path: root/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/src')
2 files changed, 3313 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/src/patches/_bundle b/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/src/patches/_bundle
index de111a5..054c8d6 100755
--- a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/src/patches/_bundle
+++ b/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/src/patches/_bundle
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
rm -rf ./src/tmp/* || exit 1
cd .. || exit 1
diff --git a/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/src/patches/tight-vncviewer-full.patch b/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/src/patches/tight-vncviewer-full.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dd2bd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11vnc/misc/enhanced_tightvnc_viewer/src/patches/tight-vncviewer-full.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,3312 @@
+diff -Naur -X ./exclude vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/Vncviewer vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/Vncviewer
+--- vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/Vncviewer 2003-02-07 05:30:57.000000000 -0500
++++ vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/Vncviewer 2007-02-04 18:25:33.000000000 -0500
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
+ !
+ ! The title of the main window. "%s" will be replaced by the desktop name.
+ Vncviewer.title: TightVNC: %s
+@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
+ *desktop.baseTranslations:\
+ <Key>F8: ShowPopup()\n\
++ <Key>F9: ToggleFullScreen()\n\
+ <ButtonPress>: SendRFBEvent()\n\
+ <ButtonRelease>: SendRFBEvent()\n\
+ <Motion>: SendRFBEvent()\n\
+@@ -79,7 +80,7 @@
+ *popup.title: TightVNC popup
+ *popup*background: grey
+-*popup*font: -*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
++*popup*font: -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
+ *popup.buttonForm.Command.borderWidth: 0
+ *popup.buttonForm.Toggle.borderWidth: 0
+@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@
+ ! Popup buttons
+ !
+-*popupButtonCount: 8
++*popupButtonCount: 22
+ *popup*button1.label: Dismiss popup
+ *popup*button1.translations: #override\n\
+@@ -136,3 +137,86 @@
+ *popup*button8.label: Send F8
+ *popup*button8.translations: #override\n\
+ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: SendRFBEvent(key,F8) HidePopup()
++*popup*button9.label: Send F9
++*popup*button9.translations: #override\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: SendRFBEvent(key,F9) HidePopup()
++*popup*button10.label: ViewOnly
++*popup*button10.type: toggle
++*popup*button10.translations: #override\n\
++ <Visible>: SetViewOnlyState()\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() ToggleViewOnly() HidePopup()
++*popup*button11.label: Cursor Shape
++*popup*button11.type: toggle
++*popup*button11.translations: #override\n\
++ <Visible>: SetCursorShapeState()\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() ToggleCursorShape() HidePopup()
++*popup*button12.label: X11 Cursor
++*popup*button12.type: toggle
++*popup*button12.translations: #override\n\
++ <Visible>: SetX11CursorState()\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() ToggleX11Cursor() HidePopup()
++*popup*button13.label: Cursor Alphablend
++*popup*button13.type: toggle
++*popup*button13.translations: #override\n\
++ <Visible>: SetCursorAlphaState()\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() ToggleCursorAlpha() HidePopup()
++*popup*button14.label: Toggle Tight/ZRLE
++*popup*button14.type: toggle
++*popup*button14.translations: #override\n\
++ <Visible>: SetZRLEState()\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() ToggleTightZRLE() HidePopup()
++*popup*button15.label: Disable JPEG
++*popup*button15.type: toggle
++*popup*button15.translations: #override\n\
++ <Visible>: SetNOJPEGState()\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() ToggleJPEG() HidePopup()
++*popup*button16.label: Prefer raw for localhost
++*popup*button16.type: toggle
++*popup*button16.translations: #override\n\
++ <Visible>: SetRawLocalState()\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() ToggleRawLocal() HidePopup()
++*popup*button17.label: Full Color
++*popup*button17.type: toggle
++*popup*button17.translations: #override\n\
++ <Visible>: SetFullColorState()\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() ToggleFullColor() HidePopup()
++*popup*button18.label: 16 bit color (BGR565)
++*popup*button18.type: toggle
++*popup*button18.translations: #override\n\
++ <Visible>: Set16bppState()\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() Toggle16bpp() HidePopup()
++*popup*button19.label: 8 bit color (BGR233)
++*popup*button19.type: toggle
++*popup*button19.translations: #override\n\
++ <Visible>: Set8bppState()\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() Toggle8bpp() HidePopup()
++*popup*button20.label: - 256 colors
++*popup*button20.type: toggle
++*popup*button20.translations: #override\n\
++ <Visible>: Set256ColorsState()\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() Toggle256Colors() HidePopup()
++*popup*button21.label: - 64 colors
++*popup*button21.type: toggle
++*popup*button21.translations: #override\n\
++ <Visible>: Set64ColorsState()\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() Toggle64Colors() HidePopup()
++*popup*button22.label: - 8 colors
++*popup*button22.type: toggle
++*popup*button22.translations: #override\n\
++ <Visible>: Set8ColorsState()\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() Toggle8Colors() HidePopup()
+diff -Naur -X ./exclude vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/argsresources.c vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/argsresources.c
+--- vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/argsresources.c 2007-02-04 17:10:31.000000000 -0500
++++ vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/argsresources.c 2007-02-04 18:25:53.000000000 -0500
+@@ -45,8 +45,18 @@
+ "*viewport.useRight: True",
+ "*viewport*Scrollbar*thumb: None",
++#if 0
++ "vncviewer*.desktop.translations: #override Shift <Key>F8: ToggleFullScreen()",
++ "vncviewer*.desktop.translations: #override <Key>F9: ToggleFullScreen()",
++ "*viewport.horizontal.height: %SBW",
++ "*viewport.vertical.width: %SBW",
++ "vncviewer*viewport.horizontal.height: %SBW",
++ "vncviewer*viewport.vertical.width: %SBW",
+ "*desktop.baseTranslations:\
+- <Key>F8: ShowPopup()\\n\
++ <Key>F8: ShowPopup()\\n\
++ <Key>F9: ToggleFullScreen()\\n\
+ <ButtonPress>: SendRFBEvent()\\n\
+ <ButtonRelease>: SendRFBEvent()\\n\
+ <Motion>: SendRFBEvent()\\n\
+@@ -66,7 +76,8 @@
+ "*popup.title: TightVNC popup",
+ "*popup*background: grey",
+- "*popup*font: -*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-*-*",
++ "*popup*font_old: -*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-*-*",
++ "*popup*font: -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*",
+ "*popup.buttonForm.Command.borderWidth: 0",
+ "*popup.buttonForm.Toggle.borderWidth: 0",
+@@ -74,7 +85,7 @@
+ "*popup.buttonForm.translations: #override\\n\
+ <KeyPress>: SendRFBEvent() HidePopup()",
+- "*popupButtonCount: 8",
++ "*popupButtonCount: 22",
+ "*popup*button1.label: Dismiss popup",
+ "*popup*button1.translations: #override\\n\
+@@ -115,6 +126,96 @@
+ "*popup*button8.translations: #override\\n\
+ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: SendRFBEvent(key,F8) HidePopup()",
++ "*popup*button9.label: Send F9",
++ "*popup*button9.translations: #override\\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: SendRFBEvent(key,F9) HidePopup()",
++ "*popup*button10.label: ViewOnly",
++ "*popup*button10.type: toggle",
++ "*popup*button10.translations: #override\\n\
++ <Visible>: SetViewOnlyState()\\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() ToggleViewOnly() HidePopup()",
++ "*popup*button11.label: Cursor Shape",
++ "*popup*button11.type: toggle",
++ "*popup*button11.translations: #override\\n\
++ <Visible>: SetCursorShapeState()\\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() ToggleCursorShape() HidePopup()",
++ "*popup*button12.label: X11 Cursor",
++ "*popup*button12.type: toggle",
++ "*popup*button12.translations: #override\\n\
++ <Visible>: SetX11CursorState()\\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() ToggleX11Cursor() HidePopup()",
++ "*popup*button13.label: Cursor Alphablend",
++ "*popup*button13.type: toggle",
++ "*popup*button13.translations: #override\\n\
++ <Visible>: SetCursorAlphaState()\\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() ToggleCursorAlpha() HidePopup()",
++ "*popup*button14.label: Toggle Tight/ZRLE",
++ "*popup*button14.type: toggle",
++ "*popup*button14.translations: #override\\n\
++ <Visible>: SetZRLEState()\\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() ToggleTightZRLE() HidePopup()",
++#if 0
++ "*popup*button14.label: - ZRLE/ZWYRLE",
++ "*popup*button14.type: toggle",
++ "*popup*button14.translations: #override\\n\
++ <Visible>: SetZRLEState()\\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() ToggleTightZRLE() HidePopup()",
++ "*popup*button15.label: Disable JPEG",
++ "*popup*button15.type: toggle",
++ "*popup*button15.translations: #override\\n\
++ <Visible>: SetNOJPEGState()\\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() ToggleJPEG() HidePopup()",
++ "*popup*button16.label: Prefer raw for localhost",
++ "*popup*button16.type: toggle",
++ "*popup*button16.translations: #override\\n\
++ <Visible>: SetRawLocalState()\\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() ToggleRawLocal() HidePopup()",
++ "*popup*button17.label: Full Color",
++ "*popup*button17.type: toggle",
++ "*popup*button17.translations: #override\\n\
++ <Visible>: SetFullColorState()\\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() ToggleFullColor() HidePopup()",
++ "*popup*button18.label: 16 bit color (BGR565)",
++ "*popup*button18.type: toggle",
++ "*popup*button18.translations: #override\\n\
++ <Visible>: Set16bppState()\\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() Toggle16bpp() HidePopup()",
++ "*popup*button19.label: 8 bit color (BGR233)",
++ "*popup*button19.type: toggle",
++ "*popup*button19.translations: #override\\n\
++ <Visible>: Set8bppState()\\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() Toggle8bpp() HidePopup()",
++ "*popup*button20.label: - 256 colors",
++ "*popup*button20.type: toggle",
++ "*popup*button20.translations: #override\\n\
++ <Visible>: Set256ColorsState()\\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() Toggle256Colors() HidePopup()",
++ "*popup*button21.label: - 64 colors",
++ "*popup*button21.type: toggle",
++ "*popup*button21.translations: #override\\n\
++ <Visible>: Set64ColorsState()\\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() Toggle64Colors() HidePopup()",
++ "*popup*button22.label: - 8 colors",
++ "*popup*button22.type: toggle",
++ "*popup*button22.translations: #override\\n\
++ <Visible>: Set8ColorsState()\\n\
++ <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: toggle() Toggle8Colors() HidePopup()",
+ };
+@@ -135,6 +236,7 @@
+ */
+ AppData appData;
++AppData appDataNew;
+ static XtResource appDataResourceList[] = {
+ {"shareDesktop", "ShareDesktop", XtRBool, sizeof(Bool),
+@@ -161,8 +263,17 @@
+ {"encodings", "Encodings", XtRString, sizeof(String),
+ XtOffsetOf(AppData, encodingsString), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0},
+- {"useBGR233", "UseBGR233", XtRBool, sizeof(Bool),
+- XtOffsetOf(AppData, useBGR233), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) False},
++ {"useBGR233", "UseBGR233", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
++ XtOffsetOf(AppData, useBGR233), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0},
++ {"useBGR565", "UseBGR565", XtRBool, sizeof(Bool),
++ XtOffsetOf(AppData, useBGR565), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) False},
++ {"yCrop", "yCrop", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
++ XtOffsetOf(AppData, yCrop), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0},
++ {"sbWidth", "sbWidth", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
++ XtOffsetOf(AppData, sbWidth), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 2},
+ {"nColours", "NColours", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
+ XtOffsetOf(AppData, nColours), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 256},
+@@ -218,14 +329,29 @@
+ {"useRemoteCursor", "UseRemoteCursor", XtRBool, sizeof(Bool),
+ XtOffsetOf(AppData, useRemoteCursor), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) True},
++ {"useCursorAlpha", "UseCursorAlpha", XtRBool, sizeof(Bool),
++ XtOffsetOf(AppData, useCursorAlpha), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) False},
++ {"useRawLocal", "UseRawLocal", XtRBool, sizeof(Bool),
++ XtOffsetOf(AppData, useRawLocal), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) False},
+ {"useX11Cursor", "UseX11Cursor", XtRBool, sizeof(Bool),
+ XtOffsetOf(AppData, useX11Cursor), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) False},
+ {"grabKeyboard", "GrabKeyboard", XtRBool, sizeof(Bool),
+- XtOffsetOf(AppData, grabKeyboard), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) False},
++ XtOffsetOf(AppData, grabKeyboard), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) True},
+ {"autoPass", "AutoPass", XtRBool, sizeof(Bool),
+- XtOffsetOf(AppData, autoPass), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) False}
++ XtOffsetOf(AppData, autoPass), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) False},
++ {"grabAll", "GrabAll", XtRBool, sizeof(Bool),
++ XtOffsetOf(AppData, grabAll), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) False},
++ {"overrideRedir", "OverrideRedir", XtRBool, sizeof(Bool),
++ XtOffsetOf(AppData, overrideRedir), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) True},
++ {"popupFix", "PopupFix", XtRBool, sizeof(Bool),
++ XtOffsetOf(AppData, popupFix), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) False}
+ };
+@@ -243,7 +369,18 @@
+ {"-passwd", "*passwordFile", XrmoptionSepArg, 0},
+ {"-user", "*userLogin", XrmoptionSepArg, 0},
+ {"-encodings", "*encodings", XrmoptionSepArg, 0},
+- {"-bgr233", "*useBGR233", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
++ {"-bgr233", "*useBGR233", XrmoptionNoArg, "256"},
++ {"-use64", "*useBGR233", XrmoptionNoArg, "64"},
++ {"-bgr222", "*useBGR233", XrmoptionNoArg, "64"},
++ {"-use8", "*useBGR233", XrmoptionNoArg, "8"},
++ {"-bgr111", "*useBGR233", XrmoptionNoArg, "8"},
++ {"-16bpp", "*useBGR565", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
++ {"-bgr565", "*useBGR565", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
++ {"-sbwidth", "*sbwidth", XrmoptionSepArg, 0},
++ {"-ycrop", "*yCrop", XrmoptionSepArg, 0},
++ {"-sbwidth", "*sbwidth", XrmoptionSepArg, 0},
++ {"-rawlocal", "*useRawLocal", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
++ {"-alpha", "*useCursorAlpha", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
+ {"-owncmap", "*forceOwnCmap", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
+ {"-truecolor", "*forceTrueColour", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
+ {"-truecolour", "*forceTrueColour", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
+@@ -253,7 +390,14 @@
+ {"-nojpeg", "*enableJPEG", XrmoptionNoArg, "False"},
+ {"-nocursorshape", "*useRemoteCursor", XrmoptionNoArg, "False"},
+ {"-x11cursor", "*useX11Cursor", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
+- {"-autopass", "*autoPass", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"}
++ {"-autopass", "*autoPass", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
++ {"-graball", "*grabAll", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
++ {"-grabkbd", "*grabKeyboard", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
++ {"-nograbkbd", "*grabKeyboard", XrmoptionNoArg, "False"},
++ {"-grabkeyboard", "*grabKeyboard", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
++ {"-nograbkeyboard","*grabKeyboard", XrmoptionNoArg, "False"},
++ {"-nooverride", "*overrideRedir", XrmoptionNoArg, "False"},
++ {"-popupfix", "*popupFix", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"}
+ };
+@@ -277,6 +421,32 @@
+ {"Pause", Pause},
+ {"RunCommand", RunCommand},
+ {"Quit", Quit},
++ {"Toggle8bpp", Toggle8bpp},
++ {"Toggle16bpp", Toggle16bpp},
++ {"ToggleFullColor", ToggleFullColor},
++ {"Toggle256Colors", Toggle256Colors},
++ {"Toggle64Colors", Toggle64Colors},
++ {"Toggle8Colors", Toggle8Colors},
++ {"ToggleTightZRLE", ToggleTightZRLE},
++ {"ToggleViewOnly", ToggleViewOnly},
++ {"ToggleJPEG", ToggleJPEG},
++ {"ToggleCursorShape", ToggleCursorShape},
++ {"ToggleCursorAlpha", ToggleCursorAlpha},
++ {"ToggleX11Cursor", ToggleX11Cursor},
++ {"ToggleRawLocal", ToggleRawLocal},
++ {"Set8bppState", Set8bppState},
++ {"Set16bppState", Set16bppState},
++ {"SetFullColorState", SetFullColorState},
++ {"Set256ColorsState", Set256ColorsState},
++ {"Set64ColorsState", Set64ColorsState},
++ {"Set8ColorsState", Set8ColorsState},
++ {"SetZRLEState", SetZRLEState},
++ {"SetNOJPEGState", SetNOJPEGState},
++ {"SetViewOnlyState", SetViewOnlyState},
++ {"SetCursorShapeState", SetCursorShapeState},
++ {"SetCursorAlphaState", SetCursorAlphaState},
++ {"SetX11CursorState", SetX11CursorState},
++ {"SetRawLocalState", SetRawLocalState},
+ };
+@@ -332,7 +502,56 @@
+ " -autopass\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Option names may be abbreviated, e.g. -bgr instead of -bgr233.\n"
+- "See the manual page for more information."
++ "See the manual page for more information.\n"
++ "\n"
++ "Enhanced TightVNC viewer options:\n"
++ "\n"
++ " URL\n"
++ "\n"
++ " Note: ZRLE encoding is now supported.\n"
++ "\n"
++ " Note: F9 is shortcut to Toggle FullScreen mode.\n"
++ "\n"
++ " -use64 In -bgr233 mode, use 64 colors instead of 256.\n"
++ " -bgr222 Same as -use64.\n"
++ "\n"
++ " -use8 In -bgr233 mode, use 8 colors instead of 256.\n"
++ " -bgr111 Same as -use8.\n"
++ "\n"
++ " -16bpp If the vnc viewer X display is depth 24 at 32bpp\n"
++ " request a 16bpp format from the VNC server to cut\n"
++ " network traffic by up to 2X, then tranlate the\n"
++ " pixels to 32bpp locally.\n"
++ " -bgr565 Same as -16bpp.\n"
++ "\n"
++ " -alpha Use alphablending transparency for local cursors\n"
++ " requires: x11vnc server, both client and server\n"
++ " must be 32bpp and same endianness.\n"
++ "\n"
++ " -ycrop n Only show the top n rows of the framebuffer. For\n"
++ " use with x11vnc -ncache client caching option\n"
++ " to help \"hide\" the pixel cache region.\n"
++ " Use a negative value (e.g. -1) for autodetection.\n"
++ " Autodetection will always take place if the remote\n"
++ " fb height is more than 2 times the width.\n"
++ " -sbwidth n Scrollbar width, default is very narrow: 2 pixels,\n"
++ " it is narrow to avoid distraction in -ycrop mode.\n"
++ "\n"
++ " -rawlocal Prefer raw encoding for localhost, default is\n"
++ " no, i.e. assumes you have a SSH tunnel instead.\n"
++ "\n"
++ " -graball Grab the entire X server when in fullscreen mode,\n"
++ " needed by some old window managers like fvwm2.\n"
++ " -popupfix Warp the popup back to the pointer position,\n"
++ " needed by some old window managers like fvwm2.\n"
++ "\n"
++ " -grabkbd Grab the X keyboard when in fullscreen mode,\n"
++ " needed by some window managers. Same as -grabkeyboard.\n"
++ " -grabkbd is the default, use -nograbkbd to disable.\n"
++#if 0
++ " -nooverride Do not apply OverrideRedirect in fullscreen mode.\n"
++ "\n"
+ "\n", programName, programName, programName, programName);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+@@ -357,6 +576,17 @@
+ XtGetApplicationResources(toplevel, &appData, appDataResourceList,
+ XtNumber(appDataResourceList), 0, 0);
++ if (getenv("VNCVIEWER_ALPHABLEND")) {
++ appData.useCursorAlpha = True;
++ }
++ if (getenv("VNCVIEWER_POPUP_FIX")) {
++ appData.popupFix = True;
++ }
++ if (getenv("VNCVIEWER_GRAB_SERVER")) {
++ appData.grabAll = True;
++ }
+ /* Add our actions to the actions table so they can be used in widget
+ resource specs */
+@@ -376,6 +606,10 @@
+ return;
+ }
++ if (appData.useBGR233 && appData.useBGR565) {
++ appData.useBGR233 = 0;
++ }
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ vncServerName = DoServerDialog();
+ appData.passwordDialog = True;
+diff -Naur -X ./exclude vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/colour.c vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/colour.c
+--- vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/colour.c 2002-04-30 09:07:31.000000000 -0400
++++ vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/colour.c 2007-02-03 19:56:11.000000000 -0500
+@@ -31,6 +31,9 @@
+ #define BGR233_SIZE 256
+ unsigned long BGR233ToPixel[BGR233_SIZE];
++#define BGR565_SIZE 65536
++unsigned long BGR565ToPixel[BGR565_SIZE];
+ Colormap cmap;
+ Visual *vis;
+ unsigned int visdepth, visbpp;
+@@ -45,6 +48,8 @@
+ static void AllocateExactBGR233Colours();
+ static Bool AllocateBGR233Colour(int r, int g, int b);
++static void SetupBGR565Map();
+ /*
+ * SetVisualAndCmap() deals with the wonderful world of X "visuals" (which are
+@@ -97,6 +102,30 @@
+ visbpp = GetBPPForDepth(visdepth);
+ cmap = DefaultColormap(dpy,DefaultScreen(dpy));
++ if (appData.useBGR565) {
++ if (visdepth < 24 || visbpp < 24 || vis->class != TrueColor) {
++ fprintf(stderr, "disabling -16bpp BGR565 on non-depth 24 machine\n");
++ appData.useBGR565 = False;
++ } else {
++ myFormat.bitsPerPixel = 16;
++ myFormat.depth = 16;
++ myFormat.trueColour = 1;
++ myFormat.bigEndian = 0;
++ myFormat.redMax = 31;
++ myFormat.greenMax = 63;
++ myFormat.blueMax = 31;
++ myFormat.redShift = 11;
++ myFormat.greenShift = 5;
++ myFormat.blueShift = 0;
++ fprintf(stderr, "Using default colormap and translating from BGR565 (65536 colors). Pixel format:\n");
++ PrintPixelFormat(&myFormat);
++ SetupBGR565Map();
++ return;
++ }
++ }
+ if (!appData.useBGR233 && (vis->class == TrueColor)) {
+ myFormat.bitsPerPixel = visbpp;
+@@ -116,21 +145,42 @@
+ return;
+ }
+- appData.useBGR233 = True;
++ if (appData.useBGR233 == 0) {
++ appData.useBGR233 = 256;
++ }
+ myFormat.bitsPerPixel = 8;
+ myFormat.depth = 8;
+ myFormat.trueColour = 1;
+ myFormat.bigEndian = 0;
+- myFormat.redMax = 7;
++ myFormat.redMax = 7;
+ myFormat.greenMax = 7;
+- myFormat.blueMax = 3;
+- myFormat.redShift = 0;
++ myFormat.blueMax = 3;
++ myFormat.redShift = 0;
+ myFormat.greenShift = 3;
+- myFormat.blueShift = 6;
++ myFormat.blueShift = 6;
++ if (appData.useBGR233 == 64) {
++ /* BGR222 */
++ myFormat.redMax = 3;
++ myFormat.greenMax = 3;
++ myFormat.blueMax = 3;
++ myFormat.redShift = 0;
++ myFormat.greenShift = 2;
++ myFormat.blueShift = 4;
++ }
++ if (appData.useBGR233 == 8) {
++ /* BGR111 */
++ myFormat.redMax = 2;
++ myFormat.greenMax = 2;
++ myFormat.blueMax = 2;
++ myFormat.redShift = 0;
++ myFormat.greenShift = 1;
++ myFormat.blueShift = 2;
++ }
+ fprintf(stderr,
+- "Using default colormap and translating from BGR233. Pixel format:\n");
++ "Using default colormap and translating from BGR233 (%d colors). Pixel format:\n", appData.useBGR233);
+ PrintPixelFormat(&myFormat);
+ SetupBGR233Map();
+@@ -394,16 +444,29 @@
+ for (r = 0; r < 8; r++) {
+ for (g = 0; g < 8; g++) {
+ for (b = 0; b < 4; b++) {
+- if (BGR233ToPixel[(b<<6) | (g<<3) | r] == INVALID_PIXEL) {
++ int bs = 6, gs = 3, rs = 0;
++ int bm = 3, gm = 7, rm = 7;
++ if (appData.useBGR233 == 64) {
++ bs = 4; gs = 2; rs = 0;
++ bm = 3; gm = 3; rm = 3;
++ }
++ if (appData.useBGR233 == 8) {
++ bs = 2; gs = 1; rs = 0;
++ bm = 1; gm = 1; rm = 1;
++ }
++ if ((b > bm || g > gm || r > rm)) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ if (BGR233ToPixel[(b<<bs) | (g<<gs) | (r<<rs)] == INVALID_PIXEL) {
+ unsigned long minDistance = ULONG_MAX;
+ for (i = 0; i < cmapSize; i++) {
+ if (exactBGR233[i] || shared[i]) {
+ unsigned long distance
+- = (abs(cmapEntry[i].red - r * 65535 / 7)
+- + abs(cmapEntry[i].green - g * 65535 / 7)
+- + abs(cmapEntry[i].blue - b * 65535 / 3));
++ = ( abs(cmapEntry[i].red - r * 65535 / rm)
++ + abs(cmapEntry[i].green - g * 65535 / gm)
++ + abs(cmapEntry[i].blue - b * 65535 / bm));
+ if (distance < minDistance) {
+ minDistance = distance;
+@@ -412,7 +475,7 @@
+ }
+ }
+- BGR233ToPixel[(b<<6) | (g<<3) | r] = nearestPixel;
++ BGR233ToPixel[(b<<bs) | (g<<gs) | (r<<rs)] = nearestPixel;
+ if (shared[nearestPixel] && !usedAsNearest[nearestPixel])
+ nSharedUsed++;
+ usedAsNearest[nearestPixel] = True;
+@@ -433,6 +496,38 @@
+ }
+ }
++static void
++ int r, g, b;
++ int r2, g2, b2;
++ long i, idx;
++ int cnt = 0;
++ unsigned long pixel = 0;
++ for (r = 0; r < 32; r++) {
++ for (g = 0; g < 64; g++) {
++ for (b = 0; b < 32; b++) {
++ int bs = 0, gs = 5, rs = 11;
++ int bm = 31, gm = 63, rm = 31;
++ if ((b > bm || g > gm || r > rm)) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ r2 = (255 * r) / rm;
++ g2 = (255 * g) / gm;
++ b2 = (255 * b) / bm;
++ pixel = (r2 << 16) | (g2 << 8) | (b2 << 0);
++ idx = (b<<bs) | (g<<gs) | (r<<rs);
++ if (0) fprintf(stderr, "cnt: %5d idx: %5d pixel: 0x%08x\n", cnt, idx, pixel);
++ BGR565ToPixel[idx] = pixel;
++ cnt++;
++ }
++ }
++ }
+ /*
+ * AllocateExactBGR233Colours() attempts to allocate each of the colours in the
+@@ -484,8 +579,13 @@
+ ri = rn;
+ for (gi = 0; gi < gn; gi++) {
+ for (bi = 0; bi < bn; bi++) {
+- if (!AllocateBGR233Colour(rv[ri], gv[gi], bv[bi]))
+- return;
++ if (appData.useBGR233 == 64 && (bv[bi] > 3 || gv[gi] > 3 || rv[ri] > 3)) {
++ nBGR233ColoursAllocated++;
++ } else if (appData.useBGR233 == 8 && (bv[bi] > 1 || gv[gi] > 1 || rv[ri] > 1)) {
++ nBGR233ColoursAllocated++;
++ } else if (!AllocateBGR233Colour(rv[ri], gv[gi], bv[bi])) {
++ return;
++ }
+ }
+ }
+ rn++;
+@@ -496,8 +596,13 @@
+ gi = gn;
+ for (ri = 0; ri < rn; ri++) {
+ for (bi = 0; bi < bn; bi++) {
+- if (!AllocateBGR233Colour(rv[ri], gv[gi], bv[bi]))
+- return;
++ if (appData.useBGR233 == 64 && (bv[bi] > 3 || gv[gi] > 3 || rv[ri] > 3)) {
++ nBGR233ColoursAllocated++;
++ } else if (appData.useBGR233 == 8 && (bv[bi] > 1 || gv[gi] > 1 || rv[ri] > 1)) {
++ nBGR233ColoursAllocated++;
++ } else if (!AllocateBGR233Colour(rv[ri], gv[gi], bv[bi])) {
++ return;
++ }
+ }
+ }
+ gn++;
+@@ -507,8 +612,13 @@
+ bi = bn;
+ for (ri = 0; ri < rn; ri++) {
+ for (gi = 0; gi < gn; gi++) {
+- if (!AllocateBGR233Colour(rv[ri], gv[gi], bv[bi]))
+- return;
++ if (appData.useBGR233 == 64 && (bv[bi] > 3 || gv[gi] > 3 || rv[ri] > 3)) {
++ nBGR233ColoursAllocated++;
++ } else if (appData.useBGR233 == 8 && (bv[bi] > 1 || gv[gi] > 1 || rv[ri] > 1)) {
++ nBGR233ColoursAllocated++;
++ } else if (!AllocateBGR233Colour(rv[ri], gv[gi], bv[bi])) {
++ return;
++ }
+ }
+ }
+ bn++;
+@@ -529,18 +639,29 @@
+ AllocateBGR233Colour(int r, int g, int b)
+ {
+ XColor c;
++ int bs = 6, gs = 3, rs = 0;
++ int bm = 3, gm = 7, rm = 7;
+ if (nBGR233ColoursAllocated >= appData.nColours)
+ return False;
+- = r * 65535 / 7;
+- = g * 65535 / 7;
+- = b * 65535 / 3;
++ if (appData.useBGR233 == 64) {
++ bs = 4; gs = 2, rs = 0;
++ bm = 3; gm = 3; rm = 3;
++ }
++ if (appData.useBGR233 == 8) {
++ bs = 2; gs = 1, rs = 0;
++ bm = 1; gm = 1; rm = 1;
++ }
++ = r * 65535 / rm;
++ = g * 65535 / gm;
++ = b * 65535 / bm;
+ if (!XAllocColor(dpy, cmap, &c))
+ return False;
+- BGR233ToPixel[(b<<6) | (g<<3) | r] = c.pixel;
++ BGR233ToPixel[(b<<bs) | (g<<gs) | r] = c.pixel;
+ nBGR233ColoursAllocated++;
+diff -Naur -X ./exclude vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/corre.c vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/corre.c
+--- vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/corre.c 2000-06-11 08:00:53.000000000 -0400
++++ vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/corre.c 2007-02-03 20:48:52.000000000 -0500
+@@ -50,8 +50,12 @@
+ #if (BPP == 8)
+ gcv.foreground = (appData.useBGR233 ? BGR233ToPixel[pix] : pix);
+ #else
++#if (BPP == 16)
++ gcv.foreground = (appData.useBGR565 ? BGR565ToPixel[pix] : pix);
+ gcv.foreground = pix;
+ #endif
+ XChangeGC(dpy, gc, GCForeground, &gcv);
+ XFillRectangle(dpy, desktopWin, gc, rx, ry, rw, rh);
+@@ -72,8 +76,12 @@
+ #if (BPP == 8)
+ gcv.foreground = (appData.useBGR233 ? BGR233ToPixel[pix] : pix);
+ #else
++#if (BPP == 16)
++ gcv.foreground = (appData.useBGR565 ? BGR565ToPixel[pix] : pix);
+ gcv.foreground = pix;
+ #endif
+ XChangeGC(dpy, gc, GCForeground, &gcv);
+ XFillRectangle(dpy, desktopWin, gc, rx + x, ry + y, w, h);
+diff -Naur -X ./exclude vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/cursor.c vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/cursor.c
+--- vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/cursor.c 2003-01-15 04:46:52.000000000 -0500
++++ vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/cursor.c 2007-02-03 18:09:18.000000000 -0500
+@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
+ static Bool prevSoftCursorSet = False;
+ static Pixmap rcSavedArea;
+-static CARD8 *rcSource, *rcMask;
++static CARD8 *rcSource = NULL, *rcMask;
+ static int rcHotX, rcHotY, rcWidth, rcHeight;
+ static int rcCursorX = 0, rcCursorY = 0;
+ static int rcLockX, rcLockY, rcLockWidth, rcLockHeight;
+@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
+ static Bool SoftCursorInLockedArea(void);
+ static void SoftCursorCopyArea(int oper);
+ static void SoftCursorDraw(void);
+-static void FreeSoftCursor(void);
+-static void FreeX11Cursor();
++void FreeSoftCursor(void);
++void FreeX11Cursor();
+ /* Copied from Xvnc/lib/font/util/utilbitmap.c */
+ static unsigned char _reverse_byte[0x100] = {
+@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@
+ Pixmap source, mask;
+ Cursor cursor;
+ int i;
++if (0) fprintf(stderr, "In HandleXCursor\n");
+ bytesPerRow = (width + 7) / 8;
+ bytesData = bytesPerRow * height;
+@@ -149,6 +150,7 @@
+ XFreePixmap(dpy, mask);
+ free(buf);
++if (0) fprintf(stderr, "HandleXCursor calls XDefineCursor: 0x%x\n", cursor);
+ XDefineCursor(dpy, desktopWin, cursor);
+ FreeX11Cursor();
+ prevXCursor = cursor;
+@@ -175,6 +177,7 @@
+ char *buf;
+ CARD8 *ptr;
+ int x, y, b;
++if (0) fprintf(stderr, "In HandleCursorShape\n");
+ bytesPerPixel = myFormat.bitsPerPixel / 8;
+ bytesPerRow = (width + 7) / 8;
+@@ -195,12 +198,14 @@
+ buf = malloc(bytesMaskData);
+ if (buf == NULL) {
+ free(rcSource);
++ rcSource = NULL;
+ return False;
+ }
+ /* Read and decode cursor pixel data, depending on the encoding type. */
+ if (enc == rfbEncodingXCursor) {
++if (0) fprintf(stderr, "HandleCursorShape: rfbEncodingXCursor\n");
+ if (appData.useX11Cursor) {
+ HandleXCursor(xhot, yhot, width, height);
+ return True;
+@@ -209,6 +214,7 @@
+ /* Read and convert background and foreground colors. */
+ if (!ReadFromRFBServer((char *)&rgb, sz_rfbXCursorColors)) {
+ free(rcSource);
++ rcSource = NULL;
+ free(buf);
+ return False;
+ }
+@@ -218,6 +224,7 @@
+ /* Read 1bpp pixel data into a temporary buffer. */
+ if (!ReadFromRFBServer(buf, bytesMaskData)) {
+ free(rcSource);
++ rcSource = NULL;
+ free(buf);
+ return False;
+ }
+@@ -254,9 +261,11 @@
+ }
+ } else { /* enc == rfbEncodingRichCursor */
++if (0) fprintf(stderr, "HandleCursorShape: rfbEncodingRichCursor\n");
+ if (!ReadFromRFBServer((char *)rcSource, width * height * bytesPerPixel)) {
+ free(rcSource);
++ rcSource = NULL;
+ free(buf);
+ return False;
+ }
+@@ -267,6 +276,7 @@
+ if (!ReadFromRFBServer(buf, bytesMaskData)) {
+ free(rcSource);
++ rcSource = NULL;
+ free(buf);
+ return False;
+ }
+@@ -274,6 +284,7 @@
+ rcMask = malloc(width * height);
+ if (rcMask == NULL) {
+ free(rcSource);
++ rcSource = NULL;
+ free(buf);
+ return False;
+ }
+@@ -301,6 +312,7 @@
+ rcWidth = width;
+ rcHeight = height;
++if (0) fprintf(stderr, "HandleCursorShape: SoftCursorCopyArea\n");
+ SoftCursorCopyArea(OPER_SAVE);
+ SoftCursorDraw();
+@@ -472,6 +484,139 @@
+ int offset, bytesPerPixel;
+ char *pos;
++#define alphahack
++#ifdef alphahack
++ /* hack to have cursor transparency at 32bpp <[email protected]> */
++ int alphablend = 0;
++ if (!rcSource) {
++ return;
++ }
++ if (appData.useCursorAlpha) {
++ alphablend = 1;
++ }
++ bytesPerPixel = myFormat.bitsPerPixel / 8;
++ if (alphablend && bytesPerPixel == 4) {
++ unsigned long pixel, put, *upos, *upix;
++ int got_alpha = 0, rsX, rsY, rsW, rsH;
++ static XImage *image = NULL;
++ static int iwidth = 128;
++ if (! image) {
++ /* watch out for tiny fb (rare) */
++ if (iwidth > si.framebufferWidth) {
++ iwidth = si.framebufferWidth;
++ }
++ if (iwidth > si.framebufferHeight) {
++ iwidth = si.framebufferHeight;
++ }
++ /* initialize an XImage with a chunk of desktopWin */
++ image = XGetImage(dpy, desktopWin, 0, 0, iwidth, iwidth,
++ AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
++ }
++ /* first check if there is any non-zero alpha channel data at all: */
++ for (y = 0; y < rcHeight; y++) {
++ for (x = 0; x < rcWidth; x++) {
++ int alpha;
++ offset = y * rcWidth + x;
++ pos = (char *)&rcSource[offset * bytesPerPixel];
++ upos = (unsigned long *) pos;
++ alpha = (*upos & 0xff000000) >> 24;
++ if (alpha) {
++ got_alpha = 1;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (got_alpha) {
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (!got_alpha) {
++ /* no alpha channel data, fallback to the old way */
++ goto oldway;
++ }
++ /* load the saved fb patch in to image (faster way?) */
++ XGetSubImage(dpy, rcSavedArea, 0, 0, rcWidth, rcHeight,
++ AllPlanes, ZPixmap, image, 0, 0);
++ upix = (unsigned long *)image->data;
++ /* if the richcursor is clipped, the fb patch will be smaller */
++ rsW = rcWidth;
++ rsX = 0; /* used to denote a shift from the left side */
++ x = rcCursorX - rcHotX;
++ if (x < 0) {
++ rsW += x;
++ rsX = -x;
++ } else if (x + rsW > si.framebufferWidth) {
++ rsW = si.framebufferWidth - x;
++ }
++ rsH = rcHeight;
++ rsY = 0; /* used to denote a shift from the top side */
++ y = rcCursorY - rcHotY;
++ if (y < 0) {
++ rsH += y;
++ rsY = -y;
++ } else if (y + rsH > si.framebufferHeight) {
++ rsH = si.framebufferHeight - y;
++ }
++ /*
++ * now loop over the cursor data, blend in the fb values,
++ * and then overwrite the fb (CopyDataToScreen())
++ */
++ for (y = 0; y < rcHeight; y++) {
++ y0 = rcCursorY - rcHotY + y;
++ if (y0 < 0 || y0 >= si.framebufferHeight) {
++ continue; /* clipped */
++ }
++ for (x = 0; x < rcWidth; x++) {
++ int alpha, color_curs, color_fb, i;
++ x0 = rcCursorX - rcHotX + x;
++ if (x0 < 0 || x0 >= si.framebufferWidth) {
++ continue; /* clipped */
++ }
++ offset = y * rcWidth + x;
++ pos = (char *)&rcSource[offset * bytesPerPixel];
++ /* extract secret alpha byte from rich cursor: */
++ upos = (unsigned long *) pos;
++ alpha = (*upos & 0xff000000) >> 24; /* XXX MSB? */
++ /* extract the pixel from the fb: */
++ pixel = *(upix + (y-rsY)*iwidth + (x-rsX));
++ put = 0;
++ /* for simplicity, blend all 4 bytes */
++ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
++ int sh = i*8;
++ color_curs = ((0xff << sh) & *upos) >> sh;
++ color_fb = ((0xff << sh) & pixel) >> sh;
++ /* XXX assumes pre-multipled color_curs */
++ color_fb = color_curs
++ + ((0xff - alpha) * color_fb)/0xff;
++ put |= color_fb << sh;
++ }
++ /* place in the fb: */
++ CopyDataToScreen((char *)&put, x0, y0, 1, 1);
++ }
++ }
++ return;
++ }
+ bytesPerPixel = myFormat.bitsPerPixel / 8;
+ /* FIXME: Speed optimization is possible. */
+@@ -492,19 +637,20 @@
+ }
+ }
+-static void FreeSoftCursor(void)
++void FreeSoftCursor(void)
+ {
+ if (prevSoftCursorSet) {
+ SoftCursorCopyArea(OPER_RESTORE);
+ XFreePixmap(dpy, rcSavedArea);
+ free(rcSource);
++ rcSource = NULL;
+ free(rcMask);
+ prevSoftCursorSet = False;
+ }
+ }
+-static void FreeX11Cursor()
++void FreeX11Cursor()
+ {
+ if (prevXCursorSet) {
+ XFreeCursor(dpy, prevXCursor);
+diff -Naur -X ./exclude vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/desktop.c vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/desktop.c
+--- vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/desktop.c 2004-05-28 13:29:29.000000000 -0400
++++ vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/desktop.c 2007-02-04 18:34:32.000000000 -0500
+@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
+ GC gc;
+ GC srcGC, dstGC; /* used for debugging copyrect */
+ Window desktopWin;
+-Cursor dotCursor;
++Cursor dotCursor = None;
+ Widget form, viewport, desktop;
+ static Bool modifierPressed[256];
+@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@
+ static void HandleBasicDesktopEvent(Widget w, XtPointer ptr, XEvent *ev,
+ Boolean *cont);
++static void CopyBGR565ToScreen(CARD16 *buf, int x, int y, int width,int height);
+ static XtResource desktopBackingStoreResources[] = {
+ {
+ XtNbackingStore, XtCBackingStore, XtRBackingStore, sizeof(int), 0,
+@@ -50,6 +52,60 @@
+ },
+ };
++void create_image() {
++ image = NULL;
++#ifdef MITSHM
++ if (appData.useShm) {
++ image = CreateShmImage();
++ if (!image)
++ appData.useShm = False;
++ }
++ if (!image) {
++ image = XCreateImage(dpy, vis, visdepth, ZPixmap, 0, NULL,
++ si.framebufferWidth, si.framebufferHeight,
++ BitmapPad(dpy), 0);
++ image->data = malloc(image->bytes_per_line * image->height);
++ if (!image->data) {
++ fprintf(stderr,"malloc failed\n");
++ exit(1);
++ }
++ }
++int old_width = 0;
++int old_height = 0;
++int guessCrop(void) {
++ int w = si.framebufferWidth;
++ if (w == 320) {
++ return 240;
++ } else if (w == 400) {
++ return 300;
++ } else if (w == 640) {
++ return 480;
++ } else if (w == 800) {
++ return 600;
++ } else if (w == 1024) {
++ return 768;
++ } else if (w == 1152) {
++ return 864;
++ } else if (w == 1280) {
++ return 1024;
++ } else if (w == 1600) {
++ return 1200;
++ } else if (w == 1920) {
++ return 1200;
++ } else {
++ int h = (3 * w) / 4;
++ return h;
++ }
+ /*
+ * DesktopInitBeforeRealization creates the "desktop" widget and the viewport
+@@ -79,32 +135,102 @@
+ XtAddEventHandler(desktop, LeaveWindowMask|ExposureMask,
+ True, HandleBasicDesktopEvent, NULL);
++ if (! appData.yCrop) {
++ int w = si.framebufferWidth;
++ int h = si.framebufferHeight;
++ if (h > 2 * w) {
++ fprintf(stderr, "Tall display (%dx%d) suspect 'x11vnc -ncache' mode,\n", w, h);
++ fprintf(stderr, " setting auto -ycrop detection.\n", w, h);
++ appData.yCrop = -1;
++ }
++ }
++ if (appData.yCrop) {
++ if (appData.yCrop < 0) {
++ appData.yCrop = guessCrop();
++ fprintf(stderr, "Set -ycrop to: %d\n", appData.yCrop);
++ }
++ XtVaSetValues(toplevel, XtNmaxHeight, appData.yCrop, NULL);
++ XtVaSetValues(form, XtNmaxHeight, appData.yCrop, NULL);
++ XtVaSetValues(viewport, XtNforceBars, False, NULL);
++ }
++ old_width = si.framebufferWidth;
++ old_height = si.framebufferHeight;
+ for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
+ modifierPressed[i] = False;
+- image = NULL;
++ create_image();
+-#ifdef MITSHM
+- if (appData.useShm) {
+- image = CreateShmImage();
+- if (!image)
+- appData.useShm = False;
+- }
++static Widget scrollbar_y = NULL;
+- if (!image) {
+- image = XCreateImage(dpy, vis, visdepth, ZPixmap, 0, NULL,
+- si.framebufferWidth, si.framebufferHeight,
+- BitmapPad(dpy), 0);
++static int xsst = 2;
++#include <X11/Xaw/Scrollbar.h>
+- image->data = malloc(image->bytes_per_line * image->height);
+- if (!image->data) {
+- fprintf(stderr,"malloc failed\n");
+- exit(1);
+- }
+- }
++static XtCallbackProc Scrolled(Widget w, XtPointer closure, XtPointer call_data) {
++ Position x, y;
++ XtVaGetValues(desktop, XtNx, &x, XtNy, &y, NULL);
++ if (0) fprintf(stderr, "scrolled by %d pixels x=%d y=%d\n", (int) call_data, x, y);
++ if (xsst == 2) {
++ x = 0;
++ y = 0;
++ XtVaSetValues(desktop, XtNx, x, XtNy, y, NULL);
++ } else if (xsst) {
++ XawScrollbarSetThumb(w, 0.0, 0.0);
++ } else {
++ float t = 0.0;
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNtopOfThumb, &t, NULL);
++ }
+ }
++static XtCallbackProc Jumped(Widget w, XtPointer closure, XtPointer call_data) {
++ float top = *((float *) call_data);
++ Position x, y;
++ XtVaGetValues(desktop, XtNx, &x, XtNy, &y, NULL);
++ if (0) fprintf(stderr, "thumb value: %.4f x=%d y=%d\n", top, x, y);
++ if (top > 0.01) {
++ if (xsst == 2) {
++ x = 0;
++ y = 0;
++ XtVaSetValues(desktop, XtNx, x, XtNy, y, NULL);
++ } else if (xsst) {
++ XawScrollbarSetThumb(w, 0.0, 0.0);
++ } else {
++ float t = 0.0, s = 1.0;
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNtopOfThumb, *(XtArgVal*)&t, XtNshown, *(XtArgVal*)&s, NULL);
++ }
++ }
++void check_things() {
++ Widget w;
++ static time_t last = 0;
++ static int installed_callback = 0;
++ if (time(NULL) <= last + 1) {
++ return;
++ }
++ dpyWidth = WidthOfScreen(DefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy));
++ dpyHeight = HeightOfScreen(DefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy));
++ if (!installed_callback) {
++ if (appData.yCrop > 0) {
++#if 0
++ w = XtNameToWidget(viewport, "vertical");
++ if (w != NULL) {
++ fprintf(stderr, "got scrollbar\n");
++ XtAddCallback(w, XtNjumpProc, Jumped, NULL);
++ XtAddCallback(w, XtNscrollProc, Scrolled, NULL);
++ scrollbar_y = w;
++ installed_callback = 1;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ last = time(NULL);
+ /*
+ * DesktopInitAfterRealization does things which require the X windows to
+@@ -144,6 +270,24 @@
+ XChangeWindowAttributes(dpy, desktopWin, valuemask, &attr);
+ }
++extern void FreeX11Cursor(void);
++extern void FreeSoftCursor(void);
++ XSetWindowAttributes attr;
++ unsigned long valuemask;
++ if (dotCursor == None) {
++ dotCursor = CreateDotCursor();
++ }
++ XDefineCursor(dpy, desktopWin, dotCursor);
++ FreeX11Cursor();
++ FreeSoftCursor();
+ /*
+ * HandleBasicDesktopEvent - deal with expose and leave events.
+@@ -185,6 +329,8 @@
+ }
+ break;
+ }
++ check_things();
+ }
+@@ -330,7 +476,7 @@
+ */
+ static Cursor
+ {
+ Cursor cursor;
+ Pixmap src, msk;
+@@ -352,6 +498,29 @@
+ }
++static Cursor
++ Cursor cursor;
++ Pixmap src, msk;
++ static char srcBits[] = { 0, 14, 0 };
++ static char mskBits[] = { 14,31,14 };
++ XColor fg, bg;
++ src = XCreateBitmapFromData(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), srcBits, 3, 3);
++ msk = XCreateBitmapFromData(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), mskBits, 3, 3);
++ XAllocNamedColor(dpy, DefaultColormap(dpy,DefaultScreen(dpy)), "black",
++ &fg, &fg);
++ XAllocNamedColor(dpy, DefaultColormap(dpy,DefaultScreen(dpy)), "white",
++ &bg, &bg);
++ cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(dpy, src, msk, &fg, &bg, 1, 1);
++ XFreePixmap(dpy, src);
++ XFreePixmap(dpy, msk);
++ return cursor;
+ /*
+ * CopyDataToScreen.
+ */
+@@ -367,7 +536,11 @@
+ usleep(appData.rawDelay * 1000);
+ }
+- if (!appData.useBGR233) {
++ if (appData.useBGR233) {
++ CopyBGR233ToScreen((CARD8 *)buf, x, y, width, height);
++ } else if (appData.useBGR565) {
++ CopyBGR565ToScreen((CARD16 *)buf, x, y, width, height);
++ } else {
+ int h;
+ int widthInBytes = width * myFormat.bitsPerPixel / 8;
+ int scrWidthInBytes = si.framebufferWidth * myFormat.bitsPerPixel / 8;
+@@ -380,8 +553,6 @@
+ buf += widthInBytes;
+ scr += scrWidthInBytes;
+ }
+- } else {
+- CopyBGR233ToScreen((CARD8 *)buf, x, y, width, height);
+ }
+ #ifdef MITSHM
+@@ -460,3 +631,111 @@
+ break;
+ }
+ }
++static void
++CopyBGR565ToScreen(CARD16 *buf, int x, int y, int width, int height)
++ int p, q;
++ CARD32 *scr32 = ((CARD32 *)image->data) + y * si.framebufferWidth + x;
++ /* case 32: */
++ for (q = 0; q < height; q++) {
++ for (p = 0; p < width; p++) {
++ *(scr32++) = BGR565ToPixel[*(buf++)];
++ }
++ scr32 += si.framebufferWidth - width;
++ }
++static void reset_image(void) {
++ if (UsingShm()) {
++ ShmCleanup();
++ } else {
++ if (image && image->data) {
++ free(image->data);
++ /* see manpage XDestroyImage may also free data, so we skip and have a tiny leak instead */
++ if (0) XDestroyImage(image);
++ image = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ create_image();
++ XFlush(dpy);
++void ReDoDesktop(void) {
++ int w, h, x, y, dw, dh;
++ if (appData.yCrop) {
++ if (appData.yCrop < 0 || old_width <= 0) {
++ appData.yCrop = guessCrop();
++ fprintf(stderr, "Set -ycrop to: %d\n", appData.yCrop);
++ } else {
++ int w1 = si.framebufferWidth;
++ int w0 = old_width;
++ appData.yCrop = (w1 * appData.yCrop) / old_width;
++ if (appData.yCrop <= 100) {
++ appData.yCrop = guessCrop();
++ fprintf(stderr, "Set small -ycrop to: %d\n", appData.yCrop);
++ }
++ }
++ fprintf(stderr, "Using -ycrop: %d\n", appData.yCrop);
++ }
++ old_width = si.framebufferWidth;
++ old_height = si.framebufferHeight;
++ if (appData.fullScreen) {
++ if (image && image->data) {
++ int len;
++ int h = image->height;
++ int w = image->width;
++ len = image->bytes_per_line * image->height;
++ /* black out window first: */
++ memset(image->data, 0, len);
++ XPutImage(dpy, XtWindow(desktop), gc, image, 0, 0, 0, 0, w, h);
++ XFlush(dpy);
++ }
++ XtResizeWidget(desktop, si.framebufferWidth, si.framebufferHeight, 0);
++ XSync(dpy, False);
++ usleep(100*1000);
++ FullScreenOn();
++ XSync(dpy, False);
++ usleep(100*1000);
++ reset_image();
++ return;
++ }
++ dw = appData.wmDecorationWidth;
++ dh = appData.wmDecorationHeight;
++ w = si.framebufferWidth;
++ h = si.framebufferHeight;
++ if (appData.yCrop > 0) {
++ h = appData.yCrop;
++ }
++ if (w + dw >= dpyWidth) {
++ w = dpyWidth - dw;
++ }
++ if (h + dh >= dpyHeight) {
++ h = dpyHeight - dh;
++ }
++ XtVaSetValues(toplevel, XtNmaxWidth, w, XtNmaxHeight, h, NULL);
++ XtVaSetValues(desktop, XtNwidth, si.framebufferWidth,
++ XtNheight, si.framebufferHeight, NULL);
++ x = (dpyWidth - w - dw)/2;
++ y = (dpyHeight - h - dh)/2;
++ XtResizeWidget(desktop, si.framebufferWidth, si.framebufferHeight, 0);
++ if (appData.yCrop > 0) {
++ XtVaSetValues(toplevel, XtNmaxHeight, appData.yCrop, NULL);
++ XtVaSetValues(form, XtNmaxHeight, appData.yCrop, NULL);
++ }
++ XtConfigureWidget(toplevel, x + dw, y + dh, w, h, 0);
++ reset_image();
+diff -Naur -X ./exclude vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/fullscreen.c vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/fullscreen.c
+--- vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/fullscreen.c 2003-10-09 05:23:49.000000000 -0400
++++ vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/fullscreen.c 2007-02-04 14:15:42.000000000 -0500
+@@ -85,10 +85,14 @@
+ Dimension oldViewportWidth, oldViewportHeight, clipWidth, clipHeight;
+ Position viewportX, viewportY;
++ Bool fsAlready = appData.fullScreen, toobig = False;
+ appData.fullScreen = True;
+ if (si.framebufferWidth > dpyWidth || si.framebufferHeight > dpyHeight) {
++ int eff_height = si.framebufferHeight;
++ toobig = True;
+ XtVaSetValues(viewport, XtNforceBars, True, NULL);
+ XtVaGetValues(viewport, XtNwidth, &oldViewportWidth,
+ XtNheight, &oldViewportHeight, NULL);
+@@ -105,16 +109,23 @@
+ toplevelWidth = dpyWidth;
+ }
+- if (si.framebufferHeight > dpyHeight) {
++ if (appData.yCrop > 0) {
++ eff_height = appData.yCrop;
++ }
++ if (eff_height > dpyHeight) {
+ viewportHeight = toplevelHeight = dpyHeight + scrollbarHeight;
+ } else {
+- viewportHeight = si.framebufferHeight + scrollbarHeight;
++ viewportHeight = eff_height + scrollbarHeight;
+ toplevelHeight = dpyHeight;
+ }
+ } else {
+ viewportWidth = si.framebufferWidth;
+ viewportHeight = si.framebufferHeight;
++ if (appData.yCrop > 0) {
++ viewportHeight = appData.yCrop;
++ }
+ toplevelWidth = dpyWidth;
+ toplevelHeight = dpyHeight;
+ }
+@@ -129,7 +140,12 @@
+ reparenting our window to the root. The window manager will get a
+ ReparentNotify and hopefully clean up its frame window. */
++if (! fsAlready) {
++ XUnmapWindow(dpy, XtWindow(toplevel));
+ XtVaSetValues(toplevel, XtNoverrideRedirect, True, NULL);
++ XtVaSetValues(viewport, XtNoverrideRedirect, True, NULL);
++ XtVaSetValues(desktop, XtNoverrideRedirect, True, NULL);
++ XtVaSetValues(popup, XtNoverrideRedirect, True, NULL);
+ XReparentWindow(dpy, XtWindow(toplevel), DefaultRootWindow(dpy), 0, 0);
+@@ -139,6 +155,8 @@
+ with XReparentWindow. The last XSync seems to prevent losing
+ focus, but I don't know why. */
+ XSync(dpy, False);
++XMapWindow(dpy, XtWindow(toplevel));
++XRaiseWindow(dpy, XtWindow(toplevel));
+ XMoveWindow(dpy, XtWindow(toplevel), 0, 0);
+ XSync(dpy, False);
+@@ -164,25 +182,67 @@
+ XtManageChild(viewport);
+- /* Now we can set "toplevel" to its proper size. */
++} else {
++ XSync(dpy, False);
++ /* Now we can set "toplevel" to its proper size. */
+ XtResizeWidget(toplevel, toplevelWidth, toplevelHeight, 0);
+- /* Set the popup to overrideRedirect too */
++if (fsAlready) {
++ XtResizeWidget(viewport, viewportWidth, viewportHeight, 0);
++ if (! toobig) {
++ XtVaSetValues(viewport, XtNforceBars, False, NULL);
++ }
++ XMoveWindow(dpy, XtWindow(viewport), viewportX, viewportY);
++ XSync(dpy, False);
+- XtVaSetValues(popup, XtNoverrideRedirect, True, NULL);
++ /* Set the popup to overrideRedirect too */
+ /* Try to get the input focus. */
++#if 0
+ XSetInputFocus(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), RevertToPointerRoot,
+ CurrentTime);
++ XSetInputFocus(dpy, PointerRoot, RevertToPointerRoot,
++ CurrentTime);
+ /* Optionally, grab the keyboard. */
+- if (appData.grabKeyboard &&
+- XtGrabKeyboard(desktop, True, GrabModeAsync,
+- GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime) != GrabSuccess) {
+- fprintf(stderr, "XtGrabKeyboard() failed.\n");
++#define FORCE_UP \
++ XSync(dpy, False); \
++ XUnmapWindow(dpy, XtWindow(toplevel)); \
++ XSync(dpy, False); \
++ XMapWindow(dpy, XtWindow(toplevel)); \
++ XRaiseWindow(dpy, XtWindow(toplevel)); \
++ XSync(dpy, False);
++ if (appData.grabKeyboard && XtGrabKeyboard(desktop, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime) != GrabSuccess) {
++ fprintf(stderr, "XtGrabKeyboard() failed.\n");
++ XSync(dpy, False);
++ usleep(200 * 1000);
++ if (XtGrabKeyboard(desktop, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime) != GrabSuccess) {
++ fprintf(stderr, "XtGrabKeyboard() failed again.\n");
++ usleep(200 * 1000);
++ XSync(dpy, True);
++ if (XtGrabKeyboard(desktop, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime) != GrabSuccess) {
++ fprintf(stderr, "XtGrabKeyboard() failed 3rd time.\n");
++ } else {
++ fprintf(stderr, "XtGrabKeyboard() OK 3rd try.\n");
++ }
++ } else {
++ fprintf(stderr, "XtGrabKeyboard() OK 2nd try.\n");
++ }
++ XRaiseWindow(dpy, XtWindow(toplevel));
++ } else if (appData.grabAll) { /* runge bot of FullScreenOn */
++ fprintf(stderr, "calling XGrabServer(dpy)\n");
++ XGrabServer(dpy);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -210,8 +270,14 @@
+ appData.fullScreen = False;
+- if (appData.grabKeyboard)
+- XtUngrabKeyboard(desktop, CurrentTime);
++ if (appData.grabAll) { /* runge top of FullScreenOff */
++ fprintf(stderr, "calling XUngrabServer(dpy)\n");
++ XUngrabServer(dpy);
++ }
++ if (appData.grabKeyboard) {
++ XtUngrabKeyboard(desktop, CurrentTime);
++ }
+ XtUnmapWidget(toplevel);
+@@ -238,6 +304,9 @@
+ XtManageChild(viewport);
+ XtVaSetValues(toplevel, XtNoverrideRedirect, False, NULL);
++ XtVaSetValues(viewport, XtNoverrideRedirect, False, NULL);
++ XtVaSetValues(desktop, XtNoverrideRedirect, False, NULL);
++ XtVaSetValues(popup, XtNoverrideRedirect, False, NULL);
+ if ((toplevelWidth + appData.wmDecorationWidth) >= dpyWidth)
+ toplevelWidth = dpyWidth - appData.wmDecorationWidth;
+@@ -345,7 +414,9 @@
+ }
+ if (scrollDown) {
+- if (desktopY < si.framebufferHeight - dpyHeight) {
++ if (appData.yCrop > 0 && desktopY + dpyHeight >= appData.yCrop) {
++ ;
++ } else if (desktopY < si.framebufferHeight - dpyHeight) {
+ desktopY += appData.bumpScrollPixels;
+ if (desktopY > si.framebufferHeight - dpyHeight)
+ desktopY = si.framebufferHeight - dpyHeight;
+diff -Naur -X ./exclude vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/hextile.c vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/hextile.c
+--- vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/hextile.c 2000-06-11 08:00:53.000000000 -0400
++++ vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/hextile.c 2007-02-03 20:41:19.000000000 -0500
+@@ -66,11 +66,18 @@
+ return False;
+ #if (BPP == 8)
+- if (appData.useBGR233)
++ if (appData.useBGR233) {
+ gcv.foreground = BGR233ToPixel[bg];
+- else
++ } else
+ #endif
++#if (BPP == 16)
++ if (appData.useBGR565) {
++ gcv.foreground = BGR565ToPixel[bg];
++ } else
++ {
+ gcv.foreground = bg;
++ }
+ XChangeGC(dpy, gc, GCForeground, &gcv);
+ XFillRectangle(dpy, desktopWin, gc, x, y, w, h);
+@@ -101,11 +108,18 @@
+ sh = rfbHextileExtractH(*ptr);
+ ptr++;
+ #if (BPP == 8)
+- if (appData.useBGR233)
++ if (appData.useBGR233) {
+ gcv.foreground = BGR233ToPixel[fg];
+- else
++ } else
++#if (BPP == 16)
++ if (appData.useBGR565) {
++ gcv.foreground = BGR565ToPixel[fg];
++ } else
+ #endif
++ {
+ gcv.foreground = fg;
++ }
+ XChangeGC(dpy, gc, GCForeground, &gcv);
+ XFillRectangle(dpy, desktopWin, gc, x+sx, y+sy, sw, sh);
+@@ -116,11 +130,18 @@
+ return False;
+ #if (BPP == 8)
+- if (appData.useBGR233)
++ if (appData.useBGR233) {
+ gcv.foreground = BGR233ToPixel[fg];
+- else
++ } else
+ #endif
++#if (BPP == 16)
++ if (appData.useBGR565) {
++ gcv.foreground = BGR565ToPixel[fg];
++ } else
++ {
+ gcv.foreground = fg;
++ }
+ XChangeGC(dpy, gc, GCForeground, &gcv);
+diff -Naur -X ./exclude vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/popup.c vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/popup.c
+--- vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/popup.c 2000-06-11 08:00:53.000000000 -0400
++++ vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/popup.c 2007-02-04 11:14:45.000000000 -0500
+@@ -32,8 +32,33 @@
+ void
+ ShowPopup(Widget w, XEvent *event, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
+ {
+- XtMoveWidget(popup, event->xbutton.x_root, event->xbutton.y_root);
+- XtPopup(popup, XtGrabNone);
++ if (appData.popupFix) {
++ Window rr, cr;
++ unsigned int m;
++ int x0 = 500, y0 = 500;
++ int xr, yr, wxr, wyr;
++ Dimension ph;
++ if (XQueryPointer(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), &rr, &cr, &xr, &yr, &wxr, &wyr, &m)) {
++ x0 = xr;
++ y0 = yr;
++ }
++ XtPopup(popup, XtGrabNone);
++ XtVaGetValues(popup, XtNheight, &ph, NULL);
++ if (0) fprintf(stderr, "%d %d %d\n", y0, (int) ph, dpyHeight);
++ if (y0 + (int) ph > dpyHeight) {
++ y0 = dpyHeight - (int) ph;
++ if (y0 < 0) {
++ y0 = 0;
++ }
++ }
++ XtMoveWidget(popup, x0, y0);
++ } else {
++ XtMoveWidget(popup, event->xbutton.x_root, event->xbutton.y_root);
++ XtPopup(popup, XtGrabNone);
++ }
++ if (appData.grabAll) {
++ XRaiseWindow(dpy, XtWindow(popup));
++ }
+ XSetWMProtocols(dpy, XtWindow(popup), &wmDeleteWindow, 1);
+ }
+diff -Naur -X ./exclude vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/rfbproto.c vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/rfbproto.c
+--- vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/rfbproto.c 2004-03-11 13:14:39.000000000 -0500
++++ vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/rfbproto.c 2007-02-04 18:31:34.000000000 -0500
+@@ -57,6 +57,23 @@
+ static Bool HandleTight16(int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh);
+ static Bool HandleTight32(int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh);
++/* runge add zrle */
++static Bool HandleZRLE8(int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh);
++static Bool HandleZRLE16(int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh);
++static Bool HandleZRLE24(int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh);
++static Bool HandleZRLE24Up(int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh);
++static Bool HandleZRLE24Down(int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh);
++static Bool HandleZRLE32(int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh);
++typedef struct {
++ unsigned long length;
++} rfbZRLEHeader;
++#define sz_rfbZRLEHeader 4
++#define rfbZRLETileWidth 64
++#define rfbZRLETileHeight 64
+ static void ReadConnFailedReason(void);
+ static long ReadCompactLen (void);
+@@ -68,6 +85,9 @@
+ int compressedLen);
++int sent_FBU = 0;
++int skip_XtUpdate = 0;
+ int rfbsock;
+ char *desktopName;
+ rfbPixelFormat myFormat;
+@@ -177,6 +197,9 @@
+ sig_rfbEncodingPointerPos, "Pointer position update");
+ CapsAdd(encodingCaps, rfbEncodingLastRect, rfbTightVncVendor,
+ sig_rfbEncodingLastRect, "LastRect protocol extension");
++ CapsAdd(encodingCaps, rfbEncodingNewFBSize, rfbTightVncVendor,
++ sig_rfbEncodingNewFBSize, "New FB size protocol extension");
+ }
+@@ -729,6 +752,23 @@
+ Bool requestCompressLevel = False;
+ Bool requestQualityLevel = False;
+ Bool requestLastRectEncoding = False;
++ Bool requestNewFBSizeEncoding = True;
++ fprintf(stderr, "SetFormatAndEncodings: sent_FBU state: %2d\n", sent_FBU);
++#if 0
++ if (sent_FBU == 1 || sent_FBU == 2) {
++ int i;
++ skip_XtUpdate = 1;
++ for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
++ Bool result = HandleRFBServerMessage();
++ fprintf(stderr, "--------: %2d\n", sent_FBU);
++ if (sent_FBU == 0) {
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ skip_XtUpdate = 0;
++ }
+ spf.type = rfbSetPixelFormat;
+ spf.format = myFormat;
+@@ -736,6 +776,7 @@
+ spf.format.greenMax = Swap16IfLE(spf.format.greenMax);
+ spf.format.blueMax = Swap16IfLE(spf.format.blueMax);
+ if (!WriteExact(rfbsock, (char *)&spf, sz_rfbSetPixelFormatMsg))
+ return False;
+@@ -754,6 +795,12 @@
+ encStrLen = strlen(encStr);
+ }
++if (getenv("DEBUG_SETFORMAT")) {
++ fprintf(stderr, "encs: ");
++ write(2, encStr, encStrLen);
++ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ if (strncasecmp(encStr,"raw",encStrLen) == 0) {
+ encs[se->nEncodings++] = Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingRaw);
+ } else if (strncasecmp(encStr,"copyrect",encStrLen) == 0) {
+@@ -775,6 +822,8 @@
+ encs[se->nEncodings++] = Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingCoRRE);
+ } else if (strncasecmp(encStr,"rre",encStrLen) == 0) {
+ encs[se->nEncodings++] = Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingRRE);
++ } else if (strncasecmp(encStr,"zrle",encStrLen) == 0) {
++ encs[se->nEncodings++] = Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingZRLE);
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Unknown encoding '%.*s'\n",encStrLen,encStr);
+ }
+@@ -797,7 +846,7 @@
+ if (appData.useRemoteCursor) {
+ if (se->nEncodings < MAX_ENCODINGS)
+ encs[se->nEncodings++] = Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingXCursor);
+- if (se->nEncodings < MAX_ENCODINGS)
++ if (se->nEncodings < MAX_ENCODINGS && !appData.useX11Cursor)
+ encs[se->nEncodings++] = Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingRichCursor);
+ if (se->nEncodings < MAX_ENCODINGS)
+ encs[se->nEncodings++] = Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingPointerPos);
+@@ -806,10 +855,14 @@
+ if (se->nEncodings < MAX_ENCODINGS && requestLastRectEncoding) {
+ encs[se->nEncodings++] = Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingLastRect);
+ }
++ if (se->nEncodings < MAX_ENCODINGS && requestNewFBSizeEncoding) {
++ encs[se->nEncodings++] = Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingNewFBSize);
++ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (SameMachine(rfbsock)) {
+- if (!tunnelSpecified) {
++ if (!tunnelSpecified && appData.useRawLocal) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Same machine: preferring raw encoding\n");
+ encs[se->nEncodings++] = Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingRaw);
+ } else {
+@@ -819,6 +872,7 @@
+ encs[se->nEncodings++] = Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingCopyRect);
+ encs[se->nEncodings++] = Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingTight);
++ encs[se->nEncodings++] = Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingZRLE);
+ encs[se->nEncodings++] = Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingHextile);
+ encs[se->nEncodings++] = Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingZlib);
+ encs[se->nEncodings++] = Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingCoRRE);
+@@ -844,11 +898,14 @@
+ if (appData.useRemoteCursor) {
+ encs[se->nEncodings++] = Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingXCursor);
+- encs[se->nEncodings++] = Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingRichCursor);
++ if (!appData.useX11Cursor) {
++ encs[se->nEncodings++] = Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingRichCursor);
++ }
+ encs[se->nEncodings++] = Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingPointerPos);
+ }
+ encs[se->nEncodings++] = Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingLastRect);
++ encs[se->nEncodings++] = Swap32IfLE(rfbEncodingNewFBSize);
+ }
+ len = sz_rfbSetEncodingsMsg + se->nEncodings * 4;
+@@ -889,6 +946,12 @@
+ fur.w = Swap16IfLE(w);
+ fur.h = Swap16IfLE(h);
++ if (incremental) {
++ sent_FBU = 1;
++ } else {
++ sent_FBU = 2;
++ }
+ if (!WriteExact(rfbsock, (char *)&fur, sz_rfbFramebufferUpdateRequestMsg))
+ return False;
+@@ -955,6 +1018,10 @@
+ }
++extern int do_format_change;
++extern int do_cursor_change;
++extern void cutover_format_change(void);
+ /*
+ * HandleRFBServerMessage.
+ */
+@@ -1004,6 +1071,9 @@
+ int i;
+ int usecs;
++ int skip_incFBU = 0;
++ sent_FBU = -1;
+ if (!ReadFromRFBServer(((char *)&msg.fu) + 1,
+ sz_rfbFramebufferUpdateMsg - 1))
+ return False;
+@@ -1038,6 +1108,16 @@
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
++ if (rect.encoding == rfbEncodingNewFBSize) {
++ fprintf(stderr,"New Size: %dx%d at (%d, %d)\n",
++ rect.r.w, rect.r.h, rect.r.x, rect.r.y);
++ si.framebufferWidth = rect.r.w;
++ si.framebufferHeight = rect.r.h;
++ fprintf(stderr, "si: %d %d\n", si.framebufferWidth, si.framebufferHeight);
++ ReDoDesktop();
++ continue;
++ }
+ if ((rect.r.x + rect.r.w > si.framebufferWidth) ||
+ (rect.r.y + rect.r.h > si.framebufferHeight))
+@@ -1208,6 +1288,42 @@
+ break;
+ }
++/* runge adds zrle: */
++ case rfbEncodingZRLE:
++ {
++ switch (myFormat.bitsPerPixel) {
++ case 8:
++ if (!HandleZRLE8(rect.r.x,rect.r.y,rect.r.w,rect.r.h))
++ return False;
++ break;
++ case 16:
++ if (!HandleZRLE16(rect.r.x,rect.r.y,rect.r.w,rect.r.h))
++ return False;
++ break;
++ case 32:
++ {
++ unsigned int maxColor=(myFormat.redMax<<myFormat.redShift)|
++ (myFormat.greenMax<<myFormat.greenShift)|
++ (myFormat.blueMax<<myFormat.blueShift);
++ if ((myFormat.bigEndian && (maxColor&0xff)==0) ||
++ (!myFormat.bigEndian && (maxColor&0xff000000)==0)) {
++ if (!HandleZRLE24(rect.r.x,rect.r.y,rect.r.w,rect.r.h))
++ return False;
++ } else if (!myFormat.bigEndian && (maxColor&0xff)==0) {
++ if (!HandleZRLE24Up(rect.r.x,rect.r.y,rect.r.w,rect.r.h))
++ return False;
++ } else if (myFormat.bigEndian && (maxColor&0xff000000)==0) {
++ if (!HandleZRLE24Down(rect.r.x,rect.r.y,rect.r.w,rect.r.h))
++ return False;
++ } else if (!HandleZRLE32(rect.r.x,rect.r.y,rect.r.w,rect.r.h))
++ return False;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ }
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr,"Unknown rect encoding %d\n",
+ (int)rect.encoding);
+@@ -1217,6 +1333,28 @@
+ /* Now we may discard "soft cursor locks". */
+ SoftCursorUnlockScreen();
+ }
++ sent_FBU = 0;
++ /*
++ * we need to be careful since Xt events are processed
++ * usually in the middle of FBU. So we do any scheduled ones now
++ * which is pretty safe but not absolutely safe.
++ */
++ if (do_format_change) {
++ cutover_format_change();
++ do_format_change = 0;
++ SetVisualAndCmap();
++ SetFormatAndEncodings();
++ if (do_cursor_change) {
++ if (do_cursor_change == 1) {
++ DesktopCursorOff();
++ }
++ do_cursor_change = 0;
++ } else {
++ SendFramebufferUpdateRequest(0, 0, si.framebufferWidth,
++ si.framebufferHeight, False);
++ skip_incFBU = 1;
++ }
++ }
+ #ifdef MITSHM
+ /* if using shared memory PutImage, make sure that the X server has
+@@ -1228,8 +1366,12 @@
+ XSync(dpy, False);
+ #endif
+- if (!SendIncrementalFramebufferUpdateRequest())
+- return False;
++ if (skip_XtUpdate || skip_incFBU) {
++ ;
++ } else if (!SendIncrementalFramebufferUpdateRequest()) {
++ return False;
++ }
+ break;
+ }
+@@ -1296,12 +1438,19 @@
+ #define CONCAT2(a,b) a##b
+ #define CONCAT2E(a,b) CONCAT2(a,b)
++#define CONCAT3(a,b,c) a##b##c
++#define CONCAT3E(a,b,c) CONCAT3(a,b,c)
++static unsigned char* frameBuffer = NULL;
++static int frameBufferLen = 0;
+ #define BPP 8
+ #include "rre.c"
+ #include "corre.c"
+ #include "hextile.c"
+ #include "zlib.c"
+ #include "tight.c"
++#include "zrle.c"
+ #undef BPP
+ #define BPP 16
+ #include "rre.c"
+@@ -1309,6 +1458,7 @@
+ #include "hextile.c"
+ #include "zlib.c"
+ #include "tight.c"
++#include "zrle.c"
+ #undef BPP
+ #define BPP 32
+ #include "rre.c"
+@@ -1316,6 +1466,15 @@
+ #include "hextile.c"
+ #include "zlib.c"
+ #include "tight.c"
++#include "zrle.c"
++#define REALBPP 24
++#include "zrle.c"
++#define REALBPP 24
++#define UNCOMP 8
++#include "zrle.c"
++#define REALBPP 24
++#define UNCOMP -8
++#include "zrle.c"
+ #undef BPP
+ /*
+diff -Naur -X ./exclude vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/rre.c vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/rre.c
+--- vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/rre.c 2000-06-11 08:00:53.000000000 -0400
++++ vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/rre.c 2007-02-03 20:45:57.000000000 -0500
+@@ -49,8 +49,12 @@
+ #if (BPP == 8)
+ gcv.foreground = (appData.useBGR233 ? BGR233ToPixel[pix] : pix);
+ #else
++#if (BPP == 16)
++ gcv.foreground = (appData.useBGR565 ? BGR565ToPixel[pix] : pix);
+ gcv.foreground = pix;
+ #endif
+ XChangeGC(dpy, gc, GCForeground, &gcv);
+ XFillRectangle(dpy, desktopWin, gc, rx, ry, rw, rh);
+@@ -70,8 +74,12 @@
+ #if (BPP == 8)
+ gcv.foreground = (appData.useBGR233 ? BGR233ToPixel[pix] : pix);
+ #else
++#if (BPP == 16)
++ gcv.foreground = (appData.useBGR565 ? BGR565ToPixel[pix] : pix);
+ gcv.foreground = pix;
+ #endif
+ XChangeGC(dpy, gc, GCForeground, &gcv);
+ XFillRectangle(dpy, desktopWin, gc, rx + subrect.x, ry + subrect.y,
+diff -Naur -X ./exclude vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/shm.c vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/shm.c
+--- vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/shm.c 2000-06-11 08:00:53.000000000 -0400
++++ vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/shm.c 2006-07-26 23:30:42.000000000 -0400
+@@ -41,6 +41,10 @@
+ }
+ }
++Bool UsingShm() {
++ return needShmCleanup;
+ static int
+ ShmCreationXErrorHandler(Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *error)
+ {
+diff -Naur -X ./exclude vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/sockets.c vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/sockets.c
+--- vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/sockets.c 2001-01-14 22:54:18.000000000 -0500
++++ vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/sockets.c 2007-02-03 22:47:29.000000000 -0500
+@@ -63,9 +63,14 @@
+ XtRemoveInput(*id);
+ }
++extern int skip_XtUpdate;
+ static void
+ ProcessXtEvents()
+ {
++ if (skip_XtUpdate) {
++ return;
++ }
+ rfbsockReady = False;
+ XtAppAddInput(appContext, rfbsock, (XtPointer)XtInputReadMask,
+ rfbsockReadyCallback, NULL);
+diff -Naur -X ./exclude vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/tight.c vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/tight.c
+--- vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/tight.c 2002-04-30 09:07:31.000000000 -0400
++++ vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/tight.c 2007-02-03 20:52:34.000000000 -0500
+@@ -132,8 +132,13 @@
+ gcv.foreground = (appData.useBGR233) ?
+ BGR233ToPixel[fill_colour] : fill_colour;
+ #else
++#if (BPP == 16)
++ gcv.foreground = (appData.useBGR565) ?
++ BGR565ToPixel[fill_colour] : fill_colour;
+ gcv.foreground = fill_colour;
+ #endif
+ XChangeGC(dpy, gc, GCForeground, &gcv);
+ XFillRectangle(dpy, desktopWin, gc, rx, ry, rw, rh);
+diff -Naur -X ./exclude vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/vncviewer.c vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/vncviewer.c
+--- vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/vncviewer.c 2004-01-13 09:22:05.000000000 -0500
++++ vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/vncviewer.c 2007-02-04 00:05:10.000000000 -0500
+@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ */
+ #include "vncviewer.h"
++#include <X11/Xaw/Toggle.h>
+ char *programName;
+ XtAppContext appContext;
+@@ -29,6 +30,32 @@
+ Widget toplevel;
++static void set_sbwidth(int sbw) {
++ char *q, *p, t[5];
++ int i, k, N = 4;
++ if (sbw < 1) {
++ sbw = 2;
++ } else if (sbw > 100) {
++ sbw = 100;
++ }
++ sprintf(t, "%4d", sbw);
++ k = 0;
++ while (fallback_resources[k] != NULL) {
++ q = strstr(fallback_resources[k], "%SBW");
++ if (q) {
++ p = strdup(fallback_resources[k]);
++ q = strstr(p, "%SBW");
++ for (i=0; i < N; i++) {
++ *(q+i) = t[i];
++ }
++ fallback_resources[k] = p;
++ }
++ k++;
++ }
+ int
+ main(int argc, char **argv)
+ {
+@@ -57,10 +84,24 @@
+ }
+ }
++ if (argc > 1 && strstr(argv[1], "-h") == argv[1]) {
++ usage();
++ return 0;
++ }
+ /* Call the main Xt initialisation function. It parses command-line options,
+ generating appropriate resource specs, and makes a connection to the X
+ display. */
++ { int i, sbw = 2;
++ for (i = 1; i < argc - 1; i++) {
++ if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-sbwidth")) {
++ sbw = atoi(argv[i+1]);
++ }
++ }
++ set_sbwidth(sbw);
++ }
+ toplevel = XtVaAppInitialize(&appContext, "Vncviewer",
+ cmdLineOptions, numCmdLineOptions,
+ &argc, argv, fallback_resources,
+@@ -123,11 +164,443 @@
+ automatically be processed whenever the VNC connection is idle. */
+ while (1) {
+- if (!HandleRFBServerMessage())
+- break;
++ if (!HandleRFBServerMessage()) {
++ break;
++ }
+ }
+ Cleanup();
+ return 0;
+ }
++ * Toggle8bpp
++ */
++static int last_ncolors = 0;
++static int save_useBGR233 = 0;
++static Bool save_useBGR565 = False;
++static Widget b8 = NULL;
++static Widget b16 = NULL;
++static Widget bfull = NULL;
++int do_format_change = 0;
++int do_cursor_change = 0;
++static void schedule_format_change(void) {
++ do_format_change = 1;
++ do_cursor_change = 0;
++static void init_format_change(void) {
++ appDataNew.useBGR233 = appData.useBGR233;
++ appDataNew.useBGR565 = appData.useBGR565;
++ appDataNew.enableJPEG = appData.enableJPEG;
++ appDataNew.encodingsString = appData.encodingsString;
++ appDataNew.useRemoteCursor = appData.useRemoteCursor;
++ appDataNew.useX11Cursor = appData.useX11Cursor;
++ appDataNew.useRawLocal = appData.useRawLocal;
++void cutover_format_change(void) {
++ appData.useBGR233 = appDataNew.useBGR233;
++ appData.useBGR565 = appDataNew.useBGR565;
++ appData.enableJPEG = appDataNew.enableJPEG;
++ appData.encodingsString = appDataNew.encodingsString;
++ appData.useRemoteCursor = appDataNew.useRemoteCursor;
++ appData.useX11Cursor = appDataNew.useX11Cursor;
++ appData.useRawLocal = appDataNew.useRawLocal;
++Toggle8bpp(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
++ fprintf(stderr, "Toggle8bpp: %d\n", appData.useBGR233);
++ b8 = w;
++ init_format_change();
++ if (appData.useBGR233) {
++ last_ncolors = appData.useBGR233;
++ appDataNew.useBGR233 = 0;
++ appDataNew.useBGR565 = save_useBGR565;
++ fprintf(stderr, "8bpp: off\n");
++ } else {
++ if (!last_ncolors) last_ncolors = 256;
++ appDataNew.useBGR233 = last_ncolors;
++ save_useBGR565 = appData.useBGR565;
++ appDataNew.useBGR565 = False;
++ fprintf(stderr, "8bpp: on (%d colors)\n", appDataNew.useBGR233);
++ }
++ schedule_format_change();
++Toggle16bpp(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
++ fprintf(stderr, "Toggle16bpp: %d\n", appData.useBGR565);
++ b16 = w;
++ init_format_change();
++ if (appData.useBGR565) {
++ appDataNew.useBGR565 = False;
++ appDataNew.useBGR233 = save_useBGR233;
++ fprintf(stderr, "16bpp: off\n");
++ } else {
++ appDataNew.useBGR565 = True;
++ save_useBGR233 = appData.useBGR233;
++ appDataNew.useBGR233 = 0;
++ fprintf(stderr, "16bpp: on\n");
++ }
++ schedule_format_change();
++ToggleFullColor(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
++ fprintf(stderr, "ToggleFullColor\n");
++ bfull = w;
++ init_format_change();
++ if (appData.useBGR565 || appData.useBGR233) {
++ save_useBGR565 = appData.useBGR565;
++ appDataNew.useBGR565 = False;
++ save_useBGR233 = appData.useBGR233;
++ appDataNew.useBGR233 = 0;
++ fprintf(stderr, "FullColor: on\n");
++ } else {
++ if (save_useBGR565) {
++ appDataNew.useBGR565 = True;
++ appDataNew.useBGR233 = 0;
++ fprintf(stderr, "FullColor off -> 16bpp.\n");
++ } else {
++ appDataNew.useBGR565 = False;
++ if (!save_useBGR233) save_useBGR233 = 256;
++ appDataNew.useBGR233 = save_useBGR233;
++ fprintf(stderr, "FullColor off -> 8bpp.\n");
++ }
++ }
++ schedule_format_change();
++ * ToggleNColors
++ */
++static Widget w256 = NULL;
++static Widget w64 = NULL;
++static Widget w8 = NULL;
++Toggle256Colors(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
++ w256 = w;
++ if (appData.useBGR233 != 256) {
++ fprintf(stderr, "256 colors: on\n");
++ init_format_change();
++ last_ncolors = appDataNew.useBGR233 = 256;
++ save_useBGR565 = appData.useBGR565;
++ appDataNew.useBGR565 = False;
++ schedule_format_change();
++ }
++Toggle64Colors(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
++ w64 = w;
++ if (appData.useBGR233 != 64) {
++ fprintf(stderr, "64 colors: on\n");
++ init_format_change();
++ last_ncolors = appDataNew.useBGR233 = 64;
++ save_useBGR565 = appData.useBGR565;
++ appDataNew.useBGR565 = False;
++ schedule_format_change();
++ }
++Toggle8Colors(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
++ w8 = w;
++ if (appData.useBGR233 != 8) {
++ fprintf(stderr, "8 colors: on\n");
++ init_format_change();
++ last_ncolors = appDataNew.useBGR233 = 8;
++ save_useBGR565 = appData.useBGR565;
++ appDataNew.useBGR565 = False;
++ schedule_format_change();
++ }
++ * ToggleJPEG
++ */
++ToggleJPEG(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
++ init_format_change();
++ if (appData.enableJPEG) {
++ appDataNew.enableJPEG = False;
++ fprintf(stderr, "JPEG: off\n");
++ } else {
++ appDataNew.enableJPEG = True;
++ fprintf(stderr, "JPEG: on\n");
++ }
++ schedule_format_change();
++ * ToggleTightZRLE
++ */
++static Bool usingZRLE = False;
++ToggleTightZRLE(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
++ char prefTight[] = "copyrect tight zrle zlib hextile corre rre raw";
++ char prefZRLE[] = "copyrect zrle tight zlib hextile corre rre raw";
++ init_format_change();
++ if (! appData.encodingsString) {
++ appDataNew.encodingsString = strdup(prefZRLE);
++ usingZRLE = True;
++ fprintf(stderr, "prefer: ZRLE\n");
++ } else {
++ char *p, *q;
++ p = strstr(appData.encodingsString, "tight");
++ q = strstr(appData.encodingsString, "zrle");
++ if (! p) {
++ appDataNew.encodingsString = strdup(prefZRLE);
++ usingZRLE = True;
++ fprintf(stderr, "prefer: ZRLE\n");
++ } else if (! q) {
++ appDataNew.encodingsString = strdup(prefTight);
++ usingZRLE = False;
++ fprintf(stderr, "prefer: Tight\n");
++ } else {
++ if (p < q) {
++ appDataNew.encodingsString = strdup(prefZRLE);
++ usingZRLE = True;
++ fprintf(stderr, "prefer: ZRLE\n");
++ } else {
++ appDataNew.encodingsString = strdup(prefTight);
++ usingZRLE = False;
++ fprintf(stderr, "prefer: Tight\n");
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ schedule_format_change();
++ * ToggleViewOnly
++ */
++ToggleViewOnly(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
++ if (appData.viewOnly) {
++ appData.viewOnly = False;
++ fprintf(stderr, "viewonly: off\n");
++ } else {
++ appData.viewOnly = True;
++ fprintf(stderr, "viewonly: on\n");
++ }
++ToggleCursorShape(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
++ init_format_change();
++ if (appData.useRemoteCursor) {
++ appDataNew.useRemoteCursor = False;
++ fprintf(stderr, "useRemoteCursor: off\n");
++ } else {
++ appDataNew.useRemoteCursor = True;
++ fprintf(stderr, "useRemoteCursor: on\n");
++ }
++ schedule_format_change();
++ if (!appDataNew.useRemoteCursor) {
++ do_cursor_change = 1;
++ } else {
++ do_cursor_change = -1;
++ }
++ToggleCursorAlpha(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
++ if (appData.useCursorAlpha) {
++ appData.useCursorAlpha = False;
++ fprintf(stderr, "useCursorAlpha: off\n");
++ } else {
++ appData.useCursorAlpha = True;
++ fprintf(stderr, "useCursorAlpha: on\n");
++ }
++ToggleX11Cursor(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
++ init_format_change();
++ if (appData.useX11Cursor) {
++ appDataNew.useX11Cursor = False;
++ fprintf(stderr, "useX11Cursor: off\n");
++ } else {
++ appDataNew.useX11Cursor = True;
++ fprintf(stderr, "useX11Cursor: on\n");
++ }
++ schedule_format_change();
++ do_cursor_change = 1;
++ToggleRawLocal(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
++ init_format_change();
++ if (appData.useRawLocal) {
++ appDataNew.useRawLocal = False;
++ fprintf(stderr, "useRawLocal: off\n");
++ } else {
++ appDataNew.useRawLocal = True;
++ fprintf(stderr, "useRawLocal: on\n");
++ }
++ schedule_format_change();
++SetViewOnlyState(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
++ if (appData.viewOnly)
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, True, NULL);
++ else
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, False, NULL);
++SetNOJPEGState(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
++ if (appData.enableJPEG)
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, False, NULL);
++ else
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, True, NULL);
++Set8bppState(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
++ if (appData.useBGR233) {
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, True, NULL);
++ if (b16 != NULL) XtVaSetValues(b16, XtNstate, False, NULL);
++ if (bfull != NULL) XtVaSetValues(bfull, XtNstate, False, NULL);
++ } else {
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, False, NULL);
++ }
++Set16bppState(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
++ if (appData.useBGR565) {
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, True, NULL);
++ if (b8 != NULL) XtVaSetValues(b8, XtNstate, False, NULL);
++ if (bfull != NULL) XtVaSetValues(bfull, XtNstate, False, NULL);
++ } else {
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, False, NULL);
++ }
++SetFullColorState(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
++ if (appData.useBGR565 || appData.useBGR233) {
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, False, NULL);
++ } else {
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, True, NULL);
++ if (b8 != NULL) XtVaSetValues(b8, XtNstate, False, NULL);
++ if (b16 != NULL) XtVaSetValues(b16, XtNstate, False, NULL);
++ }
++Set256ColorsState(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
++ if (appData.useBGR233 == 256) {
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, True, NULL);
++ if (w64 != NULL) XtVaSetValues(w64 , XtNstate, False, NULL);
++ if (w8 != NULL) XtVaSetValues(w8 , XtNstate, False, NULL);
++ } else {
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, False, NULL);
++ }
++Set64ColorsState(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
++ if (appData.useBGR233 == 64) {
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, True, NULL);
++ if (w256 != NULL) XtVaSetValues(w256, XtNstate, False, NULL);
++ if (w8 != NULL) XtVaSetValues(w8 , XtNstate, False, NULL);
++ } else {
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, False, NULL);
++ }
++Set8ColorsState(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
++ if (appData.useBGR233 == 8) {
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, True, NULL);
++ if (w256 != NULL) XtVaSetValues(w256, XtNstate, False, NULL);
++ if (w64 != NULL) XtVaSetValues(w64 , XtNstate, False, NULL);
++ } else {
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, False, NULL);
++ }
++SetZRLEState(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
++ if (usingZRLE)
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, True, NULL);
++ else
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, False, NULL);
++SetCursorShapeState(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
++ if (appData.useRemoteCursor)
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, True, NULL);
++ else
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, False, NULL);
++SetCursorAlphaState(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
++ if (appData.useCursorAlpha)
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, True, NULL);
++ else
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, False, NULL);
++SetX11CursorState(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
++ if (appData.useX11Cursor)
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, True, NULL);
++ else
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, False, NULL);
++SetRawLocalState(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
++ if (appData.useRawLocal)
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, True, NULL);
++ else
++ XtVaSetValues(w, XtNstate, False, NULL);
+diff -Naur -X ./exclude vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/vncviewer.h vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/vncviewer.h
+--- vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/vncviewer.h 2004-03-11 13:14:40.000000000 -0500
++++ vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/vncviewer.h 2007-02-04 12:39:56.000000000 -0500
+@@ -76,12 +76,17 @@
+ String encodingsString;
+- Bool useBGR233;
++ int useBGR233;
+ int nColours;
+ Bool useSharedColours;
+ Bool forceOwnCmap;
+ Bool forceTrueColour;
+ int requestedDepth;
++ Bool useBGR565;
++ Bool grabAll;
++ Bool overrideRedir;
++ Bool popupFix;
+ Bool useShm;
+@@ -96,6 +101,11 @@
+ int rawDelay;
+ int copyRectDelay;
++ int yCrop;
++ int sbWidth;
++ Bool useCursorAlpha;
++ Bool useRawLocal;
+ Bool debug;
+ int popupButtonCount;
+@@ -113,6 +123,7 @@
+ } AppData;
+ extern AppData appData;
++extern AppData appDataNew;
+ extern char *fallback_resources[];
+ extern char vncServerHost[];
+@@ -130,6 +141,7 @@
+ /* colour.c */
+ extern unsigned long BGR233ToPixel[];
++extern unsigned long BGR565ToPixel[];
+ extern Colormap cmap;
+ extern Visual *vis;
+@@ -162,6 +174,9 @@
+ extern void CopyDataToScreen(char *buf, int x, int y, int width, int height);
+ extern void SynchroniseScreen();
++extern void ReDoDesktop();
++extern void DesktopCursorOff();
+ /* dialogs.c */
+ extern void ServerDialogDone(Widget w, XEvent *event, String *params,
+@@ -243,6 +258,7 @@
+ extern XImage *CreateShmImage();
+ extern void ShmCleanup();
++extern Bool UsingShm();
+ /* sockets.c */
+@@ -271,3 +287,31 @@
+ extern XtAppContext appContext;
+ extern Display* dpy;
+ extern Widget toplevel;
++extern void Toggle8bpp(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
++extern void Toggle16bpp(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
++extern void ToggleFullColor(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
++extern void Toggle256Colors(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
++extern void Toggle64Colors(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
++extern void Toggle8Colors(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
++extern void ToggleTightZRLE(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
++extern void ToggleViewOnly(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
++extern void ToggleJPEG(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
++extern void ToggleCursorShape(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
++extern void ToggleCursorAlpha(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
++extern void ToggleX11Cursor(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
++extern void ToggleRawLocal(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
++extern void SetViewOnlyState(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
++extern void SetNOJPEGState(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
++extern void Set8bppState(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
++extern void Set16bppState(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
++extern void SetFullColorState(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
++extern void Set256ColorsState(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
++extern void Set64ColorsState(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
++extern void Set8ColorsState(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
++extern void SetZRLEState(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
++extern void SetCursorShapeState(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
++extern void SetCursorAlphaState(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
++extern void SetX11CursorState(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
++extern void SetRawLocalState(Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
+diff -Naur -X ./exclude vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/ vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/
+--- vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/ 2004-03-11 13:14:40.000000000 -0500
++++ vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/ 2007-02-04 15:09:49.000000000 -0500
+@@ -168,6 +168,72 @@
+ \fB\-autopass\fR
+ Read a plain-text password from stdin. This option affects only the
+ standard VNC authentication.
++.SH Enhanced TightVNC Viewer OPTIONS
++Enhanced TightVNC Viewer web page is located at:
++Note: ZRLE encoding is now supported.
++Note: F9 is shortcut to Toggle FullScreen mode.
++In \fB\-bgr233\fR mode, use 64 colors instead of 256.
++Same as \fB\-use64\fR.
++In \fB\-bgr233\fR mode, use 8 colors instead of 256.
++Same as \fB\-use8\fR.
++If the vnc viewer X display is depth 24 at 32bpp
++request a 16bpp format from the VNC server to cut
++network traffic by up to 2X, then tranlate the
++pixels to 32bpp locally.
++Same as \fB\-16bpp\fR.
++Use alphablending transparency for local cursors
++requires: x11vnc server, both client and server
++must be 32bpp and same endianness.
++\fB\-ycrop\fR n
++Only show the top n rows of the framebuffer. For
++use with x11vnc \fB\-ncache\fR client caching option
++to help "hide" the pixel cache region.
++Use a negative value (e.g. \fB\-1\fR) for autodetection.
++Autodetection will always take place if the remote
++fb height is more than 2 times the width.
++\fB\-sbwidth\fR n
++Scrollbar width, default is very narrow: 2 pixels,
++it is narrow to avoid distraction in \fB\-ycrop\fR mode.
++Prefer raw encoding for localhost, default is
++no, i.e. assumes you have a SSH tunnel instead.
++Grab the entire X server when in fullscreen mode,
++needed by some old window managers like fvwm2.
++Warp the popup back to the pointer position,
++needed by some old window managers like fvwm2.
++Grab the X keyboard when in fullscreen mode,
++needed by some window managers. Same as \fB\-grabkeyboard\fR.
++\fB\-grabkbd\fR is the default, use \fB\-nograbkbd\fR to disable.
+ The server supplies information in whatever format is desired by the
+ client, in order to make the client as easy as possible to implement.
+diff -Naur -X ./exclude vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/zrle.c vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/zrle.c
+--- vnc_unixsrc.orig/vncviewer/zrle.c 2007-02-04 18:59:50.000000000 -0500
++++ vnc_unixsrc/vncviewer/zrle.c 2007-02-03 20:57:56.000000000 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 Johannes E. Schindelin. All Rights Reserved.
++ *
++ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
++ * USA.
++ */
++ * zrle.c - handle zrle encoding.
++ *
++ * This file shouldn't be compiled directly. It is included multiple times by
++ * rfbproto.c, each time with a different definition of the macro BPP. For
++ * each value of BPP, this file defines a function which handles an zrle
++ * encoded rectangle with BPP bits per pixel.
++ */
++#ifndef REALBPP
++#define REALBPP BPP
++#if !defined(UNCOMP) || UNCOMP==0
++#define HandleZRLE CONCAT2E(HandleZRLE,REALBPP)
++#define HandleZRLETile CONCAT2E(HandleZRLETile,REALBPP)
++#elif UNCOMP>0
++#define HandleZRLE CONCAT3E(HandleZRLE,REALBPP,Down)
++#define HandleZRLETile CONCAT3E(HandleZRLETile,REALBPP,Down)
++#define HandleZRLE CONCAT3E(HandleZRLE,REALBPP,Up)
++#define HandleZRLETile CONCAT3E(HandleZRLETile,REALBPP,Up)
++#undef CARDBPP
++#define FillRectangle(x, y, w, h, color) \
++ { \
++ XGCValues gcv; \
++ gcv.foreground = color; \
++ XChangeGC(dpy, gc, GCForeground, &gcv); \
++ XFillRectangle(dpy, desktopWin, gc, x, y, w, h); \
++ }
++static int HandleZRLETile(
++ unsigned char* buffer,size_t buffer_length,
++ int x,int y,int w,int h);
++static Bool
++HandleZRLE (int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh)
++ rfbZRLEHeader header;
++ int remaining;
++ int inflateResult;
++ int toRead;
++ int min_buffer_size = rw * rh * (REALBPP / 8) * 2;
++ /* First make sure we have a large enough raw buffer to hold the
++ * decompressed data. In practice, with a fixed REALBPP, fixed frame
++ * buffer size and the first update containing the entire frame
++ * buffer, this buffer allocation should only happen once, on the
++ * first update.
++ */
++ if ( raw_buffer_size < min_buffer_size) {
++ if ( raw_buffer != NULL ) {
++ free( raw_buffer );
++ }
++ raw_buffer_size = min_buffer_size;
++ raw_buffer = (char*) malloc( raw_buffer_size );
++ }
++ if (!ReadFromRFBServer((char *)&header, sz_rfbZRLEHeader))
++ return False;
++ remaining = Swap32IfLE(header.length);
++ /* Need to initialize the decompressor state. */
++ decompStream.next_in = ( Bytef * )buffer;
++ decompStream.avail_in = 0;
++ decompStream.next_out = ( Bytef * )raw_buffer;
++ decompStream.avail_out = raw_buffer_size;
++ decompStream.data_type = Z_BINARY;
++ /* Initialize the decompression stream structures on the first invocation. */
++ if ( decompStreamInited == False ) {
++ inflateResult = inflateInit( &decompStream );
++ if ( inflateResult != Z_OK ) {
++ fprintf(stderr,
++ "inflateInit returned error: %d, msg: %s\n",
++ inflateResult,
++ decompStream.msg);
++ return False;
++ }
++ decompStreamInited = True;
++ }
++ inflateResult = Z_OK;
++ /* Process buffer full of data until no more to process, or
++ * some type of inflater error, or Z_STREAM_END.
++ */
++ while (( remaining > 0 ) &&
++ ( inflateResult == Z_OK )) {
++ if ( remaining > BUFFER_SIZE ) {
++ toRead = BUFFER_SIZE;
++ }
++ else {
++ toRead = remaining;
++ }
++ /* Fill the buffer, obtaining data from the server. */
++ if (!ReadFromRFBServer(buffer,toRead))
++ return False;
++ decompStream.next_in = ( Bytef * )buffer;
++ decompStream.avail_in = toRead;
++ /* Need to uncompress buffer full. */
++ inflateResult = inflate( &decompStream, Z_SYNC_FLUSH );
++ /* We never supply a dictionary for compression. */
++ if ( inflateResult == Z_NEED_DICT ) {
++ fprintf(stderr, "zlib inflate needs a dictionary!\n");
++ return False;
++ }
++ if ( inflateResult < 0 ) {
++ fprintf(stderr,
++ "zlib inflate returned error: %d, msg: %s\n",
++ inflateResult,
++ decompStream.msg);
++ return False;
++ }
++ /* Result buffer allocated to be at least large enough. We should
++ * never run out of space!
++ */
++ if (( decompStream.avail_in > 0 ) &&
++ ( decompStream.avail_out <= 0 )) {
++ fprintf(stderr, "zlib inflate ran out of space!\n");
++ return False;
++ }
++ remaining -= toRead;
++ } /* while ( remaining > 0 ) */
++ if ( inflateResult == Z_OK ) {
++ void* buf=raw_buffer;
++ int i,j;
++ remaining = raw_buffer_size-decompStream.avail_out;
++ for(j=0; j<rh; j+=rfbZRLETileHeight)
++ for(i=0; i<rw; i+=rfbZRLETileWidth) {
++ int subWidth=(i+rfbZRLETileWidth>rw)?rw-i:rfbZRLETileWidth;
++ int subHeight=(j+rfbZRLETileHeight>rh)?rh-j:rfbZRLETileHeight;
++ int result=HandleZRLETile(buf,remaining,rx+i,ry+j,subWidth,subHeight);
++ if(result<0) {
++ fprintf(stderr, "ZRLE decoding failed (%d)\n",result);
++return True;
++ return False;
++ }
++ buf+=result;
++ remaining-=result;
++ }
++ }
++ else {
++ fprintf(stderr,
++ "zlib inflate returned error: %d, msg: %s\n",
++ inflateResult,
++ decompStream.msg);
++ return False;
++ }
++ return True;
++#if REALBPP!=BPP && defined(UNCOMP) && UNCOMP!=0
++#if UNCOMP>0
++#define UncompressCPixel(pointer) ((*(CARDBPP*)pointer)>>UNCOMP)
++#define UncompressCPixel(pointer) ((*(CARDBPP*)pointer)<<(-(UNCOMP)))
++#define UncompressCPixel(pointer) (*(CARDBPP*)pointer)
++static int HandleZRLETile(
++ unsigned char* buffer,size_t buffer_length,
++ int x,int y,int w,int h) {
++ unsigned char* buffer_copy = buffer;
++ unsigned char* buffer_end = buffer+buffer_length;
++ unsigned char type;
++ if(buffer_length<1)
++ return -2;
++ if (frameBufferLen < w * h * REALBPP/8) {
++ if(frameBuffer) {
++ free(frameBuffer);
++ }
++ frameBufferLen = w * h * REALBPP/8 * 2;
++ frameBuffer = (unsigned char *) malloc(frameBufferLen);
++ }
++ type = *buffer;
++ buffer++;
++ switch(type) {
++ case 0: /* raw */
++ {
++ int m0 = 0, i,j;
++ if(1+w*h*REALBPP/8>buffer_length) {
++ fprintf(stderr, "expected %d bytes, got only %d (%dx%d)\n",1+w*h*REALBPP/8,buffer_length,w,h);
++ return -3;
++ }
++ for(j=y*si.framebufferWidth; j<(y+h)*si.framebufferWidth; j+=si.framebufferWidth) {
++ for(i=x; i<x+w; i++,buffer+=REALBPP/8) {
++# if 0
++ ((CARDBPP*)frameBuffer)[j+i] = UncompressCPixel(buffer);
++ /* alt */
++ CARDBPP color = UncompressCPixel(buffer);
++ CopyDataToScreen((char *)&color, i, j/si.framebufferWidth, 1, 1);
++# else
++ ((CARDBPP*)frameBuffer)[m0++] = UncompressCPixel(buffer);
++# endif
++ }
++ }
++ CopyDataToScreen((char *)frameBuffer, x, y, w, h);
++if (0) fprintf(stderr, "cha1: %dx%d+%d+%d\n", w, h, x, y);
++# if 0
++ CopyRectangle(buffer, x, y, w, h);
++# else
++ CopyDataToScreen((char *)buffer, x, y, w, h);
++# endif
++ buffer+=w*h*REALBPP/8;
++ break;
++ }
++ case 1: /* solid */
++ {
++ CARDBPP color = UncompressCPixel(buffer);
++ if(1+REALBPP/8>buffer_length)
++ return -4;
++ if ((BPP == 8 && appData.useBGR233) || (BPP == 16 && appData.useBGR565)) {
++ int m0;
++ for (m0=0; m0 < w*h; m0++) {
++ ((CARDBPP*)frameBuffer)[m0] = color;
++ }
++ CopyDataToScreen((char *)frameBuffer, x, y, w, h);
++ } else {
++ FillRectangle(x, y, w, h, color);
++ }
++if (0) fprintf(stderr, "cha2: %dx%d+%d+%d\n", w, h, x, y);
++ buffer+=REALBPP/8;
++ break;
++ }
++ case 2 ... 127: /* packed Palette */
++ {
++ CARDBPP palette[16];
++ int m0, i,j,shift,
++ bpp=(type>4?(type>16?8:4):(type>2?2:1)),
++ mask=(1<<bpp)-1,
++ divider=(8/bpp);
++ if(1+type*REALBPP/8+((w+divider-1)/divider)*h>buffer_length)
++ return -5;
++ /* read palette */
++ for(i=0; i<type; i++,buffer+=REALBPP/8)
++ palette[i] = UncompressCPixel(buffer);
++ m0 = 0;
++ /* read palettized pixels */
++ for(j=y*si.framebufferWidth; j<(y+h)*si.framebufferWidth; j+=si.framebufferWidth) {
++ for(i=x,shift=8-bpp; i<x+w; i++) {
++# if 0
++ ((CARDBPP*)frameBuffer)[j+i] = palette[((*buffer)>>shift)&mask];
++ /* alt */
++ CARDBPP color = palette[((*buffer)>>shift)&mask];
++ CopyDataToScreen((char *)&color, i, j/si.framebufferWidth, 1, 1);
++# else
++ ((CARDBPP*)frameBuffer)[m0++] = palette[((*buffer)>>shift)&mask];
++# endif
++ shift-=bpp;
++ if(shift<0) {
++ shift=8-bpp;
++ buffer++;
++ }
++ }
++ if(shift<8-bpp)
++ buffer++;
++ }
++ CopyDataToScreen((char *)frameBuffer, x, y, w, h);
++if (0) fprintf(stderr, "cha3: %dx%d+%d+%d\n", w, h, x, y);
++ break;
++ }
++ /* case 17 ... 127: not used, but valid */
++ case 128: /* plain RLE */
++ {
++ int m0=0, i=0,j=0;
++ while(j<h) {
++ int color,length;
++ /* read color */
++ if(buffer+REALBPP/8+1>buffer_end)
++ return -7;
++ color = UncompressCPixel(buffer);
++ buffer+=REALBPP/8;
++ /* read run length */
++ length=1;
++ while(*buffer==0xff) {
++ if(buffer+1>=buffer_end)
++ return -8;
++ length+=*buffer;
++ buffer++;
++ }
++ length+=*buffer;
++ buffer++;
++ while(j<h && length>0) {
++# if 0
++ ((CARDBPP*)frameBuffer)[(y+j)*si.framebufferWidth+x+i] = color;
++ /* alt */
++ CopyDataToScreen((char *)&color, x+i, y+j, 1, 1);
++# else
++ ((CARDBPP*)frameBuffer)[m0++] = color;
++# endif
++ length--;
++ i++;
++ if(i>=w) {
++ i=0;
++ j++;
++ }
++ }
++ if(length>0)
++ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: possible ZRLE corruption\n");
++ }
++ CopyDataToScreen((char *)frameBuffer, x, y, w, h);
++if (0) fprintf(stderr, "cha4: %dx%d+%d+%d\n", w, h, x, y);
++ break;
++ }
++ case 129: /* unused */
++ {
++ return -8;
++ }
++ case 130 ... 255: /* palette RLE */
++ {
++ CARDBPP palette[128];
++ int m0 = 0, i,j;
++ if(2+(type-128)*REALBPP/8>buffer_length)
++ return -9;
++ /* read palette */
++ for(i=0; i<type-128; i++,buffer+=REALBPP/8)
++ palette[i] = UncompressCPixel(buffer);
++ /* read palettized pixels */
++ i=j=0;
++ while(j<h) {
++ int color,length;
++ /* read color */
++ if(buffer>=buffer_end)
++ return -10;
++ color = palette[(*buffer)&0x7f];
++ length=1;
++ if(*buffer&0x80) {
++ if(buffer+1>=buffer_end)
++ return -11;
++ buffer++;
++ /* read run length */
++ while(*buffer==0xff) {
++ if(buffer+1>=buffer_end)
++ return -8;
++ length+=*buffer;
++ buffer++;
++ }
++ length+=*buffer;
++ }
++ buffer++;
++ while(j<h && length>0) {
++# if 0
++ ((CARDBPP*)frameBuffer)[(y+j)*si.framebufferWidth+x+i] = color;
++ /* alt */
++ CopyDataToScreen((char *)&color, x+i, y+j, 1, 1);
++# else
++ ((CARDBPP*)frameBuffer)[m0++] = color;
++# endif
++ length--;
++ i++;
++ if(i>=w) {
++ i=0;
++ j++;
++ }
++ }
++ if(length>0)
++ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: possible ZRLE corruption\n");
++ }
++ CopyDataToScreen((char *)frameBuffer, x, y, w, h);
++if (0) fprintf(stderr, "cha5: %dx%d+%d+%d\n", w, h, x, y);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ return buffer-buffer_copy;
++#undef CARDBPP
++#undef HandleZRLE
++#undef HandleZRLETile
++#undef UncompressCPixel
++#undef REALBPP
++#undef UNCOMP
+diff -Naur vnc_unixsrc.orig/include/rfbproto.h vnc_unixsrc/include/rfbproto.h
+--- vnc_unixsrc.orig/include/rfbproto.h 2004-05-27 03:02:02.000000000 -0400
++++ vnc_unixsrc/include/rfbproto.h 2007-02-01 18:30:17.000000000 -0500
+@@ -435,6 +435,8 @@
+ #define rfbEncodingTight 7
+ #define rfbEncodingZlibHex 8
++#define rfbEncodingZRLE 16
+ /* signatures for basic encoding types */
+ #define sig_rfbEncodingRaw "RAW_____"
+ #define sig_rfbEncodingCopyRect "COPYRECT"