ int m_progress;
diff --git a/filters/kspread/applixspread/kspread_applixspread_import.desktop b/filters/kspread/applixspread/kspread_applixspread_import.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d829d39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/filters/kspread/applixspread/kspread_applixspread_import.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=KSpread Applix Spreadsheet Import Filter
+Name[af]=Kspread Applix Spreiblad In voer Filter
+Name[az]=KSpread Applix Hesab Cədvəli Alma Süzgəci
+Name[bg]=Филтър за импортиране от Applix Spreadsheet в KSpread
+Name[br]=Sil enporzh al loger Applix evit KSpread
+Name[ca]=Filtre d'importació per a fulls per a càlcul Applix per a KSpread
+Name[cs]=KSpread Applix Spreadsheet importní filtr
+Name[cy]=Hidlen Fewnforio Taenlen Applix KSpread
+Name[da]=KSpread Applix regnearks-importfilter
+Name[de]=KSpread Applix-Spreadsheet-Importfilter
+Name[el]=Φίλτρο εισαγωγής λογιστικού φύλλου Applix του KSpread
+Name[eo]=Appliks-tabelo-import-filtrilo por KSpread
+Name[es]=Filtro de importación de KSpread para hoja de cálculo de Applix
+Name[et]=KSpreadi Applix'i tabelite impordifilter
+Name[eu]=KSpread-en Applix-en kalkulu-orriaren inportaziorako iragazkia
+Name[fa]=پالایۀ واردات صفحه گستردۀ KSpread Applix
+Name[fi]=KSpread Applix taulukkolaskenta -tuontisuodin
+Name[fr]=Filtre d'importation Applix Spreadsheet de KSpread
+Name[fy]=KSpread Applix Spreadsheet Ymportfilter
+Name[gl]=Filtro de Importación de Applix Spreadsheet para KSpread
+Name[he]=מסנן לייבוא גיליונות אלקטרוניים של Applix ל־KSpread
+Name[hi]=के-स्प्रेड एप्लिक्स स्प्रेडशीट आयात छननी
+Name[hr]=KSpread Applix Spreadsheet filtar uvoza
+Name[hu]=KSpread Applix Spreadsheets importszűrő
+Name[is]=KSpread Applix töflureiknis innflutningssía
+Name[it]=Filtro di importazione Applix Spreadsheet per KSpread
+Name[ja]=KSpread Applix スプレッドシート インポートフィルタ
+Name[km]=តម្រង​នាំចូល​សៀវភៅបញ្ជី Applix សម្រាប់ KSpread
+Name[lo]= ຕົວຕອງການນຳເຂົ້າຕາຕະລາງງານ Apllix ຂອງກະດາດຄຳນວນ K
+Name[lt]=KWord Applix elektroninės lentelės importo filtras
+Name[lv]=KSpread Applix elektroniskās tabulas importa filtrs
+Name[ms]=Penapis Import KSpread Applix Spreadsheet
+Name[mt]=Filtru għall-importazzjoni ta' Spreadsheet Applix ġo KSpread
+Name[nb]=Applix-regnearkimportfilter for KSpread
+Name[nds]="Applix-Tabellenutreken"-Importfilter för KSpread
+Name[ne]=केडीई स्प्रिेड एप्लिक्स स्प्रिेडसिट आयात फिल्टर
+Name[nl]=KSpread Applix Spreadsheet Importfilter
+Name[nn]=Applix Spreadsheet-importfilter for KSpread
+Name[pl]=Filtr importu formatu arkusza kalkulacyjnego Applix do KSpread
+Name[pt]=Filtro de Importação de Applix Spreadsheet para o KSpread
+Name[pt_BR]=Filtro de importação de Planilhas para o KSpread
+Name[ro]=Filtru importare KSpread pentru Applix
+Name[ru]=Фильтр импорта таблиц Applix Spreadsheet в KSpread
+Name[se]=KSpread:a Applix Spreadsheet-sisafievrridansilli
+Name[sk]=Applix Spreadsheet filter pre import pre KSpread
+Name[sl]=Uvozni filter Applix Spreadsheet za KSpread
+Name[sr]=KSpread-ов филтер за увоз Applix-ових прорачунских листова
+Name[sr@Latn]=KSpread-ov filter za uvoz Applix-ovih proračunskih listova
+Name[sv]=Kspread-importfilter för Applix-kalkylark
+Name[ta]=KSpread Applix Spreadsheet இறக்குமதி வடிகட்டி
+Name[tg]=Филтри Воридоти KSpread Applix Spreadsheet
+Name[th]=ตัวกรองการนำเข้าตารางงาน Apllix ของกระดาษคำนวณ K
+Name[tr]=KSpread Applix Hesap Tablosu Alma Filtresi
+Name[uk]=Фільтр імпорту Applix Spreadsheet для KSpread
+Name[uz]=KSpread Applix elektron jadval import filteri
+Name[uz@cyrillic]=KSpread Applix электрон жадвал импорт филтери
+Name[ven]=U phadaladza ha K Applix filithara ya u dzhenisa nga ngomu ya siatari lo phadalalho
+Name[wa]=Passete tåvleu Applix d' intrêye po KSpread
+Name[xh]=Isihluzi Sokurhweba se KSpread Applix Spreadsheet
+Name[zh_CN]=KSpread Applix 电子表格导入过滤器
+Name[zh_TW]=KSpread Applix 電子表單匯入過濾程式
diff --git a/filters/kspread/applixspread/status.html b/filters/kspread/applixspread/status.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c944ef5c
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+++ b/filters/kspread/applixspread/status.html
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+ <title>KOffice filters status: Applix Spreadsheet FILTER</title>
+<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#000099" vlink="#666666" alink="#666666">
+<A NAME="START">&nbsp;</A>
+ <h1>
+ KOffice filters status: &nbsp;&nbsp;<i>Applix Spreadsheet FILTER</i>
+ </h1>
+<hr NOSHADE SIZE=2 WIDTH="70%">
+<font size="-1"><b>
+ <A HREF="#import">Import</A> |
+ <A HREF="#export">Export</A>
+<center><a NAME="import"></a></center>
+<A HREF="#START"><font size="-1"><b>Up</b></font></A>
+<table BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 BGCOLOR="#000000" WIDTH="100%">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <td COLSPAN="2">
+ <center><b><i><font size="+1">
+ <BR>
+ Import Applix Spreadsheet for kspread<BR>
+ <BR>
+ </font></i></b></center>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="1%" NOWRAP><b><font size="+1">Last update</font></b></td>
+ <td>03 mar 2001</td>
+ </tr>
+ <td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Features</font></b></td>
+ <td>
+ - can import simple and complex Applix Spreadsheet documents<br>
+ - tests the headline of the document<br>
+ - converts &lt;, &gt;, &amp;, to &amp;lt; &amp;gt; &amp;amp;<br>
+ - converts all applix special characters<br>
+ - converts fontsize, fontcolor, horizontal and vertical alignment, bold, italic, underline<br>
+ - eats long text strings (more than one row in inputfile)<br>
+ - converts different tables inside of one document<br>
+ - cellformat: background color, brushstyles, brushcolor<br>
+ - cellframe: linewidth, linetype, linecolor<br>
+ - row height and column width<br>
+ - converting the fontfamily (incl. reading the typeface table)<br>
+ - correct process bar value emiting (procent)<br>
+ - rows A-Z and greater Z (AA-ZZ) are right translate into integer values<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Todo</font></b></td>
+ <td>
+ - cellframes: double lines are not supported in kspread till now. So they can't translated correct.<br>
+ - check the row height and column width - they are not right sometimes<br>
+ - grouped row and column formats<br>
+ - add endoffile checking with dialog in do-while loops<br>
+ - detect valueline (can only do textlines)<br>
+ - convert a formular, date or something else right with cell references<br>
+ - change the printf output to debug (xxxxx) output<br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">History</font></b></td>
+ <td>
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="0">
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <td align=right>17 mar 2001</td>
+ <td>&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>The fontfamily in support (incl. bugfix)<BR>
+ Longnamed columns like AA are right supported now- for cell elements and column width elements<BR>
+ Corrected the row width values. They start with 32768!<BR>
+ Little code cleanup. Updated the fileformat description.
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align=right>13 mar 2001</td>
+ <td>&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>Added the progress bar value emiting (<A HREF="[email protected]">David Faure</A>)</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align=right>11 mar 2001</td>
+ <td>&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>Added fileformat description.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align=right>10 mar 2001</td>
+ <td>&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>Checked in this version after discussion with David Faure. He told me that he just tried to begin with a applix spreadsheet import filter too.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align=right>09 mar 2001</td>
+ <td>&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>Read the row height and column width.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align=right>03 mar 2001</td>
+ <td>&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>Reads the typefont and the colortable, converts cmyk to rgb, added some style information (cell and string)</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align=right>24 feb 2001</td>
+ <td>&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>Add &lt;, &gt;, &amp; and applix character convertation</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align=right>11 feb 2001</td>
+ <td>&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
+ <td>Written a filter that only can filter simple applix files</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Authors&nbsp;</font></b></td>
+ <td><A HREF="mailto:[email protected]">Enno Bartels</A></td>
+ </tr>
+ <td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Links</font></b></td>
+ <td><A HREF="">Applixword example</A></td>
+ </tr>
+ <td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Progress report </font></b></td>
+ <td><B><U><font size="+1">Fileformat:</font></U></B><BR>
+ <BR>
+ <B><U>Main Structure:</U></B><BR>
+ <spacer size="20">1. Header<BR>
+ <spacer size="20">2. Colortable<BR>
+ <spacer size="20">3. Fonttable<BR>
+ <spacer size="20">...<BR>
+ <spacer size="20">4. View<BR>
+ <spacer size="20">...<BR>
+ <spacer size="20">5. Headers and footers<BR>
+ <spacer size="20">6. Cellvalues<BR>
+ <spacer size="20">7. End<BR><BR><BR>
+ <B><U>1. Header:</U></B><BR>
+ <spacer size="10">The headerline looks like that:<BR>
+ <spacer size="20"><B><I>*BEGIN SPREADSHEETS VERSION=430/430 ENCODING=7BIT</I></B><BR><BR><BR>
+ <B><U>2. Colormap:</U></B><BR>
+ <spacer size="10">The colormap has 3 parts<BR>
+ <spacer size="10">2.1. Starting line<BR>
+ <spacer size="10">2.2. Value lines<BR>
+ <spacer size="10">2.3. Ending line<BR>
+ <BR>
+ <spacer size="10"><U>2.1. Colormap start:</U><BR>
+ <spacer size="20">The colormap begins with this line<BR>
+ <spacer size="20"><B><I>COLORMAP</I></B><BR>
+ <BR>
+ <spacer size="10"><U>2.2. Colormap value:</U><BR>
+ <spacer size="20">A color value line has the following parts (cmyk - colorsystem)<BR>
+ <spacer size="20"><B>Text 0 c m y k 0</B><BR>
+ <BR>
+ <spacer size="20">
+ <TR>
+ <TD>2.2.1.</TD>
+ <TD>Text</TD>
+ <TD>= Textstring</TD>
+ <TD>-</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>2.2.2.</TD>
+ <TD>0</TD>
+ <TD>= NULL</TD>
+ <TD>-</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>2.2.3.</TD>
+ <TD>c</TD>
+ <TD>= cyan</TD>
+ <TD>0-255</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>2.2.4.</TD>
+ <TD>m</TD>
+ <TD>= magenta</TD>
+ <TD>0-255</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>2.2.5.</TD>
+ <TD>y</TD>
+ <TD>= yellow</TD>
+ <TD>0-255</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>2.2.6.</TD>
+ <TD>k</TD>
+ <TD>= black (key)</TD>
+ <TD>0-255</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>2.2.7.</TD>
+ <TD>0</TD>
+ <TD>= NULL</TD>
+ <TD>-</TD>
+ </TR>
+ </TABLE>
+ <BR><BR>
+ <spacer size="20">Color converting is very simple cmyk to rgb:<BR>
+ <spacer size="20">r = 255 - (c+k)<BR>
+ <spacer size="20">g = 255 - (m+k)<BR>
+ <spacer size="20">b = 255 - (y+k)<BR>
+ <spacer size="20">If the value of r, g or b if less then 0 you must set it to 0 .<BR>
+ <BR>
+ <spacer size="20">For examples inside koffice look a this files too<br>
+ <spacer size="20"><I>koffice/kimageshop/core/ and kis_color.h</I><BR>
+ <BR><BR>
+ <spacer size="10"><U>2.3. Colormap end:</U><BR>
+ <spacer size="20">The colormap ends with this line:<BR>
+ <spacer size="20"><B><I>END COLORMAP</I></B>
+ <BR><BR>
+ <B><U>3. Fonttable:</U></B><BR>
+ <spacer size="10">The fonttable has 3 parts<BR>
+ <spacer size="10">3.1. Starting line<BR>
+ <spacer size="10">3.2. Value lines<BR>
+ <spacer size="10">3.3. Ending line<BR>
+ <BR>
+ <spacer size="10"><U>3.1. Starting line</U><BR>
+ <spacer size="20">The fonttable begins with this line:<BR>
+ <spacer size="20"><B><I>TYPEFACE TABLE</I></B><BR>
+ <BR>
+ <spacer size="10"><U>3.2. Value line</U><BR>
+ <spacer size="20">The fonttable value line looks like that:<BR>
+ <spacer size="20"><B>Helvetica</B><BR>
+ <BR>
+ <spacer size="10"><U>3.3. Ending line</U><BR>
+ <spacer size="20">The colormap ends with this line ends with<BR>
+ <spacer size="20"><B><I>END TYPEFACE TABLE</I></B><BR>
+ <BR><BR>
+ <B><U>4. View:</U></B><BR>
+ <spacer size="10">Each table has its own view section and everyone has 3 parts<br>
+ <spacer size="10">4.1. Starting line<BR>
+ <spacer size="10">4.2. Value lines<BR>
+ <spacer size="10">4.3. Ending line<BR>
+ <spacer size="10">This is an example with the table name <B>A</B><BR>
+ <BR>
+ <spacer size="10"><U>4.1. Starting line</U><BR>
+ <spacer size="20">The view of table <B>A</B> begins with this line:<BR>
+ <spacer size="20"><B><I>View Start, Name: ~A:~</I></B><br>
+ <BR>
+ <spacer size="10"><U>4.2. Value lines</U><BR>
+ <spacer size="20">There are different value lines, but all of them start with <B>view</B><BR>
+ <spacer size="20">There are following important value lines:<BR>
+ <spacer size="20">4.2.1. Column width <BR>
+ <spacer size="20">4.2.2. Row heights<BR>
+ <BR>
+ <spacer size="20"><U>4.2.1. Column width</U><BR>
+ <spacer size="30">In the view of an table block is for example the width of a column:<br>
+ <spacer size="30"><B><I>View Column Widths: A:3 B:3 C:3 D:3 E:3 F:3 G:4 H:4</I></B><br>
+ <BR>
+ <spacer size="20"><U>4.2.1. Row height</U><BR>
+ <spacer size="30">or the height of a row<br>
+ <spacer size="30"><B><I>View Row Heights: 3:18 4:24 8:32804 </I></B><br>
+ <spacer size="30">Attention: If the row value is greater then 32768 you have to calc rowHeight = rowHeight - 32768 to get the right value!
+ <br><br>
+ <spacer size="10"><U>4.3. Ending line</U><BR>
+ <spacer size="20">The view of table <B>A</B> ends with this line:<BR>
+ <spacer size="20"><B><I>View End, Name: ~A:~</I></B><BR>
+ <br><br>
+ <B><U>5. Headers and footers:</U></B><BR>
+ <spacer size="10">The headers and footers section has 3 parts<BR>
+ <spacer size="10">5.1. Starting line<BR>
+ <spacer size="10">5.2. Value lines<BR>
+ <spacer size="10">5.3. Ending line<BR>
+ <BR>
+ <spacer size="10"><U>5.1. Starting line</U><BR>
+ <spacer size="20">The headers and footers section begins with this line:<BR>
+ <spacer size="20"><B><I>Headers And Footers</I></B><BR>
+ <BR>
+ <spacer size="10"><U>5.2. Value lines</U><BR>
+ <spacer size="20">-<BR>
+ <spacer size="20">-<BR>
+ <BR>
+ <spacer size="10"><U>5.3. Ending line</U><BR>
+ <spacer size="20">The headers and footers section end with<BR>
+ <spacer size="20"><B><I>Headers And Footers End</I></B><BR>
+ <BR><BR>
+ <B><U>6. Cellvalue:</U></B><BR>
+ <spacer size="10">This is a cellvalue line<BR>
+ <spacer size="10"><B><I>('DN|B,I,U,TF1,P18|T4) A!D11: Hello everybody</I></B><BR> <BR>
+ <spacer size="10">a cellvalue line has 3 parts:<BR>
+ <spacer size="10">6.1. Formatpart<BR>
+ <spacer size="10">6.2. Location part<BR>
+ <spacer size="10">6.3. Text String, formular, value, link, etc.<BR>
+ <BR>
+ <spacer size="10"><U>6.1. Formatpart:</U><BR>
+ <spacer size="20">The format part looks like that:<BR>
+ <spacer size="20"><B>('DN|B,I,U,TF1,P18|T4)</B><BR>
+ <spacer size="20">There are 3 formatsubparts divided by <B>|</B>:<BR>
+ <spacer size="20"><B>(Part1|Part2|Part3)</B><BR>
+ <spacer size="20">5.1.1. Part 1 - Alignment format<BR>
+ <spacer size="20">5.1.2. Part 2 - Text format<BR>
+ <spacer size="20">5.1.3. Part 3 - Cell format<BR>
+ <BR>
+ <spacer size="20"><U>6.1.1. Part 1 - Alignment format</U><BR>
+ <spacer size="30">This is the alignment format for vertical, horizontal alignment<BR>
+ <spacer size="30">
+ <TR>
+ <TD>;&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD><B>1</B></TD>
+ <TD>horizontal alignment</TD>
+ <TD>left</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>;&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD><B>2</B></TD>
+ <TD>horizontal alignment</TD>
+ <TD>right</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>;&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD><B>3</B></TD>
+ <TD>horizontal alignment</TD>
+ <TD>center</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>;&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD><B>VT</B></TD>
+ <TD>vertical alignment</TD>
+ <TD>top</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>;&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD><B>VC</B></TD>
+ <TD>vertical alignment</TD>
+ <TD>center</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>;&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD><B>VB</B></TD>
+ <TD>vertical alignment</TD>
+ <TD>bottom</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>;&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD><B>DN</B></TD>
+ <TD>??</TD>
+ <TD>??</TD>
+ </TR>
+ </TABLE>
+ <BR>
+ <spacer size="20"><U>6.1.2. Part 2 - Text format</U><BR>
+ <spacer size="30">This is the alignment format for the text<BR>
+ <spacer size="30">
+ <TR>
+ <TD>;&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD><B>B</B></TD>
+ <TD>bold</TD>
+ <TD>-</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>;&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD><B>I</B></TD>
+ <TD>italic</TD>
+ <TD>-</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>;&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD><B>U</B></TD>
+ <TD>underline</TD>
+ <TD>-</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>;&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD><B>TFx</B></TD>
+ <TD>fontfamily</TD>
+ <TD>x is the number in the fonttable.</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>;&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD><B>Px</B></TD>
+ <TD>fontsize</TD>
+ <TD>x is the fontsize.</TD>
+ </TR>
+ </TABLE>
+ <BR>
+ <spacer size="20"><U>6.1.3. Part 3 - Cell format</U><BR>
+ <spacer size="30">This is the alignment format for the text<BR>
+ <spacer size="30">
+ <TR>
+ <TD>;&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD><B>Txy</B></TD>
+ <TD>Frame at the top</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>;&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD><B>Bxy</B></TD>
+ <TD>Frame at the bottom</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>;&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD><B>Lxy</B></TD>
+ <TD>Frame at the left side</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>;&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD><B>Rxy</B></TD>
+ <TD>Frame at the right side</TD>
+ </TR>
+ </TABLE>
+ <BR>
+ <spacer size="30">x = number describes the penwidth and penstyle of the frame line<BR>
+ <spacer size="30">
+ <TR>
+ <TD ALIGN=CENTER colspan=2>applix</TD>
+ <TD ALIGN=CENTER>&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD ALIGN=CENTER colspan=2> kspread</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD ALIGN=CENTER>number x</TD>
+ <TD ALIGN=CENTER>&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD ALIGN=CENTER>penwidth</TD>
+ <TD ALIGN=CENTER>penstyle</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>1</TD>
+ <TD>-</TD>
+ <TD>&nbsp;=&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD>1</TD>
+ <TD>1</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>2</TD>
+ <TD>-</TD>
+ <TD>&nbsp;=&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD>2</TD>
+ <TD>1</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>3</TD>
+ <TD>-</TD>
+ <TD>&nbsp;=&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD>3</TD>
+ <TD>1</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>4</TD>
+ <TD>dashed</TD>
+ <TD>&nbsp;=&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD>1</TD>
+ <TD>3</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>5</TD>
+ <TD>double line</TD>
+ <TD>&nbsp;=&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD>5</TD>
+ <TD>1</TD>
+ </TR>
+ </TABLE>
+ <BR>
+ <spacer size="30">y = examples <B>FG7</B> &nbsp;&nbsp; <B>SH11FG18</B> &nbsp;&nbsp; <B>SH11FG18BG4</B><BR>
+ <spacer size="30">it has max 3 Parts:<BR>
+ <spacer size="30"> Foreground color.<BR>
+ <spacer size="30"> Background shade type.<BR>
+ <spacer size="30"> Background color.<BR>
+ <BR>
+ <spacer size="30"><U> Foreground color:</U><BR>
+ <spacer size="40">FGx = Foreground color. - x is the number in the colortable<BR>
+ <BR>
+ <spacer size="30"><U> Background shade type:</U><BR>
+ <spacer size="40">SHx = Background shade type. x is the shadetypenumber<BR>
+ <spacer size="40">Not all can be translate !<BR>
+ <BR>
+ <spacer size="40">
+ <TR>
+ <TD ALIGN=CENTER>applix</TD>
+ <TD ALIGN=CENTER>&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD ALIGN=CENTER>kspread</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD ALIGN=CENTER>shadetype number </TD>
+ <TD ALIGN=CENTER>&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD ALIGN=CENTER>shadetype number</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>1</TD>
+ <TD>=</TD>
+ <TD>0</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>2</TD>
+ <TD>=</TD>
+ <TD>7</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>3</TD>
+ <TD>=</TD>
+ <TD>0</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>4</TD>
+ <TD>=</TD>
+ <TD>4</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>5</TD>
+ <TD>=</TD>
+ <TD>3</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>6</TD>
+ <TD>=</TD>
+ <TD>2</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>7</TD>
+ <TD>=</TD>
+ <TD>0</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>8</TD>
+ <TD>=</TD>
+ <TD>0</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>9</TD>
+ <TD>=</TD>
+ <TD>10</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>10</TD>
+ <TD>=</TD>
+ <TD>9</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>11</TD>
+ <TD>=</TD>
+ <TD>11</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>12</TD>
+ <TD>=</TD>
+ <TD>12</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>13</TD>
+ <TD>=</TD>
+ <TD>13</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>14</TD>
+ <TD>=</TD>
+ <TD>14</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>15</TD>
+ <TD>=</TD>
+ <TD>0</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>16</TD>
+ <TD>=</TD>
+ <TD>0</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>17</TD>
+ <TD>=</TD>
+ <TD>0</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>18</TD>
+ <TD>=</TD>
+ <TD>0</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>19</TD>
+ <TD>=</TD>
+ <TD>0</TD>
+ </TR>
+ </TABLE>
+ <BR>
+ <spacer size="30"><U> Background color:</U> <BR>
+ <spacer size="40">BGx = Background color. x is the number in the colortable<BR>
+ <BR><BR>
+ <spacer size="10"><U>6.2. Location part:</U> <BR>
+ <spacer size="20">The location part looks like that:<BR>
+ <spacer size="20"><B>A!D11:</B><BR>
+ <spacer size="20">A = table <BR>
+ <spacer size="20">D11 = cellnumber<BR>
+ <spacer size="30">D = columnnumber<BR>
+ <spacer size="30">11 = rownumber<BR>
+ <spacer size="30">:=textstring, ;=formular, .=value<BR>
+ <BR>
+ <spacer size="10"><U>6.3. Text String etc:</U><BR>
+ <spacer size="20">The text string part looks like that:<BR>
+ <spacer size="20"><B>Hello everybody</B><BR>
+ <BR>
+ <B><U>7. End</U></B><BR>
+ The end looks like that:<BR>
+ <BR><BR>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+<A HREF="#START"><font size="-1"><b>Up</b></font></A>
+ <a NAME="export"></a>
+<A HREF="#START"><font size="-1"><b>Up</b></font></A>
+<table BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 BGCOLOR="#000000" WIDTH="100%">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <td COLSPAN="2">
+ <center><b><i><font size="+1">
+ <BR>Export kspread to Applix Spreadsheet<BR><BR>
+ </font></i></b></center>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="1%" NOWRAP><b><font size="+1">Last update</font></b></td>
+ <td>-</td>
+ </tr>
+ <td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Features</font></b></td>
+ <td>None</td>
+ </tr>
+ <td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Todo</font></b></td>
+ <td>Everything</td>
+ </tr>
+ <td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">History</font></b></td>
+ <td>-</td>
+ </tr>
+ <td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Authors</font></b></td>
+ <td><!a href="mailto:[email protected]">-</a></td>
+ </tr>
+ <td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Links</font></b></td>
+ <td><!a href="">-</a></td>
+ </tr>
+ <td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Progress report </font></b></td>
+ <td>---</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+<A HREF="#START"><font size="-1"><b>Up</b></font></A>