path: root/lib/kformula/sequenceelement.h
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authortpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-01-20 01:29:50 +0000
committertpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-01-20 01:29:50 +0000
commit8362bf63dea22bbf6736609b0f49c152f975eb63 (patch)
tree0eea3928e39e50fae91d4e68b21b1e6cbae25604 /lib/kformula/sequenceelement.h
Added old abandoned KDE3 version of koffice
git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kformula/sequenceelement.h')
1 files changed, 620 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kformula/sequenceelement.h b/lib/kformula/sequenceelement.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9bc3c500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/kformula/sequenceelement.h
@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ Copyright (C) 2001 Andrea Rizzi <[email protected]>
+ Ulrich Kuettler <[email protected]>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include <qptrlist.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include "basicelement.h"
+class QKeyEvent;
+class SymbolTable;
+class ElementCreationStrategy;
+ * The element that contains a number of children.
+ * The children are aligned in one line.
+ */
+class SequenceElement : public BasicElement {
+ SequenceElement& operator=( const SequenceElement& ) { return *this; }
+ SequenceElement(BasicElement* parent = 0);
+ ~SequenceElement();
+ SequenceElement( const SequenceElement& );
+ virtual SequenceElement* clone() {
+ return new SequenceElement( *this );
+ }
+ virtual bool accept( ElementVisitor* visitor );
+ /**
+ * @returns whether its prohibited to change the sequence with this cursor.
+ */
+ virtual bool readOnly( const FormulaCursor* ) const;
+ /**
+ * @returns true if the sequence contains only text.
+ */
+ virtual bool isTextOnly() const { return textSequence; }
+ /**
+ * Sets the cursor and returns the element the point is in.
+ * The handled flag shows whether the cursor has been set.
+ * This is needed because only the innermost matching element
+ * is allowed to set the cursor.
+ */
+ virtual BasicElement* goToPos( FormulaCursor*, bool& handled,
+ const LuPixelPoint& point,
+ const LuPixelPoint& parentOrigin );
+ // drawing
+ //
+ // Drawing depends on a context which knows the required properties like
+ // fonts, spaces and such.
+ // It is essential to calculate elements size with the same context
+ // before you draw.
+ /**
+ * Tells the sequence to have a smaller size than its parant.
+ */
+ void setSizeReduction(const ContextStyle& context);
+ /**
+ * @returns true if there is no visible element in the sequence.
+ * Please note that there might be phantom elements.
+ */
+ bool isEmpty();
+ /**
+ * Calculates our width and height and
+ * our children's parentPosition.
+ */
+ virtual void calcSizes( const ContextStyle& cstyle,
+ ContextStyle::TextStyle tstyle,
+ ContextStyle::IndexStyle istyle,
+ StyleAttributes& style );
+ /**
+ * Draws the whole element including its children.
+ * The `parentOrigin' is the point this element's parent starts.
+ * We can use our parentPosition to get our own origin then.
+ */
+ virtual void draw( QPainter& painter, const LuPixelRect& r,
+ const ContextStyle& context,
+ ContextStyle::TextStyle tstyle,
+ ContextStyle::IndexStyle istyle,
+ StyleAttributes& style,
+ const LuPixelPoint& parentOrigin );
+ /**
+ * Dispatch this FontCommand to all our TextElement children.
+ */
+ virtual void dispatchFontCommand( FontCommand* cmd );
+ virtual void drawEmptyRect( QPainter& painter, const ContextStyle& context,
+ double factor, const LuPixelPoint& upperLeft );
+ virtual void calcCursorSize( const ContextStyle& context,
+ FormulaCursor* cursor, bool smallCursor );
+ /**
+ * If the cursor is inside a sequence it needs to be drawn.
+ */
+ virtual void drawCursor( QPainter& painter, const ContextStyle& context,
+ StyleAttributes& style, FormulaCursor* cursor,
+ bool smallCursor, bool activeCursor );
+ // navigation
+ //
+ // The elements are responsible to handle cursor movement themselves.
+ // To do this they need to know the direction the cursor moves and
+ // the element it comes from.
+ //
+ // The cursor might be in normal or in selection mode.
+ /**
+ * Enters this element while moving to the left starting inside
+ * the element `from'. Searches for a cursor position inside
+ * this element or to the left of it.
+ */
+ virtual void moveLeft(FormulaCursor* cursor, BasicElement* from);
+ /**
+ * Enters this element while moving to the right starting inside
+ * the element `from'. Searches for a cursor position inside
+ * this element or to the right of it.
+ */
+ virtual void moveRight(FormulaCursor* cursor, BasicElement* from);
+ /**
+ * Moves to the beginning of this word or if we are there already
+ * to the beginning of the previous.
+ */
+ virtual void moveWordLeft(FormulaCursor* cursor);
+ /**
+ * Moves to the end of this word or if we are there already
+ * to the end of the next.
+ */
+ virtual void moveWordRight(FormulaCursor* cursor);
+ /**
+ * Enters this element while moving up starting inside
+ * the element `from'. Searches for a cursor position inside
+ * this element or above it.
+ */
+ virtual void moveUp(FormulaCursor* cursor, BasicElement* from);
+ /**
+ * Enters this element while moving down starting inside
+ * the element `from'. Searches for a cursor position inside
+ * this element or below it.
+ */
+ virtual void moveDown(FormulaCursor* cursor, BasicElement* from);
+ /**
+ * Moves the cursor to the first position in this sequence.
+ * (That is before the first child.)
+ */
+ virtual void moveHome(FormulaCursor* cursor);
+ /**
+ * Moves the cursor to the last position in this sequence.
+ * (That is behind the last child.)
+ */
+ virtual void moveEnd(FormulaCursor* cursor);
+ /**
+ * Sets the cursor inside this element to its start position.
+ * For most elements that is the main child.
+ */
+ virtual void goInside(FormulaCursor* cursor);
+ /**
+ * Sets the cursor inside this element to its last position.
+ * For most elements that is the main child.
+ */
+ virtual void goInsideLast(FormulaCursor* cursor);
+ // children
+ /**
+ * Inserts all new children at the cursor position. Places the
+ * cursor according to the direction. The inserted elements will
+ * be selected.
+ *
+ * The list will be emptied but stays the property of the caller.
+ */
+ virtual void insert(FormulaCursor*, QPtrList<BasicElement>&, Direction);
+ /**
+ * Removes all selected children and returns them. Places the
+ * cursor to where the children have been.
+ */
+ virtual void remove(FormulaCursor*, QPtrList<BasicElement>&, Direction);
+ /**
+ * Moves the cursor to a normal place where new elements
+ * might be inserted.
+ */
+ virtual void normalize(FormulaCursor*, Direction);
+ /**
+ * Returns the child at the cursor.
+ * Does not care about the selection.
+ */
+ virtual BasicElement* getChild(FormulaCursor*, Direction = beforeCursor);
+ /**
+ * Sets the cursor to select the child. The mark is placed before,
+ * the position behind it.
+ */
+ virtual void selectChild(FormulaCursor* cursor, BasicElement* child);
+ /**
+ * Moves the cursor away from the given child. The cursor is
+ * guaranteed to be inside this element.
+ */
+ virtual void childWillVanish(FormulaCursor* cursor, BasicElement* child);
+ /**
+ * @returns the number of children we have.
+ */
+ uint countChildren() const { return children.count(); }
+ /**
+ * @returns whether the child has the given number.
+ */
+ bool isChildNumber( uint pos, BasicElement* child )
+ { return pos ) == child; }
+ /**
+ * Selects all children. The cursor is put behind, the mark before them.
+ */
+ void selectAllChildren(FormulaCursor* cursor);
+ bool onlyTextSelected( FormulaCursor* cursor );
+ /**
+ * This is called by the container to get a command depending on
+ * the current cursor position (this is how the element gets chosen)
+ * and the request.
+ *
+ * @returns the command that performs the requested action with
+ * the containers active cursor.
+ */
+ virtual KCommand* buildCommand( Container*, Request* );
+ /**
+ * Parses the input. It's the container which does create
+ * new elements because it owns the undo stack. But only the
+ * sequence knows what chars are allowed.
+ */
+ virtual KCommand* input( Container* container, QChar ch );
+ virtual KCommand* input( Container* container, QKeyEvent* event );
+ /**
+ * Parses the sequence and generates a new syntax tree.
+ * Has to be called after each modification.
+ */
+ virtual void parse();
+ /**
+ * Stores the given childrens dom in the element.
+ */
+ void getChildrenDom( QDomDocument& doc, QDomElement elem, uint from, uint to);
+ /**
+ * Stores the given childrens MathML dom in the element.
+ */
+ void getChildrenMathMLDom( QDomDocument& doc, QDomNode& elem, uint from, uint to );
+ /**
+ * Builds elements from the given node and its siblings and
+ * puts them into the list.
+ * Returns false if an error occures.
+ */
+ bool buildChildrenFromDom(QPtrList<BasicElement>& list, QDomNode n);
+ /**
+ * @returns the latex representation of the element and
+ * of the element's children
+ */
+ virtual QString toLatex();
+ virtual QString formulaString();
+ /**
+ * @returns the child at position i.
+ */
+ BasicElement* getChild(uint i) { return; }
+ const BasicElement* getChild(uint i) const;
+ int childPos( BasicElement* child ) { return children.find( child ); }
+ int childPos( const BasicElement* child ) const;
+ class ChildIterator {
+ public:
+ ChildIterator( SequenceElement* sequence, int pos=0 )
+ : m_sequence( sequence ), m_pos( pos ) {}
+ typedef BasicElement value_type;
+ typedef BasicElement* pointer;
+ typedef BasicElement& reference;
+ // we simply expect the compared iterators to belong
+ // to the same sequence.
+ bool operator== ( const ChildIterator& it ) const
+ { return /*m_sequence==it.m_sequence &&*/ m_pos==it.m_pos; }
+ bool operator!= ( const ChildIterator& it ) const
+ { return /*m_sequence!=it.m_sequence ||*/ m_pos!=it.m_pos; }
+ const BasicElement& operator* () const
+ { return *m_sequence->getChild( m_pos ); }
+ BasicElement& operator* ()
+ { return *m_sequence->getChild( m_pos ); }
+ BasicElement* operator->() const
+ { return m_sequence->getChild( m_pos ); }
+ ChildIterator& operator++ ()
+ { ++m_pos; return *this; }
+ ChildIterator operator++ ( int )
+ { ChildIterator it( *this ); ++m_pos; return it; }
+ ChildIterator& operator-- ()
+ { --m_pos; return *this; }
+ ChildIterator operator-- ( int )
+ { ChildIterator it( *this ); --m_pos; return it; }
+ ChildIterator& operator+= ( int j )
+ { m_pos+=j; return *this; }
+ ChildIterator & operator-= ( int j )
+ { m_pos-=j; return *this; }
+ private:
+ SequenceElement* m_sequence;
+ int m_pos;
+ };
+ typedef ChildIterator iterator;
+ iterator begin() { return ChildIterator( this, 0 ); }
+ iterator end() { return ChildIterator( this, countChildren() ); }
+ static void setCreationStrategy( ElementCreationStrategy* strategy );
+ virtual void setStyle(StyleElement *style);
+ virtual int buildChildrenFromMathMLDom(QPtrList<BasicElement>& list, QDomNode n);
+ virtual int readContentFromMathMLDom(QDomNode& node);
+ int buildMathMLChild( QDomNode node );
+ //Save/load support
+ /**
+ * Returns the tag name of this element type.
+ */
+ virtual QString getTagName() const { return "SEQUENCE"; }
+ /**
+ * Appends our attributes to the dom element.
+ */
+ virtual void writeDom(QDomElement element);
+ virtual QString getElementName() const { return "mrow"; }
+ virtual void writeMathMLContent( QDomDocument& doc,
+ QDomElement& element,
+ bool oasisFormat ) const;
+ /**
+ * Reads our attributes from the element.
+ * Returns false if it failed.
+ */
+ virtual bool readAttributesFromDom(QDomElement element);
+ /**
+ * Reads our content from the node. Sets the node to the next node
+ * that needs to be read.
+ * Returns false if it failed.
+ */
+ virtual bool readContentFromDom(QDomNode& node);
+ /**
+ * Sets the childrens' positions after their size has been
+ * calculated.
+ *
+ * @see #calcSizes
+ */
+ virtual void setChildrenPositions();
+ /**
+ * Creates a new element with the given type.
+ *
+ * @param type the desired type of the element
+ */
+ virtual BasicElement* createElement(QString type, const QDomElement &element);
+ /**
+ * @returns the position where the child starts.
+ *
+ * @param context the context the child is in
+ * @param child the child's number
+ */
+ luPixel getChildPosition( const ContextStyle& context, uint child );
+ /**
+ * @returns whether the child is the first element of its token.
+ */
+ virtual bool isFirstOfToken( BasicElement* child );
+ /**
+ * Insert a new child in the sequence
+ *
+ * @returns true if succesful, i.e. if index is in range, otherwise returns
+ * false. The valid range is 0 to count(). The child is appended if index == count().
+ *
+ * @param index position in the sequence to insert the child
+ * @param child the child to insert in the sequence
+ */
+ bool insert( uint index, BasicElement *child );
+ static ElementCreationStrategy* getCreationStrategy() { return creationStrategy; }
+ /**
+ * Space around sequence
+ */
+ virtual luPt getSpaceBefore( const ContextStyle&, ContextStyle::TextStyle, double ) { return 0; }
+ virtual luPt getSpaceAfter( const ContextStyle&, ContextStyle::TextStyle, double ) { return 0; }
+ static ElementCreationStrategy* creationStrategy;
+ /**
+ * Removes the children at pos and appends it to the list.
+ */
+ void removeChild(QPtrList<BasicElement>& removedChildren, int pos);
+ /**
+ * Our children. Be sure to notify the rootElement before
+ * you remove any.
+ */
+ QPtrList<BasicElement> children;
+ /**
+ * the syntax tree of the sequence
+ */
+ ElementType* parseTree;
+ /**
+ * true if the sequence contains only text
+ */
+ bool textSequence;
+ bool singlePipe; //The key '|' produces one '|' not '| |', '||' produces '| |'
+ StyleElement *style;
+ * The sequence thats a name. Actually the purpose
+ * is to be able to insert any element by keyboard.
+ */
+class NameSequence : public SequenceElement {
+ typedef SequenceElement inherited;
+ NameSequence( BasicElement* parent = 0 );
+ virtual NameSequence* clone() {
+ return new NameSequence( *this );
+ }
+ virtual bool accept( ElementVisitor* visitor );
+ /**
+ * @returns true if the sequence contains only text.
+ */
+ //virtual bool isTextOnly() const { return true; }
+ /**
+ * @returns the character that represents this element. Used for
+ * parsing a sequence.
+ * This is guaranteed to be QChar::null for all non-text elements.
+ */
+ virtual QChar getCharacter() const { return '\\'; }
+ /**
+ * @returns the type of this element. Used for
+ * parsing a sequence.
+ */
+ virtual TokenType getTokenType() const { return NAME; }
+ /**
+ * We are our own main child. This causes interessting effects.
+ */
+ virtual SequenceElement* getMainChild() { return this; }
+ virtual void calcCursorSize( const ContextStyle& context,
+ FormulaCursor* cursor, bool smallCursor );
+ /**
+ * If the cursor is inside a sequence it needs to be drawn.
+ */
+ virtual void drawCursor( QPainter& painter, const ContextStyle& context,
+ StyleAttributes& style, FormulaCursor* cursor,
+ bool smallCursor, bool activeCursor );
+ /**
+ * Moves to the beginning of this word or if we are there already
+ * to the beginning of the previous.
+ */
+ virtual void moveWordLeft(FormulaCursor* cursor);
+ /**
+ * Moves to the end of this word or if we are there already
+ * to the end of the next.
+ */
+ virtual void moveWordRight(FormulaCursor* cursor);
+ /**
+ * This is called by the container to get a command depending on
+ * the current cursor position (this is how the element gets chosen)
+ * and the request.
+ *
+ * @returns the command that performs the requested action with
+ * the containers active cursor.
+ */
+ virtual KCommand* buildCommand( Container*, Request* );
+ /**
+ * Parses the input. It's the container which does create
+ * new elements because it owns the undo stack. But only the
+ * sequence knows what chars are allowed.
+ */
+ virtual KCommand* input( Container* container, QChar ch );
+ /**
+ * Sets a new type. This is done during parsing.
+ */
+ virtual void setElementType( ElementType* t );
+ /**
+ * @returns the element this sequence is to be replaced with.
+ */
+ BasicElement* replaceElement( const SymbolTable& table );
+ /**
+ * Tests whether the selected elements can be inserted in a
+ * name sequence.
+ */
+ static bool isValidSelection( FormulaCursor* cursor );
+ /**
+ * Returns the tag name of this element type.
+ */
+ virtual QString getTagName() const { return "NAMESEQUENCE"; }
+ virtual QString getElementName() const { return "mi"; }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new element with the given type.
+ *
+ * @param type the desired type of the element
+ */
+ virtual BasicElement* createElement( QString type );
+ /**
+ * Parses the sequence and generates a new syntax tree.
+ * Has to be called after each modification.
+ */
+ //virtual void parse();
+ /**
+ * @returns whether the child is the first element of its token.
+ * This can never happen here. Our children reuse our own
+ * element type.
+ */
+ virtual bool isFirstOfToken( BasicElement* ) { return false; }
+ KCommand* compactExpressionCmd( Container* container );
+ QString buildName();