path: root/kexi/kexidb/alter.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kexi/kexidb/alter.cpp')
1 files changed, 1115 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kexi/kexidb/alter.cpp b/kexi/kexidb/alter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f894b299
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kexi/kexidb/alter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1115 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Jaroslaw Staniek <[email protected]>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include "alter.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include <kexiutils/utils.h>
+#include <qmap.h>
+#include <kstaticdeleter.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+namespace KexiDB {
+class AlterTableHandler::Private
+ public:
+ Private()
+ {}
+ ~Private()
+ {}
+ ActionList actions;
+ QGuardedPtr<Connection> conn;
+using namespace KexiDB;
+//! a global instance used to when returning null is needed
+AlterTableHandler::ChangeFieldPropertyAction nullChangeFieldPropertyAction(true);
+AlterTableHandler::RemoveFieldAction nullRemoveFieldAction(true);
+AlterTableHandler::InsertFieldAction nullInsertFieldAction(true);
+AlterTableHandler::MoveFieldPositionAction nullMoveFieldPositionAction(true);
+AlterTableHandler::ActionBase::ActionBase(bool null)
+ : m_alteringRequirements(0)
+ , m_order(-1)
+ , m_null(null)
+AlterTableHandler::ChangeFieldPropertyAction& AlterTableHandler::ActionBase::toChangeFieldPropertyAction()
+ if (dynamic_cast<ChangeFieldPropertyAction*>(this))
+ return *dynamic_cast<ChangeFieldPropertyAction*>(this);
+ return nullChangeFieldPropertyAction;
+AlterTableHandler::RemoveFieldAction& AlterTableHandler::ActionBase::toRemoveFieldAction()
+ if (dynamic_cast<RemoveFieldAction*>(this))
+ return *dynamic_cast<RemoveFieldAction*>(this);
+ return nullRemoveFieldAction;
+AlterTableHandler::InsertFieldAction& AlterTableHandler::ActionBase::toInsertFieldAction()
+ if (dynamic_cast<InsertFieldAction*>(this))
+ return *dynamic_cast<InsertFieldAction*>(this);
+ return nullInsertFieldAction;
+AlterTableHandler::MoveFieldPositionAction& AlterTableHandler::ActionBase::toMoveFieldPositionAction()
+ if (dynamic_cast<MoveFieldPositionAction*>(this))
+ return *dynamic_cast<MoveFieldPositionAction*>(this);
+ return nullMoveFieldPositionAction;
+AlterTableHandler::FieldActionBase::FieldActionBase(const QString& fieldName, int uid)
+ : ActionBase()
+ , m_fieldUID(uid)
+ , m_fieldName(fieldName)
+ : ActionBase(true)
+ , m_fieldUID(-1)
+static KStaticDeleter< QMap<QCString,int> > KexiDB_alteringTypeForProperty_deleter;
+QMap<QCString,int> *KexiDB_alteringTypeForProperty = 0;
+int AlterTableHandler::alteringTypeForProperty(const QCString& propertyName)
+ if (!KexiDB_alteringTypeForProperty) {
+ KexiDB_alteringTypeForProperty_deleter.setObject( KexiDB_alteringTypeForProperty,
+ new QMap<QCString,int>() );
+#define I(name, type) \
+ KexiDB_alteringTypeForProperty->insert(QCString(name).lower(), (int)AlterTableHandler::type)
+#define I2(name, type1, type2) \
+ flag = (int)AlterTableHandler::type1|(int)AlterTableHandler::type2; \
+ if (flag & AlterTableHandler::PhysicalAlteringRequired) \
+ flag |= AlterTableHandler::MainSchemaAlteringRequired; \
+ KexiDB_alteringTypeForProperty->insert(QCString(name).lower(), flag)
+ /* useful links:
+ */
+ // ExtendedSchemaAlteringRequired is here because when the field is renamed,
+ // we need to do the same rename in extended table schema: <field name="...">
+ int flag;
+ I2("name", PhysicalAlteringRequired, MainSchemaAlteringRequired);
+ I2("type", PhysicalAlteringRequired, DataConversionRequired);
+ I("caption", MainSchemaAlteringRequired);
+ I("description", MainSchemaAlteringRequired);
+ I2("unsigned", PhysicalAlteringRequired, DataConversionRequired); // always?
+ I2("length", PhysicalAlteringRequired, DataConversionRequired); // always?
+ I2("precision", PhysicalAlteringRequired, DataConversionRequired); // always?
+ I("width", MainSchemaAlteringRequired);
+ // defaultValue: depends on backend, for mysql it can only by a constant or now()...
+ // -- should we look at Driver here?
+//! @todo reenable
+ I("defaultValue", MainSchemaAlteringRequired);
+ I2("defaultValue", PhysicalAlteringRequired, MainSchemaAlteringRequired);
+ I2("primaryKey", PhysicalAlteringRequired, DataConversionRequired);
+ I2("unique", PhysicalAlteringRequired, DataConversionRequired); // we may want to add an Index here
+ I2("notNull", PhysicalAlteringRequired, DataConversionRequired); // we may want to add an Index here
+ // allowEmpty: only support it just at kexi level? maybe there is a backend that supports this?
+ I2("allowEmpty", PhysicalAlteringRequired, MainSchemaAlteringRequired);
+ I2("autoIncrement", PhysicalAlteringRequired, DataConversionRequired); // data conversion may be hard here
+ I2("indexed", PhysicalAlteringRequired, DataConversionRequired); // we may want to add an Index here
+ // easier cases follow...
+ I("visibleDecimalPlaces", ExtendedSchemaAlteringRequired);
+ // lookup-field-related properties...
+/*moved to KexiDB::isExtendedTableFieldProperty()
+ I("boundColumn", ExtendedSchemaAlteringRequired);
+ I("rowSource", ExtendedSchemaAlteringRequired);
+ I("rowSourceType", ExtendedSchemaAlteringRequired);
+ I("rowSourceValues", ExtendedSchemaAlteringRequired);
+ I("visibleColumn", ExtendedSchemaAlteringRequired);
+ I("columnWidths", ExtendedSchemaAlteringRequired);
+ I("showColumnHeaders", ExtendedSchemaAlteringRequired);
+ I("listRows", ExtendedSchemaAlteringRequired);
+ I("limitToList", ExtendedSchemaAlteringRequired);
+ I("displayWidget", ExtendedSchemaAlteringRequired);*/
+ //more to come...
+#undef I
+#undef I2
+ }
+ const int res = (*KexiDB_alteringTypeForProperty)[propertyName.lower()];
+ if (res == 0) {
+ if (KexiDB::isExtendedTableFieldProperty(propertyName))
+ return (int)ExtendedSchemaAlteringRequired;
+ KexiDBWarn << QString("AlterTableHandler::alteringTypeForProperty(): property \"%1\" not found!")
+ .arg(propertyName) << endl;
+ }
+ return res;
+ const QString& fieldName, const QString& propertyName, const QVariant& newValue, int uid)
+ : FieldActionBase(fieldName, uid)
+ , m_propertyName(propertyName)
+ , m_newValue(newValue)
+ : FieldActionBase(true)
+void AlterTableHandler::ChangeFieldPropertyAction::updateAlteringRequirements()
+// m_alteringRequirements = ???;
+ setAlteringRequirements( alteringTypeForProperty( m_propertyName.latin1() ) );
+QString AlterTableHandler::ChangeFieldPropertyAction::debugString(const DebugOptions& debugOptions)
+ QString s = QString("Set \"%1\" property for table field \"%2\" to \"%3\"")
+ .arg(m_propertyName).arg(fieldName()).arg(m_newValue.toString());
+ if (debugOptions.showUID)
+ s.append(QString(" (UID=%1)").arg(m_fieldUID));
+ return s;
+static AlterTableHandler::ActionDict* createActionDict(
+ AlterTableHandler::ActionDictDict &fieldActions, int forFieldUID )
+ AlterTableHandler::ActionDict* dict = new AlterTableHandler::ActionDict(101, false);
+ dict->setAutoDelete(true);
+ fieldActions.insert( forFieldUID, dict );
+ return dict;
+static void debugAction(AlterTableHandler::ActionBase *action, int nestingLevel,
+ bool simulate, const QString& prependString = QString::null, QString* debugTarget = 0)
+ QString debugString;
+ if (!debugTarget)
+ debugString = prependString;
+ if (action) {
+ AlterTableHandler::ActionBase::DebugOptions debugOptions;
+ debugOptions.showUID = debugTarget==0;
+ debugOptions.showFieldDebug = debugTarget!=0;
+ debugString += action->debugString( debugOptions );
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!debugTarget)
+ debugString += "[No action]"; //hmm
+ }
+ if (debugTarget) {
+ if (!debugString.isEmpty())
+ *debugTarget += debugString + '\n';
+ }
+ else {
+ KexiDBDbg << debugString << endl;
+ if (simulate)
+ KexiUtils::addAlterTableActionDebug(debugString, nestingLevel);
+ }
+static void debugActionDict(AlterTableHandler::ActionDict *dict, int fieldUID, bool simulate)
+ QString fieldName;
+ AlterTableHandler::ActionDictIterator it(*dict);
+ if (dynamic_cast<AlterTableHandler::FieldActionBase*>(it.current())) //retrieve field name from the 1st related action
+ fieldName = dynamic_cast<AlterTableHandler::FieldActionBase*>(it.current())->fieldName();
+ else
+ fieldName = "??";
+ QString dbg = QString("Action dict for field \"%1\" (%2, UID=%3):")
+ .arg(fieldName).arg(dict->count()).arg(fieldUID);
+ KexiDBDbg << dbg << endl;
+ if (simulate)
+ KexiUtils::addAlterTableActionDebug(dbg, 1);
+ for (;it.current(); ++it) {
+ debugAction(it.current(), 2, simulate);
+ }
+static void debugFieldActions(const AlterTableHandler::ActionDictDict &fieldActions, bool simulate)
+ if (simulate)
+ KexiUtils::addAlterTableActionDebug("** Simplified Field Actions:");
+ for (AlterTableHandler::ActionDictDictIterator it(fieldActions); it.current(); ++it) {
+ debugActionDict(it.current(), it.currentKey(), simulate);
+ }
+ Legend: A,B==fields, P==property, [....]==action, (..,..,..) group of actions, <...> internal operation.
+ Case 1. (special)
+ when new action=[rename A to B]
+ and exists=[rename B to C]
+ =>
+ remove [rename B to C]
+ and set result to new [rename A to C]
+ and go to 1b.
+ Case 1b. when new action=[rename A to B]
+ and actions exist like [set property P to C in field B]
+ or like [delete field B]
+ or like [move field B]
+ =>
+ change B to A for all these actions
+ Case 2. when new action=[change property in field A] (property != name)
+ and exists=[remove A] or exists=[change property in field A]
+ =>
+ do not add [change property in field A] because it will be removed anyway or the property will change
+void AlterTableHandler::ChangeFieldPropertyAction::simplifyActions(ActionDictDict &fieldActions)
+ ActionDict *actionsLikeThis = fieldActions[ uid() ];
+ if (m_propertyName=="name") {
+ // Case 1. special: name1 -> name2, i.e. rename action
+ QString newName( newValue().toString() );
+ // try to find rename(newName, otherName) action
+ ActionBase *renameActionLikeThis = actionsLikeThis ? actionsLikeThis->find( "name" ) : 0;
+ if (dynamic_cast<ChangeFieldPropertyAction*>(renameActionLikeThis)) {
+ // 1. instead of having rename(fieldName(), newValue()) action,
+ // let's have rename(fieldName(), otherName) action
+ dynamic_cast<ChangeFieldPropertyAction*>(renameActionLikeThis)->m_newValue
+ = dynamic_cast<ChangeFieldPropertyAction*>(renameActionLikeThis)->m_newValue;
+/* AlterTableHandler::ChangeFieldPropertyAction* newRenameAction
+ = new AlterTableHandler::ChangeFieldPropertyAction( *this );
+ newRenameAction->m_newValue = dynamic_cast<ChangeFieldPropertyAction*>(renameActionLikeThis)->m_newValue;
+ // (m_order is the same as in newAction)
+ // replace prev. rename action (if any)
+ actionsLikeThis->remove( "name" );
+ ActionDict *adict = fieldActions[ fieldName().latin1() ];
+ if (!adict)
+ adict = createActionDict( fieldActions, fieldName() );
+ adict->insert(m_propertyName.latin1(), newRenameAction);*/
+ }
+ else {
+ ActionBase *removeActionForThisField = actionsLikeThis ? actionsLikeThis->find( ":remove:" ) : 0;
+ if (removeActionForThisField) {
+ //if this field is going to be removed, jsut change the action's field name
+ // and do not add a new action
+ }
+ else {
+ //just insert a copy of the rename action
+ if (!actionsLikeThis)
+ actionsLikeThis = createActionDict( fieldActions, uid() ); //fieldName() );
+ AlterTableHandler::ChangeFieldPropertyAction* newRenameAction
+ = new AlterTableHandler::ChangeFieldPropertyAction( *this );
+ KexiDBDbg << "ChangeFieldPropertyAction::simplifyActions(): insert into '"
+ << fieldName() << "' dict:" << newRenameAction->debugString() << endl;
+ actionsLikeThis->insert( m_propertyName.latin1(), newRenameAction );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (actionsLikeThis) {
+ // Case 1b. change "field name" information to fieldName() in any action that
+ // is related to newName
+ // e.g. if there is setCaption("B", "captionA") action after rename("A","B"),
+ // replace setCaption action with setCaption("A", "captionA")
+ foreach_dict (ActionDictIterator, it, *actionsLikeThis) {
+ dynamic_cast<FieldActionBase*>(it.current())->setFieldName( fieldName() );
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ ActionBase *removeActionForThisField = actionsLikeThis ? actionsLikeThis->find( ":remove:" ) : 0;
+ if (removeActionForThisField) {
+ //if this field is going to be removed, do not add a new action
+ return;
+ }
+ // Case 2. other cases: just give up with adding this "intermediate" action
+ // so, e.g. [ setCaption(A, "captionA"), setCaption(A, "captionB") ]
+ // becomes: [ setCaption(A, "captionB") ]
+ // because adding this action does nothing
+ ActionDict *nextActionsLikeThis = fieldActions[ uid() ]; //fieldName().latin1() ];
+ if (!nextActionsLikeThis || !nextActionsLikeThis->find( m_propertyName.latin1() )) {
+ //no such action, add this
+ AlterTableHandler::ChangeFieldPropertyAction* newAction
+ = new AlterTableHandler::ChangeFieldPropertyAction( *this );
+ if (!nextActionsLikeThis)
+ nextActionsLikeThis = createActionDict( fieldActions, uid() );//fieldName() );
+ nextActionsLikeThis->insert( m_propertyName.latin1(), newAction );
+ }
+bool AlterTableHandler::ChangeFieldPropertyAction::shouldBeRemoved(ActionDictDict &fieldActions)
+ Q_UNUSED(fieldActions);
+ return fieldName().lower() == m_newValue.toString().lower();
+tristate AlterTableHandler::ChangeFieldPropertyAction::updateTableSchema(TableSchema &table, Field* field,
+ QMap<QString, QString>& fieldMap)
+ //1. Simpler cases first: changes that do not affect table schema at all
+ // "caption", "description", "width", "visibleDecimalPlaces"
+ if (SchemaAlteringRequired & alteringTypeForProperty(m_propertyName.latin1())) {
+ bool result = KexiDB::setFieldProperty(*field, m_propertyName.latin1(), newValue());
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (m_propertyName=="name") {
+ if (fieldMap[ field->name() ] == field->name())
+ fieldMap.remove( field->name() );
+ fieldMap.insert( newValue().toString(), field->name() );
+ table.renameField(field, newValue().toString());
+ return true;
+ }
+ return cancelled;
+/*! Many of the properties must be applied using a separate algorithm.
+tristate AlterTableHandler::ChangeFieldPropertyAction::execute(Connection &conn, TableSchema &table)
+ Q_UNUSED(conn);
+ Field *field = table.field( fieldName() );
+ if (!field) {
+ //! @todo errmsg
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool result;
+ //1. Simpler cases first: changes that do not affect table schema at all
+ // "caption", "description", "width", "visibleDecimalPlaces"
+ if (SchemaAlteringRequired & alteringTypeForProperty(m_propertyName.latin1())) {
+ result = KexiDB::setFieldProperty(*field, m_propertyName.latin1(), newValue());
+ return result;
+ }
+return true;
+ //2. Harder cases, that often require special care
+ if (m_propertyName=="name") {
+ /*mysql:
+ A. Get real field type (it's safer):
+ let <TYPE> be the 2nd "Type" column from result of "DESCRIBE tablename oldfieldname"
+ ( )
+ B. Run "ALTER TABLE tablename CHANGE oldfieldname newfieldname <TYPE>";
+ ( )
+ */
+ }
+ if (m_propertyName=="type") {
+ /*mysql:
+ A. Like A. for "name" property above
+ B. Construct <TYPE> string, eg. "varchar(50)" using the driver
+ C. Like B. for "name" property above
+ (mysql then truncate the values for changes like varchar -> integer,
+ and properly convert the values for changes like integer -> varchar)
+ TODO: more cases to check
+ */
+ }
+ if (m_propertyName=="length") {
+ //use "select max( length(o_name) ) from kexi__Objects"
+ }
+ if (m_propertyName=="primaryKey") {
+//! @todo
+ }
+ "name", "unsigned", "precision",
+ "defaultValue", "primaryKey", "unique", "notNull", "allowEmpty",
+ "autoIncrement", "indexed",
+ bool result = KexiDB::setFieldProperty(*field, m_propertyName.latin1(), newValue());
+ return result;
+AlterTableHandler::RemoveFieldAction::RemoveFieldAction(const QString& fieldName, int uid)
+ : FieldActionBase(fieldName, uid)
+ : FieldActionBase(true)
+void AlterTableHandler::RemoveFieldAction::updateAlteringRequirements()
+//! @todo sometimes add DataConversionRequired (e.g. when relationships require removing orphaned records) ?
+ setAlteringRequirements( PhysicalAlteringRequired );
+ //! @todo
+QString AlterTableHandler::RemoveFieldAction::debugString(const DebugOptions& debugOptions)
+ QString s = QString("Remove table field \"%1\"").arg(fieldName());
+ if (debugOptions.showUID)
+ s.append(QString(" (UID=%1)").arg(uid()));
+ return s;
+ Legend: A,B==objects, P==property, [....]==action, (..,..,..) group of actions, <...> internal operation.
+ Preconditions: we assume there cannot be such case encountered: ([remove A], [do something related on A])
+ (except for [remove A], [insert A])
+ General Case: it's safe to always insert a [remove A] action.
+void AlterTableHandler::RemoveFieldAction::simplifyActions(ActionDictDict &fieldActions)
+ //! @todo not checked
+ AlterTableHandler::RemoveFieldAction* newAction
+ = new AlterTableHandler::RemoveFieldAction( *this );
+ ActionDict *actionsLikeThis = fieldActions[ uid() ]; //fieldName().latin1() ];
+ if (!actionsLikeThis)
+ actionsLikeThis = createActionDict( fieldActions, uid() ); //fieldName() );
+ actionsLikeThis->insert( ":remove:", newAction ); //special
+tristate AlterTableHandler::RemoveFieldAction::updateTableSchema(TableSchema &table, Field* field,
+ QMap<QString, QString>& fieldMap)
+ fieldMap.remove( field->name() );
+ table.removeField(field);
+ return true;
+tristate AlterTableHandler::RemoveFieldAction::execute(Connection& conn, TableSchema& table)
+ Q_UNUSED(conn);
+ Q_UNUSED(table);
+ //! @todo
+ return true;
+AlterTableHandler::InsertFieldAction::InsertFieldAction(int fieldIndex, KexiDB::Field *field, int uid)
+ : FieldActionBase(field->name(), uid)
+ , m_index(fieldIndex)
+ , m_field(0)
+ Q_ASSERT(field);
+ setField(field);
+AlterTableHandler::InsertFieldAction::InsertFieldAction(const InsertFieldAction& action)
+ : FieldActionBase(action) //action.fieldName(), action.uid())
+ , m_index(action.index())
+ m_field = new KexiDB::Field( action.field() );
+ : FieldActionBase(true)
+ , m_index(0)
+ , m_field(0)
+ delete m_field;
+void AlterTableHandler::InsertFieldAction::setField(KexiDB::Field* field)
+ if (m_field)
+ delete m_field;
+ m_field = field;
+ setFieldName(m_field ? m_field->name() : QString::null);
+void AlterTableHandler::InsertFieldAction::updateAlteringRequirements()
+//! @todo sometimes add DataConversionRequired (e.g. when relationships require removing orphaned records) ?
+ setAlteringRequirements( PhysicalAlteringRequired );
+ //! @todo
+QString AlterTableHandler::InsertFieldAction::debugString(const DebugOptions& debugOptions)
+ QString s = QString("Insert table field \"%1\" at position %2")
+ .arg(m_field->name()).arg(m_index);
+ if (debugOptions.showUID)
+ s.append(QString(" (UID=%1)").arg(m_fieldUID));
+ if (debugOptions.showFieldDebug)
+ s.append(QString(" (%1)").arg(m_field->debugString()));
+ return s;
+ Legend: A,B==fields, P==property, [....]==action, (..,..,..) group of actions, <...> internal operation.
+ Case 1: there are "change property" actions after the Insert action.
+ -> change the properties in the Insert action itself and remove the "change property" actions.
+ Examples:
+ [Insert A] && [rename A to B] => [Insert B]
+ [Insert A] && [change property P in field A] => [Insert A with P altered]
+ Comment: we need to do this reduction because otherwise we'd need to do psyhical altering
+ right after [Insert A] if [rename A to B] follows.
+void AlterTableHandler::InsertFieldAction::simplifyActions(ActionDictDict &fieldActions)
+ // Try to find actions related to this action
+ ActionDict *actionsForThisField = fieldActions[ uid() ]; //m_field->name().latin1() ];
+ ActionBase *removeActionForThisField = actionsForThisField ? actionsForThisField->find( ":remove:" ) : 0;
+ if (removeActionForThisField) {
+ //if this field is going to be removed, do not add a new action
+ //and remove the "Remove" action
+ actionsForThisField->remove(":remove:");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (actionsForThisField) {
+ //collect property values that have to be changed in this field
+ QMap<QCString, QVariant> values;
+ for (ActionDictIterator it(*actionsForThisField); it.current();) {
+ ChangeFieldPropertyAction* changePropertyAction = dynamic_cast<ChangeFieldPropertyAction*>(it.current());
+ if (changePropertyAction) {
+ //if this field is going to be renamed, also update fieldName()
+ if (changePropertyAction->propertyName()=="name") {
+ setFieldName(changePropertyAction->newValue().toString());
+ }
+ values.insert( changePropertyAction->propertyName().latin1(), changePropertyAction->newValue() );
+ //the subsequent "change property" action is no longer needed
+ actionsForThisField->remove(changePropertyAction->propertyName().latin1());
+ }
+ else {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!values.isEmpty()) {
+ //update field, so it will be created as one step
+ KexiDB::Field *f = new KexiDB::Field( field() );
+ if (KexiDB::setFieldProperties( *f, values )) {
+ //field() = f;
+ setField( f );
+ field().debug();
+ KexiUtils::addAlterTableActionDebug(
+ QString("** Property-set actions moved to field definition itself:\n")+field().debugString(), 0);
+ }
+ else {
+ KexiUtils::addAlterTableActionDebug(
+ QString("** Failed to set properties for field ")+field().debugString(), 0);
+ KexiDBWarn << "AlterTableHandler::InsertFieldAction::simplifyActions(): KexiDB::setFieldProperties() failed!" << endl;
+ delete f;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //ok, insert this action
+ //! @todo not checked
+ AlterTableHandler::InsertFieldAction* newAction
+ = new AlterTableHandler::InsertFieldAction( *this );
+ if (!actionsForThisField)
+ actionsForThisField = createActionDict( fieldActions, uid() );
+ actionsForThisField->insert( ":insert:", newAction ); //special
+tristate AlterTableHandler::InsertFieldAction::updateTableSchema(TableSchema &table, Field* field,
+ QMap<QString, QString>& fieldMap)
+ //in most cases we won't add the field to fieldMap
+ Q_UNUSED(field);
+//! @todo add it only when there should be fixed value (e.g. default) set for this new field...
+ fieldMap.remove( this->field().name() );
+ table.insertField(index(), new Field(this->field()));
+ return true;
+tristate AlterTableHandler::InsertFieldAction::execute(Connection& conn, TableSchema& table)
+ Q_UNUSED(conn);
+ Q_UNUSED(table);
+ //! @todo
+ return true;
+ int fieldIndex, const QString& fieldName, int uid)
+ : FieldActionBase(fieldName, uid)
+ , m_index(fieldIndex)
+ : FieldActionBase(true)
+void AlterTableHandler::MoveFieldPositionAction::updateAlteringRequirements()
+ setAlteringRequirements( MainSchemaAlteringRequired );
+ //! @todo
+QString AlterTableHandler::MoveFieldPositionAction::debugString(const DebugOptions& debugOptions)
+ QString s = QString("Move table field \"%1\" to position %2")
+ .arg(fieldName()).arg(m_index);
+ if (debugOptions.showUID)
+ s.append(QString(" (UID=%1)").arg(uid()));
+ return s;
+void AlterTableHandler::MoveFieldPositionAction::simplifyActions(ActionDictDict &fieldActions)
+ Q_UNUSED(fieldActions);
+ //! @todo
+tristate AlterTableHandler::MoveFieldPositionAction::execute(Connection& conn, TableSchema& table)
+ Q_UNUSED(conn);
+ Q_UNUSED(table);
+ //! @todo
+ return true;
+AlterTableHandler::AlterTableHandler(Connection &conn)
+ : Object()
+ , d( new Private() )
+ d->conn = &conn;
+ delete d;
+void AlterTableHandler::addAction(ActionBase* action)
+ d->actions.append(action);
+AlterTableHandler& AlterTableHandler::operator<< ( ActionBase* action )
+ d->actions.append(action);
+ return *this;
+const AlterTableHandler::ActionList& AlterTableHandler::actions() const
+ return d->actions;
+void AlterTableHandler::removeAction(int index)
+ d->actions.remove( d-> );
+void AlterTableHandler::clear()
+ d->actions.clear();
+void AlterTableHandler::setActions(const ActionList& actions)
+ d->actions = actions;
+void AlterTableHandler::debug()
+ KexiDBDbg << "AlterTableHandler's actions:" << endl;
+ foreach_list (ActionListIterator, it, d->actions)
+ it.current()->debug();
+TableSchema* AlterTableHandler::execute(const QString& tableName, ExecutionArguments& args)
+ args.result = false;
+ if (!d->conn) {
+//! @todo err msg?
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (d->conn->isReadOnly()) {
+//! @todo err msg?
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!d->conn->isDatabaseUsed()) {
+//! @todo err msg?
+ return 0;
+ }
+ TableSchema *oldTable = d->conn->tableSchema(tableName);
+ if (!oldTable) {
+//! @todo err msg?
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!args.debugString)
+ debug();
+ // Find a sum of requirements...
+ int allActionsCount = 0;
+ for(ActionListIterator it(d->actions); it.current(); ++it, allActionsCount++) {
+ it.current()->updateAlteringRequirements();
+ it.current()->m_order = allActionsCount;
+ }
+ /* Simplify actions list if possible and check for errors
+ How to do it?
+ - track property changes/deletions in reversed order
+ - reduce intermediate actions
+ Trivial example 1:
+ *action1: "rename field a to b"
+ *action2: "rename field b to c"
+ *action3: "rename field c to d"
+ After reduction:
+ *action1: "rename field a to d"
+ Summing up: we have tracked what happens to field curently named "d"
+ and eventually discovered that it was originally named "a".
+ Trivial example 2:
+ *action1: "rename field a to b"
+ *action2: "rename field b to c"
+ *action3: "remove field b"
+ After reduction:
+ *action3: "remove field b"
+ Summing up: we have noticed that field "b" has beed eventually removed
+ so we needed to find all actions related to this field and remove them.
+ This is good optimization, as some of the eventually removed actions would
+ be difficult to perform and/or costly, what would be a waste of resources
+ and a source of unwanted questions sent to the user.
+ */
+ ActionListIterator it(d->actions);
+ // Fields-related actions.
+ ActionDictDict fieldActions(3001);
+ fieldActions.setAutoDelete(true);
+ ActionBase* action;
+ for(it.toLast(); (action = it.current()); --it) {
+ action->simplifyActions( fieldActions );
+ }
+ if (!args.debugString)
+ debugFieldActions(fieldActions, args.simulate);
+ // Prepare actions for execution ----
+ // - Sort actions by order
+ ActionVector actionsVector(allActionsCount);
+ int currentActionsCount = 0; //some actions may be removed
+ args.requirements = 0;
+ QDict<char> fieldsWithChangedMainSchema(997); // Used to collect fields with changed main schema.
+ // This will be used when recreateTable is false to update kexi__fields
+ for (ActionDictDictIterator it(fieldActions); it.current(); ++it) {
+ for (AlterTableHandler::ActionDictIterator it2(*it.current());it2.current(); ++it2, currentActionsCount++) {
+ if (it2.current()->shouldBeRemoved(fieldActions))
+ continue;
+ actionsVector.insert( it2.current()->m_order, it2.current() );
+ // a sum of requirements...
+ const int r = it2.current()->alteringRequirements();
+ args.requirements |= r;
+ if (r & MainSchemaAlteringRequired && dynamic_cast<ChangeFieldPropertyAction*>(it2.current())) {
+ // Remember, this will be used when recreateTable is false to update kexi__fields, below.
+ fieldsWithChangedMainSchema.insert(
+ dynamic_cast<ChangeFieldPropertyAction*>(it2.current())->fieldName(), (char*)1 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // - Debug
+ QString dbg = QString("** Overall altering requirements: %1").arg(args.requirements);
+ KexiDBDbg << dbg << endl;
+ if (args.onlyComputeRequirements) {
+ args.result = true;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ const bool recreateTable = (args.requirements & PhysicalAlteringRequired);
+ if (args.simulate)
+ KexiUtils::addAlterTableActionDebug(dbg, 0);
+ dbg = QString("** Ordered, simplified actions (%1, was %2):").arg(currentActionsCount).arg(allActionsCount);
+ KexiDBDbg << dbg << endl;
+ if (args.simulate)
+ KexiUtils::addAlterTableActionDebug(dbg, 0);
+ for (int i=0; i<allActionsCount; i++) {
+ debugAction(actionsVector[i], 1, args.simulate, QString("%1: ").arg(i+1), args.debugString);
+ }
+ if (args.requirements == 0) {//nothing to do
+ args.result = true;
+ return oldTable;
+ }
+ if (args.simulate) {//do not execute
+ args.result = true;
+ return oldTable;
+ }
+// @todo transaction!
+ // Create new TableSchema
+ TableSchema *newTable = recreateTable ? new TableSchema(*oldTable, false/*!copy id*/) : oldTable;
+ // find nonexisting temp name for new table schema
+ if (recreateTable) {
+ QString tempDestTableName;
+ while (true) {
+ tempDestTableName = QString("%1_temp%2%3").arg(newTable->name()).arg(QString::number(rand(), 16)).arg(QString::number(rand(), 16));
+ if (!d->conn->tableSchema(tempDestTableName))
+ break;
+ }
+ newTable->setName( tempDestTableName );
+ }
+ oldTable->debug();
+ if (recreateTable && !args.debugString)
+ newTable->debug();
+ // Update table schema in memory ----
+ int lastUID = -1;
+ Field *currentField = 0;
+ QMap<QString, QString> fieldMap; // a map from new value to old value
+ foreach_list( Field::ListIterator, it, newTable->fieldsIterator() ) {
+ fieldMap.insert( it.current()->name(), it.current()->name() );
+ }
+ for (int i=0; i<allActionsCount; i++) {
+ action = actionsVector[i];
+ if (!action)
+ continue;
+ //remember the current Field object because soon we may be unable to find it by name:
+ FieldActionBase *fieldAction = dynamic_cast<FieldActionBase*>(action);
+ if (!fieldAction) {
+ currentField = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (lastUID != fieldAction->uid()) {
+ currentField = newTable->field( fieldAction->fieldName() );
+ lastUID = currentField ? fieldAction->uid() : -1;
+ }
+ InsertFieldAction *insertFieldAction = dynamic_cast<InsertFieldAction*>(action);
+ if (insertFieldAction && insertFieldAction->index()>(int)newTable->fieldCount()) {
+ //update index: there can be empty rows
+ insertFieldAction->setIndex(newTable->fieldCount());
+ }
+ }
+ //if (!currentField)
+ // continue;
+ args.result = action->updateTableSchema(*newTable, currentField, fieldMap);
+ if (args.result!=true) {
+ if (recreateTable)
+ delete newTable;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (recreateTable) {
+ // Create the destination table with temporary name
+ if (!d->conn->createTable( newTable, false )) {
+ setError(d->conn);
+ delete newTable;
+ args.result = false;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+#if 0//todo
+ // Execute actions ----
+ for (int i=0; i<allActionsCount; i++) {
+ action = actionsVector[i];
+ if (!action)
+ continue;
+ args.result = action->execute(*d->conn, *newTable);
+ if (!args.result || ~args.result) {
+//! @todo delete newTable...
+ args.result = false;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // update extended table schema after executing the actions
+ if (!d->conn->storeExtendedTableSchemaData(*newTable)) {
+//! @todo better errmsg?
+ setError(d->conn);
+//! @todo delete newTable...
+ args.result = false;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (recreateTable) {
+ // Copy the data:
+ // Build "INSERT INTO ... SELECT FROM ..." SQL statement
+ // The order is based on the order of the source table fields.
+ // Notes:
+ // -Some source fields can be skipped in case when there are deleted fields.
+ // -Some destination fields can be skipped in case when there
+ // are new empty fields without fixed/default value.
+ QString sql = QString("INSERT INTO %1 (").arg(d->conn->escapeIdentifier(newTable->name()));
+ //insert list of dest. fields
+ bool first = true;
+ QString sourceFields;
+ foreach_list( Field::ListIterator, it, newTable->fieldsIterator() ) {
+ Field * const f = it.current();
+ QString renamedFieldName( fieldMap[ f->name() ] );
+ QString sourceSQLString;
+ if (!renamedFieldName.isEmpty()) {
+ //this field should be renamed
+ sourceSQLString = d->conn->escapeIdentifier(renamedFieldName);
+ }
+ else if (!f->defaultValue().isNull()) {
+ //this field has a default value defined
+//! @todo support expressions (eg. TODAY()) as a default value
+//! @todo this field can be notNull or notEmpty - check whether the default is ok
+//! (or do this checking also in the Table Designer?)
+ sourceSQLString = d->conn->driver()->valueToSQL( f->type(), f->defaultValue() );
+ }
+ else if (f->isNotNull()) {
+ //this field cannot be null
+ sourceSQLString = d->conn->driver()->valueToSQL(
+ f->type(), KexiDB::emptyValueForType( f->type() ) );
+ }
+ else if (f->isNotEmpty()) {
+ //this field cannot be empty - use any nonempty value..., e.g. " " for text or 0 for number
+ sourceSQLString = d->conn->driver()->valueToSQL(
+ f->type(), KexiDB::notEmptyValueForType( f->type() ) );
+ }
+//! @todo support unique, validatationRule, unsigned flags...
+//! @todo check for foreignKey values...
+ if (!sourceSQLString.isEmpty()) {
+ if (first) {
+ first = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ sql.append( ", " );
+ sourceFields.append( ", " );
+ }
+ sql.append( d->conn->escapeIdentifier( f->name() ) );
+ sourceFields.append( sourceSQLString );
+ }
+ }
+ sql.append(QString(") SELECT ") + sourceFields + " FROM " + oldTable->name());
+ KexiDBDbg << " ** " << sql << endl;
+ if (!d->conn->executeSQL( sql )) {
+ setError(d->conn);
+//! @todo delete newTable...
+ args.result = false;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ const QString oldTableName = oldTable->name();
+/* args.result = d->conn->dropTable( oldTable );
+ if (!args.result || ~args.result) {
+ setError(d->conn);
+//! @todo delete newTable...
+ return 0;
+ }
+ oldTable = 0;*/
+ // Replace the old table with the new one (oldTable will be destroyed)
+ if (!d->conn->alterTableName(*newTable, oldTableName, true /*replace*/)) {
+ setError(d->conn);
+//! @todo delete newTable...
+ args.result = false;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ oldTable = 0;
+ }
+ if (!recreateTable) {
+ if ((MainSchemaAlteringRequired & args.requirements) && !fieldsWithChangedMainSchema.isEmpty()) {
+ //update main schema (kexi__fields) for changed fields
+ foreach_list(QDictIterator<char>, it, fieldsWithChangedMainSchema) {
+ Field *f = newTable->field( it.currentKey() );
+ if (f) {
+ if (!d->conn->storeMainFieldSchema(f)) {
+ setError(d->conn);
+ //! @todo delete newTable...
+ args.result = false;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ args.result = true;
+ return newTable;
+/*TableSchema* AlterTableHandler::execute(const QString& tableName, tristate &result, bool simulate)
+ return executeInternal( tableName, result, simulate, 0 );
+tristate AlterTableHandler::simulateExecution(const QString& tableName, QString& debugString)
+ tristate result;
+ (void)executeInternal( tableName, result, true//simulate
+ , &debugString );
+ return result;