path: root/kexi/migration/keximigrate.h
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authortpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-01-20 01:29:50 +0000
committertpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-01-20 01:29:50 +0000
commit8362bf63dea22bbf6736609b0f49c152f975eb63 (patch)
tree0eea3928e39e50fae91d4e68b21b1e6cbae25604 /kexi/migration/keximigrate.h
Added old abandoned KDE3 version of koffice
git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'kexi/migration/keximigrate.h')
1 files changed, 314 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kexi/migration/keximigrate.h b/kexi/migration/keximigrate.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d5ed65f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kexi/migration/keximigrate.h
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+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ Copyright (C) 2004 Adam Pigg <>
+ Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Jaroslaw Staniek <>
+ Copyright (C) 2005 Martin Ellis <>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include "kexidb/tableschema.h"
+#include "kexidb/connection.h"
+#include "keximigratedata.h"
+#include <kgenericfactory.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <qguardedptr.h>
+class KexiProject;
+namespace Kexi
+ class ObjectStatus;
+/*! KexiMigration implementation version.
+ It is altered after every change:
+ - major number is increased after every major Kexi release,
+ - minor is increased after adding binary-incompatible change.
+ In external code: do not use this to get library version information:
+ use KexiMigration::versionMajor() and KexiMigration::versionMinor() instead to get real version.
+ * \namespace KexiMigration
+ * \brief Framework for importing databases into native KexiDB databases.
+ */
+namespace KexiMigration
+//! \return KexiMigration version info (most significant part)
+KEXIMIGR_EXPORT int versionMajor();
+//! \return KexiMigration version info (least significant part)
+KEXIMIGR_EXPORT int versionMinor();
+//! @short Imports non-native databases into Kexi projects.
+/*! A generic API for importing schema and data from an existing
+database into a new Kexi project. Can be also used for importing native Kexi databases.
+Basic idea is this:
+-# User selects an existing DB and new project (file or server based)
+-# User specifies whether to import structure and data or structure only.
+-# Import tool connects to db
+-# Checks if it is already a kexi project (not implemented yet)
+-# If not, then read structure and construct new project
+-# Ask user what to do if column type is not supported
+See kexi/doc/dev/kexi_import.txt for more info.
+class KEXIMIGR_EXPORT KexiMigrate : public QObject, public KexiDB::Object
+ public:
+ virtual ~KexiMigrate();
+//! @todo Remove this! KexiMigrate should be usable for multiple concurrent migrations!
+ KexiMigration::Data* data() const { return m_migrateData; }
+//! @todo Remove this! KexiMigrate should be usable for multiple concurrent migrations!
+ //! Data Setup. Requires two connection objects, a name and a bool
+ void setData(KexiMigration::Data* migrateData);
+ /*! Checks whether the destination database exists.
+ For file-based dest. projects, we've already asked about overwriting
+ existing project but for server-based projects it's better to ask user.
+ This method should be called before performImport() or performExport().
+ \return true if no connection-related errors occurred.
+ \a acceptingNeeded is set to true if destination database exists.
+ In this case you should ask about accepting database overwriting.
+ Used in ImportWizard::import(). */
+ bool checkIfDestinationDatabaseOverwritingNeedsAccepting(Kexi::ObjectStatus* result,
+ bool& acceptingNeeded);
+ /*! Checks if the source- and the destination databases are identical.
+ \return true if they are identical else false. */
+ bool isSourceAndDestinationDataSourceTheSame() const;
+ //! Perform an import operation
+ bool performImport(Kexi::ObjectStatus* result = 0);
+ //! Perform an export operation
+ bool performExport(Kexi::ObjectStatus* result = 0);
+ //! Returns true if the migration driver supports progress updates.
+ inline bool progressSupported() { return drv_progressSupported(); }
+ virtual int versionMajor() const = 0;
+ virtual int versionMinor() const = 0;
+//! @todo This is copied from KexiDB::Driver. One day it will be merged with KexiDB.
+ //! \return property value for \a propeName available for this driver.
+ //! If there's no such property defined for driver, Null QVariant value is returned.
+ virtual QVariant propertyValue( const QCString& propName );
+//! @todo This is copied from KexiDB::Driver. One day it will be merged with KexiDB.
+ void setPropertyValue( const QCString& propName, const QVariant& value );
+//! @todo This is copied from KexiDB::Driver. One day it will be merged with KexiDB.
+ //! \return translated property caption for \a propeName.
+ //! If there's no such property defined for driver, empty string value is returned.
+ QString propertyCaption( const QCString& propName ) const;
+//! @todo This is copied from KexiDB::Driver. One day it will be merged with KexiDB.
+ //! \return a list of property names available for this driver.
+ QValueList<QCString> propertyNames() const;
+ /*! \return true is driver is valid. Checks if KexiMigrate::versionMajor()
+ and KexiMigrate::versionMinor() are matching.
+ You can reimplement this but always call KexiMigrate::isValid() implementation. */
+ virtual bool isValid();
+ signals:
+ void progressPercent(int percent);
+ protected:
+ //! Used by MigrateManager.
+ KexiMigrate(QObject *parent, const char *name, const QStringList &args = QStringList());
+ //! Connect to source database (driver specific)
+ virtual bool drv_connect() = 0;
+ //! Disconnect from source database (driver specific)
+ virtual bool drv_disconnect() = 0;
+ //! Get table names in source database (driver specific)
+ virtual bool drv_tableNames(QStringList& tablenames) = 0;
+ //! Read schema for a given table (driver specific)
+ virtual bool drv_readTableSchema(
+ const QString& originalName, KexiDB::TableSchema& tableSchema) = 0;
+ /*! Fetches maximum number from table \a tableName, column \a columnName
+ into \a result. On success true is returned. If there is no records in the table,
+ \a result is set to 0 and true is returned.
+ - Note 1: implement only if the database can already contain kexidb__* tables
+ (so e.g. keximdb driver doea not need this).
+ - Note 2: default implementation uses drv_querySingleStringFromSQL()
+ with "SELECT MAX(columName) FROM tableName" statement, assuming SQL-compliant
+ backend.
+ */
+ virtual bool drv_queryMaxNumber(const QString& tableName,
+ const QString& columnName, int& result);
+ /*! Fetches single string at column \a columnNumber for each record from result obtained
+ by running \a sqlStatement. \a numRecords can be specified to limit number of records read.
+ If \a numRecords is -1, all records are loaded.
+ On success the result is stored in \a stringList and true is returned.
+ \return cancelled if there are no records available.
+ - Note: implement only if the database can already contain kexidb__* tables
+ (so e.g. keximdb driver does not need this). */
+//! @todo SQL-dependent!
+ virtual tristate drv_queryStringListFromSQL(
+ const QString& sqlStatement, uint columnNumber, QStringList& stringList,
+ int numRecords = -1)
+ { Q_UNUSED(sqlStatement); Q_UNUSED(columnNumber); Q_UNUSED(stringList);
+ Q_UNUSED(numRecords);
+ return cancelled; }
+ /*! Fetches single string at column \a columnNumber from result obtained
+ by running \a sqlStatement.
+ On success the result is stored in \a string and true is returned.
+ \return cancelled if there are no records available.
+ This implementation uses drv_queryStringListFromSQL() with numRecords == 1. */
+//! @todo SQL-dependent!
+ virtual tristate drv_querySingleStringFromSQL(const QString& sqlStatement,
+ uint columnNumber, QString& string);
+ /*! Fetches single record from result obtained
+ by running \a sqlStatement.
+ \a firstRecord should be first initialized to true, so the method can run
+ the query at first call and then set it will set \a firstRecord to false,
+ so subsequent calls will only fetch records.
+ On success the result is stored in \a data and true is returned,
+ \a data is resized to appropriate size. cancelled is returned on EOF. */
+//! @todo SQL-dependent!
+ virtual tristate drv_fetchRecordFromSQL(const QString& sqlStatement,
+ KexiDB::RowData& data, bool &firstRecord)
+ { Q_UNUSED(sqlStatement); Q_UNUSED(data); Q_UNUSED(firstRecord);
+ return cancelled; }
+ //! Copy a table from source DB to target DB (driver specific)
+ //! - create copies of KexiDB tables
+ //! - create copies of non-KexiDB tables
+ virtual bool drv_copyTable(const QString& srcTable, KexiDB::Connection *destConn,
+ KexiDB::TableSchema* dstTable) = 0;
+ virtual bool drv_progressSupported() { return false; }
+ /*! \return the size of a table to be imported, or 0 if not supported
+ Finds the size of the named table, in order to provide feedback on
+ migration progress.
+ The units of the return type are deliberately unspecified. Migration
+ drivers may return the number of records in the table, or the size in
+ bytes, etc. Units should be chosen in order that the driver can
+ return the size in the fastest way possible (e.g. migration from CSV
+ files should use file size to avoid counting the number of rows, and
+ migration from MDB files should return the number of rows as this is
+ stored within the file).
+ Obviously, the driver should use the same units when reporting
+ migration progress.
+ \return size of the specified table
+ */
+ virtual bool drv_getTableSize(const QString&, Q_ULLONG&)
+ { return false; }
+ void updateProgress(Q_ULLONG step = 1ULL);
+//! @todo user should be asked ONCE using a convenient wizard's page, not a popup dialog
+ //! Prompt user to select a field type for unrecognized fields
+ KexiDB::Field::Type userType(const QString& fname);
+ virtual QString drv_escapeIdentifier( const QString& str ) const {
+ return m_kexiDBDriver ? m_kexiDBDriver->escapeIdentifier(str) : str; }
+//! @todo Remove this! KexiMigrate should be usable for multiple concurrent migrations!
+ //! Migrate Options
+ KexiMigration::Data* m_migrateData;
+// // Temporary values used during import (set by driver specific methods)
+// KexiDB::Field* m_f;
+ /*! Driver properties dictionary (indexed by name),
+ useful for presenting properties to the user.
+ Set available properties here in driver implementation. */
+ QMap<QCString,QVariant> m_properties;
+ /*! i18n'd captions for properties. You do not need
+ to set predefined properties' caption in driver implementation
+ -it's done automatically. */
+ QMap<QCString,QString> m_propertyCaptions;
+ //! KexiDB driver. For instance, it is used for escaping identifiers
+ QGuardedPtr<KexiDB::Driver> m_kexiDBDriver;
+ private:
+ //! Get the list of tables
+ bool tableNames(QStringList& tablenames);
+ //! Table schemas from source DB
+ QPtrList<KexiDB::TableSchema> m_tableSchemas;
+ QPtrList<KexiDB::TableSchema> m_kexiDBCompatibleTableSchemasToRemoveFromMemoryAfterImport;
+ /*! Estimate size of migration job
+ Calls drv_getTableSize for each table to be copied.
+ \return sum of the size of all tables to be copied.
+ */
+ bool progressInitialise();
+ KexiProject *m_destPrj;
+ //! Size of migration job
+ Q_ULLONG m_progressTotal;
+ //! Amount of migration job complete
+ Q_ULLONG m_progressDone;
+ //! Don't recalculate progress done until this value is reached.
+ Q_ULLONG m_progressNextReport;
+ friend class MigrateManager;
+} //namespace KexiMigration
+//! Driver's static version information (implementation),
+//! with KLibFactory symbol declaration.
+#define KEXIMIGRATE_DRIVER_INFO( class_name, internal_name ) \
+ int class_name::versionMajor() const { return KEXI_MIGRATION_VERSION_MAJOR; } \
+ int class_name::versionMinor() const { return KEXI_MIGRATION_VERSION_MINOR; } \
+ K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY(keximigrate_ ## internal_name, \
+ KGenericFactory<KexiMigration::class_name>( "keximigrate_" #internal_name ))
+/*! Driver's static version information, automatically implemented for KexiDB drivers.
+ Put this into migration driver class declaration just like Q_OBJECT macro. */
+ public: \
+ virtual int versionMajor() const; \
+ virtual int versionMinor() const;