path: root/kexi/widget/tableview/kexidataawareobjectiface.h
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1 files changed, 11 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/kexi/widget/tableview/kexidataawareobjectiface.h b/kexi/widget/tableview/kexidataawareobjectiface.h
index 0fed82b6..389c1c74 100644
--- a/kexi/widget/tableview/kexidataawareobjectiface.h
+++ b/kexi/widget/tableview/kexidataawareobjectiface.h
@@ -267,14 +267,14 @@ class KEXIDATATABLE_EXPORT KexiDataAwareObjectInterface
Does not clear columns information.
Does not destroy KexiTableViewData object (if present) but only clears its contents.
Displays confirmation dialog if \a ask is true (the default is false).
- Repaints widget if \a repaint is true (the default).
+ Repaints widget if \a tqrepaint is true (the default).
For empty tables, true is returned immediately.
If isDeleteEnabled() is false, false is returned.
For spreadsheet mode all current rows are just replaced by empty rows.
\return true on success, false on failure, and cancelled if user cancelled deletion
(only possible if \a ask is true).
- tristate deleteAllRows(bool ask = false, bool repaint = true);
+ tristate deleteAllRows(bool ask = false, bool tqrepaint = true);
/*! \return maximum number of rows that can be displayed per one "page"
for current view's size. */
@@ -537,12 +537,12 @@ class KEXIDATATABLE_EXPORT KexiDataAwareObjectInterface
virtual void initDataContents();
/*! Clears columns information and thus all internal table data
- and its visible representation. Repaints widget if \a repaint is true. */
- virtual void clearColumns(bool repaint = true);
+ and its visible representation. Repaints widget if \a tqrepaint is true. */
+ virtual void clearColumns(bool tqrepaint = true);
/*! Called by clearColumns() to clear internals of the object.
For example, KexiTableView removes contents of it's horizontal header. */
- virtual void clearColumnsInternal(bool repaint) = 0;
+ virtual void clearColumnsInternal(bool tqrepaint) = 0;
/*! @internal for implementation
This should append another section within horizontal header or any sort of caption
@@ -654,16 +654,16 @@ class KEXIDATATABLE_EXPORT KexiDataAwareObjectInterface
//! Handles KexiTableViewData::aboutToDeleteRow() signal. Prepares info for slotRowDeleted().
virtual void slotAboutToDeleteRow(KexiTableItem& item, KexiDB::ResultInfo* result,
- bool repaint);
+ bool tqrepaint);
- //! Handles KexiTableViewData::rowDeleted() signal to repaint when needed.
+ //! Handles KexiTableViewData::rowDeleted() signal to tqrepaint when needed.
virtual void slotRowDeleted();
- //! Handles KexiTableViewData::rowInserted() signal to repaint when needed.
- virtual void slotRowInserted(KexiTableItem *item, bool repaint);
+ //! Handles KexiTableViewData::rowInserted() signal to tqrepaint when needed.
+ virtual void slotRowInserted(KexiTableItem *item, bool tqrepaint);
//! Like above, not db-aware version
- virtual void slotRowInserted(KexiTableItem *item, uint row, bool repaint);
+ virtual void slotRowInserted(KexiTableItem *item, uint row, bool tqrepaint);
virtual void slotRowsDeleted( const TQValueList<int> & ) {}
@@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ class KEXIDATATABLE_EXPORT KexiDataAwareObjectInterface
virtual void selectCellInternal() {}
/*! Used in KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::slotRowDeleted()
- to repaint tow \a row and all visible below.
+ to tqrepaint tow \a row and all visible below.
Implemented if there is more than one row displayed, i.e. currently for KexiTableView. */
virtual void updateAllVisibleRowsBelow(int row) { Q_UNUSED( row ); }