path: root/src/textview.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/textview.cpp')
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/src/textview.cpp b/src/textview.cpp
index 19049c8..2936d12 100644
--- a/src/textview.cpp
+++ b/src/textview.cpp
@@ -63,24 +63,24 @@ TextView::TextView( TextDocument * textDocument, ViewContainer *viewContainer, u
m->insertItem( TDEGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon( "convert_to_assembly", TDEIcon::Small ), i18n("Assembly"), TextDocument::AssemblyOutput );
m->insertItem( TDEGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon( "convert_to_hex", TDEIcon::Small ), i18n("Hex"), TextDocument::HexOutput );
m->insertItem( TDEGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon( "convert_to_pic", TDEIcon::Small ), i18n("PIC (upload)"), TextDocument::PICOutput );
- connect( m, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), textDocument, TQT_SLOT(slotConvertTo(int)) );
+ connect( m, TQ_SIGNAL(activated(int)), textDocument, TQ_SLOT(slotConvertTo(int)) );
m->setItemEnabled( TextDocument::MicrobeOutput, false );
//END Convert To * Actions
- new TDEAction( i18n("Format Assembly Code"), "", TQt::Key_F12, textDocument, TQT_SLOT(formatAssembly()), ac, "format_asm" );
+ new TDEAction( i18n("Format Assembly Code"), "", TQt::Key_F12, textDocument, TQ_SLOT(formatAssembly()), ac, "format_asm" );
#ifndef NO_GPSIM
//BEGIN Debug Actions
- new TDEAction( i18n("Set &Breakpoint"), 0, 0, this, TQT_SLOT(toggleBreakpoint()), ac, "debug_toggle_breakpoint" );
- new TDEAction( i18n("Run"), "dbgrun", 0, textDocument, TQT_SLOT(debugRun()), ac, "debug_run" );
- new TDEAction( i18n("Interrupt"), "media-playback-pause", 0, textDocument, TQT_SLOT(debugInterrupt()), ac, "debug_interrupt" );
- new TDEAction( i18n("Stop"), "process-stop", 0, textDocument, TQT_SLOT(debugStop()), ac, "debug_stop" );
- new TDEAction( i18n("Step"), "dbgstep", TQt::CTRL|TQt::ALT|TQt::Key_Right, textDocument, TQT_SLOT(debugStep()), ac, "debug_step" );
- new TDEAction( i18n("Step Over"), "dbgnext", 0, textDocument, TQT_SLOT(debugStepOver()), ac, "debug_step_over" );
- new TDEAction( i18n("Step Out"), "dbgstepout", 0, textDocument, TQT_SLOT(debugStepOut()), ac, "debug_step_out" );
+ new TDEAction( i18n("Set &Breakpoint"), 0, 0, this, TQ_SLOT(toggleBreakpoint()), ac, "debug_toggle_breakpoint" );
+ new TDEAction( i18n("Run"), "dbgrun", 0, textDocument, TQ_SLOT(debugRun()), ac, "debug_run" );
+ new TDEAction( i18n("Interrupt"), "media-playback-pause", 0, textDocument, TQ_SLOT(debugInterrupt()), ac, "debug_interrupt" );
+ new TDEAction( i18n("Stop"), "process-stop", 0, textDocument, TQ_SLOT(debugStop()), ac, "debug_stop" );
+ new TDEAction( i18n("Step"), "dbgstep", TQt::CTRL|TQt::ALT|TQt::Key_Right, textDocument, TQ_SLOT(debugStep()), ac, "debug_step" );
+ new TDEAction( i18n("Step Over"), "dbgnext", 0, textDocument, TQ_SLOT(debugStepOver()), ac, "debug_step_over" );
+ new TDEAction( i18n("Step Out"), "dbgstepout", 0, textDocument, TQ_SLOT(debugStepOut()), ac, "debug_step_out" );
//END Debug Actions
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ TextView::TextView( TextDocument * textDocument, ViewContainer *viewContainer, u
m_view->installPopup( static_cast<TQPopupMenu*>( p_ktechlab->factory()->container( "tdetexteditor_popup", p_ktechlab ) ) );
- connect( m_view, TQT_SIGNAL(cursorPositionChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotCursorPositionChanged()) );
- connect( m_view, TQT_SIGNAL(gotFocus(Kate::View*)), this, TQT_SLOT(setFocused()) );
+ connect( m_view, TQ_SIGNAL(cursorPositionChanged()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotCursorPositionChanged()) );
+ connect( m_view, TQ_SIGNAL(gotFocus(Kate::View*)), this, TQ_SLOT(setFocused()) );
m_layout->insertWidget( 0, m_view );
@@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ TextView::TextView( TextDocument * textDocument, ViewContainer *viewContainer, u
TextViewEventFilter * eventFilter = new TextViewEventFilter( this );
- connect( eventFilter, TQT_SIGNAL(wordHoveredOver( const TQString&, int, int )), this, TQT_SLOT(slotWordHoveredOver( const TQString&, int, int )) );
- connect( eventFilter, TQT_SIGNAL(wordUnhovered()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotWordUnhovered()) );
+ connect( eventFilter, TQ_SIGNAL(wordHoveredOver( const TQString&, int, int )), this, TQ_SLOT(slotWordHoveredOver( const TQString&, int, int )) );
+ connect( eventFilter, TQ_SIGNAL(wordUnhovered()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotWordUnhovered()) );
TQObject * internalView = m_view->child( 0, "KateViewInternal" );
internalView->installEventFilter( eventFilter );
@@ -377,16 +377,16 @@ TextViewEventFilter::TextViewEventFilter( TextView * textView )
m_lastLine = m_lastCol = -1;
- connect( textView->kateView(), TQT_SIGNAL(needTextHint(int, int, TQString &)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotNeedTextHint( int, int, TQString& )) );
+ connect( textView->kateView(), TQ_SIGNAL(needTextHint(int, int, TQString &)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotNeedTextHint( int, int, TQString& )) );
m_pHoverTimer = new TQTimer( this );
- connect( m_pHoverTimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQT_SLOT(hoverTimeout()) );
+ connect( m_pHoverTimer, TQ_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQ_SLOT(hoverTimeout()) );
m_pSleepTimer = new TQTimer( this );
- connect( m_pSleepTimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQT_SLOT(gotoSleep()) );
+ connect( m_pSleepTimer, TQ_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQ_SLOT(gotoSleep()) );
m_pNoWordTimer = new TQTimer( this );
- connect( m_pNoWordTimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotNoWordTimeout()) );
+ connect( m_pNoWordTimer, TQ_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotNoWordTimeout()) );