path: root/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic
diff options
authortpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-01-20 01:29:50 +0000
committertpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-01-20 01:29:50 +0000
commit8362bf63dea22bbf6736609b0f49c152f975eb63 (patch)
tree0eea3928e39e50fae91d4e68b21b1e6cbae25604 /kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic
Added old abandoned KDE3 version of koffice
git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic')
21 files changed, 946 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/ b/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..820bc859
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+logicdir = $(kde_datadir)/kivio/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic
+ and.sml \
+ and.xpm \
+ buffer.sml \
+ buffer.xpm \
+ connector.sml \
+ connector.xpm \
+ inverter.sml \
+ inverter.xpm \
+ nand.sml \
+ nand.xpm \
+ nor.sml \
+ nor.xpm \
+ not.sml \
+ not.xpm \
+ or.sml \
+ or.xpm \
+ xor.sml \
+ xor.xpm \
+ icon.xpm
+logic_DATA = $(SHAPES) desc
diff --git a/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/and.sml b/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/and.sml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84cbdfef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/and.sml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<KivioShapeStencil creator="kate">
+ <KivioSMLStencilSpawnerInfo>
+ <Author data="Ian Reinhart Geiser"/>
+ <Title data="And"/>
+ <Id data="And"/>
+ <Description data="Logical And Gate"/>
+ <Version data="0.1"/>
+ <Web data=""/>
+ <Email data="[email protected]"/>
+ <Copyright data="Copyright (C) 2002 Ian Reinhart Geiser"/>
+ <AutoUpdate data="off"/>
+ </KivioSMLStencilSpawnerInfo>
+ <KivioConnectorTarget x="20.0" y="00.0"/>
+ <KivioConnectorTarget x="20.0" y="50.0"/>
+ <KivioConnectorTarget x="10.0" y="50.0"/>
+ <KivioConnectorTarget x="30.0" y="50.0"/>
+ <Dimensions w="40.0" h="50.0" defaultAspect="1"/>
+ <KivioShape type="ClosedPath" name="And">
+ <KivioPoint x="20.0" y="00.0" type="bezier"/>
+ <KivioPoint x="40.0" y="00.0" type="bezier"/>
+ <KivioPoint x="40.0" y="30.0" type="bezier"/>
+ <KivioPoint x="40.0" y="50.0" type="bezier"/>
+ <KivioPoint x="40.0" y="50.0" type="bezier"/>
+ <KivioPoint x="30.0" y="50.0" type="bezier"/>
+ <KivioPoint x="20.0" y="50.0" type="bezier"/>
+ <KivioPoint x="00.0" y="50.0" type="bezier"/>
+ <KivioPoint x="00.0" y="50.0" type="bezier"/>
+ <KivioPoint x="00.0" y="20.0" type="bezier"/>
+ <KivioPoint x="00.0" y="00.0" type="bezier"/>
+ <KivioPoint x="20.0" y="00.0" type="bezier"/>
+ </KivioShape>
+ <KivioShape type="TextBox" name="TextBox0" x="0.0" y="0.0" w="40.0" h="50.0" />
+</KivioShapeStencil> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/and.xpm b/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/and.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ac28e30d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/and.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *magick[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"21 25 33 1",
+" c #000000",
+". c #0b0b0b",
+"X c #131313",
+"o c #191919",
+"O c #242424",
+"+ c #2a2a2a",
+"@ c #343434",
+"# c #3d3d3d",
+"$ c #434343",
+"% c #4b4b4b",
+"& c #535353",
+"* c #5a5a5a",
+"= c #636363",
+"- c gray42",
+"; c #747474",
+": c #7d7d7d",
+"> c #808080",
+", c gray56",
+"< c #959595",
+"1 c #9b9b9b",
+"2 c #a4a4a4",
+"3 c #ababab",
+"4 c #b4b4b4",
+"5 c #bbbbbb",
+"6 c #c3c3c3",
+"7 c gray80",
+"8 c #d4d4d4",
+"9 c #dbdbdb",
+"0 c #e4e4e4",
+"q c gray92",
+"w c #f3f3f3",
+"e c #fefefe",
+"r c None",
+/* pixels */
+"rrrrrw* .1rrrrr",
+"rrrr0o :4q92- *rrrr",
+"rrrr% +8rrrrrr2. 1rrr",
+"rrr3 .0rrrrrrrr2 Xqrr",
+"rreo <rrrrrrrrrr$ -rr",
+"rr5 Orrrrrrrrrrr8 Xwr",
+"rr- :rrrrrrrrrrrrO 5r",
+"reX 8rrrrrrrrrrrr> *r",
+"r9 orrrrrrrrrrrrr7 +r",
+"r3 %rrrrrrrrrrrrrw .w",
+"r: ;rrrrrrrrrrrrrrO 8",
+"r& 2rrrrrrrrrrrrrr& 2",
+"r# 5rrrrrrrrrrrrrr- ,",
+"rO 9rrrrrrrrrrrrrr> :",
+"r. qrrrrrrrrrrrrrr1 *",
+"r errrrrrrrrrrrrr3 &",
+"e rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr4 %",
+"w .rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr4 %",
+"w .rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr5 $",
+"q .rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr5 #",
+"q orrrrrrrrrrrrrrr7 @",
+"0 .>::::>::::>:::>= @",
+"9 +",
diff --git a/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/buffer.sml b/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/buffer.sml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..30f7d81d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/buffer.sml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<KivioShapeStencil creator="kate">
+ <KivioSMLStencilSpawnerInfo>
+ <Author data="Ian Reinhart Geiser"/>
+ <Title data="Buffer"/>
+ <Id data="Buffer"/>
+ <Description data="Logical Buffer Gate"/>
+ <Version data="0.1"/>
+ <Web data=""/>
+ <Email data="[email protected]"/>
+ <Copyright data="Copyright (C) 2002 Ian Reinhart Geiser"/>
+ <AutoUpdate data="off"/>
+ </KivioSMLStencilSpawnerInfo>
+ <KivioConnectorTarget x="15" y="0"/>
+ <KivioConnectorTarget x="7.5" y="25"/>
+ <KivioConnectorTarget x="15" y="25"/>
+ <KivioConnectorTarget x="22.5" y="25"/>
+ <Dimensions w="30" h="25" defaultAspect="1"/>
+ <KivioShape type="Polygon" name="Buffer">
+ <KivioPoint x="15" y="0"/>
+ <KivioPoint x="30" y="25"/>
+ <KivioPoint x="0" y="25"/>
+ </KivioShape>
+ <KivioShape type="TextBox" name="TextBox0" x="0.0" y="0.0" w="30" h="25" />
diff --git a/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/buffer.xpm b/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/buffer.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec97ae2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/buffer.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *magick[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"13 12 22 1",
+" c gray1",
+". c #0b0b0b",
+"X c #131313",
+"o c #2d2d2d",
+"O c #323232",
+"+ c #393939",
+"@ c #484848",
+"# c #5c5c5c",
+"$ c #646464",
+"% c #6c6c6c",
+"& c #747474",
+"* c gray47",
+"= c gray61",
+"- c #a2a2a2",
+"; c #b3b3b3",
+": c #bbbbbb",
+"> c #d7d7d7",
+", c #d9d9d9",
+"< c #e4e4e4",
+"1 c #f6f6f6",
+"2 c #fefefe",
+"3 c None",
+/* pixels */
+"33333+ >33333",
diff --git a/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/connector.sml b/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/connector.sml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..342a56cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/connector.sml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<KivioShapeStencil creator="kate">
+ <KivioSMLStencilSpawnerInfo>
+ <Author data="Ian Reinhart Geiser"/>
+ <Title data="Connector"/>
+ <Id data="Connector"/>
+ <Description data="Logical Connection Point"/>
+ <Version data="0.1"/>
+ <Web data=""/>
+ <Email data="[email protected]"/>
+ <Copyright data="Copyright (C) 2002 Ian Reinhart Geiser"/>
+ <AutoUpdate data="off"/>
+ </KivioSMLStencilSpawnerInfo>
+ <KivioConnectorTarget x="2.5" y="5"/>
+ <KivioConnectorTarget x="2.5" y="0"/>
+ <KivioConnectorTarget x="0" y="2.5"/>
+ <KivioConnectorTarget x="5" y="2.5"/>
+ <Dimensions w="5" h="5" defaultAspect="1"/>
+ <KivioShape type="Ellipse" name="Connector" x="0" w="5" y="0" h="5">
+ <KivioFillStyle colorStyle="1" color="#000000"/>
+ </KivioShape>
+ <KivioShape type="TextBox" name="TextBox0" x="0.0" y="0.0" w="5" h="5" />
+</KivioShapeStencil> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/connector.xpm b/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/connector.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91f62bae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/connector.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *magick[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"7 7 8 1",
+" c black",
+". c gray5",
+"X c #565656",
+"o c #939393",
+"O c #c8c8c8",
+"+ c LightGray",
+"@ c #fefefe",
+"# c None",
+/* pixels */
+"@X .O#",
+"o .@",
+"@X .O#",
diff --git a/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/desc b/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/desc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..074bbd4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/desc
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <Title data="Logic Shapes"/>
+ <Id data="Ian Reinhart Geiser - Logic Shapes"/>
+ <Description>The basic stencils needed to create binary logic diagrams</Description>
diff --git a/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/icon.xpm b/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/icon.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..efa9ac51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/icon.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *icon[]={
+"16 16 152 2",
+"Qt c None",
+"#A c #000000",
+".w c #0058c0",
+"#3 c #010101",
+"#D c #030303",
+"#i c #050505",
+"#d c #070707",
+"#o c #080808",
+"#l c #090909",
+".n c #0a0a0a",
+"#J c #0b0b0b",
+".k c #0c0c0c",
+".V c #0e0e0e",
+".t c #0f0f0f",
+"#L c #111111",
+"ak c #121212",
+"#4 c #141414",
+".D c #171717",
+"#E c #1a1a1a",
+".c c #1d1d1d",
+"#2 c #1e1e1e",
+"#K c #202020",
+".I c #262626",
+".Q c #282828",
+"#I c #292929",
+"ab c #2a2a2a",
+".d c #2c2c2c",
+".2 c #2d2d2d",
+"#5 c #2e2e2e",
+".N c #2f2f2f",
+"#u c #303030",
+".8 c #323232",
+".y c #333333",
+".j c #3a3a3a",
+".H c #3b3b3b",
+"#N c #3c3c3c",
+".9 c #3d3d3d",
+".u c #3e3e3e",
+".m c #444444",
+"#f c #454545",
+".R c #484848",
+"#z c #494949",
+"aj c #4b4b4b",
+"#6 c #4c4d4f",
+".E c #4d4d4d",
+".o c #4e4e4e",
+"#k c #505050",
+"#F c #515151",
+"#e c #515354",
+"#a c #535353",
+"#t c #545454",
+"#v c #595959",
+"#p c #595b5e",
+".l c #5b5b5b",
+".1 c #5c5c5c",
+"#j c #5c6065",
+"#9 c #666666",
+".X c #686868",
+"#H c #6a6a6a",
+"ac c #6b6d6f",
+"#G c #747474",
+"#s c #757575",
+"at c #767676",
+"#w c #777777",
+".W c #777a7e",
+"#0 c #7a7a7a",
+".s c #7b7b7b",
+".5 c #7c7c7c",
+".b c #86888a",
+"#X c #8a8b8d",
+"aa c #8c8c8c",
+"ai c #8c8e91",
+".z c #8f9498",
+"#r c #949494",
+".e c #959799",
+".4 c #969ca1",
+".U c #979797",
+"#7 c #999a9c",
+"#O c #9a9a9a",
+"#S c #9aa2ab",
+"#x c #9d9d9d",
+"as c #9ea2a6",
+"#T c #9ea6ae",
+".C c #a1a4a7",
+"#R c #a4acb5",
+"ad c #a8acb0",
+".i c #a9abad",
+"an c #aaaaaa",
+"#U c #acb4bc",
+"#M c #aeaeae",
+".P c #b0b3b5",
+".Y c #b0b3b7",
+".3 c #b0b6bb",
+".x c #b1b4b8",
+"## c #b4babf",
+".J c #b5b8bb",
+"#1 c #b6b6b6",
+"#q c #b6bbc0",
+".G c #b6bcc1",
+"#Q c #b6bec6",
+"#C c #b7b7b7",
+"#Z c #b9b9b9",
+".p c #bbbdbe",
+".O c #bdc4cb",
+"#n c #c0c0c0",
+".v c #c0c3c7",
+"#8 c #c3c3c3",
+"#h c #c5c5c5",
+".M c #c5cbd2",
+"ao c #c7cbcf",
+".F c #c7ccd2",
+"ah c #c8ccd0",
+"au c #c8cfd6",
+".a c #c8d0d9",
+"#y c #c9c9c9",
+"#P c #cacfd3",
+".S c #cad4de",
+"#. c #cbd0d6",
+"al c #cccccc",
+"#V c #ccd1d6",
+"#m c #cdd8e3",
+"#g c #d0dbe6",
+"ae c #d2d6da",
+"#B c #d3dae1",
+".7 c #d3dee9",
+".f c #d4dce4",
+"#Y c #d5d5d5",
+"#W c #d6d8da",
+"a. c #d8d8d8",
+"#b c #d8e3ee",
+".0 c #d9e4ef",
+"#c c #dadada",
+"ar c #dae2ea",
+".r c #dde5ed",
+".6 c #dee8f4",
+".A c #dfeaf5",
+"a# c #e0eaf6",
+".T c #e2ecf8",
+"am c #e2edf8",
+".B c #e4eef9",
+"ag c #e5e9ee",
+"ap c #e5effb",
+".Z c #e5f0fc",
+"av c #e5f1fd",
+".L c #e6f2fe",
+".K c #e7f2fd",
+".# c #e8f2fc",
+"aq c #e8f3fe",
+".h c #e9f2fb",
+".g c #eaf4fe",
+".q c #edf5fe",
+"af c #f2f6fa",
diff --git a/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/inverter.sml b/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/inverter.sml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..01e624d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/inverter.sml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<KivioShapeStencil creator="kate">
+ <KivioSMLStencilSpawnerInfo>
+ <Author data="Ian Reinhart Geiser"/>
+ <Title data="Inverter"/>
+ <Id data="Inverter"/>
+ <Description data="Logical Inverter Gate"/>
+ <Version data="0.1"/>
+ <Web data=""/>
+ <Email data="[email protected]"/>
+ <Copyright data="Copyright (C) 2002 Ian Reinhart Geiser"/>
+ <AutoUpdate data="off"/>
+ </KivioSMLStencilSpawnerInfo>
+ <KivioConnectorTarget x="16" y="0"/>
+ <KivioConnectorTarget x="8" y="34"/>
+ <KivioConnectorTarget x="16" y="34"/>
+ <KivioConnectorTarget x="22" y="34"/>
+ <Dimensions w="30" h="34" defaultAspect="1"/>
+ <KivioShape type="Polygon" name="Buffer">
+ <KivioPoint x="16" y="10"/>
+ <KivioPoint x="30" y="34"/>
+ <KivioPoint x="0" y="34"/>
+ </KivioShape>
+ <KivioShape type="Ellipse" name="Connector" x="11" y="00" w="10" h="10"/>
+ <KivioShape type="TextBox" name="TextBox0" x="0.0" y="0.0" w="30" h="34" />
+</KivioShapeStencil> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/inverter.xpm b/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/inverter.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..24bdcdbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/inverter.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *magick[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"12 13 29 1",
+" c gray1",
+". c #0b0b0b",
+"X c #151515",
+"o c gray10",
+"O c #232323",
+"+ c #2a2a2a",
+"@ c #313131",
+"# c gray24",
+"$ c #454545",
+"% c #494949",
+"& c gray33",
+"* c gray36",
+"= c #6a6a6a",
+"- c gray46",
+"; c #7a7a7a",
+": c gray52",
+"> c #8d8d8d",
+", c #9b9b9b",
+"< c #a2a2a2",
+"1 c #b1b1b1",
+"2 c gray72",
+"3 c #c3c3c3",
+"4 c gray79",
+"5 c gray84",
+"6 c #e7e7e7",
+"7 c #ececec",
+"8 c #f3f3f3",
+"9 c #fefefe",
+"0 c None",
+/* pixels */
+"0000*.8 >000",
+"00000; 10000",
+"0003.705 700",
+"0% @@@@@@+ ;",
diff --git a/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/nand.sml b/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/nand.sml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e47060c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/nand.sml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<KivioShapeStencil creator="kate">
+ <KivioSMLStencilSpawnerInfo>
+ <Author data="Ian Reinhart Geiser"/>
+ <Title data="Nand"/>
+ <Id data="Nand"/>
+ <Description data="Logical Nand Gate"/>
+ <Version data="0.1"/>
+ <Web data=""/>
+ <Email data="[email protected]"/>
+ <Copyright data="Copyright (C) 2002 Ian Reinhart Geiser"/>
+ <AutoUpdate data="off"/>
+ </KivioSMLStencilSpawnerInfo>
+ <KivioConnectorTarget x="20.0" y="00.0"/>
+ <KivioConnectorTarget x="20.0" y="60.0"/>
+ <KivioConnectorTarget x="10.0" y="60.0"/>
+ <KivioConnectorTarget x="30.0" y="60.0"/>
+ <Dimensions w="40.0" h="60.0" defaultAspect="1"/>
+ <KivioShape type="ClosedPath" name="And">
+ <KivioPoint x="20.0" y="10.0" type="bezier"/>
+ <KivioPoint x="40.0" y="10.0" type="bezier"/>
+ <KivioPoint x="40.0" y="40.0" type="bezier"/>
+ <KivioPoint x="40.0" y="60.0" type="bezier"/>
+ <KivioPoint x="40.0" y="60.0" type="bezier"/>
+ <KivioPoint x="30.0" y="60.0" type="bezier"/>
+ <KivioPoint x="20.0" y="60.0" type="bezier"/>
+ <KivioPoint x="00.0" y="60.0" type="bezier"/>
+ <KivioPoint x="00.0" y="60.0" type="bezier"/>
+ <KivioPoint x="00.0" y="30.0" type="bezier"/>
+ <KivioPoint x="00.0" y="10.0" type="bezier"/>
+ <KivioPoint x="20.0" y="10.0" type="bezier"/>
+ </KivioShape>
+ <KivioShape type="Ellipse" name="Connector" x="15" y="00" w="10" h="10"/>
+ <KivioShape type="TextBox" name="TextBox0" x="0.0" y="0.0" w="40.0" h="60.0" />
+</KivioShapeStencil> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/nand.xpm b/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/nand.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35f2ae3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kivio/kiviopart/stencils/Flowcharting/Logic/nand.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *magick[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"19 25 31 1",
+" c #000000",
+". c #0a0a0a",
+"X c #131313",
+"o c #1b1b1b",
+"O c #232323",
+"+ c gray16",
+"@ c #353535",
+"# c gray24",
+"$ c gray27",
+"% c #494949",
+"& c gray32",
+"* c #5b5b5b",
+"= c #6c6c6c",
+"- c #727272",
+"; c #7a7a7a",
+": c #838383",
+"> c #8e8e8e",
+", c #939393",
+"< c #9a9a9a",
+"1 c #a2a2a2",
+"2 c #acacac",
+"3 c #b0b0b0",
+"4 c #bebebe",
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+"w c None",
+/* pixels */
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+"wwww0= $9wwww",
+"www9o *<:1-X .6www",
+"www& O6wwwww8# O0ww",
+"ww2 .8wwwwwww0+ ;ww",
+"wqo ,wwwwwwwww6 8w",
+"w5 oqwwwwwwwwww& >w",
+"w= -wwwwwwwwwww2 @w",
+"wo 6wwwwwwwwwww0. 9",
+"0 qwwwwwwwwwwww# 4",
+"6 Owwwwwwwwwwwww* <",
+"3 %wwwwwwwwwwwww: ;",
+"> =wwwwwwwwwwwww1 *",
+"= >wwwwwwwwwwwww5 @",
+"% 3wwwwwwwwwwwww8 .",
+"O 6wwwwwwwwwwwwwq. ",
+"o 8wwwwwwwwwwwwwwX ",
+"X 8wwwwwwwwwwwwwwo ",
+"X 9wwwwwwwwwwwwwwo ",
+". 9wwwwwwwwwwwwwwO ",
+". 0wwwwwwwwwwwwww+ ",
+" 444444444444444O ",
+" "
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+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"19 25 32 1",
+" c #010101",
+". c #0a0a0a",
+"X c gray9",
+"o c gray11",
+"O c #242424",
+"+ c #2c2c2c",
+"@ c #353535",
+"# c #3c3c3c",
+"$ c gray26",
+"% c #4a4a4a",
+"& c #535353",
+"* c gray35",
+"= c #636363",
+"- c #6b6b6b",
+"; c #727272",
+": c #7c7c7c",
+"> c #848484",
+", c #898989",
+"< c #929292",
+"1 c #999999",
+"2 c #a3a3a3",
+"3 c #acacac",
+"4 c #b1b1b1",
+"5 c #bbbbbb",
+"6 c #c2c2c2",
+"7 c #cbcbcb",
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+"e c None",
+/* pixels */
+"eeeeeeee< 1eeeeeeee",
+"eeeeeee, . 1eeeeeee",
+"eeeeeee= X ;eeeeeee",
+"eeeeee8# $8eeeeee",
+"eeeee5 .&. .6eeeee",
+"eeee4 *qeq% 5eeee",
+"eee6 ;eeeew- 7eee",
+"eeqO =eeeeeew* Oqee",
+"ee: +weeeeeeeqO ,ee",
+"eq 6eeeeeeeee5 .qe",
+"e< %eeeeeeeeeee$ 1e",
+"e+ 3eeeeeeeeeee2 #e",
+"0 .weeeeeeeeeeeq q",
+"5 @eeeeeeeeeeeee+ 7",
+"1 =eeeeeeeeeeeee* 2",
+"- ,eeeeeeeeeeeee: :",
+"% 3eeeeeeeeeeeee2 *",
+"o 8eeeeeeeeeeeee7 O",
+" weeeeeeeeeeeeeq .",
+" eeeeeeeeeeeeeew ",
+" .eeee631>136eeew ",
+" .e9= .=9e ",
+" .= %=:=% = ",
+" ;6eeeeeee6- ",
+" @0eeeeeeeeeee9@ "
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+". c #343434",
+"X c #969696",
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+"O c #fefefe",
+"+ c None",
+/* pixels */
+"+X .O",
+"+X .O",
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+ <Author data="Ian Reinhart Geiser"/>
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+ <Description data="Logical Or Gate"/>
+ <Version data="0.1"/>
+ <Web data=""/>
+ <Email data="[email protected]"/>
+ <Copyright data="Copyright (C) 2002 Ian Reinhart Geiser"/>
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+/* XPM */
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+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"20 27 31 1",
+" c #000000",
+". c #0b0b0b",
+"X c #121212",
+"o c #1b1b1b",
+"O c gray14",
+"+ c #2b2b2b",
+"@ c #323232",
+"# c #3b3b3b",
+"$ c #424242",
+"% c #545454",
+"& c #5a5a5a",
+"* c #626262",
+"= c #6b6b6b",
+"- c gray45",
+"; c #7c7c7c",
+": c #838383",
+"> c #8d8d8d",
+", c #929292",
+"< c #9d9d9d",
+"1 c #a4a4a4",
+"2 c gray71",
+"3 c #bcbcbc",
+"4 c #c5c5c5",
+"5 c #cbcbcb",
+"6 c #d2d2d2",
+"7 c #dbdbdb",
+"8 c #e2e2e2",
+"9 c #ebebeb",
+"0 c #f3f3f3",
+"q c #fefefe",
+"w c None",
+/* pixels */
+"wwwwww0* =0wwwwww",
+"wwwww7o ,; o9wwwww",
+"wwww7o +8ww7+ O9wwww",
+"www9X #0wwww9+ O0www",
+"www* +0wwwwww0O -www",
+"ww4 7wwwwwwww5 6ww",
+"ww+ ;wwwwwwwwww= $ww",
+"w6 .0wwwwwwwwww0 7w",
+"w- =wwwwwwwwwwww% :w",
+"wo 5wwwwwwwwwwww3 +w",
+"0 qwwwwwwwwwwww0 q",
+"5 +wwwwwwwwwwwwwwo 7",
+"1 %wwwwwwwwwwwwww$ 2",
+"; ;wwwwwwwwwwwwww= >",
+"% 1wwwwwwwwwwwwww, *",
+"+ 5wwwwwwwwwwwwww3 #",
+"o 7wwwwwwwwwwwwww6 +",
+"X 9wwwwwwwwwwwwww6 O",
+"X 9wq6>&#o+$&,6ww7 O",
+". 9<o +17 o",
+" o X*137631&. o X",
+" +10wwwwwwwwq<o X",
+" *0wwwwwwwwwwww0& .",
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+ <Version data="0.1"/>
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+ <Email data="[email protected]"/>
+ <Copyright data="Copyright (C) 2002 Ian Reinhart Geiser"/>
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+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"18 24 33 1",
+" c #000000",
+". c #0b0b0b",
+"X c #131313",
+"o c #1b1b1b",
+"O c #232323",
+"+ c #2c2c2c",
+"@ c #323232",
+"# c gray23",
+"$ c #434343",
+"% c gray29",
+"& c #535353",
+"* c #5b5b5b",
+"= c #636363",
+"- c #6b6b6b",
+"; c #737373",
+": c #7c7c7c",
+"> c #848484",
+", c gray55",
+"< c #929292",
+"1 c #9a9a9a",
+"2 c #a4a4a4",
+"3 c #aaaaaa",
+"4 c #b4b4b4",
+"5 c #bdbdbd",
+"6 c gray77",
+"7 c #cbcbcb",
+"8 c #d4d4d4",
+"9 c #dbdbdb",
+"0 c gray90",
+"q c #eaeaea",
+"w c #f3f3f3",
+"e c #fefefe",
+"r c None",
+/* pixels */
+"rrrrrw* ,errrrr",
+"rrrrw@ .1; &errrr",
+"rrrwO X9rr6. *rrrr",
+"rrr: o0rrrr7. 3rrr",
+"rr9 6rrrrrr1 Xwrr",
+"rr= =rrrrrrre@ ,rr",
+"rw. 9rrrrrrrr3 +rr",
+"r3 @rrrrrrrrre. 9r",
+"r> :rrrrrrrrrr% 3r",
+"r* 1rrrrrrrrrr; ,r",
+"r@ 6rrrrrrrrrr1 *r",
+"e. qrrrrrrrrrr6 @r",
+"0 Xrrrrrrrrrrrq .r",
+"9 orrrrrrrrrrrw .r",
+"9 Orw72;$&:28ee r",
+"8 O>. o1 e",
+"7 O&>42:&X w",
+"6 @5rrrrrrre3o w",
+"6 =wq<#o .+-6rq$ q",
+"61w; X5e;q",
+"r9X &28eq7:o -er",
+"r* +0rrrrrrre: 9r",