path: root/kpresenter/KPrCommand.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kpresenter/KPrCommand.cpp')
1 files changed, 2827 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kpresenter/KPrCommand.cpp b/kpresenter/KPrCommand.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62119e9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kpresenter/KPrCommand.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2827 @@
+// -*- Mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4; -*-
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ Copyright (C) 2001 Laurent Montel <[email protected]>
+ Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Thorsten Zachmann <[email protected]>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include "KPrDocument.h"
+#include "KPrPage.h"
+#include "KPrCommand.h"
+#include "KPrBackground.h"
+#include "KPrGroupObject.h"
+#include "KPrLineObject.h"
+#include "KPrEllipseObject.h"
+#include "KPrAutoformObject.h"
+#include "KPrFreehandObject.h"
+#include "KPrPolylineObject.h"
+#include "KPrBezierCurveObject.h"
+#include "KPrPolygonObject.h"
+#include "KPrClosedLineObject.h"
+#include "KPrTextObject.h"
+#include "KPrPixmapObject.h"
+#include "KPrPartObject.h"
+#include <KoRuler.h>
+#include "KPrPieObject.h"
+#include "KPrRectObject.h"
+#include "KPrView.h"
+#include "KoTextObject.h"
+#include "KPrTextDocument.h"
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include "KPrVariableCollection.h"
+#include <KoRect.h>
+#include <KoSize.h>
+#include <KoPoint.h>
+#include <KoDom.h>
+#include <KoTextParag.h>
+#include <KoXmlNS.h>
+#include <KoStore.h>
+#include <KoOasisContext.h>
+#include <KoOasisStyles.h>
+#include <KoOasisStore.h>
+#include <qxml.h>
+#include <qbuffer.h>
+KPrShadowCmd::KPrShadowCmd( const QString &_name, QPtrList<ShadowValues> &_oldShadow, ShadowValues _newShadow,
+ QPtrList<KPrObject> &_objects, KPrDocument *_doc )
+ : KNamedCommand( _name ), oldShadow( _oldShadow ), objects( _objects )
+ objects.setAutoDelete( false );
+ oldShadow.setAutoDelete( false );
+ doc = _doc;
+ newShadow = _newShadow;
+ m_page = doc->findPage( objects );
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->incCmdRef();
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->decCmdRef();
+ oldShadow.setAutoDelete( true );
+ oldShadow.clear();
+void KPrShadowCmd::execute()
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->setShadowParameter(newShadow.shadowDistance,
+ newShadow.shadowDirection,
+ newShadow.shadowColor);
+ doc->repaint( false );
+ doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+void KPrShadowCmd::unexecute()
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < objects.count(); i++ )
+ i )->setShadowParameter(>shadowDistance,
+ doc->repaint( false );
+ doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+KPrSetOptionsCmd::KPrSetOptionsCmd( const QString &_name, QValueList<KoPoint> &_diffs, QPtrList<KPrObject> &_objects,
+ double _gridX, double _gridY, double _oldGridX, double _oldGridY,
+ const QColor &_txtBackCol, const QColor &_otxtBackCol, KPrDocument *_doc )
+ : KNamedCommand( _name ),
+ diffs( _diffs ),
+ objects( _objects ),
+ txtBackCol( _txtBackCol ),
+ otxtBackCol( _otxtBackCol )
+ gridX = _gridX;
+ gridY = _gridY;
+ oldGridX = _oldGridX;
+ oldGridY = _oldGridY;
+ doc = _doc;
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->incCmdRef();
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->decCmdRef();
+void KPrSetOptionsCmd::execute()
+ // ## use iterator
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < objects.count(); i++ )
+ i )->moveBy( * i ) );
+ doc->setGridValue( gridX, gridY, false );
+ doc->updateRuler();
+ doc->setTxtBackCol( txtBackCol );
+ doc->repaint( false );
+void KPrSetOptionsCmd::unexecute()
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < objects.count(); i++ )
+ i )->moveBy( -(* i )).x(), -(* i )).y() );
+ doc->setGridValue( oldGridX, oldGridY, false );
+ doc->updateRuler();
+ doc->setTxtBackCol( otxtBackCol );
+ doc->repaint( false );
+KPrSetBackCmd::KPrSetBackCmd( const QString &name, const KPrBackGround::Settings &settings,
+ const KPrBackGround::Settings &oldSettings,
+ bool useMasterBackground,
+ bool takeGlobal, KPrDocument *doc, KPrPage *page )
+: KNamedCommand( name )
+, m_settings( settings )
+, m_oldSettings( oldSettings )
+, m_useMasterBackground( useMasterBackground )
+, m_oldUseMasterBackground( page->useMasterBackground() )
+, m_takeGlobal( takeGlobal )
+, m_doc( doc )
+, m_page( page )
+void KPrSetBackCmd::execute()
+ if ( !m_takeGlobal ) {
+ m_page->background()->setBackGround( m_settings );
+ m_page->setUseMasterBackground( m_useMasterBackground );
+ m_doc->restoreBackground( m_page );
+ } else {
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrPage> it( m_doc->getPageList() );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ {
+ it.current()->background()->setBackGround( m_settings );
+ it.current()->setUseMasterBackground( m_useMasterBackground );
+ m_doc->restoreBackground(it.current());
+ }
+ }
+ m_doc->repaint( false );
+ if ( m_takeGlobal ) {
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrPage> it( m_doc->getPageList() );
+ for ( int pos = 0; it.current(); ++it, ++pos ) {
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( it.current() );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+ }
+void KPrSetBackCmd::unexecute()
+ if ( !m_takeGlobal ) {
+ m_page->background()->setBackGround( m_oldSettings );
+ m_page->setUseMasterBackground( m_oldUseMasterBackground );
+ m_doc->restoreBackground( m_page );
+ } else {
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrPage> it( m_doc->getPageList() );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ {
+ it.current()->background()->setBackGround( m_oldSettings );
+ it.current()->setUseMasterBackground( m_oldUseMasterBackground );
+ m_doc->restoreBackground(it.current());
+ }
+ }
+ m_doc->repaint( false );
+ if ( m_takeGlobal ) {
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrPage> it( m_doc->getPageList() );
+ for ( int pos = 0; it.current(); ++it, ++pos ) {
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( it.current() );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+ }
+KPrRotateCmd::KPrRotateCmd( const QString &_name, float newAngle, QPtrList<KPrObject> &objects,
+ KPrDocument *doc, bool addAngle )
+ : KNamedCommand( _name ), m_doc( doc ), m_newAngle( newAngle ), m_addAngle( addAngle )
+ m_objects.setAutoDelete( false );
+ m_oldAngles.setAutoDelete( false );
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ {
+ m_objects.append( it.current() );
+ RotateValues *old = new RotateValues;
+ old->angle = it.current()->getAngle();
+ m_oldAngles.append( old );
+ it.current()->incCmdRef();
+ }
+ m_page = m_doc->findPage( m_objects );
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( m_objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->decCmdRef();
+ m_oldAngles.setAutoDelete( true );
+ m_oldAngles.clear();
+void KPrRotateCmd::execute()
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( m_objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ {
+ if ( m_addAngle )
+ it.current()->rotate( it.current()->getAngle() + m_newAngle );
+ else
+ it.current()->rotate( m_newAngle );
+ }
+ m_doc->updateRuler();
+ m_doc->repaint( false );
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+void KPrRotateCmd::unexecute()
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_objects.count(); i++ )
+>rotate( i )->angle );
+ m_doc->updateRuler();
+ m_doc->repaint( false );
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+KPrChgPixCmd::KPrChgPixCmd( const QString &_name, KPrPixmapObject *_oldObject, KPrPixmapObject *_newObject,
+ KPrDocument *_doc, KPrPage *_page)
+ : KNamedCommand( _name )
+ oldObject = _oldObject;
+ newObject = _newObject;
+ m_page=_page;
+ doc = _doc;
+ oldObject->incCmdRef();
+ newObject->incCmdRef();
+ newObject->setSize( oldObject->getSize() );
+ newObject->setOrig( oldObject->getOrig() );
+ oldObject->decCmdRef();
+ newObject->decCmdRef();
+void KPrChgPixCmd::execute()
+ m_page->replaceObject( oldObject, newObject );
+ doc->repaint( newObject );
+ doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+void KPrChgPixCmd::unexecute()
+ m_page->replaceObject( newObject, oldObject );
+ doc->repaint( oldObject );
+ doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+KPrDeleteCmd::KPrDeleteCmd( const QString &_name, QPtrList<KPrObject> &_objects,
+ KPrDocument *_doc, KPrPage *_page )
+: KNamedCommand( _name )
+, m_oldObjectList( _page->objectList() )
+, m_objectsToDelete( _objects )
+, m_doc( _doc )
+, m_page( _page )
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( m_oldObjectList );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->incCmdRef();
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( m_oldObjectList );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->decCmdRef();
+void KPrDeleteCmd::execute()
+ bool textObj=false;
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( m_oldObjectList );
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> itDelete( m_objectsToDelete );
+ QPtrList<KPrObject> newObjectList;
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ {
+ if ( it.current() == itDelete.current() )
+ {
+ it.current()->setSelected( false );
+ it.current()->removeFromObjList();
+ if ( !textObj && it.current()->getType() == OT_TEXT )
+ {
+ KPrTextObject * tmp = dynamic_cast<KPrTextObject *>( it.current() );
+ if ( tmp )
+ tmp->setEditingTextObj( false );
+ textObj=true;
+ }
+ ++itDelete;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ newObjectList.append( it.current() );
+ }
+ }
+ m_page->setObjectList( newObjectList );
+ for ( itDelete.toFirst(); itDelete.current(); ++itDelete )
+ {
+ QRect oldRect = m_doc->zoomHandler()->zoomRect( itDelete.current()->getRepaintRect() );
+ m_doc->repaint( oldRect );
+ }
+ if(textObj)
+ m_doc->updateRuler();
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+void KPrDeleteCmd::unexecute()
+ m_page->setObjectList( m_oldObjectList );
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( m_objectsToDelete );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ {
+ it.current()->addToObjList();
+ m_doc->repaint( it.current() );
+ }
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+KPrEffectCmd::KPrEffectCmd( const QString &_name, const QPtrList<KPrObject> &_objs,
+ const QValueList<EffectStruct> &_oldEffects, EffectStruct _newEffect )
+ : KNamedCommand( _name ), oldEffects( _oldEffects ),
+ newEffect( _newEffect ), objs( _objs )
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( objs );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->incCmdRef();
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( objs );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->decCmdRef();
+void KPrEffectCmd::execute()
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( objs );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ {
+ it.current()->setAppearStep( newEffect.appearStep );
+ it.current()->setEffect( newEffect.effect );
+ it.current()->setEffect2( newEffect.effect2 );
+ it.current()->setDisappear( newEffect.disappear );
+ it.current()->setEffect3( newEffect.effect3 );
+ it.current()->setDisappearStep( newEffect.disappearStep );
+ it.current()->setAppearSpeed( newEffect.m_appearSpeed );
+ it.current()->setDisappearSpeed( newEffect.m_disappearSpeed );
+ it.current()->setAppearTimer( newEffect.appearTimer );
+ it.current()->setDisappearTimer( newEffect.disappearTimer );
+ it.current()->setAppearSoundEffect( newEffect.appearSoundEffect );
+ it.current()->setDisappearSoundEffect( newEffect.disappearSoundEffect );
+ it.current()->setAppearSoundEffectFileName( newEffect.a_fileName );
+ it.current()->setDisappearSoundEffectFileName( newEffect.d_fileName );
+ }
+void KPrEffectCmd::unexecute()
+ KPrObject *object = 0;
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < objs.count(); ++i ) {
+ object = i );
+ object->setAppearStep( oldEffects[ i ].appearStep );
+ object->setEffect( oldEffects[ i ].effect );
+ object->setEffect2( oldEffects[ i ].effect2 );
+ object->setDisappear( oldEffects[ i ].disappear );
+ object->setEffect3( oldEffects[ i ].effect3 );
+ object->setDisappearStep( oldEffects[ i ].disappearStep );
+ object->setAppearSpeed( oldEffects[ i ].m_appearSpeed );
+ object->setDisappearSpeed( oldEffects[ i ].m_disappearSpeed );
+ object->setAppearTimer( oldEffects[ i ].appearTimer );
+ object->setDisappearTimer( oldEffects[ i ].disappearTimer );
+ object->setAppearSoundEffect( oldEffects[ i ].appearSoundEffect );
+ object->setDisappearSoundEffect( oldEffects[ i ].disappearSoundEffect );
+ object->setAppearSoundEffectFileName( oldEffects[ i ].a_fileName );
+ object->setDisappearSoundEffectFileName( oldEffects[ i ].d_fileName );
+ }
+KPrGroupObjCmd::KPrGroupObjCmd( const QString &_name,
+ const QPtrList<KPrObject> &_objects,
+ KPrDocument *_doc, KPrPage *_page )
+: KNamedCommand( _name )
+, m_objectsToGroup( _objects )
+, m_oldObjectList( _page->objectList() )
+, m_doc( _doc )
+, m_page( _page )
+ m_groupObject = new KPrGroupObject( m_objectsToGroup );
+ m_groupObject->incCmdRef();
+ m_groupObject->decCmdRef();
+void KPrGroupObjCmd::execute()
+ KoRect r;
+ int position = 0;
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( m_objectsToGroup );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ {
+ it.current()->setSelected( false );
+ position = m_page->takeObject(it.current() );
+ r |= it.current()->getRealRect();
+ }
+ m_groupObject->setUpdateObjects( false );
+ m_groupObject->setOrig( r.x(), r.y() );
+ m_groupObject->setSize( r.width(), r.height() );
+ m_page->insertObject( m_groupObject, position );
+ m_groupObject->addToObjList();
+ m_groupObject->setUpdateObjects( true );
+ m_groupObject->setSelected( true );
+ m_doc->refreshGroupButton();
+ m_doc->repaint( false );
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+void KPrGroupObjCmd::unexecute()
+ m_groupObject->setUpdateObjects( false );
+ m_page->setObjectList( m_oldObjectList );
+ m_groupObject->removeFromObjList();
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( m_objectsToGroup );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ {
+ it.current()->addToObjList();
+ it.current()->setSelected( true );
+ }
+ m_doc->refreshGroupButton();
+ m_doc->repaint( false );
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+UnGroupObjCmd::UnGroupObjCmd( const QString &_name,
+ KPrGroupObject *grpObj_,
+ KPrDocument *_doc, KPrPage *_page )
+: KNamedCommand( _name )
+, m_groupedObjects( grpObj_->getObjects() )
+, m_groupObject( grpObj_ )
+, m_doc( _doc )
+, m_page( _page )
+ m_groupObject->incCmdRef();
+ m_groupObject->decCmdRef();
+void UnGroupObjCmd::execute()
+ m_groupObject->setUpdateObjects( false );
+ int position = m_page->takeObject( m_groupObject );
+ m_groupObject->removeFromObjList();
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( m_groupedObjects );
+ for ( it.toLast(); it.current() ; --it )
+ {
+ m_page->insertObject( it.current(), position );
+ it.current()->addToObjList();
+ it.current()->setSelected( true );
+ }
+ m_doc->refreshGroupButton();
+ m_doc->repaint( false );
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+void UnGroupObjCmd::unexecute()
+ KoRect r=KoRect();
+ int position = 0;
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( m_groupedObjects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ {
+ it.current()->setSelected( false );
+ position = m_page->takeObject( it.current() );
+ r |= it.current()->getRealRect();
+ }
+ m_groupObject->setUpdateObjects( false );
+ m_groupObject->setOrig( r.x(), r.y() );
+ m_groupObject->setSize( r.width(), r.height() );
+ m_page->insertObject( m_groupObject, position );
+ m_groupObject->addToObjList();
+ m_groupObject->setUpdateObjects( true );
+ m_groupObject->setSelected( true );
+ m_doc->refreshGroupButton();
+ m_doc->repaint( false );
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+KPrInsertCmd::KPrInsertCmd( const QString &name, const QValueList<KPrObject *> objects,
+ KPrDocument *doc, KPrPage *page )
+: KNamedCommand( name )
+, m_objects( objects )
+, m_object( 0 )
+, m_doc( doc )
+, m_page( page )
+ QValueListConstIterator<KPrObject *> it( m_objects.begin() );
+ for ( ; it != m_objects.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ ( *it )->incCmdRef();
+ }
+KPrInsertCmd::KPrInsertCmd( const QString &name, KPrObject *object,
+ KPrDocument *doc, KPrPage *page )
+: KNamedCommand( name )
+, m_object( object )
+, m_doc( doc )
+, m_page( page )
+ m_object->incCmdRef();
+ if ( m_object )
+ {
+ m_object->decCmdRef();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ QValueListConstIterator<KPrObject *> it( m_objects.begin() );
+ for ( ; it != m_objects.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ ( *it )->decCmdRef();
+ }
+ }
+void KPrInsertCmd::execute()
+ if ( m_object )
+ {
+ m_page->appendObject( m_object );
+ m_object->addToObjList();
+ if ( m_object->getType() == OT_TEXT )
+ m_doc->updateRuler();
+ m_doc->repaint( m_object );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_page->appendObjects( m_objects );
+ QValueListConstIterator<KPrObject *> it( m_objects.begin() );
+ bool updateRuler = false;
+ for ( ; it != m_objects.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ ( *it )->addToObjList();
+ if ( ( *it )->getType() == OT_TEXT )
+ updateRuler = true;
+ m_doc->repaint( *it );
+ }
+ if ( updateRuler )
+ m_doc->updateRuler();
+ }
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+void KPrInsertCmd::unexecute()
+ if ( m_object )
+ {
+ QRect oldRect = m_doc->zoomHandler()->zoomRect( m_object->getRepaintRect() );
+ QPtrList<KPrObject> list(m_page->objectList());
+ if ( list.findRef( m_object ) != -1 ) {
+ m_page->takeObject( m_object );
+ m_object->removeFromObjList();
+ if ( m_object->getType() == OT_TEXT )
+ {
+ m_doc->terminateEditing( (KPrTextObject*)m_object );
+ ((KPrTextObject*)m_object)->setEditingTextObj( false );
+ m_doc->updateRuler();
+ }
+ }
+ m_doc->repaint( oldRect );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ QPtrList<KPrObject> list(m_page->objectList());
+ bool updateRuler = false;
+ QValueListConstIterator<KPrObject *> it( m_objects.begin() );
+ for ( ; it != m_objects.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ if ( list.findRef( *it ) != -1 )
+ {
+ m_page->takeObject( *it );
+ ( *it )->removeFromObjList();
+ if ( ( *it )->getType() == OT_TEXT )
+ {
+ m_doc->terminateEditing( (KPrTextObject*)( *it ) );
+ ( (KPrTextObject*) *it )->setEditingTextObj( false );
+ updateRuler = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( updateRuler )
+ m_doc->updateRuler();
+ m_doc->repaint( false );
+ }
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+KPrLowerRaiseCmd::KPrLowerRaiseCmd( const QString &_name, const QPtrList<KPrObject>& _oldList,
+ const QPtrList<KPrObject>& _newList, KPrDocument *_doc,
+ KPrPage *_page )
+ : KNamedCommand( _name )
+ oldList = _oldList;
+ newList = _newList;
+ m_page=_page;
+ oldList.setAutoDelete( false );
+ newList.setAutoDelete( false );
+ doc = _doc;
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( oldList );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->incCmdRef();
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( oldList );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->decCmdRef();
+void KPrLowerRaiseCmd::execute()
+ m_page->setObjectList( newList );
+ doc->repaint( false );
+ doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+void KPrLowerRaiseCmd::unexecute()
+ m_page->setObjectList( oldList );
+ doc->repaint( false );
+ doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+KPrMoveByCmd::KPrMoveByCmd( const QString &_name, const KoPoint &_diff, QPtrList<KPrObject> &_objects,
+ KPrDocument *_doc,KPrPage *_page )
+ : KNamedCommand( _name ), diff( _diff ), objects( _objects )
+ objects.setAutoDelete( false );
+ doc = _doc;
+ m_page=_page;
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ {
+ it.current()->incCmdRef();
+ }
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->decCmdRef();
+void KPrMoveByCmd::execute()
+ QRect oldRect;
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < objects.count(); i++ ) {
+ oldRect = doc->zoomHandler()->zoomRect( i )->getRepaintRect() );
+ i )->moveBy( diff );
+ if ( i )->getType() == OT_TEXT )
+ {
+ if(>isSelected())
+ doc->updateRuler();
+ }
+ doc->repaint( oldRect );
+ doc->repaint( i ) );
+ }
+ doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+ doc->updateObjectStatusBarItem();
+void KPrMoveByCmd::unexecute()
+ QRect oldRect;
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < objects.count(); i++ ) {
+ oldRect = doc->zoomHandler()->zoomRect( i )->getRepaintRect() );
+ i )->moveBy( -diff.x(), -diff.y() );
+ if ( i )->getType() == OT_TEXT )
+ {
+ if(>isSelected())
+ doc->updateRuler();
+ }
+ doc->repaint( oldRect );
+ doc->repaint( i ) );
+ }
+ doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+ doc->updateObjectStatusBarItem();
+KPrAlignCmd::KPrAlignCmd( const QString &_name, QPtrList<KPrObject> &_objects, AlignType _at, KPrDocument *_doc )
+ : KNamedCommand( _name ), doc(_doc)
+ objects.setAutoDelete( false );
+ diffs.setAutoDelete( true );
+ m_page = doc->findPage( _objects );
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( _objects );
+ KoRect boundingRect;
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ {
+ boundingRect |= it.current()->getRealRect();
+ }
+ if ( _objects.count() == 1 )
+ boundingRect = m_page->getPageRect();
+ it.toFirst();
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ {
+ KoPoint * diff = NULL;
+ switch ( _at )
+ {
+ case AT_LEFT:
+ diff = new KoPoint( boundingRect.x() - it.current()->getRealOrig().x(), 0 );
+ break;
+ case AT_TOP:
+ diff = new KoPoint( 0, boundingRect.y() - it.current()->getRealOrig().y() );
+ break;
+ case AT_RIGHT:
+ diff = new KoPoint( boundingRect.x() + boundingRect.width() -
+ it.current()->getRealOrig().x() - it.current()->getRealSize().width(), 0 );
+ break;
+ case AT_BOTTOM:
+ diff = new KoPoint( 0, boundingRect.y() + boundingRect.height() -
+ it.current()->getRealOrig().y() - it.current()->getRealSize().height() );
+ break;
+ case AT_HCENTER:
+ diff = new KoPoint( ( boundingRect.width() - it.current()->getRealSize().width() ) / 2 -
+ it.current()->getRealOrig().x() + boundingRect.x(), 0 );
+ break;
+ case AT_VCENTER:
+ diff = new KoPoint( 0, ( boundingRect.height() - it.current()->getRealSize().height() ) / 2 -
+ it.current()->getRealOrig().y() + boundingRect.y() );
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( diff )
+ {
+ objects.append( it.current() );
+ diffs.append( diff );
+ it.current()->incCmdRef();
+ }
+ }
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->decCmdRef();
+ diffs.clear();
+void KPrAlignCmd::execute()
+ QRect oldRect;
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < objects.count(); i++ ) {
+ oldRect = doc->zoomHandler()->zoomRect( i )->getRepaintRect() );
+ i )->moveBy( * i ) );
+ if ( i )->getType() == OT_TEXT )
+ {
+ if(>isSelected())
+ doc->updateRuler();
+ }
+ doc->repaint( oldRect );
+ doc->repaint( i ) );
+ }
+ doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+void KPrAlignCmd::unexecute()
+ QRect oldRect;
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < objects.count(); i++ ) {
+ oldRect = doc->zoomHandler()->zoomRect( i )->getRepaintRect() );
+ i )->moveBy( i )->x(), i )->y() );
+ if ( i )->getType() == OT_TEXT )
+ {
+ if(>isSelected())
+ doc->updateRuler();
+ }
+ doc->repaint( oldRect );
+ doc->repaint( i ) );
+ doc->updateRuler();
+ }
+ doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+KoPenCmd::KoPenCmd( const QString &_name, QPtrList<KPrObject> &_objects, Pen _newPen,
+ KPrDocument *_doc, KPrPage *_page, int _flags )
+: KNamedCommand(_name), doc(_doc), m_page( _page ), newPen(_newPen), flags(_flags)
+ objects.setAutoDelete( false );
+ oldPen.setAutoDelete( false );
+ addObjects( _objects );
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->decCmdRef();
+ oldPen.setAutoDelete( true );
+ oldPen.clear();
+void KoPenCmd::execute()
+ for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>( objects.count() ); i++ )
+ {
+ Pen tmpPen = * i );
+ if ( flags & LineBegin )
+ tmpPen.lineBegin = newPen.lineBegin;
+ if ( flags & LineEnd )
+ tmpPen.lineEnd = newPen.lineEnd;
+ if ( flags & Color )
+ tmpPen.pen.setColor( newPen.pen.color() );
+ if ( flags & Width )
+ tmpPen.pen.setPointWidth( newPen.pen.pointWidth() );
+ if ( flags & Style )
+ tmpPen.pen.setStyle( );
+ applyPen( i ), &tmpPen );
+ }
+ // this has to be called as the outline could have been changed so
+ // that the toolbar is updated correctly
+ doc->updateObjectSelected();
+ doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+void KoPenCmd::applyPen( KPrObject *object, Pen *tmpPen )
+ switch (object->getType()) {
+ case OT_LINE:
+ {
+ KPrLineObject* obj=dynamic_cast<KPrLineObject*>( object );
+ if( obj )
+ {
+ //obj->setPen( tmpPen->pen );
+ obj->setLineBegin( tmpPen->lineBegin );
+ obj->setLineEnd( tmpPen->lineEnd );
+ //doc->repaint( obj );
+ }
+ } break;
+ {
+ KPrPointObject *obj = dynamic_cast<KPrPointObject*>( object );
+ if ( obj )
+ {
+ //obj->setPen( tmpPen->pen );
+ obj->setLineBegin( tmpPen->lineBegin );
+ obj->setLineEnd( tmpPen->lineEnd );
+ //doc->repaint( obj );
+ }
+ } break;
+ case OT_PIE:
+ {
+ KPrPieObject *obj = dynamic_cast<KPrPieObject*>( object );
+ if ( obj )
+ {
+ obj->setLineBegin( tmpPen->lineBegin );
+ obj->setLineEnd( tmpPen->lineEnd );
+ }
+ } break;
+ {
+ KPrAutoformObject *obj = dynamic_cast<KPrAutoformObject*>( object );
+ if ( obj )
+ {
+ obj->setLineBegin( tmpPen->lineBegin );
+ obj->setLineEnd( tmpPen->lineEnd );
+ }
+ } break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ KPrShadowObject *obj = dynamic_cast<KPrShadowObject*>( object );
+ if ( obj )
+ {
+ obj->setPen( tmpPen->pen );
+ doc->repaint( obj );
+ }
+void KoPenCmd::unexecute()
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < objects.count(); ++i ) {
+ if( oldPen.count() > i )
+ applyPen( i ), i ) );
+ }
+ // this has to be called as the outline could have been changed so
+ // that the toolbar is updated correctly
+ doc->updateObjectSelected();
+ doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+void KoPenCmd::addObjects( const QPtrList<KPrObject> &_objects )
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( _objects );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ {
+ KPrObject * object( it.current() );
+ if ( object->getType() == OT_GROUP )
+ {
+ KPrGroupObject * obj=dynamic_cast<KPrGroupObject*>( object );
+ if ( obj )
+ {
+ addObjects( obj->objectList() );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // tz TODO fix name
+ ::LineEnd lineBegin = L_NORMAL;
+ ::LineEnd lineEnd = L_NORMAL;
+ switch ( it.current()->getType() ) {
+ case OT_LINE:
+ {
+ KPrLineObject *obj=dynamic_cast<KPrLineObject*>( object );
+ if ( obj )
+ {
+ lineBegin = obj->getLineBegin();
+ lineEnd = obj->getLineEnd();
+ }
+ } break;
+ {
+ KPrPointObject *obj = dynamic_cast<KPrPointObject*>( object );
+ if ( obj )
+ {
+ lineBegin = obj->getLineBegin();
+ lineEnd = obj->getLineEnd();
+ }
+ } break;
+ case OT_PIE:
+ {
+ KPrPieObject *obj = dynamic_cast<KPrPieObject*>( object );
+ if ( obj )
+ {
+ lineBegin = obj->getLineBegin();
+ lineEnd = obj->getLineEnd();
+ }
+ } break;
+ {
+ KPrAutoformObject *obj = dynamic_cast<KPrAutoformObject*>( object );
+ if ( obj )
+ {
+ lineBegin = obj->getLineBegin();
+ lineEnd = obj->getLineEnd();
+ }
+ } break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ KPrShadowObject *obj = dynamic_cast<KPrShadowObject*>( object );
+ if ( obj )
+ {
+ objects.append( obj );
+ obj->incCmdRef();
+ Pen * pen = new KoPenCmd::Pen( obj->getPen(), lineBegin, lineEnd );
+ oldPen.append( pen );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+KPrBrushCmd::KPrBrushCmd( const QString &_name, QPtrList<KPrObject> &_objects, Brush _newBrush,
+ KPrDocument *_doc, KPrPage *_page, int _flags )
+: KNamedCommand(_name), doc(_doc), newBrush(_newBrush), m_page(_page), flags(_flags)
+ objects.setAutoDelete( false );
+ oldBrush.setAutoDelete( false );
+ addObjects( _objects );
+void KPrBrushCmd::addObjects( const QPtrList<KPrObject> &_objects )
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( _objects );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ {
+ if ( it.current()->getType() == OT_GROUP )
+ {
+ KPrGroupObject * obj=dynamic_cast<KPrGroupObject*>( it.current() );
+ if ( obj )
+ {
+ addObjects( obj->objectList() );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ KPr2DObject * obj = dynamic_cast<KPr2DObject *>( it.current() );
+ if( obj )
+ {
+ objects.append( obj );
+ obj->incCmdRef();
+ Brush * brush = new KPrBrushCmd::Brush;
+ brush->brush = obj->getBrush();
+ brush->fillType = obj->getFillType();
+ brush->gColor1 = obj->getGColor1();
+ brush->gColor2 = obj->getGColor2();
+ brush->gType = obj->getGType();
+ brush->unbalanced = obj->getGUnbalanced();
+ brush->xfactor = obj->getGXFactor();
+ brush->yfactor = obj->getGYFactor();
+ oldBrush.append( brush );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ QPtrListIterator<KPr2DObject> it( objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->decCmdRef();
+ oldBrush.setAutoDelete( true );
+ oldBrush.clear();
+void KPrBrushCmd::execute()
+ for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>( objects.count() ); i++ )
+ {
+ Brush tmpBrush = * i );
+ if ( flags & BrushColor )
+ tmpBrush.brush.setColor( newBrush.brush.color() );
+ if ( flags & BrushStyle )
+ tmpBrush.brush.setStyle( );
+ if ( flags & BrushGradientSelect )
+ tmpBrush.fillType = newBrush.fillType;
+ if ( flags & GradientColor1 )
+ tmpBrush.gColor1 = newBrush.gColor1;
+ if ( flags & GradientColor2 )
+ tmpBrush.gColor2 = newBrush.gColor2;
+ if ( flags & GradientType )
+ tmpBrush.gType = newBrush.gType;
+ if ( flags & GradientBalanced )
+ tmpBrush.unbalanced = newBrush.unbalanced;
+ if ( flags & GradientXFactor )
+ tmpBrush.xfactor = newBrush.xfactor;
+ if ( flags & GradientYFactor )
+ tmpBrush.yfactor = newBrush.yfactor;
+ applyBrush( i ), &tmpBrush );
+ }
+ doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+void KPrBrushCmd::applyBrush( KPr2DObject *object, Brush *tmpBrush )
+ object->setBrush( tmpBrush->brush );
+ object->setFillType( tmpBrush->fillType );
+ object->setGColor1( tmpBrush->gColor1 );
+ object->setGColor2( tmpBrush->gColor2 );
+ object->setGType( tmpBrush->gType );
+ object->setGUnbalanced( tmpBrush->unbalanced );
+ object->setGXFactor( tmpBrush->xfactor );
+ object->setGYFactor( tmpBrush->yfactor );
+ doc->repaint( object );
+void KPrBrushCmd::unexecute()
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < objects.count(); i++ ) {
+ applyBrush( i ), i ) );
+ }
+ doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+KPrPgConfCmd::KPrPgConfCmd( const QString &_name, bool _manualSwitch, bool _infiniteLoop,
+ bool _showEndOfPresentationSlide, bool _showPresentationDuration, QPen _pen,
+ QValueList<bool> _selectedSlides, const QString & _presentationName,
+ bool _oldManualSwitch, bool _oldInfiniteLoop,
+ bool _oldShowEndOfPresentationSlide, bool _oldShowPresentationDuration, QPen _oldPen,
+ QValueList<bool> _oldSelectedSlides, const QString & _oldPresentationName,
+ KPrDocument *_doc )
+ : KNamedCommand( _name )
+ manualSwitch = _manualSwitch;
+ infiniteLoop = _infiniteLoop;
+ showEndOfPresentationSlide = _showEndOfPresentationSlide;
+ showPresentationDuration = _showPresentationDuration;
+ pen = _pen;
+ selectedSlides = _selectedSlides;
+ oldManualSwitch = _oldManualSwitch;
+ oldInfiniteLoop = _oldInfiniteLoop;
+ oldShowEndOfPresentationSlide = _oldShowEndOfPresentationSlide;
+ oldShowPresentationDuration = _oldShowPresentationDuration;
+ oldPen = _oldPen;
+ oldSelectedSlides = _oldSelectedSlides;
+ oldPresentationName = _oldPresentationName;
+ presentationName = _presentationName;
+ doc = _doc;
+void KPrPgConfCmd::execute()
+ doc->setManualSwitch( manualSwitch );
+ doc->setInfiniteLoop( infiniteLoop );
+ doc->setShowEndOfPresentationSlide ( showEndOfPresentationSlide );
+ doc->setPresentationDuration( showPresentationDuration );
+ doc->setPresPen( pen );
+ doc->setPresentationName( presentationName );
+ QPtrList<KPrPage> pages = doc->pageList();
+ unsigned count = selectedSlides.count();
+ if( count > pages.count() ) count = pages.count();
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < selectedSlides.count(); i++ )
+ i )->slideSelected( selectedSlides[ i ] );
+void KPrPgConfCmd::unexecute()
+ doc->setManualSwitch( oldManualSwitch );
+ doc->setInfiniteLoop( oldInfiniteLoop );
+ doc->setShowEndOfPresentationSlide( oldShowEndOfPresentationSlide );
+ doc->setPresentationDuration( oldShowPresentationDuration );
+ doc->setPresPen( oldPen );
+ doc->setPresentationName( oldPresentationName );
+ QPtrList<KPrPage> pages = doc->pageList();
+ unsigned count = oldSelectedSlides.count();
+ if( count > pages.count() ) count = pages.count();
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < oldSelectedSlides.count(); i++ )
+ i )->slideSelected( oldSelectedSlides[ i ] );
+KPrTransEffectCmd::KPrTransEffectCmd( QValueVector<PageEffectSettings> oldSettings,
+ PageEffectSettings newSettings,
+ KPrPage* page, KPrDocument* doc )
+ m_newSettings = newSettings;
+ m_oldSettings = oldSettings;
+ Q_ASSERT( !m_oldSettings.isEmpty() );
+ m_page = page;
+ m_doc = doc;
+void KPrTransEffectCmd::PageEffectSettings::applyTo( KPrPage *page )
+ page->setPageEffect( pageEffect );
+ page->setPageEffectSpeed( effectSpeed );
+ page->setPageSoundEffect( soundEffect );
+ page->setPageSoundFileName( soundFileName );
+ // TODO page->setAutoAdvance( autoAdvance );
+ page->setPageTimer( slideTime );
+void KPrTransEffectCmd::execute()
+ if ( m_page )
+ m_newSettings.applyTo( m_page );
+ else
+ for( QPtrListIterator<KPrPage> it( m_doc->getPageList() ); *it; ++it )
+ m_newSettings.applyTo( it.current() );
+void KPrTransEffectCmd::unexecute()
+ if ( m_page )
+ m_oldSettings[0].applyTo( m_page );
+ else {
+ int i = 0;
+ for( QPtrListIterator<KPrPage> it( m_doc->getPageList() ); *it; ++it, ++i )
+ m_oldSettings[i].applyTo( it.current() );
+ }
+QString KPrTransEffectCmd::name() const
+ if ( m_page )
+ return i18n( "Modify Slide Transition" );
+ else
+ return i18n( "Modify Slide Transition For All Pages" );
+KPrPgLayoutCmd::KPrPgLayoutCmd( const QString &_name, KoPageLayout _layout, KoPageLayout _oldLayout,
+ KoUnit::Unit _oldUnit, KoUnit::Unit _unit,KPrDocument *_doc )
+ : KNamedCommand( _name )
+ m_doc=_doc;
+ layout = _layout;
+ oldLayout = _oldLayout;
+ oldUnit = _oldUnit;
+ unit = _unit;
+void KPrPgLayoutCmd::execute()
+ m_doc->setUnit( unit );
+ m_doc->setPageLayout( layout );
+ m_doc->updateHeaderFooterPosition();
+ m_doc->updateRuler();
+ m_doc->updateRulerPageLayout();
+void KPrPgLayoutCmd::unexecute()
+ m_doc->setUnit( oldUnit );
+ m_doc->setPageLayout( oldLayout );
+ m_doc->updateHeaderFooterPosition();
+ m_doc->updateRuler();
+ m_doc->updateRulerPageLayout();
+KPrPieValueCmd::KPrPieValueCmd( const QString &name, PieValues newValues,
+ QPtrList<KPrObject> &objects, KPrDocument *doc,
+ KPrPage *page, int flags )
+: KNamedCommand( name )
+, m_doc( doc )
+, m_page( page )
+, m_newValues( newValues )
+, m_flags( flags )
+ m_objects.setAutoDelete( false );
+ m_oldValues.setAutoDelete( false );
+ addObjects( objects );
+KPrPieValueCmd::KPrPieValueCmd( const QString &_name, QPtrList<PieValues> &_oldValues, PieValues _newValues,
+ QPtrList<KPrObject> &_objects, KPrDocument *_doc, KPrPage *_page, int _flags )
+ : KNamedCommand( _name ), m_oldValues( _oldValues ), m_objects( _objects ), m_flags(_flags)
+ m_objects.setAutoDelete( false );
+ m_oldValues.setAutoDelete( false );
+ m_doc = _doc;
+ m_page = _page;
+ m_newValues = _newValues;
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( m_objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->incCmdRef();
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( m_objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->decCmdRef();
+ m_oldValues.setAutoDelete( true );
+ m_oldValues.clear();
+void KPrPieValueCmd::addObjects( const QPtrList<KPrObject> &objects )
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( objects );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ {
+ if ( it.current()->getType() == OT_GROUP )
+ {
+ KPrGroupObject * obj = dynamic_cast<KPrGroupObject*>( it.current() );
+ if ( obj )
+ {
+ addObjects( obj->objectList() );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ KPrPieObject *obj = dynamic_cast<KPrPieObject*>( it.current() );
+ if( obj )
+ {
+ m_objects.append( obj );
+ obj->incCmdRef();
+ PieValues * pieValues = new PieValues;
+ pieValues->pieType = obj->getPieType();
+ pieValues->pieAngle = obj->getPieAngle();
+ pieValues->pieLength = obj->getPieLength();
+ m_oldValues.append( pieValues );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void KPrPieValueCmd::execute()
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( m_objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ {
+ KPrPieObject* obj=dynamic_cast<KPrPieObject*>( it.current() );
+ if(obj)
+ {
+ if (m_flags & Type)
+ obj->setPieType( m_newValues.pieType );
+ if (m_flags & Angle)
+ obj->setPieAngle( m_newValues.pieAngle );
+ if (m_flags & Length)
+ obj->setPieLength( m_newValues.pieLength );
+ }
+ }
+ m_doc->repaint( false );
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+void KPrPieValueCmd::unexecute()
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_objects.count(); i++ )
+ {
+ KPrPieObject* obj=dynamic_cast<KPrPieObject*>( i ) );
+ if(obj)
+ {
+ obj->setPieType( i )->pieType );
+ obj->setPieAngle( i )->pieAngle );
+ obj->setPieLength( i )->pieLength );
+ }
+ }
+ m_doc->repaint( false );
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+KPrPolygonSettingCmd::KPrPolygonSettingCmd( const QString &name, PolygonSettings newSettings,
+ QPtrList<KPrObject> &objects, KPrDocument *doc,
+ KPrPage *page, int flags )
+: KNamedCommand( name )
+, m_doc( doc )
+, m_page( page )
+, m_newSettings( newSettings )
+, m_flags( flags )
+ m_objects.setAutoDelete( false );
+ m_oldSettings.setAutoDelete( false );
+ addObjects( objects );
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( m_objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->decCmdRef();
+ m_oldSettings.setAutoDelete( true );
+ m_oldSettings.clear();
+void KPrPolygonSettingCmd::addObjects( const QPtrList<KPrObject> &objects )
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( objects );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ {
+ if ( it.current()->getType() == OT_GROUP )
+ {
+ KPrGroupObject * obj = dynamic_cast<KPrGroupObject*>( it.current() );
+ if ( obj )
+ {
+ addObjects( obj->objectList() );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ KPrPolygonObject *obj = dynamic_cast<KPrPolygonObject*>( it.current() );
+ if( obj )
+ {
+ m_objects.append( obj );
+ obj->incCmdRef();
+ PolygonSettings * polygonSettings = new PolygonSettings;
+ polygonSettings->checkConcavePolygon = obj->getCheckConcavePolygon();
+ polygonSettings->cornersValue = obj->getCornersValue();
+ polygonSettings->sharpnessValue = obj->getSharpnessValue();
+ m_oldSettings.append( polygonSettings );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void KPrPolygonSettingCmd::execute()
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( m_objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ {
+ KPrPolygonObject * obj=dynamic_cast<KPrPolygonObject*>( it.current() );
+ if(obj)
+ {
+ if (m_flags & ConcaveConvex)
+ obj->setCheckConcavePolygon(m_newSettings.checkConcavePolygon);
+ if (m_flags & Corners)
+ obj->setCornersValue(m_newSettings.cornersValue);
+ if (m_flags & Sharpness)
+ obj->setSharpnessValue(m_newSettings.sharpnessValue );
+ }
+ }
+ m_doc->repaint( false );
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+void KPrPolygonSettingCmd::unexecute()
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_objects.count(); ++i )
+ {
+ KPrPolygonObject * obj=dynamic_cast<KPrPolygonObject*>( );
+ if(obj)
+ {
+ obj->setCheckConcavePolygon( i )->checkConcavePolygon);
+ obj->setCornersValue( i )->cornersValue);
+ obj->setSharpnessValue( i )->sharpnessValue);
+ }
+ }
+ m_doc->repaint( false );
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+KPrPictureSettingCmd::KPrPictureSettingCmd( const QString &name, PictureSettings newSettings,
+ QPtrList<KPrObject> &objects, KPrDocument *doc,
+ KPrPage *page, int flags )
+: KNamedCommand( name )
+, m_doc( doc )
+, m_newSettings( newSettings )
+, m_page( page )
+, m_flags( flags )
+ m_objects.setAutoDelete( false );
+ m_oldValues.setAutoDelete( false );
+ addObjects( objects );
+KPrPictureSettingCmd::KPrPictureSettingCmd( const QString &_name, QPtrList<PictureSettings> &_oldSettings,
+ PictureSettings _newSettings, QPtrList<KPrObject> &_objects,
+ KPrDocument *_doc, int flags )
+ : KNamedCommand( _name ), m_oldValues( _oldSettings ), m_objects( _objects ), m_flags( flags )
+ m_objects.setAutoDelete( false );
+ m_oldValues.setAutoDelete( false );
+ m_doc = _doc;
+ m_newSettings = _newSettings;
+ m_page = m_doc->findPage( m_objects );
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( m_objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->incCmdRef();
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( m_objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->decCmdRef();
+ m_oldValues.setAutoDelete( true );
+ m_oldValues.clear();
+void KPrPictureSettingCmd::addObjects( const QPtrList<KPrObject> &objects )
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( objects );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ {
+ if ( it.current()->getType() == OT_GROUP )
+ {
+ KPrGroupObject * obj = dynamic_cast<KPrGroupObject*>( it.current() );
+ if ( obj )
+ {
+ addObjects( obj->objectList() );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ KPrPixmapObject *obj = dynamic_cast<KPrPixmapObject*>( it.current() );
+ if( obj )
+ {
+ m_objects.append( obj );
+ obj->incCmdRef();
+ PictureSettings * pictureSettings = new PictureSettings;
+ pictureSettings->mirrorType = obj->getPictureMirrorType();
+ pictureSettings->depth = obj->getPictureDepth();
+ pictureSettings->swapRGB = obj->getPictureSwapRGB();
+ pictureSettings->grayscal = obj->getPictureGrayscal();
+ pictureSettings->bright = obj->getPictureBright();
+ m_oldValues.append( pictureSettings );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void KPrPictureSettingCmd::execute()
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( m_objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) {
+ KPrPixmapObject * obj = dynamic_cast<KPrPixmapObject*>( it.current() );
+ if ( obj ) {
+ if ( m_flags & MirrorType )
+ obj->setPictureMirrorType( m_newSettings.mirrorType );
+ if ( m_flags & Depth )
+ obj->setPictureDepth( m_newSettings.depth );
+ if ( m_flags & SwapRGB )
+ obj->setPictureSwapRGB( m_newSettings.swapRGB );
+ if ( m_flags & Grayscal )
+ obj->setPictureGrayscal( m_newSettings.grayscal );
+ if ( m_flags & Bright )
+ obj->setPictureBright( m_newSettings.bright );
+ }
+ }
+ m_doc->repaint( false );
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+void KPrPictureSettingCmd::unexecute()
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_objects.count(); ++i ) {
+ KPrPixmapObject * obj = dynamic_cast<KPrPixmapObject*>( );
+ if ( obj ) {
+ PictureSettings *pictureSettings = i );
+ obj->setPictureMirrorType( pictureSettings->mirrorType );
+ obj->setPictureDepth( pictureSettings->depth );
+ obj->setPictureSwapRGB( pictureSettings->swapRGB );
+ obj->setPictureGrayscal( pictureSettings->grayscal );
+ obj->setPictureBright( pictureSettings->bright );
+ }
+ }
+ m_doc->repaint( false );
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+KPrRectValueCmd::KPrRectValueCmd( const QString &_name, QPtrList<RectValues> &_oldValues, RectValues _newValues,
+ QPtrList<KPrObject> &_objects, KPrDocument *_doc, KPrPage *_page, int _flags )
+ : KNamedCommand( _name ), m_oldValues( _oldValues ), m_objects( _objects ), m_flags(_flags)
+ m_objects.setAutoDelete( false );
+ m_oldValues.setAutoDelete( false );
+ m_doc = _doc;
+ m_page = _page;
+ m_newValues = _newValues;
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( m_objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->incCmdRef();
+KPrRectValueCmd::KPrRectValueCmd( const QString &name, QPtrList<KPrObject> &objects, RectValues newValues,
+ KPrDocument *doc, KPrPage *page, int flags )
+: KNamedCommand( name )
+, m_doc( doc )
+, m_page( page )
+, m_newValues( newValues )
+, m_flags( flags )
+ m_objects.setAutoDelete( false );
+ m_oldValues.setAutoDelete( false );
+ addObjects( objects );
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( m_objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->decCmdRef();
+ m_oldValues.setAutoDelete( true );
+ m_oldValues.clear();
+void KPrRectValueCmd::addObjects( const QPtrList<KPrObject> &objects )
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( objects );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ {
+ if ( it.current()->getType() == OT_GROUP )
+ {
+ KPrGroupObject * obj = dynamic_cast<KPrGroupObject*>( it.current() );
+ if ( obj )
+ {
+ addObjects( obj->objectList() );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ KPrRectObject *obj = dynamic_cast<KPrRectObject*>( it.current() );
+ if( obj )
+ {
+ m_objects.append( obj );
+ obj->incCmdRef();
+ RectValues * rectValue = new RectValues;
+ int xtmp, ytmp;
+ obj->getRnds( xtmp, ytmp );
+ rectValue->xRnd = xtmp;
+ rectValue->yRnd = ytmp;
+ m_oldValues.append( rectValue );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void KPrRectValueCmd::execute()
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( m_objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ {
+ KPrRectObject *obj = dynamic_cast<KPrRectObject*>( it.current() );
+ if( obj )
+ {
+ int xtmp, ytmp;
+ obj->getRnds( xtmp, ytmp );
+ if ( m_flags & XRnd )
+ {
+ xtmp = m_newValues.xRnd;
+ }
+ if ( m_flags & YRnd )
+ {
+ ytmp = m_newValues.yRnd;
+ }
+ obj->setRnds( xtmp, ytmp );
+ }
+ }
+ m_doc->repaint( false );
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+void KPrRectValueCmd::unexecute()
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_objects.count(); i++ )
+ {
+ KPrRectObject *obj = dynamic_cast<KPrRectObject*>( i ) );
+ if( obj )
+ obj->setRnds( i )->xRnd, i )->yRnd );
+ }
+ m_doc->repaint( false );
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+KPrResizeCmd::KPrResizeCmd( const QString &_name, const KoPoint &_m_diff, const KoSize &_r_diff,
+ KPrObject *_object, KPrDocument *_doc )
+ : KNamedCommand( _name ), m_diff( _m_diff ), r_diff( _r_diff )
+ object = _object;
+ doc = _doc;
+ m_page = doc->findPage( object );
+ object->incCmdRef();
+ object->decCmdRef();
+void KPrResizeCmd::execute()
+ QRect oldRect;
+ oldRect = doc->zoomHandler()->zoomRect( object->getRepaintRect() );
+ object->moveBy( m_diff );
+ object->resizeBy( r_diff );
+ if ( object->getType() == OT_TEXT )
+ {
+ if(object->isSelected())
+ doc->updateRuler();
+ doc->layout( object );
+ }
+ if ( object->isSelected())
+ doc->updateObjectStatusBarItem();
+ doc->repaint( oldRect );
+ doc->repaint( object );
+ doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+void KPrResizeCmd::unexecute()
+ QRect oldRect;
+ oldRect = doc->zoomHandler()->zoomRect( object->getRepaintRect() );
+ object->moveBy( -m_diff.x(), -m_diff.y() );
+ object->resizeBy( -r_diff.width(), -r_diff.height() );
+ if ( object->getType() == OT_TEXT )
+ {
+ if(object->isSelected())
+ doc->updateRuler();
+ doc->layout( object );
+ }
+ if ( object->isSelected())
+ doc->updateObjectStatusBarItem();
+ doc->repaint( oldRect );
+ doc->repaint( object );
+ doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+KPrOasisPasteTextCommand::KPrOasisPasteTextCommand( KoTextDocument *d, int parag, int idx,
+ const QByteArray &data )
+ : KoTextDocCommand( d ), m_parag( parag ), m_idx( idx ), m_data( data ), m_oldParagLayout( 0 )
+KoTextCursor * KPrOasisPasteTextCommand::execute( KoTextCursor *c )
+ KoTextParag *firstParag = doc->paragAt( m_parag );
+ if ( !firstParag ) {
+ qWarning( "can't locate parag at %d, last parag: %d", m_parag, doc->lastParag()->paragId() );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ //kdDebug() << "KWOasisPasteCommand::execute m_parag=" << m_parag << " m_idx=" << m_idx
+ // << " firstParag=" << firstParag << " " << firstParag->paragId() << endl;
+ cursor.setParag( firstParag );
+ cursor.setIndex( m_idx );
+ c->setParag( firstParag );
+ c->setIndex( m_idx );
+ QBuffer buffer( m_data );
+ KoStore * store = KoStore::createStore( &buffer, KoStore::Read );
+ if ( store->bad() || !store->hasFile( "content.xml" ) )
+ {
+ kdError(33001) << "Invalid ZIP store in memory" << endl;
+ if ( !store->hasFile( "content.xml" ) )
+ kdError(33001) << "No content.xml file" << endl;
+ return c;
+ }
+ store->disallowNameExpansion();
+ KoOasisStore oasisStore( store );
+ QDomDocument contentDoc;
+ QString errorMessage;
+ bool ok = oasisStore.loadAndParse( "content.xml", contentDoc, errorMessage );
+ if ( !ok ) {
+ kdError(33001) << "Error parsing content.xml: " << errorMessage << endl;
+ return c;
+ }
+ KoOasisStyles oasisStyles;
+ QDomDocument stylesDoc;
+ (void)oasisStore.loadAndParse( "styles.xml", stylesDoc, errorMessage );
+ // Load styles from style.xml
+ oasisStyles.createStyleMap( stylesDoc, true );
+ // Also load styles from content.xml
+ oasisStyles.createStyleMap( contentDoc, false );
+ QDomElement content = contentDoc.documentElement();
+ QDomElement body ( KoDom::namedItemNS( content, KoXmlNS::office, "body" ) );
+ // We then want to use whichever element is the child of <office:body>,
+ // whether that's <office:text> or <office:presentation> or whatever.
+ QDomElement iter, realBody;
+ forEachElement( iter, body ) {
+ realBody = iter;
+ }
+ if ( realBody.isNull() ) {
+ kdError(33001) << "No element found inside office:body!" << endl;
+ return c;
+ }
+ KPrTextDocument * textdoc = static_cast<KPrTextDocument *>(c->parag()->document());
+ KPrDocument *doc = textdoc->textObject()->kPresenterDocument();
+ KoOasisContext context( doc, *doc->getVariableCollection(), oasisStyles, store );
+ *c = textdoc->textObject()->textObject()->pasteOasisText( realBody, context, cursor, doc->styleCollection() );
+ textdoc->textObject()->textObject()->setNeedSpellCheck( true );
+ m_lastParag = c->parag()->paragId();
+ m_lastIndex = c->index();
+ return c;
+KoTextCursor * KPrOasisPasteTextCommand::unexecute( KoTextCursor *c )
+ KoTextParag *firstParag = doc->paragAt( m_parag );
+ if ( !firstParag ) {
+ qWarning( "can't locate parag at %d, last parag: %d", m_parag, doc->lastParag()->paragId() );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ cursor.setParag( firstParag );
+ cursor.setIndex( m_idx );
+ doc->setSelectionStart( KoTextDocument::Temp, &cursor );
+ KoTextParag *lastParag = doc->paragAt( m_lastParag );
+ if ( !lastParag ) {
+ qWarning( "can't locate parag at %d, last parag: %d", m_lastParag, doc->lastParag()->paragId() );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ //Q_ASSERT( lastParag->document() );
+ // Get hold of the document before deleting the parag
+ //KoTextDocument* textdoc = lastParag->document();
+ //kdDebug() << "Undoing paste: deleting from (" << firstParag->paragId() << "," << m_idx << ")"
+ // << " to (" << lastParag->paragId() << "," << m_lastIndex << ")" << endl;
+ cursor.setParag( lastParag );
+ cursor.setIndex( m_lastIndex );
+ doc->setSelectionEnd( KoTextDocument::Temp, &cursor );
+ doc->removeSelectedText( KoTextDocument::Temp, c /* sets c to the correct position */ );
+ if ( m_idx == 0 ) {
+ Q_ASSERT( m_oldParagLayout );
+ if ( m_oldParagLayout )
+ firstParag->setParagLayout( *m_oldParagLayout );
+ }
+ return c;
+KPrChangeStartingPageCommand::KPrChangeStartingPageCommand( const QString &name, KPrDocument *_doc,
+ int _oldStartingPage, int _newStartingPage):
+ KNamedCommand(name),
+ m_doc(_doc),
+ oldStartingPage(_oldStartingPage),
+ newStartingPage(_newStartingPage)
+void KPrChangeStartingPageCommand::execute()
+ m_doc->getVariableCollection()->variableSetting()->setStartingPageNumber(newStartingPage);
+ m_doc->recalcVariables( VT_PGNUM );
+void KPrChangeStartingPageCommand::unexecute()
+ m_doc->getVariableCollection()->variableSetting()->setStartingPageNumber(oldStartingPage);
+ m_doc->recalcVariables( VT_PGNUM );
+KPrChangeVariableSettingsCommand::KPrChangeVariableSettingsCommand( const QString &name, KPrDocument *_doc,
+ bool _oldValue, bool _newValue,
+ VariableProperties _type):
+ KNamedCommand(name),
+ m_doc(_doc),
+ type(_type),
+ m_bOldValue(_oldValue),
+ m_bNewValue(_newValue)
+void KPrChangeVariableSettingsCommand::changeValue( bool b )
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ m_doc->getVariableCollection()->variableSetting()->setDisplayLink(b);
+ m_doc->recalcVariables( VT_LINK );
+ break;
+ m_doc->getVariableCollection()->variableSetting()->setUnderlineLink(b);
+ m_doc->recalcVariables( VT_LINK );
+ break;
+ m_doc->getVariableCollection()->variableSetting()->setDisplayComment(b);
+ m_doc->recalcVariables( VT_NOTE );
+ break;
+ m_doc->getVariableCollection()->variableSetting()->setDisplayFieldCode(b);
+ m_doc->recalcVariables( VT_ALL );
+ break;
+ }
+void KPrChangeVariableSettingsCommand::execute()
+ changeValue(m_bNewValue);
+void KPrChangeVariableSettingsCommand::unexecute()
+ changeValue(m_bOldValue);
+KPrDeletePageCmd::KPrDeletePageCmd( const QString &name, int pageNum, KPrDocument *doc )
+: KNamedCommand( name )
+, m_doc( doc )
+, m_pageNum( pageNum )
+ m_page = m_doc->pageList().at( m_pageNum );
+void KPrDeletePageCmd::execute()
+ m_doc->deSelectAllObj();
+ m_doc->takePage( m_page, QMAX( m_pageNum - 1, 0 ) );
+ m_doc->updatePresentationButton();
+void KPrDeletePageCmd::unexecute()
+ m_doc->deSelectAllObj();
+ m_doc->insertPage( m_page, QMAX( m_pageNum - 1, 0 ), m_pageNum );
+ m_doc->updatePresentationButton();
+KPrInsertPageCmd::KPrInsertPageCmd( const QString &name, int pageNum, InsertPos pos,
+ KPrPage *page, KPrDocument *doc )
+: KNamedCommand(name)
+, m_doc( doc )
+, m_page( page )
+, m_currentPageNum( pageNum )
+, m_insertPageNum( 0 )
+ switch( pos )
+ {
+ case IP_BEFORE:
+ m_insertPageNum = m_currentPageNum;
+ break;
+ case IP_AFTER:
+ m_insertPageNum = m_currentPageNum + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+void KPrInsertPageCmd::execute()
+ m_doc->deSelectAllObj();
+ m_doc->insertPage( m_page, m_currentPageNum, m_insertPageNum );
+ m_page->completeLoading( false, -1 );
+ m_doc->updatePresentationButton();
+void KPrInsertPageCmd::unexecute()
+ m_doc->deSelectAllObj();
+ m_doc->takePage( m_page, m_currentPageNum );
+ m_doc->updatePresentationButton();
+KPrMovePageCmd::KPrMovePageCmd( const QString &_name,int from, int to, KPrDocument *_doc ) :
+ KNamedCommand( _name ),
+ m_doc( _doc ),
+ m_oldPosition( from ),
+ m_newPosition( to )
+void KPrMovePageCmd::execute()
+ m_doc->deSelectAllObj();
+ m_doc->movePageTo( m_oldPosition, m_newPosition );
+void KPrMovePageCmd::unexecute()
+ m_doc->deSelectAllObj();
+ m_doc->movePageTo( m_newPosition, m_oldPosition );
+KPrChangeTitlePageNameCommand::KPrChangeTitlePageNameCommand( const QString &_name,KPrDocument *_doc,
+ const QString &_oldPageName,
+ const QString &_newPageName, KPrPage *_page ) :
+ KNamedCommand(_name),
+ m_doc(_doc),
+ oldPageName(_oldPageName),
+ newPageName(_newPageName),
+ m_page(_page)
+void KPrChangeTitlePageNameCommand::execute()
+ m_page->insertManualTitle(newPageName);
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+ m_doc->recalcVariables( VT_PGNUM );
+void KPrChangeTitlePageNameCommand::unexecute()
+ m_page->insertManualTitle(oldPageName);
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+ m_doc->recalcVariables( VT_PGNUM );
+KPrChangeCustomVariableValue::KPrChangeCustomVariableValue( const QString &name, KPrDocument *_doc,
+ const QString & _oldValue, const QString & _newValue,
+ KoCustomVariable *var):
+ KNamedCommand(name),
+ m_doc(_doc),
+ newValue(_newValue),
+ oldValue(_oldValue),
+ m_var(var)
+void KPrChangeCustomVariableValue::execute()
+ Q_ASSERT(m_var);
+ m_var->setValue(newValue);
+ m_doc->recalcVariables( VT_CUSTOM );
+void KPrChangeCustomVariableValue::unexecute()
+ Q_ASSERT(m_var);
+ m_var->setValue(oldValue);
+ m_doc->recalcVariables( VT_CUSTOM );
+KPrChangeLinkVariable::KPrChangeLinkVariable( const QString &name, KPrDocument *_doc,
+ const QString & _oldHref, const QString & _newHref,
+ const QString & _oldLink,const QString &_newLink,
+ KoLinkVariable *var):
+ KNamedCommand(name),
+ m_doc(_doc),
+ oldHref(_oldHref),
+ newHref(_newHref),
+ oldLink(_oldLink),
+ newLink(_newLink),
+ m_var(var)
+void KPrChangeLinkVariable::execute()
+ m_var->setLink(newLink,newHref);
+ m_doc->recalcVariables(VT_LINK);
+void KPrChangeLinkVariable::unexecute()
+ m_var->setLink(oldLink,oldHref);
+ m_doc->recalcVariables(VT_LINK);
+KPrNameObjectCommand::KPrNameObjectCommand( const QString &_name, const QString &_objectName,
+ KPrObject *_obj, KPrDocument *_doc ):
+ KNamedCommand( _name ),
+ newObjectName( _objectName ),
+ object( _obj ),
+ doc( _doc )
+ oldObjectName = object->getObjectName();
+ m_page = doc->findPage( object );
+void KPrNameObjectCommand::execute()
+ object->setObjectName( newObjectName );
+ m_page->unifyObjectName( object );
+ doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+void KPrNameObjectCommand::unexecute()
+ object->setObjectName( oldObjectName );
+ doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+KPrDisplayObjectFromMasterPage::KPrDisplayObjectFromMasterPage(const QString &name, KPrDocument *_doc, KPrPage *_page, bool _newValue)
+ :KNamedCommand(name),
+ m_doc( _doc ),
+ m_page(_page),
+ newValue(_newValue)
+void KPrDisplayObjectFromMasterPage::execute()
+ m_page->setDisplayObjectFromMasterPage( newValue );
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_doc->masterPage() );
+void KPrDisplayObjectFromMasterPage::unexecute()
+ m_page->setDisplayObjectFromMasterPage( !newValue );
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_doc->masterPage() );
+KPrDisplayBackgroundPage::KPrDisplayBackgroundPage(const QString &name, KPrDocument *_doc, KPrPage *_page, bool _newValue)
+ :KNamedCommand(name),
+ m_doc( _doc ),
+ m_page(_page),
+ newValue(_newValue)
+void KPrDisplayBackgroundPage::execute()
+ m_page->setDisplayBackground( newValue );
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_doc->masterPage() );
+void KPrDisplayBackgroundPage::unexecute()
+ m_page->setDisplayBackground( !newValue );
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_doc->masterPage() );
+KPrHideShowHeaderFooter::KPrHideShowHeaderFooter( const QString &name, KPrDocument *_doc, KPrPage *_page,
+ bool _newValue, KPrTextObject *_textObject):
+ KNamedCommand(name),
+ m_doc( _doc ),
+ m_page(_page),
+ m_textObject(_textObject),
+ newValue(_newValue)
+void KPrHideShowHeaderFooter::execute()
+ if( m_textObject==m_doc->footer())
+ m_page->setFooter( newValue );
+ else if( m_textObject==m_doc->header())
+ m_page->setHeader( newValue );
+ else
+ kdDebug(33001)<<"Error in void KPrHideShowHeaderFooter::execute()\n";
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_doc->masterPage() );
+void KPrHideShowHeaderFooter::unexecute()
+ if( m_textObject==m_doc->footer())
+ m_page->setFooter( !newValue );
+ else if( m_textObject==m_doc->header())
+ m_page->setHeader( !newValue );
+ else
+ kdDebug(33001)<<"Error in void KPrHideShowHeaderFooter::unexecute()\n";
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_doc->masterPage() );
+KPrFlipObjectCommand::KPrFlipObjectCommand( const QString &name, KPrDocument *_doc,
+ bool _horizontal, QPtrList<KPrObject> &_objects ):
+ KNamedCommand( name ),
+ m_doc( _doc ),
+ objects( _objects ),
+ horizontal( _horizontal )
+ objects.setAutoDelete( false );
+ m_page = m_doc->findPage( objects );
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->incCmdRef();
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->decCmdRef();
+void KPrFlipObjectCommand::execute()
+ flipObjects();
+void KPrFlipObjectCommand::unexecute()
+ flipObjects();
+void KPrFlipObjectCommand::flipObjects()
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ {
+ it.current()->flip( horizontal );
+ m_doc->repaint( it.current() );
+ }
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+KPrGeometryPropertiesCommand::KPrGeometryPropertiesCommand( const QString &name, QPtrList<KPrObject> &objects,
+ bool newValue, KgpType type,KPrDocument *_doc )
+: KNamedCommand( name )
+, m_objects( objects )
+, m_newValue( newValue )
+, m_type( type )
+ , m_doc( _doc )
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( m_objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ {
+ it.current()->incCmdRef();
+ if ( m_type == ProtectSize )
+ m_oldValue.append( it.current()->isProtect() );
+ else if ( m_type == KeepRatio)
+ m_oldValue.append( it.current()->isKeepRatio() );
+ }
+KPrGeometryPropertiesCommand::KPrGeometryPropertiesCommand( const QString &name, QValueList<bool> &lst,
+ QPtrList<KPrObject> &objects, bool newValue,
+ KgpType type, KPrDocument *_doc)
+: KNamedCommand( name )
+, m_oldValue( lst )
+, m_objects( objects )
+, m_newValue( newValue )
+, m_type( type )
+, m_doc ( _doc )
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( m_objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->incCmdRef();
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( m_objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->decCmdRef();
+void KPrGeometryPropertiesCommand::execute()
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( m_objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ {
+ if ( m_type == ProtectSize )
+ {
+ it.current()->setProtect( m_newValue );
+ if ( it.current()->isSelected() )
+ m_doc->repaint( it.current() );
+ }
+ else if ( m_type == KeepRatio)
+ it.current()->setKeepRatio( m_newValue );
+ }
+void KPrGeometryPropertiesCommand::unexecute()
+ KPrObject *obj = 0;
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_objects.count(); ++i ) {
+ obj = i );
+ if ( m_type == ProtectSize )
+ {
+ obj->setProtect( * );
+ if ( obj->isSelected() )
+ m_doc->repaint( obj );
+ }
+ else if ( m_type == KeepRatio)
+ obj->setKeepRatio( * );
+ }
+KPrProtectContentCommand::KPrProtectContentCommand( const QString &name, QPtrList<KPrObject> &objects,
+ bool protectContent, KPrDocument *doc )
+: KNamedCommand( name )
+, m_protectContent( protectContent )
+, m_doc( doc )
+ m_objects.setAutoDelete( false );
+ addObjects( objects );
+KPrProtectContentCommand::KPrProtectContentCommand( const QString &name, bool protectContent,
+ KPrTextObject *obj, KPrDocument *doc )
+: KNamedCommand( name )
+, m_protectContent( protectContent )
+, m_doc( doc )
+ obj->incCmdRef();
+ m_objects.append( obj );
+ m_oldValues.append( obj->isProtectContent() );
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrTextObject> it( m_objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->decCmdRef();
+void KPrProtectContentCommand::addObjects( const QPtrList<KPrObject> &objects )
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( objects );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ {
+ if ( it.current()->getType() == OT_GROUP )
+ {
+ KPrGroupObject * obj = dynamic_cast<KPrGroupObject*>( it.current() );
+ if ( obj )
+ {
+ addObjects( obj->objectList() );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ KPrTextObject *obj = dynamic_cast<KPrTextObject*>( it.current() );
+ if( obj )
+ {
+ m_objects.append( obj );
+ obj->incCmdRef();
+ m_oldValues.append( obj->isProtectContent() );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void KPrProtectContentCommand::execute()
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrTextObject> it( m_objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ {
+ it.current()->setProtectContent( m_protectContent );
+ }
+ m_doc->updateObjectSelected();
+ m_doc->updateRulerInProtectContentMode();
+void KPrProtectContentCommand::unexecute()
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_objects.count(); i++ )
+ {
+ i )->setProtectContent( m_oldValues[i] );
+ }
+ m_doc->updateObjectSelected();
+ m_doc->updateRulerInProtectContentMode();
+KPrCloseObjectCommand::KPrCloseObjectCommand( const QString &name, QPtrList<KPrObject> objects, KPrDocument *doc )
+: KNamedCommand( name )
+, m_doc( doc )
+, m_page( doc->findPage( 0 ) ) )
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( objects );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ {
+ KPrPointObject * pointObject = dynamic_cast<KPrPointObject *>( *it );
+ if ( pointObject )
+ {
+ m_openObjects.append( *it );
+ ( *it )->incCmdRef();
+ KPrClosedLineObject * closedObject = new KPrClosedLineObject( *pointObject );
+ closedObject->incCmdRef();
+ m_closedObjects.append( closedObject );
+ }
+ }
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( m_openObjects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->decCmdRef();
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it2( m_closedObjects );
+ for ( ; it2.current() ; ++it2 )
+ it2.current()->decCmdRef();
+void KPrCloseObjectCommand::execute()
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> openIt( m_openObjects );
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> closeIt( m_closedObjects );
+ for ( ; openIt.current() ; ++openIt, ++closeIt )
+ {
+ m_page->replaceObject( *openIt, *closeIt );
+ bool selected = ( *openIt )->isSelected();
+ ( *openIt )->removeFromObjList();
+ ( *closeIt )->addToObjList();
+ ( *openIt )->setSelected( false );
+ ( *closeIt )->setSelected( selected );
+ m_doc->repaint( *closeIt );
+ }
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+void KPrCloseObjectCommand::unexecute()
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> openIt( m_openObjects );
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> closeIt( m_closedObjects );
+ for ( ; openIt.current() ; ++openIt, ++closeIt )
+ {
+ m_page->replaceObject( *closeIt, *openIt );
+ bool selected = ( *closeIt )->isSelected();
+ ( *closeIt )->removeFromObjList();
+ ( *openIt )->addToObjList();
+ ( *closeIt )->setSelected( false );
+ ( *openIt )->setSelected( selected );
+ m_doc->repaint( *openIt );
+ }
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+MarginsStruct::MarginsStruct( KPrTextObject *obj )
+ topMargin = obj->bTop();
+ bottomMargin= obj->bBottom();
+ leftMargin = obj->bLeft();
+ rightMargin= obj->bRight();
+MarginsStruct::MarginsStruct( double _left, double _top, double _right, double _bottom ):
+ topMargin(_top),
+ bottomMargin(_bottom),
+ leftMargin(_left),
+ rightMargin(_right)
+KPrChangeMarginCommand::KPrChangeMarginCommand( const QString &name, QPtrList<KPrObject> &objects,
+ MarginsStruct newMargins, KPrDocument *doc,
+ KPrPage *page )
+: KNamedCommand( name )
+, m_newMargins( newMargins )
+, m_page( page )
+, m_doc( doc )
+ m_objects.setAutoDelete( false );
+ m_oldMargins.setAutoDelete( false );
+ addObjects( objects );
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrTextObject> it( m_objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->decCmdRef();
+ m_oldMargins.setAutoDelete( true );
+ m_oldMargins.clear();
+void KPrChangeMarginCommand::addObjects( const QPtrList<KPrObject> &objects )
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( objects );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ {
+ if ( it.current()->getType() == OT_GROUP )
+ {
+ KPrGroupObject * obj = dynamic_cast<KPrGroupObject*>( it.current() );
+ if ( obj )
+ {
+ addObjects( obj->objectList() );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ KPrTextObject *obj = dynamic_cast<KPrTextObject*>( it.current() );
+ if( obj )
+ {
+ m_objects.append( obj );
+ obj->incCmdRef();
+ m_oldMargins.append( new MarginsStruct( obj ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void KPrChangeMarginCommand::execute()
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrTextObject> it( m_objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ {
+ it.current()->setTextMargins( m_newMargins.leftMargin, m_newMargins.topMargin,
+ m_newMargins.rightMargin, m_newMargins.bottomMargin);
+ it.current()->resizeTextDocument();
+ it.current()->layout();
+ }
+ m_doc->repaint( false );
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+void KPrChangeMarginCommand::unexecute()
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_objects.count(); i++ )
+ {
+ KPrTextObject *object = i );
+ MarginsStruct *marginsStruct = i );
+ object->setTextMargins( marginsStruct->leftMargin, marginsStruct->topMargin,
+ marginsStruct->rightMargin, marginsStruct->bottomMargin);
+ object->resizeTextDocument();
+ object->layout();
+ }
+ m_doc->repaint( false );
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+KPrChangeVerticalAlignmentCommand::KPrChangeVerticalAlignmentCommand( const QString &name, KPrTextObject *_obj,
+ VerticalAlignmentType _oldAlign,
+ VerticalAlignmentType _newAlign,
+ KPrDocument *_doc) :
+ KNamedCommand(name),
+ m_obj( _obj ),
+ m_oldAlign(_oldAlign),
+ m_newAlign(_newAlign),
+ m_doc( _doc )
+ m_page = m_doc->findPage( _obj );
+void KPrChangeVerticalAlignmentCommand::execute()
+ m_obj->setVerticalAligment( m_newAlign );
+ m_obj->kPresenterDocument()->layout(m_obj);
+ m_obj->kPresenterDocument()->repaint(m_obj);
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+void KPrChangeVerticalAlignmentCommand::unexecute()
+ m_obj->setVerticalAligment( m_oldAlign );
+ m_obj->kPresenterDocument()->layout(m_obj);
+ m_obj->kPresenterDocument()->repaint(m_obj);
+ m_doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+KPrChangeTabStopValueCommand::KPrChangeTabStopValueCommand( const QString &name, double _oldValue, double _newValue,
+ KPrDocument *_doc):
+ KNamedCommand(name),
+ m_doc( _doc ),
+ m_oldValue(_oldValue),
+ m_newValue(_newValue)
+void KPrChangeTabStopValueCommand::execute()
+ m_doc->setTabStopValue ( m_newValue );
+void KPrChangeTabStopValueCommand::unexecute()
+ m_doc->setTabStopValue ( m_oldValue );
+KPrImageEffectCmd::KPrImageEffectCmd(const QString &_name, QPtrList<ImageEffectSettings> &_oldSettings,
+ ImageEffectSettings _newSettings, QPtrList<KPrObject> &_objects,
+ KPrDocument *_doc )
+ :KNamedCommand( _name ), oldSettings( _oldSettings ), objects( _objects )
+ objects.setAutoDelete( false );
+ oldSettings.setAutoDelete( false );
+ doc = _doc;
+ newSettings = _newSettings;
+ m_page = doc->findPage( objects );
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->incCmdRef();
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it )
+ it.current()->decCmdRef();
+ oldSettings.setAutoDelete( true );
+ oldSettings.clear();
+void KPrImageEffectCmd::execute()
+ QPtrListIterator<KPrObject> it( objects );
+ for ( ; it.current() ; ++it ) {
+ KPrPixmapObject * obj = dynamic_cast<KPrPixmapObject*>( it.current() );
+ if ( obj ) {
+ obj->setImageEffect(newSettings.effect);
+ obj->setIEParams(newSettings.param1, newSettings.param2, newSettings.param3);
+ }
+ }
+ doc->repaint( false );
+ doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+void KPrImageEffectCmd::unexecute()
+ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < objects.count(); ++i ) {
+ KPrPixmapObject * obj = dynamic_cast<KPrPixmapObject*>( );
+ if ( obj ) {
+ obj->setImageEffect( i )->effect);
+ obj->setIEParams( i )->param1, i )->param2,
+ i )->param3);
+ }
+ }
+ doc->repaint( false );
+ doc->updateSideBarItem( m_page );
+KPrChangeVariableNoteText::KPrChangeVariableNoteText( const QString &name, KPrDocument *_doc,
+ const QString &_oldValue,const QString &_newValue,
+ KoNoteVariable *var):
+ KNamedCommand(name),
+ m_doc(_doc),
+ newValue(_newValue),
+ oldValue(_oldValue),
+ m_var(var)
+void KPrChangeVariableNoteText::execute()
+ Q_ASSERT(m_var);
+ m_var->setNote(newValue);
+void KPrChangeVariableNoteText::unexecute()
+ Q_ASSERT(m_var);
+ m_var->setNote(oldValue);