path: root/kexi/kexidb/lookupfieldschema.h
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1 files changed, 236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kexi/kexidb/lookupfieldschema.h b/kexi/kexidb/lookupfieldschema.h
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+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Jaroslaw Staniek <[email protected]>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <qvaluelist.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+class QDomElement;
+class QDomDocument;
+class QVariant;
+namespace KexiDB {
+//! default value for LookupFieldSchema::columnHeadersVisible()
+//! default value for LookupFieldSchema::maximumListRows()
+//! maximum value for LookupFieldSchema::maximumListRows()
+//! default value for LookupFieldSchema::limitToList()
+//! default value for LookupFieldSchema::displayWidget()
+//! @short Provides information about lookup field's setup.
+ LookupFieldSchema object is owned by TableSchema and created upon creating or retrieving the table schema
+ from the database metadata.
+ @see LookupFieldSchema *TableSchema::lookupFieldSchema( Field& field ) const
+class KEXI_DB_EXPORT LookupFieldSchema
+ public:
+ //! Row source information that can be specified for the lookup field schema
+ class KEXI_DB_EXPORT RowSource {
+ public:
+ //! Row source type
+ enum Type {
+ NoType, //!< used for invalid schema
+ Table, //!< table as lookup row source
+ Query, //!< named query as lookup row source
+ SQLStatement, //!< anonymous query as lookup row source
+ ValueList, //!< a fixed list of values as lookup row source
+ FieldList //!< a list of column names from a table/query will be displayed
+ };
+ RowSource();
+ ~RowSource();
+ /*! @return row source type: table, query, anonymous; in the future it will
+ be also fixed value list and field list. The latter is basically a list
+ of column names of a table/query, "Field List" in MSA. */
+ Type type() const { return m_type; }
+ /*! Sets row source type to \a type. */
+ void setType(Type type) { m_type = type; }
+ /*! @return row source type name. @see setTypeByName() */
+ QString typeName() const;
+ /*! Sets row source type by name using \a typeName. Accepted (cast sensitive)
+ names are "table", "query", "sql", "valuelist", "fieldlist".
+ For other value NoType type is set. */
+ void setTypeByName( const QString& typeName );
+ /*! @return a string for row source: table name, query name or anonymous query
+ provided as KEXISQL string. If rowSourceType() is a ValueList,
+ rowSourceValues() should be used instead. If rowSourceType() is a FieldList,
+ rowSource() should return table or query name. */
+ QString name() const { return m_name; }
+ /*! Sets row source value. @see value() */
+ void setName(const QString& name);
+ /*! @return row source values specified if type() is ValueList. */
+ QStringList values() const;
+ /*! Sets row source values used if type() is ValueList.
+ Using it clears name (see name()). */
+ void setValues(const QStringList& values);
+ /*! \return String for debugging purposes. */
+ QString debugString() const;
+ /*! Shows debug information. */
+ void debug() const;
+ private:
+ Type m_type;
+ QString m_name;
+ QStringList *m_values;
+ };
+ LookupFieldSchema();
+ ~LookupFieldSchema();
+ /*! @return row source information for the lookup field schema */
+ RowSource& rowSource() { return m_rowSource; }
+ /*! Sets row source for the lookup field schema */
+ void setRowSource(const RowSource& rowSource) { m_rowSource = rowSource; }
+ /*! @return bound column: an integer specifying a column that is bound
+ (counted from 0). -1 means unspecified value. */
+//! @todo in later implementation there can be more columns
+ int boundColumn() const { return m_boundColumn; }
+ /*! Sets bound column number to \a column. @see boundColumn() */
+ void setBoundColumn(int column) { m_boundColumn = column>=0 ? column : -1; }
+ /*! @return a list of visible column: a list of integers specifying a column that has
+ to be visible in the combo box (counted from 0).
+ Empty list means unspecified value. */
+ QValueList<uint> visibleColumns() const { return m_visibleColumns; }
+ /*! Sets a list of visible columns to \a list.
+ Columns will be separated with a single space character when displayed. */
+ void setVisibleColumns(const QValueList<uint>& list) { m_visibleColumns = list; }
+ /*! A helper method.
+ If visibleColumns() contains one item, this item is returned (a typical case).
+ If visibleColumns() contains no item, -1 is returned.
+ If visibleColumns() multiple items, \a fieldsCount - 1 is returned. */
+ inline int visibleColumn(uint fieldsCount) const {
+ if (m_visibleColumns.count()==1)
+ return (m_visibleColumns.first() < fieldsCount)
+ ? (int)m_visibleColumns.first() : -1;
+ if (m_visibleColumns.isEmpty())
+ return -1;
+ return fieldsCount - 1;
+ }
+ /*! @return a number of ordered integers specifying column widths;
+ -1 means 'default width' for a given column. */
+ const QValueList<int> columnWidths() const { return m_columnWidths; }
+ /*! Sets column widths. @see columnWidths */
+ void setColumnWidths(const QValueList<int>& widths) { m_columnWidths = widths; }
+ /*! @return true if column headers are visible in the associated
+ combo box popup or the list view. The default is false. */
+ bool columnHeadersVisible() const { return m_columnHeadersVisible; }
+ /*! Sets "column headers visibility" flag. @see columnHeadersVisible() */
+ void setColumnHeadersVisible(bool set) { m_columnHeadersVisible = set; }
+ /*! @return integer property specifying a maximum number of rows
+ that can be displayed in a combo box popup or a list box. The default is
+ uint maximumListRows() const { return m_maximumListRows; }
+ /*! Sets maximum number of rows that can be displayed in a combo box popup
+ or a list box. If \a rows is 0, KEXIDB_LOOKUP_FIELD_DEFAULT_LIST_ROWS is set.
+ If \a rows is greater than KEXIDB_LOOKUP_FIELD_MAX_LIST_ROWS,
+ void setMaximumListRows(uint rows);
+ /*! @return true if , only values present on the list can be selected using
+ the combo box. The default is true. */
+ bool limitToList() const { return m_limitToList; }
+ /*! Sets "limit to list" flag. @see limitToList() */
+ void setLimitToList(bool set) { m_limitToList = set; }
+ //! used in displayWidget()
+ enum DisplayWidget {
+ ComboBox = 0, //!< (the default) combobox widget should be displayed in forms for this lookup field
+ ListBox = 1 //!< listbox widget should be displayed in forms for this lookup field
+ };
+ /*! @return the widget type that should be displayed within
+ the forms for this lookup field. The default is ComboBox.
+ For the Table View, combo box is always displayed. */
+ DisplayWidget displayWidget() const { return m_displayWidget; }
+ /*! Sets type of widget to display within the forms for this lookup field. @see displayWidget() */
+ void setDisplayWidget(DisplayWidget widget) { m_displayWidget = widget; }
+ /*! \return String for debugging purposes. */
+ QString debugString() const;
+ /*! Shows debug information. */
+ void debug() const;
+ /*! Loads data of lookup column schema from DOM tree.
+ The data can be outdated or invalid, so the app should handle such cases.
+ @return a new LookupFieldSchema object even if lookupEl contains no valid contents. */
+ static LookupFieldSchema* loadFromDom(const QDomElement& lookupEl);
+ /*! Saves data of lookup column schema to \a parentEl DOM element of \a doc document. */
+ static void saveToDom(LookupFieldSchema& lookupSchema, QDomDocument& doc, QDomElement& parentEl);
+ /*! Sets property of name \a propertyName and value \a value for the lookup schema \a lookup
+ \return true on successful set and false on failure because of invalid value or invalid property name. */
+ static bool setProperty(
+ LookupFieldSchema& lookup, const QCString& propertyName, const QVariant& value );
+ protected:
+ RowSource m_rowSource;
+ int m_boundColumn;
+ QValueList<uint> m_visibleColumns;
+ QValueList<int> m_columnWidths;
+ uint m_maximumListRows;
+ DisplayWidget m_displayWidget;
+ bool m_columnHeadersVisible : 1;
+ bool m_limitToList : 1;
+} //namespace KexiDB