path: root/src/plugins/stats/statsplugin.cpp
diff options
authorMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2025-03-02 18:37:22 +0900
committerMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2025-03-06 12:31:12 +0900
commit44ef0bd5fe47a43e47aec5f7981b6c1d728dd9a8 (patch)
tree2b29e921a9bccea53444ed9bbed06a25a5fe20cc /src/plugins/stats/statsplugin.cpp
parentd1f24dae035c506d945ca13f2be398aa0a4de8cc (diff)
Restructure source files into 'src' subfolderHEADmaster
Signed-off-by: Michele Calgaro <[email protected]>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/stats/statsplugin.cpp')
1 files changed, 321 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/stats/statsplugin.cpp b/src/plugins/stats/statsplugin.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6693ebd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/stats/statsplugin.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+ * Copyright © 2007 by Krzysztof Kundzicz *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "statsplugin.h"
+K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY(ktstatsplugin, KGenericFactory<kt::StatsPlugin>("ktstatsplugin"))
+namespace kt
+StatsPlugin::StatsPlugin(TQObject* parent, const char* qt_name, const TQStringList& args):
+ Plugin(parent, qt_name, args, "Statistics", i18n("Statistics"),"Krzysztof Kundzicz", "[email protected]", i18n("Shows transfers statistics"),"ktimemon"), pmUiSpd(0), pmUiCon(0), pmPrefsUi(0), pmUpdTmr(0)
+ mUpAvg = std::make_pair(0.0, 0.0);
+ mDownAvg = std::make_pair(0.0, 0.0);
+ mLeechAvg = std::make_pair(0, 0);
+ mRunningLeechAvg = std::make_pair(0, 0);
+ mSeedAvg = std::make_pair(0, 0);
+ mRunningSeedAvg = std::make_pair(0, 0);
+void StatsPlugin::load()
+ mUpdCtr = 1;
+ mPeerSpdUpdCtr = 1;
+ pmUiSpd = new StatsSpd(dynamic_cast<TQWidget *>(parent()));
+ pmUiCon = new StatsCon(dynamic_cast<TQWidget *>(parent()));
+ pmPrefsUi = new StatsPluginPrefs();
+ pmUpdTmr = new TQTimer(this);
+ connect(pmUpdTmr, TQ_SIGNAL(timeout () ), this, TQ_SLOT(UpdateData()));
+ connect(pmPrefsUi, TQ_SIGNAL(Applied()), this, TQ_SLOT(RestartTimer()));
+ connect(pmPrefsUi, TQ_SIGNAL(Applied()), this, TQ_SLOT(TogglePeersSpdCht()));
+ connect(pmPrefsUi, TQ_SIGNAL(Applied()), this, TQ_SLOT(ToggleLchInSwmDrawing()));
+ connect(pmPrefsUi, TQ_SIGNAL(Applied()), this, TQ_SLOT(ToggleSdrInSwmDrawing()));
+ connect(pmPrefsUi, TQ_SIGNAL(Applied()), this, TQ_SLOT(ChangeMsmtsCounts()));
+ connect(pmPrefsUi, TQ_SIGNAL(Applied()), this, TQ_SLOT(ChangeMaxMode()));
+ TogglePeersSpdCht();
+ ChangeMaxMode();
+ pmUpdTmr -> start(StatsPluginSettings::gatherDataEveryMs());
+ getGUI() -> addToolWidget(pmUiSpd,"ktimemon" ,i18n("Speed statistics"), GUIInterface::DOCK_BOTTOM);
+ getGUI() -> addToolWidget(pmUiCon,"ktimemon" ,i18n("Connection statistics"), GUIInterface::DOCK_BOTTOM);
+ getGUI() -> addPrefPage (pmPrefsUi);
+void StatsPlugin::unload()
+ getGUI() -> removeToolWidget(pmUiSpd);
+ getGUI() -> removeToolWidget(pmUiCon);
+ getGUI() -> removePrefPage(pmPrefsUi);
+ disconnect(pmUpdTmr, TQ_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQ_SLOT(UpdateData()));
+ disconnect(pmPrefsUi, TQ_SIGNAL(Applied()), this, TQ_SLOT(RestartTimer()));
+ disconnect(pmPrefsUi, TQ_SIGNAL(Applied()), this, TQ_SLOT(TogglePeersSpdCht()));
+ disconnect(pmPrefsUi, TQ_SIGNAL(Applied()), this, TQ_SLOT(ToggleLchInSwmDrawing()));
+ disconnect(pmPrefsUi, TQ_SIGNAL(Applied()), this, TQ_SLOT(ToggleSdrInSwmDrawing()));
+ disconnect(pmPrefsUi, TQ_SIGNAL(Applied()), this, TQ_SLOT(ChangeMsmtsCounts()));
+ disconnect(pmPrefsUi, TQ_SIGNAL(Applied()), this, TQ_SLOT(ChangeMaxMode()));
+ delete pmUiSpd;
+ delete pmUiCon;
+ delete pmPrefsUi;
+ delete pmUpdTmr;
+bool StatsPlugin::versionCheck(const TQString& rVer) const
+ return rVer == KT_VERSION_MACRO;
+void StatsPlugin::guiUpdate()
+ if(mUpdCtr >= StatsPluginSettings::updateChartsEveryGuiUpdates())
+ {
+ pmUiSpd -> UpdateCharts();
+ pmUiCon -> UpdateCharts();
+ mUpdCtr = 1;
+ } else {
+ mUpdCtr++;
+ }
+void StatsPlugin::UpdateData()
+ uint32_t lcon = 0;
+ uint32_t lswa = 0;
+ uint32_t scon = 0;
+ uint32_t sswa = 0;
+ uint32_t rlcon = 0;
+ uint32_t rlswa = 0;
+ uint32_t rscon = 0;
+ uint32_t rsswa = 0;
+ uint32_t ld = 0;
+ uint32_t lu = 0;
+ uint32_t sd = 0;
+ //---------------------------------------
+ mDownAvg.first += getCore() -> getStats() . download_speed;
+ mDownAvg.second++;
+ mUpAvg.first += getCore() -> getStats() . upload_speed;
+ mUpAvg.second++;
+ pmUiSpd -> AddDownSpdVal(0, getCore() -> getStats() . download_speed / 1024.0);
+ pmUiSpd -> AddUpSpdVal(0, getCore() -> getStats() . upload_speed / 1024.0);
+ pmUiSpd -> AddDownSpdVal(1, (mDownAvg.first / mDownAvg.second) / 1024.0 );
+ pmUiSpd -> AddUpSpdVal(1, (mUpAvg.first / mUpAvg.second) / 1024.0 );
+ pmUiSpd -> AddDownSpdVal(2, getCore() -> getMaxDownloadSpeed () );
+ pmUiSpd -> AddUpSpdVal(2, getCore() -> getMaxUploadSpeed ());
+// if(getGUI()-> getCurrentTorrent())
+// {
+// pmUi -> AddDownSpdVal(3, getGUI()-> getCurrentTorrent() -> getStats() . download_rate / 1024.0);
+// pmUi -> AddUpSpdVal(3, getGUI()-> getCurrentTorrent() -> getStats() . upload_rate / 1024.0);
+// } else {
+// pmUi -> AddDownSpdVal(3, 0.0);
+// pmUi -> AddUpSpdVal(3, 0.0);
+// }
+ // ------
+ bt::QueueManager::iterator tor = getCore() -> getQueueManager () -> begin();
+ while(tor != getCore() -> getQueueManager () -> end())
+ {
+ lcon += (*tor) -> getStats().leechers_connected_to;
+ lswa += (*tor) -> getStats().leechers_total;
+ scon += (*tor) -> getStats().seeders_connected_to;
+ sswa += (*tor) -> getStats().seeders_total;
+ mLeechAvg.first += lcon;
+ mLeechAvg.second += lswa;
+ mSeedAvg.first += scon;
+ mSeedAvg.second += sswa;
+ if(StatsPluginSettings::peersSpeed() && ( mPeerSpdUpdCtr >= StatsPluginSettings::peersSpeedDataIval() ) )
+ {
+ bt::TorrentControl * tc = dynamic_cast<bt::TorrentControl *>( *tor );
+ const bt::PeerManager * pm = tc->getPeerMgr();
+ if(tc && pm)
+ {
+ for(bt::PeerManager::CItr it = pm -> beginPeerList(); it != pm -> endPeerList (); ++it)
+ {
+ if(it && (*it) )
+ {
+ if(!(*it) -> isSeeder())
+ {
+ ld += (*it) -> getDownloadRate();
+ lu += (*it) -> getUploadRate();
+ } else {
+ sd += (*it) -> getDownloadRate();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( (*tor) -> getStats().started)
+ {
+ rlcon += (*tor) -> getStats().leechers_connected_to;
+ rlswa += (*tor) -> getStats().leechers_total;
+ rscon += (*tor) -> getStats().seeders_connected_to;
+ rsswa += (*tor) -> getStats().seeders_total;
+ mRunningLeechAvg.first += rlcon;
+ mRunningLeechAvg.second += rlswa;
+ mRunningSeedAvg.first += rscon;
+ mRunningSeedAvg.second += rsswa;
+ }
+ tor++;
+ }
+ // ------
+ if(StatsPluginSettings::peersSpeed() )
+ {
+ if( mPeerSpdUpdCtr >= StatsPluginSettings::peersSpeedDataIval() )
+ {
+ pmUiSpd -> AddPeersSpdVal(0, (ld / (lcon * 1.0)) / 1024.0);
+ pmUiSpd -> AddPeersSpdVal(1, (lu / (lcon * 1.0)) / 1024.0);
+ pmUiSpd -> AddPeersSpdVal(2, (sd / (lswa * 1.0)) / 1024.0);
+ pmUiSpd -> AddPeersSpdVal(3, ld / 1024.0);
+ pmUiSpd -> AddPeersSpdVal(4, sd / 1024.0);
+ mPeerSpdUpdCtr = 1;
+ } else {
+ mPeerSpdUpdCtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ pmUiCon -> AddPeersConVal(0, lcon);
+ if(StatsPluginSettings::drawLeechersInSwarms())
+ {
+ pmUiCon -> AddPeersConVal(1, lswa);
+ }
+ pmUiCon -> AddPeersConVal(2, scon);
+ if(StatsPluginSettings::drawSeedersInSwarms())
+ {
+ pmUiCon -> AddPeersConVal(3, sswa);
+ }
+ double cnt = getCore() -> getQueueManager() -> count() * 1.0;
+ double rcnt = getCore() -> getQueueManager() -> getNumRunning() * 1.0;
+ pmUiCon -> AddPeersConVal(4, lcon / cnt );
+ pmUiCon -> AddPeersConVal(5, scon / cnt );
+ pmUiCon -> AddPeersConVal(6, lcon / rcnt);
+ pmUiCon -> AddPeersConVal(7, scon / rcnt );
+ // -----
+ if( bt::Globals::instance().getDHT().isRunning() )
+ {
+ pmUiCon -> AddDHTVal(0, bt::Globals::instance().getDHT(). getStats().num_peers);
+ pmUiCon -> AddDHTVal(1, bt::Globals::instance().getDHT(). getStats().num_tasks);
+ }
+void StatsPlugin::RestartTimer()
+ if( (!pmUpdTmr) || (!pmUpdTmr -> isActive()))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ pmUpdTmr -> stop();
+ pmUpdTmr -> start(StatsPluginSettings::gatherDataEveryMs());
+void StatsPlugin::TogglePeersSpdCht()
+ if(StatsPluginSettings::peersSpeed())
+ {
+ if(pmUiSpd -> PeersSpdGbw -> isHidden())
+ {
+ pmUiSpd -> PeersSpdGbw -> setHidden(false);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(!pmUiSpd -> PeersSpdGbw -> isHidden())
+ {
+ pmUiSpd -> PeersSpdGbw -> setHidden(true);
+ }
+ }
+void StatsPlugin::ToggleLchInSwmDrawing()
+ if(!StatsPluginSettings::drawLeechersInSwarms())
+ {
+ pmUiCon -> ZeroPeersConn(1);
+ }
+void StatsPlugin::ToggleSdrInSwmDrawing()
+ if(!StatsPluginSettings::drawSeedersInSwarms())
+ {
+ pmUiCon -> ZeroPeersConn(3);
+ }
+void StatsPlugin::ChangeMsmtsCounts()
+ pmUiSpd -> ChangeDownMsmtCnt(StatsPluginSettings::downloadMeasurements());
+ pmUiSpd -> ChangePrsSpdMsmtCnt(StatsPluginSettings::peersSpeedMeasurements());
+ pmUiSpd -> ChangeUpMsmtCnt(StatsPluginSettings::uploadMeasurements());
+ pmUiCon -> ChangeConnMsmtCnt(StatsPluginSettings::connectionsMeasurements());
+ pmUiCon -> ChangeDHTMsmtCnt(StatsPluginSettings::dHTMeasurements());
+void StatsPlugin::ChangeMaxMode()
+ if(StatsPluginSettings::maxSpdMode() == 0)
+ {
+ pmUiSpd -> ChangeChartsMaxMode(ChartDrawer::MaxModeTop);
+ pmUiCon -> ChangeChartsMaxMode(ChartDrawer::MaxModeTop);
+ } else if (StatsPluginSettings::maxSpdMode() == 1) {
+ pmUiSpd -> ChangeChartsMaxMode(ChartDrawer::MaxModeExact);
+ pmUiCon -> ChangeChartsMaxMode(ChartDrawer::MaxModeExact);
+ }
+} // NS end
+#include "statsplugin.moc"