path: root/kexi/formeditor/commands.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'kexi/formeditor/commands.h')
1 files changed, 380 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kexi/formeditor/commands.h b/kexi/formeditor/commands.h
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index 00000000..619ef791
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kexi/formeditor/commands.h
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+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ Copyright (C) 2004 Cedric Pasteur <[email protected]>
+ Copyright (C) 2005 Jaroslaw Staniek <[email protected]>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include <qmap.h>
+#include <qdict.h>
+#include <qptrlist.h>
+#include <qptrdict.h>
+#include <qvariant.h>
+#include <qdom.h>
+#include <kcommand.h>
+#include "utils.h"
+class QWidget;
+class QRect;
+class QPoint;
+class QStringList;
+class QCString;
+namespace KFormDesigner {
+class WidgetPropertySet;
+class ObjectTreeItem;
+class Container;
+class Form;
+//! Base class for KFormDesigner's commands
+class KFORMEDITOR_EXPORT Command : public KCommand
+ public:
+ Command();
+ virtual ~Command();
+ virtual void debug() = 0;
+/*! This command is used when changing a property for one or more widgets. \a oldvalues is a QMap
+ of the old values of the property for every widget, to allow reverting the change. \a value is
+ the new value of the property. You can use the simpler constructor for a single widget.
+ */
+class KFORMEDITOR_EXPORT PropertyCommand : public Command
+ public:
+ PropertyCommand(WidgetPropertySet *set, const QCString &wname, const QVariant &oldValue,
+ const QVariant &value, const QCString &property);
+ PropertyCommand(WidgetPropertySet *set, const QMap<QCString, QVariant> &oldvalues,
+ const QVariant &value, const QCString &property);
+ virtual void execute();
+ virtual void unexecute();
+ virtual QString name() const;
+ QCString property() const { return m_property; }
+ void setValue(const QVariant &value);
+ const QMap<QCString, QVariant>& oldValues() const { return m_oldvalues; }
+ virtual void debug();
+ protected:
+ WidgetPropertySet *m_propSet;
+ QVariant m_value;
+ QMap<QCString, QVariant> m_oldvalues;
+ QCString m_property;
+/*! This command is used when moving multiples widgets at the same time, while holding Ctrl or Shift.
+ You need to supply a list of widget names, and the position of the cursor before moving. Use setPos()
+ to tell the new cursor pos every time it changes.*/
+class KFORMEDITOR_EXPORT GeometryPropertyCommand : public Command
+ public:
+ GeometryPropertyCommand(WidgetPropertySet *set, const QStringList &names, const QPoint& oldPos);
+ virtual void execute();
+ virtual void unexecute();
+ virtual QString name() const;
+ void setPos(const QPoint& pos);
+ virtual void debug();
+ protected:
+ WidgetPropertySet *m_propSet;
+ QStringList m_names;
+ QPoint m_oldPos;
+ QPoint m_pos;
+/*! This command is used when an item in 'Align Widgets position' is selected. You just need
+to give the list of widget names (the selected ones), and the
+ type of alignment (see the enum for possible values). */
+class KFORMEDITOR_EXPORT AlignWidgetsCommand : public Command
+ public:
+ enum { AlignToGrid = 100, AlignToLeft, AlignToRight, AlignToTop, AlignToBottom };
+ AlignWidgetsCommand(int type, WidgetList &list, Form *form);
+ virtual void execute();
+ virtual void unexecute();
+ virtual QString name() const;
+ virtual void debug();
+ protected:
+ Form *m_form;
+ int m_type;
+ QMap<QCString, QPoint> m_pos;
+/*! This command is used when an item in 'Adjust Widgets Size' is selected. You just need
+ to give the list of widget names (the selected ones), and the
+ type of size modification (see the enum for possible values). */
+class KFORMEDITOR_EXPORT AdjustSizeCommand : public Command
+ public:
+ enum { SizeToGrid = 200, SizeToFit, SizeToSmallWidth, SizeToBigWidth,
+ SizeToSmallHeight, SizeToBigHeight };
+ AdjustSizeCommand(int type, WidgetList &list, Form *form);
+ virtual void execute();
+ virtual void unexecute();
+ virtual QString name() const;
+ virtual void debug();
+ protected:
+ QSize getSizeFromChildren(ObjectTreeItem *item);
+ protected:
+ Form *m_form;
+ int m_type;
+ QMap<QCString, QPoint> m_pos;
+ QMap<QCString, QSize> m_sizes;
+/*! This command is used when switching the layout of a Container. It remembers the old pos
+ of every widget inside the Container. */
+class KFORMEDITOR_EXPORT LayoutPropertyCommand : public PropertyCommand
+ public:
+ LayoutPropertyCommand(WidgetPropertySet *set, const QCString &wname,
+ const QVariant &oldValue, const QVariant &value);
+ virtual void execute();
+ virtual void unexecute();
+ virtual QString name() const;
+ virtual void debug();
+ protected:
+ Form *m_form;
+ QMap<QCString,QRect> m_geometries;
+/*! This command is used when inserting a widger using toolbar or menu. You only need to give
+the parent Container and the widget pos.
+ The other information is taken from FormManager. */
+class KFORMEDITOR_EXPORT InsertWidgetCommand : public Command
+ public:
+ InsertWidgetCommand(Container *container);
+ /*! This ctor allows to set explicit class name and position.
+ Used for dropping widgets on the form surface.
+ If \a namePrefix is empty, widget's unique name is constructed using
+ hint for \a className (WidgetLibrary::namePrefix()),
+ otherwise, \a namePrefix is used to generate widget's name.
+ This allows e.g. inserting a widgets having name constructed using
+ */
+ InsertWidgetCommand(Container *container, const QCString& className,
+ const QPoint& pos, const QCString& namePrefix = QCString());
+ virtual void execute();
+ virtual void unexecute();
+ virtual QString name() const;
+ virtual void debug();
+ //! \return inserted widget's name
+ QCString widgetName() const { return m_name; }
+ protected:
+ Form *m_form;
+ QString m_containername;
+ QPoint m_point;
+ QCString m_name;
+ QCString m_class;
+ QRect m_insertRect;
+/*! This command is used when creating a layout from some widgets using "Lay out in..." menu item.
+ It remembers the old pos of every widget, and takes care of updating ObjectTree too. You need
+ to supply a WidgetList of the selected widgets. */
+class KFORMEDITOR_EXPORT CreateLayoutCommand : public Command
+ public:
+ CreateLayoutCommand(int layoutType, WidgetList &list, Form *form);
+ CreateLayoutCommand() {;} // for BreakLayoutCommand
+ virtual void execute();
+ virtual void unexecute();
+ virtual QString name() const;
+ virtual void debug();
+ protected:
+ Form *m_form;
+ QString m_containername;
+ QString m_name;
+ QMap<QCString,QRect> m_pos;
+ int m_type;
+/*! This command is used when the 'Break Layout' menu item is selected. It does exactly the
+ opposite of CreateLayoutCommand. */
+class KFORMEDITOR_EXPORT BreakLayoutCommand : public CreateLayoutCommand
+ public:
+ BreakLayoutCommand(Container *container);
+ virtual void execute();
+ virtual void unexecute();
+ virtual QString name() const;
+ virtual void debug();
+/*! This command is used when pasting widgets. You need to give the QDomDocument containing
+the widget(s) to paste, and optionnally the point where to paste widgets. */
+class KFORMEDITOR_EXPORT PasteWidgetCommand : public Command
+ public:
+ PasteWidgetCommand(QDomDocument &domDoc, Container *container, const QPoint& p = QPoint());
+ virtual void execute();
+ virtual void unexecute();
+ virtual QString name() const;
+ virtual void debug();
+ protected:
+ /*! Internal function used to change the coordinates of a widget to \a newpos
+ before pasting it (to paste it at the position of the contextual menu). It modifies
+ the "geometry" property of the QDomElement representing the widget. */
+ void changePos(QDomElement &widg, const QPoint &newpos);
+ /*! Internal function used to fix the coordinates of a widget before pasting it
+ (to avoid having two widgets at the same position). It moves the widget by
+ (10, 10) increment (several times if there are already pasted widgets at this position). */
+ void fixPos(QDomElement &el, Container *container);
+ void moveWidgetBy(QDomElement &el, Container *container, const QPoint &p);
+ /*! Internal function used to fix the names of the widgets before pasting them.
+ It prevents from pasting a widget with
+ the same name as an actual widget. The child widgets are also fixed recursively.\n
+ If the name of the widget ends with a number (eg "QLineEdit1"), the new name is
+ just incremented by one (eg becomes "QLineEdit2"). Otherwise, a "2" is just
+ appended at the end of the name (eg "myWidget" becomes "myWidget2"). */
+ void fixNames(QDomElement &el);
+ protected:
+ Form *m_form;
+ QCString m_data;
+ QString m_containername;
+ QPoint m_point;
+ QStringList m_names;
+/*! This command is used when deleting a widget using the "Delete" menu item.
+You need to give a WidgetList of the selected widgets. */
+class KFORMEDITOR_EXPORT DeleteWidgetCommand : public Command
+ public:
+ DeleteWidgetCommand(WidgetList &list, Form *form);
+ virtual void execute();
+ virtual void unexecute();
+ virtual QString name() const;
+ virtual void debug();
+ protected:
+ QDomDocument m_domDoc;
+ Form *m_form;
+ QMap<QCString, QCString> m_containers;
+ QMap<QCString, QCString> m_parents;
+/*! This command is used when cutting widgets. It is basically a DeleteWidgetCommand
+which also updates the clipboard contents. */
+class KFORMEDITOR_EXPORT CutWidgetCommand : public DeleteWidgetCommand
+ public:
+ CutWidgetCommand(WidgetList &list, Form *form);
+ virtual void execute();
+ virtual void unexecute();
+ virtual QString name() const;
+ virtual void debug();
+ protected:
+ QCString m_data;
+/*! A Command Group is a command that holds several subcommands.
+ It will appear as one to the user and in the command history,
+ but it can use the implementation of multiple commands internally.
+ It extends KMacroCommand by providing the list of commands executed.
+ Selected subcommands can be marked as nonexecutable by adding them using
+ addCommand(KCommand *command, bool allowExecute) special method.
+class KFORMEDITOR_EXPORT CommandGroup : public Command
+ public:
+ CommandGroup( const QString & name, WidgetPropertySet *propSet );
+ virtual ~CommandGroup();
+ /*! Like KmacroCommand::addCommand(KCommand*)
+ but if \a allowExecute is false, \a command will not be executed
+ as a subcommand when CommandGroup::execute() is called.
+ This is useful e.g. in KexiFormView::insertAutoFields(),
+ where a number of subcommands of InsertWidgetCommand type and subcommands
+ is groupped using CommandGroup but some of these subcommands are executed
+ before executing CommandGroup::execute().
+ If \a allowExecute is true, this method behaves exactly like
+ KmacroCommand::addCommand(KCommand*).
+ Note that unexecute() doesn't check \a allowExecute flag:
+ all subcommands will be unexecuted (in reverse order
+ to the one in which they were added).
+ */
+ void addCommand(KCommand *command, bool allowExecute);
+ /*! Executes all subcommands added to this group
+ in the same order as they were added. Subcommands added with
+ addCommand(KCommand *command, bool allowExecute) where allowExecute == false,
+ will not be executed. */
+ virtual void execute();
+ /*! Unexecutes all subcommands added to this group,
+ (in reversed order). */
+ virtual void unexecute();
+ virtual QString name() const;
+ /*! \return a list of all subcommands of this group.
+ Note that if a given subcommand is a group itself,
+ it will not be expanded to subcommands on this list. */
+ const QPtrList<KCommand>& commands() const;
+ /*! Resets all 'allowExecute' flags that was set in addCommand().
+ Call this after calling CommandGroup::execute() to ensure that
+ in the future, when REDO is be executed, all subcommands will be executed. */
+ void resetAllowExecuteFlags();
+ virtual void debug();
+ protected:
+ class SubCommands;
+ SubCommands *m_subCommands;
+ //! Used to store pointers to subcommands that shouldn't be executed
+ //! on CommandGroup::execute()
+ QPtrDict<char> m_commandsShouldntBeExecuted;
+ WidgetPropertySet *m_propSet;