path: root/kword/KWTableStyleManager.cpp
diff options
authortpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-01-20 01:29:50 +0000
committertpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-01-20 01:29:50 +0000
commit8362bf63dea22bbf6736609b0f49c152f975eb63 (patch)
tree0eea3928e39e50fae91d4e68b21b1e6cbae25604 /kword/KWTableStyleManager.cpp
Added old abandoned KDE3 version of koffice
git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'kword/KWTableStyleManager.cpp')
1 files changed, 716 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kword/KWTableStyleManager.cpp b/kword/KWTableStyleManager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a2a6494
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kword/KWTableStyleManager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,716 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ Copyright (C) 2002 Nash Hoogwater <[email protected]>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; using
+ version 2 of the License.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include "KWTableStyleManager.h"
+#include "KWTableStyleManager.moc"
+#include "KWImportStyleDia.h"
+#include "KWDocument.h"
+#include <KoParagCounter.h>
+#include <KoTextDocument.h>
+#include "KoParagStyle.h"
+#include "KWFrameStyleManager.h"
+#include "KWStyleManager.h"
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qgroupbox.h>
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qlineedit.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qcombobox.h>
+#include <qframe.h>
+/* Class: KWTableStylePreview */
+KWTableStylePreview::KWTableStylePreview( const QString& title, const QString& text, QWidget* parent, const char* name )
+ : QGroupBox( title, parent, name )
+ m_zoomHandler = new KoTextZoomHandler;
+ QFont font = KoGlobal::defaultFont();
+ m_textdoc = new KoTextDocument( m_zoomHandler, new KoTextFormatCollection( font, QColor(),KGlobal::locale()->language(), false ) );
+ KoTextParag * parag = m_textdoc->firstParag();
+ parag->insert( 0, text );
+ delete m_textdoc;
+ delete m_zoomHandler;
+#undef ptToPx
+#define ptToPx qRound
+void KWTableStylePreview::drawContents( QPainter *p )
+ p->save();
+ QRect r = contentsRect();
+ int wid = ( r.width() - 40 );
+ int hei = ( r.height() - 40 );
+ // 1: create document background = white
+ p->fillRect( QRect( 10, 20, r.width()-20, r.height() - 20 ), QColor("white") );
+ // 2: create borders (KWFrameStyle)
+ if (tableStyle->frameStyle()->topBorder().width()>0) {
+ p->setPen( KoBorder::borderPen(tableStyle->frameStyle()->topBorder(), ptToPx( tableStyle->frameStyle()->topBorder().width() ), black) ); // Top border
+ p->drawLine( 20 - int(tableStyle->frameStyle()->leftBorder().width()/2), 30,
+ 20 + wid + int(tableStyle->frameStyle()->rightBorder().width()/2), 30 );
+ }
+ if (tableStyle->frameStyle()->leftBorder().width()>0) {
+ p->setPen( KoBorder::borderPen(tableStyle->frameStyle()->leftBorder(), ptToPx( tableStyle->frameStyle()->leftBorder().width() ), black) ); // Left border
+ p->drawLine( 20, 30 - int(tableStyle->frameStyle()->topBorder().width()/2),
+ 20 , 30 + hei + int(tableStyle->frameStyle()->bottomBorder().width()/2) );
+ }
+ if (tableStyle->frameStyle()->bottomBorder().width()>0) {
+ p->setPen( KoBorder::borderPen(tableStyle->frameStyle()->bottomBorder(), ptToPx( tableStyle->frameStyle()->bottomBorder().width() ), black) ); // Bottom border
+ p->drawLine( 20 + wid + int(ceil(tableStyle->frameStyle()->rightBorder().width()/2)), 30 + hei,
+ 20 - int(tableStyle->frameStyle()->leftBorder().width()/2), 30 + hei );
+ }
+ if (tableStyle->frameStyle()->rightBorder().width()>0) {
+ p->setPen( KoBorder::borderPen(tableStyle->frameStyle()->rightBorder(), ptToPx( tableStyle->frameStyle()->rightBorder().width() ), black) ); // Right border
+ p->drawLine( 20 + wid, 30 - int(tableStyle->frameStyle()->topBorder().width()/2) ,
+ 20 + wid, 30 + hei + int(tableStyle->frameStyle()->bottomBorder().width()/2) );
+ }
+ // 3: create background whithin "frame"
+ QRect fr( QPoint(20 + int(ceil(tableStyle->frameStyle()->leftBorder().width()/2)), 30 + int(ceil(tableStyle->frameStyle()->topBorder().width()/2))),
+ QPoint(20 + wid - int(floor(tableStyle->frameStyle()->rightBorder().width()/2)+1), 30 + hei - int(floor(tableStyle->frameStyle()->bottomBorder().width()/2)+1)) );
+ p->fillRect( fr, tableStyle->frameStyle()->backgroundColor() );
+ // 4: create text (KoParagStyle)
+ KoTextParag * parag = m_textdoc->firstParag();
+ int widthLU = m_zoomHandler->pixelToLayoutUnitX( fr.width() - 2 ); // keep one pixel border horizontally
+ if ( m_textdoc->width() != widthLU )
+ {
+ // For centering to work, and to even get word wrapping when the thing is too big :)
+ m_textdoc->setWidth( widthLU );
+ parag->invalidate(0);
+ }
+ parag->format();
+ QRect textRect = parag->pixelRect( m_zoomHandler );
+ // Center vertically, but not horizontally, to keep the parag alignment working,
+ textRect.moveTopLeft( QPoint( fr.x(), fr.y() + ( fr.height() - textRect.height() ) / 2 ) );
+ p->setClipRect( textRect.intersect( fr ) );
+ p->translate( textRect.x(), textRect.y() );
+ QColorGroup cg = QApplication::palette().active();
+ cg.setBrush( QColorGroup::Base, tableStyle->frameStyle()->backgroundColor() );
+ m_textdoc->drawWYSIWYG( p, 1, 0, textRect.width() - 1, textRect.height(), cg, m_zoomHandler );
+ p->restore();
+void KWTableStylePreview::setTableStyle( KWTableStyle *_tableStyle )
+ tableStyle = _tableStyle;
+ KoTextParag * parag = m_textdoc->firstParag();
+ parag->applyStyle( tableStyle->paragraphStyle() );
+ repaint(true);
+/* Class: KWTableStyleListItem */
+void KWTableStyleListItem::switchStyle()
+ delete m_changedTableStyle;
+ if ( m_origTableStyle )
+ m_changedTableStyle = new KWTableStyle( *m_origTableStyle );
+void KWTableStyleListItem::deleteStyle( KWTableStyle *current )
+ Q_ASSERT( m_changedTableStyle == current );
+ delete m_changedTableStyle;
+ m_changedTableStyle = 0L;
+void KWTableStyleListItem::apply()
+ *m_origTableStyle = *m_changedTableStyle;
+/* Class: KWTableStyleManager */
+// Proof reader comment: stylist sounds like a hair dresser
+KWTableStyleManager::KWTableStyleManager( QWidget *_parent, KWDocument *_doc )
+ : KDialogBase( _parent, "Tablestylist", true,
+ i18n("Table Style Manager"),
+ KDialogBase::Ok | KDialogBase::Cancel | KDialogBase::Apply | KDialogBase::User1 )
+ m_doc = _doc;
+ m_currentTableStyle = 0L;
+ noSignals=true;
+ m_tableStyles.setAutoDelete(false);
+ setupWidget(); // build the widget with the buttons and the list selector.
+ m_stylesList->setCurrentItem( 0 );
+ noSignals=false;
+ switchStyle();
+ setInitialSize( QSize( 450, 450 ) );
+ setButtonText( KDialogBase::User1, i18n("Import From File...") );
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(user1Clicked()), this, SLOT(importFromFile()));
+ m_tableStyles.setAutoDelete( true );
+ m_tableStyles.clear();
+void KWTableStyleManager::setupWidget()
+ QFrame * frame1 = makeMainWidget();
+ QGridLayout *frame1Layout = new QGridLayout( frame1, 0, 0, // auto
+ 0, KDialog::spacingHint() );
+ KWTableStyleCollection* collection = m_doc->tableStyleCollection();
+ numTableStyles = collection->count();
+ m_stylesList = new QListBox( frame1, "stylesList" );
+ m_stylesList->insertStringList( collection->displayNameList() );
+ const QValueList<KoUserStyle*> styleList = collection->styleList();
+ Q_ASSERT( !styleList.isEmpty() );
+ for ( QValueList<KoUserStyle *>::const_iterator it = styleList.begin(), end = styleList.end();
+ it != end ; ++it )
+ {
+ KWTableStyle* style = static_cast<KWTableStyle *>( *it );
+ m_tableStyles.append( new KWTableStyleListItem(style,new KWTableStyle(*style) ) );
+ m_styleOrder << style->name();
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT( m_stylesList->count() == m_styleOrder.count() );
+ Q_ASSERT( m_styleOrder.count() == m_tableStyles.count() );
+ frame1Layout->addMultiCellWidget( m_stylesList, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
+ m_moveUpButton = new QPushButton( frame1, "moveUpButton" );
+ m_moveUpButton->setIconSet( SmallIconSet( "up" ) );
+ connect( m_moveUpButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( moveUpStyle() ) );
+ frame1Layout->addWidget( m_moveUpButton, 1, 1 );
+ m_moveDownButton = new QPushButton( frame1, "moveDownButton" );
+ m_moveDownButton->setIconSet( SmallIconSet( "down" ) );
+ connect( m_moveDownButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( moveDownStyle() ) );
+ frame1Layout->addWidget( m_moveDownButton, 1, 0 );
+ m_deleteButton = new QPushButton( frame1, "deleteButton" );
+ m_deleteButton->setText( i18n( "&Delete" ) );
+ connect( m_deleteButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( deleteStyle() ) );
+ frame1Layout->addWidget( m_deleteButton, 2, 1 );
+ m_newButton = new QPushButton( frame1, "newButton" );
+ m_newButton->setText( i18n( "New" ) );
+ connect( m_newButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( addStyle() ) );
+ frame1Layout->addWidget( m_newButton, 2, 0 );
+ main = new QWidget( frame1 );
+ setupMain();
+ frame1Layout->addMultiCellWidget( main, 0, 2, 2, 2 );
+ connect( m_stylesList, SIGNAL( selectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( switchStyle() ) );
+void KWTableStyleManager::setupMain()
+ QGridLayout *mainLayout = new QGridLayout( main );
+ mainLayout->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
+ preview = new KWTableStylePreview( i18n("Preview"), i18n("Tablestyles preview"), main );
+ preview->resize(preview->sizeHint());
+ mainLayout->addMultiCellWidget( preview, 1, 1, 0, 1 );
+ m_nameString = new QLineEdit( main );
+ m_nameString->resize(m_nameString->sizeHint() );
+ connect( m_nameString, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString &) ), this, SLOT( renameStyle(const QString &) ) );
+ mainLayout->addWidget( m_nameString, 0, 1 );
+ QLabel *nameLabel = new QLabel( main );
+ nameLabel->setText( i18n( "Name:" ) );
+ nameLabel->resize(nameLabel->sizeHint());
+ nameLabel->setAlignment( AlignRight | AlignVCenter );
+ mainLayout->addWidget( nameLabel, 0, 0 );
+ QGroupBox *adjustBox = new QGroupBox( 0, Qt::Vertical, i18n("Adjust"), main);
+ adjustBox->layout()->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint());
+ adjustBox->layout()->setMargin(KDialog::marginHint());
+ QGridLayout *adjustLayout = new QGridLayout( adjustBox->layout() );
+ QLabel *frameStyleLabel = new QLabel( adjustBox );
+ frameStyleLabel->setText( i18n( "Framestyle:" ) );
+ frameStyleLabel->setAlignment( AlignRight | AlignVCenter );
+ QLabel *styleLabel = new QLabel( adjustBox );
+ styleLabel->setText( i18n( "Textstyle:" ) );
+ styleLabel->setAlignment( AlignRight | AlignVCenter );
+ m_frameStyle = new QComboBox( adjustBox );
+ m_style = new QComboBox( adjustBox );
+ updateAllStyleCombos();
+ connect( m_frameStyle, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( selectFrameStyle(int) ) );
+ connect( m_style, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( selectStyle(int) ) );
+ m_changeFrameStyleButton = new QPushButton( adjustBox );
+ m_changeFrameStyleButton->setText( i18n( "Change..." ) );
+ connect( m_changeFrameStyleButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( changeFrameStyle() ) );
+ m_changeStyleButton = new QPushButton( adjustBox );
+ m_changeStyleButton->setText( i18n( "Change..." ) );
+ connect( m_changeStyleButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( changeStyle() ) );
+ adjustLayout->addWidget( frameStyleLabel, 0, 0 );
+ adjustLayout->addWidget( styleLabel, 1, 0 );
+ adjustLayout->addWidget( m_frameStyle, 0, 1 );
+ adjustLayout->addWidget( m_style, 1, 1 );
+ adjustLayout->addWidget( m_changeFrameStyleButton, 0, 2 );
+ adjustLayout->addWidget( m_changeStyleButton, 1, 2 );
+ adjustBox->setMaximumHeight(120);
+ mainLayout->addMultiCellWidget( adjustBox, 2, 2, 0, 1);
+void KWTableStyleManager::switchStyle()
+ kdDebug() << "KWTableStyleManager::switchStyle noSignals=" << noSignals << endl;
+ if(noSignals) return;
+ noSignals=true;
+ if(m_currentTableStyle !=0L)
+ save();
+ m_currentTableStyle = 0L;
+ int num = tableStyleIndex( m_stylesList->currentItem() );
+ kdDebug() << "KWTableStyleManager::switchStyle switching to " << num << endl;
+ if(>origTableStyle() ==>changedTableStyle() )
+ else
+ m_currentTableStyle =>changedTableStyle();
+ updateGUI();
+ noSignals=false;
+int KWTableStyleManager::tableStyleIndex( int pos )
+ int p = 0;
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i < m_tableStyles.count(); i++) {
+ // Skip deleted styles, they're no in m_stylesList anymore
+ KWTableStyle * style =>changedTableStyle();
+ if ( !style ) continue;
+ if ( p == pos )
+ return i;
+ ++p;
+ }
+ kdWarning() << "KWTableStyleManager::tableStyleIndex no style found at pos " << pos << endl;
+#ifdef __GNUC_
+#warning implement undo/redo
+ return 0;
+void KWTableStyleManager::updateGUI()
+ kdDebug() << "KWTableStyleManager::updateGUI m_currentTableStyle=" << m_currentTableStyle << " " << m_currentTableStyle->name() << endl;
+ // Update name
+ m_nameString->setText(m_currentTableStyle->displayName());
+ // Update style and framestyle
+ if ( m_doc->styleCollection()->findStyle( m_currentTableStyle->paragraphStyle()->name() ) )
+ m_style->setCurrentText(m_currentTableStyle->paragraphStyle()->displayName());
+ if ( m_doc->frameStyleCollection()->findStyle( m_currentTableStyle->frameStyle()->name() ) )
+ m_frameStyle->setCurrentText(m_currentTableStyle->frameStyle()->displayName());
+ // update delete button (can't delete first style);
+ m_deleteButton->setEnabled(m_stylesList->currentItem() != 0);
+ m_moveUpButton->setEnabled(m_stylesList->currentItem() != 0);
+ m_moveDownButton->setEnabled(m_stylesList->currentItem()!=(int)m_stylesList->count()-1);
+ updatePreview();
+void KWTableStyleManager::updatePreview()
+ preview->setTableStyle(m_currentTableStyle);
+void KWTableStyleManager::save()
+ m_currentTableStyle->setDisplayName( m_nameString->text() );
+void KWTableStyleManager::addStyle()
+ save();
+ KWTableStyleCollection* collection = m_doc->tableStyleCollection();
+ QString str = i18n( "New Tablestyle Template (%1)" ).arg(numTableStyles++);
+ if ( m_currentTableStyle )
+ {
+ m_currentTableStyle = new KWTableStyle( *m_currentTableStyle );
+ m_currentTableStyle->setDisplayName( str );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ KWTableStyle* defaultTableStyle = collection->findStyle( collection->defaultStyleName() );
+ Q_ASSERT( defaultTableStyle ); // can't be 0 except if there are no styles at all
+ KWFrameStyle *defaultFrameStyle = defaultTableStyle->frameStyle();
+ KoParagStyle *defaultParagraphStyle = defaultTableStyle->paragraphStyle();
+ m_currentTableStyle = new KWTableStyle( str, defaultParagraphStyle, defaultFrameStyle );
+ }
+ m_currentTableStyle->setName( collection->generateUniqueName() );
+ noSignals=true;
+ m_tableStyles.append(new KWTableStyleListItem(0L,m_currentTableStyle));
+ m_stylesList->insertItem( str );
+ m_styleOrder << m_currentTableStyle->name();
+ m_stylesList->setCurrentItem( m_stylesList->count() - 1 );
+ noSignals=false;
+ updateGUI();
+void KWTableStyleManager::importFromFile()
+ QStringList lst;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i<m_stylesList->count();i++)
+ {
+ lst << m_stylesList->text(i );
+ }
+ KWImportFrameTableStyleDia dia( m_doc, lst, KWImportFrameTableStyleDia::TableStyle, this, 0 );
+ if ( dia.listOfTableStyleImported().count() > 0 && dia.exec() ) {
+ QPtrList<KWTableStyle> list = dia.listOfTableStyleImported();
+ addStyles( list);
+ }
+void KWTableStyleManager::addStyles(const QPtrList<KWTableStyle> &listStyle )
+ save();
+ QPtrListIterator<KWTableStyle> style( listStyle );
+ for ( ; style.current() ; ++style )
+ {
+ noSignals=true;
+ m_stylesList->insertItem( style.current()->displayName() );
+ m_styleOrder << style.current()->name();
+ m_tableStyles.append( new KWTableStyleListItem( 0L,new KWTableStyle(*style.current())) );
+ noSignals=false;
+ }
+ updateGUI();
+void KWTableStyleManager::deleteStyle()
+ Q_ASSERT( m_currentTableStyle );
+ unsigned int cur = tableStyleIndex( m_stylesList->currentItem() );
+ m_styleOrder.remove( m_currentTableStyle->name() );
+ if ( !>origTableStyle() )
+ m_tableStyles.take( cur );
+ else {
+>deleteStyle( m_currentTableStyle );
+ m_currentTableStyle = 0L;
+ }
+ // Update GUI
+ m_stylesList->removeItem( m_stylesList->currentItem() );
+ numTableStyles--;
+ m_stylesList->setSelected( m_stylesList->currentItem(), true );
+void KWTableStyleManager::moveUpStyle()
+ Q_ASSERT( m_currentTableStyle );
+ if ( m_currentTableStyle )
+ save();
+ const QString currentStyleName = m_currentTableStyle->name();
+ const QString currentStyleDisplayName = m_stylesList->currentText();
+ int pos2 = m_styleOrder.findIndex( currentStyleName );
+ if ( pos2 != -1 )
+ {
+ m_styleOrder.remove( );
+ m_styleOrder.insert(, currentStyleName );
+ }
+ int pos = m_stylesList->currentItem();
+ noSignals=true;
+ m_stylesList->changeItem( m_stylesList->text( pos-1 ), pos );
+ m_stylesList->changeItem( currentStyleDisplayName, pos-1 );
+ m_stylesList->setCurrentItem( m_stylesList->currentItem() );
+ noSignals=false;
+ updateGUI();
+void KWTableStyleManager::moveDownStyle()
+ Q_ASSERT( m_currentTableStyle );
+ if ( m_currentTableStyle )
+ save();
+ const QString currentStyleName = m_currentTableStyle->name();
+ const QString currentStyleDisplayName = m_stylesList->currentText();
+ int pos2 = m_styleOrder.findIndex( currentStyleName );
+ if ( pos2 != -1 )
+ {
+ m_styleOrder.remove( );
+ m_styleOrder.insert(, currentStyleName );
+ }
+ int pos = m_stylesList->currentItem();
+ noSignals=true;
+ m_stylesList->changeItem( m_stylesList->text( pos+1 ), pos );
+ m_stylesList->changeItem( currentStyleDisplayName, pos+1 );
+ m_stylesList->setCurrentItem( m_stylesList->currentItem() );
+ noSignals=false;
+ updateGUI();
+void KWTableStyleManager::slotOk() {
+ save();
+ apply();
+ KDialogBase::slotOk();
+void KWTableStyleManager::slotApply() {
+ save();
+ apply();
+ KDialogBase::slotApply();
+void KWTableStyleManager::apply() {
+ noSignals=true;
+ for (unsigned int i =0 ; i < m_tableStyles.count() ; i++) {
+ if(>origTableStyle() == 0) { // newly added style
+ kdDebug() << "adding new tablestyle" <<>changedTableStyle()->name() << " (" << i << ")" << endl;
+ KWTableStyle *tmp = m_doc->tableStyleCollection()->addStyle( m_tableStyles.take(i)->changedTableStyle() );
+ m_tableStyles.insert(i, new KWTableStyleListItem(0, tmp) );
+ } else if(>changedTableStyle() == 0) { // deleted style
+ kdDebug() << "deleting orig tablestyle " <<>origTableStyle()->name() << " (" << i << ")" << endl;
+ KWTableStyle *orig =>origTableStyle();
+ m_doc->tableStyleCollection()->removeStyle( orig );
+ } else {
+ kdDebug() << "update tablestyle " <<>changedTableStyle()->name() << " (" << i << ")" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ m_doc->tableStyleCollection()->updateStyleListOrder( m_styleOrder );
+ m_doc->updateAllTableStyleLists();
+ m_doc->setModified( true );
+ noSignals=false;
+void KWTableStyleManager::renameStyle(const QString &theText) {
+ if(noSignals) return;
+ noSignals=true;
+ int index = m_stylesList->currentItem();
+ kdDebug() << "KWTableStyleManager::renameStyle " << index << " to " << theText << endl;
+ // rename only in the GUI, not even in the underlying objects (save() does it).
+ m_stylesList->changeItem( theText, index );
+ //m_styleOrder[index]=theText; // not needed anymore, we use internal names
+ // Check how many styles with that name we have now
+ int synonyms = 0;
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_stylesList->count(); i++ ) {
+ if ( m_stylesList->text( i ) == m_stylesList->currentText() )
+ ++synonyms;
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT( synonyms > 0 ); // should have found 'index' at least !
+ noSignals=false;
+ // Can't close the dialog if two styles have the same name
+ bool state=!theText.isEmpty() && (synonyms == 1);
+ enableButtonOK(state );
+ enableButtonApply(state);
+ enableButton( KDialogBase::User1, state );
+ m_deleteButton->setEnabled(state&&(m_stylesList->currentItem() != 0));
+ m_newButton->setEnabled(state);
+ m_stylesList->setEnabled( state );
+ if ( state )
+ {
+ m_moveUpButton->setEnabled(m_stylesList->currentItem() != 0);
+ m_moveDownButton->setEnabled(m_stylesList->currentItem()!=(int)m_stylesList->count()-1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_moveUpButton->setEnabled(false);
+ m_moveDownButton->setEnabled(false);
+ }
+/** Show the frame-style-manager and apply changes to the current selected tablestyle.
+ */
+void KWTableStyleManager::changeFrameStyle()
+// 0. Save name, otherwise it will be gone when you return
+ save();
+// 1. Execute frame style manager
+ KWFrameStyleManager frameStylist( this, m_doc, m_currentTableStyle->frameStyle()->name() );
+ frameStylist.exec();
+// 2. Apply changes
+ updateAllStyleCombos();
+ updateGUI();
+/** Show the stylist and apply changes to the current selected tablestyle.
+ */
+void KWTableStyleManager::changeStyle()
+// 0. Save name, otherwise it will be gone when you return
+ save();
+// 1. Execute stylist
+ KWStyleManager styleManager( this, m_doc->unit(), m_doc, *m_doc->styleCollection());
+ styleManager.exec();
+// 2. Apply changes
+ updateAllStyleCombos();
+ updateGUI();
+void KWTableStyleManager::updateAllStyleCombos()
+ unsigned int oldSindex = 0;
+ unsigned int oldFSindex = 0;
+ QString oldS = "";
+ QString oldFS = "";
+ if (m_style->currentItem()>=0) {
+ oldSindex = m_style->currentItem();
+ oldS = m_style->currentText();
+ }
+ if (m_frameStyle->currentItem()>=0) {
+ oldFSindex = m_frameStyle->currentItem();
+ oldFS = m_frameStyle->currentText();
+ }
+ // Let's check if there were deleted framestyles or styles.
+ // If that is the case than we search for the old name
+ // If it exists then we use that index, else we use
+ // the old index.
+ // Problems:
+ // - 1. Count is the same, but the user has delete the same number as he added
+ // - 2. Old name is not in new list, old index is wrong index in new list
+ if ( ( static_cast<unsigned int>(m_style->count())!=m_doc->styleCollection()->styleList().count() ) &&
+ ( m_style->listBox()->findItem( oldS ) ) ) {
+ oldSindex = m_style->listBox()->index( m_style->listBox()->findItem( oldS ) );
+ }
+ if ( ( m_frameStyle->count() != m_doc->frameStyleCollection()->count() ) &&
+ ( m_frameStyle->listBox()->findItem( oldFS ) ) ) {
+ oldFSindex = m_frameStyle->listBox()->index( m_frameStyle->listBox()->findItem( oldFS ) );
+ }
+ // Update the comboboxes
+ m_frameStyle->clear();
+ m_frameStyle->insertStringList( m_doc->frameStyleCollection()->displayNameList() );
+ m_frameStyle->setCurrentItem( oldFSindex );
+ m_style->clear();
+ m_style->insertStringList( m_doc->styleCollection()->displayNameList() );
+ m_style->setCurrentItem( oldSindex );
+void KWTableStyleManager::selectFrameStyle(int index)
+ kdDebug() << "KWTableStyleManager::selectFrameStyle index " << index << endl;
+ if ( (index>=0) && ( index < (int)m_doc->frameStyleCollection()->count() ) )
+ m_currentTableStyle->setFrameStyle( m_doc->frameStyleCollection()->frameStyleAt(index) );
+ save();
+ updateGUI();
+void KWTableStyleManager::selectStyle(int index)
+ kdDebug() << "KWTableStyleManager::selectStyle index " << index << endl;
+ if ( (index>=0) && ( index < (int)m_doc->styleCollection()->styleList().count() ) )
+ m_currentTableStyle->setParagraphStyle( m_doc->styleCollection()->styleAt(index) );
+ save();
+ updateGUI();