path: root/src/libktorrent/torrent/torrentcontrol.h
diff options
authorMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2025-03-02 18:37:22 +0900
committerMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2025-03-06 12:31:12 +0900
commit44ef0bd5fe47a43e47aec5f7981b6c1d728dd9a8 (patch)
tree2b29e921a9bccea53444ed9bbed06a25a5fe20cc /src/libktorrent/torrent/torrentcontrol.h
parentd1f24dae035c506d945ca13f2be398aa0a4de8cc (diff)
Restructure source files into 'src' subfolderHEADmaster
Signed-off-by: Michele Calgaro <[email protected]>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/libktorrent/torrent/torrentcontrol.h')
1 files changed, 395 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/libktorrent/torrent/torrentcontrol.h b/src/libktorrent/torrent/torrentcontrol.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14fd6f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libktorrent/torrent/torrentcontrol.h
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 by *
+ * Joris Guisson <[email protected]> *
+ * Ivan Vasic <[email protected]> *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include <tqobject.h>
+#include <tqcstring.h>
+#include <tqtimer.h>
+#include <kurl.h>
+#include "globals.h"
+#include <util/timer.h>
+#include <interfaces/torrentinterface.h>
+#include <interfaces/monitorinterface.h>
+#include <interfaces/trackerslist.h>
+class TQStringList;
+class TQString;
+namespace TDEIO
+ class Job;
+namespace bt
+ class Choker;
+ class Torrent;
+ class PeerSourceManager;
+ class ChunkManager;
+ class PeerManager;
+ class Downloader;
+ class Uploader;
+ class Peer;
+ class BitSet;
+ class QueueManager;
+ class PreallocationThread;
+ class TimeEstimator;
+ class DataCheckerThread;
+ class WaitJob;
+ /**
+ * @author Joris Guisson
+ * @brief Controls just about everything
+ *
+ * This is the interface which any user gets to deal with.
+ * This class controls the uploading, downloading, choking,
+ * updating the tracker and chunk management.
+ */
+ class TorrentControl : public kt::TorrentInterface
+ {
+ public:
+ TorrentControl();
+ virtual ~TorrentControl();
+ /**
+ * Get a BitSet of the status of all Chunks
+ */
+ const BitSet & downloadedChunksBitSet() const;
+ /**
+ * Get a BitSet of the availability of all Chunks
+ */
+ const BitSet & availableChunksBitSet() const;
+ /**
+ * Get a BitSet of the excluded Chunks
+ */
+ const BitSet & excludedChunksBitSet() const;
+ /**
+ * Get a BitSet of the only seed chunks
+ */
+ const BitSet & onlySeedChunksBitSet() const;
+ /**
+ * Initialize the TorrentControl.
+ * @param qman The QueueManager
+ * @param torrent The filename of the torrent file
+ * @param tmpdir The directory to store temporary data
+ * @param datadir The directory to store the actual file(s)
+ * (only used the first time we load a torrent)
+ * @param default_save_dir Default save directory (null if not set)
+ * @throw Error when something goes wrong
+ */
+ void init(QueueManager* qman,
+ const TQString & torrent,
+ const TQString & tmpdir,
+ const TQString & datadir,
+ const TQString & default_save_dir);
+ /**
+ * Initialize the TorrentControl.
+ * @param qman The QueueManager
+ * @param data The data of the torrent
+ * @param tmpdir The directory to store temporary data
+ * @param datadir The directory to store the actual file(s)
+ * (only used the first time we load a torrent)
+ * @param default_save_dir Default save directory (null if not set)
+ * @throw Error when something goes wrong
+ */
+ void init(QueueManager* qman,
+ const TQByteArray & data,
+ const TQString & tmpdir,
+ const TQString & datadir,
+ const TQString & default_save_dir);
+ /**
+ * Change to a new data dir. If this fails
+ * we will fall back on the old directory.
+ * @param new_dir The new directory
+ * @return true upon succes
+ */
+ bool changeDataDir(const TQString & new_dir);
+ /**
+ * Change torrents output directory. If this fails we will fall back on the old directory.
+ * @param new_dir The new directory
+ * @param moveFiles Wheather to actually move the files or just change the directory without moving them.
+ * @return true upon success.
+ */
+ bool changeOutputDir(const TQString& new_dir, bool moveFiles = true);
+ /**
+ * Roll back the previous changeDataDir call.
+ * Does nothing if there was no previous changeDataDir call.
+ */
+ void rollback();
+ /// Gets the TrackersList interface
+ kt::TrackersList* getTrackersList();
+ /// Gets the TrackersList interface
+ const kt::TrackersList* getTrackersList() const;
+ /// Get the data directory of this torrent
+ TQString getDataDir() const {return outputdir;}
+ /// Get the torX dir.
+ TQString getTorDir() const {return datadir;}
+ /// Set the monitor
+ void setMonitor(kt::MonitorInterface* tmo);
+ /// Get the Torrent.
+ const Torrent & getTorrent() const {return *tor;}
+ /**
+ * Get the download running time of this torrent in seconds
+ * @return Uint32 - time in seconds
+ */
+ Uint32 getRunningTimeDL() const;
+ /**
+ * Get the upload running time of this torrent in seconds
+ * @return Uint32 - time in seconds
+ */
+ Uint32 getRunningTimeUL() const;
+ /**
+ * Checks if torrent is multimedial and chunks needed for preview are downloaded
+ * @param start_chunk The index of starting chunk to check
+ * @param end_chunk The index of the last chunk to check
+ * In case of single torrent file defaults can be used (0,1)
+ **/
+ bool readyForPreview(int start_chunk = 0, int end_chunk = 1);
+ /// Get the time to the next tracker update in seconds.
+ Uint32 getTimeToNextTrackerUpdate() const;
+ /// Get a short error message
+ TQString getShortErrorMessage() const {return error_msg;}
+ virtual Uint32 getNumFiles() const;
+ virtual kt::TorrentFileInterface & getTorrentFile(Uint32 index);
+ virtual void recreateMissingFiles();
+ virtual void dndMissingFiles();
+ virtual void addPeerSource(kt::PeerSource* ps);
+ virtual void removePeerSource(kt::PeerSource* ps);
+ int getPriority() const { return istats.priority; }
+ void setPriority(int p);
+ virtual bool overMaxRatio();
+ virtual void setMaxShareRatio(float ratio);
+ virtual float getMaxShareRatio() const { return stats.max_share_ratio; }
+ virtual bool overMaxSeedTime();
+ virtual void setMaxSeedTime(float hours);
+ virtual float getMaxSeedTime() const {return stats.max_seed_time;}
+ /// Tell the TorrentControl obj to preallocate diskspace in the next update
+ void setPreallocateDiskSpace(bool pa) {prealloc = pa;}
+ /// Make a string out of the status message
+ virtual TQString statusToString() const;
+ /// Checks if tracker announce is allowed (minimum interval 60 seconds)
+ bool announceAllowed();
+ void startDataCheck(bt::DataCheckerListener* lst,bool auto_import);
+ /// Test if the torrent has existing files, only works the first time a torrent is loaded
+ bool hasExistingFiles() const;
+ /**
+ * Test all files and see if they are not missing.
+ * If so put them in a list
+ */
+ bool hasMissingFiles(TQStringList & sl);
+ virtual Uint32 getNumDHTNodes() const;
+ virtual const kt::DHTNode & getDHTNode(Uint32 i) const;
+ virtual void deleteDataFiles();
+ virtual const SHA1Hash & getInfoHash() const;
+ virtual const bt::PeerID & getOwnPeerID() const;
+ /**
+ * Called by the PeerSourceManager when it is going to start a new tracker.
+ */
+ void resetTrackerStats();
+ /**
+ * Returns estimated time left for finishing download. Returned value is in seconds.
+ * Uses TimeEstimator class to calculate this value.
+ */
+ Uint32 getETA();
+ /// Is a feature enabled
+ bool isFeatureEnabled(kt::TorrentFeature tf);
+ /// Disable or enable a feature
+ void setFeatureEnabled(kt::TorrentFeature tf,bool on);
+ /// Create all the necessary files
+ void createFiles();
+ ///Checks if diskspace is low
+ bool checkDiskSpace(bool emit_sig = true);
+ virtual void setTrafficLimits(Uint32 up,Uint32 down);
+ virtual void getTrafficLimits(Uint32 & up,Uint32 & down);
+ ///Get the PeerManager
+ const PeerManager * getPeerMgr() const;
+ /// Are we in the process of moving files
+ bool isMovingFiles() const {return moving_files;}
+ public slots:
+ /**
+ * Update the object, should be called periodically.
+ */
+ void update();
+ /**
+ * Start the download of the torrent.
+ */
+ void start();
+ /**
+ * Stop the download, closes all connections.
+ * @param user wether or not the user did this explicitly
+ * @param wjob WaitJob to wait at exit for the completion of stopped requests
+ */
+ void stop(bool user,WaitJob* wjob = 0);
+ /**
+ * Update the tracker, this should normally handled internally.
+ * We leave it public so that the user can do a manual announce.
+ */
+ void updateTracker();
+ /**
+ * The tracker status has changed.
+ * @param ns New status
+ */
+ void trackerStatusChanged(const TQString & ns);
+ private slots:
+ void onNewPeer(Peer* p);
+ void onPeerRemoved(Peer* p);
+ void doChoking();
+ void onIOError(const TQString & msg);
+ void onPortPacket(const TQString & ip,Uint16 port);
+ /// Update the stats of the torrent.
+ void updateStats();
+ void corrupted(Uint32 chunk);
+ void moveDataFilesJobDone(TDEIO::Job* job);
+ private:
+ void updateTracker(const TQString & ev,bool last_succes = true);
+ void updateStatusMsg();
+ void saveStats();
+ void loadStats();
+ void loadOutputDir();
+ void getSeederInfo(Uint32 & total,Uint32 & connected_to) const;
+ void getLeecherInfo(Uint32 & total,Uint32 & connected_to) const;
+ void migrateTorrent(const TQString & default_save_dir);
+ void continueStart();
+ virtual void handleError(const TQString & err);
+ void initInternal(QueueManager* qman,const TQString & tmpdir,
+ const TQString & ddir,const TQString & default_save_dir,bool first_time);
+ void checkExisting(QueueManager* qman);
+ void setupDirs(const TQString & tmpdir,const TQString & ddir);
+ void setupStats();
+ void setupData(const TQString & ddir);
+ virtual void afterDataCheck();
+ virtual bool isCheckingData(bool & finished) const;
+ private:
+ Torrent* tor;
+ PeerSourceManager* psman;
+ ChunkManager* cman;
+ PeerManager* pman;
+ Downloader* down;
+ Uploader* up;
+ Choker* choke;
+ TimeEstimator* m_eta;
+ kt::MonitorInterface* tmon;
+ Timer choker_update_timer;
+ Timer stats_save_timer;
+ Timer stalled_timer;
+ TQString datadir;
+ TQString old_datadir;
+ TQString outputdir;
+ TQString error_msg;
+ TQString move_data_files_destination_path;
+ bool restart_torrent_after_move_data_files;
+ bool prealloc;
+ PreallocationThread* prealoc_thread;
+ DataCheckerThread* dcheck_thread;
+ TimeStamp last_diskspace_check;
+ bool moving_files;
+ struct InternalStats
+ {
+ TQDateTime time_started_dl;
+ TQDateTime time_started_ul;
+ Uint32 running_time_dl;
+ Uint32 running_time_ul;
+ Uint64 prev_bytes_dl;
+ Uint64 prev_bytes_ul;
+ Uint64 trk_prev_bytes_dl;
+ Uint64 trk_prev_bytes_ul;
+ Uint64 session_bytes_uploaded;
+ bool io_error;
+ bool custom_output_name;
+ Uint16 port;
+ int priority;
+ bool dht_on;
+ TimeStamp last_announce;
+ bool diskspace_warning_emitted;
+ };
+ Uint32 upload_gid; // group ID for upload
+ Uint32 upload_limit;
+ Uint32 download_gid; // group ID for download
+ Uint32 download_limit;
+ InternalStats istats;
+ };