path: root/PerlTQt/examples
diff options
authorMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2024-01-10 10:12:24 +0900
committerMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2024-01-11 09:56:53 +0900
commit947bc2dba5274c3a87dd0f3dc29972b5a7fde80f (patch)
tree8dece4fa4ebb9fa43f8660095f8084ea580ee2eb /PerlTQt/examples
parentbb06ec358695c7621148fd6cf0c2af94fd29f799 (diff)
Signed-off-by: Michele Calgaro <[email protected]> (cherry picked from commit 301b5380792b7a368488aa485d3bdb3df81e0808)
Diffstat (limited to 'PerlTQt/examples')
8 files changed, 46 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/PerlTQt/examples/aclock/ b/PerlTQt/examples/aclock/
index 0a52c44..c6471ad 100644
--- a/PerlTQt/examples/aclock/
+++ b/PerlTQt/examples/aclock/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ sub NEW {
_time = TQt::Time::currentTime(); # get current time
my $internalTimer = TQt::Timer(this); # create internal timer
- this->connect($internalTimer, TQT_SIGNAL('timeout()'), TQT_SLOT('timeout()'));
+ this->connect($internalTimer, TQ_SIGNAL('timeout()'), TQ_SLOT('timeout()'));
$internalTimer->start(5000); # emit signal every 5 seconds
diff --git a/PerlTQt/examples/buttongroups/ b/PerlTQt/examples/buttongroups/
index 106cf1b..b842ab2 100644
--- a/PerlTQt/examples/buttongroups/
+++ b/PerlTQt/examples/buttongroups/
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ sub NEW {
# insert a checkbox
state = TQt::CheckBox("E&nable Radiobuttons", $bgrp3);
- # ...and connect its TQT_SIGNAL clicked() with the TQT_SLOT slotChangeGrp3State()
- this->connect(state, TQT_SIGNAL('clicked()'), TQT_SLOT('slotChangeGrp3State()'));
+ # ...and connect its TQ_SIGNAL clicked() with the TQ_SLOT slotChangeGrp3State()
+ this->connect(state, TQ_SIGNAL('clicked()'), TQ_SLOT('slotChangeGrp3State()'));
# ----------- fourth group
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ sub NEW {
-# TQT_SLOT slotChangeGrp3State()
+# TQ_SLOT slotChangeGrp3State()
# enables/disables the radiobuttons of the third buttongroup
diff --git a/PerlTQt/examples/drawdemo/ b/PerlTQt/examples/drawdemo/
index f119a94..cc4112b 100644
--- a/PerlTQt/examples/drawdemo/
+++ b/PerlTQt/examples/drawdemo/
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ sub NEW {
# Create a button group to contain all buttons
bgroup = TQt::ButtonGroup(this);
bgroup->resize(200, 200);
- this->connect(bgroup, TQT_SIGNAL('clicked(int)'), TQT_SLOT('updateIt(int)'));
+ this->connect(bgroup, TQ_SIGNAL('clicked(int)'), TQ_SLOT('updateIt(int)'));
# Calculate the size for the radio buttons
my $maxwidth = 80;
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ sub NEW {
_print = TQt::PushButton("Print...", bgroup);
_print->resize(80, 30);
_print->move($maxwidth/2 - _print->width/2, maxindex*30+20);
- this->connect(_print, TQT_SIGNAL('clicked()'), TQT_SLOT('printIt()'));
+ this->connect(_print, TQ_SIGNAL('clicked()'), TQ_SLOT('printIt()'));
bgroup->resize($maxwidth, _print->y+_print->height+10);
diff --git a/PerlTQt/examples/forever/ b/PerlTQt/examples/forever/
index e388e44..0adba3d 100644
--- a/PerlTQt/examples/forever/
+++ b/PerlTQt/examples/forever/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ sub NEW {
rectangles = 0;
my $counter = TQt::Timer(this);
- this->connect($counter, TQT_SIGNAL('timeout()'), TQT_SLOT('updateCaption()'));
+ this->connect($counter, TQ_SIGNAL('timeout()'), TQ_SLOT('updateCaption()'));
diff --git a/PerlTQt/examples/network/httpd/ b/PerlTQt/examples/network/httpd/
index a9aa0fd..dee279b 100644
--- a/PerlTQt/examples/network/httpd/
+++ b/PerlTQt/examples/network/httpd/
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ sub NEW
sub newConnection
my $s = TQt::Socket( this );
- this->connect( $s, TQT_SIGNAL 'readyRead()', this, TQT_SLOT 'readClient()' );
- this->connect( $s, TQT_SIGNAL 'delayedCloseFinished()', this, TQT_SLOT 'discardClient()' );
+ this->connect( $s, TQ_SIGNAL 'readyRead()', this, TQ_SLOT 'readClient()' );
+ this->connect( $s, TQ_SIGNAL 'delayedCloseFinished()', this, TQ_SLOT 'discardClient()' );
$s->setSocket( shift );
sockets->{ $s } = $s;
emit newConnect();
@@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ sub NEW
$lb->setAlignment( &AlignHCenter );
infoText = TextView( this );
my $quit = PushButton( "quit" , this );
- this->connect( httpd, TQT_SIGNAL 'newConnect()', TQT_SLOT 'newConnect()' );
- this->connect( httpd, TQT_SIGNAL 'endConnect()', TQT_SLOT 'endConnect()' );
- this->connect( httpd, TQT_SIGNAL 'wroteToClient()', TQT_SLOT 'wroteToClient()' );
- this->connect( $quit, TQT_SIGNAL 'pressed()', TQt::app(), TQT_SLOT 'quit()' );
+ this->connect( httpd, TQ_SIGNAL 'newConnect()', TQ_SLOT 'newConnect()' );
+ this->connect( httpd, TQ_SIGNAL 'endConnect()', TQ_SLOT 'endConnect()' );
+ this->connect( httpd, TQ_SIGNAL 'wroteToClient()', TQ_SLOT 'wroteToClient()' );
+ this->connect( $quit, TQ_SIGNAL 'pressed()', TQt::app(), TQ_SLOT 'quit()' );
sub newConnect
diff --git a/PerlTQt/examples/opengl/box/glbox b/PerlTQt/examples/opengl/box/glbox
index fed74a3..de7894d 100644
--- a/PerlTQt/examples/opengl/box/glbox
+++ b/PerlTQt/examples/opengl/box/glbox
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ sub NEW
# Create a menu
file = TQt::PopupMenu( this );
- file->insertItem( "Exit", TQt::app(), TQT_SLOT 'quit()', TQt::KeySequence(int &CTRL + &Key_Q ));
+ file->insertItem( "Exit", TQt::app(), TQ_SLOT 'quit()', TQt::KeySequence(int &CTRL + &Key_Q ));
# Create a menu bar
menu = TQt::MenuBar( this );
@@ -41,15 +41,15 @@ sub NEW
# Create the three sliders; one for each rotation axis
xpos = TQt::Slider ( 0, 360, 60, 0, &TQt::Slider::Vertical, this, "xsl" );
xpos->setTickmarks( &TQt::Slider::Left );
- TQt::Object::connect( xpos, TQT_SIGNAL 'valueChanged(int)', box, TQT_SLOT 'setXRotation(int)' );
+ TQt::Object::connect( xpos, TQ_SIGNAL 'valueChanged(int)', box, TQ_SLOT 'setXRotation(int)' );
ypos = TQt::Slider ( 0, 360, 60, 0, &TQt::Slider::Vertical, this, "ysl" );
ypos->setTickmarks( &TQt::Slider::Left );
- TQt::Object::connect( ypos, TQT_SIGNAL 'valueChanged(int)', box, TQT_SLOT 'setYRotation(int)' );
+ TQt::Object::connect( ypos, TQ_SIGNAL 'valueChanged(int)', box, TQ_SLOT 'setYRotation(int)' );
zpos = TQt::Slider ( 0, 360, 60, 0, &TQt::Slider::Vertical, this, "zsl" );
zpos->setTickmarks( &TQt::Slider::Left );
- TQt::Object::connect( zpos, TQT_SIGNAL 'valueChanged(int)', box, TQT_SLOT 'setZRotation(int)' );
+ TQt::Object::connect( zpos, TQ_SIGNAL 'valueChanged(int)', box, TQ_SLOT 'setZRotation(int)' );
# Now that we have all the widgets, put them into a nice layout
diff --git a/PerlTQt/examples/progress/ b/PerlTQt/examples/progress/
index 4112e64..bec202c 100644
--- a/PerlTQt/examples/progress/
+++ b/PerlTQt/examples/progress/
@@ -158,18 +158,18 @@ sub NEW
menubar->insertItem( "&File", file );
for (my $i=first_draw_item; $i<=last_draw_item; $i++)
{ file->insertItem( drawItemRects($i)." Rectangles", $i) }
- TQt::Object::connect( menubar, TQT_SIGNAL "activated(int)", this, TQT_SLOT "doMenuItem(int)" );
+ TQt::Object::connect( menubar, TQ_SIGNAL "activated(int)", this, TQ_SLOT "doMenuItem(int)" );
- file->insertItem( "Quit", TQt::app(), TQT_SLOT "quit()" );
+ file->insertItem( "Quit", TQt::app(), TQ_SLOT "quit()" );
options = TQt::PopupMenu;
menubar->insertItem( "&Options", options );
- td_id = options->insertItem( "Timer driven", this, TQT_SLOT "timerDriven()" );
- ld_id = options->insertItem( "Loop driven", this, TQT_SLOT "loopDriven()" );
+ td_id = options->insertItem( "Timer driven", this, TQ_SLOT "timerDriven()" );
+ ld_id = options->insertItem( "Loop driven", this, TQ_SLOT "loopDriven()" );
- dl_id = options->insertItem( "Default label", this, TQT_SLOT "defaultLabel()" );
- cl_id = options->insertItem( "Custom label", this, TQT_SLOT "customLabel()" );
+ dl_id = options->insertItem( "Default label", this, TQ_SLOT "defaultLabel()" );
+ cl_id = options->insertItem( "Custom label", this, TQ_SLOT "customLabel()" );
- md_id = options->insertItem( "No minimum duration", this, TQT_SLOT "toggleMinimumDuration()" );
+ md_id = options->insertItem( "No minimum duration", this, TQ_SLOT "toggleMinimumDuration()" );
options->setCheckable( 1 );
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ sub draw
pb = newProgressDialog("Drawing rectangles.\n".
"Using timer event.", $n, 0);
pb->setCaption("Please Wait");
- TQt::Object::connect(pb, TQT_SIGNAL "cancelled()", this, TQT_SLOT "stopDrawing()");
+ TQt::Object::connect(pb, TQ_SIGNAL "cancelled()", this, TQ_SLOT "stopDrawing()");
got_stop = 0;
diff --git a/PerlTQt/examples/richedit/ b/PerlTQt/examples/richedit/
index 3d459f7..5ee90e0 100644
--- a/PerlTQt/examples/richedit/
+++ b/PerlTQt/examples/richedit/
@@ -266,26 +266,26 @@ sub NEW
- TQt::Object::connect(fileNewAction, TQT_SIGNAL "activated()", this, TQT_SLOT "fileNew()");
- TQt::Object::connect(fileOpenAction, TQT_SIGNAL "activated()", this, TQT_SLOT "fileOpen()");
- TQt::Object::connect(fileSaveAction, TQT_SIGNAL "activated()", this, TQT_SLOT "fileSave()");
- TQt::Object::connect(fileSaveAsAction, TQT_SIGNAL "activated()", this, TQT_SLOT "fileSaveAs()");
- TQt::Object::connect(fileExitAction, TQT_SIGNAL "activated()", this, TQT_SLOT "fileExit()");
- TQt::Object::connect(helpIndexAction, TQT_SIGNAL "activated()", this, TQT_SLOT "helpIndex()");
- TQt::Object::connect(helpContentsAction, TQT_SIGNAL "activated()", this, TQT_SLOT "helpContents()");
- TQt::Object::connect(helpAboutAction, TQT_SIGNAL "activated()", this, TQT_SLOT "helpAbout()");
- TQt::Object::connect(SpinBox2, TQT_SIGNAL "valueChanged(int)", textEdit, TQT_SLOT "setPointSize(int)");
- TQt::Object::connect(editCutAction, TQT_SIGNAL "activated()", textEdit, TQT_SLOT "cut()");
- TQt::Object::connect(editPasteAction, TQT_SIGNAL "activated()", textEdit, TQT_SLOT "paste()");
- TQt::Object::connect(editCopyAction, TQT_SIGNAL "activated()", textEdit, TQT_SLOT "copy()");
- TQt::Object::connect(editRedoAction, TQT_SIGNAL "activated()", textEdit, TQT_SLOT "redo()");
- TQt::Object::connect(editUndoAction, TQT_SIGNAL "activated()", textEdit, TQT_SLOT "undo()");
- TQt::Object::connect(alignActionGroup, TQT_SIGNAL "selected(TQAction*)", this, TQT_SLOT "changeAlignment(TQAction*)");
- TQt::Object::connect(underlineAction, TQT_SIGNAL "toggled(bool)", textEdit, TQT_SLOT "setUnderline(bool)");
- TQt::Object::connect(italicAction, TQT_SIGNAL "toggled(bool)", textEdit, TQT_SLOT "setItalic(bool)");
- TQt::Object::connect(boldAction, TQT_SIGNAL "toggled(bool)", textEdit, TQT_SLOT "setBold(bool)");
- TQt::Object::connect(fontComboBox, TQT_SIGNAL "activated(const TQString&)", textEdit, TQT_SLOT "setFamily(const TQString&)");
- TQt::Object::connect(fontComboBox, TQT_SIGNAL "activated(const TQString&)", textEdit, TQT_SLOT "setFocus()");
+ TQt::Object::connect(fileNewAction, TQ_SIGNAL "activated()", this, TQ_SLOT "fileNew()");
+ TQt::Object::connect(fileOpenAction, TQ_SIGNAL "activated()", this, TQ_SLOT "fileOpen()");
+ TQt::Object::connect(fileSaveAction, TQ_SIGNAL "activated()", this, TQ_SLOT "fileSave()");
+ TQt::Object::connect(fileSaveAsAction, TQ_SIGNAL "activated()", this, TQ_SLOT "fileSaveAs()");
+ TQt::Object::connect(fileExitAction, TQ_SIGNAL "activated()", this, TQ_SLOT "fileExit()");
+ TQt::Object::connect(helpIndexAction, TQ_SIGNAL "activated()", this, TQ_SLOT "helpIndex()");
+ TQt::Object::connect(helpContentsAction, TQ_SIGNAL "activated()", this, TQ_SLOT "helpContents()");
+ TQt::Object::connect(helpAboutAction, TQ_SIGNAL "activated()", this, TQ_SLOT "helpAbout()");
+ TQt::Object::connect(SpinBox2, TQ_SIGNAL "valueChanged(int)", textEdit, TQ_SLOT "setPointSize(int)");
+ TQt::Object::connect(editCutAction, TQ_SIGNAL "activated()", textEdit, TQ_SLOT "cut()");
+ TQt::Object::connect(editPasteAction, TQ_SIGNAL "activated()", textEdit, TQ_SLOT "paste()");
+ TQt::Object::connect(editCopyAction, TQ_SIGNAL "activated()", textEdit, TQ_SLOT "copy()");
+ TQt::Object::connect(editRedoAction, TQ_SIGNAL "activated()", textEdit, TQ_SLOT "redo()");
+ TQt::Object::connect(editUndoAction, TQ_SIGNAL "activated()", textEdit, TQ_SLOT "undo()");
+ TQt::Object::connect(alignActionGroup, TQ_SIGNAL "selected(TQAction*)", this, TQ_SLOT "changeAlignment(TQAction*)");
+ TQt::Object::connect(underlineAction, TQ_SIGNAL "toggled(bool)", textEdit, TQ_SLOT "setUnderline(bool)");
+ TQt::Object::connect(italicAction, TQ_SIGNAL "toggled(bool)", textEdit, TQ_SLOT "setItalic(bool)");
+ TQt::Object::connect(boldAction, TQ_SIGNAL "toggled(bool)", textEdit, TQ_SLOT "setBold(bool)");
+ TQt::Object::connect(fontComboBox, TQ_SIGNAL "activated(const TQString&)", textEdit, TQ_SLOT "setFamily(const TQString&)");
+ TQt::Object::connect(fontComboBox, TQ_SIGNAL "activated(const TQString&)", textEdit, TQ_SLOT "setFocus()");
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ use EditorForm;
use imageCollection;
my $a = TQt::Application(\@ARGV);
-TQt::Object::connect($a, TQT_SIGNAL("lastWindowClosed()"), $a, TQT_SLOT("quit()"));
+TQt::Object::connect($a, TQ_SIGNAL("lastWindowClosed()"), $a, TQ_SLOT("quit()"));
my $w = EditorForm;