path: root/lib/kofficecore/KoRect.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/kofficecore/KoRect.h')
1 files changed, 148 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/kofficecore/KoRect.h b/lib/kofficecore/KoRect.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dfc63946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/kofficecore/KoRect.h
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ Copyright (C) 2001 David Faure <[email protected]>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#ifndef koRect_h
+#define koRect_h
+#include "KoPoint.h"
+#include "KoSize.h"
+#include <qrect.h>
+#include "koffice_export.h"
+ * A rect whose coordinates are floating-point values ( "double"s ).
+ * The API isn't documented, it's a perfect mirror of QRect.
+ */
+ KoRect()
+ : m_tl(), m_br() {}
+ KoRect(const KoPoint &topleft, const KoPoint &bottomright)
+ : m_tl(topleft), m_br(bottomright) {}
+ KoRect(const KoPoint &topleft, const KoSize &size)
+ {m_tl = topleft; setSize(size);}
+ KoRect(const double &left, const double &top, const double &width, const double &height)
+ : m_tl(left,top), m_br(left+width,top+height) {}
+ ~KoRect() {}
+ bool isNull() const { return m_tl == m_br; }
+ // Like QRect, a null KoRect is empty.
+ bool isEmpty() const { return m_tl.x() > m_br.x() || m_tl.y() > m_br.y() || isNull(); }
+ // Unlike QRect, a null KoRect is valid (0-sized).
+ bool isValid() const { return m_tl.x() <= m_br.x() && m_tl.y() <= m_br.y(); }
+ KoRect normalize() const;
+ double left() const { return m_tl.x(); }
+ double top() const { return m_tl.y(); }
+ double right() const { return m_br.x(); }
+ double bottom() const { return m_br.y(); }
+ double& rLeft() { return m_tl.rx(); }
+ double& rTop() { return m_tl.ry(); }
+ double& rRight() { return m_br.rx(); }
+ double& rBottom() { return m_br.ry(); }
+ double x() const { return left(); }
+ double y() const { return top(); }
+ void setLeft(const double &left) { m_tl.setX(left); }
+ void setTop(const double &top) { m_tl.setY(top); }
+ void setRight(const double &right) { m_br.setX(right); }
+ void setBottom(const double &bottom) { m_br.setY(bottom); }
+ void setX(const double &x) { m_tl.setX(x); } //same as setLeft()
+ void setY(const double &y) { m_tl.setY(y); } //same as setTop()
+ KoPoint topLeft() const { return m_tl; }
+ KoPoint bottomRight() const { return m_br; }
+ KoPoint topRight() const { return KoPoint(m_br.x(), m_tl.y()); }
+ KoPoint bottomLeft() const { return KoPoint(m_tl.x(), m_br.y()); }
+ KoPoint center() const;
+ void setTopLeft(const KoPoint &topleft);
+ void setBottomRight(const KoPoint &bottomright);
+ void setTopRight(const KoPoint &topright);
+ void setBottomLeft(const KoPoint &bottomleft);
+ void moveTopLeft(const KoPoint &topleft);
+ void moveBottomRight(const KoPoint &bottomright);
+ void moveTopRight(const KoPoint &topright);
+ void moveBottomLeft(const KoPoint &bottomleft);
+ //void moveCenter(const KoPoint &center);
+ void moveBy(const double &dx, const double &dy);
+ void setRect(const double &x, const double &y, const double &width, const double &height);
+ void setRect(const KoRect &rect);
+ void setCoords(const double &x1, const double &y1, const double &x2, const double &y2);
+ KoSize size() const;
+ double width() const { return m_br.x()-m_tl.x(); }
+ double height() const { return m_br.y()-m_tl.y(); }
+ void setWidth(const double &width) { m_br.setX(m_tl.x()+width); }
+ void setHeight(const double &height) { m_br.setY(m_tl.y()+height); }
+ void setSize(const KoSize &size);
+ KoRect &operator|=(const KoRect &rhs);
+ KoRect &operator&=(const KoRect &rhs);
+ /**
+ * Returns if the point is contained in the rect.
+ * @param p the point to test
+ * Will return true if the point is contained in the 2d area this rect represents, this means
+ * that it will return true on everthing from the topleft() to the bottomright();
+ * Note that for KoRect(0, 0, 100, 100) the KoPoint(0, 0) as well as KoPoint(100, 100) are
+ * mathmatically contained in the rect, this in contrary to pixel based rectangles.
+ */
+ bool contains(const KoPoint &p) const;
+ /// Helper function for the above function.
+ bool contains(const double &x, const double &y) const;
+ /// Helper function for the above function.
+ bool contains(const KoRect &r) const;
+ KoRect unite(const KoRect &r) const;
+ KoRect intersect(const KoRect &r) const;
+ bool intersects(const KoRect &r) const;
+ KoRect transform(const QWMatrix &m) const;
+ KoRect translate(double dx, double dy) const;
+ QRect toQRect() const;
+ static KoRect fromQRect( const QRect &rect );
+ KoPoint m_tl, m_br;
+KoRect operator|(const KoRect &lhs, const KoRect &rhs);
+KoRect operator&(const KoRect &lhs, const KoRect &rhs);
+KOFFICEUI_EXPORT bool operator==(const KoRect &lhs, const KoRect &rhs);
+KOFFICEUI_EXPORT bool operator!=(const KoRect &lhs, const KoRect &rhs);
+/** Show the position and size of a rectangle (use within kdDebug) */
+#define DEBUGRECT(rc) (rc).x() << "," << (rc).y() << " " << (rc).width() << "x" << (rc).height()
+//inline kdbgstream operator<<( kdbgstream str, const KoRect & r ) { str << "[" << r.left() << ", " << << " - " << r.right() << ", " << r.bottom() << "]"; return str; }
+inline kdbgstream operator<<( kdbgstream str, const KoRect & r ) { str << "[" << r.left() << "," << << " " << r.width() << "x" << r.height() << "]"; return str; }
+inline kndbgstream operator<<( kndbgstream str, const KoRect & ) { return str; }
+/** Show the rectangles that form a region (use as a standalone statement) */
+#define DEBUGREGION(reg) { QMemArray<QRect>rs=reg.rects(); for (int i=0;i<rs.size();++i) \
+ kdDebug()<<" "<<DEBUGRECT(rs[i] )<<endl; }
+// You can now use kdDebug() << theregion << endl; (kdebug.h)