path: root/kexi/widget/utils/kexiflowlayout.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'kexi/widget/utils/kexiflowlayout.cpp')
1 files changed, 452 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kexi/widget/utils/kexiflowlayout.cpp b/kexi/widget/utils/kexiflowlayout.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8a8601e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kexi/widget/utils/kexiflowlayout.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ Copyright (C) 2005 Cedric Pasteur <[email protected]>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include "kexiflowlayout.h"
+#include <kdebug.h>
+/// Iterator class
+class KexiFlowLayoutIterator : public QGLayoutIterator
+ public:
+ KexiFlowLayoutIterator( QPtrList<QLayoutItem> *list )
+ : m_idx(0), m_list( list )
+ {}
+ uint count() const;
+ QLayoutItem *current();
+ QLayoutItem *next();
+ QLayoutItem *takeCurrent();
+ private:
+ int m_idx;
+ QPtrList<QLayoutItem> *m_list;
+KexiFlowLayoutIterator::count() const
+ return m_list->count();
+QLayoutItem *
+ return (m_idx < (int)count()) ? m_list->at(m_idx) : 0;
+QLayoutItem *
+ m_idx++;
+ return current();
+QLayoutItem *
+ return (m_idx < (int)count()) ? m_list->take(m_idx) : 0;
+//// The layout itself
+KexiFlowLayout::KexiFlowLayout(QWidget *parent, int border, int space, const char *name)
+ : QLayout(parent, border, space, name)
+ m_orientation = Horizontal;
+ m_justify = false;
+ m_cached_width = 0;
+KexiFlowLayout::KexiFlowLayout(QLayout* parent, int space, const char *name)
+ : QLayout( parent, space, name )
+ m_orientation = Horizontal;
+ m_justify = false;
+ m_cached_width = 0;
+KexiFlowLayout::KexiFlowLayout(int space, const char *name)
+ : QLayout(space, name)
+ {
+ m_orientation = Horizontal;
+ m_justify = false;
+ m_cached_width = 0;
+ }
+ deleteAllItems();
+KexiFlowLayout::addItem(QLayoutItem *item)
+ m_list.append(item);
+KexiFlowLayout::addSpacing(int size)
+ if (m_orientation == Horizontal)
+ addItem( new QSpacerItem( size, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum ) );
+ else
+ addItem( new QSpacerItem( 0, size, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
+ return QLayoutIterator( new KexiFlowLayoutIterator(&m_list) );
+KexiFlowLayout::widgetList() const
+ QPtrList<QWidget> *list = new QPtrList<QWidget>();
+ for (QPtrListIterator<QLayoutItem> it(m_list); it.current(); ++it) {
+ if(it.current()->widget())
+ list->append(it.current()->widget());
+ }
+ return list;
+ QLayout::invalidate();
+ m_cached_sizeHint = QSize();
+ m_cached_minSize = QSize();
+ m_cached_width = 0;
+ return m_list.isEmpty();
+KexiFlowLayout::hasHeightForWidth() const
+ return (m_orientation == Horizontal);
+KexiFlowLayout::heightForWidth(int w) const
+ if(m_cached_width != w) {
+ // workaround to allow this method to stay 'const'
+ KexiFlowLayout *mthis = (KexiFlowLayout*)this;
+ int h = mthis->simulateLayout( QRect(0,0,w,0) );
+ mthis->m_cached_hfw = h;
+ mthis->m_cached_width = w;
+ return h;
+ }
+ return m_cached_hfw;
+KexiFlowLayout::sizeHint() const
+ if(m_cached_sizeHint.isEmpty()) {
+ KexiFlowLayout *mthis = (KexiFlowLayout*)this;
+ QRect r = QRect(0, 0, 2000, 2000);
+ mthis->simulateLayout(r);
+ }
+ return m_cached_sizeHint;
+KexiFlowLayout::minimumSize() const
+//js: do we really need to simulate layout here?
+// I commented this out because it was impossible to stretch layout conveniently.
+// Now, minimum size is computed automatically based on item's minimumSize...
+#if 0
+ if(m_cached_minSize.isEmpty()) {
+ KexiFlowLayout *mthis = (KexiFlowLayout*)this;
+ QRect r = QRect(0, 0, 2000, 2000);
+ mthis->simulateLayout(r);
+ }
+ return m_cached_minSize;
+KexiFlowLayout::expanding() const
+ if(m_orientation == Vertical)
+ return QSizePolicy::Vertically;
+ else
+ return QSizePolicy::Horizontally;
+KexiFlowLayout::setGeometry(const QRect &r)
+ QLayout::setGeometry(r);
+ if(m_orientation == Horizontal)
+ doHorizontalLayout(r);
+ else
+ doVerticalLayout(r);
+KexiFlowLayout::simulateLayout(const QRect &r)
+ if(m_orientation == Horizontal)
+ return doHorizontalLayout(r, true);
+ else
+ return doVerticalLayout(r, true);
+KexiFlowLayout::doHorizontalLayout(const QRect &r, bool testOnly)
+ int x = r.x();
+ int y = r.y();
+ int h = 0; // height of this line
+ int availableSpace = r.width() + spacing();
+ int expandingWidgets=0; // number of widgets in the line with QSizePolicy == Expanding
+ QPtrListIterator<QLayoutItem> it(m_list);
+ QPtrList<QLayoutItem> currentLine;
+ QLayoutItem *o;
+ QSize minSize, sizeHint(20, 20);
+ int minSizeHeight = 0 - spacing();
+ while ( (o = it.current()) != 0 ) {
+ if(o->isEmpty()) { /// do not consider hidden widgets
+ ++it;
+ continue;
+ }
+// kdDebug() << "- doHorizontalLayout(): " << o->widget()->className() << " " << o->widget()->name() << endl;
+ QSize oSizeHint = o->sizeHint(); // we cache these ones because it can take a while to get it (eg for child layouts)
+ if ((x + oSizeHint.width()) > r.right() && h > 0) {
+ // do the layout of current line
+ QPtrListIterator<QLayoutItem> it2(currentLine);
+ QLayoutItem *item;
+ int wx = r.x();
+ int sizeHintWidth = 0 -spacing(), minSizeWidth=0 - spacing(), lineMinHeight=0;
+ while( (item = it2.current()) != 0 ) {
+ QSize itemSizeHint = item->sizeHint(); // we cache these ones because it can take
+ QSize itemMinSize = item->minimumSize(); // a while to get them
+ QSize s;
+ if(m_justify) {
+ if(expandingWidgets != 0) {
+ if(item->expanding() == QSizePolicy::Horizontally || item->expanding() == QSizePolicy::BothDirections)
+ s = QSize( QMIN(itemSizeHint.width() + availableSpace / expandingWidgets
+ , r.width()), itemSizeHint.height() );
+ else
+ s = QSize( QMIN(itemSizeHint.width(), r.width()), itemSizeHint.height() );
+ }
+ else
+ s = QSize( QMIN(itemSizeHint.width() + availableSpace / (int)currentLine.count()
+ , r.width()), itemSizeHint.height() );
+ }
+ else
+ s = QSize ( QMIN(itemSizeHint.width(), r.width()), itemSizeHint.height() );
+ if(!testOnly)
+ item->setGeometry( QRect(QPoint(wx, y), s) );
+ wx = wx + s.width() + spacing();
+ minSizeWidth = minSizeWidth + spacing() + itemMinSize.width();
+ sizeHintWidth = sizeHintWidth + spacing() + itemSizeHint.width();
+ lineMinHeight = QMAX( lineMinHeight, itemMinSize.height() );
+ ++it2;
+ }
+ sizeHint = sizeHint.expandedTo( QSize(sizeHintWidth, 0) );
+ minSize = minSize.expandedTo( QSize(minSizeWidth, 0) );
+ minSizeHeight = minSizeHeight + spacing() + lineMinHeight;
+ // start a new line
+ y = y + spacing() + h;
+ h = 0;
+ x = r.x();
+ currentLine.clear();
+ expandingWidgets = 0;
+ availableSpace = r.width() + spacing();
+ }
+ x = x + spacing() + oSizeHint.width();
+ h = QMAX( h, oSizeHint.height() );
+ currentLine.append(o);
+ if(o->expanding() == QSizePolicy::Horizontally || o->expanding() == QSizePolicy::BothDirections)
+ ++expandingWidgets;
+ availableSpace = QMAX(0, availableSpace - spacing() - oSizeHint.width());
+ ++it;
+ }
+ // don't forget to layout the last line
+ QPtrListIterator<QLayoutItem> it2(currentLine);
+ QLayoutItem *item;
+ int wx = r.x();
+ int sizeHintWidth = 0 -spacing(), minSizeWidth=0 - spacing(), lineMinHeight=0;
+ while( (item = it2.current()) != 0 ) {
+ QSize itemSizeHint = item->sizeHint(); // we cache these ones because it can take
+ QSize itemMinSize = item->minimumSize(); // a while to get them
+ QSize s;
+ if(m_justify) {
+ if(expandingWidgets != 0) {
+ if(item->expanding() == QSizePolicy::Horizontally || item->expanding() == QSizePolicy::BothDirections)
+ s = QSize( QMIN(itemSizeHint.width() + availableSpace / expandingWidgets
+ , r.width()), itemSizeHint.height() );
+ else
+ s = QSize( QMIN(itemSizeHint.width(), r.width()), itemSizeHint.height() );
+ }
+ else
+ s = QSize( QMIN(itemSizeHint.width() + availableSpace / (int)currentLine.count()
+ , r.width()), itemSizeHint.height() );
+ }
+ else
+ s = QSize ( QMIN(itemSizeHint.width(), r.width()), itemSizeHint.height() );
+ if(!testOnly)
+ item->setGeometry( QRect(QPoint(wx, y), s) );
+ wx = wx + s.width() + spacing();
+ minSizeWidth = minSizeWidth + spacing() + itemMinSize.width();
+ sizeHintWidth = sizeHintWidth + spacing() + itemSizeHint.width();
+ lineMinHeight = QMAX( lineMinHeight, itemMinSize.height() );
+ ++it2;
+ }
+ sizeHint = sizeHint.expandedTo( QSize(sizeHintWidth, y + spacing() + h) );
+ minSizeHeight = minSizeHeight + spacing() + lineMinHeight;
+ minSize = minSize.expandedTo( QSize(minSizeWidth, minSizeHeight) );
+ // store sizeHint() and minimumSize()
+ m_cached_sizeHint = sizeHint + QSize(2* margin(), 2*margin());
+ m_cached_minSize = minSize + QSize(2* margin() , 2*margin());
+ // return our height
+ return y + h - r.y();
+KexiFlowLayout::doVerticalLayout(const QRect &r, bool testOnly)
+ int x = r.x();
+ int y = r.y();
+ int w = 0; // width of this line
+ int availableSpace = r.height() + spacing();
+ int expandingWidgets=0; // number of widgets in the line with QSizePolicy == Expanding
+ QPtrListIterator<QLayoutItem> it(m_list);
+ QPtrList<QLayoutItem> currentLine;
+ QLayoutItem *o;
+ QSize minSize, sizeHint(20, 20);
+ int minSizeWidth = 0 - spacing();
+ while ( (o = it.current()) != 0 ) {
+ if(o->isEmpty()) { /// do not consider hidden widgets
+ ++it;
+ continue;
+ }
+ QSize oSizeHint = o->sizeHint(); // we cache these ones because it can take a while to get it (eg for child layouts)
+ if (y + oSizeHint.height() > r.bottom() && w > 0) {
+ // do the layout of current line
+ QPtrListIterator<QLayoutItem> it2(currentLine);
+ QLayoutItem *item;
+ int wy = r.y();
+ int sizeHintHeight = 0 - spacing(), minSizeHeight = 0 - spacing(), colMinWidth=0;
+ while( (item = it2.current()) != 0 ) {
+ QSize itemSizeHint = item->sizeHint(); // we cache these ones because it can take
+ QSize itemMinSize = item->minimumSize(); // a while to get them
+ QSize s;
+ if(m_justify) {
+ if(expandingWidgets != 0) {
+ if(item->expanding() == QSizePolicy::Vertically || item->expanding() == QSizePolicy::BothDirections)
+ s = QSize( itemSizeHint.width(), QMIN(itemSizeHint.height() + availableSpace / expandingWidgets
+ , r.height()) );
+ else
+ s = QSize( itemSizeHint.width(), QMIN(itemSizeHint.height(), r.height()) );
+ }
+ else
+ s = QSize( itemSizeHint.width(), QMIN(itemSizeHint.height() + availableSpace / (int)currentLine.count()
+ , r.height()) );
+ }
+ else
+ s = QSize ( itemSizeHint.width(), QMIN(itemSizeHint.height(), r.height()) );
+ if(!testOnly)
+ item->setGeometry( QRect(QPoint(x, wy), s) );
+ wy = wy + s.height() + spacing();
+ minSizeHeight = minSizeHeight + spacing() + itemMinSize.height();
+ sizeHintHeight = sizeHintHeight + spacing() + itemSizeHint.height();
+ colMinWidth = QMAX( colMinWidth, itemMinSize.width() );
+ ++it2;
+ }
+ sizeHint = sizeHint.expandedTo( QSize(0, sizeHintHeight) );
+ minSize = minSize.expandedTo( QSize(0, minSizeHeight) );
+ minSizeWidth = minSizeWidth + spacing() + colMinWidth;
+ // start a new column
+ x = x + spacing() + w;
+ w = 0;
+ y = r.y();
+ currentLine.clear();
+ expandingWidgets = 0;
+ availableSpace = r.height() + spacing();
+ }
+ y = y + spacing() + oSizeHint.height();
+ w = QMAX( w, oSizeHint.width() );
+ currentLine.append(o);
+ if(o->expanding() == QSizePolicy::Vertically || o->expanding() == QSizePolicy::BothDirections)
+ ++expandingWidgets;
+ availableSpace = QMAX(0, availableSpace - spacing() - oSizeHint.height());
+ ++it;
+ }
+ // don't forget to layout the last line
+ QPtrListIterator<QLayoutItem> it2(currentLine);
+ QLayoutItem *item;
+ int wy = r.y();
+ int sizeHintHeight = 0 - spacing(), minSizeHeight = 0 - spacing(), colMinWidth=0;
+ while( (item = it2.current()) != 0 ) {
+ QSize itemSizeHint = item->sizeHint(); // we cache these ones because it can take
+ QSize itemMinSize = item->minimumSize(); // a while to get them
+ QSize s;
+ if(m_justify) {
+ if(expandingWidgets != 0) {
+ if(item->expanding() == QSizePolicy::Vertically || item->expanding() == QSizePolicy::BothDirections)
+ s = QSize( itemSizeHint.width(), QMIN(itemSizeHint.height() + availableSpace / expandingWidgets
+ , r.height()) );
+ else
+ s = QSize( itemSizeHint.width(), QMIN(itemSizeHint.height(), r.height()) );
+ }
+ else
+ s = QSize( itemSizeHint.width(), QMIN(itemSizeHint.height() + availableSpace / (int)currentLine.count()
+ , r.height()) );
+ }
+ else
+ s = QSize ( itemSizeHint.width(), QMIN(itemSizeHint.height(), r.height()) );
+ if(!testOnly)
+ item->setGeometry( QRect(QPoint(x, wy), s) );
+ wy = wy + s.height() + spacing();
+ minSizeHeight = minSizeHeight + spacing() + itemMinSize.height();
+ sizeHintHeight = sizeHintHeight + spacing() + itemSizeHint.height();
+ colMinWidth = QMAX( colMinWidth, itemMinSize.width() );
+ ++it2;
+ }
+ sizeHint = sizeHint.expandedTo( QSize( x + spacing() + w, sizeHintHeight) );
+ minSizeWidth = minSizeWidth + spacing() + colMinWidth;
+ minSize = minSize.expandedTo( QSize(minSizeWidth, minSizeHeight) );
+ // store sizeHint() and minimumSize()
+ m_cached_sizeHint = sizeHint + QSize(2* margin(), 2*margin());
+ m_cached_minSize = minSize + QSize(2* margin(), 2*margin());
+ // return our width
+ return x + w - r.x();