path: root/conduits/sysinfoconduit/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'conduits/sysinfoconduit/')
1 files changed, 611 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/conduits/sysinfoconduit/ b/conduits/sysinfoconduit/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64c53bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conduits/sysinfoconduit/
@@ -0,0 +1,611 @@
+/* KPilot
+** Copyright (C) 2003 by Reinhold Kainhofer
+** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+** (at your option) any later version.
+** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+** GNU General Public License for more details.
+** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+** along with this program in a file called COPYING; if not, write to
+** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+** MA 02110-1301, USA.
+** Bug reports and questions can be sent to [email protected].
+#include "options.h"
+#include <pi-version.h>
+#include <tqtimer.h>
+#include <tqdir.h>
+#include <tqfileinfo.h>
+#include <tqregexp.h>
+#include <kconfig.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <pilotSysInfo.h>
+#include <pilotUser.h>
+#include <pilotCard.h>
+#include <kpilotlink.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <pilotSerialDatabase.h>
+#include <sys/utsname.h>
+#include "sysinfo-factory.h"
+#include "sysinfo-conduit.moc"
+#include "sysinfoSettings.h"
+const TQString SysInfoConduit::defaultpage = CSL1("KPilot System Information Page\n"
+"(Kpilot was unable to find the correct template file, \n"
+"so this simple template was used.)\n\n"
+"-) Hardware Information\n"
+" DeviceID: #deviceid#\n"
+" Device name: #devicename#\n"
+" Device model: #devicemodel#\n"
+" Manufacturer: #manufacturer#\n"
+" Connected via: #devicetype#\n"
+"-) User Information\n"
+" Handheld User Name: #username#\n"
+" Handheld Password: #pw#\n"
+" Handheld User ID: #uid#\n"
+" Viewer ID: #viewerid#\n"
+"-) Memory Information\n"
+" ROM: #rom# kB total\n"
+" Total RAM: #totalmem# kB total\n"
+" Free RAM: #freemem# kB free\n"
+"-) Storage Information\n"
+" Number of cards: #cards#\n"
+" Memory on cards: #storagemem#\n"
+"-) List of Databases on Handheld\n"
+" Available Databases: #dblist(%1,)#\n"
+"-) Number of addresses, to-dos, events, and memos\n"
+" Addresses: #addresses# entries in Addressbook\n"
+" Events: #events# entries in Calendar\n"
+" To-dos: #todos# entries in To-do list\n"
+" Memos: #memos# memos\n"
+"-) Synchronization Information\n"
+" Last sync attempt: #lastsync#\n"
+" Last successful sync: #lastsuccsync#\n"
+" Last sync with PC (ID): #lastsyncpc#\n"
+"-) Version Information (Desktop)\n"
+" Operating System: #os#\n"
+" Hostname: #hostname#\n"
+" Qt Version: #qt#\n"
+" KDE Version: #kde#\n"
+" KPilot Version: #kpilot#\n"
+" Pilot-Link Version: #pilotlink#\n"
+"-) Version Information (Handheld)\n"
+" PalmOS: #palmos#\n"
+"-) Debug Information\n"
+" #debug#\n"
+"Page created <!--#date#--> by the KPilot System Information conduit.\n"
+ /** possible fields in the templates are:
+ * - hardware
+ * - user
+ * - memory
+ * - storage
+ * - dblist
+ * - recnumber
+ * - syncinfo
+ * - pcversion
+ * - palmversion
+ * - debug
+ */
+// Something to allow us to check what revision
+// the modules are that make up a binary distribution.
+extern "C"
+unsigned long version_conduit_sysinfo = Pilot::PLUGIN_API;
+SysInfoConduit::SysInfoConduit(KPilotLink * o,
+ const char *n,
+ const TQStringList & a) :
+ ConduitAction(o, n, a)
+ fConduitName=i18n("System Information");
+void SysInfoConduit::readConfig()
+ fOutputFile = SysinfoSettings::outputFile();
+ fOutputType = (eOutputTypeEnum) SysinfoSettings::outputFormat();
+ fTemplateFile = SysinfoSettings::templateFile();
+ fHardwareInfo = SysinfoSettings::hardwareInfo();
+ fUserInfo = SysinfoSettings::userInfo();
+ fMemoryInfo = SysinfoSettings::memoryInfo();
+ fStorageInfo = SysinfoSettings::storageInfo();
+ fDBList = SysinfoSettings::databaseList();
+ fRecordNumber = SysinfoSettings::recordNumbers();
+ fSyncInfo = SysinfoSettings::syncInfo();
+ fKDEVersion = SysinfoSettings::kDEVersion();
+ fPalmOSVersion = SysinfoSettings::palmOSVersion();
+ fDebugInfo = SysinfoSettings::debugInformation();
+/* virtual */ bool SysInfoConduit::exec()
+ readConfig();
+ TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQT_SLOT(hardwareInfo()));
+ return true;
+void SysInfoConduit::hardwareInfo()
+ if (fHardwareInfo) {
+ TQString unknown = i18n("unknown");
+ /* Retrieve values for
+ * - #deviceid#
+ * - #devicename#
+ * - #devicemodel#
+ * - #manufactorer#
+ * - #devicetype#
+ */
+ KPilotSysInfo sysinfo = fHandle->getSysInfo();
+ fValues[CSL1("deviceid")] = TQString::tqfromLatin1(sysinfo.getProductID());
+ const KPilotCard *device = fHandle->getCardInfo();
+ if (device)
+ {
+ fValues[CSL1("devicename")] = TQString::tqfromLatin1(device->getCardName());
+ fValues[CSL1("devicemodel")] = unknown; // TODO
+ fValues[CSL1("manufacturer")] = TQString::tqfromLatin1(device->getCardManufacturer());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fValues[CSL1("devicename")] = unknown;
+ fValues[CSL1("devicemodel")] = unknown;
+ fValues[CSL1("manufacturer")] = unknown;
+ }
+ fValues[CSL1("devicetype")] = unknown;
+ KPILOT_DELETE(device);
+ keepParts.append(CSL1("hardware"));
+ } else removeParts.append(CSL1("hardware"));
+ TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQT_SLOT(userInfo()));
+void SysInfoConduit::userInfo()
+ if (fUserInfo)
+ {
+ /* Retrieve values for
+ * - #username#
+ * - #uid#
+ */
+ KPilotUser user=fHandle->getPilotUser();
+ fValues[CSL1("username")] =;
+ if (user.passwordLength()>0)
+ {
+ fValues[CSL1("pw")] = i18n("Password set");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fValues[CSL1("pw")] = i18n("No password set");
+ }
+ fValues[CSL1("uid")] = TQString::number(>userID);
+ fValues[CSL1("viewerid")] = TQString::number(>viewerID);
+ keepParts.append(CSL1("user"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ removeParts.append(CSL1("user"));
+ }
+ TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQT_SLOT(memoryInfo()));
+void SysInfoConduit::memoryInfo()
+ if (fMemoryInfo) {
+ /* Retrieve values for
+ * - #rom#
+ * - #totalmem#
+ * - #freemem#
+ */
+ const KPilotCard *device = fHandle->getCardInfo();
+ if (device)
+ {
+ fValues[CSL1("rom")] = TQString::number(device->getRomSize()/1024);
+ fValues[CSL1("totalmem")] = TQString::number(device->getRamSize()/1024);
+ fValues[CSL1("freemem")] = TQString::number(device->getRamFree()/1024);
+ }
+ keepParts.append(CSL1("memory"));
+ } else removeParts.append(CSL1("memory"));
+ TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQT_SLOT(storageInfo()));
+void SysInfoConduit::storageInfo()
+ if (fStorageInfo) {
+ /* Retrieve values for
+ * - $cards$
+ */
+ const KPilotCard *device = fHandle->getCardInfo(1);
+ if (device) {
+ fValues[CSL1("cards")] = CSL1("%1 (%2, %3 kB of %3 kB free)")
+ .arg(TQString::tqfromLatin1(device->getCardName()))
+ .arg(TQString::tqfromLatin1(device->getCardManufacturer()))
+ .arg(device->getRamFree()/1024)
+ .arg(device->getRamSize()/1024);
+ KPILOT_DELETE(device);
+ } else {
+ fValues[CSL1("cards")] = i18n("No Cards available via pilot-link");
+ }
+ keepParts.append(CSL1("storage"));
+ } else removeParts.append(CSL1("storage"));
+ TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQT_SLOT(dbListInfo()));
+void SysInfoConduit::dbListInfo()
+ if (fDBList) {
+ /* Retrieve values for
+ * - #dblist(structure)#
+ */
+ dblist=deviceLink()->getDBList();
+ keepParts.append(CSL1("dblist"));
+ } else removeParts.append(CSL1("dblist"));
+ TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQT_SLOT(recNumberInfo()));
+void SysInfoConduit::recNumberInfo()
+ if (fRecordNumber) {
+ /* Retrieve values for
+ * - #addresses#
+ * - #events#
+ * - #todos#
+ * - #memos#
+ */
+ PilotDatabase *fDatabase = 0L;
+ TQString ERROR = CSL1("ERROR");
+ fValues[CSL1("addresses")] = ERROR;
+ fValues[CSL1("events")] = ERROR;
+ fValues[CSL1("todos")] = ERROR;
+ fValues[CSL1("memos")] = ERROR;
+ fDatabase = deviceLink()->database(CSL1("AddressDB"));
+ if (fDatabase) {
+ fValues[CSL1("addresses")] = TQString::number(fDatabase->recordCount());
+ KPILOT_DELETE(fDatabase);
+ }
+ fDatabase = deviceLink()->database(CSL1("DatebookDB"));
+ if (fDatabase) {
+ fValues[CSL1("events")] = TQString::number(fDatabase->recordCount());
+ KPILOT_DELETE(fDatabase);
+ }
+ fDatabase = deviceLink()->database(CSL1("ToDoDB"));
+ if (fDatabase) {
+ fValues[CSL1("todos")] = TQString::number(fDatabase->recordCount());
+ KPILOT_DELETE(fDatabase);
+ }
+ fDatabase = deviceLink()->database(CSL1("MemoDB"));
+ if (fDatabase) {
+ fValues[CSL1("memos")] = TQString::number(fDatabase->recordCount());
+ KPILOT_DELETE(fDatabase);
+ }
+ keepParts.append(CSL1("records"));
+ } else removeParts.append(CSL1("records"));
+ TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQT_SLOT(syncInfo()));
+void SysInfoConduit::syncInfo()
+ if (fSyncInfo) {
+ /* Retrieve values for
+ * - #lastsync#
+ * - #lastsuccsync#
+ * - #lastsyncpc#
+ */
+ KPilotUser user = deviceLink()->getPilotUser();
+ time_t lastsync = user.getLastSyncDate();
+ TQDateTime qlastsync;
+ qlastsync.setTime_t(lastsync);
+ fValues[CSL1("lastsync")] = qlastsync.toString(Qt::LocalDate);
+ lastsync = user.getLastSuccessfulSyncDate();
+ qlastsync.setTime_t(lastsync);
+ fValues[CSL1("lastsuccsync")] = qlastsync.toString(Qt::LocalDate);
+ fValues[CSL1("lastsyncpc")] = TQString::number(user.getLastSyncPC());
+ keepParts.append(CSL1("sync"));
+ } else removeParts.append(CSL1("sync"));
+ TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQT_SLOT(pcVersionInfo()));
+void SysInfoConduit::pcVersionInfo()
+ if (fKDEVersion) {
+ /* Retrieve values for
+ * - #os#
+ * - #qt#
+ * - #kde#
+ * - #kpilot#
+ * - #pilotlink#
+ */
+ fValues[CSL1("kpilot")] = TQString::tqfromLatin1(KPILOT_VERSION);
+ fValues[CSL1("kde")] = i18n("unknown");
+ fValues[CSL1("qt")] = i18n("unknown");
+ fValues[CSL1("os")] = i18n("unknown");
+ fValues[CSL1("hostname")] = i18n("unknown");
+ struct utsname name;
+ if (uname (&name) >= 0) {
+ fValues[CSL1("os")] = CSL1("%1 %3, %5")
+ .arg(TQString::tqfromLatin1(name.sysname))
+ .arg(TQString::tqfromLatin1(name.release))
+ .arg(TQString::tqfromLatin1(name.machine));
+ fValues[CSL1("hostname")] = CSL1("%2").arg(TQString::tqfromLatin1(name.nodename));
+ }
+ fValues[CSL1("kde")] = TQString::tqfromLatin1(KDE_VERSION_STRING);
+ fValues[CSL1("qt")] = TQString::tqfromLatin1(QT_VERSION_STR);
+ fValues[CSL1("pilotlink")] = CSL1("%1.%2.%3%4")
+ .arg(TQString::tqfromLatin1(PILOT_LINK_PATCH));
+ .arg(TQString());
+ keepParts.append(CSL1("pcversion"));
+ } else removeParts.append(CSL1("pcversion"));
+ TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQT_SLOT(palmVersionInfo()));
+void SysInfoConduit::palmVersionInfo()
+ if (fPalmOSVersion) {
+ /* Retrieve values for
+ * - #palmos#
+ */
+/* fValues["palmos"] = TQString("PalmOS %1.%2 (compat %3.%4)")
+ .arg(fHandle->getSysInfo()->getMajorVersion())
+ .arg(fHandle->getSysInfo()->getMinorVersion())
+ .arg(fHandle->getSysInfo()->getCompatMajorVersion())
+ .arg(fHandle->getSysInfo()->getCompatMinorVersion());*/
+ KPilotSysInfo i = deviceLink()->getSysInfo();
+ fValues[CSL1("palmos")] = CSL1("PalmOS %1.%2").arg(i.getMajorVersion()).arg(i.getMinorVersion());
+ keepParts.append(CSL1("palmversion"));
+ } else removeParts.append(CSL1("palmversion"));
+ TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQT_SLOT(debugInfo()));
+void SysInfoConduit::debugInfo()
+ if (fDebugInfo) {
+ /* Retrieve values for
+ * - #debug#
+ */
+ fValues[CSL1("debug")] = i18n("No debug data");
+ keepParts.append(CSL1("debug"));
+ } else removeParts.append(CSL1("debug"));
+ TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQT_SLOT(writeFile()));
+void SysInfoConduit::writeFile()
+ fValues[CSL1("date")] = TQDateTime::tqcurrentDateTime().toString(Qt::LocalDate);
+ TQString output;
+ // Open the template file
+ TQString templatefile;
+ switch(fOutputType)
+ {
+ case eOutputText:
+ templatefile=locate("data", CSL1("kpilot/sysinfoconduit/Template.txt"));
+ break;
+ case eOutputTemplate:
+ templatefile=fTemplateFile;
+ break;
+ case eOutputHTML:
+ default:
+ templatefile=locate("data", CSL1("kpilot/sysinfoconduit/Template.html"));
+ break;
+ }
+ // Read in the template, close the file
+ bool loaded=false;
+ if (!templatefile.isEmpty()){
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ DEBUGKPILOT<<"Loading template file "<<templatefile<<endl;
+ TQFile infile(templatefile);
+ if ( {
+ TQTextStream instream(&infile);
+ output =;
+ infile.close();
+ loaded=true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!loaded)
+ {
+ WARNINGKPILOT << "Loading template file " << templatefile
+ <<" failed. Using default template instead." << endl;
+ output=defaultpage;
+ }
+ // Remove all parts not extracted
+ for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = removeParts.begin(); it != removeParts.end(); ++it ) {
+ TQRegExp re(CSL1("<!--#if%1#.*#endif%1#-->").arg(*it).arg(*it));
+ re.setMinimal(true);
+ output.remove(re);
+ }
+ for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = keepParts.begin(); it != keepParts.end(); ++it ) {
+ TQRegExp re(CSL1("<!--#if%1#(.*)#endif%1#-->").arg(*it).arg(*it));
+ re.setMinimal(true);
+ output.tqreplace(re, CSL1("\\1"));
+ }
+ // Do a loop through all keys in fValues
+ TQMap<TQString,TQString>::Iterator it;
+ for ( it = fValues.begin(); it != fValues.end(); ++it ) {
+ output.tqreplace(CSL1("#%1#").arg(it.key()),;
+ }
+ // Insert the list of databases
+ TQRegExp re(CSL1("#dblist\\[(.*)\\]#"));
+ re.setMinimal(true);
+ while (>=0){
+ TQString dbstring;
+ TQString subpatt=re.cap(1);
+ for (KPilotLink::DBInfoList::ConstIterator i = dblist.begin(); i != dblist.end(); ++i ) {
+ DBInfo dbi = *i;
+ TQString newpatt(subpatt);
+ char tmpchr[5];
+ ::memset(&tmpchr[0], 0, 5);
+ /* Patterns for the dblist argument:
+ * %0 .. Database name
+ * %1 .. type
+ * %2 .. creator
+ * %3 .. index
+ * %4 .. flags
+ * %5 .. miscFlags
+ * %6 .. version
+ * %7 .. createDate
+ * %8 .. modifyDate
+ * %9 .. backupDate
+ */
+ newpatt.tqreplace(CSL1("%0"), TQString::tqfromLatin1(;
+ set_long(&tmpchr[0],dbi.type);
+ newpatt.tqreplace(CSL1("%1"), TQString::tqfromLatin1(tmpchr));
+ set_long(&tmpchr[0],dbi.creator);
+ newpatt.tqreplace(CSL1("%2"), TQString::tqfromLatin1(tmpchr));
+ newpatt.tqreplace(CSL1("%3"), TQString::number(dbi.index));
+ newpatt.tqreplace(CSL1("%4"), TQString::number(dbi.flags));
+ newpatt.tqreplace(CSL1("%5"), TQString::number(dbi.miscFlags));
+ newpatt.tqreplace(CSL1("%6"), TQString::number(dbi.version));
+ TQDateTime tm;
+ tm.setTime_t(dbi.createDate);
+ newpatt.tqreplace(CSL1("%7"), tm.toString(Qt::LocalDate));
+ tm.setTime_t(dbi.modifyDate);
+ newpatt.tqreplace(CSL1("%8"), tm.toString(Qt::LocalDate));
+ tm.setTime_t(dbi.backupDate);
+ newpatt.tqreplace(CSL1("%9"), tm.toString(Qt::LocalDate));
+ dbstring.append(newpatt);
+ }
+ // Now, just tqreplace the whole found pattern by the string we just constructed.
+ output.tqreplace(re.cap(0), dbstring);
+ }
+ // Write out the result
+ TQFile outfile(fOutputFile);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ DEBUGKPILOT << fname << ": Writing file <" << fOutputFile << ">" << endl;
+ if (fOutputFile.isEmpty() || (! ) {
+ TQFileInfo fi(TQDir::home(), CSL1("KPilotSysInfo.")+TQFileInfo(templatefile).extension() );
+ fOutputFile=fi.absFilePath();
+ WARNINGKPILOT << "Unable to open output file, using " << fOutputFile << " instead." << endl;
+ emit logMessage(i18n("Unable to open output file, using %1 instead.").arg(fOutputFile));
+ outfile.setName(fOutputFile);
+ if (! {
+ WARNINGKPILOT<< "Unable to open " << fOutputFile << endl;
+ emit logError(i18n("Unable to open %1").arg(fOutputFile));
+ TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQT_SLOT(cleanup()));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Finally, write the actual text out to the file.
+ TQTextStream outstream(&outfile);
+ outstream<<output;
+ outfile.close();
+ emit logMessage(i18n("Handheld system information written to the file %1").arg(fOutputFile));
+ TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQT_SLOT(cleanup()));
+void SysInfoConduit::cleanup()
+ // Nothing to clean up so far (Do I have memory leaks somewhere?)
+ emit syncDone(this);