path: root/kexi/core/kexidialogbase.h
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1 files changed, 352 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kexi/core/kexidialogbase.h b/kexi/core/kexidialogbase.h
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index 00000000..43dc1ff4
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+++ b/kexi/core/kexidialogbase.h
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+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ Copyright (C) 2003 Lucijan Busch <[email protected]>
+ Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Jaroslaw Staniek <[email protected]>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include "kexipartguiclient.h"
+#include "kexiactionproxy.h"
+#include "kexi.h"
+#include "kexipart.h"
+#include <qguardedptr.h>
+#include <kmdichildview.h>
+#include <kxmlguiclient.h>
+class QWidgetStack;
+class KexiMainWindow;
+class KexiViewBase;
+class KActionCollection;
+class KexiContextHelpInfo;
+namespace KexiPart {
+ class Part;
+namespace KoProperty {
+ class Set;
+//! Privides temporary data shared between KexiDialogBase's views (KexiView's)
+/*! Designed for reimplementation, if needed. */
+class KEXICORE_EXPORT KexiDialogTempData : public QObject
+ public:
+ KexiDialogTempData(QObject* parent)
+ : QObject(parent, "KexiDialogTempData")
+ , proposeOpeningInTextViewModeBecauseOfProblems(false)
+ {}
+ /*! Initially false, KexiPart::Part implementation can set this to true
+ on data loading (e.g. in loadSchemaData()), to indicate that TextView mode
+ could be used instead of DataView or DesignView, because there are problems
+ with opening object.
+ For example, in KexiQueryPart::loadSchemaData() query statement can be invalid,
+ and thus could not be displayed in DesignView mode or executed for DataView.
+ So, this flag is set to true and user is asked for confirmation for switching
+ to TextView (SQL Editor).
+ After switching to TextView, this flag is cleared.
+ */
+ bool proposeOpeningInTextViewModeBecauseOfProblems : 1;
+//! Base class for child window of Kexi's main application window.
+/*! This class can contain a number of configurable views, switchable using toggle action.
+ It also automatically works as a proxy for shared (application-wide) actions.
+class KEXICORE_EXPORT KexiDialogBase :
+ public KMdiChildView,
+ public KexiActionProxy,
+ public Kexi::ObjectStatus
+ public:
+ KexiDialogBase(KexiMainWindow *parent, const QString &caption = QString::null);
+ virtual ~KexiDialogBase();
+ bool isRegistered();
+ //! \return currently selected view or 0 if there is no current view
+ KexiViewBase *selectedView() const;
+ /*! \return a view for a given \a mode or 0 if there's no such mode available (or opened).
+ This does not open mode if it's not opened. */
+ KexiViewBase *viewForMode(int mode) const;
+ //! Adds \a view for the dialog. It will be the _only_ view (of unspecified mode) for the dialog
+ void addView(KexiViewBase *view);
+ /*! \return main (top level) widget inside this dialog.
+ This widget is used for e.g. determining minimum size hint and size hint. */
+// virtual QWidget* mainWidget() = 0;
+ /*! reimplemented: minimum size hint is inherited from currently visible view. */
+ virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const;
+ /*! reimplemented: size hint is inherited from currently visible view. */
+ virtual QSize sizeHint() const;
+ KexiMainWindow *mainWin() const { return m_parentWindow; }
+ //js todo: maybe remove this since it's often the same as partItem()->identifier()?:
+ /*! This method sets internal identifier for the dialog, but
+ if there is a part item associated with this dialog (see partItem()),
+ partItem()->identifier() will be is used as identifier, so this method is noop.
+ Thus, it's usable only for dialog types when no part item is assigned. */
+ void setId(int id) { m_id = id; }
+ /*! If there is a part item associated with this dialog (see partItem()),
+ partItem()->identifier() is returned, otherwise internal dialog's identifier
+ (previously set by setID()) is returned. */
+ int id() const;
+ //! \return Kexi part used to create this window
+ inline KexiPart::Part* part() const { return m_part; }
+ //! \return Kexi part item used to create this window
+ KexiPart::Item *partItem() const { return m_item; }
+ //! Kexi dialog's gui COMMON client.
+ //! It's obtained by querying part object for this dialog.
+ KexiPart::GUIClient* commonGUIClient() const;
+ //! Kexi dialog's gui client for currently selected view.
+ //! It's obtained by querying part object for this dialog.
+ KexiPart::GUIClient* guiClient() const;
+ /*! Tries to close the dialog. \return true if closing is accepted
+ (sometimes, user may not want to close the dialog by pressing cancel).
+ If \a dontSaveChanges if true, changes are not saved even if this dialog is dirty. */
+//js removed bool tryClose(bool dontSaveChanges);
+ /*! \return name of icon provided by part that created this dialog.
+ The name is used by KexiMainWindow to set/reset icon for this dialog. */
+ virtual QString itemIcon();
+ /*! \return true if this dialog supports switching to \a mode.
+ \a mode is one of Kexi::ViewMode enum elements.
+ The flags are used e.g. for testing by KexiMainWindow, if actions
+ of switching to given view mode is available.
+ This member is intialised in KexiPart that creates this KexiDialogBase object. */
+ bool supportsViewMode( int mode ) const { return m_supportedViewModes & mode; }
+ /*! \return current view mode for this dialog. */
+ int currentViewMode() const { return m_currentViewMode; }
+ /*! Switches this dialog to \a newViewMode.
+ \a viewMode is one of Kexi::ViewMode enum elements.
+ \return true for successful switching
+ True is returned also if user has cancelled switching
+ (rarely, but for any reason) - cancelled is returned.
+ */
+ tristate switchToViewMode( int newViewMode );
+ void setContextHelp(const QString& caption, const QString& text, const QString& iconName);
+ /*! Internal reimplementation. */
+ virtual bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *e);
+ /*! Used by Main Window
+ */
+ virtual void attachToGUIClient();
+ virtual void detachFromGUIClient();
+ /*! True if contents (data) of the dialog is dirty and need to be saved
+ This may or not be used, depending if changes in the dialog
+ are saved immediately (e.g. like in datatableview) or saved by hand (by user)
+ (e.g. like in alter-table dialog).
+ \return true if at least on "dirty" flag is set for one of the dialog's view. */
+ bool dirty() const;
+ /*! \return a pointer to view that has recently set dirty flag.
+ This value is cleared when dirty flag is set to false (i.e. upon saving changes). */
+ KexiViewBase* viewThatRecentlySetDirtyFlag() const { return m_viewThatRecentlySetDirtyFlag; }
+ /*! \return true, if this dialog's data were never saved.
+ If it's true we're usually try to ask a user if the dialog's
+ data should be saved somewhere. After dialog construction,
+ "neverSaved" flag is set to appropriate value.
+ KexiPart::Item::neverSaved() is reused.
+ */
+ bool neverSaved() const;
+ /*! \return property set provided by a current view,
+ or NULL if there is no view set (or the view has no set assigned). */
+ KoProperty::Set *propertySet();
+ KexiDB::SchemaData* schemaData() const { return m_schemaData; }
+ /*! Reimpelmented: "*" is added if for 'dirty' dialog's data. */
+// QString caption() const;
+ /*! Used by KexiViewBase subclasses. \return temporary data shared between views */
+ KexiDialogTempData *tempData() const { return m_tempData; }
+// /*! Used by KexiViewBase subclasses. Sets temporary data shared between views. */
+// void setTempData( KexiDialogTempData* data ) { m_tempData = data; }
+ /*! Called primarily by KexiMainWindowImpl to activate dialog.
+ Selected view (if present) is also informed about activation. */
+ void activate();
+ /*! Called primarily by KexiMainWindowImpl to deactivate dialog.
+ Selected view (if present) is also informed about deactivation. */
+ void deactivate();
+ public slots:
+ virtual void setFocus();
+ void updateCaption();
+ /*! Internal. Called by KexiMainWindowImpl::saveObject().
+ Tells this dialog to save changes of the existing object
+ to the backend. If \a dontAsk is true, no question dialog will
+ be shown to the user. The default is false.
+ \sa storeNewData()
+ \return true on success, false on failure and cancelled when storing has been cancelled. */
+ tristate storeData(bool dontAsk = false);
+ /*! Internal. Called by KexiMainWindowImpl::saveObject().
+ Tells this dialog to create and store data of the new object
+ to the backend.
+ Object's schema data has been never stored,
+ so it is created automatically, using information obtained
+ form part item. On success, part item's ID is updated to new value,
+ and m_schemaData is set. \sa schemaData().
+ \return true on success, false on failure and cancelled when storing has been cancelled. */
+ tristate storeNewData();
+ /*! Reimplemented - we're informing the current view about performed detaching by calling
+ KexiViewBase::parentDialogDetached(), so the view can react on this event
+ (by default KexiViewBase::parentDialogDetached() does nothing, you can reimplement it). */
+ void sendDetachedStateToCurrentView();
+ /*! W're informing the current view about performed atttaching by calling
+ KexiViewBase::parentDialogAttached(), so the view can react on this event
+ (by default KexiViewBase::parentDialogAttached() does nothing, you can reimplement it). */
+ void sendAttachedStateToCurrentView();
+ signals:
+ void updateContextHelp();
+ //! emitted when the window is about to close
+ void closing();
+ /*! Emited to inform the world that 'dirty' flag changes.
+ Activated by KexiViewBase::setDirty(). */
+ void dirtyChanged(KexiDialogBase*);
+ protected slots:
+ /*! Sets 'dirty' flag on every dialog's view. */
+ void setDirty(bool dirty);
+ protected:
+ /*! Used by Part::openInstance(),
+ like switchToViewMode( int newViewMode ), but passed \a staticObjectArgs.
+ Only used for parts of class KexiPart::StaticPart. */
+ tristate switchToViewMode( int newViewMode, QMap<QString,QString>* staticObjectArgs,
+ bool& proposeOpeningInTextViewModeBecauseOfProblems);
+ void registerDialog();
+ virtual void closeEvent( QCloseEvent * e );
+ //! \internal
+ void addView(KexiViewBase *view, int mode);
+ //! \internal
+ void removeView(int mode);
+ int m_supportedViewModes;
+ int m_openedViewModes;
+ int m_currentViewMode;
+ inline QWidgetStack * stack() const { return m_stack; }
+ //! Used by \a view to inform the dialog about changing state of the "dirty" flag.
+ void dirtyChanged(KexiViewBase* view);
+#if 0
+ /*! Loads large string data \a dataString block (e.g. xml form's representation),
+ indexed with optional \a dataID, from the database backend.
+ \return true on success
+ \sa storeDataBlock(). */
+ bool loadDataBlock( QString &dataString, const QString& dataID = QString::null);
+ /*! Stores (potentially large) string data \a dataString, block (e.g. xml form's representation),
+ at the database backend. Block will be stored in "kexi__objectdata" table pointed by
+ this object's id and an optional \a dataID identifier.
+ If there is already such record in the table, it's simply overwritten.
+ \return true on success
+ */
+ bool storeDataBlock( const QString &dataString, const QString& dataID = QString::null );
+ /*! Removes (potentially large) string data (e.g. xml form's representation),
+ pointed by optional \a dataID, from the database backend.
+ \return true on success. Does not fail if the block doe not exists.
+ Note that if \a dataID is not specified, all data blocks for this dialog will be removed.
+ \sa storeDataBlock(). */
+ bool removeDataBlock( QString &dataString, const QString& dataID = QString::null);
+ /*! @internal
+ Used by KexiDialogBase::storeDataBlock() and by KexiViewBase::storeDataBlock().
+ */
+ bool storeDataBlock_internal( const QString &dataString, int o_id, const QString& dataID );
+// void setError(const QString& message, const QString& details);
+ bool isDesignModePreloadedForTextModeHackUsed(int newViewMode) const;
+ private:
+ KexiMainWindow *m_parentWindow;
+ bool m_isRegistered;
+ KexiContextHelpInfo *m_contextHelpInfo;
+ int m_id;
+ QGuardedPtr<KexiPart::Part> m_part;
+ KexiPart::Item *m_item;
+ QWidgetStack *m_stack;
+ QString m_origCaption; //!< helper
+ KexiDB::SchemaData* m_schemaData;
+ QGuardedPtr<KexiViewBase> m_newlySelectedView; //!< Used in dirty(), temporary set in switchToViewMode()
+ //!< during view setup, when a new view is not yet raised.
+ //! Used in viewThatRecentlySetDirtyFlag(), modified in dirtyChanged().
+ QGuardedPtr<KexiViewBase> m_viewThatRecentlySetDirtyFlag;
+ QGuardedPtr<KexiDialogTempData> m_tempData; //!< temporary data shared between views
+ /*! Created view's mode - helper for switchToViewMode(),
+ KexiViewBase ctor uses that info. >0 values are useful. */
+ int m_creatingViewsMode;
+ bool m_destroying : 1; //!< true after entering to the dctor
+ bool m_disableDirtyChanged; //!< used in setDirty(), affects dirtyChanged()
+ friend class KexiMainWindow;
+// friend class KexiMainWindowImpl;
+ friend class KexiPart::Part;
+ friend class KexiInternalPart;
+ friend class KexiViewBase;