path: root/src/xml/qdom.cpp
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authorTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2011-07-10 15:24:15 -0500
committerTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2011-07-10 15:24:15 -0500
commitbd0f3345a938b35ce6a12f6150373b0955b8dd12 (patch)
tree7a520322212d48ebcb9fbe1087e7fca28b76185c /src/xml/qdom.cpp
Add Qt3 development HEAD version
Diffstat (limited to 'src/xml/qdom.cpp')
1 files changed, 7092 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/xml/qdom.cpp b/src/xml/qdom.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..524c638
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/xml/qdom.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,7092 @@
+** Implementation of QDomDocument and related classes.
+** Created : 000518
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the xml module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
+** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
+** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
+** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
+** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
+** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
+** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
+** and the KDE Free Qt Foundation.
+** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
+** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the sales department at [email protected].
+** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
+** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.QPL
+** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid Qt
+** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt
+** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
+** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
+** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
+** herein.
+#include "qdom.h"
+#ifndef QT_NO_DOM
+#include "qxml.h"
+#include "qptrlist.h"
+#include "qdict.h"
+#include "qtextstream.h"
+#include "qtextcodec.h"
+#include "qiodevice.h"
+#include "qregexp.h"
+#include "qbuffer.h"
+ ### old todo comments -- I don't know if they still apply...
+ If the document dies, remove all pointers to it from children
+ which can not be deleted at this time.
+ If a node dies and has direct children which can not be deleted,
+ then remove the pointer to the parent.
+ createElement and friends create double reference counts.
+ Reference counting:
+ Some simple rules:
+ 1) If an intern object returns a pointer to another intern object
+ then the reference count of the returned object is not increased.
+ 2) If an extern object is created and gets a pointer to some intern
+ object, then the extern object increases the intern objects reference count.
+ 3) If an extern object is deleted, then it decreases the reference count
+ on its associated intern object and deletes it if nobody else hold references
+ on the intern object.
+ Helper to split a qualified name in the prefix and local name.
+static void qt_split_namespace( QString& prefix, QString& name, const QString& qName, bool hasURI )
+ int i = qName.find( ':' );
+ if ( i == -1 ) {
+ if ( hasURI )
+ prefix = "";
+ else
+ prefix = QString::null;
+ name = qName;
+ } else {
+ prefix = qName.left( i );
+ name = qName.mid( i + 1 );
+ }
+ Counter for the QDomNodeListPrivate timestamps.
+static volatile long qt_nodeListTime = 0;
+ *
+ * Private class declerations
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+class QDomImplementationPrivate : public QShared
+ QDomImplementationPrivate();
+ ~QDomImplementationPrivate();
+ QDomImplementationPrivate* clone();
+class QDomNodePrivate : public QShared
+ QDomNodePrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate* parent = 0 );
+ QDomNodePrivate( QDomNodePrivate* n, bool deep );
+ virtual ~QDomNodePrivate();
+ QString nodeName() const { return name; }
+ QString nodeValue() const { return value; }
+ virtual void setNodeValue( const QString& v ) { value = v; }
+ QDomDocumentPrivate* ownerDocument();
+ void setOwnerDocument( QDomDocumentPrivate* doc );
+ virtual QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate* attributes();
+ virtual bool hasAttributes() { return FALSE; }
+ virtual QDomNodePrivate* insertBefore( QDomNodePrivate* newChild, QDomNodePrivate* refChild );
+ virtual QDomNodePrivate* insertAfter( QDomNodePrivate* newChild, QDomNodePrivate* refChild );
+ virtual QDomNodePrivate* replaceChild( QDomNodePrivate* newChild, QDomNodePrivate* oldChild );
+ virtual QDomNodePrivate* removeChild( QDomNodePrivate* oldChild );
+ virtual QDomNodePrivate* appendChild( QDomNodePrivate* newChild );
+ QDomNodePrivate* namedItem( const QString& name );
+ virtual QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
+ virtual void normalize();
+ virtual void clear();
+ QDomNodePrivate* parent() { return hasParent ? ownerNode : 0; }
+ void setParent( QDomNodePrivate *p ) { ownerNode = p; hasParent = TRUE; }
+ void setNoParent() {
+ ownerNode = hasParent ? (QDomNodePrivate*)ownerDocument() : 0;
+ hasParent = FALSE;
+ }
+ // Dynamic cast
+ virtual bool isAttr() { return FALSE; }
+ virtual bool isCDATASection() { return FALSE; }
+ virtual bool isDocumentFragment() { return FALSE; }
+ virtual bool isDocument() { return FALSE; }
+ virtual bool isDocumentType() { return FALSE; }
+ virtual bool isElement() { return FALSE; }
+ virtual bool isEntityReference() { return FALSE; }
+ virtual bool isText() { return FALSE; }
+ virtual bool isEntity() { return FALSE; }
+ virtual bool isNotation() { return FALSE; }
+ virtual bool isProcessingInstruction() { return FALSE; }
+ virtual bool isCharacterData() { return FALSE; }
+ virtual bool isComment() { return FALSE; }
+ virtual QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::BaseNode; }
+ virtual void save( QTextStream&, int, int ) const;
+ // Variables
+ QDomNodePrivate* prev;
+ QDomNodePrivate* next;
+ QDomNodePrivate* ownerNode; // either the node's parent or the node's owner document
+ QDomNodePrivate* first;
+ QDomNodePrivate* last;
+ QString name; // this is the local name if prefix != null
+ QString value;
+ QString prefix; // set this only for ElementNode and AttributeNode
+ QString namespaceURI; // set this only for ElementNode and AttributeNode
+ bool createdWithDom1Interface;
+ bool hasParent;
+class QDomNodeListPrivate : public QShared
+ QDomNodeListPrivate( QDomNodePrivate* );
+ QDomNodeListPrivate( QDomNodePrivate*, const QString& );
+ QDomNodeListPrivate( QDomNodePrivate*, const QString&, const QString& );
+ virtual ~QDomNodeListPrivate();
+ virtual bool operator== ( const QDomNodeListPrivate& ) const;
+ virtual bool operator!= ( const QDomNodeListPrivate& ) const;
+ void createList();
+ virtual QDomNodePrivate* item( int index );
+ virtual uint length() const;
+ QDomNodePrivate* node_impl;
+ QString tagname;
+ QString nsURI;
+ QPtrList<QDomNodePrivate> list;
+ long timestamp;
+class QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate : public QShared
+ QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate( QDomNodePrivate* );
+ ~QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate();
+ QDomNodePrivate* namedItem( const QString& name ) const;
+ QDomNodePrivate* namedItemNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName ) const;
+ QDomNodePrivate* setNamedItem( QDomNodePrivate* arg );
+ QDomNodePrivate* setNamedItemNS( QDomNodePrivate* arg );
+ QDomNodePrivate* removeNamedItem( const QString& name );
+ QDomNodePrivate* item( int index ) const;
+ uint length() const;
+ bool contains( const QString& name ) const;
+ bool containsNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString & localName ) const;
+ /**
+ * Remove all children from the map.
+ */
+ void clearMap();
+ bool isReadOnly() { return readonly; }
+ void setReadOnly( bool r ) { readonly = r; }
+ bool isAppendToParent() { return appendToParent; }
+ /**
+ * If TRUE, then the node will redirect insert/remove calls
+ * to its parent by calling QDomNodePrivate::appendChild or removeChild.
+ * In addition the map wont increase or decrease the reference count
+ * of the nodes it contains.
+ *
+ * By default this value is FALSE and the map will handle reference counting
+ * by itself.
+ */
+ void setAppendToParent( bool b ) { appendToParent = b; }
+ /**
+ * Creates a copy of the map. It is a deep copy
+ * that means that all children are cloned.
+ */
+ QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate* clone( QDomNodePrivate* parent );
+ // Variables
+ QDict<QDomNodePrivate> map;
+ QDomNodePrivate* parent;
+ bool readonly;
+ bool appendToParent;
+class QDomDocumentTypePrivate : public QDomNodePrivate
+ QDomDocumentTypePrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate* parent = 0 );
+ QDomDocumentTypePrivate( QDomDocumentTypePrivate* n, bool deep );
+ ~QDomDocumentTypePrivate();
+ void init();
+ // Reimplemented from QDomNodePrivate
+ QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
+ QDomNodePrivate* insertBefore( QDomNodePrivate* newChild, QDomNodePrivate* refChild );
+ QDomNodePrivate* insertAfter( QDomNodePrivate* newChild, QDomNodePrivate* refChild );
+ QDomNodePrivate* replaceChild( QDomNodePrivate* newChild, QDomNodePrivate* oldChild );
+ QDomNodePrivate* removeChild( QDomNodePrivate* oldChild );
+ QDomNodePrivate* appendChild( QDomNodePrivate* newChild );
+ bool isDocumentType() { return TRUE; }
+ QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::DocumentTypeNode; }
+ void save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const;
+ // Variables
+ QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate* entities;
+ QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate* notations;
+ QString publicId;
+ QString systemId;
+ QString internalSubset;
+class QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate : public QDomNodePrivate
+ QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate* parent = 0 );
+ QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate( QDomNodePrivate* n, bool deep );
+ ~QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate();
+ // Reimplemented from QDomNodePrivate
+ QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
+ bool isDocumentFragment() { return TRUE; }
+ QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::DocumentFragmentNode; }
+class QDomCharacterDataPrivate : public QDomNodePrivate
+ QDomCharacterDataPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& data );
+ QDomCharacterDataPrivate( QDomCharacterDataPrivate* n, bool deep );
+ ~QDomCharacterDataPrivate();
+ uint dataLength() const;
+ QString substringData( unsigned long offset, unsigned long count ) const;
+ void appendData( const QString& arg );
+ void insertData( unsigned long offset, const QString& arg );
+ void deleteData( unsigned long offset, unsigned long count );
+ void replaceData( unsigned long offset, unsigned long count, const QString& arg );
+ // Reimplemented from QDomNodePrivate
+ bool isCharacterData() { return TRUE; }
+ QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::CharacterDataNode; }
+ QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
+class QDomTextPrivate : public QDomCharacterDataPrivate
+ QDomTextPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& value );
+ QDomTextPrivate( QDomTextPrivate* n, bool deep );
+ ~QDomTextPrivate();
+ QDomTextPrivate* splitText( int offset );
+ // Reimplemented from QDomNodePrivate
+ QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
+ bool isText() { return TRUE; }
+ QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::TextNode; }
+ void save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const;
+class QDomAttrPrivate : public QDomNodePrivate
+ QDomAttrPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate*, const QString& name );
+ QDomAttrPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate*, const QString& nsURI, const QString& qName );
+ QDomAttrPrivate( QDomAttrPrivate* n, bool deep );
+ ~QDomAttrPrivate();
+ bool specified() const;
+ // Reimplemented from QDomNodePrivate
+ void setNodeValue( const QString& v );
+ QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
+ bool isAttr() { return TRUE; }
+ QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::AttributeNode; }
+ void save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const;
+ // Variables
+ bool m_specified;
+class QDomElementPrivate : public QDomNodePrivate
+ QDomElementPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& name );
+ QDomElementPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& nsURI, const QString& qName );
+ QDomElementPrivate( QDomElementPrivate* n, bool deep );
+ ~QDomElementPrivate();
+ QString attribute( const QString& name, const QString& defValue ) const;
+ QString attributeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName, const QString& defValue ) const;
+ void setAttribute( const QString& name, const QString& value );
+ void setAttributeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& qName, const QString& newValue );
+ void removeAttribute( const QString& name );
+ QDomAttrPrivate* attributeNode( const QString& name);
+ QDomAttrPrivate* attributeNodeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName );
+ QDomAttrPrivate* setAttributeNode( QDomAttrPrivate* newAttr );
+ QDomAttrPrivate* setAttributeNodeNS( QDomAttrPrivate* newAttr );
+ QDomAttrPrivate* removeAttributeNode( QDomAttrPrivate* oldAttr );
+ bool hasAttribute( const QString& name );
+ bool hasAttributeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName );
+ QString text();
+ // Reimplemented from QDomNodePrivate
+ QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate* attributes() { return m_attr; }
+ bool hasAttributes() { return ( m_attr->length() > 0 ); }
+ bool isElement() { return TRUE; }
+ QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::ElementNode; }
+ QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
+ void save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const;
+ // Variables
+ QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate* m_attr;
+class QDomCommentPrivate : public QDomCharacterDataPrivate
+ QDomCommentPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& value );
+ QDomCommentPrivate( QDomCommentPrivate* n, bool deep );
+ ~QDomCommentPrivate();
+ // Reimplemented from QDomNodePrivate
+ QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
+ bool isComment() { return TRUE; }
+ QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::CommentNode; }
+ void save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const;
+class QDomCDATASectionPrivate : public QDomTextPrivate
+ QDomCDATASectionPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& value );
+ QDomCDATASectionPrivate( QDomCDATASectionPrivate* n, bool deep );
+ ~QDomCDATASectionPrivate();
+ // Reimplemented from QDomNodePrivate
+ QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
+ bool isCDATASection() { return TRUE; }
+ QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::CDATASectionNode; }
+ void save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const;
+class QDomNotationPrivate : public QDomNodePrivate
+ QDomNotationPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& name,
+ const QString& pub, const QString& sys );
+ QDomNotationPrivate( QDomNotationPrivate* n, bool deep );
+ ~QDomNotationPrivate();
+ // Reimplemented from QDomNodePrivate
+ QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
+ bool isNotation() { return TRUE; }
+ QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::NotationNode; }
+ void save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const;
+ // Variables
+ QString m_sys;
+ QString m_pub;
+class QDomEntityPrivate : public QDomNodePrivate
+ QDomEntityPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& name,
+ const QString& pub, const QString& sys, const QString& notation );
+ QDomEntityPrivate( QDomEntityPrivate* n, bool deep );
+ ~QDomEntityPrivate();
+ // Reimplemented from QDomNodePrivate
+ QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
+ bool isEntity() { return TRUE; }
+ QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::EntityNode; }
+ void save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const;
+ // Variables
+ QString m_sys;
+ QString m_pub;
+ QString m_notationName;
+class QDomEntityReferencePrivate : public QDomNodePrivate
+ QDomEntityReferencePrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& name );
+ QDomEntityReferencePrivate( QDomNodePrivate* n, bool deep );
+ ~QDomEntityReferencePrivate();
+ // Reimplemented from QDomNodePrivate
+ QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
+ bool isEntityReference() { return TRUE; }
+ QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::EntityReferenceNode; }
+ void save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const;
+class QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate : public QDomNodePrivate
+ QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate*, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& target,
+ const QString& data);
+ QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate( QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate* n, bool deep );
+ ~QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate();
+ // Reimplemented from QDomNodePrivate
+ QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
+ bool isProcessingInstruction() { return TRUE; }
+ QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::ProcessingInstructionNode; }
+ void save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const;
+class QDomDocumentPrivate : public QDomNodePrivate
+ QDomDocumentPrivate();
+ QDomDocumentPrivate( const QString& name );
+ QDomDocumentPrivate( QDomDocumentTypePrivate* dt );
+ QDomDocumentPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* n, bool deep );
+ ~QDomDocumentPrivate();
+ bool setContent( QXmlInputSource *source, bool namespaceProcessing, QString *errorMsg, int *errorLine, int *errorColumn );
+ bool setContent( QXmlInputSource *source, QXmlReader *reader, QString *errorMsg, int *errorLine, int *errorColumn );
+ // Attributes
+ QDomDocumentTypePrivate* doctype() { return type; };
+ QDomImplementationPrivate* implementation() { return impl; };
+ QDomElementPrivate* documentElement();
+ // Factories
+ QDomElementPrivate* createElement( const QString& tagName );
+ QDomElementPrivate* createElementNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& qName );
+ QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate* createDocumentFragment();
+ QDomTextPrivate* createTextNode( const QString& data );
+ QDomCommentPrivate* createComment( const QString& data );
+ QDomCDATASectionPrivate* createCDATASection( const QString& data );
+ QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate* createProcessingInstruction( const QString& target, const QString& data );
+ QDomAttrPrivate* createAttribute( const QString& name );
+ QDomAttrPrivate* createAttributeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& qName );
+ QDomEntityReferencePrivate* createEntityReference( const QString& name );
+ QDomNodePrivate* importNode( const QDomNodePrivate* importedNode, bool deep );
+ // Reimplemented from QDomNodePrivate
+ QDomNodePrivate* cloneNode( bool deep = TRUE );
+ bool isDocument() { return TRUE; }
+ QDomNode::NodeType nodeType() const { return QDomNode::DocumentNode; }
+ void clear();
+ void save( QTextStream&, int, int ) const;
+ // Variables
+ QDomImplementationPrivate* impl;
+ QDomDocumentTypePrivate* type;
+ *
+ * QDomHandler
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+class QDomHandler : public QXmlDefaultHandler
+ QDomHandler( QDomDocumentPrivate* d, bool namespaceProcessing );
+ ~QDomHandler();
+ // content handler
+ bool endDocument();
+ bool startElement( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName, const QString& qName, const QXmlAttributes& atts );
+ bool endElement( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName, const QString& qName );
+ bool characters( const QString& ch );
+ bool processingInstruction( const QString& target, const QString& data );
+ bool skippedEntity( const QString& name );
+ // error handler
+ bool fatalError( const QXmlParseException& exception );
+ // lexical handler
+ bool startCDATA();
+ bool endCDATA();
+ bool startEntity( const QString & );
+ bool endEntity( const QString & );
+ bool startDTD( const QString& name, const QString& publicId, const QString& systemId );
+ bool comment( const QString& ch );
+ // decl handler
+ bool externalEntityDecl( const QString &name, const QString &publicId, const QString &systemId ) ;
+ // DTD handler
+ bool notationDecl( const QString & name, const QString & publicId, const QString & systemId );
+ bool unparsedEntityDecl( const QString &name, const QString &publicId, const QString &systemId, const QString &notationName ) ;
+ QString errorMsg;
+ int errorLine;
+ int errorColumn;
+ QDomDocumentPrivate *doc;
+ QDomNodePrivate *node;
+ QString entityName;
+ bool cdata;
+ bool nsProcessing;
+ *
+ * QDomImplementationPrivate
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+QDomImplementationPrivate* QDomImplementationPrivate::clone()
+ QDomImplementationPrivate* p = new QDomImplementationPrivate;
+ // We are not interested in this node
+ p->deref();
+ return p;
+ *
+ * QDomImplementation
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+ \class QDomImplementation qdom.h
+ \reentrant
+ \brief The QDomImplementation class provides information about the
+ features of the DOM implementation.
+\if defined(commercial)
+ It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.
+ \module XML
+ \ingroup xml-tools
+ This class describes the features that are supported by the DOM
+ implementation. Currently the XML subset of DOM Level 1 and DOM
+ Level 2 Core are supported.
+ Normally you will use the function QDomDocument::implementation()
+ to get the implementation object.
+ You can create a new document type with createDocumentType() and a
+ new document with createDocument().
+ For further information about the Document Object Model see \link
+\endlink and \link
+\endlink. For a more general
+ introduction of the DOM implementation see the QDomDocument
+ documentation.
+ \sa hasFeature()
+ Constructs a QDomImplementation object.
+ impl = 0;
+ Constructs a copy of \a x.
+QDomImplementation::QDomImplementation( const QDomImplementation& x )
+ impl = x.impl;
+ if ( impl )
+ impl->ref();
+QDomImplementation::QDomImplementation( QDomImplementationPrivate* p )
+ // We want to be co-owners, so increase the reference count
+ impl = p;
+ if (impl)
+ impl->ref();
+ Assigns \a x to this DOM implementation.
+QDomImplementation& QDomImplementation::operator= ( const QDomImplementation& x )
+ if ( x.impl )
+ x.impl->ref(); // avoid x=x
+ if ( impl && impl->deref() )
+ delete impl;
+ impl = x.impl;
+ return *this;
+ Returns TRUE if \a x and this DOM implementation object were
+ created from the same QDomDocument; otherwise returns FALSE.
+bool QDomImplementation::operator==( const QDomImplementation& x ) const
+ return ( impl == x.impl );
+ Returns TRUE if \a x and this DOM implementation object were
+ created from different QDomDocuments; otherwise returns FALSE.
+bool QDomImplementation::operator!=( const QDomImplementation& x ) const
+ return ( impl != x.impl );
+ Destroys the object and frees its resources.
+ if ( impl && impl->deref() )
+ delete impl;
+ The function returns TRUE if QDom implements the requested \a
+ version of a \a feature; otherwise returns FALSE.
+ The currently supported features and their versions:
+ \table
+ \header \i Feature \i Version
+ \row \i XML \i 1.0
+ \endtable
+bool QDomImplementation::hasFeature( const QString& feature, const QString& version )
+ if ( feature == "XML" ) {
+ if ( version.isEmpty() || version == "1.0" ) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ // ### add DOM level 2 features
+ return FALSE;
+ Creates a document type node for the name \a qName.
+ \a publicId specifies the public identifier of the external
+ subset. If you specify QString::null as the \a publicId, this
+ means that the document type has no public identifier.
+ \a systemId specifies the system identifier of the external
+ subset. If you specify QString::null as the \a systemId, this
+ means that the document type has no system identifier.
+ Since you cannot have a public identifier without a system
+ identifier, the public identifier is set to QString::null if there
+ is no system identifier.
+ DOM level 2 does not support any other document type declaration
+ features.
+ The only way you can use a document type that was created this
+ way, is in combination with the createDocument() function to
+ create a QDomDocument with this document type.
+ \sa createDocument();
+QDomDocumentType QDomImplementation::createDocumentType( const QString& qName, const QString& publicId, const QString& systemId )
+ QDomDocumentTypePrivate *dt = new QDomDocumentTypePrivate( 0 );
+ dt->name = qName;
+ if ( systemId.isNull() ) {
+ dt->publicId = QString::null;
+ dt->systemId = QString::null;
+ } else {
+ dt->publicId = publicId;
+ dt->systemId = systemId;
+ }
+ return QDomDocumentType( dt );
+ Creates a DOM document with the document type \a doctype. This
+ function also adds a root element node with the qualified name \a
+ qName and the namespace URI \a nsURI.
+QDomDocument QDomImplementation::createDocument( const QString& nsURI, const QString& qName, const QDomDocumentType& doctype )
+ QDomDocument doc( doctype );
+ QDomElement root = doc.createElementNS( nsURI, qName );
+ doc.appendChild( root );
+ return doc;
+ Returns FALSE if the object was created by
+ QDomDocument::implementation(); otherwise returns TRUE.
+bool QDomImplementation::isNull()
+ return ( impl == 0 );
+ *
+ * QDomNodeListPrivate
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+QDomNodeListPrivate::QDomNodeListPrivate( QDomNodePrivate* n_impl )
+ node_impl = n_impl;
+ if ( node_impl )
+ node_impl->ref();
+ timestamp = -1;
+QDomNodeListPrivate::QDomNodeListPrivate( QDomNodePrivate* n_impl, const QString& name )
+ node_impl = n_impl;
+ if ( node_impl )
+ node_impl->ref();
+ tagname = name;
+ timestamp = -1;
+QDomNodeListPrivate::QDomNodeListPrivate( QDomNodePrivate* n_impl, const QString& _nsURI, const QString& localName )
+ node_impl = n_impl;
+ if ( node_impl )
+ node_impl->ref();
+ tagname = localName;
+ nsURI = _nsURI;
+ timestamp = -1;
+ if ( node_impl && node_impl->deref() )
+ delete node_impl;
+bool QDomNodeListPrivate::operator== ( const QDomNodeListPrivate& other ) const
+ return ( node_impl == other.node_impl ) && ( tagname == other.tagname ) ;
+bool QDomNodeListPrivate::operator!= ( const QDomNodeListPrivate& other ) const
+ return ( node_impl != other.node_impl ) || ( tagname != other.tagname ) ;
+void QDomNodeListPrivate::createList()
+ if ( !node_impl )
+ return;
+ timestamp = qt_nodeListTime;
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = node_impl->first;
+ list.clear();
+ if ( tagname.isNull() ) {
+ while ( p ) {
+ list.append( p );
+ p = p->next;
+ }
+ } else if ( nsURI.isNull() ) {
+ while ( p && p != node_impl ) {
+ if ( p->isElement() && p->nodeName() == tagname ) {
+ list.append( p );
+ }
+ if ( p->first )
+ p = p->first;
+ else if ( p->next )
+ p = p->next;
+ else {
+ p = p->parent();
+ while ( p && p != node_impl && !p->next )
+ p = p->parent();
+ if ( p && p != node_impl )
+ p = p->next;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ while ( p && p != node_impl ) {
+ if ( p->isElement() && p->name==tagname && p->namespaceURI==nsURI ) {
+ list.append( p );
+ }
+ if ( p->first )
+ p = p->first;
+ else if ( p->next )
+ p = p->next;
+ else {
+ p = p->parent();
+ while ( p && p != node_impl && !p->next )
+ p = p->parent();
+ if ( p && p != node_impl )
+ p = p->next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomNodeListPrivate::item( int index )
+ if ( !node_impl )
+ return 0;
+ if ( timestamp < qt_nodeListTime )
+ createList();
+ return index );
+uint QDomNodeListPrivate::length() const
+ if ( !node_impl )
+ return 0;
+ if ( timestamp < qt_nodeListTime ) {
+ QDomNodeListPrivate *that = (QDomNodeListPrivate*)this;
+ that->createList();
+ }
+ return list.count();
+ *
+ * QDomNodeList
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+ \class QDomNodeList qdom.h
+ \reentrant
+ \brief The QDomNodeList class is a list of QDomNode objects.
+\if defined(commercial)
+ It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.
+ \module XML
+ \ingroup xml-tools
+ Lists can be obtained by QDomDocument::elementsByTagName() and
+ QDomNode::childNodes(). The Document Object Model (DOM) requires
+ these lists to be "live": whenever you change the underlying
+ document, the contents of the list will get updated.
+ You can get a particular node from the list with item(). The
+ number of items in the list is returned by count() (and by
+ length()).
+ For further information about the Document Object Model see \link
+\endlink and \link
+\endlink. For a more general
+ introduction of the DOM implementation see the QDomDocument
+ documentation.
+ \sa QDomNode::childNodes() QDomDocument::elementsByTagName()
+ Creates an empty node list.
+ impl = 0;
+QDomNodeList::QDomNodeList( QDomNodeListPrivate* p )
+ impl = p;
+ Constructs a copy of \a n.
+QDomNodeList::QDomNodeList( const QDomNodeList& n )
+ impl = n.impl;
+ if ( impl )
+ impl->ref();
+ Assigns \a n to this node list.
+QDomNodeList& QDomNodeList::operator= ( const QDomNodeList& n )
+ if ( n.impl )
+ n.impl->ref();
+ if ( impl && impl->deref() )
+ delete impl;
+ impl = n.impl;
+ return *this;
+ Returns TRUE if the node list \a n and this node list are equal;
+ otherwise returns FALSE.
+bool QDomNodeList::operator== ( const QDomNodeList& n ) const
+ if ( impl == n.impl )
+ return TRUE;
+ if ( !impl || !n.impl )
+ return FALSE;
+ return (*impl == *n.impl);
+ Returns TRUE the node list \a n and this node list are not equal;
+ otherwise returns FALSE.
+bool QDomNodeList::operator!= ( const QDomNodeList& n ) const
+ return !operator==(n);
+ Destroys the object and frees its resources.
+ if ( impl && impl->deref() )
+ delete impl;
+ Returns the node at position \a index.
+ If \a index is negative or if \a index >= length() then a null
+ node is returned (i.e. a node for which QDomNode::isNull() returns
+ TRUE).
+ \sa count()
+QDomNode QDomNodeList::item( int index ) const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomNode();
+ return QDomNode( impl->item( index ) );
+ Returns the number of nodes in the list.
+ This function is the same as count().
+uint QDomNodeList::length() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return 0;
+ return impl->length();
+ \fn uint QDomNodeList::count() const
+ Returns the number of nodes in the list.
+ This function is the same as length().
+ *
+ * QDomNodePrivate
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+inline void QDomNodePrivate::setOwnerDocument( QDomDocumentPrivate* doc )
+ ownerNode = doc;
+ hasParent = FALSE;
+QDomNodePrivate::QDomNodePrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* doc, QDomNodePrivate *par )
+ if ( par )
+ setParent( par );
+ else
+ setOwnerDocument( doc );
+ prev = 0;
+ next = 0;
+ first = 0;
+ last = 0;
+ createdWithDom1Interface = TRUE;
+QDomNodePrivate::QDomNodePrivate( QDomNodePrivate* n, bool deep )
+ setOwnerDocument( n->ownerDocument() );
+ prev = 0;
+ next = 0;
+ first = 0;
+ last = 0;
+ name = n->name;
+ value = n->value;
+ prefix = n->prefix;
+ namespaceURI = n->namespaceURI;
+ createdWithDom1Interface = n->createdWithDom1Interface;
+ if ( !deep )
+ return;
+ for ( QDomNodePrivate* x = n->first; x; x = x->next )
+ appendChild( x->cloneNode( TRUE ) );
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = first;
+ QDomNodePrivate* n;
+ while ( p ) {
+ n = p->next;
+ if ( p->deref() )
+ delete p;
+ else
+ p->setNoParent();
+ p = n;
+ }
+ first = 0;
+ last = 0;
+void QDomNodePrivate::clear()
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = first;
+ QDomNodePrivate* n;
+ while ( p ) {
+ n = p->next;
+ if ( p->deref() )
+ delete p;
+ p = n;
+ }
+ first = 0;
+ last = 0;
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomNodePrivate::namedItem( const QString& n )
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = first;
+ while ( p ) {
+ if ( p->nodeName() == n )
+ return p;
+ p = p->next;
+ }
+ return 0;
+QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate* QDomNodePrivate::attributes()
+ return 0;
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomNodePrivate::insertBefore( QDomNodePrivate* newChild, QDomNodePrivate* refChild )
+ // Error check
+ if ( !newChild )
+ return 0;
+ // Error check
+ if ( newChild == refChild )
+ return 0;
+ // Error check
+ if ( refChild && refChild->parent() != this )
+ return 0;
+ // "mark lists as dirty"
+ qt_nodeListTime++;
+ // Special handling for inserting a fragment. We just insert
+ // all elements of the fragment instead of the fragment itself.
+ if ( newChild->isDocumentFragment() ) {
+ // Fragment is empty ?
+ if ( newChild->first == 0 )
+ return newChild;
+ // New parent
+ QDomNodePrivate* n = newChild->first;
+ while ( n ) {
+ n->setParent( this );
+ n = n->next;
+ }
+ // Insert at the beginning ?
+ if ( !refChild || refChild->prev == 0 ) {
+ if ( first )
+ first->prev = newChild->last;
+ newChild->last->next = first;
+ if ( !last )
+ last = newChild->last;
+ first = newChild->first;
+ } else {
+ // Insert in the middle
+ newChild->last->next = refChild;
+ newChild->first->prev = refChild->prev;
+ refChild->prev->next = newChild->first;
+ refChild->prev = newChild->last;
+ }
+ // No need to increase the reference since QDomDocumentFragment
+ // does not decrease the reference.
+ // Remove the nodes from the fragment
+ newChild->first = 0;
+ newChild->last = 0;
+ return newChild;
+ }
+ // No more errors can occur now, so we take
+ // ownership of the node.
+ newChild->ref();
+ if ( newChild->parent() )
+ newChild->parent()->removeChild( newChild );
+ newChild->setParent( this );
+ if ( !refChild ) {
+ if ( first )
+ first->prev = newChild;
+ newChild->next = first;
+ if ( !last )
+ last = newChild;
+ first = newChild;
+ return newChild;
+ }
+ if ( refChild->prev == 0 ) {
+ if ( first )
+ first->prev = newChild;
+ newChild->next = first;
+ if ( !last )
+ last = newChild;
+ first = newChild;
+ return newChild;
+ }
+ newChild->next = refChild;
+ newChild->prev = refChild->prev;
+ refChild->prev->next = newChild;
+ refChild->prev = newChild;
+ return newChild;
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomNodePrivate::insertAfter( QDomNodePrivate* newChild, QDomNodePrivate* refChild )
+ // Error check
+ if ( !newChild )
+ return 0;
+ // Error check
+ if ( newChild == refChild )
+ return 0;
+ // Error check
+ if ( refChild && refChild->parent() != this )
+ return 0;
+ // "mark lists as dirty"
+ qt_nodeListTime++;
+ // Special handling for inserting a fragment. We just insert
+ // all elements of the fragment instead of the fragment itself.
+ if ( newChild->isDocumentFragment() ) {
+ // Fragment is empty ?
+ if ( newChild->first == 0 )
+ return newChild;
+ // New parent
+ QDomNodePrivate* n = newChild->first;
+ while ( n ) {
+ n->setParent( this );
+ n = n->next;
+ }
+ // Insert at the end
+ if ( !refChild || refChild->next == 0 ) {
+ if ( last )
+ last->next = newChild->first;
+ newChild->first->prev = last;
+ if ( !first )
+ first = newChild->first;
+ last = newChild->last;
+ } else { // Insert in the middle
+ newChild->first->prev = refChild;
+ newChild->last->next = refChild->next;
+ refChild->next->prev = newChild->last;
+ refChild->next = newChild->first;
+ }
+ // No need to increase the reference since QDomDocumentFragment
+ // does not decrease the reference.
+ // Remove the nodes from the fragment
+ newChild->first = 0;
+ newChild->last = 0;
+ return newChild;
+ }
+ // Release new node from its current parent
+ if ( newChild->parent() )
+ newChild->parent()->removeChild( newChild );
+ // No more errors can occur now, so we take
+ // ownership of the node
+ newChild->ref();
+ newChild->setParent( this );
+ // Insert at the end
+ if ( !refChild ) {
+ if ( last )
+ last->next = newChild;
+ newChild->prev = last;
+ if ( !first )
+ first = newChild;
+ last = newChild;
+ return newChild;
+ }
+ if ( refChild->next == 0 ) {
+ if ( last )
+ last->next = newChild;
+ newChild->prev = last;
+ if ( !first )
+ first = newChild;
+ last = newChild;
+ return newChild;
+ }
+ newChild->prev = refChild;
+ newChild->next = refChild->next;
+ refChild->next->prev = newChild;
+ refChild->next = newChild;
+ return newChild;
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomNodePrivate::replaceChild( QDomNodePrivate* newChild, QDomNodePrivate* oldChild )
+ if ( oldChild->parent() != this )
+ return 0;
+ if ( !newChild || !oldChild )
+ return 0;
+ if ( newChild == oldChild )
+ return 0;
+ // mark lists as dirty
+ qt_nodeListTime++;
+ // Special handling for inserting a fragment. We just insert
+ // all elements of the fragment instead of the fragment itself.
+ if ( newChild->isDocumentFragment() ) {
+ // Fragment is empty ?
+ if ( newChild->first == 0 )
+ return newChild;
+ // New parent
+ QDomNodePrivate* n = newChild->first;
+ while ( n ) {
+ n->setParent( this );
+ n = n->next;
+ }
+ if ( oldChild->next )
+ oldChild->next->prev = newChild->last;
+ if ( oldChild->prev )
+ oldChild->prev->next = newChild->first;
+ newChild->last->next = oldChild->next;
+ newChild->first->prev = oldChild->prev;
+ if ( first == oldChild )
+ first = newChild->first;
+ if ( last == oldChild )
+ last = newChild->last;
+ oldChild->setNoParent();
+ oldChild->next = 0;
+ oldChild->prev = 0;
+ // No need to increase the reference since QDomDocumentFragment
+ // does not decrease the reference.
+ // Remove the nodes from the fragment
+ newChild->first = 0;
+ newChild->last = 0;
+ // We are no longer interested in the old node
+ if ( oldChild ) oldChild->deref();
+ return oldChild;
+ }
+ // No more errors can occur now, so we take
+ // ownership of the node
+ newChild->ref();
+ // Release new node from its current parent
+ if ( newChild->parent() )
+ newChild->parent()->removeChild( newChild );
+ newChild->setParent( this );
+ if ( oldChild->next )
+ oldChild->next->prev = newChild;
+ if ( oldChild->prev )
+ oldChild->prev->next = newChild;
+ newChild->next = oldChild->next;
+ newChild->prev = oldChild->prev;
+ if ( first == oldChild )
+ first = newChild;
+ if ( last == oldChild )
+ last = newChild;
+ oldChild->setNoParent();
+ oldChild->next = 0;
+ oldChild->prev = 0;
+ // We are no longer interested in the old node
+ if ( oldChild ) oldChild->deref();
+ return oldChild;
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomNodePrivate::removeChild( QDomNodePrivate* oldChild )
+ // Error check
+ if ( oldChild->parent() != this )
+ return 0;
+ // "mark lists as dirty"
+ qt_nodeListTime++;
+ // Perhaps oldChild was just created with "createElement" or that. In this case
+ // its parent is QDomDocument but it is not part of the documents child list.
+ if ( oldChild->next == 0 && oldChild->prev == 0 && first != oldChild )
+ return 0;
+ if ( oldChild->next )
+ oldChild->next->prev = oldChild->prev;
+ if ( oldChild->prev )
+ oldChild->prev->next = oldChild->next;
+ if ( last == oldChild )
+ last = oldChild->prev;
+ if ( first == oldChild )
+ first = oldChild->next;
+ oldChild->setNoParent();
+ oldChild->next = 0;
+ oldChild->prev = 0;
+ // We are no longer interested in the old node
+ if ( oldChild ) oldChild->deref();
+ return oldChild;
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomNodePrivate::appendChild( QDomNodePrivate* newChild )
+ // No reference manipulation needed. Done in insertAfter.
+ return insertAfter( newChild, 0 );
+QDomDocumentPrivate* QDomNodePrivate::ownerDocument()
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = this;
+ while ( p && !p->isDocument() ) {
+ if ( !p->hasParent )
+ return (QDomDocumentPrivate*)p->ownerNode;
+ p = p->parent();
+ }
+ return (QDomDocumentPrivate*)p;
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomNodePrivate::cloneNode( bool deep )
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomNodePrivate( this, deep );
+ // We are not interested in this node
+ p->deref();
+ return p;
+static void qNormalizeNode( QDomNodePrivate* n )
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = n->first;
+ QDomTextPrivate* t = 0;
+ while ( p ) {
+ if ( p->isText() ) {
+ if ( t ) {
+ QDomNodePrivate* tmp = p->next;
+ t->appendData( p->nodeValue() );
+ n->removeChild( p );
+ p = tmp;
+ } else {
+ t = (QDomTextPrivate*)p;
+ p = p->next;
+ }
+ } else {
+ p = p->next;
+ t = 0;
+ }
+ }
+void QDomNodePrivate::normalize()
+ // ### This one has moved from QDomElementPrivate to this position. It is
+ // not tested.
+ qNormalizeNode( this );
+void QDomNodePrivate::save( QTextStream& s, int depth, int indent ) const
+ const QDomNodePrivate* n = first;
+ while ( n ) {
+ n->save( s, depth, indent );
+ n = n->next;
+ }
+ *
+ * QDomNode
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+#define IMPL ((QDomNodePrivate*)impl)
+ \class QDomNode qdom.h
+ \reentrant
+ \brief The QDomNode class is the base class for all the nodes in a DOM tree.
+\if defined(commercial)
+ It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.
+ \module XML
+ \ingroup xml-tools
+ Many functions in the DOM return a QDomNode.
+ You can find out the type of a node using isAttr(),
+ isCDATASection(), isDocumentFragment(), isDocument(),
+ isDocumentType(), isElement(), isEntityReference(), isText(),
+ isEntity(), isNotation(), isProcessingInstruction(),
+ isCharacterData() and isComment().
+ A QDomNode can be converted into one of its subclasses using
+ toAttr(), toCDATASection(), toDocumentFragment(), toDocument(),
+ toDocumentType(), toElement(), toEntityReference(), toText(),
+ toEntity(), toNotation(), toProcessingInstruction(),
+ toCharacterData() or toComment(). You can convert a node to a null
+ node with clear().
+ Copies of the QDomNode class share their data using explicit
+ sharing. This means that modifying one node will change all
+ copies. This is especially useful in combination with functions
+ which return a QDomNode, e.g. firstChild(). You can make an
+ independent (deep) copy of the node with cloneNode().
+ Nodes are inserted with insertBefore(), insertAfter() or
+ appendChild(). You can replace one node with another using
+ replaceChild() and remove a node with removeChild().
+ To traverse nodes use firstChild() to get a node's first child (if
+ any), and nextSibling() to traverse. QDomNode also provides
+ lastChild(), previousSibling() and parentNode(). To find the first
+ child node with a particular node name use namedItem().
+ To find out if a node has children use hasChildNodes() and to get
+ a list of all of a node's children use childNodes().
+ The node's name and value (the meaning of which varies depending
+ on its type) is returned by nodeName() and nodeValue()
+ respectively. The node's type is returned by nodeType(). The
+ node's value can be set with setNodeValue().
+ The document to which the node belongs is returned by
+ ownerDocument().
+ Adjacent QDomText nodes can be merged into a single node with
+ normalize().
+ \l QDomElement nodes have attributes which can be retrieved with
+ attributes().
+ QDomElement and QDomAttr nodes can have namespaces which can be
+ retrieved with namespaceURI(). Their local name is retrieved with
+ localName(), and their prefix with prefix(). The prefix can be set
+ with setPrefix().
+ You can write the XML representation of the node to a text stream
+ with save().
+ The following example looks for the first element in an XML document and
+ prints the names of all the elements that are its direct children.
+ \code
+ QDomDocument d;
+ d.setContent( someXML );
+ QDomNode n = d.firstChild();
+ while ( !n.isNull() ) {
+ if ( n.isElement() ) {
+ QDomElement e = n.toElement();
+ cout << "Element name: " << e.tagName() << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+ \endcode
+ For further information about the Document Object Model see \link
+\endlink and \link
+\endlink. For a more general
+ introduction of the DOM implementation see the QDomDocument
+ documentation.
+ Constructs a \link isNull() null\endlink node.
+ impl = 0;
+ Constructs a copy of \a n.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomNode::QDomNode( const QDomNode& n )
+ impl = n.impl;
+ if ( impl ) impl->ref();
+/*! \internal
+ Constructs a new node for the data \a n.
+QDomNode::QDomNode( QDomNodePrivate* n )
+ impl = n;
+ if ( impl ) impl->ref();
+ Assigns a copy of \a n to this DOM node.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomNode& QDomNode::operator= ( const QDomNode& n )
+ if ( n.impl ) n.impl->ref();
+ if ( impl && impl->deref() ) delete impl;
+ impl = n.impl;
+ return *this;
+ Returns TRUE if \a n and this DOM node are equal; otherwise
+ returns FALSE.
+bool QDomNode::operator== ( const QDomNode& n ) const
+ return ( impl == n.impl );
+ Returns TRUE if \a n and this DOM node are not equal; otherwise
+ returns FALSE.
+bool QDomNode::operator!= ( const QDomNode& n ) const
+ return ( impl != n.impl );
+ Destroys the object and frees its resources.
+ if ( impl && impl->deref() ) delete impl;
+ Returns the name of the node.
+ The meaning of the name depends on the subclass:
+ \table
+ \header \i Name \i Meaning
+ \row \i QDomAttr \i The name of the attribute
+ \row \i QDomCDATASection \i The string "#cdata-section"
+ \row \i QDomComment \i The string "#comment"
+ \row \i QDomDocument \i The string "#document"
+ \row \i QDomDocumentFragment \i The string "#document-fragment"
+ \row \i QDomDocumentType \i The name of the document type
+ \row \i QDomElement \i The tag name
+ \row \i QDomEntity \i The name of the entity
+ \row \i QDomEntityReference \i The name of the referenced entity
+ \row \i QDomNotation \i The name of the notation
+ \row \i QDomProcessingInstruction \i The target of the processing instruction
+ \row \i QDomText \i The string "#text"
+ \endtable
+ \sa nodeValue()
+QString QDomNode::nodeName() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QString::null;
+ if ( !IMPL->prefix.isEmpty() )
+ return IMPL->prefix + ":" + IMPL->name;
+ return IMPL->name;
+ Returns the value of the node.
+ The meaning of the value depends on the subclass:
+ \table
+ \header \i Name \i Meaning
+ \row \i QDomAttr \i The attribute value
+ \row \i QDomCDATASection \i The content of the CDATA section
+ \row \i QDomComment \i The comment
+ \row \i QDomProcessingInstruction \i The data of the processing intruction
+ \row \i QDomText \i The text
+ \endtable
+ All the other subclasses do not have a node value and will return
+ QString::null.
+ \sa setNodeValue() nodeName()
+QString QDomNode::nodeValue() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QString::null;
+ return IMPL->value;
+ Sets the node's value to \a v.
+ \sa nodeValue()
+void QDomNode::setNodeValue( const QString& v )
+ if ( !impl )
+ return;
+ IMPL->setNodeValue( v );
+ \enum QDomNode::NodeType
+ This enum defines the type of the node:
+ \value ElementNode
+ \value AttributeNode
+ \value TextNode
+ \value CDATASectionNode
+ \value EntityReferenceNode
+ \value EntityNode
+ \value ProcessingInstructionNode
+ \value CommentNode
+ \value DocumentNode
+ \value DocumentTypeNode
+ \value DocumentFragmentNode
+ \value NotationNode
+ \value BaseNode A QDomNode object, i.e. not a QDomNode subclass.
+ \value CharacterDataNode
+ Returns the type of the node.
+ \sa toAttr(), toCDATASection(), toDocumentFragment(),
+ toDocument() toDocumentType(), toElement(), toEntityReference(),
+ toText(), toEntity() toNotation(), toProcessingInstruction(),
+ toCharacterData(), toComment()
+QDomNode::NodeType QDomNode::nodeType() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomNode::BaseNode;
+ return IMPL->nodeType();
+ Returns the parent node. If this node has no parent, a null node
+ is returned (i.e. a node for which isNull() returns TRUE).
+QDomNode QDomNode::parentNode() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomNode();
+ return QDomNode( IMPL->parent() );
+ Returns a list of all direct child nodes.
+ Most often you will call this function on a QDomElement object.
+ For example, if the XML document looks like this:
+ \code
+ <body>
+ <h1>Heading</h1>
+ <p>Hello <b>you</b></p>
+ </body>
+ \endcode
+ Then the list of child nodes for the "body"-element will contain
+ the node created by the &lt;h1&gt; tag and the node created by the
+ &lt;p&gt; tag.
+ The nodes in the list are not copied; so changing the nodes in the
+ list will also change the children of this node.
+ \sa firstChild() lastChild()
+QDomNodeList QDomNode::childNodes() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomNodeList();
+ return QDomNodeList( new QDomNodeListPrivate( impl ) );
+ Returns the first child of the node. If there is no child node, a
+ \link isNull() null node\endlink is returned. Changing the
+ returned node will also change the node in the document tree.
+ \sa lastChild() childNodes()
+QDomNode QDomNode::firstChild() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomNode();
+ return QDomNode( IMPL->first );
+ Returns the last child of the node. If there is no child node, a
+ \link isNull() null node\endlink is returned. Changing the
+ returned node will also change the node in the document tree.
+ \sa firstChild() childNodes()
+QDomNode QDomNode::lastChild() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomNode();
+ return QDomNode( IMPL->last );
+ Returns the previous sibling in the document tree. Changing the
+ returned node will also change the node in the document tree.
+ For example, if you have XML like this:
+ \code
+ <h1>Heading</h1>
+ <p>The text...</p>
+ <h2>Next heading</h2>
+ \endcode
+ and this QDomNode represents the &lt;p&gt; tag, previousSibling()
+ will return the node representing the &lt;h1&gt; tag.
+ \sa nextSibling()
+QDomNode QDomNode::previousSibling() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomNode();
+ return QDomNode( IMPL->prev );
+ Returns the next sibling in the document tree. Changing the
+ returned node will also change the node in the document tree.
+ If you have XML like this:
+ \code
+ <h1>Heading</h1>
+ <p>The text...</p>
+ <h2>Next heading</h2>
+ \endcode
+ and this QDomNode represents the &lt;p&gt; tag, nextSibling() will
+ return the node representing the &lt;h2&gt; tag.
+ \sa previousSibling()
+QDomNode QDomNode::nextSibling() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomNode();
+ return QDomNode( IMPL->next );
+ Returns a named node map of all attributes. Attributes are only
+ provided for \l{QDomElement}s.
+ Changing the attributes in the map will also change the attributes
+ of this QDomNode.
+QDomNamedNodeMap QDomNode::attributes() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomNamedNodeMap();
+ return QDomNamedNodeMap( impl->attributes() );
+ Returns the document to which this node belongs.
+QDomDocument QDomNode::ownerDocument() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomDocument();
+ return QDomDocument( IMPL->ownerDocument() );
+ Creates a deep (not shallow) copy of the QDomNode.
+ If \a deep is TRUE, then the cloning is done recursively which
+ means that all the node's children are deep copied too. If \a deep
+ is FALSE only the node itself is copied and the copy will have no
+ child nodes.
+QDomNode QDomNode::cloneNode( bool deep ) const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomNode();
+ return QDomNode( IMPL->cloneNode( deep ) );
+ Calling normalize() on an element converts all its children into a
+ standard form. This means that adjacent QDomText objects will be
+ merged into a single text object (QDomCDATASection nodes are not
+ merged).
+void QDomNode::normalize()
+ if ( !impl )
+ return;
+ IMPL->normalize();
+ Returns TRUE if the DOM implementation implements the feature \a
+ feature and this feature is supported by this node in the version
+ \a version; otherwise returns FALSE.
+ \sa QDomImplementation::hasFeature()
+bool QDomNode::isSupported( const QString& feature, const QString& version ) const
+ QDomImplementation i;
+ return i.hasFeature( feature, version );
+ Returns the namespace URI of this node or QString::null if the
+ node has no namespace URI.
+ Only nodes of type \link QDomNode::NodeType ElementNode\endlink or
+ \link QDomNode::NodeType AttributeNode\endlink can have
+ namespaces. A namespace URI must be specified at creation time and
+ cannot be changed later.
+ \sa prefix() localName() QDomDocument::createElementNS()
+ QDomDocument::createAttributeNS()
+QString QDomNode::namespaceURI() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QString::null;
+ return IMPL->namespaceURI;
+ Returns the namespace prefix of the node or QString::null if the
+ node has no namespace prefix.
+ Only nodes of type \link QDomNode::NodeType ElementNode\endlink or
+ \link QDomNode::NodeType AttributeNode\endlink can have
+ namespaces. A namespace prefix must be specified at creation time.
+ If a node was created with a namespace prefix, you can change it
+ later with setPrefix().
+ If you create an element or attribute with
+ QDomDocument::createElement() or QDomDocument::createAttribute(),
+ the prefix will be QString::null. If you use
+ QDomDocument::createElementNS() or
+ QDomDocument::createAttributeNS() instead, the prefix will not be
+ QString::null; but it might be an empty string if the name does
+ not have a prefix.
+ \sa setPrefix() localName() namespaceURI()
+ QDomDocument::createElementNS() QDomDocument::createAttributeNS()
+QString QDomNode::prefix() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QString::null;
+ return IMPL->prefix;
+ If the node has a namespace prefix, this function changes the
+ namespace prefix of the node to \a pre. Otherwise this function
+ does nothing.
+ Only nodes of type \link QDomNode::NodeType ElementNode\endlink or
+ \link QDomNode::NodeType AttributeNode\endlink can have
+ namespaces. A namespace prefix must have be specified at creation
+ time; it is not possible to add a namespace prefix afterwards.
+ \sa prefix() localName() namespaceURI()
+ QDomDocument::createElementNS() QDomDocument::createAttributeNS()
+void QDomNode::setPrefix( const QString& pre )
+ if ( !impl || IMPL->prefix.isNull() )
+ return;
+ if ( isAttr() || isElement() )
+ IMPL->prefix = pre;
+ If the node uses namespaces, this function returns the local name
+ of the node; otherwise it returns QString::null.
+ Only nodes of type \link QDomNode::NodeType ElementNode\endlink or
+ \link QDomNode::NodeType AttributeNode\endlink can have
+ namespaces. A namespace must have been specified at creation time;
+ it is not possible to add a namespace afterwards.
+ \sa prefix() namespaceURI() QDomDocument::createElementNS()
+ QDomDocument::createAttributeNS()
+QString QDomNode::localName() const
+ if ( !impl || IMPL->createdWithDom1Interface )
+ return QString::null;
+ return IMPL->name;
+ Returns TRUE if the node has attributes; otherwise returns FALSE.
+ \sa attributes()
+bool QDomNode::hasAttributes() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return FALSE;
+ return IMPL->hasAttributes();
+ Inserts the node \a newChild before the child node \a refChild.
+ \a refChild must be a direct child of this node. If \a refChild is
+ \link isNull() null\endlink then \a newChild is inserted as the
+ node's first child.
+ If \a newChild is the child of another node, it is reparented to
+ this node. If \a newChild is a child of this node, then its
+ position in the list of children is changed.
+ If \a newChild is a QDomDocumentFragment, then the children of the
+ fragment are removed from the fragment and inserted before \a
+ refChild.
+ Returns a new reference to \a newChild on success or a \link
+ isNull() null node\endlink on failure.
+ \sa insertAfter() replaceChild() removeChild() appendChild()
+QDomNode QDomNode::insertBefore( const QDomNode& newChild, const QDomNode& refChild )
+ if ( !impl ) {
+ if (nodeType() == DocumentNode)
+ impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
+ else
+ return QDomNode();
+ }
+ return QDomNode( IMPL->insertBefore( newChild.impl, refChild.impl ) );
+ Inserts the node \a newChild after the child node \a refChild. \a
+ refChild must be a direct child of this node. If \a refChild is
+ \link isNull() null\endlink then \a newChild is appended as this
+ node's last child.
+ If \a newChild is the child of another node, it is reparented to
+ this node. If \a newChild is a child of this node, then its
+ position in the list of children is changed.
+ If \a newChild is a QDomDocumentFragment, then the children of the
+ fragment are removed from the fragment and inserted after \a
+ refChild.
+ Returns a new reference to \a newChild on success or a \link
+ isNull() null node\endlink on failure.
+ \sa insertBefore() replaceChild() removeChild() appendChild()
+QDomNode QDomNode::insertAfter( const QDomNode& newChild, const QDomNode& refChild )
+ if ( !impl ) {
+ if (nodeType() == DocumentNode)
+ impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
+ else
+ return QDomNode();
+ }
+ return QDomNode( IMPL->insertAfter( newChild.impl, refChild.impl ) );
+ Replaces \a oldChild with \a newChild. \a oldChild must be a
+ direct child of this node.
+ If \a newChild is the child of another node, it is reparented to
+ this node. If \a newChild is a child of this node, then its
+ position in the list of children is changed.
+ If \a newChild is a QDomDocumentFragment, then \a oldChild is
+ replaced by all of the children of the fragment.
+ Returns a new reference to \a oldChild on success or a \link
+ isNull() null node\endlink an failure.
+ \sa insertBefore() insertAfter() removeChild() appendChild()
+QDomNode QDomNode::replaceChild( const QDomNode& newChild, const QDomNode& oldChild )
+ if ( !impl ) {
+ if (nodeType() == DocumentNode)
+ impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
+ else
+ return QDomNode();
+ }
+ return QDomNode( IMPL->replaceChild( newChild.impl, oldChild.impl ) );
+ Removes \a oldChild from the list of children. \a oldChild must be
+ a direct child of this node.
+ Returns a new reference to \a oldChild on success or a \link
+ isNull() null node\endlink on failure.
+ \sa insertBefore() insertAfter() replaceChild() appendChild()
+QDomNode QDomNode::removeChild( const QDomNode& oldChild )
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomNode();
+ if ( oldChild.isNull() )
+ return QDomNode();
+ return QDomNode( IMPL->removeChild( oldChild.impl ) );
+ Appends \a newChild as the node's last child.
+ If \a newChild is the child of another node, it is reparented to
+ this node. If \a newChild is a child of this node, then its
+ position in the list of children is changed.
+ If \a newChild is a QDomDocumentFragment, then the children of the
+ fragment are removed from the fragment and appended.
+ Returns a new reference to \a newChild.
+ \sa insertBefore() insertAfter() replaceChild() removeChild()
+QDomNode QDomNode::appendChild( const QDomNode& newChild )
+ if ( !impl ) {
+ if (nodeType() == DocumentNode)
+ impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
+ else
+ return QDomNode();
+ }
+ return QDomNode( IMPL->appendChild( newChild.impl ) );
+ Returns TRUE if the node has one or more children; otherwise
+ returns FALSE.
+bool QDomNode::hasChildNodes() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return FALSE;
+ return IMPL->first != 0;
+ Returns TRUE if this node is null (i.e. if it has no type or
+ contents); otherwise returns FALSE.
+bool QDomNode::isNull() const
+ return ( impl == 0 );
+ Converts the node into a null node; if it was not a null node
+ before, its type and contents are deleted.
+ \sa isNull()
+void QDomNode::clear()
+ if ( impl && impl->deref() ) delete impl;
+ impl = 0;
+ Returns the first direct child node for which nodeName() equals \a
+ name.
+ If no such direct child exists, a \link isNull() null node\endlink
+ is returned.
+ \sa nodeName()
+QDomNode QDomNode::namedItem( const QString& name ) const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomNode();
+ return QDomNode( impl->namedItem( name ) );
+ Writes the XML representation of the node and all its children to
+ the stream \a str. This function uses \a indent as the amount of
+ space to indent the node.
+void QDomNode::save( QTextStream& str, int indent ) const
+ if ( impl )
+ IMPL->save( str, 1, indent );
+ \relates QDomNode
+ Writes the XML representation of the node \a node and all its
+ children to the stream \a str.
+QTextStream& operator<<( QTextStream& str, const QDomNode& node )
+ str, 1 );
+ return str;
+ Returns TRUE if the node is an attribute; otherwise returns FALSE.
+ If this function returns TRUE, it does not imply that this object
+ is a QDomAttribute; you can get the QDomAttribute with
+ toAttribute().
+ \sa toAttr()
+bool QDomNode::isAttr() const
+ if(impl)
+ return impl->isAttr();
+ return FALSE;
+ Returns TRUE if the node is a CDATA section; otherwise returns
+ If this function returns TRUE, it does not imply that this object
+ is a QDomCDATASection; you can get the QDomCDATASection with
+ toCDATASection().
+ \sa toCDATASection()
+bool QDomNode::isCDATASection() const
+ if(impl)
+ return impl->isCDATASection();
+ return FALSE;
+ Returns TRUE if the node is a document fragment; otherwise returns
+ If this function returns TRUE, it does not imply that this object
+ is a QDomDocumentFragment; you can get the QDomDocumentFragment
+ with toDocumentFragment().
+ \sa toDocumentFragment()
+bool QDomNode::isDocumentFragment() const
+ if(impl)
+ return impl->isDocumentFragment();
+ return FALSE;
+ Returns TRUE if the node is a document; otherwise returns FALSE.
+ If this function returns TRUE, it does not imply that this object
+ is a QDomDocument; you can get the QDomDocument with toDocument().
+ \sa toDocument()
+bool QDomNode::isDocument() const
+ if(impl)
+ return impl->isDocument();
+ return FALSE;
+ Returns TRUE if the node is a document type; otherwise returns
+ If this function returns TRUE, it does not imply that this object
+ is a QDomDocumentType; you can get the QDomDocumentType with
+ toDocumentType().
+ \sa toDocumentType()
+bool QDomNode::isDocumentType() const
+ if(impl)
+ return impl->isDocumentType();
+ return FALSE;
+ Returns TRUE if the node is an element; otherwise returns FALSE.
+ If this function returns TRUE, it does not imply that this object
+ is a QDomElement; you can get the QDomElement with toElement().
+ \sa toElement()
+bool QDomNode::isElement() const
+ if(impl)
+ return impl->isElement();
+ return FALSE;
+ Returns TRUE if the node is an entity reference; otherwise returns
+ If this function returns TRUE, it does not imply that this object
+ is a QDomEntityReference; you can get the QDomEntityReference with
+ toEntityReference().
+ \sa toEntityReference()
+bool QDomNode::isEntityReference() const
+ if(impl)
+ return impl->isEntityReference();
+ return FALSE;
+ Returns TRUE if the node is a text node; otherwise returns FALSE.
+ If this function returns TRUE, it does not imply that this object
+ is a QDomText; you can get the QDomText with toText().
+ \sa toText()
+bool QDomNode::isText() const
+ if(impl)
+ return impl->isText();
+ return FALSE;
+ Returns TRUE if the node is an entity; otherwise returns FALSE.
+ If this function returns TRUE, it does not imply that this object
+ is a QDomEntity; you can get the QDomEntity with toEntity().
+ \sa toEntity()
+bool QDomNode::isEntity() const
+ if(impl)
+ return impl->isEntity();
+ return FALSE;
+ Returns TRUE if the node is a notation; otherwise returns FALSE.
+ If this function returns TRUE, it does not imply that this object
+ is a QDomNotation; you can get the QDomNotation with toNotation().
+ \sa toNotation()
+bool QDomNode::isNotation() const
+ if(impl)
+ return impl->isNotation();
+ return FALSE;
+ Returns TRUE if the node is a processing instruction; otherwise
+ returns FALSE.
+ If this function returns TRUE, it does not imply that this object
+ is a QDomProcessingInstruction; you can get the
+ QProcessingInstruction with toProcessingInstruction().
+ \sa toProcessingInstruction()
+bool QDomNode::isProcessingInstruction() const
+ if(impl)
+ return impl->isProcessingInstruction();
+ return FALSE;
+ Returns TRUE if the node is a character data node; otherwise
+ returns FALSE.
+ If this function returns TRUE, it does not imply that this object
+ is a QDomCharacterData; you can get the QDomCharacterData with
+ toCharacterData().
+ \sa toCharacterData()
+bool QDomNode::isCharacterData() const
+ if(impl)
+ return impl->isCharacterData();
+ return FALSE;
+ Returns TRUE if the node is a comment; otherwise returns FALSE.
+ If this function returns TRUE, it does not imply that this object
+ is a QDomComment; you can get the QDomComment with toComment().
+ \sa toComment()
+bool QDomNode::isComment() const
+ if(impl)
+ return impl->isComment();
+ return FALSE;
+#undef IMPL
+ *
+ * QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate::QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate( QDomNodePrivate* n )
+ readonly = FALSE;
+ parent = n;
+ appendToParent = FALSE;
+ clearMap();
+QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate* QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate::clone( QDomNodePrivate* p )
+ QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate* m = new QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate( p );
+ m->readonly = readonly;
+ m->appendToParent = appendToParent;
+ QDictIterator<QDomNodePrivate> it ( map );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ m->setNamedItem( it.current()->cloneNode() );
+ // we are no longer interested in ownership
+ m->deref();
+ return m;
+void QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate::clearMap()
+ // Dereference all of our children if we took references
+ if ( !appendToParent ) {
+ QDictIterator<QDomNodePrivate> it( map );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ if ( it.current()->deref() )
+ delete it.current();
+ }
+ map.clear();
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate::namedItem( const QString& name ) const
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = map[ name ];
+ return p;
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate::namedItemNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName ) const
+ QDictIterator<QDomNodePrivate> it( map );
+ QDomNodePrivate *n = it.current();
+ while ( n ) {
+ if ( !n->prefix.isNull() ) {
+ // node has a namespace
+ if ( n->namespaceURI==nsURI && n->name==localName ) {
+ return n;
+ }
+ }
+ ++it;
+ n = it.current();
+ }
+ return 0;
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate::setNamedItem( QDomNodePrivate* arg )
+ if ( readonly || !arg )
+ return 0;
+ if ( appendToParent )
+ return parent->appendChild( arg );
+ QDomNodePrivate *n = map[ arg->nodeName() ];
+ // We take a reference
+ arg->ref();
+ map.insert( arg->nodeName(), arg );
+ return n;
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate::setNamedItemNS( QDomNodePrivate* arg )
+ if ( readonly || !arg )
+ return 0;
+ if ( appendToParent )
+ return parent->appendChild( arg );
+ if ( !arg->prefix.isNull() ) {
+ // node has a namespace
+ QDomNodePrivate *n = namedItemNS( arg->namespaceURI, arg->name );
+ // We take a reference
+ arg->ref();
+ map.insert( arg->nodeName(), arg );
+ return n;
+ } else {
+ // ### check the following code if it is ok
+ return setNamedItem( arg );
+ }
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate::removeNamedItem( const QString& name )
+ if ( readonly )
+ return 0;
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = namedItem( name );
+ if ( p == 0 )
+ return 0;
+ if ( appendToParent )
+ return parent->removeChild( p );
+ map.remove( p->nodeName() );
+ // We took a reference, so we have to free one here
+ p->deref();
+ return p;
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate::item( int index ) const
+ if ( (uint)index >= length() )
+ return 0;
+ QDictIterator<QDomNodePrivate> it( map );
+ for ( int i = 0; i < index; ++i, ++it )
+ ;
+ return it.current();
+uint QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate::length() const
+ return map.count();
+bool QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate::contains( const QString& name ) const
+ return ( map[ name ] != 0 );
+bool QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate::containsNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString & localName ) const
+ return ( namedItemNS( nsURI, localName ) != 0 );
+ *
+ * QDomNamedNodeMap
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+#define IMPL ((QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate*)impl)
+ \class QDomNamedNodeMap qdom.h
+ \reentrant
+ \brief The QDomNamedNodeMap class contains a collection of nodes
+ that can be accessed by name.
+\if defined(commercial)
+ It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.
+ \module XML
+ \ingroup xml-tools
+ Note that QDomNamedNodeMap does not inherit from QDomNodeList.
+ QDomNamedNodeMaps do not provide any specific node ordering.
+ Although nodes in a QDomNamedNodeMap may be accessed by an ordinal
+ index, this is simply to allow a convenient enumeration of the
+ contents of a QDomNamedNodeMap, and does not imply that the DOM
+ specifies an ordering of the nodes.
+ The QDomNamedNodeMap is used in three places:
+ \list 1
+ \i QDomDocumentType::entities() returns a map of all entities
+ described in the DTD.
+ \i QDomDocumentType::notations() returns a map of all notations
+ described in the DTD.
+ \i QDomNode::attributes() returns a map of all attributes of an
+ element.
+ \endlist
+ Items in the map are identified by the name which QDomNode::name()
+ returns. Nodes are retrieved using namedItem(), namedItemNS() or
+ item(). New nodes are inserted with setNamedItem() or
+ setNamedItemNS() and removed with removeNamedItem() or
+ removeNamedItemNS(). Use contains() to see if an item with the
+ given name is in the named node map. The number of items is
+ returned by length().
+ Terminology: in this class we use "item" and "node"
+ interchangeably.
+ Constructs an empty named node map.
+ impl = 0;
+ Constructs a copy of \a n.
+QDomNamedNodeMap::QDomNamedNodeMap( const QDomNamedNodeMap& n )
+ impl = n.impl;
+ if ( impl )
+ impl->ref();
+QDomNamedNodeMap::QDomNamedNodeMap( QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate* n )
+ impl = n;
+ if ( impl )
+ impl->ref();
+ Assigns \a n to this named node map.
+QDomNamedNodeMap& QDomNamedNodeMap::operator= ( const QDomNamedNodeMap& n )
+ if ( impl && impl->deref() )
+ delete impl;
+ impl = n.impl;
+ if ( impl )
+ impl->ref();
+ return *this;
+ Returns TRUE if \a n and this named node map are equal; otherwise
+ returns FALSE.
+bool QDomNamedNodeMap::operator== ( const QDomNamedNodeMap& n ) const
+ return ( impl == n.impl );
+ Returns TRUE if \a n and this named node map are not equal;
+ otherwise returns FALSE.
+bool QDomNamedNodeMap::operator!= ( const QDomNamedNodeMap& n ) const
+ return ( impl != n.impl );
+ Destroys the object and frees its resources.
+ if ( impl && impl->deref() )
+ delete impl;
+ Returns the node called \a name.
+ If the named node map does not contain such a node, a \link
+ QDomNode::isNull() null node\endlink is returned. A node's name is
+ the name returned by QDomNode::nodeName().
+ \sa setNamedItem() namedItemNS()
+QDomNode QDomNamedNodeMap::namedItem( const QString& name ) const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomNode();
+ return QDomNode( IMPL->namedItem( name ) );
+ Inserts the node \a newNode into the named node map. The name used
+ by the map is the node name of \a newNode as returned by
+ QDomNode::nodeName().
+ If the new node replaces an existing node, i.e. the map contains a
+ node with the same name, the replaced node is returned.
+ \sa namedItem() removeNamedItem() setNamedItemNS()
+QDomNode QDomNamedNodeMap::setNamedItem( const QDomNode& newNode )
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomNode();
+ return QDomNode( IMPL->setNamedItem( (QDomNodePrivate*)newNode.impl ) );
+ Removes the node called \a name from the map.
+ The function returns the removed node or a \link
+ QDomNode::isNull() null node\endlink if the map did not contain a
+ node called \a name.
+ \sa setNamedItem() namedItem() removeNamedItemNS()
+QDomNode QDomNamedNodeMap::removeNamedItem( const QString& name )
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomNode();
+ return QDomNode( IMPL->removeNamedItem( name ) );
+ Retrieves the node at position \a index.
+ This can be used to iterate over the map. Note that the nodes in
+ the map are ordered arbitrarily.
+ \sa length()
+QDomNode QDomNamedNodeMap::item( int index ) const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomNode();
+ return QDomNode( IMPL->item( index ) );
+ Returns the node associated with the local name \a localName and
+ the namespace URI \a nsURI.
+ If the map does not contain such a node, a \link
+ QDomNode::isNull() null node\endlink is returned.
+ \sa setNamedItemNS() namedItem()
+QDomNode QDomNamedNodeMap::namedItemNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName ) const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomNode();
+ return QDomNode( IMPL->namedItemNS( nsURI, localName ) );
+ Inserts the node \a newNode in the map. If a node with the same
+ namespace URI and the same local name already exists in the map,
+ it is replaced by \a newNode. If the new node replaces an existing
+ node, the replaced node is returned.
+ \sa namedItemNS() removeNamedItemNS() setNamedItem()
+QDomNode QDomNamedNodeMap::setNamedItemNS( const QDomNode& newNode )
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomNode();
+ return QDomNode( IMPL->setNamedItemNS( (QDomNodePrivate*)newNode.impl ) );
+ Removes the node with the local name \a localName and the
+ namespace URI \a nsURI from the map.
+ The function returns the removed node or a \link
+ QDomNode::isNull() null node\endlink if the map did not contain a
+ node with the local name \a localName and the namespace URI \a
+ nsURI.
+ \sa setNamedItemNS() namedItemNS() removeNamedItem()
+QDomNode QDomNamedNodeMap::removeNamedItemNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName )
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomNode();
+ QDomNodePrivate *n = IMPL->namedItemNS( nsURI, localName );
+ if ( !n )
+ return QDomNode();
+ return QDomNode( IMPL->removeNamedItem( n->name ) );
+ Returns the number of nodes in the map.
+ \sa item()
+uint QDomNamedNodeMap::length() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return 0;
+ return IMPL->length();
+ \fn uint QDomNamedNodeMap::count() const
+ Returns the number of nodes in the map.
+ This function is the same as length().
+ Returns TRUE if the map contains a node called \a name; otherwise
+ returns FALSE.
+bool QDomNamedNodeMap::contains( const QString& name ) const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return FALSE;
+ return IMPL->contains( name );
+#undef IMPL
+ *
+ * QDomDocumentTypePrivate
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+QDomDocumentTypePrivate::QDomDocumentTypePrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* doc, QDomNodePrivate* parent )
+ : QDomNodePrivate( doc, parent )
+ init();
+QDomDocumentTypePrivate::QDomDocumentTypePrivate( QDomDocumentTypePrivate* n, bool deep )
+ : QDomNodePrivate( n, deep )
+ init();
+ // Refill the maps with our new children
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = first;
+ while ( p ) {
+ if ( p->isEntity() )
+ // Dont use normal insert function since we would create infinite recursion
+ entities->map.insert( p->nodeName(), p );
+ if ( p->isNotation() )
+ // Dont use normal insert function since we would create infinite recursion
+ notations->map.insert( p->nodeName(), p );
+ }
+ if ( entities->deref() )
+ delete entities;
+ if ( notations->deref() )
+ delete notations;
+void QDomDocumentTypePrivate::init()
+ entities = new QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate( this );
+ notations = new QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate( this );
+ publicId = QString::null;
+ systemId = QString::null;
+ internalSubset = QString::null;
+ entities->setAppendToParent( TRUE );
+ notations->setAppendToParent( TRUE );
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomDocumentTypePrivate::cloneNode( bool deep)
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomDocumentTypePrivate( this, deep );
+ // We are not interested in this node
+ p->deref();
+ return p;
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomDocumentTypePrivate::insertBefore( QDomNodePrivate* newChild, QDomNodePrivate* refChild )
+ // Call the origianl implementation
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = QDomNodePrivate::insertBefore( newChild, refChild );
+ // Update the maps
+ if ( p && p->isEntity() )
+ entities->map.insert( p->nodeName(), p );
+ else if ( p && p->isNotation() )
+ notations->map.insert( p->nodeName(), p );
+ return p;
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomDocumentTypePrivate::insertAfter( QDomNodePrivate* newChild, QDomNodePrivate* refChild )
+ // Call the origianl implementation
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = QDomNodePrivate::insertAfter( newChild, refChild );
+ // Update the maps
+ if ( p && p->isEntity() )
+ entities->map.insert( p->nodeName(), p );
+ else if ( p && p->isNotation() )
+ notations->map.insert( p->nodeName(), p );
+ return p;
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomDocumentTypePrivate::replaceChild( QDomNodePrivate* newChild, QDomNodePrivate* oldChild )
+ // Call the origianl implementation
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = QDomNodePrivate::replaceChild( newChild, oldChild );
+ // Update the maps
+ if ( p ) {
+ if ( oldChild && oldChild->isEntity() )
+ entities->map.remove( oldChild->nodeName() );
+ else if ( oldChild && oldChild->isNotation() )
+ notations->map.remove( oldChild->nodeName() );
+ if ( p->isEntity() )
+ entities->map.insert( p->nodeName(), p );
+ else if ( p->isNotation() )
+ notations->map.insert( p->nodeName(), p );
+ }
+ return p;
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomDocumentTypePrivate::removeChild( QDomNodePrivate* oldChild )
+ // Call the origianl implementation
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = QDomNodePrivate::removeChild( oldChild );
+ // Update the maps
+ if ( p && p->isEntity() )
+ entities->map.remove( p->nodeName() );
+ else if ( p && p->isNotation() )
+ notations->map.remove( p ->nodeName() );
+ return p;
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomDocumentTypePrivate::appendChild( QDomNodePrivate* newChild )
+ return insertAfter( newChild, 0 );
+void QDomDocumentTypePrivate::save( QTextStream& s, int, int indent ) const
+ if ( name.isEmpty() )
+ return;
+ s << "<!DOCTYPE " << name;
+ if ( !publicId.isNull() ) {
+ s << " PUBLIC \"" << publicId << "\"";
+ if ( !systemId.isNull() )
+ s << " \"" << systemId << "\"";
+ } else if ( !systemId.isNull() ) {
+ s << " SYSTEM \"" << systemId << "\"";
+ }
+ if ( entities->length()>0 || notations->length()>0 ) {
+ s << " [ " << endl;
+ QDictIterator<QDomNodePrivate> it2( notations->map );
+ for ( ; it2.current(); ++it2 )
+ it2.current()->save( s, 0, indent );
+ QDictIterator<QDomNodePrivate> it( entities->map );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ it.current()->save( s, 0, indent );
+ s << " ]";
+ }
+ s << ">" << endl;
+ *
+ * QDomDocumentType
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+#define IMPL ((QDomDocumentTypePrivate*)impl)
+ \class QDomDocumentType qdom.h
+ \reentrant
+ \brief The QDomDocumentType class is the representation of the DTD
+ in the document tree.
+\if defined(commercial)
+ It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.
+ \module XML
+ \ingroup xml-tools
+ The QDomDocumentType class allows read-only access to some of the
+ data structures in the DTD: it can return a map of all entities()
+ and notations(). In addition the function name() returns the name
+ of the document type as specified in the &lt;!DOCTYPE name&gt;
+ tag. This class also provides the publicId(), systemId() and
+ internalSubset() functions.
+ \sa QDomDocument
+ Creates an empty QDomDocumentType object.
+QDomDocumentType::QDomDocumentType() : QDomNode()
+ Constructs a copy of \a n.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomDocumentType::QDomDocumentType( const QDomDocumentType& n )
+ : QDomNode( n )
+QDomDocumentType::QDomDocumentType( QDomDocumentTypePrivate* n )
+ : QDomNode( n )
+ Assigns \a n to this document type.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomDocumentType& QDomDocumentType::operator= ( const QDomDocumentType& n )
+ return (QDomDocumentType&) QDomNode::operator=( n );
+ Destroys the object and frees its resources.
+ Returns the name of the document type as specified in the
+ &lt;!DOCTYPE name&gt; tag.
+ \sa nodeName()
+QString QDomDocumentType::name() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QString::null;
+ return IMPL->nodeName();
+ Returns a map of all entities described in the DTD.
+QDomNamedNodeMap QDomDocumentType::entities() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomNamedNodeMap();
+ return QDomNamedNodeMap( IMPL->entities );
+ Returns a map of all notations described in the DTD.
+QDomNamedNodeMap QDomDocumentType::notations() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomNamedNodeMap();
+ return QDomNamedNodeMap( IMPL->notations );
+ Returns the public identifier of the external DTD subset or
+ QString::null if there is no public identifier.
+ \sa systemId() internalSubset() QDomImplementation::createDocumentType()
+QString QDomDocumentType::publicId() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QString::null;
+ return IMPL->publicId;
+ Returns the system identifier of the external DTD subset or
+ QString::null if there is no system identifier.
+ \sa publicId() internalSubset() QDomImplementation::createDocumentType()
+QString QDomDocumentType::systemId() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QString::null;
+ return IMPL->systemId;
+ Returns the internal subset of the document type or QString::null
+ if there is no internal subset.
+ \sa publicId() systemId()
+QString QDomDocumentType::internalSubset() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QString::null;
+ return IMPL->internalSubset;
+ Returns \c DocumentTypeNode.
+ \sa isDocumentType() QDomNode::toDocumentType()
+QDomNode::NodeType QDomDocumentType::nodeType() const
+ return DocumentTypeNode;
+ This function overloads QDomNode::isDocumentType().
+ \sa nodeType() QDomNode::toDocumentType()
+bool QDomDocumentType::isDocumentType() const
+ return TRUE;
+#undef IMPL
+ *
+ * QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate::QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* doc, QDomNodePrivate* parent )
+ : QDomNodePrivate( doc, parent )
+ name = "#document-fragment";
+QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate::QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate( QDomNodePrivate* n, bool deep )
+ : QDomNodePrivate( n, deep )
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate::cloneNode( bool deep)
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate( this, deep );
+ // We are not interested in this node
+ p->deref();
+ return p;
+ *
+ * QDomDocumentFragment
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+#define IMPL ((QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate*)impl)
+ \class QDomDocumentFragment qdom.h
+ \reentrant
+ \brief The QDomDocumentFragment class is a tree of QDomNodes which is not usually a complete QDomDocument.
+\if defined(commercial)
+ It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.
+ \module XML
+ \ingroup xml-tools
+ If you want to do complex tree operations it is useful to have a
+ lightweight class to store nodes and their relations.
+ QDomDocumentFragment stores a subtree of a document which does not
+ necessarily represent a well-formed XML document.
+ QDomDocumentFragment is also useful if you want to group several
+ nodes in a list and insert them all together as children of some
+ node. In these cases QDomDocumentFragment can be used as a
+ temporary container for this list of children.
+ The most important feature of QDomDocumentFragment is that it is
+ treated in a special way by QDomNode::insertAfter(),
+ QDomNode::insertBefore(), QDomNode::replaceChild() and
+ QDomNode::appendChild(): instead of inserting the fragment itself, all
+ the fragment's children are inserted.
+ Constructs an empty document fragment.
+QDomDocumentFragment::QDomDocumentFragment( QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate* n )
+ : QDomNode( n )
+ Constructs a copy of \a x.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomDocumentFragment::QDomDocumentFragment( const QDomDocumentFragment& x )
+ : QDomNode( x )
+ Assigns \a x to this DOM document fragment.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomDocumentFragment& QDomDocumentFragment::operator= ( const QDomDocumentFragment& x )
+ return (QDomDocumentFragment&) QDomNode::operator=( x );
+ Destroys the object and frees its resources.
+ Returns \c DocumentFragment.
+ \sa isDocumentFragment() QDomNode::toDocumentFragment()
+QDomNode::NodeType QDomDocumentFragment::nodeType() const
+ return QDomNode::DocumentFragmentNode;
+ This function reimplements QDomNode::isDocumentFragment().
+ \sa nodeType() QDomNode::toDocumentFragment()
+bool QDomDocumentFragment::isDocumentFragment() const
+ return TRUE;
+#undef IMPL
+ *
+ * QDomCharacterDataPrivate
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+QDomCharacterDataPrivate::QDomCharacterDataPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* d, QDomNodePrivate* p,
+ const QString& data )
+ : QDomNodePrivate( d, p )
+ value = data;
+ name = "#character-data";
+QDomCharacterDataPrivate::QDomCharacterDataPrivate( QDomCharacterDataPrivate* n, bool deep )
+ : QDomNodePrivate( n, deep )
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomCharacterDataPrivate::cloneNode( bool deep )
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomCharacterDataPrivate( this, deep );
+ // We are not interested in this node
+ p->deref();
+ return p;
+uint QDomCharacterDataPrivate::dataLength() const
+ return value.length();
+QString QDomCharacterDataPrivate::substringData( unsigned long offset, unsigned long n ) const
+ return value.mid( offset, n );
+void QDomCharacterDataPrivate::insertData( unsigned long offset, const QString& arg )
+ value.insert( offset, arg );
+void QDomCharacterDataPrivate::deleteData( unsigned long offset, unsigned long n )
+ value.remove( offset, n );
+void QDomCharacterDataPrivate::replaceData( unsigned long offset, unsigned long n, const QString& arg )
+ value.replace( offset, n, arg );
+void QDomCharacterDataPrivate::appendData( const QString& arg )
+ value += arg;
+ *
+ * QDomCharacterData
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+#define IMPL ((QDomCharacterDataPrivate*)impl)
+ \class QDomCharacterData qdom.h
+ \reentrant
+ \brief The QDomCharacterData class represents a generic string in the DOM.
+\if defined(commercial)
+ It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.
+ \module XML
+ \ingroup xml-tools
+ Character data as used in XML specifies a generic data string.
+ More specialized versions of this class are QDomText, QDomComment
+ and QDomCDATASection.
+ The data string is set with setData() and retrieved with data().
+ You can retrieve a portion of the data string using
+ substringData(). Extra data can be appended with appendData(), or
+ inserted with insertData(). Portions of the data string can be
+ deleted with deleteData() or replaced with replaceData(). The
+ length of the data string is returned by length().
+ The node type of the node containing this character data is
+ returned by nodeType().
+ \sa QDomText QDomComment QDomCDATASection
+ Constructs an empty character data object.
+ Constructs a copy of \a x.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomCharacterData::QDomCharacterData( const QDomCharacterData& x )
+ : QDomNode( x )
+QDomCharacterData::QDomCharacterData( QDomCharacterDataPrivate* n )
+ : QDomNode( n )
+ Assigns \a x to this character data.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomCharacterData& QDomCharacterData::operator= ( const QDomCharacterData& x )
+ return (QDomCharacterData&) QDomNode::operator=( x );
+ Destroys the object and frees its resources.
+ Returns the string stored in this object.
+ If the node is a \link isNull() null node\endlink, it will return
+ QString::null.
+QString QDomCharacterData::data() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QString::null;
+ return impl->nodeValue();
+ Sets this object's string to \a v.
+void QDomCharacterData::setData( const QString& v )
+ if ( impl )
+ impl->setNodeValue( v );
+ Returns the length of the stored string.
+uint QDomCharacterData::length() const
+ if ( impl )
+ return IMPL->dataLength();
+ return 0;
+ Returns the substring of length \a count from position \a offset.
+QString QDomCharacterData::substringData( unsigned long offset, unsigned long count )
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QString::null;
+ return IMPL->substringData( offset, count );
+ Appends the string \a arg to the stored string.
+void QDomCharacterData::appendData( const QString& arg )
+ if ( impl )
+ IMPL->appendData( arg );
+ Inserts the string \a arg into the stored string at position \a offset.
+void QDomCharacterData::insertData( unsigned long offset, const QString& arg )
+ if ( impl )
+ IMPL->insertData( offset, arg );
+ Deletes a substring of length \a count from position \a offset.
+void QDomCharacterData::deleteData( unsigned long offset, unsigned long count )
+ if ( impl )
+ IMPL->deleteData( offset, count );
+ Replaces the substring of length \a count starting at position \a
+ offset with the string \a arg.
+void QDomCharacterData::replaceData( unsigned long offset, unsigned long count, const QString& arg )
+ if ( impl )
+ IMPL->replaceData( offset, count, arg );
+ Returns the type of node this object refers to (i.e. \c TextNode,
+ \c CDATASectionNode, \c CommentNode or \c CharacterDataNode). For
+ a \link isNull() null node\endlink \c CharacterDataNode is
+ returned.
+QDomNode::NodeType QDomCharacterData::nodeType() const
+ if( !impl )
+ return CharacterDataNode;
+ return QDomNode::nodeType();
+ Returns TRUE.
+bool QDomCharacterData::isCharacterData() const
+ return TRUE;
+#undef IMPL
+ *
+ * QDomAttrPrivate
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+QDomAttrPrivate::QDomAttrPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* d, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& name_ )
+ : QDomNodePrivate( d, parent )
+ name = name_;
+ m_specified = FALSE;
+QDomAttrPrivate::QDomAttrPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* d, QDomNodePrivate* p, const QString& nsURI, const QString& qName )
+ : QDomNodePrivate( d, p )
+ qt_split_namespace( prefix, name, qName, !nsURI.isNull() );
+ namespaceURI = nsURI;
+ createdWithDom1Interface = FALSE;
+ m_specified = FALSE;
+QDomAttrPrivate::QDomAttrPrivate( QDomAttrPrivate* n, bool deep )
+ : QDomNodePrivate( n, deep )
+ m_specified = n->specified();
+void QDomAttrPrivate::setNodeValue( const QString& v )
+ value = v;
+ QDomTextPrivate *t = new QDomTextPrivate( 0, this, v );
+ // keep the refcount balanced: appendChild() does a ref() anyway.
+ t->deref();
+ if ( first ) {
+ delete removeChild( first );
+ }
+ appendChild( t );
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomAttrPrivate::cloneNode( bool deep )
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomAttrPrivate( this, deep );
+ // We are not interested in this node
+ p->deref();
+ return p;
+bool QDomAttrPrivate::specified() const
+ return m_specified;
+static bool isXmlChar(const QChar &c)
+ // Characters in this range must be accepted by XML parsers.
+ // Consequently characters outside of this range need to be escaped.
+ ushort uc = c.unicode();
+ return uc == 0x9
+ || uc == 0xA
+ || uc == 0xD
+ || 0x20 <= uc && uc <= 0xD7FF
+ || 0xE000 <= uc && uc <= 0xFFFD;
+ Encode an attribute value upon saving.
+static QString encodeAttr( const QString& str )
+ QString tmp( str );
+ uint len = tmp.length();
+ uint i = 0;
+ while ( i < len ) {
+ if ( tmp[(int)i] == '<' ) {
+ tmp.replace( i, 1, "&lt;" );
+ len += 3;
+ i += 4;
+ } else if ( tmp[(int)i] == '"' ) {
+ tmp.replace( i, 1, "&quot;" );
+ len += 5;
+ i += 6;
+ } else if ( tmp[(int)i] == '&' ) {
+ tmp.replace( i, 1, "&amp;" );
+ len += 4;
+ i += 5;
+ } else if ( tmp[(int)i] == '>' && i>=2 && tmp[(int)i-1]==']' && tmp[(int)i-2]==']' ) {
+ tmp.replace( i, 1, "&gt;" );
+ len += 3;
+ i += 4;
+ } else if (!isXmlChar(tmp[(int)i])) {
+ QString repl = "&#x" + QString::number(tmp[(int)i].unicode(), 16) + ';';
+ qWarning("QDom: saving invalid character %s, the document will not be well-formed", repl.latin1());
+ tmp.replace(i, 1, repl);
+ len += repl.length() - 1;
+ i += repl.length();
+ } else {
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ return tmp;
+void QDomAttrPrivate::save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const
+ if ( namespaceURI.isNull() ) {
+ s << name << "=\"" << encodeAttr( value ) << "\"";
+ } else {
+ // ### optimize this (see comment of QDomElementPrivate::save()
+ s << prefix << ":" << name << "=\"" << encodeAttr( value ) << "\""
+ << " xmlns:" << prefix << "=\"" << encodeAttr( namespaceURI ) << "\"";
+ }
+ *
+ * QDomAttr
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+#define IMPL ((QDomAttrPrivate*)impl)
+ \class QDomAttr qdom.h
+ \reentrant
+ \brief The QDomAttr class represents one attribute of a QDomElement.
+\if defined(commercial)
+ It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.
+ \module XML
+ \ingroup xml-tools
+ For example, the following piece of XML produces an element with
+ no children, but two attributes:
+ \code
+ <link href="" color="red" />
+ \endcode
+ You can access the attributes of an element with code like this:
+ \code
+ QDomElement e = //...
+ //...
+ QDomAttr a = e.attributeNode( "href" );
+ cout << a.value() << endl; // prints ""
+ a.setValue( "" ); // change the node's attribute
+ QDomAttr a2 = e.attributeNode( "href" );
+ cout << a2.value() << endl; // prints ""
+ \endcode
+ This example also shows that changing an attribute received from
+ an element changes the attribute of the element. If you do not
+ want to change the value of the element's attribute you must
+ use cloneNode() to get an independent copy of the attribute.
+ QDomAttr can return the name() and value() of an attribute. An
+ attribute's value is set with setValue(). If specified() returns
+ TRUE the value was either set in the document or set with
+ setValue(); otherwise the value hasn't been set. The node this
+ attribute is attached to (if any) is returned by ownerElement().
+ For further information about the Document Object Model see
+ \link\endlink and
+ \link\endlink.
+ For a more general introduction of the DOM implementation see the
+ QDomDocument documentation.
+ Constructs an empty attribute.
+ Constructs a copy of \a x.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomAttr::QDomAttr( const QDomAttr& x )
+ : QDomNode( x )
+QDomAttr::QDomAttr( QDomAttrPrivate* n )
+ : QDomNode( n )
+ Assigns \a x to this DOM attribute.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomAttr& QDomAttr::operator= ( const QDomAttr& x )
+ return (QDomAttr&) QDomNode::operator=( x );
+ Destroys the object and frees its resources.
+ Returns the attribute's name.
+QString QDomAttr::name() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QString::null;
+ return impl->nodeName();
+ Returns TRUE if the attribute has either been expicitly specified
+ in the XML document or was set by the user with setValue().
+ Returns FALSE if the value hasn't been specified or set.
+ \sa setValue()
+bool QDomAttr::specified() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return FALSE;
+ return IMPL->specified();
+ Returns the element node this attribute is attached to or a \link
+ QDomNode::isNull() null node\endlink if this attribute is not
+ attached to any element.
+QDomElement QDomAttr::ownerElement() const
+ if ( !impl && !impl->parent()->isElement() )
+ return QDomElement();
+ return QDomElement( (QDomElementPrivate*)(impl->parent()) );
+ Returns the value of the attribute or QString::null if the
+ attribute has not been specified.
+ \sa specified() setValue()
+QString QDomAttr::value() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QString::null;
+ return impl->nodeValue();
+ Sets the attribute's value to \a v.
+ \sa value()
+void QDomAttr::setValue( const QString& v )
+ if ( !impl )
+ return;
+ impl->setNodeValue( v );
+ IMPL->m_specified = TRUE;
+ Returns \link QDomNode::NodeType AttributeNode\endlink.
+QDomNode::NodeType QDomAttr::nodeType() const
+ return AttributeNode;
+ Returns TRUE.
+bool QDomAttr::isAttr() const
+ return TRUE;
+#undef IMPL
+ *
+ * QDomElementPrivate
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+QDomElementPrivate::QDomElementPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* d, QDomNodePrivate* p,
+ const QString& tagname )
+ : QDomNodePrivate( d, p )
+ name = tagname;
+ m_attr = new QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate( this );
+QDomElementPrivate::QDomElementPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* d, QDomNodePrivate* p,
+ const QString& nsURI, const QString& qName )
+ : QDomNodePrivate( d, p )
+ qt_split_namespace( prefix, name, qName, !nsURI.isNull() );
+ namespaceURI = nsURI;
+ createdWithDom1Interface = FALSE;
+ m_attr = new QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate( this );
+QDomElementPrivate::QDomElementPrivate( QDomElementPrivate* n, bool deep ) :
+ QDomNodePrivate( n, deep )
+ m_attr = n->m_attr->clone( this );
+ // Reference is down to 0, so we set it to 1 here.
+ m_attr->ref();
+ if ( m_attr->deref() )
+ delete m_attr;
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomElementPrivate::cloneNode( bool deep)
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomElementPrivate( this, deep );
+ // We are not interested in this node
+ p->deref();
+ return p;
+QString QDomElementPrivate::attribute( const QString& name_, const QString& defValue ) const
+ QDomNodePrivate* n = m_attr->namedItem( name_ );
+ if ( !n )
+ return defValue;
+ return n->nodeValue();
+QString QDomElementPrivate::attributeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName, const QString& defValue ) const
+ QDomNodePrivate* n = m_attr->namedItemNS( nsURI, localName );
+ if ( !n )
+ return defValue;
+ return n->nodeValue();
+void QDomElementPrivate::setAttribute( const QString& aname, const QString& newValue )
+ QDomNodePrivate* n = m_attr->namedItem( aname );
+ if ( !n ) {
+ n = new QDomAttrPrivate( ownerDocument(), this, aname );
+ n->setNodeValue( newValue );
+ // Referencing is done by the map, so we set the reference counter back
+ // to 0 here. This is ok since we created the QDomAttrPrivate.
+ n->deref();
+ m_attr->setNamedItem( n );
+ } else {
+ n->setNodeValue( newValue );
+ }
+void QDomElementPrivate::setAttributeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& qName, const QString& newValue )
+ QString prefix, localName;
+ qt_split_namespace( prefix, localName, qName, TRUE );
+ QDomNodePrivate* n = m_attr->namedItemNS( nsURI, localName );
+ if ( !n ) {
+ n = new QDomAttrPrivate( ownerDocument(), this, nsURI, qName );
+ n->setNodeValue( newValue );
+ // Referencing is done by the map, so we set the reference counter back
+ // to 0 here. This is ok since we created the QDomAttrPrivate.
+ n->deref();
+ m_attr->setNamedItem( n );
+ } else {
+ n->setNodeValue( newValue );
+ n->prefix = prefix;
+ }
+void QDomElementPrivate::removeAttribute( const QString& aname )
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = m_attr->removeNamedItem( aname );
+ if ( p && p->count == 0 )
+ delete p;
+QDomAttrPrivate* QDomElementPrivate::attributeNode( const QString& aname )
+ return (QDomAttrPrivate*)m_attr->namedItem( aname );
+QDomAttrPrivate* QDomElementPrivate::attributeNodeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName )
+ return (QDomAttrPrivate*)m_attr->namedItemNS( nsURI, localName );
+QDomAttrPrivate* QDomElementPrivate::setAttributeNode( QDomAttrPrivate* newAttr )
+ QDomNodePrivate* n = m_attr->namedItem( newAttr->nodeName() );
+ // Referencing is done by the maps
+ m_attr->setNamedItem( newAttr );
+ return (QDomAttrPrivate*)n;
+QDomAttrPrivate* QDomElementPrivate::setAttributeNodeNS( QDomAttrPrivate* newAttr )
+ QDomNodePrivate* n = 0;
+ if ( !newAttr->prefix.isNull() )
+ n = m_attr->namedItemNS( newAttr->namespaceURI, newAttr->name );
+ // Referencing is done by the maps
+ m_attr->setNamedItem( newAttr );
+ return (QDomAttrPrivate*)n;
+QDomAttrPrivate* QDomElementPrivate::removeAttributeNode( QDomAttrPrivate* oldAttr )
+ return (QDomAttrPrivate*)m_attr->removeNamedItem( oldAttr->nodeName() );
+bool QDomElementPrivate::hasAttribute( const QString& aname )
+ return m_attr->contains( aname );
+bool QDomElementPrivate::hasAttributeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName )
+ return m_attr->containsNS( nsURI, localName );
+QString QDomElementPrivate::text()
+ QString t( "" );
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = first;
+ while ( p ) {
+ if ( p->isText() || p->isCDATASection() )
+ t += p->nodeValue();
+ else if ( p->isElement() )
+ t += ((QDomElementPrivate*)p)->text();
+ p = p->next;
+ }
+ return t;
+void QDomElementPrivate::save( QTextStream& s, int depth, int indent ) const
+ if ( !( prev && prev->isText() ) )
+ for ( int i = 0; i < depth*indent; ++i )
+ s << " ";
+ QString qName( name );
+ QString nsDecl( "" );
+ if ( !namespaceURI.isNull() ) {
+ // ### optimize this, so that you only declare namespaces that are not
+ // yet declared -- we loose default namespace mappings, so maybe we
+ // should rather store the information that we get from
+ // startPrefixMapping()/endPrefixMapping() and use them (you have to
+ // take care if the DOM tree is modified, though)
+ if ( prefix.isEmpty() ) {
+ nsDecl = " xmlns";
+ } else {
+ qName = prefix + ":" + name;
+ nsDecl = " xmlns:" + prefix;
+ }
+ nsDecl += "=\"" + encodeAttr( namespaceURI ) + "\"";
+ }
+ s << "<" << qName << nsDecl;
+ if ( !m_attr->map.isEmpty() ) {
+ s << " ";
+ QDictIterator<QDomNodePrivate> it( m_attr->map );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
+ it.current()->save( s, 0, indent );
+ s << " ";
+ }
+ }
+ if ( last ) {
+ // has child nodes
+ if ( first->isText() )
+ s << ">";
+ else
+ s << ">" << endl;
+ QDomNodePrivate::save( s, depth + 1, indent);
+ if ( !last->isText() )
+ for( int i = 0; i < depth*indent; ++i )
+ s << " ";
+ s << "</" << qName << ">";
+ } else {
+ s << "/>";
+ }
+ if ( !( next && next->isText() ) )
+ s << endl;
+ *
+ * QDomElement
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+#define IMPL ((QDomElementPrivate*)impl)
+ \class QDomElement qdom.h
+ \reentrant
+ \brief The QDomElement class represents one element in the DOM tree.
+\if defined(commercial)
+ It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.
+ \module XML
+ \ingroup xml-tools
+ Elements have a tagName() and zero or more attributes associated
+ with them. The tag name can be changed with setTagName().
+ Element attributes are represented by QDomAttr objects that can
+ be queried using the attribute() and attributeNode() functions.
+ You can set attributes with the setAttribute() and
+ setAttributeNode() functions. Attributes can be removed with
+ removeAttribute(). There are namespace-aware equivalents to these
+ functions, i.e. setAttributeNS(), setAttributeNodeNS() and
+ removeAttributeNS().
+ If you want to access the text of a node use text(), e.g.
+ \code
+ QDomElement e = //...
+ //...
+ QString s = e.text()
+ \endcode
+ The text() function operates recursively to find the text (since
+ not all elements contain text). If you want to find all the text
+ in all of a node's children, iterate over the children looking for
+ QDomText nodes, e.g.
+ \code
+ QString text;
+ QDomElement element = doc.documentElement();
+ for( QDomNode n = element.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling() )
+ {
+ QDomText t = n.toText();
+ if ( !t.isNull() )
+ text +=;
+ }
+ \endcode
+ Note that we attempt to convert each node to a text node and use
+ text() rather than using firstChild().toText().data() or
+ n.toText().data() directly on the node, because the node may not
+ be a text element.
+ You can get a list of all the decendents of an element which have
+ a specified tag name with elementsByTagName() or
+ elementsByTagNameNS().
+ For further information about the Document Object Model see
+ \link\endlink and
+ \link\endlink.
+ For a more general introduction of the DOM implementation see the
+ QDomDocument documentation.
+ Constructs an empty element. Use the QDomDocument::createElement()
+ function to construct elements with content.
+ : QDomNode()
+ Constructs a copy of \a x.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomElement::QDomElement( const QDomElement& x )
+ : QDomNode( x )
+QDomElement::QDomElement( QDomElementPrivate* n )
+ : QDomNode( n )
+ Assigns \a x to this DOM element.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomElement& QDomElement::operator= ( const QDomElement& x )
+ return (QDomElement&) QDomNode::operator=( x );
+ Destroys the object and frees its resources.
+ Returns \c ElementNode.
+QDomNode::NodeType QDomElement::nodeType() const
+ return ElementNode;
+ Sets this element's tag name to \a name.
+ \sa tagName()
+void QDomElement::setTagName( const QString& name )
+ if ( impl )
+ impl->name = name;
+ Returns the tag name of this element. For an XML element like this:
+ \code
+ <img src="myimg.png">
+ \endcode
+ the tagname would return "img".
+ \sa setTagName()
+QString QDomElement::tagName() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QString::null;
+ return impl->nodeName();
+ Returns the attribute called \a name. If the attribute does not
+ exist \a defValue is returned.
+ \sa setAttribute() attributeNode() setAttributeNode() attributeNS()
+QString QDomElement::attribute( const QString& name, const QString& defValue ) const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return defValue;
+ return IMPL->attribute( name, defValue );
+ Adds an attribute called \a name with value \a value. If an
+ attribute with the same name exists, its value is replaced by \a
+ value.
+ \sa attribute() setAttributeNode() setAttributeNS()
+void QDomElement::setAttribute( const QString& name, const QString& value )
+ if ( !impl )
+ return;
+ IMPL->setAttribute( name, value );
+ \overload
+void QDomElement::setAttribute( const QString& name, int value )
+ // ### 4.0: inline
+ setAttribute( name, long(value) );
+ \overload
+void QDomElement::setAttribute( const QString& name, uint value )
+ // ### 4.0: inline
+ setAttribute( name, ulong(value) );
+ \overload
+void QDomElement::setAttribute( const QString& name, long value )
+ if ( !impl )
+ return;
+ QString x;
+ x.setNum( value );
+ IMPL->setAttribute( name, x );
+ \overload
+void QDomElement::setAttribute( const QString& name, ulong value )
+ if ( !impl )
+ return;
+ QString x;
+ x.setNum( value );
+ IMPL->setAttribute( name, x );
+ \overload
+void QDomElement::setAttribute( const QString& name, double value )
+ if ( !impl )
+ return;
+ QString x;
+ x.setNum( value );
+ IMPL->setAttribute( name, x );
+ Removes the attribute called name \a name from this element.
+ \sa setAttribute() attribute() removeAttributeNS()
+void QDomElement::removeAttribute( const QString& name )
+ if ( !impl )
+ return;
+ IMPL->removeAttribute( name );
+ Returns the QDomAttr object that corresponds to the attribute
+ called \a name. If no such attribute exists a \link
+ QDomNode::isNull() null attribute\endlink is returned.
+ \sa setAttributeNode() attribute() setAttribute() attributeNodeNS()
+QDomAttr QDomElement::attributeNode( const QString& name)
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomAttr();
+ return QDomAttr( IMPL->attributeNode( name ) );
+ Adds the attribute \a newAttr to this element.
+ If the element has another attribute that has the same name as \a
+ newAttr, this function replaces that attribute and returns it;
+ otherwise the function returns a \link QDomNode::isNull() null
+ attribute\endlink.
+ \sa attributeNode() setAttribute() setAttributeNodeNS()
+QDomAttr QDomElement::setAttributeNode( const QDomAttr& newAttr )
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomAttr();
+ return QDomAttr( IMPL->setAttributeNode( ((QDomAttrPrivate*)newAttr.impl) ) );
+ Removes the attribute \a oldAttr from the element and returns it.
+ \sa attributeNode() setAttributeNode()
+QDomAttr QDomElement::removeAttributeNode( const QDomAttr& oldAttr )
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomAttr(); // ### should this return oldAttr?
+ return QDomAttr( IMPL->removeAttributeNode( ((QDomAttrPrivate*)oldAttr.impl) ) );
+ Returns a QDomNodeList containing all descendent elements of this
+ element that are called \a tagname. The order they are in the node
+ list is the order they are encountered in a preorder traversal of
+ the element tree.
+ \sa elementsByTagNameNS() QDomDocument::elementsByTagName()
+QDomNodeList QDomElement::elementsByTagName( const QString& tagname ) const
+ return QDomNodeList( new QDomNodeListPrivate( impl, tagname ) );
+ Returns TRUE.
+bool QDomElement::isElement() const
+ return TRUE;
+ Returns a QDomNamedNodeMap containing all this element's attributes.
+ \sa attribute() setAttribute() attributeNode() setAttributeNode()
+QDomNamedNodeMap QDomElement::attributes() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomNamedNodeMap();
+ return QDomNamedNodeMap( IMPL->attributes() );
+ Returns TRUE if this element has an attribute called \a name;
+ otherwise returns FALSE.
+bool QDomElement::hasAttribute( const QString& name ) const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return FALSE;
+ return IMPL->hasAttribute( name );
+ Returns the attribute with the local name \a localName and the
+ namespace URI \a nsURI. If the attribute does not exist \a
+ defValue is returned.
+ \sa setAttributeNS() attributeNodeNS() setAttributeNodeNS() attribute()
+QString QDomElement::attributeNS( const QString nsURI, const QString& localName, const QString& defValue ) const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return defValue;
+ return IMPL->attributeNS( nsURI, localName, defValue );
+ Adds an attribute with the qualified name \a qName and the
+ namespace URI \a nsURI with the value \a value. If an attribute
+ with the same local name and namespace URI exists, its prefix is
+ replaced by the prefix of \a qName and its value is repaced by \a
+ value.
+ Although \a qName is the qualified name, the local name is used to
+ decide if an existing attribute's value should be replaced.
+ \sa attributeNS() setAttributeNodeNS() setAttribute()
+void QDomElement::setAttributeNS( const QString nsURI, const QString& qName, const QString& value )
+ if ( !impl )
+ return;
+ IMPL->setAttributeNS( nsURI, qName, value );
+ \overload
+void QDomElement::setAttributeNS( const QString nsURI, const QString& qName, int value )
+ // ### 4.0: inline
+ setAttributeNS( nsURI, qName, long(value) );
+ \overload
+void QDomElement::setAttributeNS( const QString nsURI, const QString& qName, uint value )
+ // ### 4.0: inline
+ setAttributeNS( nsURI, qName, ulong(value) );
+ \overload
+void QDomElement::setAttributeNS( const QString nsURI, const QString& qName, long value )
+ if ( !impl )
+ return;
+ QString x;
+ x.setNum( value );
+ IMPL->setAttributeNS( nsURI, qName, x );
+ \overload
+void QDomElement::setAttributeNS( const QString nsURI, const QString& qName, ulong value )
+ if ( !impl )
+ return;
+ QString x;
+ x.setNum( value );
+ IMPL->setAttributeNS( nsURI, qName, x );
+ \overload
+void QDomElement::setAttributeNS( const QString nsURI, const QString& qName, double value )
+ if ( !impl )
+ return;
+ QString x;
+ x.setNum( value );
+ IMPL->setAttributeNS( nsURI, qName, x );
+ Removes the attribute with the local name \a localName and the
+ namespace URI \a nsURI from this element.
+ \sa setAttributeNS() attributeNS() removeAttribute()
+void QDomElement::removeAttributeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName )
+ if ( !impl )
+ return;
+ QDomNodePrivate *n = IMPL->attributeNodeNS( nsURI, localName );
+ if ( !n )
+ return;
+ IMPL->removeAttribute( n->nodeName() );
+ Returns the QDomAttr object that corresponds to the attribute with
+ the local name \a localName and the namespace URI \a nsURI. If no
+ such attribute exists a \link QDomNode::isNull() null
+ attribute\endlink is returned.
+ \sa setAttributeNode() attribute() setAttribute() attributeNodeNS()
+QDomAttr QDomElement::attributeNodeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName )
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomAttr();
+ return QDomAttr( IMPL->attributeNodeNS( nsURI, localName ) );
+ Adds the attribute \a newAttr to this element.
+ If the element has another attribute that has the same local name
+ and namespace URI as \a newAttr, this function replaces that
+ attribute and returns it; otherwise the function returns a \link
+ QDomNode::isNull() null attribute\endlink.
+ \sa attributeNodeNS() setAttributeNS() setAttributeNode()
+QDomAttr QDomElement::setAttributeNodeNS( const QDomAttr& newAttr )
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomAttr();
+ return QDomAttr( IMPL->setAttributeNodeNS( ((QDomAttrPrivate*)newAttr.impl) ) );
+ Returns a QDomNodeList containing all the descendent elements of
+ this element with the local name \a localName and the namespace
+ URI \a nsURI. The order they are in the node list is the order
+ they are encountered in a preorder traversal of the element tree.
+ \sa elementsByTagName() QDomDocument::elementsByTagNameNS()
+QDomNodeList QDomElement::elementsByTagNameNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName ) const
+ return QDomNodeList( new QDomNodeListPrivate( impl, nsURI, localName ) );
+ Returns TRUE if this element has an attribute with the local name
+ \a localName and the namespace URI \a nsURI; otherwise returns
+bool QDomElement::hasAttributeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName ) const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return FALSE;
+ return IMPL->hasAttributeNS( nsURI, localName );
+ Returns the element's text or QString::null.
+ Example:
+ \code
+ <h1>Hello <b>Qt</b> <![CDATA[<xml is cool>]]></h1>
+ \endcode
+ The function text() of the QDomElement for the &lt;h1&gt; tag,
+ will return "Hello Qt &lt;xml is cool&gt;".
+ Comments are ignored by this function. It only evaluates QDomText
+ and QDomCDATASection objects.
+QString QDomElement::text() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QString::null;
+ return IMPL->text();
+#undef IMPL
+ *
+ * QDomTextPrivate
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+QDomTextPrivate::QDomTextPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* d, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& value )
+ : QDomCharacterDataPrivate( d, parent, value )
+ name = "#text";
+QDomTextPrivate::QDomTextPrivate( QDomTextPrivate* n, bool deep )
+ : QDomCharacterDataPrivate( n, deep )
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomTextPrivate::cloneNode( bool deep)
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomTextPrivate( this, deep );
+ // We are not interested in this node
+ p->deref();
+ return p;
+QDomTextPrivate* QDomTextPrivate::splitText( int offset )
+ if ( !parent() ) {
+ qWarning( "QDomText::splitText The node has no parent. So I can not split" );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ QDomTextPrivate* t = new QDomTextPrivate( ownerDocument(), 0, value.mid( offset ) );
+ value.truncate( offset );
+ parent()->insertAfter( t, this );
+ return t;
+void QDomTextPrivate::save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const
+ s << encodeAttr( value );
+ *
+ * QDomText
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+#define IMPL ((QDomTextPrivate*)impl)
+ \class QDomText qdom.h
+ \reentrant
+ \brief The QDomText class represents text data in the parsed XML document.
+\if defined(commercial)
+ It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.
+ \module XML
+ \ingroup xml-tools
+ You can split the text in a QDomText object over two QDomText
+ objecs with splitText().
+ For further information about the Document Object Model see
+ \link\endlink and
+ \link\endlink.
+ For a more general introduction of the DOM implementation see the
+ QDomDocument documentation.
+ Constructs an empty QDomText object.
+ To construct a QDomText with content, use QDomDocument::createTextNode().
+ : QDomCharacterData()
+ Constructs a copy of \a x.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomText::QDomText( const QDomText& x )
+ : QDomCharacterData( x )
+QDomText::QDomText( QDomTextPrivate* n )
+ : QDomCharacterData( n )
+ Assigns \a x to this DOM text.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomText& QDomText::operator= ( const QDomText& x )
+ return (QDomText&) QDomNode::operator=( x );
+ Destroys the object and frees its resources.
+ Returns \c TextNode.
+QDomNode::NodeType QDomText::nodeType() const
+ return TextNode;
+ Splits this DOM text object into two QDomText objects. This object
+ keeps its first \a offset characters and the second (newly
+ created) object is inserted into the document tree after this
+ object with the remaining characters.
+ The function returns the newly created object.
+ \sa QDomNode::normalize()
+QDomText QDomText::splitText( int offset )
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomText();
+ return QDomText( IMPL->splitText( offset ) );
+ Returns TRUE.
+bool QDomText::isText() const
+ return TRUE;
+#undef IMPL
+ *
+ * QDomCommentPrivate
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+QDomCommentPrivate::QDomCommentPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* d, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& value )
+ : QDomCharacterDataPrivate( d, parent, value )
+ name = "#comment";
+QDomCommentPrivate::QDomCommentPrivate( QDomCommentPrivate* n, bool deep )
+ : QDomCharacterDataPrivate( n, deep )
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomCommentPrivate::cloneNode( bool deep)
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomCommentPrivate( this, deep );
+ // We are not interested in this node
+ p->deref();
+ return p;
+void QDomCommentPrivate::save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const
+ s << "<!--" << value << "-->";
+ *
+ * QDomComment
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+#define IMPL ((QDomCommentPrivate*)impl)
+ \class QDomComment qdom.h
+ \reentrant
+ \brief The QDomComment class represents an XML comment.
+\if defined(commercial)
+ It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.
+ \module XML
+ \ingroup xml-tools
+ A comment in the parsed XML such as this:
+ \code
+ <!-- this is a comment -->
+ \endcode
+ is represented by QDomComment objects in the parsed Dom tree.
+ For further information about the Document Object Model see
+ \link\endlink and
+ \link\endlink.
+ For a more general introduction of the DOM implementation see the
+ QDomDocument documentation.
+ Constructs an empty comment. To construct a comment with content,
+ use the QDomDocument::createComment() function.
+ : QDomCharacterData()
+ Constructs a copy of \a x.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomComment::QDomComment( const QDomComment& x )
+ : QDomCharacterData( x )
+QDomComment::QDomComment( QDomCommentPrivate* n )
+ : QDomCharacterData( n )
+ Assigns \a x to this DOM comment.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomComment& QDomComment::operator= ( const QDomComment& x )
+ return (QDomComment&) QDomNode::operator=( x );
+ Destroys the object and frees its resources.
+ Returns \c CommentNode.
+QDomNode::NodeType QDomComment::nodeType() const
+ return CommentNode;
+ Returns TRUE.
+bool QDomComment::isComment() const
+ return TRUE;
+#undef IMPL
+ *
+ * QDomCDATASectionPrivate
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+QDomCDATASectionPrivate::QDomCDATASectionPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* d, QDomNodePrivate* parent,
+ const QString& value )
+ : QDomTextPrivate( d, parent, value )
+ name = "#cdata-section";
+QDomCDATASectionPrivate::QDomCDATASectionPrivate( QDomCDATASectionPrivate* n, bool deep )
+ : QDomTextPrivate( n, deep )
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomCDATASectionPrivate::cloneNode( bool deep)
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomCDATASectionPrivate( this, deep );
+ // We are not interested in this node
+ p->deref();
+ return p;
+void QDomCDATASectionPrivate::save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const
+ // ### How do we escape "]]>" ?
+ // "]]>" is not allowed; so there should be none in value anyway
+ s << "<![CDATA[" << value << "]]>";
+ *
+ * QDomCDATASection
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+#define IMPL ((QDomCDATASectionPrivate*)impl)
+ \class QDomCDATASection qdom.h
+ \reentrant
+ \brief The QDomCDATASection class represents an XML CDATA section.
+\if defined(commercial)
+ It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.
+ \module XML
+ \ingroup xml-tools
+ CDATA sections are used to escape blocks of text containing
+ characters that would otherwise be regarded as markup. The only
+ delimiter that is recognized in a CDATA section is the "]]&gt;"
+ string that terminates the CDATA section. CDATA sections cannot be
+ nested. Their primary purpose is for including material such as
+ XML fragments, without needing to escape all the delimiters.
+ Adjacent QDomCDATASection nodes are not merged by the
+ QDomNode::normalize() function.
+ For further information about the Document Object Model see
+ \link\endlink and
+ \link\endlink.
+ For a more general introduction of the DOM implementation see the
+ QDomDocument documentation.
+ Constructs an empty CDATA section. To create a CDATA section with
+ content, use the QDomDocument::createCDATASection() function.
+ : QDomText()
+ Constructs a copy of \a x.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomCDATASection::QDomCDATASection( const QDomCDATASection& x )
+ : QDomText( x )
+QDomCDATASection::QDomCDATASection( QDomCDATASectionPrivate* n )
+ : QDomText( n )
+ Assigns \a x to this CDATA section.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomCDATASection& QDomCDATASection::operator= ( const QDomCDATASection& x )
+ return (QDomCDATASection&) QDomNode::operator=( x );
+ Destroys the object and frees its resources.
+ Returns \c CDATASection.
+QDomNode::NodeType QDomCDATASection::nodeType() const
+ return CDATASectionNode;
+ Returns TRUE.
+bool QDomCDATASection::isCDATASection() const
+ return TRUE;
+#undef IMPL
+ *
+ * QDomNotationPrivate
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+QDomNotationPrivate::QDomNotationPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* d, QDomNodePrivate* parent,
+ const QString& aname,
+ const QString& pub, const QString& sys )
+ : QDomNodePrivate( d, parent )
+ name = aname;
+ m_pub = pub;
+ m_sys = sys;
+QDomNotationPrivate::QDomNotationPrivate( QDomNotationPrivate* n, bool deep )
+ : QDomNodePrivate( n, deep )
+ m_sys = n->m_sys;
+ m_pub = n->m_pub;
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomNotationPrivate::cloneNode( bool deep)
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomNotationPrivate( this, deep );
+ // We are not interested in this node
+ p->deref();
+ return p;
+void QDomNotationPrivate::save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const
+ s << "<!NOTATION " << name << " ";
+ if ( !m_pub.isNull() ) {
+ s << "PUBLIC \"" << m_pub << "\"";
+ if ( !m_sys.isNull() )
+ s << " \"" << m_sys << "\"";
+ } else {
+ s << "SYSTEM \"" << m_sys << "\"";
+ }
+ s << ">" << endl;
+ *
+ * QDomNotation
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+#define IMPL ((QDomNotationPrivate*)impl)
+ \class QDomNotation qdom.h
+ \reentrant
+ \brief The QDomNotation class represents an XML notation.
+\if defined(commercial)
+ It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.
+ \module XML
+ \ingroup xml-tools
+ A notation either declares, by name, the format of an unparsed
+ entity (see section 4.7 of the XML 1.0 specification), or is used
+ for formal declaration of processing instruction targets (see
+ section 2.6 of the XML 1.0 specification).
+ DOM does not support editing notation nodes; they are therefore
+ read-only.
+ A notation node does not have any parent.
+ You can retrieve the publicId() and systemId() from a notation
+ node.
+ For further information about the Document Object Model see
+ \link\endlink and
+ \link\endlink.
+ For a more general introduction of the DOM implementation see the
+ QDomDocument documentation.
+ Constructor.
+ : QDomNode()
+ Constructs a copy of \a x.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomNotation::QDomNotation( const QDomNotation& x )
+ : QDomNode( x )
+QDomNotation::QDomNotation( QDomNotationPrivate* n )
+ : QDomNode( n )
+ Assigns \a x to this DOM notation.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomNotation& QDomNotation::operator= ( const QDomNotation& x )
+ return (QDomNotation&) QDomNode::operator=( x );
+ Destroys the object and frees its resources.
+ Returns \c NotationNode.
+QDomNode::NodeType QDomNotation::nodeType() const
+ return NotationNode;
+ Returns the public identifier of this notation.
+QString QDomNotation::publicId() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QString::null;
+ return IMPL->m_pub;
+ Returns the system identifier of this notation.
+QString QDomNotation::systemId() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QString::null;
+ return IMPL->m_sys;
+ Returns TRUE.
+bool QDomNotation::isNotation() const
+ return TRUE;
+#undef IMPL
+ *
+ * QDomEntityPrivate
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+QDomEntityPrivate::QDomEntityPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* d, QDomNodePrivate* parent,
+ const QString& aname,
+ const QString& pub, const QString& sys, const QString& notation )
+ : QDomNodePrivate( d, parent )
+ name = aname;
+ m_pub = pub;
+ m_sys = sys;
+ m_notationName = notation;
+QDomEntityPrivate::QDomEntityPrivate( QDomEntityPrivate* n, bool deep )
+ : QDomNodePrivate( n, deep )
+ m_sys = n->m_sys;
+ m_pub = n->m_pub;
+ m_notationName = n->m_notationName;
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomEntityPrivate::cloneNode( bool deep)
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomEntityPrivate( this, deep );
+ // We are not interested in this node
+ p->deref();
+ return p;
+ Encode an entity value upon saving.
+static QCString encodeEntity( const QCString& str )
+ QCString tmp( str );
+ uint len = tmp.length();
+ uint i = 0;
+ const char* d =;
+ while ( i < len ) {
+ if ( d[i] == '%' ){
+ tmp.replace( i, 1, "&#60;" );
+ d =;
+ len += 4;
+ i += 5;
+ }
+ else if ( d[i] == '"' ) {
+ tmp.replace( i, 1, "&#34;" );
+ d =;
+ len += 4;
+ i += 5;
+ } else if ( d[i] == '&' && i + 1 < len && d[i+1] == '#' ) {
+ // Dont encode &lt; or &quot; or &custom;.
+ // Only encode character references
+ tmp.replace( i, 1, "&#38;" );
+ d =;
+ len += 4;
+ i += 5;
+ } else {
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ return tmp;
+void QDomEntityPrivate::save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const
+ if ( m_sys.isNull() && m_pub.isNull() ) {
+ s << "<!ENTITY " << name << " \"" << encodeEntity( value.utf8() ) << "\">" << endl;
+ } else {
+ s << "<!ENTITY " << name << " ";
+ if ( m_pub.isNull() ) {
+ s << "SYSTEM \"" << m_sys << "\"";
+ } else {
+ s << "PUBLIC \"" << m_pub << "\" \"" << m_sys << "\"";
+ }
+ if (! m_notationName.isNull() ) {
+ s << " NDATA " << m_notationName;
+ }
+ s << ">" << endl;
+ }
+ *
+ * QDomEntity
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+#define IMPL ((QDomEntityPrivate*)impl)
+ \class QDomEntity qdom.h
+ \reentrant
+ \brief The QDomEntity class represents an XML entity.
+\if defined(commercial)
+ It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.
+ \module XML
+ \ingroup xml-tools
+ This class represents an entity in an XML document, either parsed
+ or unparsed. Note that this models the entity itself not the
+ entity declaration.
+ DOM does not support editing entity nodes; if a user wants to make
+ changes to the contents of an entity, every related
+ QDomEntityReference node must be replaced in the DOM tree by a
+ clone of the entity's contents, and then the desired changes must
+ be made to each of the clones instead. All the descendents of an
+ entity node are read-only.
+ An entity node does not have any parent.
+ You can access the entity's publicId(), systemId() and
+ notationName() when available.
+ For further information about the Document Object Model see
+ \link\endlink and
+ \link\endlink.
+ For a more general introduction of the DOM implementation see the
+ QDomDocument documentation.
+ Constructs an empty entity.
+ : QDomNode()
+ Constructs a copy of \a x.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomEntity::QDomEntity( const QDomEntity& x )
+ : QDomNode( x )
+QDomEntity::QDomEntity( QDomEntityPrivate* n )
+ : QDomNode( n )
+ Assigns \a x to this DOM entity.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomEntity& QDomEntity::operator= ( const QDomEntity& x )
+ return (QDomEntity&) QDomNode::operator=( x );
+ Destroys the object and frees its resources.
+ Returns \c EntityNode.
+QDomNode::NodeType QDomEntity::nodeType() const
+ return EntityNode;
+ Returns the public identifier associated with this entity. If the
+ public identifier was not specified QString::null is returned.
+QString QDomEntity::publicId() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QString::null;
+ return IMPL->m_pub;
+ Returns the system identifier associated with this entity. If the
+ system identifier was not specified QString::null is returned.
+QString QDomEntity::systemId() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QString::null;
+ return IMPL->m_sys;
+ For unparsed entities this function returns the name of the
+ notation for the entity. For parsed entities this function returns
+ QString::null.
+QString QDomEntity::notationName() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QString::null;
+ return IMPL->m_notationName;
+ Returns TRUE.
+bool QDomEntity::isEntity() const
+ return TRUE;
+#undef IMPL
+ *
+ * QDomEntityReferencePrivate
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+QDomEntityReferencePrivate::QDomEntityReferencePrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* d, QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& aname )
+ : QDomNodePrivate( d, parent )
+ name = aname;
+QDomEntityReferencePrivate::QDomEntityReferencePrivate( QDomNodePrivate* n, bool deep )
+ : QDomNodePrivate( n, deep )
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomEntityReferencePrivate::cloneNode( bool deep)
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomEntityReferencePrivate( this, deep );
+ // We are not interested in this node
+ p->deref();
+ return p;
+void QDomEntityReferencePrivate::save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const
+ s << "&" << name << ";";
+ *
+ * QDomEntityReference
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+#define IMPL ((QDomEntityReferencePrivate*)impl)
+ \class QDomEntityReference qdom.h
+ \reentrant
+ \brief The QDomEntityReference class represents an XML entity reference.
+\if defined(commercial)
+ It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.
+ \module XML
+ \ingroup xml-tools
+ A QDomEntityReference object may be inserted into the DOM tree
+ when an entity reference is in the source document, or when the
+ user wishes to insert an entity reference.
+ Note that character references and references to predefined
+ entities are expanded by the XML processor so that characters are
+ represented by their Unicode equivalent rather than by an entity
+ reference.
+ Moreover, the XML processor may completely expand references to
+ entities while building the DOM tree, instead of providing
+ QDomEntityReference objects.
+ If it does provide such objects, then for a given entity reference
+ node, it may be that there is no entity node representing the
+ referenced entity; but if such an entity exists, then the child
+ list of the entity reference node is the same as that of the
+ entity node. As with the entity node, all descendents of the
+ entity reference are read-only.
+ For further information about the Document Object Model see
+ \link\endlink and
+ \link\endlink.
+ For a more general introduction of the DOM implementation see the
+ QDomDocument documentation.
+ Constructs an empty entity reference. Use
+ QDomDocument::createEntityReference() to create a entity reference
+ with content.
+ : QDomNode()
+ Constructs a copy of \a x.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomEntityReference::QDomEntityReference( const QDomEntityReference& x )
+ : QDomNode( x )
+QDomEntityReference::QDomEntityReference( QDomEntityReferencePrivate* n )
+ : QDomNode( n )
+ Assigns \a x to this entity reference.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomEntityReference& QDomEntityReference::operator= ( const QDomEntityReference& x )
+ return (QDomEntityReference&) QDomNode::operator=( x );
+ Destroys the object and frees its resources.
+ Returns \c EntityReference.
+QDomNode::NodeType QDomEntityReference::nodeType() const
+ return EntityReferenceNode;
+ Returns TRUE.
+bool QDomEntityReference::isEntityReference() const
+ return TRUE;
+#undef IMPL
+ *
+ * QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate::QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* d,
+ QDomNodePrivate* parent, const QString& target, const QString& data )
+ : QDomNodePrivate( d, parent )
+ name = target;
+ value = data;
+QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate::QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate( QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate* n, bool deep )
+ : QDomNodePrivate( n, deep )
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate::cloneNode( bool deep)
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate( this, deep );
+ // We are not interested in this node
+ p->deref();
+ return p;
+void QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate::save( QTextStream& s, int, int ) const
+ s << "<?" << name << " " << value << "?>" << endl;
+ *
+ * QDomProcessingInstruction
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+#define IMPL ((QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate*)impl)
+ \class QDomProcessingInstruction qdom.h
+ \reentrant
+ \brief The QDomProcessingInstruction class represents an XML processing
+ instruction.
+\if defined(commercial)
+ It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.
+ \module XML
+ \ingroup xml-tools
+ Processing instructions are used in XML to keep processor-specific
+ information in the text of the document.
+ The content of the processing instruction is retrieved with data()
+ and set with setData(). The processing instruction's target is
+ retrieved with target().
+ For further information about the Document Object Model see
+ \link\endlink and
+ \link\endlink.
+ For a more general introduction of the DOM implementation see the
+ QDomDocument documentation.
+ Constructs an empty processing instruction. Use
+ QDomDocument::createProcessingInstruction() to create a processing
+ instruction with content.
+ : QDomNode()
+ Constructs a copy of \a x.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomProcessingInstruction::QDomProcessingInstruction( const QDomProcessingInstruction& x )
+ : QDomNode( x )
+QDomProcessingInstruction::QDomProcessingInstruction( QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate* n )
+ : QDomNode( n )
+ Assigns \a x to this processing instruction.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomProcessingInstruction& QDomProcessingInstruction::operator= ( const QDomProcessingInstruction& x )
+ return (QDomProcessingInstruction&) QDomNode::operator=( x );
+ Destroys the object and frees its resources.
+ Returns \c ProcessingInstructionNode.
+QDomNode::NodeType QDomProcessingInstruction::nodeType() const
+ return ProcessingInstructionNode;
+ Returns the target of this processing instruction.
+ \sa data()
+QString QDomProcessingInstruction::target() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QString::null;
+ return impl->nodeName();
+ Returns the content of this processing instruction.
+ \sa setData() target()
+QString QDomProcessingInstruction::data() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QString::null;
+ return impl->nodeValue();
+ Sets the data contained in the processing instruction to \a d.
+ \sa data()
+void QDomProcessingInstruction::setData( const QString& d )
+ if ( !impl )
+ return;
+ impl->setNodeValue( d );
+ Returns TRUE.
+bool QDomProcessingInstruction::isProcessingInstruction() const
+ return TRUE;
+#undef IMPL
+ *
+ * QDomDocumentPrivate
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+ : QDomNodePrivate( 0 )
+ impl = new QDomImplementationPrivate();
+ type = new QDomDocumentTypePrivate( this, this );
+ name = "#document";
+QDomDocumentPrivate::QDomDocumentPrivate( const QString& aname )
+ : QDomNodePrivate( 0 )
+ impl = new QDomImplementationPrivate();
+ type = new QDomDocumentTypePrivate( this, this );
+ type->name = aname;
+ name = "#document";
+QDomDocumentPrivate::QDomDocumentPrivate( QDomDocumentTypePrivate* dt )
+ : QDomNodePrivate( 0 )
+ impl = new QDomImplementationPrivate();
+ if ( dt != 0 ) {
+ type = dt;
+ type->ref();
+ } else {
+ type = new QDomDocumentTypePrivate( this, this );
+ }
+ name = "#document";
+QDomDocumentPrivate::QDomDocumentPrivate( QDomDocumentPrivate* n, bool deep )
+ : QDomNodePrivate( n, deep )
+ impl = n->impl->clone();
+ // Reference count is down to 0, so we set it to 1 here.
+ impl->ref();
+ type = (QDomDocumentTypePrivate*)n->type->cloneNode();
+ type->setParent( this );
+ // Reference count is down to 0, so we set it to 1 here.
+ type->ref();
+ if ( impl->deref() ) delete impl;
+ if ( type->deref() ) delete type;
+void QDomDocumentPrivate::clear()
+ if ( impl->deref() ) delete impl;
+ if ( type->deref() ) delete type;
+ impl = 0;
+ type = 0;
+ QDomNodePrivate::clear();
+bool QDomDocumentPrivate::setContent( QXmlInputSource *source, bool namespaceProcessing, QString *errorMsg, int *errorLine, int *errorColumn )
+ QXmlSimpleReader reader;
+ if ( namespaceProcessing ) {
+ reader.setFeature( "", TRUE );
+ reader.setFeature( "", FALSE );
+ } else {
+ reader.setFeature( "", FALSE );
+ reader.setFeature( "", TRUE );
+ }
+ reader.setFeature( "", FALSE );
+ reader.setUndefEntityInAttrHack( TRUE );
+ return setContent( source, &reader, errorMsg, errorLine, errorColumn );
+bool QDomDocumentPrivate::setContent( QXmlInputSource *source, QXmlReader *reader, QString *errorMsg, int *errorLine, int *errorColumn )
+ clear();
+ impl = new QDomImplementationPrivate;
+ type = new QDomDocumentTypePrivate( this, this );
+ bool namespaceProcessing = reader->feature( "" )
+ && !reader->feature( "" );
+ QDomHandler hnd( this, namespaceProcessing );
+ reader->setContentHandler( &hnd );
+ reader->setErrorHandler( &hnd );
+ reader->setLexicalHandler( &hnd );
+ reader->setDeclHandler( &hnd );
+ reader->setDTDHandler( &hnd );
+ if ( !reader->parse( source ) ) {
+ if ( errorMsg )
+ *errorMsg = hnd.errorMsg;
+ if ( errorLine )
+ *errorLine = hnd.errorLine;
+ if ( errorColumn )
+ *errorColumn = hnd.errorColumn;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomDocumentPrivate::cloneNode( bool deep)
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = new QDomDocumentPrivate( this, deep );
+ // We are not interested in this node
+ p->deref();
+ return p;
+QDomElementPrivate* QDomDocumentPrivate::documentElement()
+ QDomNodePrivate* p = first;
+ while ( p && !p->isElement() )
+ p = p->next;
+ return (QDomElementPrivate*)p;
+QDomElementPrivate* QDomDocumentPrivate::createElement( const QString& tagName )
+ QDomElementPrivate* e = new QDomElementPrivate( this, 0, tagName );
+ e->deref();
+ return e;
+QDomElementPrivate* QDomDocumentPrivate::createElementNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& qName )
+ QDomElementPrivate* e = new QDomElementPrivate( this, 0, nsURI, qName );
+ e->deref();
+ return e;
+QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate* QDomDocumentPrivate::createDocumentFragment()
+ QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate* f = new QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate( this, (QDomNodePrivate*)0 );
+ f->deref();
+ return f;
+QDomTextPrivate* QDomDocumentPrivate::createTextNode( const QString& data )
+ QDomTextPrivate* t = new QDomTextPrivate( this, 0, data );
+ t->deref();
+ return t;
+QDomCommentPrivate* QDomDocumentPrivate::createComment( const QString& data )
+ QDomCommentPrivate* c = new QDomCommentPrivate( this, 0, data );
+ c->deref();
+ return c;
+QDomCDATASectionPrivate* QDomDocumentPrivate::createCDATASection( const QString& data )
+ QDomCDATASectionPrivate* c = new QDomCDATASectionPrivate( this, 0, data );
+ c->deref();
+ return c;
+QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate* QDomDocumentPrivate::createProcessingInstruction( const QString& target, const QString& data )
+ QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate* p = new QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate( this, 0, target, data );
+ p->deref();
+ return p;
+QDomAttrPrivate* QDomDocumentPrivate::createAttribute( const QString& aname )
+ QDomAttrPrivate* a = new QDomAttrPrivate( this, 0, aname );
+ a->deref();
+ return a;
+QDomAttrPrivate* QDomDocumentPrivate::createAttributeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& qName )
+ QDomAttrPrivate* a = new QDomAttrPrivate( this, 0, nsURI, qName );
+ a->deref();
+ return a;
+QDomEntityReferencePrivate* QDomDocumentPrivate::createEntityReference( const QString& aname )
+ QDomEntityReferencePrivate* e = new QDomEntityReferencePrivate( this, 0, aname );
+ e->deref();
+ return e;
+QDomNodePrivate* QDomDocumentPrivate::importNode( const QDomNodePrivate* importedNode, bool deep )
+ QDomNodePrivate *node = 0;
+ switch ( importedNode->nodeType() ) {
+ case QDomNode::AttributeNode:
+ node = new QDomAttrPrivate( (QDomAttrPrivate*)importedNode, TRUE );
+ break;
+ case QDomNode::DocumentFragmentNode:
+ node = new QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate( (QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate*)importedNode, deep );
+ break;
+ case QDomNode::ElementNode:
+ node = new QDomElementPrivate( (QDomElementPrivate*)importedNode, deep );
+ break;
+ case QDomNode::EntityNode:
+ node = new QDomEntityPrivate( (QDomEntityPrivate*)importedNode, deep );
+ break;
+ case QDomNode::EntityReferenceNode:
+ node = new QDomEntityReferencePrivate( (QDomEntityReferencePrivate*)importedNode, FALSE );
+ break;
+ case QDomNode::NotationNode:
+ node = new QDomNotationPrivate( (QDomNotationPrivate*)importedNode, deep );
+ break;
+ case QDomNode::ProcessingInstructionNode:
+ node = new QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate( (QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate*)importedNode, deep );
+ break;
+ case QDomNode::TextNode:
+ node = new QDomTextPrivate( (QDomTextPrivate*)importedNode, deep );
+ break;
+ case QDomNode::CDATASectionNode:
+ node = new QDomCDATASectionPrivate( (QDomCDATASectionPrivate*)importedNode, deep );
+ break;
+ case QDomNode::CommentNode:
+ node = new QDomCommentPrivate( (QDomCommentPrivate*)importedNode, deep );
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( node ) {
+ node->setOwnerDocument( this );
+ // The QDomNode constructor increases the refcount, so deref() first to
+ // keep refcount balanced.
+ node->deref();
+ }
+ return node;
+void QDomDocumentPrivate::save( QTextStream& s, int, int indent ) const
+ bool doc = FALSE;
+ QDomNodePrivate* n = first;
+ if ( n && n->isProcessingInstruction() && n->nodeName()=="xml" ) {
+ // we have an XML declaration
+ QString data = n->nodeValue();
+ QRegExp encoding( QString::fromLatin1("encoding\\s*=\\s*((\"([^\"]*)\")|('([^']*)'))") );
+ data );
+ QString enc = encoding.cap(3);
+ if ( enc.isEmpty() ) {
+ enc = encoding.cap(5);
+ }
+ if ( enc.isEmpty() ) {
+ s.setEncoding( QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
+ } else {
+ s.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForName( enc ) );
+ }
+ } else {
+ s.setEncoding( QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
+ }
+ while ( n ) {
+ if ( !doc && !(n->isProcessingInstruction()&&n->nodeName()=="xml") ) {
+ // save doctype after XML declaration
+ type->save( s, 0, indent );
+ doc = TRUE;
+ }
+ n->save( s, 0, indent );
+ n = n->next;
+ }
+ *
+ * QDomDocument
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+#define IMPL ((QDomDocumentPrivate*)impl)
+ \class QDomDocument qdom.h
+ \reentrant
+ \brief The QDomDocument class represents an XML document.
+\if defined(commercial)
+ It is part of the <a href="commercialeditions.html">Qt Enterprise Edition</a>.
+ \module XML
+ \ingroup xml-tools
+ The QDomDocument class represents the entire XML document.
+ Conceptually, it is the root of the document tree, and provides
+ the primary access to the document's data.
+ Since elements, text nodes, comments, processing instructions,
+ etc., cannot exist outside the context of a document, the document
+ class also contains the factory functions needed to create these
+ objects. The node objects created have an ownerDocument() function
+ which associates them with the document within whose context they
+ were created. The DOM classes that will be used most often are
+ QDomNode, QDomDocument, QDomElement and QDomText.
+ The parsed XML is represented internally by a tree of objects that
+ can be accessed using the various QDom classes. All QDom classes
+ only \e reference objects in the internal tree. The internal
+ objects in the DOM tree will get deleted once the last QDom
+ object referencing them and the QDomDocument itself are deleted.
+ Creation of elements, text nodes, etc. is done using the various
+ factory functions provided in this class. Using the default
+ constructors of the QDom classes will only result in empty
+ objects that cannot be manipulated or inserted into the Document.
+ The QDomDocument class has several functions for creating document
+ data, for example, createElement(), createTextNode(),
+ createComment(), createCDATASection(),
+ createProcessingInstruction(), createAttribute() and
+ createEntityReference(). Some of these functions have versions
+ that support namespaces, i.e. createElementNS() and
+ createAttributeNS(). The createDocumentFragment() function is used
+ to hold parts of the document; this is useful for manipulating for
+ complex documents.
+ The entire content of the document is set with setContent(). This
+ function parses the string it is passed as an XML document and
+ creates the DOM tree that represents the document. The root
+ element is available using documentElement(). The textual
+ representation of the document can be obtained using toString().
+ It is possible to insert a node from another document into the
+ document using importNode().
+ You can obtain a list of all the elements that have a particular
+ tag with elementsByTagName() or with elementsByTagNameNS().
+ The QDom classes are typically used as follows:
+ \code
+ QDomDocument doc( "mydocument" );
+ QFile file( "mydocument.xml" );
+ if ( ! IO_ReadOnly ) )
+ return;
+ if ( !doc.setContent( &file ) ) {
+ file.close();
+ return;
+ }
+ file.close();
+ // print out the element names of all elements that are direct children
+ // of the outermost element.
+ QDomElement docElem = doc.documentElement();
+ QDomNode n = docElem.firstChild();
+ while( !n.isNull() ) {
+ QDomElement e = n.toElement(); // try to convert the node to an element.
+ if( !e.isNull() ) {
+ cout << e.tagName() << endl; // the node really is an element.
+ }
+ n = n.nextSibling();
+ }
+ // Here we append a new element to the end of the document
+ QDomElement elem = doc.createElement( "img" );
+ elem.setAttribute( "src", "myimage.png" );
+ docElem.appendChild( elem );
+ \endcode
+ Once \c doc and \c elem go out of scope, the whole internal tree
+ representing the XML document is deleted.
+ To create a document using DOM use code like this:
+ \code
+ QDomDocument doc( "MyML" );
+ QDomElement root = doc.createElement( "MyML" );
+ doc.appendChild( root );
+ QDomElement tag = doc.createElement( "Greeting" );
+ root.appendChild( tag );
+ QDomText t = doc.createTextNode( "Hello World" );
+ tag.appendChild( t );
+ QString xml = doc.toString();
+ \endcode
+ For further information about the Document Object Model see
+ \link\endlink and
+ \link\endlink.
+ For a more general introduction of the DOM implementation see the
+ QDomDocument documentation.
+ Constructs an empty document.
+ impl = 0;
+ Creates a document and sets the name of the document type to \a
+ name.
+QDomDocument::QDomDocument( const QString& name )
+ // We take over ownership
+ impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate( name );
+ Creates a document with the document type \a doctype.
+ \sa QDomImplementation::createDocumentType()
+QDomDocument::QDomDocument( const QDomDocumentType& doctype )
+ impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate( (QDomDocumentTypePrivate*)(doctype.impl) );
+ Constructs a copy of \a x.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomDocument::QDomDocument( const QDomDocument& x )
+ : QDomNode( x )
+QDomDocument::QDomDocument( QDomDocumentPrivate* x )
+ : QDomNode( x )
+ Assigns \a x to this DOM document.
+ The data of the copy is shared (shallow copy): modifying one node
+ will also change the other. If you want to make a deep copy, use
+ cloneNode().
+QDomDocument& QDomDocument::operator= ( const QDomDocument& x )
+ return (QDomDocument&) QDomNode::operator=( x );
+ Destroys the object and frees its resources.
+ \overload
+ This function reads the XML document from the string \a text.
+ Since \a text is already a Unicode string, no encoding detection
+ is done.
+bool QDomDocument::setContent( const QString& text, bool namespaceProcessing, QString *errorMsg, int *errorLine, int *errorColumn )
+ if ( !impl )
+ impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
+ QXmlInputSource source;
+ source.setData( text );
+ return IMPL->setContent( &source, namespaceProcessing, errorMsg, errorLine, errorColumn );
+ This function parses the XML document from the byte array \a
+ buffer and sets it as the content of the document. It tries to
+ detect the encoding of the document as required by the XML
+ specification.
+ If \a namespaceProcessing is TRUE, the parser recognizes
+ namespaces in the XML file and sets the prefix name, local name
+ and namespace URI to appropriate values. If \a namespaceProcessing
+ is FALSE, the parser does no namespace processing when it reads
+ the XML file.
+ If a parse error occurs, the function returns FALSE; otherwise it
+ returns TRUE. If a parse error occurs and \a errorMsg, \a
+ errorLine and \a errorColumn are not 0, the error message is
+ placed in \a *errorMsg, the line number \a *errorLine and the
+ column number in \a *errorColumn.
+ If \a namespaceProcessing is TRUE, the function QDomNode::prefix()
+ returns a string for all elements and attributes. It returns an
+ empty string if the element or attribute has no prefix.
+ If \a namespaceProcessing is FALSE, the functions
+ QDomNode::prefix(), QDomNode::localName() and
+ QDomNode::namespaceURI() return QString::null.
+ \sa QDomNode::namespaceURI() QDomNode::localName()
+ QDomNode::prefix() QString::isNull() QString::isEmpty()
+bool QDomDocument::setContent( const QByteArray& buffer, bool namespaceProcessing, QString *errorMsg, int *errorLine, int *errorColumn )
+ if ( !impl )
+ impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
+ QBuffer buf( buffer );
+ QXmlInputSource source( &buf );
+ return IMPL->setContent( &source, namespaceProcessing, errorMsg, errorLine, errorColumn );
+ \overload
+ This function reads the XML document from the C string \a buffer.
+ \warning This function does not try to detect the encoding:
+ instead it assumes that the C string is UTF-8 encoded.
+bool QDomDocument::setContent( const QCString& buffer, bool namespaceProcessing, QString *errorMsg, int *errorLine, int *errorColumn )
+ return setContent( QString::fromUtf8( buffer, buffer.length() ), namespaceProcessing, errorMsg, errorLine, errorColumn );
+ \overload
+ This function reads the XML document from the IO device \a dev.
+bool QDomDocument::setContent( QIODevice* dev, bool namespaceProcessing, QString *errorMsg, int *errorLine, int *errorColumn )
+ if ( !impl )
+ impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
+ QXmlInputSource source( dev );
+ return IMPL->setContent( &source, namespaceProcessing, errorMsg, errorLine, errorColumn );
+ \overload
+ This function reads the XML document from the string \a text.
+ Since \a text is already a Unicode string, no encoding detection
+ is performed.
+ No namespace processing is performed either.
+bool QDomDocument::setContent( const QString& text, QString *errorMsg, int *errorLine, int *errorColumn )
+ return setContent( text, FALSE, errorMsg, errorLine, errorColumn );
+ \overload
+ This function reads the XML document from the byte array \a
+ buffer.
+ No namespace processing is performed.
+bool QDomDocument::setContent( const QByteArray& buffer, QString *errorMsg, int *errorLine, int *errorColumn )
+ return setContent( buffer, FALSE, errorMsg, errorLine, errorColumn );
+ \overload
+ This function reads the XML document from the C string \a buffer.
+ No namespace processing is performed.
+ \warning This function does not try to detect the encoding:
+ instead it assumes that the C string is UTF-8 encoded.
+bool QDomDocument::setContent( const QCString& buffer, QString *errorMsg, int *errorLine, int *errorColumn )
+ return setContent( buffer, FALSE, errorMsg, errorLine, errorColumn );
+ \overload
+ This function reads the XML document from the IO device \a dev.
+ No namespace processing is performed.
+bool QDomDocument::setContent( QIODevice* dev, QString *errorMsg, int *errorLine, int *errorColumn )
+ return setContent( dev, FALSE, errorMsg, errorLine, errorColumn );
+ \overload
+ This function reads the XML document from the QXmlInputSource \a source and
+ parses it with the QXmlReader \a reader.
+ This function doesn't change the features of the \a reader. If you want to
+ use certain features for parsing you can use this function to set up the
+ reader appropriate.
+ \sa QXmlSimpleReader
+bool QDomDocument::setContent( QXmlInputSource *source, QXmlReader *reader, QString *errorMsg, int *errorLine, int *errorColumn )
+ if ( !impl )
+ impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
+ return IMPL->setContent( source, reader, errorMsg, errorLine, errorColumn );
+ Converts the parsed document back to its textual representation.
+ \sa toCString()
+QString QDomDocument::toString() const
+ QString str;
+ QTextStream s( str, IO_WriteOnly );
+ save( s, 1 );
+ return str;
+ \overload
+ This function uses \a indent as the amount of space to indent
+ subelements.
+QString QDomDocument::toString( int indent ) const
+ QString str;
+ QTextStream s( str, IO_WriteOnly );
+ save( s, indent );
+ return str;
+ Converts the parsed document back to its textual representation
+ and returns a QCString for that is encoded in UTF-8.
+ \sa toString()
+QCString QDomDocument::toCString() const
+ // ### if there is an encoding specified in the xml declaration, this
+ // encoding declaration should be changed to utf8
+ return toString().utf8();
+ \overload
+ This function uses \a indent as the amount of space to indent
+ subelements.
+QCString QDomDocument::toCString( int indent ) const
+ // ### if there is an encoding specified in the xml declaration, this
+ // encoding declaration should be changed to utf8
+ return toString( indent ).utf8();
+ Returns the document type of this document.
+QDomDocumentType QDomDocument::doctype() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomDocumentType();
+ return QDomDocumentType( IMPL->doctype() );
+ Returns a QDomImplementation object.
+QDomImplementation QDomDocument::implementation() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomImplementation();
+ return QDomImplementation( IMPL->implementation() );
+ Returns the root element of the document.
+QDomElement QDomDocument::documentElement() const
+ if ( !impl )
+ return QDomElement();
+ return QDomElement( IMPL->documentElement() );
+ Creates a new element called \a tagName that can be inserted into
+ the DOM tree, e.g. using QDomNode::appendChild().
+ \sa createElementNS() QDomNode::appendChild() QDomNode::insertBefore()
+ QDomNode::insertAfter()
+QDomElement QDomDocument::createElement( const QString& tagName )
+ if ( !impl )
+ impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
+ return QDomElement( IMPL->createElement( tagName ) );
+ Creates a new document fragment, that can be used to hold parts of
+ the document, e.g. when doing complex manipulations of the
+ document tree.
+QDomDocumentFragment QDomDocument::createDocumentFragment()
+ if ( !impl )
+ impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
+ return QDomDocumentFragment( IMPL->createDocumentFragment() );
+ Creates a text node for the string \a value that can be inserted
+ into the document tree, e.g. using QDomNode::appendChild().
+ \warning All characters within an XML document must be in the range:
+ #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF]
+ This rule also applies to characters encoded as character entities and
+ characters in CDATA sections. If you use this function to insert
+ characters outside of this range, the document will not be well-formed.
+ If you want to store binary data in an XML document you must either use
+ your own scheme to escape illegal characters, or you must store it in
+ an external unparsed entity.
+ \sa QDomNode::appendChild() QDomNode::insertBefore() QDomNode::insertAfter()
+QDomText QDomDocument::createTextNode( const QString& value )
+ if ( !impl )
+ impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
+ return QDomText( IMPL->createTextNode( value ) );
+ Creates a new comment for the string \a value that can be inserted
+ into the document, e.g. using QDomNode::appendChild().
+ \sa QDomNode::appendChild() QDomNode::insertBefore() QDomNode::insertAfter()
+QDomComment QDomDocument::createComment( const QString& value )
+ if ( !impl )
+ impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
+ return QDomComment( IMPL->createComment( value ) );
+ Creates a new CDATA section for the string \a value that can be
+ inserted into the document, e.g. using QDomNode::appendChild().
+ \sa QDomNode::appendChild() QDomNode::insertBefore() QDomNode::insertAfter()
+QDomCDATASection QDomDocument::createCDATASection( const QString& value )
+ if ( !impl )
+ impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
+ return QDomCDATASection( IMPL->createCDATASection( value ) );
+ Creates a new processing instruction that can be inserted into the
+ document, e.g. using QDomNode::appendChild(). This function sets
+ the target for the processing instruction to \a target and the
+ data to \a data.
+ \sa QDomNode::appendChild() QDomNode::insertBefore() QDomNode::insertAfter()
+QDomProcessingInstruction QDomDocument::createProcessingInstruction( const QString& target,
+ const QString& data )
+ if ( !impl )
+ impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
+ return QDomProcessingInstruction( IMPL->createProcessingInstruction( target, data ) );
+ Creates a new attribute called \a name that can be inserted into
+ an element, e.g. using QDomElement::setAttributeNode().
+ \sa createAttributeNS()
+QDomAttr QDomDocument::createAttribute( const QString& name )
+ if ( !impl )
+ impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
+ return QDomAttr( IMPL->createAttribute( name ) );
+ Creates a new entity reference called \a name that can be inserted
+ into the document, e.g. using QDomNode::appendChild().
+ \sa QDomNode::appendChild() QDomNode::insertBefore() QDomNode::insertAfter()
+QDomEntityReference QDomDocument::createEntityReference( const QString& name )
+ if ( !impl )
+ impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
+ return QDomEntityReference( IMPL->createEntityReference( name ) );
+ Returns a QDomNodeList, that contains all the elements in the
+ document with the name \a tagname. The order of the node list is
+ the order they are encountered in a preorder traversal of the
+ element tree.
+ \sa elementsByTagNameNS() QDomElement::elementsByTagName()
+QDomNodeList QDomDocument::elementsByTagName( const QString& tagname ) const
+ return QDomNodeList( new QDomNodeListPrivate( impl, tagname ) );
+ Imports the node \a importedNode from another document to this
+ document. \a importedNode remains in the original document; this
+ function creates a copy that can be used within this document.
+ This function returns the imported node that belongs to this
+ document. The returned node has no parent. It is not possible to
+ import QDomDocument and QDomDocumentType nodes. In those cases
+ this function returns a \link QDomNode::isNull() null node\endlink.
+ If \a deep is TRUE, this function imports not only the node \a
+ importedNode but its whole subtree; if it is FALSE, only the \a
+ importedNode is imported. The argument \a deep has no effect on
+ QDomAttr and QDomEntityReference nodes, since the descendents of
+ QDomAttr nodes are always imported and those of
+ QDomEntityReference nodes are never imported.
+ The behavior of this function is slightly different depending on
+ the node types:
+ \table
+ \header \i Node Type \i Behaviour
+ \row \i QDomAttr
+ \i The owner element is set to 0 and the specified flag is
+ set to TRUE in the generated attribute. The whole subtree
+ of \a importedNode is always imported for attribute nodes:
+ \a deep has no effect.
+ \row \i QDomDocument
+ \i Document nodes cannot be imported.
+ \row \i QDomDocumentFragment
+ \i If \a deep is TRUE, this function imports the whole
+ document fragment; otherwise it only generates an empty
+ document fragment.
+ \row \i QDomDocumentType
+ \i Document type nodes cannot be imported.
+ \row \i QDomElement
+ \i Attributes for which QDomAttr::specified() is TRUE are
+ also imported, other attributes are not imported. If \a
+ deep is TRUE, this function also imports the subtree of \a
+ importedNode; otherwise it imports only the element node
+ (and some attributes, see above).
+ \row \i QDomEntity
+ \i Entity nodes can be imported, but at the moment there is
+ no way to use them since the document type is read-only in
+ DOM level 2.
+ \row \i QDomEntityReference
+ \i Descendents of entity reference nodes are never imported:
+ \a deep has no effect.
+ \row \i QDomNotation
+ \i Notation nodes can be imported, but at the moment there is
+ no way to use them since the document type is read-only in
+ DOM level 2.
+ \row \i QDomProcessingInstruction
+ \i The target and value of the processing instruction is
+ copied to the new node.
+ \row \i QDomText
+ \i The text is copied to the new node.
+ \row \i QDomCDATASection
+ \i The text is copied to the new node.
+ \row \i QDomComment
+ \i The text is copied to the new node.
+ \endtable
+ \sa QDomElement::setAttribute() QDomNode::insertBefore()
+ QDomNode::insertAfter() QDomNode::replaceChild() QDomNode::removeChild()
+ QDomNode::appendChild()
+QDomNode QDomDocument::importNode( const QDomNode& importedNode, bool deep )
+ if ( !impl )
+ impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
+ return QDomNode( IMPL->importNode( importedNode.impl, deep ) );
+ Creates a new element with namespace support that can be inserted
+ into the DOM tree. The name of the element is \a qName and the
+ namespace URI is \a nsURI. This function also sets
+ QDomNode::prefix() and QDomNode::localName() to appropriate values
+ (depending on \a qName).
+ \sa createElement()
+QDomElement QDomDocument::createElementNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& qName )
+ if ( !impl )
+ impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
+ return QDomElement( IMPL->createElementNS( nsURI, qName ) );
+ Creates a new attribute with namespace support that can be
+ inserted into an element. The name of the attribute is \a qName
+ and the namespace URI is \a nsURI. This function also sets
+ QDomNode::prefix() and QDomNode::localName() to appropriate values
+ (depending on \a qName).
+ \sa createAttribute()
+QDomAttr QDomDocument::createAttributeNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& qName )
+ if ( !impl )
+ impl = new QDomDocumentPrivate;
+ return QDomAttr( IMPL->createAttributeNS( nsURI, qName ) );
+ Returns a QDomNodeList that contains all the elements in the
+ document with the local name \a localName and a namespace URI of
+ \a nsURI. The order of the node list is the order they are
+ encountered in a preorder traversal of the element tree.
+ \sa elementsByTagName() QDomElement::elementsByTagNameNS()
+QDomNodeList QDomDocument::elementsByTagNameNS( const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName )
+ return QDomNodeList( new QDomNodeListPrivate( impl, nsURI, localName ) );
+ Returns the element whose ID is equal to \a elementId. If no
+ element with the ID was found, this function returns a \link
+ QDomNode::isNull() null element\endlink.
+ Since the QDomClasses do not know which attributes are element
+ IDs, this function returns always a \link QDomNode::isNull() null
+ element\endlink. This may change in a future version.
+QDomElement QDomDocument::elementById( const QString& /*elementId*/ )
+ return QDomElement();
+ Returns \c DocumentNode.
+QDomNode::NodeType QDomDocument::nodeType() const
+ return DocumentNode;
+ Returns TRUE.
+bool QDomDocument::isDocument() const
+ return TRUE;
+#undef IMPL
+ *
+ * Node casting functions
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+ Converts a QDomNode into a QDomAttr. If the node is not an
+ attribute, the returned object will be \link QDomNode::isNull()
+ null\endlink.
+ \sa isAttr()
+QDomAttr QDomNode::toAttr()
+ if ( impl && impl->isAttr() )
+ return QDomAttr( ((QDomAttrPrivate*)impl) );
+ return QDomAttr();
+ Converts a QDomNode into a QDomCDATASection. If the node is not a
+ CDATA section, the returned object will be \link
+ QDomNode::isNull() null\endlink.
+ \sa isCDATASection()
+QDomCDATASection QDomNode::toCDATASection()
+ if ( impl && impl->isCDATASection() )
+ return QDomCDATASection( ((QDomCDATASectionPrivate*)impl) );
+ return QDomCDATASection();
+ Converts a QDomNode into a QDomDocumentFragment. If the node is
+ not a document fragment the returned object will be \link
+ QDomNode::isNull() null\endlink.
+ \sa isDocumentFragment()
+QDomDocumentFragment QDomNode::toDocumentFragment()
+ if ( impl && impl->isDocumentFragment() )
+ return QDomDocumentFragment( ((QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate*)impl) );
+ return QDomDocumentFragment();
+ Converts a QDomNode into a QDomDocument. If the node is not a
+ document the returned object will be \link QDomNode::isNull()
+ null\endlink.
+ \sa isDocument()
+QDomDocument QDomNode::toDocument()
+ if ( impl && impl->isDocument() )
+ return QDomDocument( ((QDomDocumentPrivate*)impl) );
+ return QDomDocument();
+ Converts a QDomNode into a QDomDocumentType. If the node is not a
+ document type the returned object will be \link QDomNode::isNull()
+ null\endlink.
+ \sa isDocumentType()
+QDomDocumentType QDomNode::toDocumentType()
+ if ( impl && impl->isDocumentType() )
+ return QDomDocumentType( ((QDomDocumentTypePrivate*)impl) );
+ return QDomDocumentType();
+ Converts a QDomNode into a QDomElement. If the node is not an
+ element the returned object will be \link QDomNode::isNull()
+ null\endlink.
+ \sa isElement()
+QDomElement QDomNode::toElement()
+ if ( impl && impl->isElement() )
+ return QDomElement( ((QDomElementPrivate*)impl) );
+ return QDomElement();
+ Converts a QDomNode into a QDomEntityReference. If the node is not
+ an entity reference, the returned object will be \link
+ QDomNode::isNull() null\endlink.
+ \sa isEntityReference()
+QDomEntityReference QDomNode::toEntityReference()
+ if ( impl && impl->isEntityReference() )
+ return QDomEntityReference( ((QDomEntityReferencePrivate*)impl) );
+ return QDomEntityReference();
+ Converts a QDomNode into a QDomText. If the node is not a text,
+ the returned object will be \link QDomNode::isNull() null\endlink.
+ \sa isText()
+QDomText QDomNode::toText()
+ if ( impl && impl->isText() )
+ return QDomText( ((QDomTextPrivate*)impl) );
+ return QDomText();
+ Converts a QDomNode into a QDomEntity. If the node is not an
+ entity the returned object will be \link QDomNode::isNull()
+ null\endlink.
+ \sa isEntity()
+QDomEntity QDomNode::toEntity()
+ if ( impl && impl->isEntity() )
+ return QDomEntity( ((QDomEntityPrivate*)impl) );
+ return QDomEntity();
+ Converts a QDomNode into a QDomNotation. If the node is not a
+ notation the returned object will be \link QDomNode::isNull()
+ null\endlink.
+ \sa isNotation()
+QDomNotation QDomNode::toNotation()
+ if ( impl && impl->isNotation() )
+ return QDomNotation( ((QDomNotationPrivate*)impl) );
+ return QDomNotation();
+ Converts a QDomNode into a QDomProcessingInstruction. If the node
+ is not a processing instruction the returned object will be \link
+ QDomNode::isNull() null\endlink.
+ \sa isProcessingInstruction()
+QDomProcessingInstruction QDomNode::toProcessingInstruction()
+ if ( impl && impl->isProcessingInstruction() )
+ return QDomProcessingInstruction( ((QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate*)impl) );
+ return QDomProcessingInstruction();
+ Converts a QDomNode into a QDomCharacterData. If the node is not a
+ character data node the returned object will be \link
+ QDomNode::isNull() null\endlink.
+ \sa isCharacterData()
+QDomCharacterData QDomNode::toCharacterData()
+ if ( impl && impl->isCharacterData() )
+ return QDomCharacterData( ((QDomCharacterDataPrivate*)impl) );
+ return QDomCharacterData();
+ Converts a QDomNode into a QDomComment. If the node is not a
+ comment the returned object will be \link QDomNode::isNull()
+ null\endlink.
+ \sa isComment()
+QDomComment QDomNode::toComment()
+ if ( impl && impl->isComment() )
+ return QDomComment( ((QDomCommentPrivate*)impl) );
+ return QDomComment();
+ *
+ * QDomHandler
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+QDomHandler::QDomHandler( QDomDocumentPrivate* adoc, bool namespaceProcessing )
+ doc = adoc;
+ node = doc;
+ cdata = FALSE;
+ nsProcessing = namespaceProcessing;
+bool QDomHandler::endDocument()
+ // ### is this really necessary? (rms)
+ if ( node != doc )
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+bool QDomHandler::startDTD( const QString& name, const QString& publicId, const QString& systemId )
+ doc->doctype()->name = name;
+ doc->doctype()->publicId = publicId;
+ doc->doctype()->systemId = systemId;
+ return TRUE;
+bool QDomHandler::startElement( const QString& nsURI, const QString&, const QString& qName, const QXmlAttributes& atts )
+ // tag name
+ QDomNodePrivate* n;
+ if ( nsProcessing ) {
+ n = doc->createElementNS( nsURI, qName );
+ } else {
+ n = doc->createElement( qName );
+ }
+ node->appendChild( n );
+ node = n;
+ // attributes
+ for ( int i=0; i<atts.length(); i++ )
+ {
+ if ( nsProcessing ) {
+ ((QDomElementPrivate*)node)->setAttributeNS( atts.uri(i), atts.qName(i), atts.value(i) );
+ } else {
+ ((QDomElementPrivate*)node)->setAttribute( atts.qName(i), atts.value(i) );
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+bool QDomHandler::endElement( const QString&, const QString&, const QString& )
+ if ( node == doc )
+ return FALSE;
+ node = node->parent();
+ return TRUE;
+bool QDomHandler::characters( const QString& ch )
+ // No text as child of some document
+ if ( node == doc )
+ return FALSE;
+ if ( cdata ) {
+ node->appendChild( doc->createCDATASection( ch ) );
+ } else if ( !entityName.isEmpty() ) {
+ QDomEntityPrivate* e = new QDomEntityPrivate( doc, 0, entityName,
+ QString::null, QString::null, QString::null );
+ e->value = ch;
+ doc->doctype()->appendChild( e );
+ node->appendChild( doc->createEntityReference( entityName ) );
+ } else {
+ node->appendChild( doc->createTextNode( ch ) );
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+bool QDomHandler::processingInstruction( const QString& target, const QString& data )
+ node->appendChild( doc->createProcessingInstruction( target, data ) );
+ return TRUE;
+bool QDomHandler::skippedEntity( const QString& name )
+ node->appendChild( doc->createEntityReference( name ) );
+ return TRUE;
+bool QDomHandler::fatalError( const QXmlParseException& exception )
+ errorMsg = exception.message();
+ errorLine = exception.lineNumber();
+ errorColumn = exception.columnNumber();
+ return QXmlDefaultHandler::fatalError( exception );
+bool QDomHandler::startCDATA()
+ cdata = TRUE;
+ return TRUE;
+bool QDomHandler::endCDATA()
+ cdata = FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+bool QDomHandler::startEntity( const QString &name )
+ entityName = name;
+ return TRUE;
+bool QDomHandler::endEntity( const QString & )
+ entityName = QString::null;
+ return TRUE;
+bool QDomHandler::comment( const QString& ch )
+ node->appendChild( doc->createComment( ch ) );
+ return TRUE;
+bool QDomHandler::unparsedEntityDecl( const QString &name, const QString &publicId, const QString &systemId, const QString &notationName )
+ QDomEntityPrivate* e = new QDomEntityPrivate( doc, 0, name,
+ publicId, systemId, notationName );
+ doc->doctype()->appendChild( e );
+ return TRUE;
+bool QDomHandler::externalEntityDecl( const QString &name, const QString &publicId, const QString &systemId )
+ return unparsedEntityDecl( name, publicId, systemId, QString::null );
+bool QDomHandler::notationDecl( const QString & name, const QString & publicId, const QString & systemId )
+ QDomNotationPrivate* n = new QDomNotationPrivate( doc, 0, name, publicId, systemId );
+ doc->doctype()->appendChild( n );
+ return TRUE;
+#endif //QT_NO_DOM