path: root/src/gui/rulers/TempoRuler.cpp
diff options
authortpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-03-01 18:37:05 +0000
committertpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-03-01 18:37:05 +0000
commit145364a8af6a1fec06556221e66d4b724a62fc9a (patch)
tree53bd71a544008c518034f208d64c932dc2883f50 /src/gui/rulers/TempoRuler.cpp
Added old abandoned KDE3 version of the RoseGarden MIDI tool
git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/rulers/TempoRuler.cpp')
1 files changed, 1091 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/rulers/TempoRuler.cpp b/src/gui/rulers/TempoRuler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..270b224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gui/rulers/TempoRuler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1091 @@
+/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */
+ Rosegarden
+ A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor.
+ This program is Copyright 2000-2008
+ Guillaume Laurent <[email protected]>,
+ Chris Cannam <[email protected]>,
+ Richard Bown <[email protected]>
+ The moral rights of Guillaume Laurent, Chris Cannam, and Richard
+ Bown to claim authorship of this work have been asserted.
+ Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please
+ see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file
+ COPYING included with this distribution for more information.
+#include "TempoRuler.h"
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kstddirs.h>
+#include "misc/Debug.h"
+#include "base/Composition.h"
+#include "base/NotationTypes.h"
+#include "base/RealTime.h"
+#include "base/RulerScale.h"
+#include "base/SnapGrid.h"
+#include "document/RosegardenGUIDoc.h"
+#include "document/MultiViewCommandHistory.h"
+#include "gui/application/RosegardenGUIApp.h"
+#include "gui/dialogs/TempoDialog.h"
+#include "gui/general/GUIPalette.h"
+#include "gui/widgets/TextFloat.h"
+#include "TempoColour.h"
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <kglobal.h>
+#include <kxmlguiclient.h>
+#include <kxmlguifactory.h>
+#include <qcolor.h>
+#include <qcursor.h>
+#include <qevent.h>
+#include <qfont.h>
+#include <qfontmetrics.h>
+#include <qiconset.h>
+#include <qobject.h>
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qpixmap.h>
+#include <qpoint.h>
+#include <qpopupmenu.h>
+#include <qrect.h>
+#include <qsize.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qwidget.h>
+namespace Rosegarden
+TempoRuler::TempoRuler(RulerScale *rulerScale,
+ RosegardenGUIDoc *doc,
+ KMainWindow *parentMainWindow,
+ double xorigin,
+ int height,
+ bool small,
+ QWidget *parent,
+ const char *name) :
+ QWidget(parent, name),
+ m_xorigin(xorigin),
+ m_height(height),
+ m_currentXOffset(0),
+ m_width( -1),
+ m_small(small),
+ m_illuminate( -1),
+ m_illuminatePoint(false),
+ m_illuminateTarget(false),
+ m_refreshLinesOnly(false),
+ m_dragVert(false),
+ m_dragTarget(false),
+ m_dragHoriz(false),
+ m_dragStartY(0),
+ m_dragStartX(0),
+ m_dragFine(false),
+ m_clickX(0),
+ m_dragStartTempo( -1),
+ m_dragStartTarget( -1),
+ m_dragOriginalTempo( -1),
+ m_dragOriginalTarget( -1),
+ m_composition(&doc->getComposition()),
+ m_rulerScale(rulerScale),
+ m_menu(0),
+ m_parentMainWindow(parentMainWindow),
+ m_fontMetrics(m_boldFont)
+ // m_font.setPointSize(m_small ? 9 : 11);
+ // m_boldFont.setPointSize(m_small ? 9 : 11);
+ // m_font.setPixelSize(m_height * 2 / 3);
+ // m_boldFont.setPixelSize(m_height * 2 / 3);
+ m_font.setPixelSize(m_height / 3);
+ m_boldFont.setPixelSize(m_height * 2 / 5);
+ m_boldFont.setBold(true);
+ m_fontMetrics = QFontMetrics(m_boldFont);
+ m_textFloat = new TextFloat(this);
+ m_textFloat->hide();
+ // setBackgroundColor(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::TextRulerBackground));
+ setBackgroundMode(Qt::NoBackground);
+ QObject::connect
+ (doc->getCommandHistory(), SIGNAL(commandExecuted()),
+ this, SLOT(update()));
+ QString pixmapDir = KGlobal::dirs()->findResource("appdata", "pixmaps/");
+ QIconSet icon;
+ icon = QIconSet(QPixmap(pixmapDir + "/toolbar/event-insert-tempo.png"));
+ new KAction(i18n("Insert Tempo Change"), icon, 0, this,
+ SLOT(slotInsertTempoHere()), actionCollection(),
+ "insert_tempo_here");
+ new KAction(i18n("Insert Tempo Change at Playback Position"), 0, 0, this,
+ SLOT(slotInsertTempoAtPointer()), actionCollection(),
+ "insert_tempo_at_pointer");
+ icon = QIconSet(QPixmap(pixmapDir + "/toolbar/event-delete.png"));
+ new KAction(i18n("Delete Tempo Change"), icon, 0, this,
+ SLOT(slotDeleteTempoChange()), actionCollection(),
+ "delete_tempo");
+ new KAction(i18n("Ramp Tempo to Next Tempo"), 0, 0, this,
+ SLOT(slotRampToNext()), actionCollection(),
+ "ramp_to_next");
+ new KAction(i18n("Un-Ramp Tempo"), 0, 0, this,
+ SLOT(slotUnramp()), actionCollection(),
+ "unramp");
+ icon = QIconSet(QPixmap(pixmapDir + "/toolbar/event-edit.png"));
+ new KAction(i18n("Edit Tempo..."), icon, 0, this,
+ SLOT(slotEditTempo()), actionCollection(),
+ "edit_tempo");
+ new KAction(i18n("Edit Time Signature..."), 0, 0, this,
+ SLOT(slotEditTimeSignature()), actionCollection(),
+ "edit_time_signature");
+ new KAction(i18n("Open Tempo and Time Signature Editor"), 0, 0, this,
+ SLOT(slotEditTempos()), actionCollection(),
+ "edit_tempos");
+ setMouseTracking(false);
+ // we have to do this so that the menu is re-created properly
+ // when the main window is itself recreated (on a File->New for instance)
+ KXMLGUIFactory* factory = m_parentMainWindow->factory();
+ if (factory)
+ factory->removeClient(this);
+ connect(this,
+ SIGNAL(doubleClicked(timeT)),
+ RosegardenGUIApp::self(),
+ SLOT(slotEditTempos(timeT)));
+ connect(this,
+ SIGNAL(changeTempo(timeT,
+ tempoT,
+ tempoT,
+ TempoDialog::TempoDialogAction)),
+ RosegardenGUIApp::self(),
+ SLOT(slotChangeTempo(timeT,
+ tempoT,
+ tempoT,
+ TempoDialog::TempoDialogAction)));
+ connect(this,
+ SIGNAL(moveTempo(timeT,
+ timeT)),
+ RosegardenGUIApp::self(),
+ SLOT(slotMoveTempo(timeT,
+ timeT)));
+ connect(this,
+ SIGNAL(deleteTempo(timeT)),
+ RosegardenGUIApp::self(),
+ SLOT(slotDeleteTempo(timeT)));
+ connect(this,
+ SIGNAL(editTempo(timeT)),
+ RosegardenGUIApp::self(),
+ SLOT(slotEditTempo(timeT)));
+ connect(this,
+ SIGNAL(editTimeSignature(timeT)),
+ RosegardenGUIApp::self(),
+ SLOT(slotEditTimeSignature(timeT)));
+ connect(this,
+ SIGNAL(editTempos(timeT)),
+ RosegardenGUIApp::self(),
+ SLOT(slotEditTempos(timeT)));
+TempoRuler::slotScrollHoriz(int x)
+ int w = width(), h = height();
+ int dx = x - ( -m_currentXOffset);
+ m_currentXOffset = -x;
+ if (dx > w*3 / 4 || dx < -w*3 / 4) {
+ update();
+ return ;
+ }
+ if (dx > 0) { // moving right, so the existing stuff moves left
+ bitBlt(this, 0, 0, this, dx, 0, w - dx, h);
+ repaint(w - dx, 0, dx, h);
+ } else { // moving left, so the existing stuff moves right
+ bitBlt(this, -dx, 0, this, 0, 0, w + dx, h);
+ repaint(0, 0, -dx, h);
+ }
+TempoRuler::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
+ if (e->button() == LeftButton) {
+ if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick) {
+ timeT t = m_rulerScale->getTimeForX
+ (e->x() - m_currentXOffset - m_xorigin);
+ emit doubleClicked(t);
+ return ;
+ }
+ int x = e->x() + 1;
+ int y = e->y();
+ timeT t = m_rulerScale->getTimeForX(x - m_currentXOffset - m_xorigin);
+ int tcn = m_composition->getTempoChangeNumberAt(t);
+ if (tcn < 0 || tcn >= m_composition->getTempoChangeCount())
+ return ;
+ std::pair<timeT, tempoT> tc = m_composition->getTempoChange(tcn);
+ std::pair<bool, tempoT> tr = m_composition->getTempoRamping(tcn, true);
+ m_dragStartY = y;
+ m_dragStartX = x;
+ m_dragStartTime = tc.first;
+ m_dragPreviousTime = m_dragStartTime;
+ m_dragStartTempo = tc.second;
+ m_dragStartTarget = tr.first ? tr.second : -1;
+ m_dragOriginalTempo = m_dragStartTempo;
+ m_dragOriginalTarget = m_dragStartTarget;
+ m_dragFine = ((e->state() & Qt::ShiftButton) != 0);
+ int px = m_rulerScale->getXForTime(tc.first) + m_currentXOffset + m_xorigin;
+ if (x >= px && x < px + 5) {
+ m_dragHoriz = true;
+ m_dragVert = false;
+ setCursor(Qt::SplitHCursor);
+ } else {
+ timeT nt = m_composition->getEndMarker();
+ if (tcn < m_composition->getTempoChangeCount() - 1) {
+ nt = m_composition->getTempoChange(tcn + 1).first;
+ }
+ int nx = m_rulerScale->getXForTime(nt) + m_currentXOffset + m_xorigin;
+ if (x > px + 5 && x > nx - 5) {
+ m_dragTarget = true;
+ setCursor(Qt::SizeVerCursor);
+ } else {
+ m_dragTarget = false;
+ setCursor(Qt::SplitVCursor);
+ }
+ m_dragVert = true;
+ m_dragHoriz = false;
+ }
+ } else if (e->button() == RightButton) {
+ m_clickX = e->x();
+ if (!m_menu)
+ createMenu();
+ if (m_menu) {
+ // enable 'delete' action only if cursor is actually over a tempo change
+ actionCollection()->action("delete_tempo")->setEnabled(m_illuminatePoint);
+ m_menu->exec(QCursor::pos());
+ }
+ }
+TempoRuler::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
+ if (m_dragVert) {
+ m_dragVert = false;
+ unsetCursor();
+ if (e->x() < 0 || e->x() >= width() ||
+ e->y() < 0 || e->y() >= height()) {
+ leaveEvent(0);
+ }
+ // First we make a note of the values that we just set and
+ // restore the tempo to whatever it was previously, so that
+ // the undo for any following command will work correctly.
+ // Then we emit so that our user can issue the right command.
+ int tcn = m_composition->getTempoChangeNumberAt(m_dragStartTime);
+ std::pair<timeT, tempoT> tc = m_composition->getTempoChange(tcn);
+ std::pair<bool, tempoT> tr = m_composition->getTempoRamping(tcn, true);
+ if (tc.second != m_dragOriginalTempo) {
+ m_composition->addTempoAtTime(m_dragStartTime,
+ m_dragOriginalTempo,
+ m_dragOriginalTarget);
+ emit changeTempo(m_dragStartTime, tc.second,
+ tr.first ? tr.second : -1,
+ TempoDialog::AddTempo);
+ }
+ return ;
+ } else if (m_dragHoriz) {
+ m_dragHoriz = false;
+ unsetCursor();
+ if (e->x() < 0 || e->x() >= width() ||
+ e->y() < 0 || e->y() >= height()) {
+ leaveEvent(0);
+ }
+ if (m_dragPreviousTime != m_dragStartTime) {
+ // As above, restore the original tempo and then emit a
+ // signal to ensure a proper command happens.
+ int tcn = m_composition->getTempoChangeNumberAt(m_dragPreviousTime);
+ m_composition->removeTempoChange(tcn);
+ m_composition->addTempoAtTime(m_dragStartTime,
+ m_dragStartTempo,
+ m_dragStartTarget);
+ emit moveTempo(m_dragStartTime, m_dragPreviousTime);
+ }
+ return ;
+ }
+TempoRuler::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
+ bool shiftPressed = ((e->state() & Qt::ShiftButton) != 0);
+ if (m_dragVert) {
+ if (shiftPressed != m_dragFine) {
+ m_dragFine = shiftPressed;
+ m_dragStartY = e->y();
+ // reset the start tempi to whatever we last updated them
+ // to as we switch into or out of fine mode
+ int tcn = m_composition->getTempoChangeNumberAt(m_dragStartTime);
+ std::pair<timeT, tempoT> tc = m_composition->getTempoChange(tcn);
+ std::pair<bool, tempoT> tr = m_composition->getTempoRamping(tcn, true);
+ m_dragStartTempo = tc.second;
+ m_dragStartTarget = tr.first ? tr.second : -1;
+ }
+ int diff = m_dragStartY - e->y(); // +ve for upwards drag
+ tempoT newTempo = m_dragStartTempo;
+ tempoT newTarget = m_dragStartTarget;
+ if (diff != 0) {
+ float qpm = m_composition->getTempoQpm(newTempo);
+ if (m_dragTarget && newTarget > 0) {
+ qpm = m_composition->getTempoQpm(newTarget);
+ }
+ float qdiff = (m_dragFine ? diff * 0.05 : diff * 0.5);
+ qpm += qdiff;
+ if (qpm < 1)
+ qpm = 1;
+ if (m_dragTarget) {
+ newTarget = m_composition->getTempoForQpm(qpm);
+ } else {
+ newTempo = m_composition->getTempoForQpm(qpm);
+ if (newTarget >= 0) {
+ qpm = m_composition->getTempoQpm(newTarget);
+ qpm += qdiff;
+ if (qpm < 1)
+ qpm = 1;
+ newTarget = m_composition->getTempoForQpm(qpm);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ showTextFloat(newTempo, newTarget, m_dragStartTime);
+ m_composition->addTempoAtTime(m_dragStartTime, newTempo, newTarget);
+ update();
+ } else if (m_dragHoriz) {
+ int x = e->x();
+ SnapGrid grid(m_rulerScale);
+ if (shiftPressed) {
+ grid.setSnapTime(SnapGrid::NoSnap);
+ } else {
+ grid.setSnapTime(SnapGrid::SnapToUnit);
+ }
+ timeT newTime = grid.snapX(x - m_currentXOffset - m_xorigin,
+ SnapGrid::SnapEither);
+ int tcn = m_composition->getTempoChangeNumberAt(m_dragPreviousTime);
+ int ncn = m_composition->getTempoChangeNumberAt(newTime);
+ if (ncn > tcn || ncn < tcn - 1)
+ return ;
+ if (ncn >= 0 && ncn == tcn - 1) {
+ std::pair<timeT, tempoT> nc = m_composition->getTempoChange(ncn);
+ if (nc.first == newTime)
+ return ;
+ }
+ // std::cerr << " -> " << newTime << std::endl;
+ m_composition->removeTempoChange(tcn);
+ m_composition->addTempoAtTime(newTime,
+ m_dragStartTempo,
+ m_dragStartTarget);
+ showTextFloat(m_dragStartTempo, m_dragStartTarget, newTime, true);
+ m_dragPreviousTime = newTime;
+ update();
+ } else {
+ int x = e->x() + 1;
+ timeT t = m_rulerScale->getTimeForX(x - m_currentXOffset - m_xorigin);
+ int tcn = m_composition->getTempoChangeNumberAt(t);
+ if (tcn < 0 || tcn >= m_composition->getTempoChangeCount())
+ return ;
+ std::pair<timeT, tempoT> tc = m_composition->getTempoChange(tcn);
+ std::pair<bool, tempoT> tr = m_composition->getTempoRamping(tcn, true);
+ int bar, beat, fraction, remainder;
+ m_composition->getMusicalTimeForAbsoluteTime(tc.first, bar, beat,
+ fraction, remainder);
+ RG_DEBUG << "Tempo change: tempo " << m_composition->getTempoQpm(tc.second) << " at " << bar << ":" << beat << ":" << fraction << ":" << remainder << endl;
+ m_illuminate = tcn;
+ m_illuminatePoint = false;
+ m_illuminateTarget = false;
+ //!!! m_refreshLinesOnly = true;
+ //!!! merge this test with the one in mousePressEvent as
+ //isCloseToStart or equiv, and likewise for close to end
+ int px = m_rulerScale->getXForTime(tc.first) + m_currentXOffset + m_xorigin;
+ if (x >= px && x < px + 5) {
+ m_illuminatePoint = true;
+ } else {
+ timeT nt = m_composition->getEndMarker();
+ if (tcn < m_composition->getTempoChangeCount() - 1) {
+ nt = m_composition->getTempoChange(tcn + 1).first;
+ }
+ int nx = m_rulerScale->getXForTime(nt) + m_currentXOffset + m_xorigin;
+ if (x > px + 5 && x > nx - 5) {
+ m_illuminateTarget = true;
+ }
+ // std::cerr << "nt = " << nt << ", nx = " << nx << ", x = " << x << ", m_illuminateTarget = " << m_illuminateTarget << std::endl;
+ }
+ showTextFloat(tc.second, tr.first ? tr.second : -1,
+ tc.first, m_illuminatePoint);
+ update();
+ }
+TempoRuler::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e)
+TempoRuler::enterEvent(QEvent *)
+ setMouseTracking(true);
+TempoRuler::leaveEvent(QEvent *)
+ if (!m_dragVert && !m_dragHoriz) {
+ setMouseTracking(false);
+ m_illuminate = -1;
+ m_illuminatePoint = false;
+ //!!! m_refreshLinesOnly = true;
+ m_textFloat->hide();
+ update();
+ }
+TempoRuler::showTextFloat(tempoT tempo, tempoT target,
+ timeT time, bool showTime)
+ float qpm = m_composition->getTempoQpm(tempo);
+ int qi = int(qpm + 0.0001);
+ int q0 = int(qpm * 10 + 0.0001) % 10;
+ int q00 = int(qpm * 100 + 0.0001) % 10;
+ bool haveSet = false;
+ QString tempoText, timeText;
+ if (time >= 0) {
+ if (showTime) {
+ int bar, beat, fraction, remainder;
+ m_composition->getMusicalTimeForAbsoluteTime
+ (time, bar, beat, fraction, remainder);
+ RealTime rt = m_composition->getElapsedRealTime(time);
+ // blargh -- duplicated with TempoView::makeTimeString
+ timeText = QString("%1%2%3-%4%5-%6%7-%8%9")
+ .arg(bar / 100)
+ .arg((bar % 100) / 10)
+ .arg(bar % 10)
+ .arg(beat / 10)
+ .arg(beat % 10)
+ .arg(fraction / 10)
+ .arg(fraction % 10)
+ .arg(remainder / 10)
+ .arg(remainder % 10);
+ timeText = QString("%1\n%2")
+ .arg(timeText)
+ // .arg(rt.toString().c_str());
+ .arg(rt.toText(true).c_str());
+ }
+ TimeSignature sig =
+ m_composition->getTimeSignatureAt(time);
+ if (sig.getBeatDuration() !=
+ Note(Note::Crotchet).getDuration()) {
+ float bpm =
+ (qpm *
+ Note(Note::Crotchet).getDuration())
+ / sig.getBeatDuration();
+ int bi = int(bpm + 0.0001);
+ int b0 = int(bpm * 10 + 0.0001) % 10;
+ int b00 = int(bpm * 100 + 0.0001) % 10;
+ tempoText = i18n("%1.%2%3 (%4.%5%6 bpm)")
+ .arg(qi).arg(q0).arg(q00)
+ .arg(bi).arg(b0).arg(b00);
+ haveSet = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!haveSet) {
+ tempoText = i18n("%1.%2%3 bpm").arg(qi).arg(q0).arg(q00);
+ }
+ if (target > 0 && target != tempo) {
+ float tq = m_composition->getTempoQpm(target);
+ int tqi = int(tq + 0.0001);
+ int tq0 = int(tq * 10 + 0.0001) % 10;
+ int tq00 = int(tq * 100 + 0.0001) % 10;
+ tempoText = i18n("%1 - %2.%3%4").arg(tempoText).arg(tqi).arg(tq0).arg(tq00);
+ }
+ if (showTime && time >= 0) {
+ m_textFloat->setText(QString("%1\n%2").arg(timeText).arg(tempoText));
+ } else {
+ m_textFloat->setText(tempoText);
+ }
+ QPoint cp = mapFromGlobal(QPoint(QCursor::pos()));
+ // std::cerr << "cp = " << cp.x() << "," << cp.y() << ", tempo = " << qpm << std::endl;
+ QPoint mp = cp + pos();
+ QWidget *parent = parentWidget();
+ while (parent->parentWidget() &&
+ !parent->isTopLevel() &&
+ !parent->isDialog()) {
+ mp += parent->pos();
+ parent = parent->parentWidget();
+ }
+ int yoff = cp.y() + m_textFloat->height() + 3;
+ mp = QPoint(mp.x() + 10, mp.y() > yoff ? mp.y() - yoff : 0);
+ m_textFloat->move(mp);
+ m_textFloat->show();
+TempoRuler::sizeHint() const
+ double width =
+ m_rulerScale->getBarPosition(m_rulerScale->getLastVisibleBar()) +
+ m_rulerScale->getBarWidth(m_rulerScale->getLastVisibleBar()) +
+ m_xorigin;
+ QSize res(std::max(int(width), m_width), m_height);
+ return res;
+TempoRuler::minimumSizeHint() const
+ double firstBarWidth = m_rulerScale->getBarWidth(0) + m_xorigin;
+ QSize res = QSize(int(firstBarWidth), m_height);
+ return res;
+TempoRuler::getYForTempo(tempoT tempo)
+ int drawh = height() - 4;
+ int y = drawh / 2;
+ tempoT minTempo = m_composition->getMinTempo();
+ tempoT maxTempo = m_composition->getMaxTempo();
+ if (maxTempo > minTempo) {
+ y = drawh -
+ int((double(tempo - minTempo) / double(maxTempo - minTempo))
+ * drawh + 0.5);
+ }
+ return y;
+TempoRuler::getTempoForY(int y)
+ int drawh = height() - 4;
+ tempoT minTempo = m_composition->getMinTempo();
+ tempoT maxTempo = m_composition->getMaxTempo();
+ tempoT tempo = minTempo;
+ if (maxTempo > minTempo) {
+ tempo = (maxTempo - minTempo) *
+ (double(drawh - y) / double(drawh)) + minTempo + 0.5;
+ }
+ return tempo;
+TempoRuler::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* e)
+ QRect clipRect = e->rect();
+ if (m_buffer.width() < width() || m_buffer.height() < height()) {
+ m_buffer = QPixmap(width(), height());
+ }
+ m_buffer.fill(GUIPalette::getColour
+ (GUIPalette::TextRulerBackground));
+ QPainter paint(&m_buffer);
+ paint.setPen(GUIPalette::getColour
+ (GUIPalette::TextRulerForeground));
+ paint.setClipRegion(e->region());
+ paint.setClipRect(clipRect);
+ if (m_xorigin > 0) {
+ paint.fillRect(0, 0, m_xorigin, height(), paletteBackgroundColor());
+ }
+ timeT from = m_rulerScale->getTimeForX
+ (clipRect.x() - m_currentXOffset - 100 - m_xorigin);
+ timeT to = m_rulerScale->getTimeForX
+ (clipRect.x() + clipRect.width() - m_currentXOffset + 100 - m_xorigin);
+ QRect boundsForHeight = m_fontMetrics.boundingRect("019");
+ int fontHeight = boundsForHeight.height();
+ int textY = fontHeight + 2;
+ double prevEndX = -1000.0;
+ double prevTempo = 0.0;
+ long prevBpm = 0;
+ typedef std::map<timeT, int> TimePoints;
+ int tempoChangeHere = 1;
+ int timeSigChangeHere = 2;
+ TimePoints timePoints;
+ for (int tempoNo = m_composition->getTempoChangeNumberAt(from);
+ tempoNo <= m_composition->getTempoChangeNumberAt(to) + 1; ++tempoNo) {
+ if (tempoNo >= 0 && tempoNo < m_composition->getTempoChangeCount()) {
+ timePoints.insert
+ (TimePoints::value_type
+ (m_composition->getTempoChange(tempoNo).first,
+ tempoChangeHere));
+ }
+ }
+ for (int sigNo = m_composition->getTimeSignatureNumberAt(from);
+ sigNo <= m_composition->getTimeSignatureNumberAt(to) + 1; ++sigNo) {
+ if (sigNo >= 0 && sigNo < m_composition->getTimeSignatureCount()) {
+ timeT time(m_composition->getTimeSignatureChange(sigNo).first);
+ if (timePoints.find(time) != timePoints.end()) {
+ timePoints[time] |= timeSigChangeHere;
+ } else {
+ timePoints.insert(TimePoints::value_type(time, timeSigChangeHere));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int lastx = 0, lasty = 0, lastx1 = 0;
+ bool haveSome = false;
+ // tempoT minTempo = m_composition->getMinTempo();
+ // tempoT maxTempo = m_composition->getMaxTempo();
+ bool illuminate = false;
+ if (m_illuminate >= 0) {
+ int tcn = m_composition->getTempoChangeNumberAt(from);
+ illuminate = (m_illuminate == tcn);
+ }
+ for (TimePoints::iterator i = timePoints.begin(); ; ++i) {
+ timeT t0, t1;
+ if (i == timePoints.begin()) {
+ t0 = from;
+ } else {
+ TimePoints::iterator j(i);
+ --j;
+ t0 = j->first;
+ }
+ if (i == timePoints.end()) {
+ t1 = to;
+ } else {
+ t1 = i->first;
+ }
+ if (t1 <= t0)
+ t1 = to;
+ int tcn = m_composition->getTempoChangeNumberAt(t0);
+ tempoT tempo = m_composition->getTempoAtTime(t0);
+ std::pair<bool, tempoT> ramping(false, tempo);
+ if (tcn > 0 && tcn < m_composition->getTempoChangeCount() + 1) {
+ ramping = m_composition->getTempoRamping(tcn - 1, true);
+ }
+ double x0, x1;
+ x0 = m_rulerScale->getXForTime(t0) + m_currentXOffset + m_xorigin;
+ x1 = m_rulerScale->getXForTime(t1) + m_currentXOffset + m_xorigin;
+ /*!!!
+ if (x0 > e->rect().x()) {
+ paint.fillRect(e->rect().x(), 0, x0 - e->rect().x(), height(),
+ paletteBackgroundColor());
+ }
+ */
+ QColor colour = TempoColour::getColour(m_composition->getTempoQpm(tempo));
+ paint.setPen(colour);
+ paint.setBrush(colour);
+ if (!m_refreshLinesOnly) {
+ // RG_DEBUG << "TempoRuler: draw rect from " << x0 << " to " << x1 << endl;
+ paint.drawRect(int(x0), 0, int(x1 - x0) + 1, height());
+ }
+ int y = getYForTempo(tempo);
+ /*!!!
+ int drawh = height() - 4;
+ int y = drawh / 2;
+ if (maxTempo > minTempo) {
+ y = drawh -
+ int((double(tempo - minTempo) / double(maxTempo - minTempo))
+ * drawh + 0.5);
+ }
+ */
+ y += 2;
+ if (haveSome) {
+ int x = int(x0) + 1;
+ int ry = lasty;
+ bool illuminateLine = (illuminate &&
+ !m_illuminatePoint && !m_illuminateTarget);
+ paint.setPen(illuminateLine ? Qt::white : Qt::black);
+ if (ramping.first) {
+ ry = getYForTempo(ramping.second);
+ ry += 2;
+ /*!!!
+ ry = drawh -
+ int((double(ramping.second - minTempo) /
+ double(maxTempo - minTempo))
+ * drawh + 0.5);
+ */
+ }
+ paint.drawLine(lastx + 1, lasty, x - 2, ry);
+ if (!illuminateLine && illuminate && m_illuminateTarget) {
+ if (x > lastx) {
+ paint.setPen(Qt::white);
+ paint.drawLine(x - 6, ry - ((ry - lasty) * 6) / (x - lastx),
+ x - 2, ry);
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_illuminate >= 0) {
+ illuminate = (m_illuminate == tcn);
+ }
+ bool illuminatePoint = (illuminate && m_illuminatePoint);
+ paint.setPen(illuminatePoint ? Qt::white : Qt::black);
+ paint.drawRect(x - 1, y - 1, 3, 3);
+ paint.setPen(illuminatePoint ? Qt::black : Qt::white);
+ paint.drawPoint(x, y);
+ }
+ lastx = int(x0) + 1;
+ lastx1 = int(x1) + 1;
+ lasty = y;
+ if (i == timePoints.end())
+ break;
+ haveSome = true;
+ }
+ if (lastx1 < e->rect().x() + e->rect().width()) {
+ /*!!!
+ paint.fillRect(lastx1, 0,
+ e->rect().x() + e->rect().width() - lastx1, height(),
+ paletteBackgroundColor());
+ */
+ }
+ if (haveSome) {
+ bool illuminateLine = (illuminate && !m_illuminatePoint);
+ paint.setPen(illuminateLine ? Qt::white : Qt::black);
+ paint.drawLine(lastx + 1, lasty, width(), lasty);
+ } else if (!m_refreshLinesOnly) {
+ tempoT tempo = m_composition->getTempoAtTime(from);
+ QColor colour = TempoColour::getColour(m_composition->getTempoQpm(tempo));
+ paint.setPen(colour);
+ paint.setBrush(colour);
+ paint.drawRect(e->rect());
+ }
+ paint.setPen(Qt::black);
+ paint.setBrush(Qt::black);
+ paint.drawLine(0, 0, width(), 0);
+ for (TimePoints::iterator i = timePoints.begin();
+ i != timePoints.end(); ++i) {
+ timeT time = i->first;
+ double x = m_rulerScale->getXForTime(time) + m_currentXOffset
+ + m_xorigin;
+ /*
+ paint.drawLine(static_cast<int>(x),
+ height() - (height()/4),
+ static_cast<int>(x),
+ height());
+ */
+ if ((i->second & timeSigChangeHere) && !m_refreshLinesOnly) {
+ TimeSignature sig =
+ m_composition->getTimeSignatureAt(time);
+ QString str = QString("%1/%2")
+ .arg(sig.getNumerator())
+ .arg(sig.getDenominator());
+ paint.setFont(m_boldFont);
+ paint.drawText(static_cast<int>(x) + 2, m_height - 2, str);
+ }
+ if ((i->second & tempoChangeHere) && !m_refreshLinesOnly) {
+ double tempo = m_composition->getTempoQpm(m_composition->getTempoAtTime(time));
+ long bpm = long(tempo);
+ // long frac = long(tempo * 100 + 0.001) - 100 * bpm;
+ QString tempoString = QString("%1").arg(bpm);
+ if (tempo == prevTempo) {
+ if (m_small)
+ continue;
+ tempoString = "=";
+ } else if (bpm == prevBpm) {
+ tempoString = (tempo > prevTempo ? "+" : "-");
+ } else {
+ if (m_small && (bpm != (bpm / 10 * 10))) {
+ if (bpm == prevBpm + 1)
+ tempoString = "+";
+ else if (bpm == prevBpm - 1)
+ tempoString = "-";
+ }
+ }
+ prevTempo = tempo;
+ prevBpm = bpm;
+ QRect bounds = m_fontMetrics.boundingRect(tempoString);
+ paint.setFont(m_font);
+ if (time > 0)
+ x -= bounds.width() / 2;
+ // if (x > bounds.width() / 2) x -= bounds.width() / 2;
+ if (prevEndX >= x - 3)
+ x = prevEndX + 3;
+ paint.drawText(static_cast<int>(x), textY, tempoString);
+ prevEndX = x + bounds.width();
+ }
+ }
+ paint.end();
+ QPainter dbpaint(this);
+ // dbpaint.drawPixmap(0, 0, m_buffer);
+ dbpaint.drawPixmap(clipRect.x(), clipRect.y(),
+ m_buffer,
+ clipRect.x(), clipRect.y(),
+ clipRect.width(), clipRect.height());
+ dbpaint.end();
+ m_refreshLinesOnly = false;
+ SnapGrid grid(m_rulerScale);
+ grid.setSnapTime(SnapGrid::SnapToUnit);
+ timeT t = grid.snapX(m_clickX - m_currentXOffset - m_xorigin,
+ SnapGrid::SnapLeft);
+ tempoT tempo = Composition::getTempoForQpm(120.0);
+ int tcn = m_composition->getTempoChangeNumberAt(t);
+ if (tcn >= 0 && tcn < m_composition->getTempoChangeCount()) {
+ std::pair<timeT, tempoT> tc = m_composition->getTempoChange(tcn);
+ if (tc.first == t)
+ return ;
+ tempo = tc.second;
+ }
+ emit changeTempo(t, tempo, -1, TempoDialog::AddTempo);
+ timeT t = m_composition->getPosition();
+ tempoT tempo = Composition::getTempoForQpm(120.0);
+ int tcn = m_composition->getTempoChangeNumberAt(t);
+ if (tcn >= 0 && tcn < m_composition->getTempoChangeCount()) {
+ std::pair<timeT, tempoT> tc = m_composition->getTempoChange(tcn);
+ if (tc.first == t)
+ return ;
+ tempo = tc.second;
+ }
+ emit changeTempo(t, tempo, -1, TempoDialog::AddTempo);
+ timeT t = m_rulerScale->getTimeForX(m_clickX - m_currentXOffset - m_xorigin);
+ emit deleteTempo(t);
+ timeT t = m_rulerScale->getTimeForX(m_clickX - m_currentXOffset - m_xorigin);
+ int tcn = m_composition->getTempoChangeNumberAt(t);
+ if (tcn < 0 || tcn >= m_composition->getTempoChangeCount())
+ return ;
+ std::pair<timeT, tempoT> tc = m_composition->getTempoChange(tcn);
+ emit changeTempo(tc.first, tc.second, 0, TempoDialog::AddTempo);
+ timeT t = m_rulerScale->getTimeForX(m_clickX - m_currentXOffset - m_xorigin);
+ int tcn = m_composition->getTempoChangeNumberAt(t);
+ if (tcn < 0 || tcn >= m_composition->getTempoChangeCount())
+ return ;
+ std::pair<timeT, tempoT> tc = m_composition->getTempoChange(tcn);
+ emit changeTempo(tc.first, tc.second, -1, TempoDialog::AddTempo);
+ timeT t = m_rulerScale->getTimeForX(m_clickX - m_currentXOffset - m_xorigin);
+ emit editTempo(t);
+ timeT t = m_rulerScale->getTimeForX(m_clickX - m_currentXOffset - m_xorigin);
+ emit editTimeSignature(t);
+ timeT t = m_rulerScale->getTimeForX(m_clickX - m_currentXOffset - m_xorigin);
+ emit editTempos(t);
+ setXMLFile("temporuler.rc");
+ KXMLGUIFactory* factory = m_parentMainWindow->factory();
+ factory->addClient(this);
+ QWidget* tmp = factory->container("tempo_ruler_menu", this);
+ m_menu = dynamic_cast<QPopupMenu*>(tmp);
+ if (!m_menu) {
+ RG_DEBUG << "MarkerRuler::createMenu() failed\n";
+ }
+#include "TempoRuler.moc"