path: root/kexi/formeditor/connectiondialog.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kexi/formeditor/connectiondialog.cpp')
1 files changed, 420 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kexi/formeditor/connectiondialog.cpp b/kexi/formeditor/connectiondialog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a40348e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kexi/formeditor/connectiondialog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ Copyright (C) 2004 Cedric Pasteur <[email protected]>
+ Copyright (C) 2004 Jaroslaw Staniek <[email protected]>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qhbox.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <qmetaobject.h>
+#include <qstrlist.h>
+#include <kpushbutton.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include "kexitableview.h"
+#include "kexitableviewdata.h"
+#include "events.h"
+#include "form.h"
+#include "formmanager.h"
+#include "objecttree.h"
+#include "connectiondialog.h"
+namespace KFormDesigner {
+///////////// The dialog to edit or add/remove connections //////////////////////
+ConnectionDialog::ConnectionDialog(QWidget *parent)
+: KDialogBase(parent, "connections_dialog", true, i18n("Edit Form Connections"),
+ Ok|Cancel|Details, Ok, false)
+, m_buffer(0)
+ QFrame *frame = makeMainWidget();
+ QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout(frame, 0, 6);
+ // Setup the details widget /////////
+ QHBox *details = new QHBox(frame);
+ setDetailsWidget(details);
+ setDetails(true);
+ m_pixmapLabel = new QLabel(details);
+ m_pixmapLabel->setFixedWidth( int(IconSize(KIcon::Desktop) * 1.5) );
+ m_pixmapLabel->setAlignment(AlignHCenter | AlignTop);
+ m_textLabel = new QLabel(details);
+ m_textLabel->setAlignment(AlignLeft | AlignTop);
+ //setStatusOk();
+ // And the KexiTableView ////////
+ m_data = new KexiTableViewData();
+ m_table = new KexiTableView(0, frame, "connections_tableview");
+ m_table->setSpreadSheetMode();
+ m_table->setInsertingEnabled(true);
+ initTable();
+ m_table->setData(m_data, false);
+ m_table->adjustColumnWidthToContents(0);
+ layout->addWidget(m_table);
+ //// Setup the icon toolbar /////////////////
+ QVBoxLayout *vlayout = new QVBoxLayout(layout, 3);
+ KPushButton *newItem = new KPushButton(SmallIconSet("filenew"), i18n("&New Connection"), frame);
+ vlayout->addWidget(newItem);
+ m_buttons.insert(BAdd, newItem);
+ connect(newItem, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(newItem()));
+ KPushButton *delItem = new KPushButton(SmallIconSet("editdelete"), i18n("&Remove Connection"), frame);
+ vlayout->addWidget(delItem);
+ m_buttons.insert(BRemove, delItem);
+ connect(delItem, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(removeItem()));
+ vlayout->addStretch();
+ setInitialSize(QSize(600, 300));
+ //setWFlags(WDestructiveClose);
+ connect(m_table,SIGNAL(cellSelected(int, int)), this, SLOT(slotCellSelected(int, int)));
+ connect(m_table->data(), SIGNAL(rowInserted(KexiTableItem*,bool)), this, SLOT(slotRowInserted(KexiTableItem*,bool)));
+ this->newItem();
+ KexiTableViewColumn *col0 = new KexiTableViewColumn(i18n("OK?"), KexiDB::Field::Text);
+ col0->field()->setSubType("KIcon");
+ col0->setReadOnly(true);
+ col0->field()->setDescription(i18n("Connection correctness"));
+ m_data->addColumn(col0);
+ KexiTableViewColumn *col1 = new KexiTableViewColumn(i18n("Sender"), KexiDB::Field::Enum);
+ m_widgetsColumnData = new KexiTableViewData(KexiDB::Field::Text, KexiDB::Field::Text);
+ col1->setRelatedData( m_widgetsColumnData );
+ m_data->addColumn(col1);
+ KexiTableViewColumn *col2 = new KexiTableViewColumn(i18n("Signal"), KexiDB::Field::Enum);
+ m_signalsColumnData = new KexiTableViewData(KexiDB::Field::Text, KexiDB::Field::Text);
+ col2->setRelatedData( m_signalsColumnData );
+ m_data->addColumn(col2);
+ KexiTableViewColumn *col3 = new KexiTableViewColumn(i18n("Receiver"), KexiDB::Field::Enum);
+ col3->setRelatedData( m_widgetsColumnData );
+ m_data->addColumn(col3);
+ KexiTableViewColumn *col4 = new KexiTableViewColumn(i18n("Slot"), KexiDB::Field::Enum);
+ m_slotsColumnData = new KexiTableViewData(KexiDB::Field::Text, KexiDB::Field::Text);
+ col4->setRelatedData( m_slotsColumnData );
+ m_data->addColumn(col4);
+ QValueList<int> c;
+ c << 2 << 4;
+ m_table->maximizeColumnsWidth(c);
+ m_table->setColumnStretchEnabled( true, 4 );
+ connect(m_data, SIGNAL(aboutToChangeCell(KexiTableItem*, int, QVariant&, KexiDB::ResultInfo*)),
+ this,SLOT(slotCellChanged(KexiTableItem*, int, QVariant, KexiDB::ResultInfo*)));
+ connect(m_data, SIGNAL(rowUpdated(KexiTableItem*)), this, SLOT(checkConnection(KexiTableItem *)));
+ connect(m_table, SIGNAL(itemSelected(KexiTableItem *)), this, SLOT(checkConnection(KexiTableItem *)));
+ConnectionDialog::exec(Form *form)
+ m_form = form;
+ updateTableData();
+ KDialogBase::exec();
+void ConnectionDialog::slotCellSelected(int col, int row)
+ m_buttons[BRemove]->setEnabled( row < m_table->rows() );
+ KexiTableItem *item = m_table->itemAt(row);
+ if (!item)
+ return;
+ if(col == 2) // signal col
+ updateSignalList(item);
+ else if(col == 4) // slot col
+ updateSlotList(item);
+void ConnectionDialog::slotRowInserted(KexiTableItem* item,bool)
+ m_buffer->append(new Connection());
+ checkConnection( item );
+ // First we update our buffer contents
+ for(int i=0; i < m_table->rows(); i++)
+ {
+ KexiTableItem *item = m_table->itemAt(i);
+ Connection *c = m_buffer->at(i);
+ c->setSender( (*item)[1].toString() );
+ c->setSignal( (*item)[2].toString() );
+ c->setReceiver( (*item)[3].toString() );
+ c->setSlot( (*item)[4].toString() );
+ }
+ // then me make it replace form's current one
+ delete m_form->connectionBuffer();
+ m_form->setConnectionBuffer(m_buffer);
+ QDialog::accept();
+ // First we update the columns data
+ ObjectTreeDict *dict = new ObjectTreeDict( *(m_form->objectTree()->dict()) );
+ ObjectTreeDictIterator it(*dict);
+ for(; it.current(); ++it)
+ {
+ KexiTableItem *item = m_widgetsColumnData->createItem(); //new KexiTableItem(2);
+ (*item)[0] = it.current()->name();
+ (*item)[1] = (*item)[0];
+ m_widgetsColumnData->append(item);
+ }
+ delete dict;
+ // Then we fill the columns with the form connections
+ for(Connection *c = m_form->connectionBuffer()->first(); c ; c = m_form->connectionBuffer()->next())
+ {
+ KexiTableItem *item = m_table->data()->createItem(); //new KexiTableItem(5);
+ (*item)[1] = c->sender();
+ (*item)[2] = c->signal();
+ (*item)[3] = c->receiver();
+ (*item)[4] = c->slot();
+ m_table->insertItem(item, m_table->rows());
+ }
+ m_buffer = new ConnectionBuffer(*(m_form->connectionBuffer()));
+ConnectionDialog::setStatusOk(KexiTableItem *item)
+ m_pixmapLabel->setPixmap( DesktopIcon("button_ok") );
+ m_textLabel->setText("<qt><h2>The connection is OK.</h2></qt>");
+ if (!item)
+ item = m_table->selectedItem();
+ if (m_table->currentRow() >= m_table->rows())
+ item = 0;
+ if (item)
+ (*item)[0] = "button_ok";
+ else {
+ m_pixmapLabel->setPixmap( QPixmap() );
+ m_textLabel->setText(QString::null);
+ }
+ConnectionDialog::setStatusError(const QString &msg, KexiTableItem *item)
+ m_pixmapLabel->setPixmap( DesktopIcon("button_cancel") );
+ m_textLabel->setText("<qt><h2>The connection is invalid.</h2></qt>" + msg);
+ if (!item)
+ item = m_table->selectedItem();
+ if (m_table->currentRow() >= m_table->rows())
+ item = 0;
+ if (item)
+ (*item)[0] = "button_cancel";
+ else {
+ m_pixmapLabel->setPixmap( QPixmap() );
+ m_textLabel->setText(QString::null);
+ }
+ConnectionDialog::slotCellChanged(KexiTableItem *item, int col, QVariant&, KexiDB::ResultInfo*)
+ switch(col)
+ {
+ // sender changed, we clear siganl and slot
+ case 1:
+ (*item)[2] = QString("");
+ // signal or receiver changed, we clear the slot cell
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
+ {
+ (*item)[4] = QString("");
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ConnectionDialog::updateSlotList(KexiTableItem *item)
+ m_slotsColumnData->deleteAllRows();
+ QString widget = (*item)[1].toString();
+ QString signal = (*item)[2].toString();
+ if((widget.isEmpty()) || signal.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ ObjectTreeItem *tree = m_form->objectTree()->lookup(widget);
+ if(!tree || !tree->widget())
+ return;
+ QString signalArg(signal);
+ signalArg = signalArg.remove( QRegExp(".*[(]|[)]") );
+ QStrList slotList = tree->widget()->metaObject()->slotNames(true);
+ QStrListIterator it(slotList);
+ for(; it.current() != 0; ++it)
+ {
+ // we add the slot only if it is compatible with the signal
+ QString slotArg(*it);
+ slotArg = slotArg.remove( QRegExp(".*[(]|[)]") );
+ if(!signalArg.startsWith(slotArg, true) && (!signal.isEmpty())) // args not compatible
+ continue;
+ KexiTableItem *item = m_slotsColumnData->createItem(); //new KexiTableItem(2);
+ (*item)[0] = QString(*it);
+ (*item)[1] = (*item)[0];
+ m_slotsColumnData->append(item);
+ }
+ConnectionDialog::updateSignalList(KexiTableItem *item)
+ ObjectTreeItem *tree = m_form->objectTree()->lookup((*item)[1].toString());
+ if(!tree || !tree->widget())
+ return;
+ m_signalsColumnData->deleteAllRows();
+ QStrList signalList = tree->widget()->metaObject()->signalNames(true);
+ QStrListIterator it(signalList);
+ for(; it.current() != 0; ++it)
+ {
+ KexiTableItem *item = m_signalsColumnData->createItem(); //new KexiTableItem(2);
+ (*item)[0] = QString(*it);
+ (*item)[1] = (*item)[0];
+ m_signalsColumnData->append(item);
+ }
+ConnectionDialog::checkConnection(KexiTableItem *item)
+ // First we check if one column is empty
+ for(int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
+ {
+ if( !item || (*item)[i].toString().isEmpty())
+ {
+ setStatusError( i18n("<qt>You have not selected item: <b>%1</b>.</qt>").arg(m_data->column(i)->captionAliasOrName()),
+ item);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Then we check if signal/slot args are compatible
+ QString signal = (*item)[2].toString();
+ signal = signal.remove( QRegExp(".*[(]|[)]") ); // just keep the args list
+ QString slot = (*item)[4].toString();
+ slot = slot.remove( QRegExp(".*[(]|[)]") );
+ if(!signal.startsWith(slot, true))
+ {
+ setStatusError( i18n("The signal/slot arguments are not compatible."), item);
+ return;
+ }
+ setStatusOk(item);
+ m_table->acceptRowEdit();
+ m_table->setCursorPosition(m_table->rows(), 1);
+ KFormDesigner::FormManager::self()->startCreatingConnection();
+ connect(KFormDesigner::FormManager::self(), SIGNAL(connectionAborted(KFormDesigner::Form*)), this, SLOT(slotConnectionAborted(KFormDesigner::Form*)));
+ connect(KFormDesigner::FormManager::self(), SIGNAL(connectionCreated(KFormDesigner::Form*, Connection&)), this, SLOT(slotConnectionCreated(KFormDesigner::Form*, Connection&)) );
+ hide();
+ConnectionDialog::slotConnectionCreated(KFormDesigner::Form *form, Connection &connection)
+ show();
+ if(form != m_form)
+ return;
+ Connection *c = new Connection(connection);
+ KexiTableItem *item = m_table->data()->createItem(); //new KexiTableItem(5);
+ (*item)[1] = c->sender();
+ (*item)[2] = c->signal();
+ (*item)[3] = c->receiver();
+ (*item)[4] = c->slot();
+ m_table->insertItem(item, m_table->rows());
+ m_buffer->append(c);
+ConnectionDialog::slotConnectionAborted(KFormDesigner::Form *form)
+ show();
+ if(form != m_form)
+ return;
+ newItem();
+ if(m_table->currentRow() == -1 || m_table->currentRow()>=m_table->rows())
+ return;
+ int confirm = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(parentWidget(),
+ QString("<qt>")+i18n("Do you want to delete this connection ?")+"</qt>", QString::null, KGuiItem(i18n("&Delete Connection")),
+ "dontAskBeforeDeleteConnection"/*config entry*/);
+ if(confirm == KMessageBox::Cancel)
+ return;
+ m_buffer->remove(m_table->currentRow());
+ m_table->deleteItem(m_table->selectedItem());
+#include "connectiondialog.moc"