path: root/test
diff options
authordscho <dscho>2005-01-18 22:53:13 +0000
committerdscho <dscho>2005-01-18 22:53:13 +0000
commit9cc78e546033fe8cbc576a9fe1084338ceb47928 (patch)
tree5e2d3e9823863991f3b79d9493846b9144c91f9a /test
parentb5bbdae630968e18852c653be8fc18ad11c26f7b (diff)
add a cursor test (interactive for now)
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
2 files changed, 344 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index aa010f0..e3fcdd3 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ endif
copyrecttest_LDADD=$(LDADD) -lm
-noinst_PROGRAMS=$(ENCODINGS_TEST) cargstest copyrecttest $(BACKGROUND_TEST)
+noinst_PROGRAMS=$(ENCODINGS_TEST) cargstest copyrecttest $(BACKGROUND_TEST) \
+ cursortest
test: encodingstest$(EXEEXT) cargstest$(EXEEXT) copyrecttest$(EXEEXT)
./encodingstest && ./cargstest
diff --git a/test/cursortest.c b/test/cursortest.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..79ab6e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/cursortest.c
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+ *
+ * This is an example of how to use libvncserver.
+ *
+ * libvncserver example
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Johannes E. Schindelin <[email protected]>,
+ * Karl Runge <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include <rfb/rfb.h>
+const int bpp=4;
+int maxx=800, maxy=600;
+/* This initializes a nice (?) background */
+void initBuffer(unsigned char* buffer)
+ int i,j;
+ for(j=0;j<maxy;++j) {
+ for(i=0;i<maxx;++i) {
+ buffer[(j*maxx+i)*bpp+0]=(i+j)*128/(maxx+maxy); /* red */
+ buffer[(j*maxx+i)*bpp+1]=i*128/maxx; /* green */
+ buffer[(j*maxx+i)*bpp+2]=j*256/maxy; /* blue */
+ }
+ }
+/* Example for an XCursor (foreground/background only) */
+void SetXCursor(rfbScreenInfoPtr rfbScreen)
+ int width=13,height=11;
+ char cursor[]=
+ " "
+ " xx xx "
+ " xx xx "
+ " xx xx "
+ " xx xx "
+ " xxx "
+ " xx xx "
+ " xx xx "
+ " xx xx "
+ " xx xx "
+ " ",
+ mask[]=
+ "xxxx xxxx"
+ "xxxx xxxx"
+ " xxxx xxxx "
+ " xxxx xxxx "
+ " xxxxxxx "
+ " xxxxx "
+ " xxxxxxx "
+ " xxxx xxxx "
+ " xxxx xxxx "
+ "xxxx xxxx"
+ "xxxx xxxx";
+ rfbCursorPtr c;
+ c=rfbMakeXCursor(width,height,strdup(cursor),strdup(mask));
+ c->xhot=width/2;c->yhot=height/2;
+ rfbSetCursor(rfbScreen, c);
+void SetXCursor2(rfbScreenInfoPtr rfbScreen)
+ int width=13,height=22;
+ char cursor[]=
+ " xx "
+ " x x "
+ " x x "
+ " x x "
+ " x x "
+ " x x "
+ " x x "
+ " x x "
+ " x xx x "
+ " x x x xxx "
+ " x xx x x "
+ " xx x x "
+ " xx x x "
+ " x x x "
+ " x x x "
+ " x x "
+ " x x "
+ " x x "
+ " xx "
+ " "
+ " ",
+ mask[]=
+ "xxx "
+ "xxxx "
+ "xxxxx "
+ "xxxxxx "
+ "xxxxxxx "
+ "xxxxxxxx "
+ "xxxxxxxxx "
+ "xxxxxxxxxx "
+ "xxxxxxxxxxx "
+ "xxxxxxxxxxxx "
+ "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+ "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+ "xxxxxxxxxx x"
+ "xxxxxxxxxx "
+ "xxx xxxxxx "
+ "xxx xxxxxx "
+ "xx xxxxxx "
+ " xxxxx "
+ " xxxxxx"
+ " xxxxx"
+ " xxx "
+ " ";
+ rfbCursorPtr c;
+ c=rfbMakeXCursor(width,height,strdup(cursor),strdup(mask));
+ c->xhot=0;c->yhot=0;
+ rfbSetCursor(rfbScreen, c);
+/* Example for a rich cursor (full-colour) */
+void SetRichCursor(rfbScreenInfoPtr rfbScreen)
+ int i,j,w=32,h=32;
+ /* runge */
+ /* rfbCursorPtr c = rfbScreen->cursor; */
+ rfbCursorPtr c;
+ char bitmap[]=
+ " "
+ " xxxxxx "
+ " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "
+ " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "
+ " xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx "
+ " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "
+ " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "
+ " xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx "
+ " xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx "
+ " xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx "
+ " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "
+ " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "
+ " xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "
+ " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "
+ " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "
+ " xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx "
+ " xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx "
+ " xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx "
+ " xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx "
+ " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "
+ " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "
+ " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "
+ " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "
+ " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "
+ " xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx "
+ " xx x xxxxxxxxxxx "
+ " xxx xxxxxxxxxxx "
+ " xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx "
+ " xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx "
+ " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "
+ " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "
+ " ";
+ c=rfbMakeXCursor(w,h,strdup(bitmap),strdup(bitmap));
+ c->xhot = 16; c->yhot = 24;
+ c->richSource = (char*)malloc(w*h*bpp);
+ for(j=0;j<h;j++) {
+ for(i=0;i<w;i++) {
+ c->richSource[j*w*bpp+i*bpp+0]=i*0xff/w;
+ c->richSource[j*w*bpp+i*bpp+1]=(i+j)*0xff/(w+h);
+ c->richSource[j*w*bpp+i*bpp+2]=j*0xff/h;
+ c->richSource[j*w*bpp+i*bpp+3]=0;
+ }
+ }
+ rfbSetCursor(rfbScreen, c);
+/* runge */
+void SetRichCursor2(rfbScreenInfoPtr rfbScreen)
+ int i,j,w=17,h=16;
+ /* rfbCursorPtr c = rfbScreen->cursor; */
+ rfbCursorPtr c;
+ char bitmap[]=
+ " "
+ "xxxx "
+ "xxxxxxxx "
+ "xxxxxxxxxxxx x"
+ "xxx xxxxxxxx x"
+ "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx x"
+ "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x"
+ "xxxxx xxxxxxx x"
+ "xxxx xxxxxx x"
+ "xxxxx xxxxxxx x"
+ "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x"
+ "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x"
+ "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx x"
+ "xxxxxxxxxxxxx x"
+ "xxxxxxxxxxxxx x"
+ "xxxxxxxxxxxxx x";
+ /* c=rfbScreen->cursor = rfbMakeXCursor(w,h,bitmap,bitmap); */
+ c=rfbMakeXCursor(w,h,strdup(bitmap),strdup(bitmap));
+ c->xhot = 5; c->yhot = 7;
+ c->richSource = (char*)malloc(w*h*bpp);
+ for(j=0;j<h;j++) {
+ for(i=0;i<w;i++) {
+ c->richSource[j*w*bpp+i*bpp+0]=0xff;
+ c->richSource[j*w*bpp+i*bpp+1]=0x00;
+ c->richSource[j*w*bpp+i*bpp+2]=0x7f;
+ c->richSource[j*w*bpp+i*bpp+3]=0;
+ }
+ }
+ rfbSetCursor(rfbScreen, c);
+/* alpha channel */
+void SetAlphaCursor(rfbScreenInfoPtr screen,int mode)
+ int i,j;
+ rfbCursorPtr c = screen->cursor;
+ if(!c)
+ return;
+ if(c->alphaSource) {
+ free(c->alphaSource);
+ c->alphaSource=0;
+ }
+ if(mode==0)
+ return;
+ c->alphaSource = (unsigned char*)malloc(c->width*c->height);
+ for(j=0;j<c->height;j++)
+ for(i=0;i<c->width;i++) {
+ unsigned char value=0x100*j/c->height;
+ rfbBool masked=(c->mask[(i/8)+(c->width+7)/8*j]<<(i&7))&0x80;
+ c->alphaSource[i+c->width*j]=(masked?(mode==1?value:0xff-value):0);
+ }
+/* Here the pointer events are handled */
+void doptr(int buttonMask,int x,int y,rfbClientPtr cl)
+ static int oldButtonMask=0;
+ static int counter=0;
+ if((oldButtonMask&1)==0 && (buttonMask&1)==1) {
+ switch(++counter) {
+ case 7:
+ SetRichCursor(cl->screen);
+ SetAlphaCursor(cl->screen,2);
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ SetRichCursor(cl->screen);
+ SetAlphaCursor(cl->screen,1);
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ SetRichCursor2(cl->screen);
+ SetAlphaCursor(cl->screen,0);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ SetXCursor(cl->screen);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ SetRichCursor2(cl->screen);
+ SetAlphaCursor(cl->screen,2);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ SetXCursor(cl->screen);
+ SetAlphaCursor(cl->screen,2);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ SetXCursor2(cl->screen);
+ SetAlphaCursor(cl->screen,0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ SetRichCursor(cl->screen);
+ counter=0;
+ }
+ }
+ if(buttonMask&4)
+ rfbCloseClient(cl);
+ oldButtonMask=buttonMask;
+ rfbDefaultPtrAddEvent(buttonMask,x,y,cl);
+/* Initialization */
+int main(int argc,char** argv)
+ rfbScreenInfoPtr rfbScreen =
+ rfbGetScreen(&argc,argv,maxx,maxy,8,3,bpp);
+ rfbScreen->desktopName = "Cursor Test";
+ rfbScreen->frameBuffer = (char*)malloc(maxx*maxy*bpp);
+ rfbScreen->ptrAddEvent = doptr;
+ initBuffer((unsigned char*)rfbScreen->frameBuffer);
+ SetRichCursor(rfbScreen);
+ /* initialize the server */
+ rfbInitServer(rfbScreen);
+ rfbLog("Change cursor shape with left mouse button,\n\t"
+ "quit with right one.\n");
+ /* this is the blocking event loop, i.e. it never returns */
+ /* 40000 are the microseconds to wait on select(), i.e. 0.04 seconds */
+ rfbRunEventLoop(rfbScreen,40000,FALSE);
+ rfbFreeCursor(rfbScreen->cursor);
+ free(rfbScreen->frameBuffer);
+ rfbScreenCleanup(rfbScreen);
+ return(0);