path: root/src/canvasitemparts.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/canvasitemparts.cpp')
1 files changed, 553 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/canvasitemparts.cpp b/src/canvasitemparts.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f4b03d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/canvasitemparts.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 by David Saxton *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "canvasitemparts.h"
+#include "cells.h"
+#include "cnitem.h"
+#include "icndocument.h"
+#include <qpainter.h>
+//BEGIN Class GuiPart
+GuiPart::GuiPart( CNItem *parent, const QRect & r, QCanvas * canvas )
+ : QObject(parent),
+ QCanvasRectangle( r, canvas ),
+ m_angleDegrees(0),
+ p_parent(parent),
+ b_pointsAdded(false),
+ m_originalRect(r)
+ connect( parent, SIGNAL(movedBy(double, double )), this, SLOT(slotMoveBy(double, double )) );
+ setZ( parent->z() + 0.5 );
+ hide();
+void GuiPart::setAngleDegrees( int angleDegrees )
+ m_angleDegrees = angleDegrees;
+ posChanged();
+ if (canvas())
+ canvas()->setChanged( boundingRect() );
+void GuiPart::setGuiPartSize( int width, int height )
+ updateConnectorPoints(false);
+ setSize( width, height );
+ posChanged();
+void GuiPart::initPainter( QPainter &p )
+ if ( (m_angleDegrees%180) == 0 )
+ return;
+ p.translate( int(x()+(width()/2)), int(y()+(height()/2)) );
+ p.rotate(m_angleDegrees);
+ p.translate( -int(x()+(width()/2)), -int(y()+(height()/2)) );
+void GuiPart::deinitPainter( QPainter &p )
+ if ( (m_angleDegrees%180) == 0 )
+ return;
+ p.translate( int(x()+(width()/2)), int(y()+(height()/2)) );
+ p.rotate(-m_angleDegrees);
+ p.translate( -int(x()+(width()/2)), -int(y()+(height()/2)) );
+void GuiPart::slotMoveBy( double dx, double dy )
+ if ( dx==0 && dy==0 )
+ return;
+ moveBy( dx, dy );
+ posChanged();
+void GuiPart::updateConnectorPoints( bool add )
+ ICNDocument *icnd = dynamic_cast<ICNDocument*>(p_parent->itemDocument());
+ if ( !icnd)
+ return;
+ Cells * cells = icnd->cells();
+ if (!cells)
+ return;
+ if ( add == b_pointsAdded )
+ return;
+ b_pointsAdded = add;
+ int mult = add ? 1 : -1;
+ int sx = int(x()/8);
+ int sy = int(y()/8);
+ int ex = int((x()+width())/8);
+ int ey = int((y()+height())/8);
+ for ( int x=sx; x<=ex; ++x )
+ {
+ for ( int y=sy; y<=ey; ++y )
+ {
+ if ( icnd->isValidCellReference( x, y ) )
+ (*cells)[x][y].CIpenalty += mult*ICNDocument::hs_item/2;
+ }
+ }
+QRect GuiPart::drawRect()
+ QRect dr = rect();
+ if ( m_angleDegrees%180 != 0 )
+ {
+ QWMatrix m;
+ m.translate( int(x()+(width()/2)), int(y()+(height()/2)) );
+ if ( (m_angleDegrees%180) != 0 )
+ m.rotate(-m_angleDegrees);
+ m.translate( -int(x()+(width()/2)), -int(y()+(height()/2)) );
+ dr = m.mapRect(dr);
+ }
+ return dr;
+//END Class GuiPart
+//BEGIN Class Text
+Text::Text( const QString &text, CNItem *parent, const QRect & r, QCanvas * canvas, int flags )
+ : GuiPart( parent, r, canvas )
+ m_flags = flags;
+ setText(text);
+bool Text::setText( const QString & text )
+ if ( m_text == text )
+ return false;
+ updateConnectorPoints(false);
+ m_text = text;
+ return true;
+void Text::setFlags( int flags )
+ updateConnectorPoints( false );
+ m_flags = flags;
+void Text::drawShape( QPainter & p )
+ initPainter(p);
+ p.setFont( p_parent->font() );
+ p.drawText( drawRect(), m_flags, m_text );
+ deinitPainter(p);
+QRect Text::recommendedRect() const
+ return QFontMetrics( p_parent->font() ).boundingRect( m_originalRect.x(), m_originalRect.y(), m_originalRect.width(), m_originalRect.height(), m_flags, m_text );
+//END Class Text
+//BEGIN Class Widget
+Widget::Widget( const QString & id, CNItem * parent, const QRect & r, QCanvas * canvas )
+ : GuiPart( parent, r, canvas )
+ m_id = id;
+ show();
+int Widget::rtti() const
+ return ItemDocument::RTTI::Widget;
+void Widget::setEnabled( bool enabled )
+ widget()->setEnabled(enabled);
+void Widget::posChanged()
+ // Swap around the width / height if we are rotated at a non-half way around
+ if ( m_angleDegrees%90 != 0 )
+ widget()->setFixedSize( QSize( height(), width() ) );
+ else
+ widget()->setFixedSize( size() );
+ widget()->move( int(x()), int(y()) );
+void Widget::drawShape( QPainter &p )
+// initPainter(p);
+ p.drawPixmap( int(x()), int(y()), QPixmap::grabWidget( widget() ) );
+// deinitPainter(p);
+//END Class Widget
+//BEGIN Class ToolButton
+ToolButton::ToolButton( QWidget *parent )
+ : QToolButton(parent)
+ m_angleDegrees = 0;
+ if ( QFontInfo(m_font).pixelSize() > 11 ) // It has to be > 11, not > 12, as (I think) pixelSize() rounds off the actual size
+ m_font.setPixelSize(12);
+void ToolButton::drawButtonLabel( QPainter * p )
+ if ( m_angleDegrees % 180 == 0 || text().isEmpty() )
+ {
+ QToolButton::drawButtonLabel(p);
+ return;
+ }
+ double dx = size().width()/2;
+ double dy = size().height()/2;
+ p->translate( dx, dy );
+ p->rotate( m_angleDegrees );
+ p->translate( -dx, -dy );
+ p->translate( -dy+dx, 0 );
+ int m = width() > height() ? width() : height();
+ p->setPen( Qt::black );
+ p->drawText( isDown()?1:0, isDown()?1:0, m, m, Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignHCenter, text() );
+ p->translate( dy-dx, 0 );
+ p->translate( dx, dy );
+ p->rotate( -m_angleDegrees );
+ p->translate( -dx, -dy );
+//END Class ToolButton
+//BEGIN Class Button
+Button::Button( const QString & id, CNItem * parent, bool isToggle, const QRect & r, QCanvas * canvas )
+ : Widget( id, parent, r, canvas )
+ b_isToggle = isToggle;
+ m_button = new ToolButton(0l);
+ m_button->setUsesTextLabel(false);
+ m_button->setToggleButton(b_isToggle);
+ connect( m_button, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(slotStateChanged()) );
+ connect( m_button, SIGNAL(released()), this, SLOT(slotStateChanged()) );
+ posChanged();
+ delete m_button;
+void Button::setToggle( bool toggle )
+ if ( b_isToggle == toggle )
+ return;
+ if (b_isToggle)
+ {
+ // We must first untoggle it, else it'll be forever stuck...
+ setState(false);
+ }
+ b_isToggle = toggle;
+ m_button->setToggleButton(b_isToggle);
+void Button::posChanged()
+ Widget::posChanged();
+ m_button->setAngleDegrees(m_angleDegrees);
+void Button::slotStateChanged()
+ parent()->buttonStateChanged( id(), m_button->isDown() || m_button->isOn() );
+QWidget* Button::widget() const
+ return m_button;
+void Button::setPixmap( const QPixmap &p )
+ m_button->setPixmap(p);
+void Button::setState( bool state )
+ if ( this->state() == state )
+ return;
+ if ( isToggle() )
+ m_button->setOn(state);
+ else
+ m_button->setDown(state);
+ slotStateChanged();
+bool Button::state() const
+ if ( isToggle() )
+ return m_button->state();
+ else
+ return m_button->isDown();
+QRect Button::recommendedRect() const
+ QSize sizeHint = m_button->sizeHint();
+ if ( sizeHint.width() < m_originalRect.width() )
+ sizeHint.setWidth( m_originalRect.width() );
+ // Hmm...for now, lets just keep the recomended rect the same height as the original rect
+ sizeHint.setHeight( m_originalRect.height() );
+ int hdw = (sizeHint.width() - m_originalRect.width())/2;
+ int hdh = (sizeHint.height() - m_originalRect.height())/2;
+ return QRect( m_originalRect.x()-hdw, m_originalRect.y()-hdh, sizeHint.width(), sizeHint.height() );
+void Button::setText( const QString &text )
+ if ( m_button->text() == text )
+ return;
+ updateConnectorPoints(false);
+ m_button->setUsesTextLabel(true);
+ m_button->setText(text);
+ m_button->setTextLabel(text);
+ canvas()->setChanged( rect() );
+ p_parent->updateAttachedPositioning();
+void Button::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *e )
+ if ( !m_button->isEnabled() )
+ return;
+ QMouseEvent event( QEvent::MouseButtonPress, e->pos()-QPoint(int(x()),int(y())), e->button(), e->state() );
+ m_button->mousePressEvent(&event);
+ if (event.isAccepted())
+ e->accept();
+ canvas()->setChanged( rect() );
+void Button::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent *e )
+ QMouseEvent event( QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, e->pos()-QPoint(int(x()),int(y())), e->button(), e->state() );
+ m_button->mouseReleaseEvent(&event);
+ if (event.isAccepted())
+ e->accept();
+ canvas()->setChanged( rect() );
+void Button::enterEvent()
+ m_button->enterEvent();
+// m_button->setFocus();
+// bool hasFocus = m_button->hasFocus();
+// m_button->setAutoRaise(true);
+// m_button->setOn(true);
+void Button::leaveEvent()
+ m_button->leaveEvent();
+// m_button->clearFocus();
+// bool hasFocus = m_button->hasFocus();
+// m_button->setAutoRaise(false);
+// m_button->setOn(false);
+//END Class Button
+//BEGIN Class SliderWidget
+SliderWidget::SliderWidget( QWidget *parent )
+ : QSlider(parent)
+ setWFlags(WNoAutoErase|WRepaintNoErase);
+//END Class SliderWidget
+//BEGIN Class Slider
+Slider::Slider( const QString & id, CNItem * parent, const QRect & r, QCanvas * canvas )
+ : Widget( id, parent, r, canvas )
+ m_orientation = Qt::Vertical;
+ m_slider = new SliderWidget(0l);
+ m_slider->setPaletteBackgroundColor(Qt::white);
+ m_slider->setPaletteForegroundColor(Qt::white);
+ m_slider->setEraseColor(Qt::white);
+ m_slider->setBackgroundMode( Qt::NoBackground );
+ connect( m_slider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotValueChanged(int)) );
+ posChanged();
+ delete m_slider;
+QWidget* Slider::widget() const
+ return m_slider;
+int Slider::value() const
+ return m_slider->value();
+void Slider::setValue( int value )
+ m_slider->setValue(value);
+void Slider::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *e )
+ QMouseEvent event( QEvent::MouseButtonPress, e->pos()-QPoint(int(x()),int(y())), e->button(), e->state() );
+ m_slider->mousePressEvent(&event);
+ if (event.isAccepted())
+ e->accept();
+ canvas()->setChanged( rect() );
+void Slider::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent *e )
+ QMouseEvent event( QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, e->pos()-QPoint(int(x()),int(y())), e->button(), e->state() );
+ m_slider->mouseReleaseEvent(&event);
+ if (event.isAccepted())
+ e->accept();
+ canvas()->setChanged( rect() );
+void Slider::mouseDoubleClickEvent ( QMouseEvent *e )
+ QMouseEvent event( QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick, e->pos()-QPoint(int(x()),int(y())), e->button(), e->state() );
+ m_slider->mouseDoubleClickEvent(&event);
+ if (event.isAccepted())
+ e->accept();
+ canvas()->setChanged( rect() );
+void Slider::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *e )
+ QMouseEvent event( QEvent::MouseMove, e->pos()-QPoint(int(x()),int(y())), e->button(), e->state() );
+ m_slider->mouseMoveEvent(&event);
+ if (event.isAccepted())
+ e->accept();
+void Slider::wheelEvent( QWheelEvent *e )
+ QWheelEvent event( e->pos()-QPoint(int(x()),int(y())), e->delta(), e->state(), e->orientation() );
+ m_slider->wheelEvent(&event);
+ if (event.isAccepted())
+ e->accept();
+ canvas()->setChanged( rect() );
+void Slider::enterEvent()
+ m_slider->enterEvent();
+void Slider::leaveEvent()
+ m_slider->leaveEvent();
+void Slider::slotValueChanged( int value )
+ parent()->itemDocument()->setModified(true);
+ parent()->sliderValueChanged(id(),value);
+void Slider::setOrientation( Qt::Orientation o )
+ m_orientation = o;
+ posChanged();
+void Slider::posChanged()
+ Widget::posChanged();
+ if ( m_orientation == Qt::Vertical )
+ m_slider->setOrientation( (m_angleDegrees%180 == 0) ? Qt::Vertical : Qt::Horizontal );
+ else
+ m_slider->setOrientation( (m_angleDegrees%180 == 0) ? Qt::Horizontal : Qt::Vertical );
+//END Class Slider
+#include "canvasitemparts.moc"