path: root/kexi/plugins/scripting
diff options
authorSlávek Banko <[email protected]>2023-01-22 02:02:13 +0100
committerSlávek Banko <[email protected]>2023-01-22 02:02:13 +0100
commit86480e58eafc1fa3486e03155ed34e02b4595a24 (patch)
tree0e8f64c4003ea558e946b7a3347688904b451635 /kexi/plugins/scripting
parent135d005014a1e85295af4e379f026a361537ae5f (diff)
Drop python2 support in scripts.
Signed-off-by: Slávek Banko <[email protected]>
Diffstat (limited to 'kexi/plugins/scripting')
7 files changed, 123 insertions, 123 deletions
diff --git a/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/copycenter/ b/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/copycenter/
index edcc2891..7c934da3 100644
--- a/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/copycenter/
+++ b/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/copycenter/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class CopyCenter:
return getattr(self.plugin, plugintype)(self.plugin)
import traceback
- print "".join( traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1],sys.exc_info()[2]) )
+ print("".join( traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1],sys.exc_info()[2]) ))
return None
def __init__(self, scriptpath):
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class CopyCenter:
import os
import sys
if not os.path.exists(scriptpath):
- print "The Path %s does not exist" % scriptpath
+ print("The Path %s does not exist" % scriptpath)
import re
regexp = re.compile('^CopyCenterPlugin(.*)\\.py$')
@@ -47,17 +47,17 @@ class CopyCenter:
if not os.path.isfile(file): continue
m = regexp.match(f)
if not m: continue
- print "Plugin name=%s file=%s" % (,file)
+ print("Plugin name=%s file=%s" % (,file))
mylocals = {}
- execfile(file, globals(), mylocals)
- if mylocals.has_key("CopyCenterPlugin"):
+ exec(compile(open(file, "rb").read(), file, 'exec'), globals(), mylocals)
+ if "CopyCenterPlugin" in mylocals:
plugin = mylocals.get("CopyCenterPlugin")(self)
self.plugins[] = self.Plugin(plugin)
- print "Failed to import file=%s" % file
+ print("Failed to import file=%s" % file)
import traceback
- print "".join( traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1],sys.exc_info()[2]) )
+ print("".join( traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1],sys.exc_info()[2]) ))
def getHomePath(self):
""" Return the homedirectory. """
@@ -163,20 +163,20 @@ def runGuiApp(copycenter, name):
#qt.TQObject.connect(self.listview, qt.SIGNAL("itemRenamed(QListViewItem*, int, const QString&)"), self.itemRenamed)
def doubleClicked(self, **args):
- print "CopyJobWidget.doubleClicked"
+ print("CopyJobWidget.doubleClicked")
item = self.listview.selectedItem()
if item and item.parent(): item.startRename(1)
def readOptions(self,domnode,plugininst):
- print "CopyJobWidget.readOptions plugintype=\"%s\"" % plugininst.plugintype
+ print("CopyJobWidget.readOptions plugintype=\"%s\"" % plugininst.plugintype)
for node in domnode.childNodes:
if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE:
v = node.getAttribute("value")
plugininst.options[node.nodeName] = v
- print "Option \"%s\" has value \"%s\" now." % (node.nodeName, v)
+ print("Option \"%s\" has value \"%s\" now." % (node.nodeName, v))
def jobfilecomboboxChanged(self, **args):
- print "CopyJobWidget.jobfilecomboboxChanged"
+ print("CopyJobWidget.jobfilecomboboxChanged")
import os
import xml.dom.minidom
filename = str(self.jobfilecombobox.currentText())
@@ -187,16 +187,16 @@ def runGuiApp(copycenter, name):
sourcenode = elements.getElementsByTagName("Source")[0]
destinationnode = elements.getElementsByTagName("Destination")[0]
- raise "The XML-file \"%s\" does not contain a valid copy-job." % filename
+ raise Exception("The XML-file \"%s\" does not contain a valid copy-job." % filename)
sourcepluginname = str(sourcenode.getAttribute('plugin'))
if not self.dialog.sourcedata.combobox.listBox().findItem(sourcepluginname,qt.TQt.ExactMatch):
- raise "There exists no plugin with the name \"%s\"." % sourcepluginname
+ raise Exception("There exists no plugin with the name \"%s\"." % sourcepluginname)
destinationpluginname = str(destinationnode.getAttribute('plugin'))
if not self.dialog.destinationdata.combobox.listBox().findItem(destinationpluginname,qt.TQt.ExactMatch):
- raise "There exists no plugin with the name \"%s\"." % destinationpluginname
+ raise Exception("There exists no plugin with the name \"%s\"." % destinationpluginname)
@@ -213,10 +213,10 @@ def runGuiApp(copycenter, name):
return s.replace("&", "&amp;").replace("'", "&apos;").replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;").replace('"', "&quot;")
def writeOptions(self,writer,pluginname,plugininst):
- print "CopyJobWidget.writeOptions"
+ print("CopyJobWidget.writeOptions")
writer.write("<%s plugin=\"%s\">\n" % (plugininst.plugintype, pluginname))
for optionname in plugininst.options:
- value = self.escape( unicode(plugininst.options[optionname]).encode("utf-8") )
+ value = self.escape( str(plugininst.options[optionname]).encode("utf-8") )
writer.write("\t<%s value=\"%s\" />\n" % (optionname,value))
writer.write("</%s>\n" % plugininst.plugintype)
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ def runGuiApp(copycenter, name):
self.writeOptions(f, destinationpluginname, self.dialog.getDestinationPluginImpl())
- print "File \%s\" successfully written." % filename
+ print("File \%s\" successfully written." % filename)
def addItem(self, pluginimpl, afteritem = None, parentitem = None):
#print "CopyJobWidget.addItem"
@@ -262,11 +262,11 @@ def runGuiApp(copycenter, name):
def okRename(self, columnindex):
if columnindex == 1:
n = str(self.text(0))
- if not self.pluginimpl.options.has_key(n):
- raise "No such option \"%s\"" % n
+ if n not in self.pluginimpl.options:
+ raise Exception("No such option \"%s\"" % n)
v = str(qt.TQListViewItem.text(self,1))
- print "Option \"%s\" has value \"%s\" now." % (n,v)
+ print("Option \"%s\" has value \"%s\" now." % (n,v))
self.pluginimpl.options[n] = v
def text(self, columnindex):
@@ -287,18 +287,18 @@ def runGuiApp(copycenter, name):
afteritem = self.addItem(pluginimpl, afteritem, item)
- print "CopyJobWidget.updateItem Added item with name \"%s\" and value \"%s\"" % (str(i),str(pluginimpl.options[i]))
+ print("CopyJobWidget.updateItem Added item with name \"%s\" and value \"%s\"" % (str(i),str(pluginimpl.options[i])))
def maybeUpdate(self):
- print "CopyJobWidget.maybeUpdate"
+ print("CopyJobWidget.maybeUpdate")
self.updateItem(self.dialog.getDestinationPluginName(), self.dialog.getDestinationPluginImpl())
self.updateItem(self.dialog.getSourcePluginName(), self.dialog.getSourcePluginImpl())
import traceback
- print "".join( traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1],sys.exc_info()[2]) )
+ print("".join( traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1],sys.exc_info()[2]) ))
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ def runGuiApp(copycenter, name):
sourceimpl = self.dialog.getSourcePluginImpl()
self.textbrowser.append("Source: %s" % sourcename)
if sourceimpl == None:
- raise "No such source."
+ raise Exception("No such source.")
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ def runGuiApp(copycenter, name):
destinationimpl = self.dialog.getDestinationPluginImpl()
self.textbrowser.append("<hr>Destination: %s" % destinationname)
if destinationimpl == None:
- raise "No such destination."
+ raise Exception("No such destination.")
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ def runGuiApp(copycenter, name):
self.setCaption("Copy failed")
self.textbrowser.append("<b>Error: %s</b>" % sys.exc_info()[0])
import traceback
- print "".join( traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1],sys.exc_info()[2]) )
+ print("".join( traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1],sys.exc_info()[2]) ))
@@ -468,11 +468,11 @@ def runGuiApp(copycenter, name):
import traceback
- print "".join( traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1],sys.exc_info()[2]) )
+ print("".join( traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1],sys.exc_info()[2]) ))
qt.TQObject.connect(self.combobox, qt.SIGNAL("activated(int)"), self.activated)
def updatePlugin(self):
- print "DataSelector.updatePlugin"
+ print("DataSelector.updatePlugin")
self.pluginimpl = None
text = str(self.combobox.currentText())
plugin = self.dialog.copycenter.plugins[text]
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ def runGuiApp(copycenter, name):
self.mainbox = None
def updateMainBox(self):
- print "DataSelector.updateMainBox"
+ print("DataSelector.updateMainBox")
self.mainbox = qt.TQVBox( self.scrollview.viewport() )
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ def runGuiApp(copycenter, name):
self.pluginimpl.createWidget(self.dialog, self.mainbox)
import traceback
- print "".join( traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1],sys.exc_info()[2]) )
+ print("".join( traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1],sys.exc_info()[2]) ))
self.mainbox.setStretchFactor(qt.TQWidget(self.mainbox), 1)
@@ -507,12 +507,12 @@ def runGuiApp(copycenter, name):
def maybeUpdate(self):
- print "DataSelector.maybeUpdate"
+ print("DataSelector.maybeUpdate")
qt.TQTimer.singleShot(50, self.activated)
def maybeDone(self):
- print "DataSelector.maybeDone"
+ print("DataSelector.maybeDone")
if self.pluginimpl.widget == None: return
for optionname in self.pluginimpl.options:
self.pluginimpl.options[optionname] = self.pluginimpl.widget.getOptionValue(optionname)
@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ def runGuiApp(copycenter, name):
defaultfile = os.path.join(self.copycenter.homepath,"default.copycenterjob.xml")
if os.path.isfile(defaultfile):
- print "Reading default copy job file: %s" % defaultfile
+ print("Reading default copy job file: %s" % defaultfile)
def getSourcePluginName(self):
diff --git a/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/copycenter/ b/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/copycenter/
index 0b78bfa1..20b81212 100644
--- a/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/copycenter/
+++ b/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/copycenter/
@@ -104,33 +104,33 @@ class CopyCenterPlugin:
self.copierer = copierer
if self.kexidbconnection == None:
if self.plugin.widget == None:
- raise "No connection established."
+ raise Exception("No connection established.")
self.copierer.appendProgressMessage("<i>Trying to connect...</i>")
if self.plugin.widget.driverbox.driver == None:
- raise "Invalid driver."
+ raise Exception("Invalid driver.")
if not self.plugin.widget.connectClicked():
- raise "Failed to connect."
+ raise Exception("Failed to connect.")
connectiondata =
self.copierer.appendProgressMessage("Connected: %s %s" % (connectiondata.driverName(),connectiondata.serverInfoString()))
tablename = str(self.plugin.widget.tablebox.tableedit.text())
if tablename == "":
- raise "No table defined"
+ raise Exception("No table defined")
fields = [ f.strip() for f in str(self.plugin.widget.fieldbox.fieldsedit.text()).split(",") if len(f) > 0 ]
if len(fields) < 1:
- raise "No fields defined"
+ raise Exception("No fields defined")
self.tableschema = self.kexidbconnection.tableSchema(tablename)
- if not self.tableschema: raise "No such tableschema \"%s\"" % tablename
+ if not self.tableschema: raise Exception("No such tableschema \"%s\"" % tablename)
self.copierer.appendProgressMessage("Table: %s" %
if len(fields) == 1 and fields[0] == "*":
self.fieldlist = self.tableschema.fieldlist()
self.fieldlist = self.tableschema.fieldlist().subList(fields)
- if not self.fieldlist: raise "No such fields \"%s\"" % fields
+ if not self.fieldlist: raise Exception("No such fields \"%s\"" % fields)
fieldlistnames = self.fieldlist.names()
- if len(fieldlistnames) < 1: raise "No valid fields defined for \"%s\"" % fields
+ if len(fieldlistnames) < 1: raise Exception("No valid fields defined for \"%s\"" % fields)
self.copierer.appendProgressMessage("Fields: %s" % fieldlistnames)
def finish(self):
if self.plugin.widget == None:
@@ -146,24 +146,24 @@ class CopyCenterPlugin:
return self.copierer == None
def initRead(self):
- print "Initialize read"
+ print("Initialize read")
#queryschema = self.plugin.copycenterplugin.drivermanager.querySchema()
queryschema = self.tableschema.query()
- print "QuerySchema: %s" % queryschema.fieldlist().names()
+ print("QuerySchema: %s" % queryschema.fieldlist().names())
whereexpression = str(self.plugin.widget.whereedit.text())
if whereexpression != "":
- print "WHERE-expression: %s" % whereexpression
+ print("WHERE-expression: %s" % whereexpression)
if not queryschema.setWhereExpression(whereexpression):
- raise "Invalid WHERE-expression."
+ raise Exception("Invalid WHERE-expression.")
#print "QuerySchema statement=%s" % queryschema.statement()
self.kexidbcursor = self.kexidbconnection.executeQuerySchema(queryschema)
if not self.kexidbcursor:
- raise "Failed to create cursor."
+ raise Exception("Failed to create cursor.")
if not self.kexidbcursor.moveFirst():
- raise "The cursor has no records to read from."
+ raise Exception("The cursor has no records to read from.")
def readRecord(self):
if self.kexidbcursor == None or self.kexidbcursor.eof():
@@ -176,15 +176,15 @@ class CopyCenterPlugin:
return record
def initWrite(self):
- print "Initialize write"
+ print("Initialize write")
def writeRecord(self,record):
- print "write record: %s" % record
+ print("write record: %s" % record)
if self.kexidbconnection.insertRecord(self.fieldlist,record):
- print "=> insert successfully"
+ print("=> insert successfully")
self.copierer.writeSuccess(record, 1)
- print "=> insert failed: %s" % self.kexidbconnection.lastError()
+ print("=> insert failed: %s" % self.kexidbconnection.lastError())
#import time
@@ -546,10 +546,10 @@ class CopyCenterPlugin:
connectiondata = self.copycenterplugin.drivermanager.createConnectionDataByFile(file)
if connectiondata == None:
- raise "Unsupported file."
+ raise Exception("Unsupported file.")
drivername = connectiondata.driverName().lower()
- print "driver: %s" % drivername
+ print("driver: %s" % drivername)
for i in range(1,self.driverbox.drivercombo.count()):
if drivername == self.driverbox.drivercombo.text(i).lower():
@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ class CopyCenterPlugin:
def connectClicked(self):
if self.driverbox.driver == None:
- print "No driver selected."
+ print("No driver selected.")
return False
connectiondata = self.copycenterplugin.drivermanager.createConnectionData()
if self.driverbox.driver.isFileDriver():
@@ -588,18 +588,18 @@ class CopyCenterPlugin:
- print "Creating connection"
+ print("Creating connection")
connection = self.driverbox.driver.createConnection(connectiondata)
- print "Trying to connect"
+ print("Trying to connect")
if not connection.connect():
qt.TQMessageBox.critical(self,"Failed to connect",connection.lastError())
return False
- print "Use database \"%s\"" % connectiondata.databaseName()
+ print("Use database \"%s\"" % connectiondata.databaseName())
if not connection.useDatabase( connectiondata.databaseName() ):
qt.TQMessageBox.critical(self,"Failed to connect",connection.lastError())
return False
- print "dbnames = %s" % connection.databaseNames()
- print "tablenames = %s" % connection.tableNames()
+ print("dbnames = %s" % connection.databaseNames())
+ print("tablenames = %s" % connection.tableNames())
#self.useDatabase(connection, filename)
self.plugin.connection.kexidbconnection = connection
diff --git a/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/copycenter/ b/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/copycenter/
index 40d1a317..76e544a6 100644
--- a/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/copycenter/
+++ b/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/copycenter/
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ class CopyCenterPlugin:
def _init(self,copierer):
self.copierer = copierer
if not self.widget.connectClicked():
- raise "Failed to connect with database."
+ raise Exception("Failed to connect with database.")
if self.database == None or not self.database.isOpen():
- raise "Database is not initialized or not opened."
+ raise Exception("Database is not initialized or not opened.")
self.copierer.appendProgressMessage("Connected: %s %s@%s:%i %s" %
(str(self.database.driverName()),str(self.database.userName()),str(self.database.hostName()),self.database.port(),str(self.database.databaseName())) )
self.isfinished = False
@@ -66,25 +66,25 @@ class CopyCenterPlugin:
self.cursor = qtsql.TQSqlCursor(tablename,True,self.database)
if not
- raise "Select on cursor failed.<br>%s<br>%s" % ( str(self.cursor.lastError().driverText()),str(self.cursor.lastError().databaseText()) )
+ raise Exception("Select on cursor failed.<br>%s<br>%s" % ( str(self.cursor.lastError().driverText()),str(self.cursor.lastError().databaseText()) ))
self.fieldlist = []
for fieldname in str(self.widget.fieldedit.text()).split(","):
fn = fieldname.strip()
if fn != "":
field = self.cursor.field(fn)
if not field:
- raise "There exists no such field \"%s\" in the table \"%s\"." % (fn,tablename)
+ raise Exception("There exists no such field \"%s\" in the table \"%s\"." % (fn,tablename))
if len(self.fieldlist) < 1:
- raise "No fields for table \"%s\" defined." % tablename
+ raise Exception("No fields for table \"%s\" defined." % tablename)
copierer.appendProgressMessage("SQL: %s" % str(self.cursor.executedQuery()))
def read(self):
- if not
+ if not next(self.cursor):
return None
record = []
for fieldname in self.fieldlist:
- record.append( unicode(self.cursor.value(fieldname).toString()).encode("latin-1") )
+ record.append( str(self.cursor.value(fieldname).toString()).encode("latin-1") )
#print "read record: %s" % record
return record
@@ -124,14 +124,14 @@ class CopyCenterPlugin:
def initInsert(self):
self.write = self.writeInsert
if not
- raise "Select on cursor failed.<br>%s<br>%s" % ( str(self.cursor.lastError().driverText()),str(self.cursor.lastError().databaseText()) )
+ raise Exception("Select on cursor failed.<br>%s<br>%s" % ( str(self.cursor.lastError().driverText()),str(self.cursor.lastError().databaseText()) ))
for fieldname in self.fieldlist: # check fieldlist
field = self.cursor.field(fieldname)
- if not field: raise "There exists no such field \"%s\" in the table \"%s\"." % (fieldname,
+ if not field: raise Exception("There exists no such field \"%s\" in the table \"%s\"." % (fieldname,
self.copierer.appendProgressMessage("Insert SQL: %s" % str(self.cursor.executedQuery()))
def writeInsert(self, record):
- print "insert record: %s" % record
+ print("insert record: %s" % record)
from TQt import qt
cursorrecord = self.cursor.primeInsert()
count = len(record)
@@ -145,9 +145,9 @@ class CopyCenterPlugin:
cursorrecord.setValue(self.fieldlist[i], v)
rowcount = self.cursor.insert()
if rowcount < 1:
- drv = unicode(self.cursor.lastError().driverText()).encode("latin-1")
- db = unicode(self.cursor.lastError().databaseText()).encode("latin-1")
- print "failed: %s %s" % (drv,db)
+ drv = str(self.cursor.lastError().driverText()).encode("latin-1")
+ db = str(self.cursor.lastError().databaseText()).encode("latin-1")
+ print("failed: %s %s" % (drv,db))
@@ -158,9 +158,9 @@ class CopyCenterPlugin:
def initUpdate(self):
self.write = self.writeUpdate
self.indexfieldname = str(self.widget.indexedit.text()).strip()
- if self.indexfieldname == "": raise "No index-field defined."
+ if self.indexfieldname == "": raise Exception("No index-field defined.")
pkindex = self.cursor.index(self.indexfieldname)
- if not pkindex: raise "Invalid index-field defined."
+ if not pkindex: raise Exception("Invalid index-field defined.")
#self.cursor.setMode( qtsql.TQSqlCursor.Insert | qtsql.TQSqlCursor.Update )
self.copierer.appendProgressMessage("Update SQL: %s" % str(self.cursor.executedQuery()))
@@ -173,13 +173,13 @@ class CopyCenterPlugin:
indexvalue = record[idx]
import traceback
- print "".join( traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1],sys.exc_info()[2]) )
- raise "Failed to determinate the value for the primary key."
+ print("".join( traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1],sys.exc_info()[2]) ))
+ raise Exception("Failed to determinate the value for the primary key.")
# select cursor and go to matching record.
wherestatement = "%s = \"%s\"" % (self.indexfieldname, indexvalue)
if not
- raise "Select on cursor failed.<br>%s<br>%s" % ( str(self.cursor.lastError().driverText()),str(self.cursor.lastError().databaseText()) )
- if not
+ raise Exception("Select on cursor failed.<br>%s<br>%s" % ( str(self.cursor.lastError().driverText()),str(self.cursor.lastError().databaseText()) ))
+ if not next(self.cursor):
#print "No such record to update !"
return False
# Prepare updating the record.
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ class CopyCenterPlugin:
- print "updated record (rowcount %s): %s" % (rowcount,record)
+ print("updated record (rowcount %s): %s" % (rowcount,record))
return True
def __init__(self, copycenter):
@@ -441,21 +441,21 @@ class CopyCenterPlugin:
if optionname == 'indexfield': return str(self.indexedit.text())
import traceback
- print "".join( traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1],sys.exc_info()[2]) )
+ print("".join( traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1],sys.exc_info()[2]) ))
return ""
def connectClicked(self):
if self.plugin.database != None and self.plugin.database.isOpen():
- print "already connected. not needed to reconnect..."
+ print("already connected. not needed to reconnect...")
return True
- print "trying to connect..."
+ print("trying to connect...")
from TQt import qtsql
drivername = str(self.driveredit.currentText())
- print "drivername: %s" % drivername
+ print("drivername: %s" % drivername)
connectionname = "CopyCenter%s" % self.plugin.plugintype
- print "connectionname: %s" % connectionname
+ print("connectionname: %s" % connectionname)
self.plugin.database = qtsql.TQSqlDatabase.addDatabase(drivername,connectionname)
if not self.plugin.database:
qt.TQMessageBox.critical(self,"Failed to connect","<qt>Failed to create database for driver \"%s\"</qt>" % drivername)
@@ -479,16 +479,16 @@ class CopyCenterPlugin:
if not
qt.TQMessageBox.critical(self,"Failed to connect","<qt>%s<br><br>%s</qt>" % (self.plugin.database.lastError().driverText(),self.plugin.database.lastError().databaseText()))
return False
- print "database is opened now!"
+ print("database is opened now!")
return True
def disconnectClicked(self):
- print "trying to disconnect..."
+ print("trying to disconnect...")
if self.plugin.database:
self.plugin.database = None
- print "database is closed now!"
+ print("database is closed now!")
plugin.widget = MainWidget(plugin,self.dialog,parent)
diff --git a/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/exportxhtml/ b/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/exportxhtml/
index cace0340..eff0e636 100644
--- a/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/exportxhtml/
+++ b/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/exportxhtml/
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class Datasource:
self.connection = keximainwindow.getConnection()
- raise "No connection established. Please open a project before."
+ raise Exception("No connection established. Please open a project before.")
self.schema = None
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ class Datasource:
if not self.cursor:
self.cursor = self.connection.executeQuerySchema( self.queryschema )
if not self.cursor:
- raise "Failed to execute queryschema."
+ raise Exception("Failed to execute queryschema.")
if not self.cursor.moveFirst():
- raise "Failed to move cursor to first record."
+ raise Exception("Failed to move cursor to first record.")
if self.cursor.eof():
self.cursor = None
return None
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class HtmlExporter:
if items == None: break
for item in items:
- u = unicode(str(self.htmlescape(item)),"latin-1")
+ u = str(str(self.htmlescape(item)),"latin-1")
output.write("<td>%s</td>" % u.encode("utf-8"))
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ class GuiApp:
import gui
- raise "Import of the Kross GUI module failed."
+ raise Exception("Import of the Kross GUI module failed.")
self.dialog = gui.Dialog("Export XHTML")
self.dialog.addLabel(self.dialog, "Export a table- or query-datasource to a XHTML-file.")
@@ -176,10 +176,10 @@ class GuiApp:
def doExport(self):
file = str( self.file.get() )
query = str( self.datasourcelist.get() )
- print "Exporting '%s' to file '%s' ..." % (query,file)
+ print("Exporting '%s' to file '%s' ..." % (query,file))
if not self.datasource.setSource(query):
- raise "Invalid datasource selected."
+ raise Exceptin("Invalid datasource selected.")
style = str( self.stylelist.get() )
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ class GuiApp:
exporter.write(f, style)
- print "Successfully exported '%s' to file %s" % (query,file)
+ print("Successfully exported '%s' to file %s" % (query,file))
GuiApp( Datasource() )
diff --git a/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/importxhtml/ b/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/importxhtml/
index 200b3dee..03a6772a 100755
--- a/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/importxhtml/
+++ b/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/importxhtml/
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class SaxInput:
import xml.sax.saxlib
import xml.sax.saxexts
- raise "Import of the python xml.sax.saxlib module failed. This module is needed by the ImportXHTML python script."
+ raise Exception("Import of the python xml.sax.saxlib module failed. This module is needed by the ImportXHTML python script.")
def read(self, outputwriter):
""" Start reading and parsing the XML-file. """
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class SaxInput:
# Print some debugging-output to stdout.
for idx in range(self.level): sys.stdout.write(' ')
sys.stdout.write('Element: %s' % name)
- for attrName in attrs.keys():
+ for attrName in list(attrs.keys()):
sys.stdout.write(' %s="%s"' % (attrName,attrs.get(attrName)))
@@ -110,12 +110,12 @@ class SaxInput:
self.field = None
elif name == "td" and (self.level == len(self.tablebase) + 1):
#if self.field == None:
- # raise "Unexpected closing </td>"
+ # raise Exception("Unexpected closing </td>")
self.record.setField( self.field )
self.field = None
elif name == "th" and (self.level == len(self.tablebase) + 1):
#if self.field == None:
- # raise "Unexpected closing </td>"
+ # raise Exceptin("Unexpected closing </td>")
self.record.setHeader( self.field )
self.field = None
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ class SaxInput:
if self.field != None:
# the xml-data is unicode and we need to encode it
# to latin-1 cause KexiDB deals only with latin-1.
- u = unicode(chars[offset:offset+length])
+ u = str(chars[offset:offset+length])
# start the job
@@ -163,14 +163,14 @@ class KexiDBOutput:
def success(self, record):
""" Called if a record was written successfully. """
- print "SUCCESS: %s" % str(record)
+ print("SUCCESS: %s" % str(record))
self.successcount += 1
if hasattr(self.outputwriter,"logfile"):
self.addLog(record, "Success")
def failed(self, record):
""" Called if we failed to write a record. """
- print "FAILED: %s" % str(record)
+ print("FAILED: %s" % str(record))
self.failedcount += 1
if hasattr(self.outputwriter,"logfile"):
self.addLog(record, "Failed")
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ class KexiDBOutput:
self.connection = keximainwindow.getConnection()
- raise "No connection established. Please open a project before."
+ raise Exception("No connection established. Please open a project before.")
self.fieldlist = None
self.headerrecord = None
@@ -215,9 +215,9 @@ class KexiDBOutput:
def begin(self):
""" Called before parsing starts. """
- print "START JOB"
+ print("START JOB")
if self.fieldlist == None:
- raise "Invalid tableschema or fieldlist!"
+ raise Exceptin("Invalid tableschema or fieldlist!")
global KexiDBOutput
self.result = KexiDBOutput.Result(self)
if hasattr(self,"logfilename") and self.logfilename != None and self.logfilename != "":
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ class KexiDBOutput:
def end(self):
""" Called if parsing is fineshed. """
- print "END JOB"
+ print("END JOB")
self.logfile = None
self.mapping = {}
#self.headerrecord = None
@@ -240,12 +240,12 @@ class KexiDBOutput:
""" Set the tablename we like to import the data to. """
tableschema = self.connection.tableSchema(tablename)
if tableschema == None:
- raise "There exists no table with the name '%s'!" % tablename
+ raise Exceptin("There exists no table with the name '%s'!" % tablename)
self.fieldlist = tableschema.fieldlist()
fields = self.fieldlist.fields()
for field in fields:
- print "KexiDBOutput.setTable(%s): %s(%s)" % (tablename,,field.type())
- print "names=%s" % self.fieldlist.names()
+ print("KexiDBOutput.setTable(%s): %s(%s)" % (tablename,,field.type()))
+ print("names=%s" % self.fieldlist.names())
def setMapping(self, mapping):
""" Set the tablefieldname=xmlcolnr dictonary we should map the data to. """
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ class KexiDBOutput:
values = []
for k in self.fieldlist.names():
values.append( str(record.fields[ int(self.mapping[k]) ]) )
- print "Import values: %s" % values
+ print("Import values: %s" % values)
if self.connection.insertRecord(self.fieldlist, values):
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ class GuiApp:
- except RuntimeError, e:
+ except RuntimeError as e:
#except Exception, e:
# import traceback
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ class GuiApp:
i += 1
if not field.isAutoInc():
- except ValueError, e:
+ except ValueError as e:
if not field.type() in ("Integer","BigInteger","ShortInteger","Float","Double"):
i += 1
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ class GuiApp:
fieldname =
colnr = str( l.get() ).split(":",1)[0]
if colnr.isdigit():
- print "Table field '%s' is mapped to XML column '%s'" % (fieldname,colnr)
+ print("Table field '%s' is mapped to XML column '%s'" % (fieldname,colnr))
mapping[ fieldname ] = colnr
self.ok = True
diff --git a/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/projectdocumentor/ b/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/projectdocumentor/
index 89a60301..cb4e0de7 100755
--- a/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/projectdocumentor/
+++ b/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/projectdocumentor/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class DataProvider:
self.connection = keximainwindow.getConnection()
- raise "No connection established. Please open the project to be documented first."
+ raise Exception("No connection established. Please open the project to be documented first.")
def printConnection(self):
condata =
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class GuiApp:
import gui
- raise "Import of the Kross GUI module failed."
+ raise Exception("Import of the Kross GUI module failed.")
self.dialog = gui.Dialog("Project Documentor")
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ class GuiApp:
def toHTML(self, value):
import types
result = ""
- if isinstance(value, types.TupleType):
+ if isinstance(value, tuple):
result += "<ul>"
if len(value) == 1:
result += "<li>%s</li>" % value
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ class GuiApp:
if i != "":
result += "<li>%s</li>" % i
result += "</ul>"
- elif isinstance(value, types.ListType):
+ elif isinstance(value, list):
for item in value:
result += "%s" % self.toHTML(item)
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ class GuiApp:
def doSave(self):
file = str( self.file.get() )
- print "Attempting to save project documentation to file: %s" % file
+ print("Attempting to save project documentation to file: %s" % file)
f = open(file, "w")
@@ -167,19 +167,19 @@ class GuiApp:
for d in dir(self.dataprovider):
if d.startswith("print"):
- print "GuiApp.doSave() CHECK %s" % d
+ print("GuiApp.doSave() CHECK %s" % d)
a = self.printCheckBoxes[d]
if a and a.isChecked():
- print "GuiApp.doSave() BEGIN %s" % d
+ print("GuiApp.doSave() BEGIN %s" % d)
value = getattr(self.dataprovider,d)()
if value != None and len(value) > 0:
f.write("<h2>%s</h2>" % d[5:])
f.write( self.toHTML(value) )
- print "GuiApp.doSave() END %s" % d
+ print("GuiApp.doSave() END %s" % d)
- print "Successfully saved project documentation to file: %s" % file
+ print("Successfully saved project documentation to file: %s" % file)
GuiApp( DataProvider() )
diff --git a/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/python/kexiapp/ b/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/python/kexiapp/
index b5224304..28cbdcad 100755
--- a/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/python/kexiapp/
+++ b/kexi/plugins/scripting/scripts/python/kexiapp/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Dual-licensed under LGPL v2+higher and the BSD license.
import krosskexiapp
-except ImportError, e:
+except ImportError as e:
raise "Import of the Kross KexiApp module failed.\n%s" % e
def get(modulename):