path: root/kdgantt/KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup.cpp
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authortpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-01-20 01:29:50 +0000
committertpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-01-20 01:29:50 +0000
commit8362bf63dea22bbf6736609b0f49c152f975eb63 (patch)
tree0eea3928e39e50fae91d4e68b21b1e6cbae25604 /kdgantt/KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup.cpp
Added old abandoned KDE3 version of koffice
git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'kdgantt/KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup.cpp')
1 files changed, 387 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kdgantt/KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup.cpp b/kdgantt/KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e87bef0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kdgantt/KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++ -*-
+ $Id: KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup.cpp 360312 2004-11-04 10:01:39Z danders $
+ KDGantt - a multi-platform charting engine
+ ** Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Klar�lvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved.
+ **
+ ** This file is part of the KDGantt library.
+ **
+ ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
+ ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
+ ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
+ ** packaging of this file.
+ **
+ ** Licensees holding valid commercial KDGantt licenses may use this file in
+ ** accordance with the KDGantt Commercial License Agreement provided with
+ ** the Software.
+ **
+ ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+ **
+ ** See for
+ ** information about KDGantt Commercial License Agreements.
+ **
+ ** Contact [email protected] if any conditions of this
+ ** licensing are not clear to you.
+ **
+ ** As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
+ ** with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
+ ** without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.
+ **
+ **********************************************************************/
+#include "KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup.h"
+#include "KDGanttXMLTools.h"
+#include "KDGanttView.h"
+QDict<KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup> KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup::sGroupDict;
+/*! \class KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup.h
+ A group of task links.
+ This class groups a number of task links together in order to
+ manipulate them uniformly.
+ Constructs an empty task link group
+ generateAndInsertName(QString());
+ Destructor
+ Removes this task link group from the list of task link groups in the
+ KDGanttView class.
+ if (!myTaskLinkList.isEmpty()) {
+ myTaskLinkList.first()->from().first()->myGanttView->removeTaskLinkGroup(this);
+ }
+ Constructs an empty task link group and records it under the name \a
+ name so that it can later be found again with
+ KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup::find().
+ \param name the search name of this task link group
+KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup::KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup( const QString& name )
+ generateAndInsertName( name );
+ Adds a task link LINK to this group. If the task link is already a member of
+ another group, it will be removed from it.
+ This function is equivalent to LINK->setGroup(this), where this is
+ a pointer to this TaskLinkGroup.
+ \param link a pointer to the task link to add to this task link group
+ visible, and false to hide them
+ \sa remove()
+void KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup::insert (KDGanttViewTaskLink* link)
+ link->setGroup(this);
+ Removes a task link LINK from this group.
+ You may remove a tasklink LINK from its group with LINK->setGroup(0).
+ \param link a pointer to the task link to remove from this task link group
+ \return true if the task link was a member of this group
+ \sa insert()
+bool KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup::remove (KDGanttViewTaskLink* link)
+ KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup* g = link->group();
+ if ((g == this))
+ link->setGroup(0);
+ return (g == this);
+ Specifies whether the task links of this group should be visible or not.
+ \param show visible pass true to make the task links of this group
+ visible, and false to hide them
+ \sa isVisible()
+void KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup::setVisible( bool show )
+ isvisible = show;
+ QPtrListIterator<KDGanttViewTaskLink> it(myTaskLinkList);
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
+ it.current()->setVisible(show);
+ }
+ Returns whether the task links of this group should be visible or not.
+ \return true if the task links of this group are visible
+ \sa setVisible()
+bool KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup::visible() const
+ return isvisible;
+ Specifies whether the task links of this group should be shown
+ highlighted. The user can also highlight a task link with the mouse.
+ \param highlight pass true in order to highlight the task links in
+ this group
+ \sa highlight()
+void KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup::setHighlight( bool highlight )
+ ishighlighted= highlight;
+ QPtrListIterator<KDGanttViewTaskLink> it(myTaskLinkList);
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ it.current()->setHighlight(highlight );
+ Returns whether all task links in this group are highlighted, either
+ programmatically by setHighlight() or by the user with the
+ mouse. This method is not particularly useful and is mainly provided
+ for API uniformity reasons.
+ \return true if all the task links in this group are highlighted
+ \sa setHighlight()
+bool KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup::highlight() const
+ return ishighlighted;
+ Specifies the color to draw the task links in this group in.
+ \param color the color to draw the task links in this group in
+ \sa color()
+void KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup::setColor( const QColor& color )
+ myColor = color;
+ QPtrListIterator<KDGanttViewTaskLink> it(myTaskLinkList);
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ it.current()->setColor(color);
+ Returns the color in which the task links in this group are
+ drawn. If task links have been assigned individual colors, the
+ return value of this method is undefined. This method is not
+ particularly useful and is mainly provided for API uniformity
+ reasons.
+ \return the color in which the task links in this group are drawn
+ \sa setColor()
+QColor KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup::color() const
+ return myColor;
+ Specifies the highlight color to draw the task links in this group in.
+ \param color the highlight color to draw the task links in this group in
+ \sa color()
+void KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup::setHighlightColor( const QColor& color )
+ myColorHL = color;
+ QPtrListIterator<KDGanttViewTaskLink> it(myTaskLinkList);
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ it.current()->setHighlightColor(color);
+ Returns the highlight color in which the task links in this group are
+ drawn. If task links have been assigned individual highlight colors,
+ the return value of this method is undefined. This method is not
+ particularly useful and is mainly provided for API uniformity reasons.
+ \return the highlight color in which the task links in this group
+ are drawn
+ \sa setColor()
+QColor KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup::highlightColor() const
+ return myColorHL;
+ Adds a task link LINK to this group. If the task link is already a member of
+ another group, it will not be removed from it.
+ \param a pointer to the task link to add to this task link group
+ visible, and false to hide them
+ \sa removeItem()
+void KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup::insertItem (KDGanttViewTaskLink* link)
+ myTaskLinkList.append (link);
+ Removes a task link LINK from this group.
+ \param a pointer to the task link to remove from this task link group
+ \sa insertItem()
+void KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup::removeItem (KDGanttViewTaskLink* link)
+ myTaskLinkList.remove(link);
+ Returns the task link group with the specified name.
+ \param name the name to search for
+ \return the task link group with the specified name; 0 if no group
+ with that name exists
+KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup* KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup::find( const QString& name )
+ if (name.isEmpty()) // avoid error msg from QDict
+ return 0;
+ return sGroupDict.find( name );
+ Creates a DOM node that describes this task link group.
+ \param doc the DOM document to which the node belongs
+ \param parentElement the element into which to insert this node
+void KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup::createNode( QDomDocument& doc,
+ QDomElement& parentElement )
+ QDomElement taskLinkGroupElement = doc.createElement( "TaskLink" );
+ parentElement.appendChild( taskLinkGroupElement );
+ KDGanttXML::createBoolNode( doc, taskLinkGroupElement, "Highlight",
+ highlight() );
+ KDGanttXML::createColorNode( doc, taskLinkGroupElement, "Color", color() );
+ KDGanttXML::createColorNode( doc, taskLinkGroupElement, "HighlightColor",
+ highlightColor() );
+ KDGanttXML::createBoolNode( doc, taskLinkGroupElement, "Visible",
+ visible() );
+ KDGanttXML::createStringNode( doc, taskLinkGroupElement, "Name", _name );
+ Creates a KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup according to the specification in a DOM
+ element.
+ \param element the DOM element from which to read the specification
+ \return the newly created task link group
+KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup* KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup::createFromDomElement( QDomElement& element )
+ QDomNode node = element.firstChild();
+ bool highlight = false, visible = false;
+ QColor color, highlightColor;
+ QString name;
+ while( !node.isNull() ) {
+ QDomElement element = node.toElement();
+ if( !element.isNull() ) { // was really an element
+ QString tagName = element.tagName();
+ if( tagName == "Highlight" ) {
+ bool value;
+ if( KDGanttXML::readBoolNode( element, value ) )
+ highlight = value;
+ } else if( tagName == "Visible" ) {
+ bool value;
+ if( KDGanttXML::readBoolNode( element, value ) )
+ visible = value;
+ } else if( tagName == "Color" ) {
+ QColor value;
+ if( KDGanttXML::readColorNode( element, value ) )
+ color = value;
+ } else if( tagName == "HighlightColor" ) {
+ QColor value;
+ if( KDGanttXML::readColorNode( element, value ) )
+ highlightColor = value;
+ } else if( tagName == "Name" ) {
+ QString value;
+ if( KDGanttXML::readStringNode( element, value ) )
+ name = value;
+ } else {
+ qDebug( "Unrecognized tag name: %s", tagName.latin1() );
+ Q_ASSERT( false );
+ }
+ }
+ node = node.nextSibling();
+ }
+ KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup* tlg;
+ if( !name.isEmpty() )
+ tlg = new KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup( name );
+ else
+ tlg = new KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup();
+ tlg->setHighlight( highlight );
+ tlg->setVisible( visible );
+ tlg->setHighlightColor( highlightColor );
+ tlg->setColor( color );
+ return tlg;
+ Generates a unique name if necessary and inserts it into the group
+ dictionary.
+void KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup::generateAndInsertName( const QString& name )
+ // First check if we already had a name. This can be the case if
+ // the item was reconstructed from an XML file.
+ if( !_name.isEmpty() )
+ // We had a name, remove it
+ sGroupDict.remove( _name );
+ QString newName;
+ if ( name.isEmpty() || sGroupDict.find( name ) ) {
+ // create unique name
+ newName.sprintf( "%p", (void* )this );
+ while( sGroupDict.find( newName ) ) {
+ newName += "_0";
+ }
+ } else {
+ newName = name;
+ }
+ sGroupDict.insert( newName, this );
+ _name = newName;
+ //qDebug("KDGanttViewTaskLinkGroup::generateAndInsertName: inserted '%s'",newName.latin1());