path: root/kexi/widget/tableview/kexitextformatter.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'kexi/widget/tableview/kexitextformatter.cpp')
1 files changed, 237 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kexi/widget/tableview/kexitextformatter.cpp b/kexi/widget/tableview/kexitextformatter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f4e0b89d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kexi/widget/tableview/kexitextformatter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Jaroslaw Staniek <[email protected]>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include "kexitextformatter.h"
+#include <widget/utils/kexidatetimeformatter.h>
+#include <kexidb/utils.h>
+//! @internal
+class KexiTextFormatter::Private
+ public:
+ Private() : field(0), dateFormatter(0), timeFormatter(0)
+ {
+ }
+ ~Private()
+ {
+ delete dateFormatter;
+ delete timeFormatter;
+ }
+ KexiDB::Field* field;
+ KexiDateFormatter *dateFormatter;
+ KexiTimeFormatter *timeFormatter;
+ : d( new Private )
+ delete d;
+void KexiTextFormatter::setField( KexiDB::Field* field )
+ d->field = field;
+ if (!d->field)
+ return;
+ if (d->field->type() == KexiDB::Field::Date || d->field->type() == KexiDB::Field::DateTime)
+ d->dateFormatter = new KexiDateFormatter();
+ else {
+ delete d->dateFormatter;
+ d->dateFormatter = 0;
+ }
+ if (d->field->type() == KexiDB::Field::Time || d->field->type() == KexiDB::Field::DateTime)
+ d->timeFormatter = new KexiTimeFormatter();
+ else {
+ delete d->timeFormatter;
+ d->timeFormatter = 0;
+ }
+QString KexiTextFormatter::valueToText(const QVariant& value, const QString& add) const
+ //cases, in order of expected frequency
+ if (!d->field || d->field->isTextType())
+ return value.toString() + add;
+ else if (d->field->isIntegerType()) {
+ if (value.toInt() == 0)
+ return add; //eat 0
+ }
+ else if (d->field->isFPNumericType()) {
+//! @todo precision!
+//! @todo support 'g' format
+ if (value.toDouble() == 0.0)
+ return add.isEmpty() ? "0" : add; //eat 0
+#if 0 //moved to KexiDB::formatNumberForVisibleDecimalPlaces()
+ QString text( QString::number(value.toDouble(), 'f',
+ QMAX(d->field->visibleDecimalPlaces(), 10)) ); //!<-- 10 is quite good maximum for fractional digits
+ //!< @todo add command line settings?
+//! @todo (js): get decimal places settings here...
+ QStringList sl = QStringList::split(".", text);
+ //nothing
+ }
+ else if (sl.count()==2) {
+// kdDebug() << "sl.count()=="<<sl.count()<< " " <<sl[0] << " | " << sl[1] << endl;
+ const QString sl1 = sl[1];
+ int pos = sl1.length()-1;
+ if (pos>=1) {
+ for (;pos>=0 && sl1[pos]=='0';pos--)
+ ;
+ pos++;
+ }
+ if (pos>0)
+ text = sl[0] + m_decsym + sl1.left(pos);
+ else
+ text = sl[0]; //no decimal point
+ }
+ return KexiDB::formatNumberForVisibleDecimalPlaces(
+ value.toDouble(), d->field->visibleDecimalPlaces() ) + add;
+ }
+ else if (d->field->type() == KexiDB::Field::Boolean) {
+//! @todo temporary solution for booleans!
+ const bool boolValue = value.isNull() ? QVariant(add).toBool() : value.toBool();
+ return boolValue ? "1" : "0";
+ }
+ else if (d->field->type() == KexiDB::Field::Date) {
+ return d->dateFormatter->dateToString( value.toString().isEmpty() ? QDate() : value.toDate() );
+ }
+ else if (d->field->type() == KexiDB::Field::Time) {
+ return d->timeFormatter->timeToString(
+ //hack to avoid converting null variant to valid QTime(0,0,0)
+ value.toString().isEmpty() ? value.toTime() : QTime(99,0,0) );
+ }
+ else if (d->field->type() == KexiDB::Field::DateTime) {
+ if (value.toString().isEmpty() )
+ return add;
+ return d->dateFormatter->dateToString( value.toDateTime().date() ) + " " +
+ d->timeFormatter->timeToString( value.toDateTime().time() );
+ }
+ else if (d->field->type() == KexiDB::Field::BigInteger) {
+ if (value.toLongLong() == 0)
+ return add; //eat 0
+ }
+ //default: text
+ return value.toString() + add;
+QVariant KexiTextFormatter::textToValue(const QString& text) const
+ if (!d->field)
+ return QVariant();
+ const KexiDB::Field::Type t = d->field->type();
+ switch (t) {
+ case KexiDB::Field::Text:
+ case KexiDB::Field::LongText:
+ return text;
+ case KexiDB::Field::Byte:
+ case KexiDB::Field::ShortInteger:
+ return text.toShort();
+//! @todo uint, etc?
+ case KexiDB::Field::Integer:
+ return text.toInt();
+ case KexiDB::Field::BigInteger:
+ return text.toLongLong();
+ case KexiDB::Field::Boolean:
+//! @todo temporary solution for booleans!
+ return text == "1" ? QVariant(true,1) : QVariant(false,0);
+ case KexiDB::Field::Date:
+ return d->dateFormatter->stringToVariant( text );
+ case KexiDB::Field::Time:
+ return d->timeFormatter->stringToVariant( text );
+ case KexiDB::Field::DateTime:
+ return stringToDateTime(*d->dateFormatter, *d->timeFormatter, text);
+ case KexiDB::Field::Float:
+ case KexiDB::Field::Double: {
+ // replace custom decimal symbol with '.' as required by to{Float|Double}()
+ QString fixedText( text );
+ fixedText.replace(KGlobal::locale()->decimalSymbol(), ".");
+ if (t == KexiDB::Field::Double)
+ return fixedText.toDouble();
+ return fixedText.toFloat();
+ }
+ default:
+ return text;
+ }
+//! @todo more data types!
+bool KexiTextFormatter::valueIsEmpty(const QString& text) const
+ if (text.isEmpty())
+ return true;
+ if (d->field) {
+ const KexiDB::Field::Type t = d->field->type();
+ if (t == KexiDB::Field::Date)
+ return d->dateFormatter->isEmpty( text );
+ else if (t == KexiDB::Field::Time)
+ return d->timeFormatter->isEmpty( text );
+ else if (t == KexiDB::Field::Time)
+ return dateTimeIsEmpty( *d->dateFormatter, *d->timeFormatter, text );
+ }
+//! @todo
+ return text.isEmpty();
+bool KexiTextFormatter::valueIsValid(const QString& text) const
+ if (!d->field)
+ return true;
+//! @todo fix for fields with "required" property = true
+ if (valueIsEmpty(text)/*ok?*/)
+ return true;
+ const KexiDB::Field::Type t = d->field->type();
+ if (t == KexiDB::Field::Date)
+ return d->dateFormatter->stringToVariant( text ).isValid();
+ else if (t == KexiDB::Field::Time)
+ return d->timeFormatter->stringToVariant( text ).isValid();
+ else if (t == KexiDB::Field::DateTime)
+ return dateTimeIsValid( *d->dateFormatter, *d->timeFormatter, text );
+//! @todo
+ return true;
+QString KexiTextFormatter::inputMask() const
+ const KexiDB::Field::Type t = d->field->type();
+ if (t==KexiDB::Field::Date) {
+//! @todo use KDateWidget?
+ return d->dateFormatter->inputMask();
+ }
+ else if (t==KexiDB::Field::Time) {
+//! @todo use KTimeWidget
+ d->timeFormatter->inputMask();
+ }
+ else if (t==KexiDB::Field::DateTime) {
+ dateTimeInputMask( *d->dateFormatter, *d->timeFormatter );
+ }
+ return QString::null;