path: root/src/cnitem.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/cnitem.cpp')
1 files changed, 647 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cnitem.cpp b/src/cnitem.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d949f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cnitem.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 by David Saxton *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "canvasitemparts.h"
+#include "icndocument.h"
+#include "cells.h"
+#include "component.h"
+#include "ecnode.h"
+#include "fpnode.h"
+#include "itemdocumentdata.h"
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <qbitarray.h>
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <cmath>
+// Degrees per radian
+const double DPR = 57.29577951308232087665461840231273527024;
+CNItem::CNItem( ICNDocument *icnDocument, bool newItem, const QString &id )
+ : Item( icnDocument, newItem, id ),
+ CIWidgetMgr( icnDocument->canvas(), this ),
+ p_icnDocument(icnDocument),
+ b_pointsAdded(false)
+ setZ( ICNDocument::Z::Item );
+ setSelected(false);
+ m_brushCol = QColor( 0xf7, 0xf7, 0xff );
+ m_selectedCol = QColor( 101, 134, 192 );
+ setBrush(m_brushCol);
+ setPen( Qt::black );
+ const TextMap::iterator textMapEnd = m_textMap.end();
+ for ( TextMap::iterator it = m_textMap.begin(); it != textMapEnd; ++it )
+ {
+ if (
+ delete (Text*);
+ }
+ m_textMap.clear();
+ updateConnectorPoints(false);
+int CNItem::rtti() const
+ return ItemDocument::RTTI::CNItem;
+bool CNItem::preResize( QRect sizeRect )
+ if ( (std::abs((double)sizeRect.width()) < minimumSize().width()) ||
+ (std::abs((double)sizeRect.height()) < minimumSize().height()) )
+ return false;
+ updateConnectorPoints(false);
+ return true;
+void CNItem::postResize()
+ updateAttachedPositioning();
+void CNItem::setVisible( bool yes )
+ if (b_deleted)
+ {
+ Item::setVisible(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ Item::setVisible(yes);
+ const TextMap::iterator textMapEnd = m_textMap.end();
+ for ( TextMap::iterator it = m_textMap.begin(); it != textMapEnd; ++it )
+ {
+ }
+ const NodeMap::iterator nodeMapEnd = m_nodeMap.end();
+ for ( NodeMap::iterator it = m_nodeMap.begin(); it != nodeMapEnd; ++it )
+ {
+ }
+ CNItem::setDrawWidgets(yes);
+ if (!yes)
+ updateConnectorPoints(false);
+void CNItem::setInitialPos( const QPoint &pos )
+ m_offset = pos - QPoint( (int)x(), (int)y() );
+void CNItem::reparented( Item *oldParent, Item *newParent )
+ Item::reparented( oldParent, newParent );
+ updateNodeLevels();
+void CNItem::updateNodeLevels()
+ int l = level();
+ // Tell our nodes about our level
+ const NodeMap::iterator nodeMapEnd = m_nodeMap.end();
+ for ( NodeMap::iterator it = m_nodeMap.begin(); it != nodeMapEnd; ++it )
+ {
+ }
+ const ItemList::iterator end = m_children.end();
+ for ( ItemList::iterator it = m_children.begin(); it != end; ++it )
+ {
+ if ( CNItem *cnItem = dynamic_cast<CNItem*>((Item*)*it) )
+ cnItem->updateNodeLevels();
+ }
+ConnectorList CNItem::connectorList()
+ ConnectorList list;
+ const NodeMap::iterator nodeMapEnd = m_nodeMap.end();
+ for ( NodeMap::iterator it = m_nodeMap.begin(); it != nodeMapEnd; ++it )
+ {
+ Node *node = p_icnDocument->nodeWithID(;
+ if (node)
+ {
+ ConnectorList nodeList = node->inputConnectorList();
+ ConnectorList::iterator end = nodeList.end();
+ for ( ConnectorList::iterator it = nodeList.begin(); it != end; ++it )
+ {
+ if ( *it && !list.contains(*it) )
+ {
+ list.append(*it);
+ }
+ }
+ nodeList = node->outputConnectorList();
+ end = nodeList.end();
+ for ( ConnectorList::iterator it = nodeList.begin(); it != end; ++it )
+ {
+ if ( *it && !list.contains(*it) )
+ {
+ list.append(*it);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return list;
+void CNItem::removeItem()
+ if (b_deleted)
+ return;
+ const TextMap::iterator textMapEnd = m_textMap.end();
+ for ( TextMap::iterator it = m_textMap.begin(); it != textMapEnd; ++it )
+ Item::removeItem();
+ updateConnectorPoints(false);
+void CNItem::restoreFromItemData( const ItemData &itemData )
+ Item::restoreFromItemData(itemData);
+ updateConnectorPoints(false);
+ {
+ const BoolMap::const_iterator end = itemData.buttonMap.end();
+ for ( BoolMap::const_iterator it = itemData.buttonMap.begin(); it != end; ++it )
+ {
+ Button *b = button(it.key());
+ if (b)
+ b->setState(;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ const IntMap::const_iterator end = itemData.sliderMap.end();
+ for ( IntMap::const_iterator it = itemData.sliderMap.begin(); it != end; ++it )
+ {
+ Slider *s = slider(it.key());
+ if (s)
+ s->setValue(;
+ }
+ }
+ItemData CNItem::itemData() const
+ ItemData itemData = Item::itemData();
+ const WidgetMap::const_iterator end = m_widgetMap.end();
+ for ( WidgetMap::const_iterator it = m_widgetMap.begin(); it != end; ++it )
+ {
+ if ( Slider *slider = dynamic_cast<Slider*>(*it) )
+ itemData.sliderMap[slider->id()] = slider->value();
+ else if ( Button *button = dynamic_cast<Button*>(*it) )
+ itemData.buttonMap[button->id()] = button->state();
+ }
+ return itemData;
+Node* CNItem::createNode( double _x, double _y, int orientation, const QString &name, uint type )
+ orientation %= 360;
+ if ( orientation < 0 )
+ orientation += 360;
+ Node::node_dir dir;
+ if ( orientation == 0 ) dir = Node::dir_right;
+ else if ( orientation == 90 ) dir = Node::dir_down;
+ else if ( orientation == 180 ) dir = Node::dir_left;
+ else if ( orientation == 270 ) dir = Node::dir_up;
+ else
+ {
+ kdError() << k_funcinfo << "Unknown orientation: " << orientation << endl;
+ return 0l;
+ }
+ Node *node;
+ if ( (type == Node::ec_pin) || (type == Node::ec_junction) )
+ {
+ node = new ECNode( p_icnDocument, Node::node_type(type), dir, QPoint( 0, 0 ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ node = new FPNode( p_icnDocument, Node::node_type(type), dir, QPoint( 0, 0 ) );
+ }
+ node->setLevel( level() );
+ node->setParentItem(this);
+ node->setChildId(name);
+ NodeInfo info;
+ = node->id();
+ info.node = node;
+ info.x = _x;
+ info.y = _y;
+ info.orientation = orientation;
+ m_nodeMap[name] = info;
+ updateAttachedPositioning();
+ return node;
+bool CNItem::removeNode( const QString &name )
+ NodeMap::iterator it = m_nodeMap.find(name);
+ if ( it == m_nodeMap.end() ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ p_icnDocument->flushDeleteList();
+ m_nodeMap.erase(it);
+ return true;
+Node *CNItem::getClosestNode( const QPoint &pos )
+ // Work through the nodes, finding the one closest to the (x, y) position
+ Node *shortestNode = 0L;
+ double shortestDistance = 1e10; // Nice large distance :-)
+ const NodeMap::iterator end = m_nodeMap.end();
+ for ( NodeMap::iterator it = m_nodeMap.begin(); it != end; ++it )
+ {
+ Node *node = p_icnDocument->nodeWithID(;
+ if (node)
+ {
+ // Calculate the distance
+ // Yeah, it's actually the distance squared; but it's all relative, so doesn't matter
+ double distance = std::pow(node->x()-pos.x(),2) + std::pow(node->y()-pos.y(),2);
+ if ( distance < shortestDistance )
+ {
+ shortestDistance = distance;
+ shortestNode = node;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return shortestNode;
+void CNItem::updateAttachedPositioning()
+ if (b_deleted)
+ return;
+ // Actually, we don't do anything anymore...
+void CNItem::updateZ( int baseZ )
+ Item::updateZ(baseZ);
+ double _z = z();
+ const NodeMap::iterator nodeMapEnd = m_nodeMap.end();
+ for ( NodeMap::iterator it = m_nodeMap.begin(); it != nodeMapEnd; ++it )
+>setZ( _z + 0.5 );
+ const WidgetMap::iterator widgetMapEnd = m_widgetMap.end();
+ for ( WidgetMap::iterator it = m_widgetMap.begin(); it != widgetMapEnd; ++it )
+>setZ( _z + 0.5 );
+ const TextMap::iterator textMapEnd = m_textMap.end();
+ for ( TextMap::iterator it = m_textMap.begin(); it != textMapEnd; ++it )
+>setZ( _z + 0.5 );
+void CNItem::snap( int newx, int newy )
+ // Ugly looking thing
+ // Basically means: Move item to the new position of newx-offsetx and then snap it to the 8-square-side grid
+ // This is in one move item call so that any attached connectors are only called once to update their routes.
+ moveBy( 4+newx-m_offset.x()-x()-(int)(newx-m_offset.x())%8, 4+newy-m_offset.y()-y()-(int)(newy-m_offset.y())%8 );
+void CNItem::moveBy( double dx, double dy )
+ if ( dx == 0 && dy == 0 ) return;
+ updateConnectorPoints(false);
+ Item::moveBy( dx, dy );
+ setWidgetsPos( QPoint( int(x()), int(y()) ) );
+bool CNItem::mousePressEvent( const EventInfo &info )
+ bool accepted = Item::mousePressEvent(info);
+ if (!accepted)
+ accepted = CIWidgetMgr::mousePressEvent(info);
+ if (accepted)
+ setChanged();
+ return accepted;
+bool CNItem::mouseReleaseEvent( const EventInfo &info )
+ bool accepted = Item::mouseReleaseEvent(info);
+ if (!accepted)
+ accepted = CIWidgetMgr::mouseReleaseEvent(info);
+ if (accepted)
+ setChanged();
+ return accepted;
+bool CNItem::mouseDoubleClickEvent( const EventInfo &info )
+ bool accepted = Item::mouseDoubleClickEvent(info);
+ if (!accepted)
+ accepted = CIWidgetMgr::mouseDoubleClickEvent(info);
+ if (accepted)
+ setChanged();
+ return accepted;
+bool CNItem::mouseMoveEvent( const EventInfo &info )
+ bool accepted = Item::mouseMoveEvent(info);
+ if (!accepted)
+ accepted = CIWidgetMgr::mouseMoveEvent(info);
+ if (accepted)
+ setChanged();
+ return accepted;
+bool CNItem::wheelEvent( const EventInfo &info )
+ bool accepted = Item::wheelEvent(info);
+ if (!accepted)
+ accepted = CIWidgetMgr::wheelEvent(info);
+ if (accepted)
+ setChanged();
+ return accepted;
+void CNItem::enterEvent()
+ Item::enterEvent();
+ CIWidgetMgr::enterEvent();
+ setChanged();
+void CNItem::leaveEvent()
+ Item::leaveEvent();
+ CIWidgetMgr::leaveEvent();
+ setChanged();
+void CNItem::drawShape( QPainter &p )
+ if (!isVisible())
+ return;
+// initPainter(p);
+ if ( isSelected() )
+ p.setPen(m_selectedCol);
+ p.drawPolygon(areaPoints());
+ p.drawPolyline(areaPoints());
+// deinitPainter(p);
+void CNItem::initPainter( QPainter &p )
+ if ( isSelected() )
+ p.setPen(m_selectedCol);
+void CNItem::updateConnectorPoints( bool add )
+ if ( b_deleted || !isVisible() )
+ add = false;
+ if ( b_pointsAdded == add )
+ return;
+ b_pointsAdded = add;
+ Cells *cells = p_icnDocument->cells();
+ if (!cells) return;
+ const int cx = cells->width();
+ const int cy = cells->height();
+ if ( cx < 1 || cy < 1 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Get translation matrix
+ // Hackish...
+ QWMatrix m;
+ if ( Component *c = dynamic_cast<Component*>(this) )
+ m = c->transMatrix( c->angleDegrees(), c->flipped(), int(x()), int(y()), false );
+ // Convention used here: _UM = unmapped by both matrix and cell reference, _M = mapped
+ const QPoint start_UM = QPoint( int(x()+offsetX())-cellSize, int(y()+offsetY())-cellSize );
+ const QPoint end_UM = start_UM + QPoint( width()+2*cellSize, height()+2*cellSize );
+ const QPoint start_M =;
+ const QPoint end_M =;
+ int sx_M = start_M.x();
+ int ex_M = end_M.x();
+ int sy_M = start_M.y();
+ int ey_M = end_M.y();
+ // Normalise start and end points
+ if ( sx_M > ex_M )
+ {
+ const int temp = sx_M;
+ sx_M = ex_M;
+ ex_M = temp;
+ }
+ if ( sy_M > ey_M )
+ {
+ const int temp = sy_M;
+ sy_M = ey_M;
+ ey_M = temp;
+ }
+ ex_M++;
+ ey_M++;
+ const int mult = add ? 1 : -1;
+ for ( int x = sx_M; x < ex_M; x++ )
+ {
+ for ( int y = sy_M; y < ey_M; y++ )
+ {
+ if ( p_icnDocument->isValidCellReference( x, y ) )
+ {
+ if ( x != sx_M && y != sy_M && x != (ex_M-1) && y != (ey_M-1) )
+ {
+ (*cells)[x][y].CIpenalty += mult*ICNDocument::hs_item;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+// (*cells)[x][y].CIpenalty += mult*ICNDocument::hs_item/2;
+ (*cells)[x][y].CIpenalty += mult*ICNDocument::hs_connector*5;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#if 0
+ // And subtract the positions of the node on the border
+ NodeMap::iterator end = m_nodeMap.end();
+ for ( NodeMap::iterator it = m_nodeMap.begin(); it != end; ++it )
+ {
+ const int x = (int)((it->second.node->x()-4)/cellSize);
+ const int y = (int)((it->second.node->y()-4)/cellSize);
+ if ( p_icnDocument->isValidCellReference(x,y) ) {
+ (*cells)[x][y].CIpenalty -= mult*ICNDocument::hs_connector*5;
+ }
+ }
+ const TextMap::iterator textMapEnd = m_textMap.end();
+ for ( TextMap::iterator it = m_textMap.begin(); it != textMapEnd; ++it )
+ {
+ }
+ const WidgetMap::iterator widgetMapEnd = m_widgetMap.end();
+ for ( WidgetMap::iterator it = m_widgetMap.begin(); it != widgetMapEnd; ++it )
+ {
+ }
+Text* CNItem::addDisplayText( const QString &id, const QRect & pos, const QString &display, bool internal, int flags )
+ Text *text = 0l;
+ TextMap::iterator it = m_textMap.find(id);
+ if ( it != m_textMap.end() )
+ {
+// kdWarning() << "CNItem::addDisplayText: removing old text"<<endl;
+ delete;
+ m_textMap.remove(it);
+ }
+ text = new Text( "", this, pos, canvas(), flags );
+ text->setZ( z()+(internal?0.1:-0.1) );
+ m_textMap[id] = text;
+ // Calculate the correct size
+ setDisplayText( id, display );
+ text->show();
+ return text;
+void CNItem::setDisplayText( const QString &id, const QString &display )
+ TextMap::iterator it = m_textMap.find(id);
+ if ( it == m_textMap.end() )
+ {
+ kdError() << "CNItem::setDisplayText: Could not find text with id \""<<id<<"\""<<endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ updateAttachedPositioning();
+void CNItem::removeDisplayText( const QString &id )
+ TextMap::iterator it = m_textMap.find(id);
+ if ( it == m_textMap.end() )
+ {
+// kdError() << "CNItem::removeDisplayText: Could not find text with id \""<<id<<"\""<<endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ delete;
+ m_textMap.remove(it);
+QString CNItem::nodeId( const QString &internalNodeId )
+ NodeMap::iterator it = m_nodeMap.find(internalNodeId);
+ if ( it == m_nodeMap.end() ) return "";
+ else return;
+Node *CNItem::childNode( const QString &childId )
+ return p_icnDocument->nodeWithID( nodeId(childId) );
+ node = 0l;
+ x = 0.;
+ y = 0.;
+ orientation = 0;
+#include "cnitem.moc"