path: root/qmake/book
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authorTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2011-07-10 15:24:15 -0500
committerTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2011-07-10 15:24:15 -0500
commitbd0f3345a938b35ce6a12f6150373b0955b8dd12 (patch)
tree7a520322212d48ebcb9fbe1087e7fca28b76185c /qmake/book
Add Qt3 development HEAD version
Diffstat (limited to 'qmake/book')
9 files changed, 3315 insertions, 0 deletions
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1b8c4b
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+\chapter qmake's Advanced Concepts
+\section1 qmake's Advanced Concepts
+The \e qmake project files we've seen up to now have been very simple,
+just a list of \e{name = value} and \e{name += value} lines. \e qmake
+provides a lot more power, for example you can use a single project
+file to produce makefiles for multiple platforms.
+\section1 Operators
+So far, you have seen the \e = operator and \e += operator being used
+in a project file. There are more operators available for use; but
+some of these should be used carefully as they may change more than
+you expect them to.
+\section2 The '=' operator
+This operator simply assigns a value to a variable, it is used like
+ TARGET = myapp
+This sets the TARGET variable to \e myapp. This will remove any
+previously set TARGET.
+\section2 The '+=' operator
+This operator appends a value to the list of values in a variable. It
+is used like this:
+This appends QT_DLL to the list of pre-processor defines to be put in the
+\section2 The '-=' operator
+This operator removes a value from the list of values in a variable.
+It is used like this:
+This removes QT_DLL from the list of pre-processor defines to be put
+in the makefile.
+\section2 The '*=' operator
+This operator only adds a value to the list of values in a variable if
+it doesn't already exist. It is used like this:
+QT_DLL will only be added to the list of pre-processor defines if it
+is not already defined.
+\section2 The '~=' operator
+This operator replaces any values that match the regexp with the
+specified value. It is used like this:
+ DEFINES ~= s/QT_[DT].+/QT
+This removes any values in the list that start with QT_D or QT_T with
+\section1 Scopes
+A scope are similar to 'if' statements, if a certain condition is
+true, the settings inside the scope are processed. A scope is written
+like this:
+ win32 {
+ }
+The above code will add the QT_DLL define to the makefile if \e qmake
+is used on a Windows platform. If \e qmake is used on a different
+platform than Windows, the define will be ignored. You may also perform
+single line conditionals/assignments with qmake like this:
+ win32:DEFINES += QT_DLL
+For example, suppose we want to process something on all platforms
+\e except for Windows. We can achieve this by negating the scope like
+ !win32 {
+ }
+Any entry on the CONFIG line is also a scope. For example, if you
+write this:
+ CONFIG += warn_on
+you will have a scope called 'warn_on'. This makes it easy to change
+the configuration for a project without losing all the custom settings
+that might be needed for a specific configuration. Since it is
+possible to put your own values on the CONFIG line, this provides you
+with a very powerful configuration tool for your makefiles. For
+ CONFIG += qt warn_on debug
+ debug {
+ TARGET = myappdebug
+ }
+ release {
+ TARGET = myapp
+ }
+In the above code, two scopes are created which depend on what
+is put on the CONFIG line. In the example, \e debug is on the config
+line, so the TARGET variable is set to \e myappdebug. If \e release
+was on the config line, then the TARGET variable would be set to \e
+It is also possible to check for two things before processing some
+settings. For instance, if you want to check if the platform is
+Windows and that the thread configuration is set, you would write
+ win32 {
+ thread {
+ }
+ }
+To save writing many nested scopes, you can nest scopes using a colon
+like this:
+ win32:thread {
+ }
+Once a test has been performed you may also do else/elseif operations. With
+this you may easily write complicated tests. This can be done with the
+special 'else' scope, it can be combined with other scopes (separated by
+colons as above) for example:
+ win32:thread {
+ } else:debug {
+ } else {
+ message("Unknown configuration")
+ }
+\section1 Variables
+The variables that we have encountered so far are system variables,
+such as \e DEFINES, \e SOURCES and \e HEADERS. It is possible for you
+to create your own variables so that you use them in scopes. It's
+easy to create your own variable; just name it and assign something to
+it. For example:
+ MY_VARIABLE = value
+There are no restricitions on what you do to your own variables, as \e
+qmake will just ignore them unless it needs to look at them for a
+You can also assign the value of a current variable to another
+variable by prefixing $$ to the variable name. For example:
+Now the MY_DEFINES variable contains what is in the DEFINES variable at
+this point in the project file. This is also equivalent to:
+The second notation allows you to adjoin the variable expansion to another
+value without separating by space. \e qmake will allow a variable to
+contain anything (including $(VALUE), which will be placed directly into
+the Makefile, and allow it to expand as appropriate, usually an environment
+variable). However, if you require an environment variable to be replaced
+immediately then you may use the $$() notation. For example:
+This will set MY_DEFINES to the value of the evironment variable
+ENV_DEFINES as it parses the .pro file. Additionally you may call built-in
+functions in variable replacing. These functions (not to be confused with
+Test Functions as enumerated in the next section) are listed below:
+\section2 join( variablename, glue, before, after )
+This will join the value of \e variablename with glue. If this value is
+non-empty it will prefix the value with \e before and suffix it with \e
+after. \e variablename is the only required field, the others will default
+to empty strings. If you need to encode spaces in \e glue, \e before, or \e
+after you must quote them.
+\section2 prompt( question )
+This will display \e question, and read from stdin as a return value.
+\section2 member( variablename, position )
+This will place the value in \e variablename in position \e position of the
+list. If the value of \e variablename is not long this will return an empty
+string. \e variablename is the only required field, if not specified
+position will default to the first value in the list (0).
+\section2 find( variablename, substr )
+This will place all the values in \e variablename that match \e substr. \e
+substr may be a regular expression as well, and will be matched
+ MY_VAR = one two three four
+ MY_VAR2 = $$join(MY_VAR, " -L", -L) -Lfive
+ MY_VAR3 = $$member(MY_VAR, 2) $$find(MY_VAR, t.*)
+MY_VAR2 will contain '-Lone -Ltwo -Lthree -Lfour -Lfive', and MYVAR3 will
+contains 'three two three'.
+\section2 system( program_and_args )
+This will return the stdout/stderr of the program executed, and parse it as
+normally expected. You can use this to interrogate information about the
+platform for example.
+ UNAME = $$system(uname -s)
+ contains( UNAME, [lL]inux ):message( This looks like Linux ($$UNAME) to me )
+\section1 Test Functions
+\e qmake provides built-in functions that perform simple, yet powerful
+tests. These tests may be used in place of scopes (as described above), in
+some cases it is more usefull to use the test function by itself ignoring
+its test value.
+\section2 contains( variablename, value )
+If \e value is in the list of values stored in the variable called \e
+variablename, then the settings inside the scope will be processed.
+For example:
+ contains( CONFIG, thread ) {
+ }
+If \e thread is in the list of values for the \e CONFIG variable, then
+QT_THREAD_SUPPORT will be added to the list of values in the \e
+DEFINES variable.
+\section2 count( variablename, number )
+If \e number matches the number of values stored in the variable
+called \e variablename, then the settings inside the scope will be
+processed. For example:
+ count( DEFINES, 5 ) {
+ CONFIG += debug
+ }
+\section2 error( string )
+This function outputs the string given and then makes \e qmake exit.
+For example:
+ error( "An error has occured" )
+The text "An error has occured" will be displayed on the console and
+\e qmake will exit.
+\section2 exists( filename )
+If the specified file exists, then the settings inside the scope will
+be processed. For example:
+ exists( /local/qt/qmake/main.cpp ) {
+ SOURCES += main.cpp
+ }
+If \e /local/qt/qmake/main.cpp exists then main.cpp is added to the
+list of source files.
+Note that "/" can be used as a directory separator regardless of the
+\section2 equals( variable, value )
+If the specified variable is equal to the value passed the scope will
+be processed. For example:
+ NUMBERS = 1 2 3
+ equals( NUMBERS, 3 4 5 ) {
+ message("The numbers are equal")
+ }
+The message will not be displayed because "1 2 3" does not equal "1 2
+3". As with all functions you can pass an expanded variable as the
+value argument (ie, $$NUMBERS).
+\section2 include( filename )
+The contents of filename are included at this point in the project
+file, so any settings in the specified file will be processed. An
+example of this is:
+ include( )
+Any settings in the \e project file are now processed.
+\section2 isEmpty( variablename )
+This is the equivalent of using count( variablename, 0 ). If the
+variable called \e variablename has no elements, then the settings
+inside the scope will be processed. An example of this is:
+ isEmpty( CONFIG ) {
+ CONFIG += qt warn_on debug
+ }
+\section2 message( string )
+This function simply outputs a message on the console.
+ message( "This is a message" )
+The text "This is a message" is output to the console and
+processing of the project file carries on.
+\section2 system( command )
+The specified command is performed and if it returns an exit code of
+1, the settings inside the scope are processed. For example:
+ system( ls /bin ) {
+ SOURCES += bin/main.cpp
+ HEADERS += bin/main.h
+ }
+So if the command \e {ls /bin} returns 1 then \e bin/main.cpp is added
+to the list of sources and \e bin/main.h is added to the list of
+\section2 infile( filename, var, val )
+This function will succeed if the file \e filename (when parsed
+by qmake itself) contains the variable \e var with a value of
+\e val. You may also not pass in a third argument (\e val) and the
+function will only test if \e var has been assigned to in the file.
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+\chapter qmake Command Reference
+\section1 qmake Command Reference
+\i \link #About About This Reference \endlink
+\i \link #Commands Command Line Options \endlink
+\i \link #SystemVariables System Variables \endlink
+\i \link #Functions Functions \endlink
+\i \link #Properties Properties \endlink
+\i \link #Environment Environment Variables and Configuration \endlink
+\i \link #Extensions File Extensions \endlink
+\i \link #Customizing Customizing Makefile Output \endlink
+\target About
+\section1 About This Reference
+This reference is a detailed index of all command line options,
+configurations and internal variables used by the cross-platform
+makefile generation utility \e qmake.
+In addition to the variables and functions described in the following
+sections, \e qmake project files may also include comments.
+Comments begin with the '#' symbol and run to the end of the line.
+\target Commands
+\section1 Command Line Options
+\section2 Syntax
+qmake [options] files
+\section2 Options
+The following options can be specified on the command line to \e qmake:
+\i \c -o file \BR
+ \e qmake output will be directed to \e file. if this argument
+ is not specified, then \e qmake will try to guess a suitable name. If '-' is
+ specified, output is directed to stdout.
+\i \c -unix \BR
+ \e qmake will run in unix mode. In this mode, Unix file
+ naming and path conventions will be used, additionally testing for unix
+ (as a scope) will succeed. This is the default mode on all Unices.
+\i \c -macx \BR
+ \e qmake will run in Mac OS X mode. In this mode, Unix file
+ naming and path conventions will be used, additionally testing for macx
+ (as a scope) will succeed. This is the default mode on Mac OS X.
+\i \c -win32 \BR
+ \e qmake will run in win32 mode. In this mode, Windows file naming and path
+ conventions will be used, additionally testing for win32 (as a scope) will succeed.
+ This is the default mode on Windows.
+\i \c -d \BR
+ \e qmake will output (hopefully) useful debugging information.
+\i \c -t tmpl \BR
+ \e qmake will override any set TEMPLATE variables with tmpl, but only
+ \e after the .pro file has been processed.
+\i \c -tp prefix \BR
+ \e qmake will add the prefix to the TEMPLATE variable.
+\i \c -help \BR
+ \e qmake will go over these features and give some useful help.
+There are also warning options that can help to find problems in your
+project file:
+\i \c -Wall \BR
+ With this \e qmake will turn on all known warnings.
+\i \c -Wnone \BR
+ No warning information will be generated by \e qmake.
+\i \c -Wparser \BR
+ \e qmake will only generate parser warnings, this will alert
+ you to common pitfalls, and potential problems in the parsing of your .pro
+ files.
+\i \c -Wlogic \BR
+ Again \e qmake will warn of common pitfalls, and potential problems. This can
+ include (but not limited to) checking if a file is placed into a list of files
+ multiple times, if a file cannot be found, etc.
+\e qmake supports two different modes of operation. The first mode,
+which is the default is makefile generation. In this mode, \e qmake
+will take a .pro file and turn it into a makefile. Creating makefiles
+is covered by this reference guide, there is another mode which
+generates .pro files.
+To toggle between these modes you must specify in the first argument
+what mode you want to use. If no mode is specified, \e qmake will
+assume you want makefile mode. The available modes are:
+\i \c -makefile \BR
+ \e qmake output will be a makefile (\link #MakefileMode Makefile mode \endlink).
+\i \c -project \BR
+ \e qmake output will be a project file (\link #ProjectfileMode Project file mode \endlink).
+\target MakefileMode
+\section3 Makefile Mode
+In Makefile mode \e qmake will generate a makefile. Additionally you may
+supply the following arguments in this mode:
+\i \c -after \BR
+ \e qmake will process assignments given on the commandline after
+ the specified files.
+\i \c -nocache \BR
+ \e qmake will ignore the .qmake.cache file.
+\i \c -nodepend \BR
+ \e qmake will not generate any dependency information.
+\i \c -cache file \BR
+ \e qmake will use \e file as the cache file, ignoring any other .qmake.cache file found
+\i \c -spec spec \BR
+ \e qmake will use \e spec as a path to platform-compiler information and QMAKESPEC will be ignored.
+The \c files argument can be a list of one or more project files, separated
+by spaces. You may also pass qmake assignments on the command line here and
+they will be processed before all files specified, for example:
+qmake -makefile -unix -o Makefile "CONFIG+=test"
+If however you are certain you want your variables processed after the
+the files specified, then you may pass the -after argument. When this
+is specified all assignments on the commandline after the -after
+option will be postponed until after the specified files are parsed.
+This will generate a Makefile, from with Unix pathnames. However
+many of these arguments aren't necessary as they are the default. Therefore
+the line can be simplified on Unix to:
+qmake "CONFIG+=test"
+\target ProjectfileMode
+\section3 Projectfile Mode
+In Projectfile mode \e qmake will generate a project file. Additionally, you may
+supply the following arguments in this mode:
+\i \c -r \BR
+ \e qmake will look through supplied directories recursively
+\i \c -nopwd \BR
+ \e qmake will not look in your current working directory for
+ source code and only use the specified \c files
+The \c files argument can be a list of files or directories. If a
+directory is specified, then it will be included in the \link
+#DEPENDPATH DEPENDPATH \endlink variable and relevant code from there
+will be included in the generated project file, if a file is given it
+will go into the correct variable depending on extension (i.e. .ui
+files go into FORMS, .cpp files go into SOURCES, etc). Here too you
+may pass assignments on the commandline, when doing so these
+assignments will be placed last in the generated .pro file.
+\target SystemVariables
+\section1 System Variables
+\i \link #FrequentlyUsedSystemVariables Frequently Used System Variables \endlink
+\i \link #RarelyUsedSystemVariables Rarely Used System Variables \endlink
+\target FrequentlyUsedSystemVariables
+\section2 Frequently Used System Variables
+The following variables are recognized by \e qmake and are used
+most frequently when creating project files.
+\target CONFIG
+\section3 CONFIG
+ The \c CONFIG variable specifies project configuration and
+compiler options. The values will be recognized internally by
+\e qmake and have special meaning. They are as follows.
+These \c CONFIG values control compilation flags:
+\i release - Compile with optimization enabled, ignored if
+ "debug" is specified
+\i debug - Compile with debug options enabled
+\i warn_on - The compiler should emit more warnings than normally, ignored if
+ "warn_off" is specified
+\i warn_off - The compiler should only emit severe warnings.
+These options define the application/library type:
+\i qt - The target is a Qt application/library and requires the Qt header
+ files/library. The proper include and library paths for the Qt
+ library will automatically be added to the project.
+\i opengl - The target requires the OpenGL (or Mesa)
+ headers/libraries. The proper include and library paths for
+ these libraries will automatically be added to the project.
+\i thread - The target is a multi-threaded application or library. The
+ proper defines and compiler flags will automatically be added to
+ the project.
+\i x11 - The target is a X11 application or library. The proper
+ include paths and libraries will automatically be added to the
+ project.
+\i windows - The target is a Win32 window application (app only). The
+ proper include paths,compiler flags and libraries will
+ automatically be added to the project.
+\i console - The target is a Win32 console application (app only). The
+ proper include paths, compiler flags and libraries will
+ automatically be added to the
+ project.
+\i dll - The target is a shared object/DLL.The proper
+ include paths, compiler flags and libraries will automatically be
+ added to the project.
+\i staticlib - The target is a static library (lib only). The proper
+ compiler flags will automatically be added to the project.
+\i plugin - The target is a plugin (lib only). This enables dll as well.
+These options are used to set the compiler flags:
+\i exceptions - Exception support is enabled
+\i rtti - RTTI support is enabled
+\i stl - STL support is enabled
+These options define specific things depending on the platform and/or template:
+\i flat - When using the vcapp template this will put all the source files into the source group and
+ the header files into the header group regardless of what directory they reside in. Turning this
+ option off will group the files within the source/header group depending on the directory they
+ reside. This is turned on by default.
+The \c CONFIG variable will also be checked when resolving
+scopes. You may assign anything to this variable.
+For example:
+CONFIG += qt console newstuff
+newstuff {
+ SOURCES += new.cpp
+ HEADERS += new.h
+\target DEFINES
+\section3 DEFINES
+\e qmake adds the values of this variable as compiler C
+preprocessor macros (-D option).
+For example:
+\target DEF_FILE
+\section3 DEF_FILE
+\e {This is only used on Windows when using the 'app' template}.
+Specifies a .def file to be included in the project.
+\target DESTDIR
+\section3 DESTDIR
+Specifies where to put the \link #TARGET target \endlink file.
+For example:
+ DESTDIR = ../../lib
+\section3 DLLDESTDIR
+Specifies where to copy the \link #TARGET target \endlink dll.
+\target HEADERS
+\section3 HEADERS
+Defines the header files for the project.
+\e qmake will generate dependency information (unless -nodepend
+is specified on the \link #Commands command line \endlink) for the
+specified headers. \e qmake will also automatically detect if
+\e moc is required by the classes in these headers, and add the
+appropriate dependencies and files to the project for generating and
+linking the moc files.
+For example:
+HEADERS = myclass.h \
+ login.h \
+ mainwindow.h
+See also \link #SOURCES SOURCES \endlink.
+\section3 INCLUDEPATH
+This variable specifies the #include directories which should be
+searched when compiling the project. Use ';' or a space as the
+directory separator.
+For example:
+ INCLUDEPATH = c:\msdev\include d:\stl\include
+\target FORMS
+\section3 FORMS
+This variable specifies the .ui files (see \link Qt Designer \endlink) to be processed through \e uic
+before compiling. All dependencies, headers and source files required
+to build these .ui files will automatically be added to the project.
+For example:
+FORMS = mydialog.ui \
+ mywidget.ui \
+ myconfig.ui
+Note that forms should not be specified using the \c += operator because
+this syntax is not fully supported by \QD.
+\section3 LEXSOURCES
+This variable contains a list of lex source files. All
+dependencies, headers and source files will automatically be added to
+the project for building these lex files.
+For example:
+LEXSOURCES = lexer.l
+\target LIBS
+\section3 LIBS
+This variable contains a list of libraries to be linked into the project.
+If you are more comfortable with the Unix convension of -L/-l flags you are
+free to use them in a cross-platform manner and qmake will do the correct
+thing with these libraries on Windows (namely this means passing the full
+path of the library to the linker). The only limitation to this is the
+library must exist, for qmake to find which directory a -l lib lives in.
+For example:
+unix:LIBS += -lmath -L/usr/local/lib
+win32:LIBS += c:\mylibs\math.lib
+\target MOC_DIR
+\section3 MOC_DIR
+This variable specifies the directory where all intermediate moc
+files should be placed.
+For example:
+unix:MOC_DIR = ../myproject/tmp
+win32:MOC_DIR = c:\myproject\tmp
+\target OBJECTS_DIR
+\section3 OBJECTS_DIR
+This variable specifies the directory where all intermediate
+objects should be placed.
+For example:
+unix:OBJECTS_DIR = ../myproject/tmp
+win32:OBJECTS__DIR = c:\myproject\tmp
+\target UI_DIR
+\section3 UI_DIR
+This variable specifies the directory where all intermediate files from uic
+should be placed. This variable overrides both UI_SOURCES_DIR and
+For example:
+unix:UI_DIR = ../myproject/ui
+win32:UI_DIR = c:\myproject\ui
+\section3 UI_HEADERS_DIR
+This variable specifies the directory where all declaration files (as
+generated by uic) should be placed.
+For example:
+unix:UI_HEADERS_DIR = ../myproject/ui/include
+win32:UI_HEADERS_DIR = c:\myproject\ui\include
+\section3 UI_SOURCES_DIR
+This variable specifies the directory where all implementation files (as generated
+by uic) should be placed.
+For example:
+unix:UI_SOURCES_DIR = ../myproject/ui/src
+win32:UI_SOURCES_DIR = c:\myproject\ui\src
+\target REQUIRES
+\section3 REQUIRES
+This is a special variable processed by \e qmake. If the
+contents of this variable do not appear in CONFIG by the time this
+variable is assigned, then a minimal makefile will be generated that
+states what dependencies (the values assigned to REQUIRES) are
+This is mainly used in Qt's build system for building the examples.
+\target SOURCES
+\section3 SOURCES
+This variable contains the name of all source files in the project.
+For example:
+SOURCES = myclass.cpp \
+ login.cpp \
+ mainwindow.cpp
+See also \link #HEADERS HEADERS \endlink
+\section3 SUBDIRS
+This variable, when used with the 'subdirs'
+\link #TEMPLATE TEMPLATE \endlink contains the names of all subdirectories
+to look for a project file.
+For example:
+SUBDIRS = kernel \
+ tools
+\target TARGET
+\section3 TARGET
+This specifies the name of the target file.
+For example:
+TARGET = myapp
+SOURCES = main.cpp
+The project file above would produce an executable named 'myapp' on
+unix and 'myapp.exe' on windows.
+\target TEMPLATE
+\section3 TEMPLATE
+This variable contains the name of the template to use when
+generating the project. The allowed values are:
+\i app - Creates a makefile for building applications (the default)
+\i lib - Creates a makefile for building libraries
+\i subdirs - Creates a makefile for building targets in subdirectories
+\i vcapp - \e {win32 only} Creates an application project file for
+Visual Studio
+\i vclib - \e {win32 only} Creates a library project file for Visual
+For example:
+SOURCES = main.cpp
+TARGET = mylib
+The template can be overridden by specifying a new template type with the
+\c -t command line option. This overrides the template type \e after the .pro
+file has been processed. With .pro files that use the template type to
+determine how the project is built, it is necessary to declare TEMPLATE on
+the command line rather than use the \c -t option.
+\section3 VERSION
+This variable contains the version number of the library if the
+'lib' \link #TEMPLATE TEMPLATE \endlink is specified.
+For example:
+VERSION = 1.2.3
+\section3 DISTFILES
+This variable contains a list of files to be included in the dist
+target. This feature is supported by UnixMake specs only.
+For example:
+DISTFILES += ../program.txt
+\section3 YACCSOURCES
+This variable contains a list of yacc source files to be included
+in the project. All dependencies, headers and source files will
+automatically be included in the project.
+For example:
+\target RarelyUsedSystemVariables
+\section2 Rarely Used System Variables
+The following variables are also recognized by \e qmake but are
+either internal or very rarely used.
+This variable is set internally by \e qmake, which is basically the DESTDIR variable with
+the TARGET variable appened at the end. The value of this variable
+is typically handled by \e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be
+\section3 DSP_TEMPLATE
+This variable is set internally by \e qmake, which specifies where the dsp template file for
+basing generated dsp files is stored. The value of this variable
+is typically handled by \e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be
+\target LEXIMPLS
+\section3 LEXIMPLS
+This variable contains a list of lex implementation files. The value
+of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely
+needs to be modified.
+\section3 LEXOBJECTS
+This variable contains the names of intermediate lex object
+files.The value of this variable is typically handled by
+\e qmake and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 LITERAL_HASH
+This variable is used whenever a literal hash character (\c{#}) is needed in
+a variable declaration, perhaps as part of a file name or in a string passed
+to some external application.
+For example:
+# To include a literal hash character, use the $$LITERAL_HASH variable:
+urlPieces = LITERAL_HASH
+message($$join(urlPieces, $$LITERAL_HASH))
+By using \c LITERAL_HASH in this way, the \c # character can be used
+to construct a URL for the \c message() function to print to the console.
+\target MAKEFILE
+\section3 MAKEFILE
+This variable specifies the name of the makefile which
+\e qmake should use when outputting the dependency information
+for building a project. The value of this variable is typically
+handled by \e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+This variable contains the name of the makefile generator to use
+when generating a makefile. The value of this variable is typically
+handled internally by \e qmake and rarely needs to be modified.
+\target OBJECTS
+\section3 OBJECTS
+This variable is generated from the \link #SOURCES SOURCES
+\endlink variable. The extension of each source file will have been
+replaced by .o (Unix) or .obj (Win32). The value of this variable is
+typically handled by \e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and
+rarely needs to be modified.
+\target OBJMOC
+\section3 OBJMOC
+This variable is set by \e qmake if files can be found that
+contain the Q_OBJECT macro. \c OBJMOC contains the
+name of all intermediate moc object files. The value of this variable
+is typically handled by \e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be
+This variable indicates the header file for creating a precompiled
+header file, to increase the compilation speed of a project.
+Precompiled headers are currently only supported on some platforms
+(Windows - all MSVC project types, Mac OS X - Xcode, Makefile,
+UNIX - gcc 3.3 and up).
+On other platforms, this variable has different meaning, as noted
+This variable contains a list of header files that require some
+sort of pre-compilation step (such as with moc). The value of this
+variable is typically handled by \e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be
+\target QMAKE
+\section3 QMAKE
+This variable contains the name of the \e qmake program
+itself and is placed in generated makefiles. The value of this
+variable is typically handled by \e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be
+\target QMAKESPEC_systemvariable
+\section3 QMAKESPEC
+This variable contains the name of the \e qmake
+configuration to use when generating makefiles. The value of this
+variable is typically handled by \e qmake and rarely needs to be modified.
+Use the \link #QMAKESPEC QMAKESPEC \endlink environment variable instead.
+\section3 QMAKE_APP_FLAG
+This variable is empty unless the 'app'
+\link #TEMPLATE TEMPLATE \endlink is specified. The value of this
+variable is typically handled by \e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be
+modified. Use the following instead:
+app {
+ #conditional code for 'app' template here
+\section3 QMAKE_APP_OR_DLL
+This variable is empty unless the 'app' or 'dll'
+\link #TEMPLATE TEMPLATE \endlink is specified. The value of this
+variable is typically handled by \e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be
+\target QMAKE_AR_CMD
+\section3 QMAKE_AR_CMD
+\e {This is used on Unix platforms only}
+This variable contains the command for invoking the program which
+creates, modifies and extracts archives. The value of this variable is
+typically handled by \e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink
+and rarely needs to be modified.
+This variable contains the flags for the C compiler in debug mode.The value of this variable is
+typically handled by \e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink
+and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 QMAKE_CFLAGS_MT
+This variable contains the compiler flags for creating a
+multi-threaded application or when the version of Qt that you link
+against is a multi-threaded statically linked library. The value of
+this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+\link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+This variable contains the compiler flags for creating a debuggable
+multi-threaded application or when the version of Qt that you link
+against is a debuggable multi-threaded statically linked library. The
+value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+\link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\e {This is used on Windows only}
+This variable contains the compiler flags for creating a
+multi-threaded dll or when the version of Qt that you link
+against is a multi-threaded dll. The value of this variable is typically
+handled by \e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and
+rarely needs to be modified.
+\e {This is used on Windows only}
+This variable contains the compiler flags for creating a debuggable
+multi-threaded dll or when the version of Qt that you link
+against is a debuggable multi-threaded statically linked library.
+The value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+\link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+This variable contains the compiler flags for creating a non-debuggable
+application. The value of this variable is typically
+handled by \e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and
+rarely needs to be modified.
+\e {This is used on Unix platforms only}
+This variable contains the compiler flags for creating a shared
+library. The value of this variable is typically handled by
+\e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs
+to be modified.
+This variable contains the compiler flags for creating a multi-threaded
+application. The value of this variable is typically handled by
+\e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs
+to be modified.
+This variable is not empty if the warn_off
+\link #TEMPLATE TEMPLATE \endlink option is specified. The value of this
+variable is typically handled by \e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink
+and rarely needs to be modified.
+This variable is not empty if the warn_on
+\link #TEMPLATE TEMPLATE \endlink option is specified.
+The value of this variable is typically handled by
+\e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs
+to be modified.
+\target QMAKE_CLEAN
+\section3 QMAKE_CLEAN
+This variable contains any files which are not generated files (such as moc and uic
+generated files) and object files that should be removed when using "make clean".
+This variable contains the C++ compiler flags for creating a debuggable
+application. The value of this variable is typically handled by
+\e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs
+to be modified.
+This variable contains the C++ compiler flags for creating a multi-threaded
+application. The value of this variable is typically handled by
+\e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs
+to be modified.
+This variable contains the C++ compiler flags for creating a debuggable multi-threaded
+application. The value of this variable is typically handled by
+\e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs
+to be modified.
+\c {This is used on Windows only}
+This variable contains the C++ compiler flags for creating a multi-threaded
+dll. The value of this variable is typically handled by
+\e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs
+to be modified.
+\c {This is used on Windows only}
+This variable contains the C++ compiler flags for creating a multi-threaded debuggable
+dll. The value of this variable is typically handled by
+\e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs
+to be modified.
+This variable contains the C++ compiler flags for creating an
+application. The value of this variable is typically handled by
+\e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs
+to be modified.
+This variable contains the C++ compiler flags for creating a
+shared library. The value of this variable is typically handled by
+\e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs
+to be modified.
+This variable contains the C++ compiler flags for creating a
+multi-threaded application. The value of this variable is typically handled by
+\e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs
+to be modified.
+This variable contains the C++ compiler flags for suppressing compiler warnings.
+ The value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+This variable contains C++ compiler flags for generating compiler warnings.
+ The value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+This variable contains the extention for shared libraries. The value of this
+variable is typically handled by \e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink
+and rarely needs to be modified.
+This variable contains the list of requirements that were failed to be met when
+\e qmake was used. For example, the sql module is needed and wasn't compiled into Qt. The
+value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink
+and rarely needs to be modified.
+This variable contains the file tags needed to be entered into the makefile, such as SOURCES
+and HEADERS. The value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+\link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 QMAKE_INCDIR
+This variable contains the location of all known header files to be added to
+INCLUDEPATH when building an application. The value of this variable is
+typically handled by \e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely
+needs to be modified.
+All libraries that the \link #TARGET target \endlink depends on can be
+listed in this variable. Some backends do not support this, these include
+MSVC Dsp, and ProjectBuilder .pbproj files. Generally this is support
+internally by these build tools, this is usefull for explicitly listing
+dependant static libraries.
+This list will go after all builtin (and \link #PRE_TARGETDEPS
+$$PRE_TARGETDEPS \endlink) dependencies.
+All libraries that the \link #TARGET target \endlink depends on can be
+listed in this variable. Some backends do not support this, these include
+MSVC Dsp, and ProjectBuilder .pbproj files. Generally this is support
+internally by these build tools, this is usefull for explicitly listing
+dependant static libraries.
+This list will go before all builtin dependencies.
+This variable contains the location of OpenGL header files to be added
+to INCLUDEPATH when building an application with OpenGL support. The
+value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 QMAKE_INCDIR_QT
+This variable contains the location of all known header file
+paths to be added to INCLUDEPATH when building a Qt application. The value
+of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+This variable contains the location of all known header file
+paths to be added to INCLUDEPATH when building a multi-threaded application.
+The value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\target QMAKE_INCDIR_X11
+\section3 QMAKE_INCDIR_X11
+\e {This is used on Unix platforms only}
+This variable contains the location of X11 header file paths to be
+added to INCLUDEPATH when building a X11 application. The
+value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\e {This is used on Windows only}
+This variable contains link flags when building console
+programs. The value of this variable is typically handled by
+\e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\e {This is used on Windows only}
+This variable contains link flags when building console
+dlls. The value of this variable is typically handled by
+\e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+This variable contains link flags when building debuggable applications. The
+value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+This variable contains link flags when building plugins. The value
+of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+This variable contains link flags when building programs that
+use the Qt library built as a dll. The value of this variable is
+typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+This variable contains link flags when building applications for
+release. The value of this variable is typically handled by
+\e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+This variable contains link flags when building applications which are using
+the 'app' template. The value of this variable is typically handled by
+\e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+This variable contains link flags when building shared libraries
+The value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+This variable specifies the link flags to set the name of shared objects,
+such as .so or .dll. The value of this variable is typically handled by \e
+qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+This variable contains link flags when building multi-threaded projects.
+The value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\e {This is used on Windows only}
+This variable contains link flags when building windows projects.
+The value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\e {This is used on Windows only}
+This variable contains link flags when building windows dll projects.
+The value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 QMAKE_LIBDIR
+This variable contains the location of all known library
+directories.The value of this variable is typically handled by
+\e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\e {This is used on Unix platforms only}
+This variable contains the location of all library
+directory with -L prefixed. The value of this variable is typically handled by
+\e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 VPATH
+This variable tells \e qmake where to search for files it cannot
+open. With this you may tell \e qmake where it may look for things
+like SOURCES, and if it finds an entry in SOURCES that cannot be
+opened it will look through the entire VPATH list to see if it can
+find the file on its own.
+See also \link #DEPENDPATH DEPENDPATH \endlink.
+\section3 DEPENDPATH
+This variable contains the list of all directories to look in to
+resolve dependencies. This will be used when crawling through
+'included' files.
+This variable contains the location of the OpenGL library
+directory.The value of this variable is typically handled by
+\e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 QMAKE_LIBDIR_QT
+This variable contains the location of the Qt library
+directory.The value of this variable is typically handled by
+\e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 QMAKE_LIBDIR_X11
+\e {This is used on Unix platforms only}
+This variable contains the location of the X11 library
+directory.The value of this variable is typically handled by
+\e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 QMAKE_LIBS
+This variable contains all project libraries. The value of this
+variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\e {This is used on Windows only}
+This variable contains all project libraries that should be linked against
+when building a console application. The value of this
+variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+This variable contains all OpenGL libraries. The value of this
+variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+This variable contains all OpenGL Qt libraries.The value of this
+variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 QMAKE_LIBS_QT
+This variable contains all Qt libraries.The value of this
+variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 QMAKE_LIBS_QT_DLL
+\e {This is used on Windows only}
+This variable contains all Qt libraries when Qt is built as a dll. The
+value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+This variable contains all the libraries needed to link against if
+OpenGL support is turned on. The
+value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+This variable contains all the libraries needed to link against if
+thread support is turned on. The
+value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 QMAKE_LIBS_RT
+\e {This is used with Borland compilers only}
+This variable contains the runtime library needed to link against when
+building an application. The
+value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 QMAKE_LIBS_RTMT
+\e {This is used with Borland compilers only}
+This variable contains the runtime library needed to link against when
+building a multi-threaded application. The
+value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\e {This is used on Unix platforms only}
+This variable contains all libraries that need to be linked against
+when building a multi-threaded application. The
+value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\e {This is used on Windows only}
+This variable contains all windows libraries.The value of this
+variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 QMAKE_LIBS_X11
+\e {This is used on Unix platforms only}
+This variable contains all X11 libraries.The value of this
+variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 QMAKE_LIBS_X11SM
+\e {This is used on Unix platforms only}
+This variable contains all X11 session management libraries. The
+value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 QMAKE_LIB_FLAG
+This variable is not empty if the 'lib' template is specified. The
+value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+This variable contains the command to execute when creating a
+shared library. The
+value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 QMAKE_POST_LINK
+This variable contains the command to execute after linking the TARGET
+together. This variable is normally empty and therefore nothing is
+executed, additionally some backends will not support this - mostly only
+Makefile backends.
+\section3 QMAKE_PRE_LINK
+This variable contains the command to execute before linking the TARGET
+together. This variable is normally empty and therefore nothing is
+executed, additionally some backends will not support this - mostly only
+Makefile backends.
+\section3 QMAKE_LN_SHLIB
+This variable contains the command to execute when creating a link
+to a shared library. The
+value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+This variable contains the name of the makefile to create. The
+value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 QMAKE_MOC_SRC
+This variable contains the names of all moc source files to
+generate and include in the project. The value of this variable is
+typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 QMAKE_QMAKE
+This variable contains the location of qmake if it is not in the path.
+The value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 QMAKE_QT_DLL
+This variable is not empty if Qt was built as a dll. The
+value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 QMAKE_RUN_CC
+This variable specifies the individual rule needed to build an object.
+The value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 QMAKE_RUN_CC_IMP
+This variable specifies the individual rule needed to build an object.
+The value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 QMAKE_RUN_CXX
+This variable specifies the individual rule needed to build an object.
+The value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 QMAKE_RUN_CXX_IMP
+This variable specifies the individual rule needed to build an object.
+The value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 QMAKE_TARGET
+This variable contains the name of the project target. The value of
+this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 QMAKE_UIC
+This variable contains the location of uic if it is not in the path.
+The value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+It can be used to specify arguments to uic as well, such as additional plugin
+paths. For example:
+ QMAKE_UIC = uic -L /path/to/plugin
+\section3 RC_FILE
+This variable contains the name of the resource file for the application.
+The value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 RES_FILE
+This variable contains the name of the resource file for the application.
+The value of this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 SRCMOC
+This variable is set by \e qmake if files can be found that
+contain the Q_OBJECT macro. \c SRCMOC contains the
+name of all the generated moc files. The value of this variable
+is typically handled by \e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be
+\section3 TARGET_EXT
+This variable specifies the target's extension. The value of this variable
+is typically handled by \e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be
+\section3 TARGET_x
+This variable specifies the target's extension with a major version number. The value of this variable
+is typically handled by \e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be
+\section3 TARGET_x.y.z
+This variable specifies the target's extension with version number. The value of this variable
+is typically handled by \e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be
+\section3 UICIMPLS
+This variable contains a list of the generated implementation files by UIC.
+The value of this variable
+is typically handled by \e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be
+\section3 UICOBJECTS
+This variable is generated from the UICIMPLS variable. The extension of each
+file will have been replaced by .o (Unix) or .obj (Win32). The value of this variable is
+typically handled by \e qmake or \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and
+rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 VER_MAJ
+This variable contains the major version number of the library, if the
+'lib' \link #TEMPLATE template \endlink is specified.
+\section3 VER_MIN
+This variable contains the minor version number of the library, if the
+'lib' \link #TEMPLATE template \endlink is specified.
+\section3 VER_PAT
+This variable contains the patch version number of the library, if the
+'lib' \link #TEMPLATE template \endlink is specified.
+\section3 QMAKE_EXT_MOC
+This variable changes the extention used on included moc files.
+See also \link #Extensions File Extensions \endlink.
+\section3 QMAKE_EXT_UI
+This variable changes the extention used on /e Designer UI files.
+See also \link #Extensions File Extensions \endlink.
+\section3 QMAKE_EXT_PRL
+This variable changes the extention used on created PRL files.
+See also \link #Extensions File Extensions \endlink,
+ \link #LibDepend Library Dependencies \endlink.
+\section3 QMAKE_EXT_LEX
+This variable changes the extention used on files given to lex.
+See also \link #Extensions File Extensions \endlink,
+ \link #LEXSOURCES LEXSOURCES \endlink.
+\section3 QMAKE_EXT_YACC
+This variable changes the extention used on files given to yacc.
+See also \link #Extensions File Extensions \endlink,
+\section3 QMAKE_EXT_OBJ
+This variable changes the extention used on generated object files.
+See also \link #Extensions File Extensions \endlink.
+\section3 QMAKE_EXT_CPP
+This variable changes the interpretation of all suffixes in this
+list of values as files of type C++ source code.
+See also \link #Extensions File Extensions \endlink.
+\section3 QMAKE_EXT_H
+This variable changes the interpretation of all suffixes in this
+list of values as files of type C header files.
+See also \link #Extensions File Extensions \endlink.
+\section3 YACCIMPLS
+This variable contains a list of yacc source files. The value of
+this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\section3 YACCOBJECTS
+This variable contains a list of yacc object files. The value of
+this variable is typically handled by \e qmake or
+ \link #QMAKESPEC qmake.conf \endlink and rarely needs to be modified.
+\target Functions
+\section1 Functions
+\e qmake recognizes the following functions:
+\section2 include( filename )
+This function will include the contents of \e filename into the
+current project at the point where was included. The function succeeds
+if \e filename was included, otherwise it fails. You can check the
+return value of this function using a
+For example:
+include( shared.pri )
+OPTIONS = standard custom
+!include( options.pri ) {
+ message( "No custom build options specified" )
+ OPTIONS -= custom
+\section2 exists( file )
+This function will test if \e file exists. If the file exists, then it will succeed; otherwise it will
+You can specify a regular expression in file and it will succeed if any file
+matches the regular expression specified.
+For example:
+exists( $(QTDIR)/lib/libqt-mt* ) {
+ message( "Configuring for multi-threaded Qt..." )
+ CONFIG += thread
+\section2 contains( variablename, value )
+This function will succeed if the variable \e variablename
+contains the value \e value. You can check the return value of this
+function using a scope.
+For example:
+contains( drivers, network ) {
+ # drivers contains 'network'
+ message( "Configuring for network build..." )
+ HEADERS += network.h
+ SOURCES += network.cpp
+\section2 count( variablename, number )
+This function will succeed if the variable \e variablename
+contains \e number elements, otherwise it will fail. You can check
+the return value of this function using a
+For example:
+MYVAR = one two three
+count( MYVAR, 3 ) {
+ # always true
+\section2 infile( filename, var, val )
+This function will succeed if the file \e filename (when parsed
+by qmake itself) contains the variable \e var with a value of
+\e val. You may also not pass in a third argument (\e val) and the
+function will only test if \e var has been assigned to in the file.
+\section2 isEmpty( variablename )
+This function will succeed if the variable \e variablename is
+empty (same as \c count(variable, 0)).
+\section2 system( command )
+This function will execute \c command in a secondary shell and will
+succeed if the command exits with an exit status of 1. You can check the
+return value of this function using a scope.
+For example:
+ system(ls /bin):HAS_BIN=FALSE
+\section2 message( string )
+This function will always succeed, and will display the given
+\e string to the user.
+\section2 error( string )
+This function will never return a value. It will display the given \e
+string to the user, and then exit \e qmake. This function should
+only be used for very fatal configurations.
+For example:
+ release:debug:error(You can't have release and debug at the same time!)
+\target Properties
+\section1 Properties
+\e qmake has a system of persistant information, this allows you to
+'set' a variable in qmake once, and each time qmake is invoked this
+value can be queried. Use the following to set a property in qmake:
+qmake -set VARIABLE VALUE
+To retrieve this information back from qmake you can do:
+qmake -query VARIABLE
+qmake -query #queries all current VARIABLE/VALUE pairs..
+This information will be saved into a QSettings object (meaning it
+will be stored in different places for different platforms). As
+VARIABLE is versioned as well, you can set one value in an older
+version of qmake, and newer versions will retrieve this value, however
+if you -set VARIABLE into a newer version of qmake the older version
+will not use this value. You can however query a specific version of a
+variable if you prefix that version of qmake to VARIABLE, as in:
+qmake -query "1.06a/VARIABLE"
+qmake also has the notion of 'builtin' properties, for example you can
+query the installation of Qt for this version of qmake with the
+qmake -query "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX"
+These builtin properties cannot have a version prefixed to them as
+they are not versioned and each qmake will have its own notion of
+these values. The list below outlines the builtin properties:
+\i QT_INSTALL_PREFIX - Where the version of Qt this qmake is built for resides
+\i QT_INSTALL_DATA - Where data for this version of Qt resides
+\i QMAKE_VERSION - The current version of qmake
+Finally, these values can be queried in a project file with a special
+notation such as:
+\target Environment
+\section1 Environment Variables and Configuration
+\target QMAKESPEC
+\section2 QMAKESPEC
+\e qmake requires a platform and compiler description file which
+contains many default values used to generate appropriate makefiles.
+The standard Qt distribution comes with many of these files, located
+in the 'mkspecs' subdirectory of the Qt installation.
+The QMAKESPEC environment variable can contain any of the following:
+\i A complete path to a directory containing a qmake.conf file. In this case \e qmake will open the qmake.conf file from within that directory. If the file does not exist, \e qmake will exit with an error.
+\i The name of a platform-compiler combination. In this case, \e qmake will search in the directory specified by the QTDIR environment variable.
+Note: the QMAKESPEC path will automatically be added to the
+\link #INCLUDEPATH INCLUDEPATH \endlink system variable.
+\target INSTALLS
+\section2 INSTALLS
+It is common on UNIX to be able to install from the same utility as
+you build with (e.g make install). For this \e qmake has introduce the
+concept of an install set. The notation for this is quite simple,
+first you fill in an "object" in qmake for example:
+ documentation.path = /usr/local/program/doc
+ documentation.files = docs/*
+In this way you are telling \e qmake several things about this
+install, first that you plan to install to /usr/local/program/doc (the
+path member), second that you plan to copy everything in the docs
+directory. Once this is done you may insert it in the install list:
+ INSTALLS += documentation
+Now \e qmake will take over making sure the correct things are copied
+to the specified places. If however you require greater control you
+may use the 'extra' member of the object:
+ unix:documentation.extra = create_docs; mv master.doc toc.doc
+Then qmake will run the things in extra (this is of course platform
+specific, so you may need to test for your platform first, this case
+we test for unix). Then it will do the normal processings of the files
+member. Finally if you appened a builtin install to INSTALLS \e qmake
+(and do not specify a files or extra member) will decide what needs to
+be copied for you, currently the only supported builtin is target:
+ target.path = /usr/local/myprogram
+ INSTALLS += target
+With this \e qmake will know what you plan need copied, and do this
+for you.
+\target cache
+\section2 Cache File
+The cache file (mentioned above in the options) is a special file \e qmake
+will read to find settings not specified in the \c qmake.conf file, the file, or the command line. If \c -nocache is not specified, \e qmake
+will try to find a file called \c .qmake.cache in parent directories. If
+it fails to find this file, it will silently ignore this step of
+\target LibDepend
+\section2 Library Dependencies
+Often when linking against a library \e qmake relies on the underlying
+platform to know what other libraries this library links against, and
+lets the platform pull them in. In many cases, however, this is not
+sufficent. For example when statically linking a library there are no
+libraries linked against, and therefore no dependencies to those
+libraries are created - however an application that later links
+against this library will need to know where to find the symbols that
+the linked in library will require. To help with this situation \e
+qmake will follow a library's dependencies when it feels appropriate,
+however this behaviour must be enabled in \e qmake. To enable requires
+two steps. First, you must enable it in the library - to do this you
+must tell \e qmake to save information about this library:
+ CONFIG += create_prl
+This is only relevant to the lib template, and will be ignored for all
+others. When this option is enabled \e qmake will create a file
+(called a .prl file) which will save some meta information about the
+library. This metafile is itself just a qmake project file, but with
+all internal variables. You are free to view this file, and if deleted
+\e qmake will know to recreate it when necesary (either when the .pro
+file is later read, or if a dependent library (described below) has
+changed). When installing this library (by using target in INSTALLS,
+above) \e qmake will automatically copy the .prl file to your install
+The second step to enabling this processing is to turn on reading of
+the meta information created above:
+ CONFIG += link_prl
+When this is turned on \e qmake will process all libraries linked to,
+and find their meta information. With this meta information \e qmake
+will figure out what is relevant to linking, specifically it will add
+to your list of DEFINES as well as LIBS. Once \e qmake has processed
+this file, it will then look through the newly introduced LIBS and
+find their dependent .prl files, and continue until all libraries have
+been resolved. At this point the makefile is created as usual, and the
+libraries are linked explicity against your program.
+The internals of the .prl file are left closed so they can easily
+change later. It is not designed to be changed by hand however, and
+should only be created by \e qmake - these .prl files should also not
+be transfered from operating system to operating system as they may be
+platform dependent (like a makefile).
+\target Extensions
+\section2 File Extensions
+Under normal circumstances \e qmake will try to use appropriate file extensions
+for your platform. There may be times, however, that you would like to override
+the behavior of these extensions. To do this, you must modify builtin variables
+in your .pro file, which will in turn changes \e qmake's interpretation of these
+files. You may do this as:
+ QMAKE_EXT_MOC = .mymoc
+The variables are as follows:
+\i QMAKE_EXT_MOC - This modifies the extension placed on included moc files.
+\i QMAKE_EXT_UI - This modifies the extension used for designer UI files (usually in FORMS).
+\i QMAKE_EXT_PRL - This modifies the extension placed on
+ \link #LibDepend library dependency files \endlink.
+\i QMAKE_EXT_LEX - This changes the suffix used in files (usually in LEXSOURCES).
+\i QMAKE_EXT_YACC - This changes the suffix used in files (usually in YACCSOURCES).
+\i QMAKE_EXT_OBJ - This changes the suffix used on generated object files.
+All the above accept just the first value, so you must assign to it one value that
+will be used through your makefile. There are two variables that accept a list of values,
+they are:
+\i QMAKE_EXT_CPP - Changes interpretation all files with these suffixes to be
+ C++ source files.
+\i QMAKE_EXT_H - Changes interpretation all files with these suffixes to be
+ C header files.
+\target Customizing
+\section2 Customizing Makefile Output
+qmake often tries to be all things to all build tools, this is often less
+than ideal when you really need to run special platform dependent
+commands. This can be achieved with specific instructions to the different
+qmake backends (currently this is only supported by the UNIX \link
+#MAKEFILE_GENERATOR generator \endlink).
+The interfaces to customizing the Makefile are done through "objects" as in
+other places in qmake. The notation for this is quite simple, first you
+fill in an "object" in qmake for example:
+ = .buildfile
+ mytarget.commands = touch $$
+ mytarget.depends = mytarget2
+ mytarget2.commands = @echo Building $$
+The information above defines a qmake target called mytarget which contains
+a Makefile target called .buildfile, .buildfile is generated by 'touch
+.buildfile', and finally that this Makefile target depends on the qmake
+target mytarget2. Additionally we've defined the qmake target mytarget2
+which simply echo's something to stdout.
+The final step to making use of the above is to instruct qmake that this is
+actually an object used by the target building parts of qmake by:
+QMAKE_EXTRA_UNIX_TARGETS += mytarget mytarget2
+This is all you need to do to actually build custom targets in qmake, of
+course you may want to tie one of these targets to actually building the
+\link #TARGET qmake build target \endlink. To do this, you simply need to
+include your Makefile target in the list of \link #PRE_TARGETDEPS PRE_TARGETDEPS
+For convenience there is also a method of customizing (UNIX) projects
+for generic new compilers (or even preprocessors).
+new_moc.output = moc_${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.cpp
+new_moc.commands = moc ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME} -o ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT}
+new_moc.depends = g++ -E -M ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME} | sed "s,^.*: ,,"
+new_moc.input = NEW_HEADERS
+With this you can create a new moc for qmake, the commands will be
+executed over all arguments given to a NEW_HEADERS variable (from the
+input variable), and write to output (and automatically hand this
+filename to the compiler to be linked into your target). Additionally
+qmake will execute depends to generate dependency information and
+place this in the project as well.
+These commands can easily be placed into a cache file, and subsequent files can give several arguments to NEW_HEADERS.
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+\chapter qmake Concepts
+\section1 Introducing qmake
+\e qmake is an easy-to-use tool from Trolltech that creates makefiles
+for development projects across different platforms. \e qmake
+simplifies the generation of makefiles so that only a few lines of
+information are needed to create a makefile. \e qmake can be used for
+any software project whether it is written in Qt or not, although it
+also contains additional features to support Qt development.
+\e qmake generates a makefile based on the information in a project
+file. Project files are created by the developer. Project files are
+usually simple, but can be quite sophisticated if required.
+\e qmake can also generate projects for Microsoft Visual studio
+without having to change the project file.
+\section1 qmake's Concepts
+\section2 The QMAKESPEC environment variable
+Before \e qmake can be used to build makefiles, the QMAKESPEC
+environment variable must be set to the platform-compiler combination
+that is being used on the system. The QMAKESPEC environment variable
+tells qmake where to look to find platform and compiler specific
+information. This ensures that the right libraries are used, and that
+the generated makefile uses the correct syntax. A list of the
+currently supported platform-compiler combinations can be found in
+qt/mkspecs. Just set your environment variable to one of the
+directories listed.
+For example, if you are using Microsoft Visual Studio on Windows, then
+you would set the QMAKESPEC environment variable to \e win32-msvc.
+If you are using gcc on Solaris then you would set your QMAKESPEC
+environment variable to \e solaris-g++.
+Inside each of the directories in qt/mkspecs, there is a \e qmake.conf
+file which contains the platform and compiler specific information.
+These settings are applied to any project that is built using \e
+qmake and should not be modified unless you're an expert. For example,
+if all your applications had to link against a particular library, you
+might add this information to the relevant \e qmake.conf file.
+\section2 Project (.pro) files
+A project file is used to tell \e qmake the details it needs to know
+about creating a makefile for the application. For instance, a list
+of source files and header files that should be put into the project
+file; any application specific configuration, such as an extra library
+that should be linked against, or an extra include path.
+\section3 '#' comments
+You can add comments to project files. Comments begin with the '#'
+symbol and run to the end of the line.
+\section2 Templates
+The template variable tells \e qmake what sort of makefile should be
+generated for the application. The following choices are available:
+\i app - Creates a makefile that builds an application. This is the
+default, so if a template is not specified, this is used.
+\i lib - Creates a makefile that builds a library.
+\i vcapp - Creates a Visual Studio Project file which builds an application.
+\i vclib - Creates a Visual Studio Project file which builds a library.
+\i subdirs - This is a special template which creates a makefile which
+will go into the specified directories and create a makefile for the
+project file and call make on it.
+\section3 The 'app' template
+The 'app' template tells \e qmake to generate a makefile that will build
+an application. When using this template the following \e qmake
+system variables are recognized. You should use these in your .pro
+file to specify information about your application.
+\i HEADERS - A list of all the header files for the application.
+\i SOURCES - A list of all the source files for the application.
+\i FORMS - A list of all the .ui files (created using \e{Qt Designer})
+for the application.
+\i LEXSOURCES - A list of all the lex source files for the application.
+\i YACCSOURCES - A list of all the yacc source files for the application.
+\i TARGET - Name of the executable for the application. This defaults
+to the name of the project file. (The extension, if any, is added
+\i DESTDIR - The directory in which the target executable is placed.
+\i DEFINES - A list of any additional pre-processor defines needed for the application.
+\i INCLUDEPATH - A list of any additional include paths needed for the application.
+\i DEPENDPATH - The dependency search path for the application.
+\i VPATH - The search path to find supplied files.
+\i DEF_FILE - Windows only: A .def file to be linked against for the application.
+\i RC_FILE - Windows only: A resource file for the application.
+\i RES_FILE - Windows only: A resource file to be linked against for the application.
+You only need to use the system variables that you have values for,
+for instance, if you don't have any extra INCLUDEPATHs then you don't
+need to specify any, \e qmake will add in the default ones needed.
+For instance, an example project file might look like this:
+DESTDIR = c:\helloapp
+HEADERS += hello.h
+SOURCES += hello.cpp
+SOURCES += main.cpp
+CONFIG += qt warn_on release
+For items that are single valued, e.g. the template or the destination
+directory, we use "="; but for multi-valued items we use "+=" to \e
+add to the existing items of that type. Using "=" replaces the item's
+value with the new value, for example if we wrote \c{DEFINES=QT_DLL},
+all other definitions would be deleted.
+\section3 The 'lib' template
+The 'lib' template tells \e qmake to generate a makefile that will
+build a library. When using this template, in addition to the system variables
+mentioned above for the 'app' template the \e VERSION variable is
+supported. You should use these in your .pro file to specify
+information about the library.
+\i VERSION - The version number of the target library, for example, 2.3.1.
+\section3 The 'subdirs' template
+The 'subdirs' template tells qmake to generate a makefile that will go
+into the specified subdirectories and generate a makefile for the
+project file in the directory and call make on it.
+The only system variable that is recognised for this template is the
+\e SUBDIRS variable. This variable contains a list of all the
+subdirectories that contain project files to be processed. It is
+essential that the project file in the sub directory has the same name
+as the subdirectory, so that \e qmake can find it. For
+example, if the subdirectory is called 'myapp' then the project file
+in that directory should be called \e in that directory.
+\section2 The CONFIG variable
+The config variable specifies the options that the compiler should use
+and the libraries that should be linked against. Anything can be
+added to the config variable, but the options covered below are
+recognised by qmake internally.
+The following options control what compiler flags are used:
+\i release - The application is to be built in release mode. This is ignored if 'debug' is specified.
+\i debug - The application is to be built in debug mode.
+\i warn_on - The compiler should output as many warnings as possible. This is ignored if 'warn_off' is specified.
+\i warn_off - The compiler should output as few warnings as possible.
+The following options define the type of library/application to be built:
+\i qt - The application is a Qt application and should link against the Qt library.
+\i thread - The application is a multi-threaded application.
+\i x11 - The application is an X11 application or library.
+\i windows - 'app' template only: the application is a Windows window application.
+\i console - 'app' template only: the application is a Windows console application.
+\i dll - 'lib' template only: The library is a shared library (dll).
+\i staticlib - 'lib' template only: The library is a static library.
+\i plugin - 'lib' template only: The library is a plugin; this enables the dll option.
+For example, if your application uses the Qt library and you want to
+build it as a debuggable multi-threaded application, your project file
+will have the following line:
+ CONFIG += qt thread debug
+Note, that you must use "+=", not "=", or \e qmake will not be able to
+use the settings used to build Qt as a guide as what type of Qt
+library was built.
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+\chapter Installing qmake
+\section1 Installing qmake
+\e qmake is built by default when Qt is built.
+This section explains how to build \e qmake manually. Skip ahead to
+\l{The 10 minute guide to using qmake}, if you already have \e qmake.
+\section2 Installing qmake manually
+Before building Qt manually the following environment variables must
+be set:
+\i QMAKESPEC \BR This must be set to the platform and compiler
+combination that you are using on your system. \BR For example, if
+you are using Windows and Microsoft Visual Studio, you would set this
+environment variable to \e win32-msvc. If you are using Solaris and
+g++, you would set this environment variable to \e solaris-g++.
+The following is a list of environment variables available to choose
+from when setting QMAKESPEC:
+aix-64 hpux-cc irix-032 netbsd-g++ solaris-cc unixware7-g++
+aix-g++ hpux-g++ linux-cxx openbsd-g++ solaris-g++ win32-borland
+aix-xlc hpux-n64 linux-g++ openunix-cc sunos-g++ win32-g++
+bsdi-g++ hpux-o64 linux-icc qnx-g++ tru64-cxx win32-msvc
+dgux-g++ hurd-g++ linux-kcc reliant-64 tru64-g++ win32-watc
+freebsd-g++ irix-64 macx-pbuilder reliant-cds ultrix-g++ win32-visa
+hpux-acc irix-g++ macx-g++ sco-g++ unixware-g
+hpux-acc irix-n32 solaris-64 unixware7-cc
+The environment variable should be set to qws/envvar where envvar is
+one of the following:
+linux-arm-g++ linux-generic-g++ linux-mips-g++ linux-x86-g++
+linux-freebsd-g++ linux-ipaq-g++ linux-solaris-g++ qnx-rtp-g++
+\i QTDIR \BR This must be set to where Qt is (or will be) installed.
+For example, \e {c:\\qt} and \e {\\local\\qt}
+Once the environment variables are set go into the qmake directory, \e
+$QTDIR/qmake, e.g. \e{C:\\qt\\qmake}. Now run \e make or \e nmake
+depending on your compiler.
+When the make has completed, \e qmake is ready for use.
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+\title qmake User Guide
+\granularity chapter
+\input qmake-preface.leaf
+\input qmake-install.leaf
+\input qmake-quick.leaf
+\input qmake-tutorial.leaf
+\input qmake-concepts.leaf
+\input qmake-advanced.leaf
+\input qmake-pch.leaf
+\input qmake-commandreference.leaf
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60ea1f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qmake/book/qmake-pch.leaf
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+\chapter Using Precompiled Headers
+\target About
+\section1 About Precompiled Headers
+\index About Precompiled Headers
+\index Using Precompiled Headers
+\index Precompiled Headers
+\index PCH
+Precompiled headers are a performance feature supported by some
+compilers to compile a stable body of code, and store the compiled
+state of the code in a binary file. During subsequent compilations,
+the compiler will load the stored state, and continue compiling the
+specified file. Each subsequent compilation is faster because the
+stable code does not need to be recompiled.
+\e qmake supports the use of precompiled headers (PCH) on some
+platforms and build environments, including:
+\i Windows
+ \list
+ \i nmake
+ \i Dsp projects (VC 6.0)
+ \i Vcproj projects (VC 7.0 \& 7.1)
+ \endlist
+\i Mac OS X
+ \list
+ \i Makefile
+ \i Xcode
+ \i GCC 3.3 and up
+ \endlist
+\i Unix
+ \list
+ \i GCC 3.4 and up
+ \endlist
+\target ADD_PCH
+\section1 Adding PCH to your project
+\section2 Contents of the precompiled header file
+The precompiled header must contain code which is \e stable
+and \e static throughout your project. A typical PCH might look
+like this:
+\section3 stable.h
+ /* Add C includes here */
+ #if defined __cplusplus
+ /* Add C++ includes here */
+ #include <stdlib>
+ #include <iostream>
+ #include <vector>
+ #include <qapplication.h> // Qt includes
+ #include <qpushbutton.h>
+ #include <qlabel.h>
+ #include "thirdparty/include/libmain.h"
+ #include "my_stable_class.h"
+ ...
+ #endif
+Note that a precompiled header file needs to separate C includes from
+CPP includes, since the precompiled header file for C files may not
+contain C++ code.
+\section2 Project options
+To make your project use PCH, the only thing you need to change in
+your project settings (.pro), is to include the PRECOMPILED_HEADER option:
+\e qmake will handle the rest, to ensure the creation and use of the
+precompiled header file. You do not need to include the precompiled
+header file in HEADERS, as qmake will do this if the configuration
+supports PCH.
+All platforms that support precompiled headers have the configuration
+option \Bold precompile_header set. Using this option, you may trigger
+conditional blocks in your .pro file, to add settings when using PCH.
+For example:
+ precompile_header:!isEmpty(PRECOMPILED_HEADER) {
+ }
+\section1 Example project
+You can find the following source code in the
+\e{qt/qmake/examples/precompile} directory:
+\Bold mydialog.ui
+\quotefile precompile/mydialog.ui
+\skipto <!
+\printuntil </UI>
+\Bold stable.h
+\quotefile precompile/stable.h
+\skipto /*
+\printuntil #endif
+\Bold myobject.h
+\quotefile precompile/myobject.h
+\skipto #include
+\printuntil }
+\Bold myobject.cpp
+\quotefile precompile/myobject.cpp
+\skipto #include
+\printuntil }
+\Bold util.cpp
+\quotefile precompile/util.cpp
+\skipto void
+\printuntil }
+\Bold main.cpp
+\quotefile precompile/main.cpp
+\skipto #include
+\printuntil }
+\quotefile precompile/
+\skipto #
+\printuntil .ui
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+\chapter Introduction to qmake
+\section1 Introduction to qmake
+\e qmake is a tool created by Trolltech to write makefiles for
+different compilers and platforms.
+Writing makefiles by hand can be difficult and error prone, especially
+if several makefiles are required for different compiler and platform
+combinations. With \e qmake, developers create a simple single
+'project' file and run \e qmake to generate the appropriate
+makefiles. \e qmake takes care of all the compiler and platform
+dependencies, freeing developers to focus on their code. Trolltech
+uses \e qmake as the primary build tool for the Qt library, and for
+the tools supplied with Qt.
+\e qmake also takes care of Qt's special requirements, automatically
+including build rules for \link moc.html moc\endlink and \e uic.
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+\chapter The 10 minute guide to using qmake
+\section1 Creating a project file
+\e qmake uses information stored in project (.pro) files to determine
+what should go in the makefiles it generates.
+A basic project file contains information about the application, for
+example, which files are needed to compile the application, and which
+configuration settings to use.
+Here's a simple example project file:
+ SOURCES = hello.cpp
+ HEADERS = hello.h
+ CONFIG += qt warn_on release
+We'll provide a brief line-by-line explanation, deferring the detail
+until later on in the manual.
+ SOURCES = hello.cpp
+This line specifies the source files that implement the application. In this
+case there is just one file, \e hello.cpp. Most applications require
+multiple files; this situation is dealt with by listing all the files
+on the same line space separated, like this:
+ SOURCES = hello.cpp main.cpp
+Alternatively, each file can be listed on a separate line, by escaping
+the newlines, like this:
+ SOURCES = hello.cpp \
+ main.cpp
+A more verbose approach is to list each file separately, like this:
+ SOURCES += hello.cpp
+ SOURCES += main.cpp
+This approach uses "+=" rather than "=" which is safer, because it
+always adds a new file to the existing list rather than replacing the
+The HEADERS line is used to specify the header files created for use
+by the application, e.g.
+ HEADERS += hello.h
+Any of the approaches used to list source files may be used for header
+The CONFIG line is used to give \e qmake information about the
+application's configuration.
+ CONFIG += qt warn_on release
+The "+=" is used here, because we add our configuration options to any
+that are already present. This is safer than using "=" which replaces
+all options with just those specified.
+The \e qt part of the CONFIG line tells \e qmake that the application
+is built using Qt. This means that \e qmake will link against the Qt
+libraries when linking and add in the neccesary include paths for
+The \e warn_on part of the CONFIG line tells \e qmake that it should
+set the compiler flags so that warnings are output.
+The \e release part of the CONFIG line tells \e qmake that the
+application must be built as a release application. During
+development, programmers may prefer to replace \e release with \e
+debug, which is discussed later.
+The last line in the project file is the TARGET line:
+ TARGET = hello
+The target line simply specifies what the name of the target should be
+for the application. You shouldn't put an extension here because \e
+qmake will do this for you.
+Project files are plain text (i.e. use an editor like notepad, vim
+or xemacs) and must be saved with a '.pro' extension. The name of the
+application's executable will be the same as the project file's name,
+but with an extension appropriate to the platform. For example, a
+project file called '' will produce 'hello.exe' on Windows
+and 'hello' on Unix.
+\section1 Generating a makefile
+When you have created your project file it is very easy to generate a
+makefile, all you need to do is go to where you have created your
+project file and type:
+Makefiles are generated from the '.pro' files like this:
+ qmake -o Makefile
+For Visual Studio users, \e qmake can also generate '.dsp' files, for
+ qmake -t vcapp -o hello.dsp
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+\chapter qmake Tutorial
+\section1 Introduction to the qmake tutorial
+This tutorial teaches you how to use \e qmake. We recommend that
+you read the \e qmake user guide after completing this tutorial.
+\section1 Starting off simple
+Let's assume that you have just finished a basic implementation of
+your application, and you have created the following files:
+\i hello.cpp
+\i hello.h
+\i main.cpp
+You will find these files in \e {qt/qmake/examples/tutorial}. The
+only other thing you know about the setup of the application is that
+it's written in Qt. First, using your favorite plain text editor,
+create a file called \e in \e {qt/qmake/tutorial}. The
+first thing you need to do is add the lines that tell \e qmake about
+the source and header files that are part of your development project.
+We'll add the source files to the project file first. To do this you
+need to use the SOURCES variable. Just start a new line with \e
+{SOURCES +=} and put hello.cpp after it. You should have something
+ SOURCES += hello.cpp
+We repeat this for each source file in the project, until we end up
+ SOURCES += hello.cpp
+ SOURCES += main.cpp
+If you prefer to use a Make-like syntax, with all the files listed in
+one go you can use the newline escaping like this:
+ SOURCES = hello.cpp \
+ main.cpp
+Now that the source files are listed in the project file, the header
+files must be added. These are added in exactly the same way as source
+files, except that the variable name is HEADERS:
+Once you have done this, your project file should look something like
+ HEADERS += hello.h
+ SOURCES += hello.cpp
+ SOURCES += main.cpp
+The target name is set automatically; it is the same as the project
+file, but with the suffix appropriate to the platform. For example, if
+the project file is called '', the target will be 'hello.exe'
+on Windows and 'hello' on Unix. If you want to use a different name
+you can set it in the project file:
+ TARGET = helloworld
+The final step is to set the \e CONFIG variable. Since this is a Qt
+application, we need to put 'qt' on the CONFIG line so that \e qmake
+will add the relevant libraries to be linked against and ensure that
+build lines for \e moc and \e uic are included in the makefile.
+The finished project file should look like this:
+ CONFIG += qt
+ HEADERS += hello.h
+ SOURCES += hello.cpp
+ SOURCES += main.cpp
+You can now use \e qmake to generate a makefile for your application.
+On the command line, in your application directory, type:
+ qmake -o Makefile
+Then type \e make or \e nmake depending on the compiler you use.
+\section1 Making an application debuggable
+The release version of an application doesn't contain any debugging
+symbols or other debuggin information. During development it is useful
+to produce a debugging version of the application that has the
+relevant information. This is easily achieved by adding 'debug' to the
+CONFIG variable in the project file.
+For example:
+ CONFIG += qt debug
+ HEADERS += hello.h
+ SOURCES += hello.cpp
+ SOURCES += main.cpp
+Use \e qmake as before to generate a makefile and you will be able to
+debug your application.
+\section1 Adding platform specific source files
+After a few hours of coding, you might have made a start on the
+platform specific part of your application, and decided to keep the
+platform dependent code separate. So you now have two new files to
+include into your project file - \e hellowin.cpp and \e
+hellounix.cpp. We can't just add these to the \e SOURCES
+variable since this will put both files in the makefile. So what we
+need to do here is to use a scope which will be processed depending on
+which platform \e qmake is run on.
+A simple scope which will add in the platform dependent file for
+Windows looks like this:
+ win32 {
+ SOURCES += hellowin.cpp
+ }
+So if \e qmake is run on Windows, it will add \e hellowin.cpp to the
+list of source files. If \e qmake is run on any other platform, it
+will simply ignore it. Now all that is left to be done is to create a
+scope for the unix dependent file.
+When you have done that, your project file should now look
+something like this:
+ CONFIG += qt debug
+ HEADERS += hello.h
+ SOURCES += hello.cpp
+ SOURCES += main.cpp
+ win32 {
+ SOURCES += hellowin.cpp
+ }
+ unix {
+ SOURCES += hellounix.cpp
+ }
+Use \e qmake as before to generate a makefile.
+\section1 Stopping qmake if a file doesn't exist
+You may not want to create a makefile if a certain file doesn't exist.
+We can check if a file exists by using the exists() function. We can
+stop \e qmake from processing by using the error() function. This
+works in the same way as scopes. Simply replace the scope condition
+with the function. A check for a main.cpp file looks like this:
+ !exists( main.cpp ) {
+ error( "No main.cpp file found" )
+ }
+The "!" is used to negate the test, i.e. \c{exists( main.cpp )} is
+true if the file exists and \c{!exists( main.cpp )} is true if the
+file doesn't exist.
+ CONFIG += qt debug
+ HEADERS += hello.h
+ SOURCES += hello.cpp
+ SOURCES += main.cpp
+ win32 {
+ SOURCES += hellowin.cpp
+ }
+ unix {
+ SOURCES += hellounix.cpp
+ }
+ !exists( main.cpp ) {
+ error( "No main.cpp file found" )
+ }
+Use \e qmake as before to generate a makefile. If you rename \e
+main.cpp temporarily, you will see the message and \e qmake will stop
+\section1 Checking for more than one condition
+Suppose you use Windows and you want to be able to see the qDebug()
+statements when you run your application on the command line. Unless
+you build your application with the console setting, you won't see the
+output. We can easily put \e console on the CONFIG line so that on
+Windows the makefile will have this setting. But let's say that we
+only want to add the CONFIG line if we are running on Windows \e and when
+\e debug is already on the CONFIG line. This requires using two
+nested scopes; just create one scope, then create the other inside
+that one. Put the settings to be processed inside the last scope,
+like this:
+ win32 {
+ debug {
+ CONFIG += console
+ }
+ }
+Nested scopes can be joined together using colons, so the final
+project file looks like this:
+ CONFIG += qt debug
+ HEADERS += hello.h
+ SOURCES += hello.cpp
+ SOURCES += main.cpp
+ win32 {
+ SOURCES += hellowin.cpp
+ }
+ unix {
+ SOURCES += hellounix.cpp
+ }
+ !exists( main.cpp ) {
+ error( "No main.cpp file found" )
+ }
+ win32:debug {
+ CONFIG += console
+ }
+That's it! You have now completed the tutorial for \e qmake, and are
+ready to write project files for your development projects.