path: root/estimation-scripts
diff options
authorMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2025-03-02 18:37:22 +0900
committerMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2025-03-06 12:31:12 +0900
commit44ef0bd5fe47a43e47aec5f7981b6c1d728dd9a8 (patch)
tree2b29e921a9bccea53444ed9bbed06a25a5fe20cc /estimation-scripts
parentd1f24dae035c506d945ca13f2be398aa0a4de8cc (diff)
Restructure source files into 'src' subfolderHEADmaster
Signed-off-by: Michele Calgaro <[email protected]>
Diffstat (limited to 'estimation-scripts')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 599 deletions
diff --git a/estimation-scripts/EstimationResults.rb b/estimation-scripts/EstimationResults.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 01eedcc..0000000
--- a/estimation-scripts/EstimationResults.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-require 'Estimators'
-require 'Sample'
-class EstimationResults
- attr_reader :estimator
- def initialize(estimator, samples)
- @samples = samples
- @totalTime = samples.keys.max
- @totalSize = @samples[@totalTime].bytesDownloaded + @samples[@totalTime].bytesLeft
- @estimator = estimator
- @maxError = nil
- @estimations = nil
- @absoluteErrors = nil
- @relativeErrors = nil
- @rootMeanSquareErrorRelative = nil
- end
- def getRootMeanSquareErrorRelative
- if @rootMeanSquareErrorRelative == nil
- relativeErrors = getRelativeErrors
- @rootMeanSquareErrorRelative = 0.0
- relativeErrors.each_value do |x|
- @rootMeanSquareErrorRelative += x**2
- end
- @rootMeanSquareErrorRelative = Math.sqrt( @rootMeanSquareErrorRelative / relativeErrors.size )
- end
- return @rootMeanSquareErrorRelative
- end
- # returns the root mean square error for a specific interval of the download
- # left and right must be floats between 0.0 (no bytes downloaded, start of download) and 1.0 (download complete), right must be greater than left
- def getRootMeanSquareErrorRelative(left, right)
- relativeErrors = getRelativeErrors
- rmser = 0.0
- n = 0
- @samples.keys.each do |x|
- percentage = @samples[x].bytesDownloaded.to_f / @totalSize
- if percentage >= left and percentage <= right
- rmser += relativeErrors[x]**2
- n += 1
- end
- end
- rmser = Math.sqrt( rmser / n )
- return rmser
- end
- def getRelativeErrors
- if @relativeErrors == nil
- @relativeErrors =
- absoluteErrors = getAbsoluteErrors
- absoluteErrors.keys.sort.each do |time|
- timeLeft = @totalTime - time;
- @relativeErrors[time] = absoluteErrors[time].abs.to_f / timeLeft
- @relativeErrors[time] = @maxError if @maxError != nil and @relativeErrors[time] > @maxError
- end
- end
- return @relativeErrors
- end
- def setMaxError(maxError)
- if maxError != @maxError
- @maxError = maxError
- @relativeErrors = nil
- @rootMeanSquareErrorRelative = nil
- end
- end
- def getAbsoluteErrors
- if @absoluteErrors == nil
- @absoluteErrors =
- estimations = getEstimations
- estimations.keys.sort.each do |time|
- @absoluteErrors[time] = @estimations[time] - (@totalTime - time)
- end
- end
- return @absoluteErrors
- end
- def getEstimations
- if @estimations == nil
- @estimations =
- @samples.values.sort.each do |sample|
- @estimator.process(sample)
- @estimations[sample.time] = @estimator.estimate
- end
- end
- return @estimations
- end
diff --git a/estimation-scripts/Estimators.rb b/estimation-scripts/Estimators.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ef0c6e..0000000
--- a/estimation-scripts/Estimators.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-require 'Sample'
-# abstract base class of all estimators
-class Estimator
- # processes a sample
- def process(sample)
- end
- # returns an estimate (ETA as float)
- # note that you must process at least one sample before this will return meaningful output
- def estimate
- end
- # returns the name of the estimator
- def name
- end
-# estimator that uses the current speed
-class CSAEstimator < Estimator
- def process(sample)
- @sample = sample.clone
- end
- def estimate
- return @sample.bytesLeft.to_f / @sample.speed
- end
- def name
- 'CurrentSpeedEstimator'
- end
-# estimator that uses the global average speed of the whole torrent download for estimation
-class GASAEstimator < Estimator
- def process(sample)
- @first = sample.clone if @first == nil
- @last = sample.clone
- @avgSpeed = Sample.averageSpeed(@first, @last)
- end
- def estimate
- return @last.bytesLeft.to_f / @avgSpeed
- end
- def name
- 'AverageSpeedEstimator'
- end
-# estimator that uses the average over the last n seconds
-class WINXEstimator < Estimator
- attr_reader :windowSize
- def process(sample)
- # remove all samples that are older than the window size. Note: samples are sorted.
- @list.pop until @list.length <= 1 or (sample.time - @list.last.time) <= @windowSize
- # prepend array with newest sample
- @list.unshift(sample.clone)
- end
- def estimate
- if @list.length > 1
- first = @list.first
- last = @list.last
- return first.bytesLeft.to_f / Sample.averageSpeed(last, first)
- elsif @list.length == 1
- sample = @list.first
- return sample.bytesLeft.to_f / sample.speed
- elsif @list.length == 0
- return 0
- end
- end
- def name
- "MovingAverageEstimator_#{@windowSize}s"
- end
- def initialize(windowSizeInSeconds)
- @list =
- @windowSize = windowSizeInSeconds
- end
diff --git a/estimation-scripts/README b/estimation-scripts/README
deleted file mode 100644
index c1066a6..0000000
--- a/estimation-scripts/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-This directory contains patches and scripts for my experiments regarding download time estimation
-algorithms, using KTorrent for gathering data ;-)
-enable-logging.diff - Patch to apply to enable logging download stats once per second to $TDEHOME/share/apps/ktorrent/log (by Ivan). Apply it if you want to help collecting test cases.
-processlog.rb - extracts logs for single torrents from $TDEHOME/share/apps/ktorrent/log and stores them in $FILENAME-torrent.log
-Sample.rb - class representing a sample, does the parsing (given a line from adjustTimestmaps output)
-Estimators.rb - Some basic estimators, for estimation based on current speed, average speed and moving average speed.
-EstimationResults.rb - Calculates and holds the estimation results of an estimator, including statistics such as relative error for each estimation, root mean square error and the like
-What to do
-1) Apply the patch: In torrent/ dir, apply it via
- cat enable-logging.diff | patch -p0
-2) Run ktorrent and download torrents. When completed, run processlog.rb:
- ruby processlog.rb $TDEHOME/share/apps/ktorrent/log
-Extracted logs end up in $TORRENTFILENAME-torrent.log. ATTENTION: existing files are overwritten!
-4) Now, analyze the -adjusted file with a ruby script, using Sample.rb, Estimators.rb, and EstimationResults.rb... ;-)
-I will upload something useful as soon as finished.
-Frank Osterfeld, <frank.osterfeld at>
diff --git a/estimation-scripts/Sample.rb b/estimation-scripts/Sample.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b0c38c2..0000000
--- a/estimation-scripts/Sample.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-class Sample
- attr_reader :time, :speed, :bytesDownloaded, :bytesLeft, :peersTotal
- def Sample.averageSpeed(sample1, sample2)
- if sample2.time - sample1.time > 0
- return (sample1.bytesLeft - sample2.bytesLeft).to_f / (sample2.time - sample1.time).to_f
- else
- return sample1.speed
- end
- end
- def <=>(other)
- @time <=> other.time
- end
- # parses a single sample from a line. Format is
- #
- # \<tt>timestamp,speed,bytesDownloaded,bytesLeft,peersTotal</tt>
- #
- # where
- # - timestamp is in seconds since epoch (Integer)
- # - speed is bytes/seconds as Integer
- # - bytesDownloaded, bytesLeft are bytes as Integer
- # - peersTotal is the number of available peers (both seeders and leecher, both
- # connected and not connected to us)
- def Sample.parse(line)
- splitted = line.split(",")
- # TODO: do better error checking
- return nil if splitted.length != 5
- time = splitted[0].to_i
- speed = splitted[1].to_i
- bytesDownloaded = splitted[2].to_i
- bytesLeft = splitted[3].to_i
- peersTotal = splitted[4].to_i
- return, speed, bytesDownloaded, bytesLeft, peersTotal)
- end
- # parses samples from a text file, with one sample per line
- def Sample.parseFromFile(filename)
- samples =
- input =
- input.each_line do |line|
- s = Sample.parse(line)
- samples[s.time] = s unless s == nil
- end
- input.close
- return samples
- end
- def initialize(time, speed, bytesDownloaded, bytesLeft, peersTotal)
- @time = time
- @speed = speed
- @bytesDownloaded = bytesDownloaded
- @bytesLeft = bytesLeft
- @peersTotal = peersTotal
- end
diff --git a/estimation-scripts/demo.rb b/estimation-scripts/demo.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cf235b..0000000
--- a/estimation-scripts/demo.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-require 'Sample'
-require 'Estimators'
-require 'EstimationResults'
-samples = Sample.parseFromFile(ARGV[0])
-est =[1].to_i)
-results =, samples)
-relErrors = results.getRelativeErrors
-relErrors.keys.sort.each do |x|
- puts "#{x} #{relErrors[x]}"
-#puts "RMSE: #{results.getRootMeanSquareErrorRelative}"
diff --git a/estimation-scripts/enable-logging.diff b/estimation-scripts/enable-logging.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 172b6cf..0000000
--- a/estimation-scripts/enable-logging.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-Index: estimation-scripts/enable-logging.diff
---- estimation-scripts/enable-logging.diff (revision 472081)
-+++ estimation-scripts/enable-logging.diff (working copy)
-@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
--Index: apps/ktorrent/ktorrentviewitem.cpp
----- apps/ktorrent/ktorrentviewitem.cpp (revision 469614)
--+++ apps/ktorrent/ktorrentviewitem.cpp (working copy)
--@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
-- #include <math.h>
-- #include "ktorrentviewitem.h"
-- #include "functions.h"
--+#include <util/log.h>
-- using namespace bt;
--@@ -77,6 +78,9 @@
-- KTorrentViewItem::KTorrentViewItem(QListView* parent,bt::TorrentControl* tc)
-- : TDEListViewItem(parent),tc(tc)
-- {
--+ toLog = true;
--+ counter = 1;
--+ started = false;
-- update();
-- }
--@@ -86,6 +90,7 @@
-- void KTorrentViewItem::update()
-- {
--+ bool tmpLog = true;
-- /*
-- addColumn(i18n("File"));
-- addColumn(i18n("Status"));
--@@ -114,8 +119,43 @@
-- setText(6,KBytesPerSecToString(tc->getUploadRate() / 1024.0));
-- TDELocale* loc = TDEGlobal::locale();
--+ if(counter==1)
--+ {
--+ if (tc->isRunning())
--+ {
--+ if(!started)
--+ {
--+ Out() << "{" << tc->getTorrentName() << "}," << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t() << "," << tc->getDownloadRate() << "," << tc->getBytesDownloaded() << "," << tc->getBytesLeft() << "," << tc->getNumPeers() << ",ACTIVATED" << endl;
--+ tmpLog = false;
--+ started = true;
--+ toLog = true;
--+ }
--+ }
--+ if(!tc->isRunning())
--+ {
--+ if(started)
--+ {
--+ Out() << "{" << tc->getTorrentName() << "}," << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t() << "," << tc->getDownloadRate() << "," << tc->getBytesDownloaded() << "," << tc->getBytesLeft() << "," << tc->getNumPeers() << ",DEACTIVATED" <<endl;
--+ tmpLog = false;
--+ started = false;
--+ }
--+ toLog = false;
--+ }
--+ }
--+ if(counter!=1) tmpLog=false;
--+ counter *= -1;
-- if (tc->getBytesLeft() == 0)
-- {
--+ if(toLog && tmpLog)
--+ Out() << "{" << tc->getTorrentName() << "}," << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t() << "," << tc->getDownloadRate() << "," << tc->getBytesDownloaded() << "," << 0 << "," << tc->getNumPeers() << ",FINISHED" << endl;
--+ toLog = false;
-- setText(7,i18n("finished"));
-- }
-- else
--@@ -124,9 +164,16 @@
-- if( bytes_downloaded < 1 ) //if we just started download use old algorithm
-- {
-- if (tc->getDownloadRate() == 0)
--+ {
--+ if(toLog && tmpLog)
--+ Out() << "{" << tc->getTorrentName() << "}," << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t() << "," << 0 << "," << tc->getBytesDownloaded() << "," << tc->getBytesLeft() << "," << tc->getNumPeers() << ",RUNNING" << endl;
-- setText(7,i18n("infinity"));
--+ }
-- else
-- {
--+ if(toLog && tmpLog)
--+ Out() << "{" << tc->getTorrentName() << "}," << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t() << "," << tc->getDownloadRate() << "," << tc->getBytesDownloaded() << "," << tc->getBytesLeft() << "," << tc->getNumPeers() << ",RUNNING" << endl;
-- Uint32 secs = (int)floor( (float)tc->getBytesLeft() / (float)tc->getDownloadRate() );
-- QTime t;
-- t = t.addSecs(secs);
--Index: apps/ktorrent/ktorrentviewitem.h
----- apps/ktorrent/ktorrentviewitem.h (revision 469614)
--+++ apps/ktorrent/ktorrentviewitem.h (working copy)
--@@ -41,6 +41,10 @@
-- void update();
-- private:
--+ bool toLog;
--+ int counter;
--+ bool started;
--+ uint start_timestamp;
-- int compare(QListViewItem * i,int col,bool ascending) const;
-- void paintCell(QPainter* p,const QColorGroup & cg,int column,int width,int align);
-Index: apps/ktorrent/ktorrentviewitem.cpp
---- apps/ktorrent/ktorrentviewitem.cpp (revision 472081)
-+++ apps/ktorrent/ktorrentviewitem.cpp (working copy)
-@@ -25,7 +25,10 @@
- #include <math.h>
- #include "ktorrentviewitem.h"
- #include "functions.h"
-+#include <util/log.h>
-+#include <torrent/globals.h>
- using namespace bt;
- using namespace kt;
-@@ -78,6 +81,9 @@
- KTorrentViewItem::KTorrentViewItem(QListView* parent,TorrentInterface* tc)
- : TDEListViewItem(parent),tc(tc)
- {
-+ toLog = true;
-+ counter = 1;
-+ started = false;
- update();
- }
-@@ -87,6 +93,7 @@
- void KTorrentViewItem::update()
- {
-+ bool tmpLog = true;
- /*
- addColumn(i18n("File"));
- addColumn(i18n("Status"));
-@@ -114,8 +121,46 @@
- setText(6,KBytesPerSecToString(s.upload_rate / 1024.0));
- TDELocale* loc = TDEGlobal::locale();
-+ if(counter==1)
-+ {
-+ if (s.running)
-+ {
-+ if(!started)
-+ {
-+ Out() << "{" << s.torrent_name << "}," << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t() << "," << s.download_rate << "," << s.bytes_downloaded << "," << s.bytes_left << "," << s.num_peers << ",ACTIVATED" << endl;
-+ tmpLog = false;
-+ started = true;
-+ toLog = true;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if(!s.running)
-+ {
-+ if(started)
-+ {
-+ Out() << "{" << s.torrent_name << "}," << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t() << "," << s.download_rate << "," << s.bytes_downloaded << "," << s.bytes_left << "," << s.num_peers << ",DEACTIVATED" <<endl;
-+ tmpLog = false;
-+ started = false;
-+ }
-+ toLog = false;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if(counter!=1) tmpLog=false;
-+ counter *= -1;
- if (s.bytes_left == 0)
- {
-+ if(toLog && tmpLog)
-+ Out() << "{" << s.torrent_name << "}," << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t() << "," << s.download_rate << "," << s.bytes_downloaded << "," << 0 << "," << s.num_peers << ",FINISHED" << endl;
-+ toLog = false;
- setText(7,i18n("finished"));
- }
- else
-@@ -124,9 +169,17 @@
- if( bytes_downloaded < 1 ) //if we just started download use old algorithm
- {
- if (s.download_rate == 0)
-+ {
-+ if(toLog && tmpLog)
-+ Out() << "{" << s.torrent_name << "}," << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t() << "," << 0 << "," << s.bytes_downloaded << "," << s.bytes_left << "," << s.num_peers << ",RUNNING" << endl;
- setText(7,i18n("infinity"));
-+ }
- else
- {
-+ if(toLog && tmpLog)
-+ Out() << "{" << s.torrent_name << "}," << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t() << "," << s.download_rate << "," << s.bytes_downloaded << "," << s.bytes_left << "," << s.num_peers << ",RUNNING" << endl;
- Uint32 secs = (int)floor( (float)s.bytes_left / (float)s.download_rate);
- setText(7,DurationToString(secs));
- }
-Index: apps/ktorrent/ktorrentviewitem.h
---- apps/ktorrent/ktorrentviewitem.h (revision 472081)
-+++ apps/ktorrent/ktorrentviewitem.h (working copy)
-@@ -41,6 +41,10 @@
- void update();
- private:
-+ bool toLog;
-+ int counter;
-+ bool started;
-+ uint start_timestamp;
- int compare(QListViewItem * i,int col,bool ascending) const;
- void paintCell(QPainter* p,const QColorGroup & cg,int column,int width,int align);
diff --git a/estimation-scripts/processlog.rb b/estimation-scripts/processlog.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c750ba5..0000000
--- a/estimation-scripts/processlog.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-def adjustTimestamps(perFile)
- startTime = 0
- offset = 0
- lastDeactivation = -1
- lastSample = nil
- perFile.each_key do |file|
- perFile[file].each do |line|
- time = line[0].to_i
- startTime = time if startTime == 0
- time = time - startTime - offset
- line[IDX_TIME] = time.to_s
- if line[IDX_STATE] == 'RUNNING'
- lastSample = line
- elsif line[IDX_STATE] == 'ACTIVATED'
- offset = time - lastDeactivation unless lastDeactivation == -1
- perFile[file].delete(line)
- elsif line[IDX_STATE] == 'DEACTIVATED'
- lastDeactivation = time
- perFile[file].delete(line)
- elsif line[IDX_STATE] == 'FINISHED'
- # print last sample: time speed=0 downloaded left=0 peersTotal
- # puts "#{line[0].to_i},0,#{lastSample[2].to_i + lastSample[3].to_i},0,#{lastSample[4].to_i}"
- perFile[file].delete(line)
- end
- end
- end
-perFile =
-inputFile =[0])
-inputFile.each do |line|
- splitted = line.strip.split(",")
- if splitted.length == 7
- key = splitted[0]
- perFile[key] = if perFile[key] == nil
- perFile[key].push(splitted[1..6])
- end
-perFile.each_key do |file|
- outfile ="torrent-#{file}.log", "w")
- perFile[file].each do |line|
- outfile.puts line[0..4].join(",")
- end
- outfile.close