path: root/kexi/core/kexiproject.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'kexi/core/kexiproject.h')
1 files changed, 334 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kexi/core/kexiproject.h b/kexi/core/kexiproject.h
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index 00000000..1128ffe4
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+++ b/kexi/core/kexiproject.h
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+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ Copyright (C) 2003 Lucijan Busch <[email protected]>
+ Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Jaroslaw Staniek <[email protected]>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include <qobject.h>
+#include <qintdict.h>
+#include <qptrdict.h>
+#include <qguardedptr.h>
+#include <kexiutils/tristate.h>
+#include <kexidb/object.h>
+#include "kexiprojectdata.h"
+#include "kexipartitem.h"
+#include "kexi.h"
+/*! KexiProject implementation version.
+ It is altered after every change:
+ - major number is increased after KexiProject storage format change,
+ - minor is increased after adding binary-incompatible change.
+ Use KexiProject::versionMajor() and KexiProject::versionMinor() to get real project's version.
+namespace KexiDB
+ class DriverManager;
+ class Driver;
+ class Connection;
+ class Parser;
+namespace KexiPart
+ class Part;
+ class Info;
+class KexiMainWindow;
+class KexiDialogBase;
+ * @short A project's main controller.
+ * It also contains connection data,
+ * current file state, etc.
+ */
+class KEXICORE_EXPORT KexiProject : public QObject, public KexiDB::Object
+ public:
+ /*! Constructor 1. Creates a new object using \a pdata.
+ \a pdata which will be then owned by KexiProject object.
+ \a handler can be provided to receive error messages during
+ entire KexiProject object's lifetime. */
+ KexiProject(KexiProjectData* pdata, KexiDB::MessageHandler* handler = 0);
+ /*! Constructor 2. Like above but sets predefined connections \a conn.
+ The connection should be created using the same connection data
+ as pdata->connectionData(). The connection will become owned by created KexiProject
+ object, so do not destroy it. */
+ KexiProject(KexiProjectData *pdata, KexiDB::MessageHandler* handler,
+ KexiDB::Connection* conn);
+// KexiProject(KexiDB::ConnectionData *cdata);
+ ~KexiProject();
+ /*! \return major version of KexiProject object.
+ This information is retrieved from database when existing project is opened. */
+ int versionMajor() const;
+ /*! \return minor version of KexiProject object.
+ @see versionMajor() */
+ int versionMinor() const;
+ /*! Opens existing project using project data.
+ \return true on success */
+ tristate open();
+ /*! Like open().
+ \return true on success.
+ Additional \a incompatibleWithKexi, is set to false on failure when
+ connection for the project was successfully started bu the project
+ is probably not compatible with Kexi - no valid "kexidb_major_ver"
+ value in "kexi__db" table.
+ This is often the case for native server-based databases.
+ If so, Kexi application can propose importing the database
+ or linking it to parent project (the latter isn't yet implemented).
+ For other types of errors the variable is set to true. */
+ tristate open(bool &incompatibleWithKexi);
+ /*! Creates new, empty project using project data.
+ If \a forceOverwrite is true, existing database project is silently overwritten.
+ Connection is created (accessible then with KexiProject::dbConnection()).
+ Since KexiProject inherits KexiDB::Object, it is possible to get error message
+ and other information on error.
+ \return true on success, false on failure, and cancelled when database exists
+ but \a forceOverwrite is false. */
+ tristate create(bool forceOverwrite = false);
+ /*! \return true if there was error during last operation on the object. */
+ bool error() const { return KexiDB::Object::error(); }
+ /**
+ * @return true if a we are connected to a database
+ */
+ bool isConnected();
+ /**
+ * @return all items of a type \a i in this project
+ */
+ KexiPart::ItemDict* items(KexiPart::Info *i);
+ /**
+ * @return all items of a type \a mime in this project
+ * It is a convenience function.
+ */
+ KexiPart::ItemDict* itemsForMimeType(const QCString &mimeType);
+ /**
+ * Puts a list of items of a type \a i in this project into \a list.
+ * You can then sort this list using ItemList::sort().
+ */
+ void getSortedItems(KexiPart::ItemList& list, KexiPart::Info *i);
+ /**
+ * Puts a sorted list of items of a type \a mimeType in this project into \a list.
+ * You can then sort this list using ItemList::sort().
+ */
+ void getSortedItemsForMimeType(KexiPart::ItemList& list, const QCString &mimeType);
+ /**
+ * @return item of type \a mime and name \a name
+ */
+ KexiPart::Item* itemForMimeType(const QCString &mimeType, const QString &name);
+ /**
+ * @return item of type \a i and name \a name
+ */
+ KexiPart::Item* item(KexiPart::Info *i, const QString &name);
+ /**
+ * @return item for \a identifier
+ */
+ KexiPart::Item* item(int identifier);
+ /**
+ * @return the database connection associated with this project
+ */
+ KexiDB::Connection *dbConnection() const;
+ /**
+ * @return the project's data
+ */
+ KexiProjectData *data() const;
+ /*! Opens object pointed by \a item in a view \a viewMode.
+ \a staticObjectArgs can be passed for static object
+ (only works when part for this item is of type KexiPart::StaticPart) */
+ KexiDialogBase* openObject(KexiMainWindow *wnd, KexiPart::Item& item,
+ int viewMode = Kexi::DataViewMode, QMap<QString,QString>* staticObjectArgs = 0);
+ //! For convenience
+ KexiDialogBase* openObject(KexiMainWindow *wnd, const QCString &mimeType,
+ const QString& name, int viewMode = Kexi::DataViewMode);
+ /*! Remove a part instance pointed by \a item.
+ \return true on success. */
+ bool removeObject(KexiMainWindow *wnd, KexiPart::Item& item);
+ /*! Renames a part instance pointed by \a item to a new name \a newName.
+ \return true on success. */
+ bool renameObject(KexiMainWindow *wnd, KexiPart::Item& item, const QString& newName);
+ /*! Creates part item for given part \a info.
+ Newly item will not be saved to the backend but stored in memory only
+ (owned by project), and marked as "neverSaved" (see KexiPart::Item::neverSaved()).
+ The item will have assigned a new unique caption like e.g. "Table15",
+ and unique name like "table15", but no specific identifier
+ (because id will be assigned on creation at the backend side).
+ If \a suggestedCaption is not empty, it will be set as a caption
+ (with number suffix, to avoid duplicated, e.g. "employees7"
+ for "employees" sugested name). Name will be then built based
+ on this caption using KexiUtils::string2Identifier().
+ This method is used before creating new object.
+ \return newly created part item or NULL on any error. */
+ KexiPart::Item* createPartItem(KexiPart::Info *info,
+ const QString& suggestedCaption = QString::null );
+ //! Added for convenience.
+ KexiPart::Item* createPartItem(KexiPart::Part *part,
+ const QString& suggestedCaption = QString::null);
+ /*! Adds item \a item after it is succesfully stored as an instance of part
+ pointed by \a info. Also clears 'neverSaved' flag if \a item.
+ Used by KexiDialogBase::storeNewData().
+ @internal */
+ void addStoredItem(KexiPart::Info *info, KexiPart::Item *item);
+ /*! removes \a item from internal dictionaries. The item is destroyed
+ after successful removal.
+ Used to delete an unstored part item previusly created with createPartItem(). */
+ void deleteUnstoredItem(KexiPart::Item *item);
+#if 0 //remove?
+ /*! Creates object using data provided by \a dlg dialog.
+ Dialog's \a item (KexiDialog::partItem()) must not be stored
+ (KexiPart::Item::neverStored()==false) and created
+ by KexiProject::createPartItem().
+ Identifier of the item will be updated to a final value
+ (stored in the backend), because previously there was temporary one set.
+ \return true for successfully created object or false on any error. */
+ bool createObject(KexiDialogBase *dlg);
+ KexiDB::Parser* sqlParser();
+ /*! Shows dialog for creating new blank project,
+ ans creates one. Dialog is not shown if option for automatic creation
+ is checked or Kexi::startupHandler().projectData() was provided from command line.
+ \a cancelled is set to true if creation has been cancelled (e.g. user answered
+ no when asked for database overwriting, etc.
+ \return true if database was created, false on error or when cancel was pressed */
+ static KexiProject* createBlankProject(bool &cancelled, KexiProjectData* data,
+ KexiDB::MessageHandler* handler = 0);
+ /*! Drops project described by \a data. \return true on success.
+ Use with care: Any KexiProject objects allocated for this project will become invalid! */
+ static tristate dropProject(KexiProjectData* data,
+ KexiDB::MessageHandler* handler, bool dontAsk = false);
+ /*! @see KexiDB::Connection::setQuerySchemaObsolete( const QString& queryName ) */
+// void setQuerySchemaObsolete( const QString& queryName );
+// /** used to emit objectCreated() signal */
+// void emitObjectCreated(const QCString &mime, const QCString& name) { emit objectCreated(mime, name); }
+// void emitTableCreated(KexiDB::TableSchema& schema) { emit tableCreated(schema); }
+ protected:
+ /*! Creates connection using project data.
+ The connection will be readonly if data()->isReadOnly().
+ \return true on success, otherwise false and appropriate error is set. */
+ bool createConnection();
+ bool closeConnection();
+ bool initProject();
+ //! Used in open() and open(bool&).
+ tristate openInternal(bool *incompatibleWithKexi);
+ /*! Kexi itself can define a number of internal database objects (mostly data structures),
+ usually tables for it's own purposes.
+ Even while at KexiDB library level, such "system" tables, like "kexi__objects", "kexi__objectdata"
+ are created automatically on database project creation, this is not enough: there are objects
+ needed specifically for Kexi but not for other applications utilizing KexiDB library.
+ Example table created here for now is "kexi__blobs".
+ This method is called on create() and open(): creates necessary objects
+ if they are not yet existing. This especially allows to create to create these objects
+ (on open) within a project made with previous Kexi version not supporting
+ all currently defined structurtes. We're trying to be here as much backward compatible as possible.
+ For this purpose, here's the complete list of currently created objects:
+ - "kexi__blobs" - a table containing BLOBs data that can be accessed globally at Kexi projects
+ from within any database-aware view (table views, forms, reports, etc.)
+ @param insideTransaction Embed entire creation process inside a transaction
+ \return true on successful object's creation. Objects are created only once, they are not overwritten.
+ */
+ bool createInternalStructures(bool insideTransaction);
+ /*! \return Kexi part for \a item. */
+ KexiPart::Part *findPartFor(KexiPart::Item& item);
+ signals:
+ /** signal emitted on error */
+ void error(const QString &title, KexiDB::Object *obj);
+ /** signal emitted on error (not KexiDB-related) */
+ void error(const QString &msg, const QString &desc);
+ /** New \a item has been stored. */
+ void newItemStored(KexiPart::Item& item);
+ /** instance pointed by \a item is removed */
+ void itemRemoved(const KexiPart::Item &item);
+ /** instance pointed by \a item is renamed */
+ void itemRenamed(const KexiPart::Item &item, const QCString& oldName);
+// /** new table \a schema created */
+// void tableCreated(KexiDB::TableSchema& schema);
+// /** New object of mimetype \a mime and \a name has been created. */
+// void objectCreated(const QCString &mime, const QCString& name);
+ protected:
+ /*! Checks whether the project's connection is read-only.
+ If so, error message is set and false is returned. */
+ bool checkWritable();
+ class Private;
+ Private *d;
+ friend class KexiMainWindowImpl;